View Full Version : Does Barbie Know That Ken Fucked Midge?

08-18-2003, 05:14 AM

I did one of my favorite things this Saturday past. I went little girl birthday present shopping! I rarely get to go down the toy isle at Wal-Mart.....but I got my chance this weekend. I love looking at the new Barbie's and all the new toys.

Well, much to my surprise........Midge has a baby! And......the capper...........that baby looks just a little too much like Ken for him to deny it!

Is it just me........or has anyone else noticed the likeness?

And finally...............who's gonna be the one to tell Barbie?

Someone fill me in here! As I said, I rarely get to check out the new goings on.....and I was flabberghasted!

08-18-2003, 06:18 AM
When my boys were little and I was gonna go out with my girlfriends for 'girls nite out' my kids always wanted to know where I was going which would inevitably lead to them wanting to go. So knowing their mock- sissiphobia ( pretending to hate all things girlie) I always said , " Mommy is going to play Barbies with Ms. Summer". After a look of disgust....end of conversation :p

I am contacting Springer to see about getting a DNA test for Ken;)

Slow Ride
08-18-2003, 06:33 AM
I think Barbie already knows..........the three of them went out on the town one night.......a little dancing.......a lot of drinking & parties..............well ,they ended at Barbies Malibu Beach House..........which ended up as a threesone fuck fest...........and who forgot his skins ?

08-18-2003, 06:43 AM
OMG lmao at the idea of Ken condoms...lol

08-18-2003, 06:55 AM
you mean ken had a tallywacker????I always thought the kid looked like G.I Joe

Teddy Bear
08-18-2003, 07:47 AM

Midge & Ken..... Barbie & G.I. Joe..... ackkkkkk!! To find out after all these years. What a shock!

08-18-2003, 09:01 AM

Midge has a baby!!!!! Oh!!! And to think that Ken was/could be responsible!!!

(Knew they sent the pregnant un-wed doll off the shelves in certain areas.........)

08-18-2003, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Cheyanne

(Knew they sent the pregnant un-wed doll off the shelves in certain areas.........)

Geez! Chey don't give me another reason to protest!!!! I can see me at TOYS-R-US now:p

08-18-2003, 09:18 AM
LMAO... they did in some places the Toys-R-US did remove the pregnant doll from the shelves.....Matel had to put out a press release stating that the doll (Midge) had gotten married to the boy doll Alan, and they had already had a son named Ryan (3 years old).... this is too funny.......

Wal-Mart did remove the first edition doll from the shelves because she didn't have a wedding ring on....
The second edition of the doll does have a wedding ring on.


What's so shameful about a pregnant Barbie Doll? Especially if she's already a properly married mother? It kind of reminds me of the days they wouldn't allow pregnant women to be shown on T.V. The article linked below says:
"It's a bad idea. It promotes teenage pregnancy. What would an 8-year-old or 12-year-old get out of that doll baby?" asked Sabrina Fagan, 29, of Philadelphia. :blink:
"In Barbie-land, Midge married boy-doll Alan in 1991, and the happy couple already has a 3-year-old son, Ryan. The pregnant Midge, who wears a tiny white wedding ring, has a detachable magnetic stomach that allows easy "delivery" of the baby."
"But at KB Toys in the Gallery mall in downtown Philadelphia reaction from last-minute Christmas shoppers was negative."
Wal-Mart actually pulled them from the shelf due to complaints. My only question would be what is the purpose of going so far as to allow 'delivery' of the baby. If she was simply pregnant shaped I would think that would be enough. The rest might be too confusing... or maybe not. What do you think?
End Quote

08-18-2003, 09:30 AM
Here is a link to the cbs news article on it...


And here is a link to the pregnant Midge doll


(notice there is no Mr. Midge mentioned - I believe that this is the first edition doll, more recent editions sell the Mr. & Mrs dolls together as a set)

08-18-2003, 10:34 AM
OMG~ this so reminds me of me and my friends and our weird ways at daycare. We used to get our barbies and kens together seuxally...but we were responsible. We made condoms for him. Those lil paper circles that paperhole punches make work like a charm, attach tape and tada! :D

08-18-2003, 10:48 AM
LMAO @ babybunny!!!!! Using paper circles from the paperhold punches!!!! That was pretty creative!!!

I can just imagine walking up to my daughter and seeing something like that and asking, "What are the dots for?"

rotflmao.............. :D :p

BTW babybunny... I love your new av.. :D

08-18-2003, 10:55 AM
Hehe Ty Chey~ But seriously that school year my friends and I had to be seperated at the daycare eventually since we were caught doing various bad things. I was 10, my friends were 9 and 11. I dont think they ever caught us with the babries though. I think it was just the modifying of songs and using the tree we climbed in for things. ;)

08-18-2003, 11:30 AM
Hmmm ... a magnetic removable tummy ...

What's a young girl likely to think? "Mommy, would you buy me a tummy like Midge has? I want to take it to 'show and tell.'"

08-18-2003, 11:14 PM
I think having sex with Ken would be akin to.......

a bump in the night!!! ;)

08-18-2003, 11:32 PM
Funny, I always thought Ken was Barbie's really good gay friend...who knew?!?

08-18-2003, 11:39 PM
Money says that Midge is a boy and barbie is the mother. Ken's just a hopeless man caught up in the "women's" crazy games O.o

08-19-2003, 05:16 AM
Well.....I, for one, was shocked! Isn't Midge, Barbie's little sister? I mean.....I never fucked with my sister's boyfriends!

Oh wait........there was Dave Helmeth.......and Frank Starzi.......and Steve Pruitt......and Kevin McHugh....and.........

Um............Never Mind! Eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Speaking of altering Barbie and Ken to make them somewhat anatomically correct (Bunny).......in the last year that I actually still played with Barbie and Ken........I clipped some of my hair (from my head.......lol!) and glued it (with Elmer's.....cause it dries clear) to Barbie's puss and Ken's....um....area (cause I never did find his dick) and a little under Ken's pits......to make him more "manly"! My friend (Barbara.....ironically!) and I giggled and giggled at this and went so far as to color in nipples for Barbie and Ken too!

Hey! So I "awakened" sexually in a peculiar way........no one's perfect!

08-19-2003, 09:19 AM
Ya know....after seeing a lingerie barbie for sale in a more mature magazine...I thought to myself next they will make sex education barbies. And i think it will happen because, I knew it would only be a matter of time before they made preggie ones...and this was quite a few years ago. :)

And Lixy~ I hear ya on the nipple thing...if I remember right I think my firends and I made her nipples as well.. didnt mess with the pussy "fur" as I kept mine shaved at that age (more of my fear of hair then sensualness at 11)... ;)