View Full Version : Tobacco Free Zones

07-13-2007, 10:54 PM
I am a smoker. Cobalt is a smoker. Both of us just got a prescription for Chantix with the hopes that it will assist us in our quit. The choice to quit was based on many things, primarily health (of us and family members) and the expense. We both wished we had never started, but when we did - it wasn't this big deal about health & expenses... hindsight...

My workplace has just passed as a policy to be tobacco free. The policy states that no one can use tobacco products (including chew) on the grounds. This includes in a private vehicle parked on the grounds. I don't have an issue with this at all. In fact, I think it is a good thing.

This, however, is the issue I am having. In addition to the use on the grounds, there is a "possession of" on the grounds - even in a private vehicle. If Cobalt wasn't quiting, and smoked in our vehicle - I could still be 'charged' with insubordination if the ashtray in our vehicle has cig butts (or even if he forgot and left his cigarettes in the car) in it as there is tobacco products in my vehicle parked on the grounds. What I could do is park on a public road, but with my job that is nearly impossible as I have to carry heavy stuff to and from my vehicle. (I use my own vehicle to go back and forth between all the buildings - not a company vehicle).

While I understand and agree with the policy - I believe that this aspect of it is taking it too far as they are not only trying to dictate my behavior, but that of my spouse as contained in our privately owned vehicle.

I want to start something about high energy caffeine drinks... lol Gotta get back at all those non-smokers who have a caffeine habit.. :kissass:

Or how about those who have treats in their desks? They draw mice.. mice transfer disease.... not to mention the obesity epidemic.

07-14-2007, 03:59 AM
People who have gone too far in the quest for political correctness.

Dangerous wankers.

07-14-2007, 04:36 AM
I quit smoking back in December of 1997 and I really don't care for the smell of cigarettes anymore, however, I think rules like Cheyanne described are ridiculous. Especially when it extends to "possession." That's stupid and I suppose a good lawyer could get that rule overturned. Trouble is that would cost a bunch to even try. I also think having people stand outdoors in the northern states during the winter when the temperatures are way below freezing to have a cigarette are insane as well. That, IMHO, is wrong. Companies should be required to have a well-ventilated, heated/air conditioned facility for smokers. There can be other inducements for encouraging people to quit.

07-14-2007, 05:22 AM

These types of overreaching and prideful interference in the lives of private citizens are another sad development in contemporary life.

"We know what's best for you. Just obey and you'll be better off."

07-14-2007, 07:51 AM
I believe if its pushed the school district will have to back down. Schools, due to public pressure are trying to regulate things out of their control. Next year we were told we are to be a sugary snack free zone. No candy can be used or consumed in around the students. No soft drinks either. No chips etc. No fast food for school parties.

I expect a list to be published of no nos. I know of another school in my district where the teachers are not permitted to consume anything including water in front of the students due to them being considered role models and consuming things = endorsement.

07-14-2007, 07:58 AM
^^^ Wow! :sad:

07-14-2007, 09:30 AM
What jseal said.

07-14-2007, 10:14 AM
Yeah voulez! :starwars: You VILL comply! :gb:

07-14-2007, 10:38 AM
This, however, is the issue I am having. In addition to the use on the grounds, there is a "possession of" on the grounds - even in a private vehicle. If Cobalt wasn't quiting, and smoked in our vehicle - I could still be 'charged' with insubordination if the ashtray in our vehicle has cig butts (or even if he forgot and left his cigarettes in the car) in it as there is tobacco products in my vehicle parked on the grounds. What I could do is park on a public road, but with my job that is nearly impossible as I have to carry heavy stuff to and from my vehicle. (I use my own vehicle to go back and forth between all the buildings - not a company vehicle).

Are you in America? What state are you in? As most states in America have right to work laws which means your employer can and will fire you at any time for any reason. (Except race, ethnicity, religion, gender, handicap)

In 2004, a woman was fired from her job at an Alabama Factory because the owner didn't like her Kerry bumper sticker.

I want to start something about high energy caffeine drinks... lol Gotta get back at all those non-smokers who have a caffeine habit.. :kissass:

Or how about those who have treats in their desks? They draw mice.. mice transfer disease.... not to mention the obesity epidemic.

Well, I went on a full on rant about this a few months ago, and it is still an issue that chaffes me.

Fuck smokers. I know that sentiment won't make me popular around here, and it never does. However, I'm not upset that it is a nasty habit. I really don't care that you are going to die of heart and/or lung failure. And I live in an area surrounded by oil refineries so second hand smoke doesn't bother me as I know I will get cancer anyways.

So why all the smoking anger?

How many packs do you smoke at work everyday? On average how many hours are on your paycheck that are spent outside in the smoking area?

At every job I've been at it seems that smokers get on average a 5 - 15 minute break on the hour, every hour.

At McDonald's they thought of nothing to let a 16 y/o pregnant girl get a smoke break everyday, but I was expected to work my entire shift most days without a break. A man does get hungry after a while.

At my current job, I'm the only non-smoker. I find myself being the only person in the shop doing any work while everyone else is all outside sucking on a fag. I get yelled at if after loading a series of heavy tanks my boss comes outside and sees that I am taking a few minutes to bullshit with the truck driver and help him strap down his load. Hell, yesterday we were all scraping hardened wax off of a mold, and one guy decided it was time for a smoke ad I decided it was time to get a drink of water. Guess who got yelled at for slacking off?

So yeah, telling a person that a cigarette takes 5 minutes off their like won't affect them if they know each smoke will give them 15 minutes of their boss off their back.

Also, smoking is the only vice that's allowed in the work place.

Does your job allow people to sneak in a flask of whiskey and take a few sips throughout they day?

Could someone light up a quick jay at 4:20 to help them relax and focus on finishing their work?

I personally would like to have the balls to ask if my company will put in a magazine rack so I can go beat it every hour. Maybe I'll make the suggestion in my letter of recommendation.

All three of those things are notorious and common vices. All three of those things are also addictive, and none of them are necessary for survival like a water, lunch or bathroom break. And all three of these things would make my work day a lot more enjoyable. And yet, smokers seem entitled to their breaks, and will even argue the law on breaks.

Oh, and many places don't allow food and drink in the work area. It's a good idea since it keeps down the ants and roaches and a coke will ruin expensive equipment. Plus, there is always the off chance that the coffee cup you picked up has something other than coffee.

07-14-2007, 10:43 AM
I believe if its pushed the school district will have to back down. Schools, due to public pressure are trying to regulate things out of their control. Next year we were told we are to be a sugary snack free zone. No candy can be used or consumed in around the students. No soft drinks either. No chips etc. No fast food for school parties.

I expect a list to be published of no nos. I know of another school in my district where the teachers are not permitted to consume anything including water in front of the students due to them being considered role models and consuming things = endorsement.

I think the worst I've seen is the peanut allergies. One kid comes within 500 yards of any legume and he dies so what does the school district do?

Enforce a peanut-free zone. That's right. No peanut products in the cafeteria, no kids in ANY school can bring peanut products in their lunch, no teachers can bring any peanut products in their lunch or for a party.

Now I can see the restrictions on the cafeteria or elementary school he was at, but the entire city?

07-14-2007, 01:17 PM
We also have a wellness policy that dictates that students can't bring in sugary snacks and at the elementary level, treats must be pre-packaged and healthy. (no more home baked cup cakes or cookies) (suggestions to parents were granola bars, small bags of dried fruit -that sort of thing. The pop machines have left and I figure it will be a matter of time for the staff to have to go by those rules as well.

As this is being addressed, students are still sneaking in pop, candy & chips into the school and hiding it in their lockers. There is of yet consequences regarding punishment for students to be established other than taking it away for the day and giving it back at the end of the day. They don't show up for before/after school detention and you can't pull them out of class during the day to server detention because of the credit issue. You can't pull a student out of a class that they earn a credit from with the exception being an in-school suspension of 3 days or out of school which can be 3-10 days depending upon the issue.

So, even though the staff has to model the healthy behavior, the students don't really have to and getting some parents to cooperate is difficult.

07-14-2007, 01:25 PM
As far as the tobacco free issue. Again, I don't have an issue with the policy - I think it is a good thing, but it is being taken to far for employees. Those coming from out of town to baseball games, or those parents waiting for their children in the cars at the end of the day smoke on the grounds and aren't bothered with the policy at all.... it won't effect them as far as any ''punishment'' goes. Our school will send a letter to the visiting school to remind them to tell the visiting parents to not smoke on the grounds... the parents picking up their kids would just flip off the administration and board.

I, as an employee, can lose my job - even if my spouse (who isn't employed there) smokes there or in our car and leaves tobacco there. As of this time, there are only 5 smokers on staff - and soon to be 4 when I quit. And yes, they (administration) say they can search our private vehicles if there is suspicion. Their suspicion is based on the known fact that a certain employee is a smoker. Civil right? Right to work state? This is being taken too far....

Last I looked - smoking was legal.

07-14-2007, 01:36 PM
CunningLinguist - I don't want this to turn into a heated debate where people get angry with each other. I am sorry that you are treated so unfairly in your work place and your experiences can cause a person to be bitter at the difference in treatment at the workplace.

I didn't make clear in my first post that I was more troubled by the administration trying to control people outside of the workplace during non-working (unpaid) hours. If I don't smoke, it isn't an issue for me, but if my husband smokes in our vehicle, it will be an issue for me. They are trying to dictate the behavior of my husband who also owns the vehicle that I drive. By stating that even having butts in the ashtray or tobacco products in a private vehicle they are trying to dictate 'his' behavior by punishing me.

BTW - my schedule allows for me to have a 15 min break in the morning, 1/2 hour lunch, and another 15 min break in the afternoon (all of which is unpaid - whether I take it or not or if I eat my lunch at my desk). If I chose to smoke during my unpaid time (which is mine), then there shouldn't be an issue as far as them dictating my behavior during my own time. I have never been in a workplace that allows employees to be able to have a 'smoke break' every hour. Your managers must truly suck!

07-14-2007, 04:58 PM
CunningLinguist - I don't want this to turn into a heated debate where people get angry with each other. I am sorry that you are treated so unfairly in your work place and your experiences can cause a person to be bitter at the difference in treatment at the workplace.

And when I open my brewpub in Austin, it will be a non smoking work place. In fact, I won't even hire smokers.

And I have every right to be angry. If they decided that all the Inuit or only men got a break, but Mexicans and women never get a break, then there would be a lawsuit. As a non-smoker, I can't even file a suit saying I am treated unfairly or if I did it would seem absurd.

I didn't make clear in my first post that I was more troubled by the administration trying to control people outside of the workplace during non-working (unpaid) hours.

Are you getting health insurance form your company? You and your S/O's habit are causing the premium rates to go up for everyone who doesn't smoke?

No, I didn't see where they said you couldn't smoke in your own home. You can even smoke in your car! I can't drink beer in my car during my commute. I can't even go get a cold one at the store down the street during my lunch break. Come on, I'm a 220 pound man in excellent health, it's not like one beer makes me unable to work. Who's vice is getting the unfair treatment now?

If I don't smoke, it isn't an issue for me, but if my husband smokes in our vehicle, it will be an issue for me.

My dad was given several company computers and internet access in the 90's through his job so he can work on his certifications. He personally hates pornography, but his teenage son thought it was the bee's knee's and visited pornography sites while his mom and dad weren't around. My dad could have very well been fired, post haste, without even a second thought if his boss found out that I was surfing the internet for porn. I didn't think it was fair when I was 15 either.

My point is that maybe your husband should know about the bullshit rules. Use his car to drive places.

They are trying to dictate the behavior of my husband who also owns the vehicle that I drive.

OK, that's why i asked which state you were in. If you were in Texas this would be a non issue since your car is considered your property and therefore an extension of your castle. This means you can be naked in your car, shoot someone carjacking you, receive a blow job, etc. However, if you are caught having sex in a car on the side of the road by the police they will cite you for indecent exposure if you are in any form of undress (pants unzipped, blous unbuttoned, etc.) This is something I learned in college.

I said in an earlier post that a woman was fired in Alabama becuase she put a bumper sticker on her property. The problem is that in Alabama the property rigths of the person who owned the land (her employer) trumped the property rights of the driver.

By stating that even having butts in the ashtray or tobacco products in a private vehicle they are trying to dictate 'his' behavior by punishing me.

Well, unless you are under contract you can quit your job and go someplace else. I live like a monk, and save up everything I can so I can have the freedom to tell my boss to go fuck himself when I get tired of it.

BTW - my schedule allows for me to have a 15 min break in the morning, 1/2 hour lunch, and another 15 min break in the afternoon (all of which is unpaid - whether I take it or not or if I eat my lunch at my desk).

1) At least you get a break. There are usually no laws stating they even have to give you a break. It depends on the state though. I've worked more than one job where I put in long shifts with no breaks.

2) You must stay on the clock for any break less than 25 minutes, but they company may also dictate that you must stay at your work station. If the break is over 25 minutes, then the company has the right to force you to clock out, but you are free to go wherever you want as long as you are clocked out and can make it back to your workstation in time. This is retty much the only federal law on breaks. Any state law which gives you more freedoms trumps this obviously.

If I chose to smoke during my unpaid time (which is mine), then there shouldn't be an issue as far as them dictating my behavior during my own time. I have never been in a workplace that allows employees to be able to have a 'smoke break' every hour. Your managers must truly suck!

I'm on the very low end of the income/skills scale despite having a college education and some intelligence. And yes, when I worked in a professional environment I didn't get this kind of crap, but people also had the professionalism to not abuse the system and take a smoke break all afternoon like I have seen.

If your job has security cameras and passes. They can monitor the people leaving the building to go smoke in the parking lot. Of course, if I was the boss and people were going out to their car to smoke I would fire them on the spot and replace them with someone who is willing to actually work.

I have a feeling this is also as a result of rising healthcare costs. They are trying to get some people to stop smoking to get lower rates.

Don't worry, fat people are next, and I would be screwed since they will likely go by BMI and not body fat percentage.

07-14-2007, 07:10 PM
I'm in two minds wether to reply to the above post....but i think i'll just sit on my hands and let it slide

07-14-2007, 07:20 PM
On the sweets ban, if I sent a candy bar in my childs lunch and the school said that they could not have it the school would have hell to pay.

In the state of Illinois the use of tabaco products on school property has been illegal for over 10 years. After the first 2 or 3 yrs the enforcement kind of dropped way off.

07-14-2007, 07:37 PM
You know, I have been a member here at Pixies for almost 5 years. I have met many people with whom I will always think of fondly, and I miss terribly because I am not able to get here and post as often as I would like to post. When I do have time to come here, maybe start a thread or post a comment on anything - this is what I get.

I didn't start this thread to start a heated debate, hurt anyone's feelings, or get attacked by the moral right. I started this thread to vent, get advice, and just discuss a little bit about what is bothering me, or happening in my life because there are members here that have gotten to know me and wonder about Cobalt and I.

Again, CunningLinguist - I am sorry that you have had some bad experiences obviously linked to smoking/smokers. I understand that you don't like the habit. I also understand that you have had some bad experiences at your workplace that, frankly, would upset me as well and is plain not fair.

One thing that I wish you would have understood initially was that both Cobalt and I are quitting this habit. We want to become non-smokers. Not for you because you don't like it - or other non-smokes don't like it, but for us and our family.

This is about those in charge taking steps to affect the behaviors of their employees, whether they are smokers or drinkers, or surf the net for porn. The object of this discussion that I started happened to be around the smoking issue, but substitute that vice for anything else you would have a choice to do in your life. From eating chocolate to smoking to drinking to walking around naked in your own home.

07-14-2007, 07:46 PM
(((((Cheyanne))))) Best of luck to you and Cobalt from trying to quit. It's a bitch! I smoked for 23 years and have been smoke free for 15 months now. It can be done and it is sooooooo worth it, as you already know.

I think it is total bullshit that they can search your car for a legal product. :rolleyes2

07-14-2007, 07:57 PM
I'm of two minds about smoking - part of me just thinks it should be illegal. Nothing gets my panties in a knot more than watching little kids in a car with the windows rolle dup, and the parent is smoking away in the front seat. That happened to me as a kid, and I remember how sick it used to make me.

But I also believe that people have rights to do what they want to their own bodies, as long as those rights don't infrings others'. In the end game, this right comes before my annoyance and concerns about second hand smoke - because I don't want anyone to tell me that I must lose weight, can't use excessive garlic on food, or that I need to stop having an occasional glass of wine.

I mean, life is supposed to be fun, too.

(((((Chey and Cobalt))))) - good luck on the quitting journey, and I wish you nothing but the best. I'm sorry that part of your motivation for quitting is this shitty freedom-abridging rule. No one ever said it's fun working in a school, too many rules and too many parents into your private life. Still ~~ we're lucky to have you as a teacher/mentor to students!


07-14-2007, 08:07 PM
Thanks TT - it is the hardest thing that I have had to do so far in my life!

osuche - We decided to quit prior to this policy. When I started, there wasn't all the information out about the many health hazards that there is today. Again.. hindsight.

LOL... I am going to have to make sure that there isn't any unhealthy snacks in the car either... hmmmm - in my emergency snow kit there are usually chocolate bars... lol.. That is going to be next probably..

Do drug dogs hit on chocolate now? LOL LOL LOL LOL

07-14-2007, 08:20 PM
Do drug dogs hit on chocolate now? LOL LOL LOL LOL
Only if you spike it with the ditch weed. :D

Hugs to ya both. Good Luck!

07-14-2007, 08:38 PM
Keep in mind that some people just go around blowing smoke up people's ass to start shit :D Not necessarily cig smoke just the kind that comes from being full of hot air.:D

For some reason smoking is a hot topic :hot: Its wonderful to express your opinion about it but keep in mind, it is only your opinion.

07-14-2007, 08:59 PM
The sad fact is that as a worker in this country you're rights are pretty limited. Basically, at this moment, a worker may be fired for any lifestyle choice including homosexuality or swinging (ain't protected by law yet).

Again, CunningLinguist - I am sorry that you have had some bad experiences obviously linked to smoking/smokers.

Just sharing why there is such smoking hatred.

I understand that you don't like the habit.

On the contrary, I don't really care what you do in your spare time or even at your job since we don't work together and I doubt anyone is abusing it to the levels I've seen.

It would probably surprise you that I am totally against smoking bans in bars.

I also understand that you have had some bad experiences at your workplace that, frankly, would upset me as well and is plain not fair.

And I also know I could quit at any time. I know people who quit any job when they ask for a drug test. They are good workers, and some of them don't even use drugs, but it is the principle of the thing.

Not for you because you don't like it - or other non-smokes don't like it, but for us and our family.

Well, your only going to quit when you make the decision to quit, and I'm not going to lecture you on it until your habit starts infringing on me. You'd have to really go out of your way to get to that point.

This is about those in charge taking steps to affect the behaviors of their employees, whether they are smokers or drinkers, or surf the net for porn.

Every place I've ever worked at will fire a person on the spot for drinking on the job or surfing for porn. When I was doing computer security for Dupont, I saw the tickets filed where an engineer was caught with a stash of porn on her computer. It's not a joke.

The object of this discussion that I started happened to be around the smoking issue, but substitute that vice for anything else you would have a choice to do in your life. From eating chocolate to smoking to drinking to walking around naked in your own home.

1) Eating Chocolate: People don't use it as an excuse to waste company time, like I've seen so many smokers do.

2) Smoking: At my current job, it is leading to a 25% loss in productivity. I'd quit my job right now, but I've realized that since I chose to work as an unskilled, uneducated laborer I'm going to get the same treatment everywhere. It was only when I was treated as an educated professional that I was seen as more than a faceless peasant to be replaced on a whim.

3) Drinking: You're going to get fired for drinking on the job anywhere you go except if you work in a bar or own the company.

4) Naked in the home: No job should be able to fire anyone for doing something on their time even if they are doing drugs, smoking, drinking, having unprotected sex with multiple partners or sacrifice bulls to Sargas, Lord of Vengeance.

I do think the searching your cars is a bit over-reacting, and I wouldn't sweat it. If you do find out that they are firing people for having cigarettes in their car, then I would be re-writing a resume and looking for a new job even though I don't smoke. No job should feel the right to check your car, your purse, etc.

07-14-2007, 09:03 PM
Keep in mind that some people just go around blowing smoke up people's ass to start shit :D Not necessarily cig smoke just the kind that comes from being full of hot air.:D

For some reason smoking is a hot topic :hot: Its wonderful to express your opinion about it but keep in mind, it is only your opinion.

Look, let's all just smoke a bowl and hug each other.

I didn't get to play Dungeons and Dragons or Magic the Gathering tonight so I've brought munchies!

Who wants chips and chipotle salsa? :grope:

07-14-2007, 09:07 PM
Do drug dogs hit on chocolate now? LOL LOL LOL LOL

Only the female one's can Chey

07-15-2007, 04:13 AM

I forgot to congratulate you on your and Cobalt's decisions to quit smoking. Good for you, and best of luck! I agree with TinglingTess that it was quite difficult, but also that the results are worth the effort!


07-15-2007, 06:31 AM

I gave up 21 years ago, and I'm still off them.

I am disturbed that a company can search an employee's car for something which does not involve dishonesty or illegal dealing with the company.

How many millions would the lawsuit be worth?

07-15-2007, 02:20 PM
The last time I looked,company's breaktime schedule are the same for smokers and non smokers alike,and we all try to take as much advantage as possible. I have smoked all of my adult life and really never had any consideration to quit. I can no longer smoke on the beach in the lovely city of Santa Monica.I have never smoked in a car,while driving or a passenger.Don't smoke in grocery stores,elevators,banks or most public places.This I do out of consideration for those around me. I even step outside to light up at my own house. I have totally given up on the idea of sharing a cigarette while basking in the afterglow.

07-15-2007, 05:25 PM
within the next 2 years when the company I work for changes "campuses"(they're building one in a central location to replace the 8 different locations around town), they're going to a "smoke-free" workplace type thing...employees won't be able to smoke in their cars either...and on the company website there's a "blog" from the president about the "smoke-free" environment and such and they've already had the big argument over smokers vs the snackers and snacks, etc...It got WAY out of hand WAY fast...and the thing is, I work for one of the blasted insurance companies!