View Full Version : Watching Cocks
10-29-2006, 11:03 AM
(I just needed to get your attention ;) )
With the change from daylight savings time, most of us got to locate and recalibrate our time pieces. How many clocks of some sort do you have in your house or own? Include everything that counts time. Electric, mechanical, electronic, sundials, hour glasses etc. (count the clock in your car and the one you have at work or school, and the one in the VCR)
So how many devices do you have that keeps track of something that is only a theory? :sad: LOL
10-29-2006, 11:13 AM
9 that I have to set...excluding cell phones and computers that re-set themselves.
10-29-2006, 11:19 AM
I want ALL of you. :p ...... I mean all the clocks you own. ;) If you read it to know the time, COUNT it. :D
10-29-2006, 11:23 AM
OK...then add 5 computers and 3 cell phones. :yikes:
10-29-2006, 11:24 AM have no idea. My grandfather was a watch repairman. I have 49385739875397 watches and 13 clocks.
10-29-2006, 11:31 AM
Your grandfather was the last of an artisan craft that will be no more. :tear:
10-29-2006, 11:37 AM
oh boy!
Ones I need to set.... oven, microwave, alarm clock - that's 3.
Computers .... 3
Cell phone .... 1
Watches ... 3
TV .... 2
DVR/Cablebox ... 2
OH! My car ... 1
iPod .... 1
I think that's 16 and I think that covers everything.
10-29-2006, 12:13 PM
I ran out of fingers and toes so I stopped counting. :rofl:
Now before I retired I had to set 74 clocks at work. And that did not include the 120+ puters or any other self setting device.
10-29-2006, 12:22 PM
I forgot the cars. 3 more :o
10-29-2006, 12:27 PM
...Now before I retired I had to set 74 clocks at work. ...
Were you the man that use to come into our grade school class room once a month with the little ladder, lean it against the wall, climb up, open the glass door, take the brass key on the long chain and wind the clock? Then pull out his pocket watch and reset the clock? :)
(The teacher that would NEVER act like she could see him, would continue talking, but could have been masturbating bacause not ONE eye was on her until the door closed behind him.) :rofl: LMAO
10-29-2006, 12:30 PM
5 TV's
Stove Clock
Kitchen Undercounter CD/Radio
4 Wristwatches
4 Cell Phones
Bathroom Clock
3 Alarm Clocks
4 Car Clocks
2 Game Consoles
Good Grief..... do I need to count all of the computers????? 5 desktops and 3 laptops that we use.. there must be at least 50 others.. :( <----Cobalt's job.. :)
At work - 245 Computers... (thankfully they do it automatically)
The Time Clocks
The time on the telephones.. :( (one place to do that, but there are prob 150 phones)
The School Bell clock (3 of them) <<--- I don't have to do that, but need to oversee
Ha! And I always ask Cobalt what time it is.. rofl!!!!
Oh.. lol - and the only clocks that are the same are the cells and computers..
10-29-2006, 12:39 PM
^^^ :rofl: You are OFFICIALLY a 21st century person!
Pretty good for something we are not sure what it is. :roflmao:
10-29-2006, 12:51 PM
Ones I must set ... stove, wristwatch, alarm clock.
Ones automatically set ... computer, cellular phone.
10-29-2006, 01:29 PM
I've got clocks all around my place now. There are clocks all around my work place. My friend Boris fixed a clock in Parkdale Breakfast this morning (where you were, PF).
The poor guy on the night shift had to turn back 40 or 50 clocks, I'd guess.
It's awesome that computers change automatically. :cheers:
10-29-2006, 02:18 PM
4 TV's
Stove Clock
Kitchen wall clock
5 Wristwatches
3 Cell Phones
3 Alarm Clocks
4 Car Clocks
2 Game Consoles
... and, between the kids, my wife and I ... 4 computers. (Of course, they change from/to DST by themselves. Thank heavens. :))
10-29-2006, 02:53 PM
I am at Lake's place and we count 2 alarm clocks, two watches, his cell phone, the microwave, the tv, the computer and the car. Lake has two more work computers, I have a computer at school, and I also have an alarm clock at school. At my parents', we have at least 17 in the house and cars. So my total is probably around 30, allowing for forgotten clocks.
10-29-2006, 03:01 PM
1 microwave
1 stove
1 coffee maker
3 alarm clocks
1 Printer/Scaner/Fax (which was unpluged)
1 cell phone ( that chnaged on it's own)
2 VCR (one of wich wasn't on time in the first place)
3 computer (2 that changed on thier own and one that still has window 98 wiating for an ok to change)
1 car (that may never get changed)
4 watches (mine I won't change till I wear it again)
Irezumi Kiss
10-29-2006, 05:45 PM
Do sundials count? :sad:
10-29-2006, 07:57 PM
Were you the man that use to come into our grade school class room once a month with the little ladder, lean it against the wall, climb up, open the glass door, take the brass key on the long chain and wind the clock? Then pull out his pocket watch and reset the clock? :)
(The teacher that would NEVER act like she could see him, would continue talking, but could have been masturbating bacause not ONE eye was on her until the door closed behind him.) :rofl: LMAO
Yes, that would be me :sad:
10-29-2006, 08:28 PM
^^^ Then you have to be 130 yeares old now. :roflmao:
Do sundials count? :sad:
Why not? Sundials, water clocks........... if it counts time for you, you count it. ;)
10-29-2006, 08:55 PM
Why not? Sundials, water clocks........... if it counts time for you, you count it. ;)
do you have to change your sundial fro DLS and if so how do you do it
10-29-2006, 09:04 PM
Like spin on this. :thumb:
I upended my hourglass. :nana:
10-29-2006, 10:31 PM
1 microwave
1 stove
1 coffee maker
3 alarm clocks
1 Printer/Scaner/Fax (which was unpluged)
1 cell phone ( that chnaged on it's own)
2 VCR (one of wich wasn't on time in the first place)
3 computer (2 that changed on thier own and one that still has window 98 wiating for an ok to change)
1 car (that may never get changed)
4 watches (mine I won't change till I wear it again)
The car clock isn't working so ya he's right, it prolly won't get changed.
Kiddo has a stop watch and countless watches from fast food and 2 extra watches that Boog did'nt know about. :D
10-29-2006, 11:48 PM
I keep losing count.
Sundials, just rotate 15degrees per hour. The dial as well.
10-30-2006, 11:10 AM
Let's see, starting in our bedroom, there's my alarm clock
her alarm clock
clock on the stove (alalog)
clock/radio over the stove
2 wall clocks in kitchen & bath
cable box clock sets itself, so we don't worry about the TV or VCR in den
downstairs to the basement: small digital clock & analog wall clock over the laundry
both boys have an alarm clock each
3 computers, all self-resetting
2 cell phones - self
one Nextel -self
2 car clocks (still not reset)
my watch
GPS in van sets its own time
Oh, & then there's my pager, I have to set that
and finally, I got smarter this year...before setting all the modern clocks back, I stopped this one the time I got done with all the other *&%$#@ clocks it was time to start it back again...
10-30-2006, 11:14 AM
Reminds me of the comic strip "BC", Peter has invented the sundial, says to Curls, "Guess what I've created here"...Curls replies, "A race of neurotics?"
10-30-2006, 11:48 AM
^^^ Then you have to be 130 yeares old now. :roflmao:
I age nicely, don't I. :rofl:
10-30-2006, 09:02 PM
how many i actually consult in a day: 4--the microwave, my watch, the alarm clock and the clock on the wall in the family room. oh, and i actually ate crow and bought a cell phone last week (gasp!!), one of those pay as you go for emergency use only things. don't normally check it but i did this w/e so i'll count it; make it 5
actual total in house, car, et al: at least 15
toatl # of clocks that need to be changed manually: 7
the existence of time my only be a theory, pf, but my reliance on it is not.:p
10-30-2006, 10:45 PM
Forgot the wall clock in the kitchen and the one in the computer room that's not working.
11-02-2009, 12:04 AM
So how many did you hav e to re-set this year. Do some of the newer Pixies have more or less chronometers? :)
11-02-2009, 06:27 AM
Let's see, starting in our bedroom, there's my alarm clock
her alarm clock
clock on the stove (alalog)
clock/radio over the stove
2 wall clocks in kitchen & bath
cable box clock sets itself, so we don't worry about the TV or VCR in den
downstairs to the basement: small digital clock & analog wall clock over the laundry
both boys have an alarm clock each
3 computers, all self-resetting
2 cell phones - self
one Nextel -self
2 car clocks (still not reset)
my watch
GPS in van sets its own time
Oh, & then there's my pager, I have to set that
and finally, I got smarter this year...before setting all the modern clocks back, I stopped this one the time I got done with all the other *&%$#@ clocks it was time to start it back again...
This all just begs to be fucked in the ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, really.
11-02-2009, 07:38 AM
I am soooooooooo glad Darwin doesn't have daylight saving.
11-03-2009, 10:09 AM
This all just begs to be fucked in the ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, really.
Exsqueeze me!?!?
11-03-2009, 10:25 AM
Let's see, starting in our bedroom, there's my alarm clock
her alarm clock
clock on the stove (new one, digital)
clock/radio over the stove (gone)
2 wall clocks in kitchen & bath
cable box clock sets itself, so we don't worry about the TV or VCR in den
downstairs to the basement: small digital clock & analog wall clock over the laundry
both boys have an alarm clock each one less son in the house now
3 computers, all self-resetting
2 cell phones - self
one Nextel -self
2 car clocks (still not reset)
my watch
GPS in van sets its own time
Oh, & then there's my pager, I have to set that
and finally, I got smarter this year...before setting all the modern clocks back, I stopped this one the time I got done with all the other *&%$#@ clocks it was time to start it back again...
What's depressing is how little has changed in 2 years.
Except that this year, I forgot about the old school mantel clock after I stopped it.
We did acquire an old anniversary clock (1 of those inside a bell jar style, made in West Germany during the Cold War) earlier this year, but all the moving around knocked the pendulum loose, so it now gives correct time twice a day :rolleyes2 Which brings up how hard it is to find a clock repair service these days :banghead:
11-15-2009, 12:11 PM
That's a good question. I'd say the average house has 7 to 9 clocks,including wrist watches,computer,cell phones and don't forget the one in your car. I just changed back the time in the other clocks,by the one in my cell phone that corrected it self. :car:
11-15-2009, 03:07 PM
my watch corrects itself as long as I'm getting a satellite service
11-06-2011, 10:11 AM
Another twisting of your arms to make a post. (actually only twisting the hands)
How many this year and are you also getting more that self adjust? I re-calibrated 22 total with 7 that did the change for me. :)
11-06-2011, 11:49 AM
My phone auto adjusted... That just leaves my car & stove top. :)
Lord Snow
11-06-2011, 09:28 PM
My alarm clock. Computer and cell auto correct. I do have another clock but that stays on summer time.
11-07-2011, 01:17 AM
I counted 23 ... but, I'm guessing there are a couple I haven't thought of. :shrug:
11-13-2011, 10:39 AM
After Daylight Savings Time ended, I stopped in to visit my severely dyslexic friend. He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish.:yikes:
I said to him, "You idiot! You're supposed to turn your clock back ! :rolleyes2
11-17-2011, 03:00 AM
^^^^^ :faint:
11-17-2011, 11:07 PM
omfg too funny :line:
03-11-2012, 04:06 AM
so far this year I reset 17 time pieces and had 5 set themselves. I need to work on inverting that ratio. :sad:
03-11-2012, 04:10 AM
Everyone please keep the shoe polish away from OldFart.
^^^ proxy request from Mrs OldFart:nod:
03-11-2012, 07:43 AM
I have a sundial tattooed on my forefinger, you idiot, PF.
I've joined the digital age.
03-12-2012, 04:11 AM
Pretty much the same as last year with one less car, cell phone, clock and computer. One of our sons has rented a house and has moved. He just about five miles from here and is sharing the house with his brother who moved from Peoria.
03-12-2012, 03:53 PM
Don't rent out the room yet. ;)
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