View Full Version : How do you say "thanks"

10-17-2006, 09:36 PM
I've know a couple, who live in a state FAR away from me, whom have been incredibly supportive with my current job hunt, as well as other issues.

How should/would I let them know how much I appreciate all of their help, and support, since doing something nice, like a good dinner out.......isn't something that I can do from a logistical, not to mention financial stand-point-at the moment.

On the occasions that we do talk on the phone, I always TRY and say "thanks", but somehow the words don't seem enough.

Being on a limited income - at the moment- gifts of some sort aren't really possible, but I want to do "SOMETHING"...........for all their listening to my rants,complaints...and other things, that they have put up with.

Anyone, brighter than me........have any ideas?

10-17-2006, 09:38 PM
A hand written, sincere, thank you note works wonders

10-17-2006, 09:45 PM
A hand written, sincere, thank you note works wonders

Hand written? While "Fred" is a very literate and smart man, I don't think he could easily translate my own personal hieroglyphics. :)

It is a good idea though. Why didn't I think of that?

10-18-2006, 01:03 AM
I like to also keep them in mind for when my fortunes are reversed again & send them something out of blue, too.

10-18-2006, 04:04 AM
Hand written? While "Fred" is a very literate and smart man, I don't think he could easily translate my own personal hieroglyphics. :)

It is a good idea though. Why didn't I think of that?

I know several people that if they don't slow down and concentrate, their writing is illegible.

Try a few practice ones first and then when you got it down, write in the card.

10-18-2006, 09:39 AM
why not send them a simple "thank you" card, doesnt cost much but they say a whole lot

10-18-2006, 10:30 AM
Thank you notes are great! Along with someting that is produced in you part of the world that they may have never tried... like salt water taffy or maple syrup!

10-18-2006, 10:55 AM
Or maybe a photo or something small of significance?

When I lived in Ohio...buckeyes were the thing. :D

I once made a necklace of buckeyes for someone.

Surely Michigan is known for something (other than bad footabll) :kissass:

10-18-2006, 12:11 PM
Surely Michigan is known for something (other than bad footabll) :kissass:
Uhhhh, osuche. let's see, since the rivalry began in 1897 it's been 57 wins by Michigan vs 39 wins by OSU with 6 ties. (at the time of this post, there were 31 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes and 52 seconds left to the Big Game...but who's counting?). :D

10-18-2006, 12:41 PM
Uhhhh, osuche. let's see, since the rivalry began in 1897 it's been 57 wins by Michigan vs 39 wins by OSU with 6 ties. (at the time of this post, there were 31 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes and 52 seconds left to the Big Game...but who's counting?). :D

Certainly not me........... since I found a website that has a count down clock for the game.

30days 23hours 33mins 49secs

10-18-2006, 12:46 PM
Surely Michigan is known for something (other than bad footabll) :kissass:

Of course we are, unemployment, and for right now Tigers baseball.

Other than that?? not so much!

When we BEAT OSU, however, we will be known as.

#1 team in the USA