View Full Version : The World Tallest Man

08-12-2005, 10:24 AM
The World Tallest Man :dizzy:

Photo taken in October 2004 shows Xi Shun, the new tallest man who measures a whopping 7 foot 8.95 inch (2 meters 36.1 centimeters), shopping in a emporium in Hohhot, capital of northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Xi Shun received the certificate of the tallest naturally-growing human being from Steward Newbert, an officer of Guinness Book of World Records on July 21, 2005. The 54-year-old Mongol has grown to this remarkable height naturally, and not as a result of a medical condition.
He was confirmed as the tallest man in the world by the Guinness World Records headquaters, July 12, 2005.
Another Tallest Man

2.40-meter-tall Huang Changqiu, Asia's tallest man, appeared at the 85th China Cotton Knitwear Trade Fair, held from March 8th to March 10th in Shanghai, to promote a vender.



http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-07/...ent_3254351.htm (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-07/22/content_3254351.htm)

08-12-2005, 02:14 PM
Thats pretty tall.....

/me wonders if a 5 Ft. woman could just stand in front of him and :bj:

08-12-2005, 02:25 PM
Thats pretty tall.....

/me wonders if a 5 Ft. woman could just stand in front of him and :bj:

Ok, if his pecker's 5' off the ground...that means the rest of him (from the waist to the top of his head) is only 33". Let's think for a moment what that would look like.


OMG, not only am I laughing about how lopsided he would be...but at the mental picture of everyone walking around eye level with his dick! ha ha

08-12-2005, 02:39 PM

08-12-2005, 02:45 PM
Not to mention the top of the door jambs!


08-12-2005, 05:08 PM
Chinese Pussy, where have you been????? I missed you! (((hugs)))

09-16-2005, 09:36 AM
Oh. I am back. I miss all you guys too. I wasn't in Canada for a while.

09-17-2005, 07:57 PM
Chinese Pussy, where have you been????? I missed you! (((hugs)))
me too!! me too!! i love reading the stuff you post! Welcome Back!!!!
:line: :line: :line: :line: :line:

09-18-2005, 09:21 AM
technically, if the woman is five foot tall, her mouth would be at a height lower than that... I'm guessing a good 6 inches lower, which would mean 4.5 feet (54 inches) leaving 39 inches for the rest of the torso ... and since the cock typically is several inches lower than the hips ... well I'd have to say it's likely a 5' woman wouldn't have to bend her neck down all that far ;)