View Full Version : Costco Engagement Ring?!?!?!
The radio station I listen to was discussing this topic this morning .... they had received an email from a guy wanting to know if it was ok or was it unromantic to buy an engagement ring at Costco?
Personally, the more money you can save on the ring ... the more you have to spend on honeymoon or downpayment on a house, etc. ... what is your opinion?
09-14-2005, 01:53 AM
as long as the ring is real (sorry i dont do fake diaomands here) and looks purdy i really dont care if he got it out the gumball machine on the corner LOL just means he can afford to get me a necklace and earing as well hehehehehhehe
09-14-2005, 02:00 AM
09-14-2005, 03:08 AM
I don't know what Costco is either...but it shouldn't matter where the ring is purchased. It's the thought that truely counts!
09-14-2005, 04:35 AM
Honest to God, my engagement ring came from Walmart. Swear to God. We were a couple of broke asses at the time, and that's all we could afford. It's a 1/4 carat solitaire, very plain, very simple. Exactly what I wanted.
And yes, the diamond is real. I've had it checked.
09-14-2005, 04:46 AM
If the love is real does it really matter where the ring comes from? For me it wouldn't because if the ring has to be cheap now when I'm able to do better I wouldn't hesitate to make it up when the money's there. I had a fiance once who had made all kinds of changes to pick the perfect diamond and all that... a couple of weeks before I was to buy it I found out she was sleeping around. Sort of takes the wind out of your sails for buying fancy rings ya know?
09-14-2005, 04:57 AM
I'd rather have engagement earrings :D
I'm not pretentious. If you were kind enough to think of me and give me a gift, I don't care what it is or where it came from, I'm thrilled.
09-14-2005, 06:58 AM
I'm still trying to have the Royal Doulton tea-cups set as ear-rings, with the saucers
as a tasteful pendant.
09-14-2005, 07:04 AM
Costco ( is a warehouse store. I think the closest one to you is in Taiwan, OldFart. :rofl: For those that don't have that or any other membership type store like Sam's Club near you, they are no frill, bulk package type operations. You must purchase an annual 'membership' for around $30 and therein lays the problem for me. Their prices are as good or slightly better than other places (if you shop around), but I have a problem paying somebody for the privilege to spend my money.:confused:
As for the ring, I’m much more impressed with the quality of something you get for the LEAST amount of $$$. Telling me how MUCH you pay for something leave me in awe, but for a different reason. :rolleyes2
09-14-2005, 08:14 AM
He's asking someone to spend the rest of her life with him, and she might be concerned with how much you spend on the ring you're using as a prop? Honestly, as I sit here I'd consider their response to a cheap ring a good test of whether you were making the right decision about a wife.
That said, I adore my ring. Mostly because he went to the trouble of getting an old and trusted friend to make it for me. If I'd walked into a store, it's probably not one I'd have picked up....but now I wouldn't have any other. It's the one he gave me, and because of that it's absolutely perfect. If he managed to do it without breaking the bank, more power to him!
09-14-2005, 09:57 AM
Is it wrong that if I get engaged again, I'll do a tour of the local pawn shops? I'm cheap but like others have said, I'd rather have the money for the honeymoon. :hump:
09-14-2005, 10:17 AM
I don't care where things are purchased. In the case of a ring, I would want a real diamond... but where the ring comes from doesn't matter. Why spend more than you have to for anything??
09-14-2005, 10:34 AM
Attitude is everything. I'd be happy with a ring you handmade from a stray piece of foil if I know you did it with love for me in your heart.
But if you buy a $10,000 ring just so you can say "hey, I'm not cheap...look at the price tag on that thing!"...well, keep it.
09-14-2005, 10:40 AM
I guess it depends on the couple, but I think that the sincerity of the commitment should be more romantic than the cost of the ring.
09-14-2005, 10:41 AM
Is it wrong that if I get engaged again, I'll do a tour of the local pawn shops? I'm cheap but like others have said, I'd rather have the money for the honeymoon. :hump:
You need $$$ to do this :hump: all week? :D
09-14-2005, 10:48 AM
You need $$$ to do this :hump: all week? :D
I'll be paying for :hump: for the rest of my life!
I'm sorry honey! That's not what I meant by that!
I was just talking about hookers! lmfao
I'm sorry, and I do not mean offense to any Pixies' ladies... but what's all this about having a 'real' diamond? Why does it matter? Marriage is about love and commitment, or at least it should be, not about how much the ring is worth. I love what Ginger said,
He's asking someone to spend the rest of her life with him, and she might be concerned with how much you spend on the ring you're using as a prop? Honestly, as I sit here I'd consider their response to a cheap ring a good test of whether you were making the right decision about a wife.
I have no qualms admitting the engagement ring I bought my wife cost way under $100 and had no diamond, real or otherwise. She was thrilled with it nonetheless and I've never heard one complaint. (About the ring anyway :p )
So in a nutshell, my opinion is that a ring from Costco, Wal-mart, or a pawn shop is perfectly fine. The quality of the person giving the ring is much more important than the cost of the ring itself.
09-14-2005, 11:13 AM
I'm sorry, and I do not mean offense to any Pixies' ladies... but what's all this about having a 'real' diamond? Why does it matter? Marriage is about love and commitment, or at least it should be, not about how much the ring is worth.
My wedding ring was white gold and gold. I'm not a traditional person (shaddup, PF). My current guy is a diamond freak and when I mentioned this thread, he reminded me that he has no problem going to a pawn shop but he would do it to buy nice diamonds that he would then reset in his own design.
:rofl: :spank: Coaster & Irish
09-14-2005, 12:09 PM
I wanted a diamond. Call me traditional -- but I did. My engagement ring is the only piece of jewelery that I own more expensive than $100. I don't buy fancy *anything* -- but I did want a nice ring.
The best we could afford, given that I was a student and he was in a start-up when we got engaged in 1997....was a $1000 2/3 carat diamond solitare of reasonable quality. And I love it. He offered to "upgrade" it for me when we got married last year, and I declined.
If we could have gotten the same ring at Costco for $900, I woulda been all about it. But I *did* want a ring.
BTW -- his ring (which he rarely wears, due to hating rings) is a platinum and 18K gold band. And it's lovely.
09-14-2005, 12:46 PM
mine is a ring that was my mom's. i never wear it. he did get me a locket and gave it to me before the rehearsal, which i treasure more than anything.
i like what ginge said about the test of the reciever. i agree.
a lifesaver sucked on for 33 point 8 minutes so that the hole fit the tip of my pinky would have worked for me.
09-14-2005, 12:54 PM
It is not how much it costs, it is the meaning of it and what it symbolizes is what is important. To many people nowadays think that it has to cost alot of money or it isn't worth anything. What is the matter with society anymore, seems like everything is based on how much it costs, and not the true meaning or the thought. That is REALLY what counts and matters.
:rant: :box:
09-14-2005, 04:44 PM
I'm still trying to have the Royal Doulton tea-cups set as ear-rings, with the saucers
as a tasteful pendant.
:swoon: now that's a man who knows how to wooooooooooo me :D
09-14-2005, 07:22 PM
In response to Aqua...
For me it's not a matter of "oh my God, I MUST have a diamond". It's just my opinion that, in an engagement ring, IF there is a diamond, it should be real rather than fake. I think it's a bad omen to have a fake diamond in an engagement ring. Actually, if there's a stone in an engagement ring, regardless of what kind of stone, it should be real rather than fake.
I love reading all your replies .... I just passed the question on cause I love to read pixies opinions .... the truth is ... I've never really been a "diamond" fan .... always said that if I do get married someday, I'd much prefer just having a gold band ... if there's a stone involved ... I'd rather it be a dark green emerald .... but then we're talking the really BIG BUCKS! :)
09-15-2005, 01:05 PM
i was really upset with jeeping when i found out how much he spent on my ring, but he obided with the only thing i said i really wanted , a real deep dark emerald, i told him it cud be glass ( i really hoped hed go real tho but i wanted to give him the option LOL) he got me an absolutly flawless dark green emerald, he had to special order it and wait a long time for it to come in. hten he picked the mount for it , told the jewler how he wanted it to look and she designed , i was blown away! i love my ring, but moslty cuz of the thought and effort he put in it, i do wish he had spent less , its been apraised at 2400 and its only 1/4 carat in white gold , nice n dainty perfect really
09-15-2005, 01:21 PM
Ive done both sadly.
I did the expensive ring, For some strange reason the question asked first from her was how much was it!!!
The other one wasnt cheep just not as expensive but it was much better recieved.
I must admit though for me it isnt the ring but the question that goes with it.
09-15-2005, 06:37 PM
Like Fzzy I don't want an engagment ring, just a gold wedding band. However, I think that engagement ring is basically like any other gift for someone you truly love and (obviously) want to spend the rest of your life with. If my hypothetical fiance went to costco and picked out the cheapest ring, I think my feelings would be a little hurt. I too value the symbolism of the ring, and believe in theory it shouldn't matter what it looks like or costs, but geez I would never buy a gift for someone that I loved just because it was the cheapest thing out there. I'd like to know that he shopped around like any other gift and bought the ring he thought I'd like. I would absolutely not want for him to get in debt over the ring, but if it was within his budget, why not spend the extra money?
09-16-2005, 09:44 PM
If it dosen't turn her finger green within 7 days its a good ring! :)
01-15-2006, 11:24 PM
I was just digging around some old threads ...ssssoooooo *BUMP*
Ive done both sadly.
I did the expensive ring, For some strange reason the question asked first from her was how much was it!!!
The other one wasnt cheep just not as expensive but it was much better recieved.
I must admit though for me it isnt the ring but the question that goes with it.O Gawd, Sweetie, i never knew that she asked how much it was...Boo! Hiss! *throws rotten eggs at Mayhem's ex*
I asked Mayhem if we could go out and pick one together...I showed him the style that i liked, but he was the one to find my gorgeous Sparkly, (ooo i loooove sparkly things!) ring. I saw what the price was at the time, but since then, i have honestly forgotten....i guess that shows how much i really cared what the cost was.... Over 6 months later and it still is as pretty as when he bought it!
I had a plain silver band that i was wearing on my second finger, i gave it to Mayhem as his engagement ring from me (it fits his pinky) I did not pay anything for it, but he still wears it and rarely takes it off. I had worn the silver ring for so long that i had a dent in my finger, it had been a part of me, an in so giving it to Mayhem, i was able to physically give him part of me.
Alone, rings and jewelry are cold pieces of rock and metal, it is the human emotion that adds warmth and meaning..
01-15-2006, 11:28 PM
beautiful tokens Lizz
01-16-2006, 01:13 AM
I think it's a bad omen to have a fake diamond in an engagement ring. Actually, if there's a stone in an engagement ring, regardless of what kind of stone, it should be real rather than fake.
Well thank the Lord above i dont believe in that hogwash *LOL*
My Engagement ring is not a real diamond and myself and Bilbo are still major voodoo hoodoo has happened :D
I couldnt care less what the stone is made of....nor the carats in the ring itself....For me its the thought behind the giving and what the ring symbolizes
I do not intend to ever sell its value is nothing to me
Well thank the Lord above i dont believe in that hogwash *LOL*
My Engagement ring is not a real diamond and myself and Bilbo are still major voodoo hoodoo has happened :D
I couldnt care less what the stone is made of....nor the carats in the ring itself....For me its the thought behind the giving and what the ring symbolizes
I do not intend to ever sell its value is nothing to me
I totally agree. Wear it in good helth.
01-16-2006, 04:41 AM
I don't understand what the big deal with diamonds is? If he loves you, who cares? I'd rather get a plain simple ring that he got for $30 at Leon's... than a $2500 diamond encrusted ring he bought at Michael Hill Jewllers.
That being said, if I could have any ring for an engagement gift, I would prefer white gold (just because I'm allergic to anything with nickel or zinc in it) with a small aquamarine stone. =) I like blue sparklies ^-^ What can I say? lol
I whole-heartedly agree with the test thing, if the first thing out of their mouth was "how much was it? oh, that little?" he/she would have to go. I don't like people who put all their faith in material items. I'd much prefer to have someone who loved me and couldn't buy me anything, than someone who could buy me anything in the world and not truly love me. Or even if they did... I'd rather have someone with no money... less snobbiness =)
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