View Full Version : Boom, Boom...

07-28-2005, 08:59 AM
Out went the lights!

Storms came through last night. Our power went out with the second crack of thunder and haven't been one since. We're up to 15 hours & counting. What's the longest you've been without power? And what did you find was the worst thing to deal with?

07-28-2005, 09:09 AM
I was only a kid, but we lost power for a week. Icestorm knocked out power for 300,000 people and ours was between the pole and the house so low priority. I don't remember much of what we did to deal with it, just candles and fires in the fireplace.

07-28-2005, 09:10 AM
First off, I thought this was going to be a thread dedicated to the classic song, "Boom, boom, boom let's go back to my room so we can foo foo all night". (The foo foo version is courtesy of a wonderful Greek cook I worked with)

Newfoundland is home of the snowstorm so we've been without power for a couple of days at a time. The worst thing? My father would be forever trying to trick us into doing something that required power. "Stephanie, put on the Johnny Cash record for me" -- stupid things like that! :D

07-28-2005, 09:39 AM
27 hours during that summer blackout.........heat and humidity was the killer. I kept running my car to get some air conditioning. I went through a full tank of gas.

07-28-2005, 12:13 PM
Back in South Dakota a couple of summers ago we had a storm that left my side of town without power for I think it was 6-9 hours. it was at nite so kiddo was sleeping next to me on the couch while I sat up reading by candle light.

07-28-2005, 12:31 PM
When the power goes out here, it usually doesn't take too long for it to come back up. A day or two at the very most. When I was growing up, my father worked for the power company, so every time there was thunder, he wouldn't bother going to bed, knowing he'd be called out to work. I can tell ya that somewhere in the top of an electricity pole would not be my ideal place to be during a thunderstorm!

07-28-2005, 12:37 PM
Last night, after the kids went to bed we played Scrabble by candlelight. Around 10:30 or so, our asses hurt too much from sitting at the kitchen table so we considered our options.

1. Talk
2. Fuck

We went upstairs. :D

07-28-2005, 12:52 PM
I think I can remember going for 3 or 4 days without power during a cold snap once. At least the apartment had a fireplace.

07-28-2005, 01:22 PM
10 hrs is the most i can recall....

07-28-2005, 01:52 PM
2 1/2 days we lose it for a day or so at least during hurricanes

07-28-2005, 04:57 PM
back in the late 80s we had a major ice storm and was without power for almost 3 weeks (lived at the end of the line) kept a fire in the fireplace,used a lot of coleman fuel for lights and cooking. but if you have a well you dont have any water either!you just make the best of it by
.playing games
pile the covers on and go to bed early
snuggle a LOT!

07-28-2005, 05:18 PM
Back in the mid 90's we had a bad thunderstorm come threw with high winds knock out most of the power in the area. Was cooking at the time I had to go in right as the storm hit the wind was blowing dust up from the fields so much when it first started to rain it was mud but it only took a few seconds for the real rain to clean off my wind sheild. When I got to work it was slow for about the first hour but then when the storm passed we got very very busy turned out we were one of the few places with power still. We went with no power at home from monday at about 5pm tell saturday at about noon some places didn't have power back till late sunday night.

07-28-2005, 05:26 PM
*BOOM BOOM...here comes the electric company to turn off your power cause you haven't paid the bill in a few months...and we're keeping it off till you pay...which could be a month or two at a time till they passed a law that they couldn't snub us till spring*


As to the longest duration without power...it had NOTHING to do with the "dunerweder" (bad weather...according to the Pa. Dutch), but because we couldn't afford to eat and have lights and heat too. It was bad at the time...but in retrospect it brought us closer together for the lack of outside distractions.

But lemme tell ya folks...to this day I do not get up to pee at night because I was so used to holding it till I HAD to get up in the morning...way back when, when the toilet seat was colder than a brass commode on the shady side of an iceberg!

The worst part of a blackout for me...in my memory...not due to storms...just from lack of money...

Mom piling 6-7 blankets over me to keep me warm...and feeling like a mummy because I could barely turn over in bed!

07-28-2005, 06:36 PM
Why I remember back in the Ice storm of '66(that's 1966) we were without power for three days.

07-28-2005, 06:54 PM
((((Lixy))))) ROFL @ the iceberg crack

07-28-2005, 07:03 PM
A few years ago (maybe as many as ten) we had a main transformer go out and we were about three days without power. Major big time outage. Fortunately, the restuarant where my son worked had power and let us store the stuff from our refrigerator and freezer there until power was restored. :)

07-29-2005, 09:17 AM
Back in '94 we had a major ice storm that knocked out power to some people for a week or more...my mother's house was one of them, which is this house I live in now...she was able to rough it out by staying in the den, which has a gas log fireplace, & relying on her poor country girl background, so she knew how to survive without the modern conveniences...the downside was that she never threw anything out, my brother told me he was afraid to eat anything at her house...I was living a few miles away at the time, & I was greatly inconvenienced as well...I lost cable service for over an hour...