View Full Version : My hands smell like...

09-23-2005, 05:15 AM
onion. What did you think I was gonna say, ya pervs???

I have washed them 456287653687 times but they smell like onions and peppers still. I cut 34592387593759 limes you would think that would have quelled the smell some but nope. Any tips????

09-23-2005, 05:23 AM
Salt and lemon juice

09-23-2005, 05:42 AM
"ditto" lemons not limes

09-23-2005, 05:48 AM
I've always heard lemon juice takes away the smell, but now that I think of it...using salt too makes sense. The salt would act as an abrasive while the lemon juice does it's thing. I envision pouring salt onto half of the lemon then using that to scrub your hands.

Then again, most of my visions involve your hands. :hot:

09-23-2005, 08:00 AM
when i'm cooking with smelly stuff, after i'm done i wet my hands and rub 'em all over the stainless steal faucet. i swear it works and it's sexy to :D

09-23-2005, 08:24 AM
Right about this time of year WalMart has all sorts of descenting agents for sale in sporting goods. Deer hunters, particularly archers, use these to reduce their scent when hunting. They're not too expensive and you'd be surprised how many uses you can find for them once you think about it. I know one small bottle I had worked to keep me out of trouble when I was married and my son was still in diapers. My ex had a new Honda Civic with cloth seats. We were at the mall shopping and discovered upon arrival the my son had a leaky diaper. Well urine on those seats left in the sun while we shopped would have been an ugly smell to greet us when we were done. I'd been hunting that morning and still had that bottle of scent remover with me in the trunk. I put two small drops on the urine spots in the seat (while she raised hell about how horrible it was going to be in her new car) and wiped over it with a napkin. Surprisingly enough when we'd finished our shopping a few hours later we never smelled a thing. If it'll work on that I imagine it'll do wonders with onion smells as well. This particular one smells like licorice but some have almost no smell to them. Check it out. I'm sure there's something. If you want instant relief why not wash thoroughly with some baking soda? Seems like that should at least reduce the smell for now. Just a couple of suggestions. Good luck Hon.

09-23-2005, 08:31 AM
when i'm cooking with smelly stuff, after i'm done i wet my hands and rub 'em all over the stainless steal faucet. i swear it works and it's sexy to :D

I agree with Wyndhy. This really does work!

09-23-2005, 08:35 AM
I agree with Wyndhy. This really does work!

Which part works? Getting rid of the odor, or looking sexy? :D

09-23-2005, 09:19 AM
The yellow kitchen antibacterial soap from bath and body works (I think it's kitchen lemon?).

09-23-2005, 09:44 AM
I agree with the stainless steel. If you have a steel sink, that works best. It works for removing garlic smell too.

09-23-2005, 09:55 AM
I've always heard lemon juice takes away the smell, but now that I think of it...using salt too makes sense. The salt would act as an abrasive while the lemon juice does it's thing. I envision pouring salt onto half of the lemon then using that to scrub your hands.

Then again, what's the point of getting out the lemon & salt & not getting the tequila out as well?

09-23-2005, 10:26 AM
Then again, what's the point of getting out the lemon & salt & not getting the tequila out as well?

Great point Scotz!

Hey Lilith...rumor has it that washing your hands with lemon & salt, then letting me lick them after drinking tequila from your naval increases the odds of getting lucky!

09-23-2005, 04:09 PM
Great tips! I am planning on trying them all ;)

09-23-2005, 10:15 PM
I can tell you from experence stianless steal dose work unless you just got done cutting 10 pounds of onion and your whole body smell of them.

09-24-2005, 08:24 AM
I had seen this at a Pampered Chef party, but wasn't able to find it online.

The next time I am at a party, I am going to order one!


09-24-2005, 08:40 AM
Yep...stainless steel works like a charm.

No one mentioned ketchup (catsup)! Same principal as the lemon...the acid neutralizes the offensive odor. Works great if your dog or cat is sprayed by a skunk. Trust me on that! But remember...most cats hate to be bathed and it's ten times as worse if you have to do it with ketchup (catsup).

*looks up ^^^ to reread what I typed*

*leaves the thread mumbling*..."How the hell do I continuously get off the beaten track like that?" **shakes head**

09-24-2005, 10:16 AM
Washing your hands with vinegar and then soap and water does a good job also. Again I think it is the acid just like lemon.

09-24-2005, 11:53 AM
Onions and peppers? What are you cooking Lilith? What time is dinner? Ever see the movie Atlantic City? Don't worry about the smell of onions,all of the world's sexiest women smell like they have been cooking up a feast.

09-24-2005, 12:36 PM
I was preparing the ingredients so my students could make their own salsa. They had fun but I don't think one of them ate a bite of it :p goofball kids.

09-24-2005, 01:03 PM
Yep...stainless steel works like a charm.

No one mentioned ketchup (catsup)! Same principal as the lemon...the acid neutralizes the offensive odor. Works great if your dog or cat is sprayed by a skunk. Trust me on that! But remember...most cats hate to be bathed and it's ten times as worse if you have to do it with ketchup (catsup).

*looks up ^^^ to reread what I typed*

*leaves the thread mumbling*..."How the hell do I continuously get off the beaten track like that?" **shakes head**

well I've had ketchup on my hot dog but never have tried on my cat lixy how is it?

09-24-2005, 10:28 PM
Great tips! I am planning on trying them all ;)
I still say the tequila would be the most effective remedy...might not remove the odor, but you would no longer care about it...

...& of course WI's idea of administering it in the form of body shots has a merit all its own...