View Full Version : Project Brotherly Love

09-08-2005, 05:33 PM
I'm sure there are lots of cities around the country opening their arms and providing for the evacuees of La.

In all modesty...I wanted to share a slice of Philadelphia's aide efforts.

The Heart of Liberty (www.nbc10.com/news/4949067/detail.html)

As I was reading about everything that all the good peeps in this country and around the world were doing for the misplaced folks of this disaster...I couldn't help but wonder...

Hmmmmmmmm...the White House is HUGE and has so many UNUSED rooms in it. What would it be like for a few of the evacuees to someday be able to tell their children and/or grandchildren..."I spent a couple months living in the Lincoln wing of the White House"?

Hear that G.W.B??????

Just a fleeting thought!

Please feel free to share anything about your neck of the woods in regards to efforts of help!

09-08-2005, 05:42 PM
But GWB's mama has talked about how good the evacuees have it at the Astrodome, Lixy!

After touring the Astrodome on Monday, Barbara Bush said, "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivleged anyway, so this is working very well for them."


Could the family be any more out of touch?

09-08-2005, 05:44 PM
amazing acts of kindness from everywhere.
recovery from this disaster is going to take decades but there are alot of people who need help now.

09-08-2005, 05:45 PM
The capitol building has some spare rooms too. Congress can slide over and make some space.

09-08-2005, 05:55 PM
...Could the family be any more out of touch?


Perhaps she could offer them some cake...

09-08-2005, 05:59 PM
Could the family be any more out of touch?
I've always said that the family needs to get out more amoungst the "common man" before they ever make a statement off the cuff about a hardship situation.

I don't wish hardship on anyone...but the Bushs' should walk a mile in the shoes of a 9/11 or Katrina survivor (for example) before they speak of their feelings on the disaster!!!!!

I truely don't believe they can grasp the devastation! They seem to measure everything by their own standards or experiences...or better yet...lack of experiences!

I'm so embarrassed (as an American) about this trait of theirs! It's my hope that other countries don't think all Americans are this disconnected!

09-08-2005, 06:01 PM

Perhaps she could offer them some cake...


I did hear someone compare GWB to Marie Antoinette today.

09-08-2005, 06:06 PM
Nah. Different hair.

09-08-2005, 06:19 PM
^^^off with her head!

oh gosh that was terrible of me....

it wasn't until today, when i could get back to the modern world and the internet that i was able to really get the full story of hurricane Katrina and the aftermath. (i had been getting some second hand accounts here and there, but since i had to temporarily reside with my folks, who are very nearly Amish in their choice of religion, i had no real access to proper news) I sat and read and read and am still reading about everything. i sat and cried at the stories, both for the tragic losses, chaos, as well as the stories of everyday heros and courage that people have shown and continue to show.

This has truely brought out the worst and the best of humanity...my love and prayers go out to all. to those that are their worst, to see their error and make amends, and those who are at their best, to have the strength to carry on.

09-08-2005, 06:38 PM
…your neck of the woods in regards to efforts of help!


Well, the scouts of 1311 went down to the Dollar Store and bought $37.85 worth of comic & coloring books and pencils & crayons. The Scoutmaster will be adding them to a trailer going down with BG&E staff.

09-08-2005, 09:10 PM
nothing is too small or too common. these people need everything.....everything toilet papaer AND the toilet paper holder, is what i'm sayin'! go scouts!

i heard people calling/emailing into a radio show from all over offering jobs and re-location $$. even if it was just some guy with a pool cleaning company from bumfuck, usa. pretty cool stuff goin on. it sucks that this is why but it is cool.

<sways and sings>we are the world....we are the children.....
:grope: :D

ok...mush, but really though... :grope:

09-08-2005, 10:25 PM
At my work we have a donation box and we can also add a cash donation on your total.

What I want to know is...if the working man can donate for this cause...then why can't all these high paid goverment peeps dip into their pockets too!!!!!

I add a little something to the donation box everytime I work.....and I only work part time!!!