View Full Version : no, i don't want any scrapple...
09-01-2005, 09:54 PM
i make it a point to never eat anything with the word CRAP in it.
<~~~actually likes scrapple (for those who've never heard of it it's a breakfast hash/spam-like thingy made with youdon'twannaknow pig parts and cornmeal) but that is a different thread. :D
anything you positively will not eat?
09-01-2005, 09:56 PM
This list could go on to sum it up, if it's healthy for you, I probably won't eat it. Califlower is at the top of that list....and grits....which was described to me as being "liquid sandpaper."
The BEST combo I've created is a mixture of:
Chicken Nuggets
Cottage cheese
Mac and Cheese
09-01-2005, 09:58 PM
you got a bad description. grits with butter and salt ane really good. probably because they are covered in butter and salt :p
09-01-2005, 10:01 PM
I don't eat anything somethings been thinking with, digesting with, looking out of, speaking with or things that keep em alive!!
09-01-2005, 10:04 PM
I don't eat anything somethings been thinking with, digesting with, looking out of, speaking with or things that keep em alive!!
even if it's choped into unrecognizable bits and mixed with spices and grains? :D
09-01-2005, 10:09 PM
even then *LOL*
09-01-2005, 10:30 PM
anything you positively will not eat?
yep - vegemite or marmite - & no offense to anyone - but I can't figure out how that stuff can be ingested..... gives me the willies just thinkin' about it....
09-01-2005, 10:33 PM
I will not eat hot dogs, if i can't name half the stuff in them i don't want it.....and i won't eat egg plant ( tastes like fried green tomatoes my butt!)
The BEST combo I've created is a mixture of:
Chicken Nuggets
Cottage cheese
Mac and Cheese
that ^^^^^^^ ;)
09-01-2005, 11:04 PM
What's wrong with Vegemite?
Last night's mashed potatoes reheated on toast and Vegemite, breakfast of the Gods.
What I won't eat? Half the crap in this diet my SO's talked me into trying.
She knows what I don't eat but thinks that because it's a diet I'll maybe change. Nup!
09-01-2005, 11:05 PM
ROFL Alasse & dreamgurl
Er, wyndhy, if you won't eat anything with crap in it but will eat scrapple . . .. how does that work?
I thought this thread was about Scrabble & I wondered how you could beat BigBad at the game with such spelling. :D
When my mom would cook liver, I would pack up my books and go over to eat/do my homework at my grandparents'. My father delighted in trying to get me to eat cod cheeks & tongues, cow tongue & pickled pigs' feet (if only to see the look of disgust on my face every time he would ask if I wanted some).
Speaking of fathers who torture, did anyone else have a dad who would put those stickers from fruit on your forehead? That grossed me out to no end for some reason.
Yeah, yeah, I'll digress. :D
09-01-2005, 11:16 PM
I like just about everything. Can't think of anything that I won't eat.
09-02-2005, 12:04 AM
Head cheese (don't ask)
Cheesecake (consistency issue)
Creamy salad dressings (same)
Tongue of any sort
Crickets ~~ tried em once and disliked them.
09-02-2005, 03:57 AM
Speaking of fathers who torture, did anyone else have a dad who would put those stickers from fruit on your forehead? That grossed me out to no end for some reason.
Yeah, yeah, I'll digress. :D
ROFLMAO and i thought i was the only one who had a dad like that hehehhehehe
what wont i eat, oh dang the list is to long but i dont like steak (ya sue me :P) and i dont like fish or much pork product. im just not a big meat fan, i only eat it cuz when i was a vegatarian i lost alot of energy and bruised easily , vitamins just didnt help
09-02-2005, 04:45 AM
raw onions, green peppers, mushrooms (fungus)
You probably don't want to share a pizza with me if you like all that good stuff on it.
Oh and it was my mom with the Chiquita banana labels and we would dance around singing Mama yo Quero like Carmen Miranda.
09-02-2005, 05:08 AM
No one likes liver in my house 'cept me! :(
09-02-2005, 06:07 AM
mac & cheese - my stepmom amd ex wife spent many hours trying to convince me I did like it too LOL
vegemite - tried it, wish I hadn't
pimento cheese anything
cooked spinach - oddly enough I love spinach salad
09-02-2005, 06:08 AM
I have a very long list and most people know that I'm picky...
Onions and Peppers if they aren't cut up into small pieces
Refried Beans, any beans for that matter other than green beans
Anything I can't identify
09-02-2005, 06:55 AM
I have a huge, long list too...
Pork - but bacon I will eat, shh, don't tell G-d -
Fish, shellfish, most anything that comes out of the water
Cooked spinach
Any beans sans green beans
Liver and all that gross internal organ stuff
and the list goes on
No one likes liver in my house 'cept me! :(
Same with me! Wanna go out to dinner? :D
I won't eat
Raw tomatoes
smoked oysters (the kid and hubby love them)
grits (and I don't care how much butter and salt you stick on it)
and I have never heard of Scrapple but I sure ain't eatin' it.:eek:
09-02-2005, 08:58 AM
I'll eat anything once...twice if I like it. ;)
I can't believe how many of the woman here won't eat Fish... :( It makes me sad.
Living in the Northwest, fish is a widely available.
Among things I am not down with eating...
Anything with rasberry filling. I like rasberries by themselves but hate when they try to stick rasberry filling/flavoring into other foods.
Cheesecake. The only cheesecake I ever could eat was some Oreo™ double fudge chocolate cheesecake thing. There was enough chocolate in it to offset the cheesecake taste. Offer me rasberry cheesecake and I might vomit.
No yams.
No guacamole.
No pets.
No head cheese.
Never tried any insect food, i.e., crickets, and don't know that I could. Besides, I have plenty of other things to eat... like a tossed green salad with tomatoes, cottage cheese, and french dressing, topped with bacon bits. :slurp:
Oh yeah I don't anything Raspberry either. I find it appalling that it has become the most popular berry. Ewww!
I also won't eat pets. I would give my cat to someone that wanted to though. :D
09-02-2005, 11:51 AM
No guac, Aq? (ahahaha, had to write it like that cuz it rhymes) Why not?
I love fish, btw, just not the tongue & cheek parts!
09-02-2005, 01:30 PM
Oh Aqua I knew you were a man of good taste lol...... please add anything with Avacado in it to my list.
I will not eat hot dogs, if i can't name half the stuff in them i don't want it.....and i won't eat egg plant ( tastes like fried green tomatoes my butt!)
You want me to taste your butt? I doubt it tastes like fried green tomatoes either, but I'll give it a lick. ;) :p
09-02-2005, 02:36 PM
but I'll give it a lick. ;) :p
Speaking of tongue & cheek. :grin:
09-02-2005, 03:17 PM
OK people, avocodo is the best food ever for me. WTF mate? Why don't you like it?!?!?
Change an infant's diaper and you'll see the main reason it does not go on my plate.
09-02-2005, 05:13 PM
I lived a lot of my life overseas and always told myself I would do what I could to try and fit in - enough ugly Americans in the world without me adding my face to the list!
I'll never again eat haggus, sushi, bolutt (spelling), blood pudding, whatever the hell that was I bought from a vendor on the corner at 3AM in Olongopo, Phillipines, basashi, kami, or anything else that is not cooked (why can't they cook the meat?) :bang:
09-02-2005, 07:54 PM
Oh for Pitty's sake you two! lol I'll be shushin from now on.
09-02-2005, 08:09 PM
:grin: you guys. maddy, you cracked me up with the "unidentified" category. :D
we turn into such chickens :D around food we don't like
my list is huge. :p
steph, the crap thing was something a friend said to me when we were having a convo about...yup, scrapple. i laughed so hard i almost fell into the bonfire.
09-02-2005, 08:37 PM
I have plenty of other things to eat... like a tossed green salad with tomatoes, cottage cheese, and french dressing, topped with bacon bits. :slurp:
HOLY SHIT! I bring cottage cheese to work nearly every day. About 6 months ago a co-worker asked, "Ever try it with French dressing on it"? I was taken aback but I'm always adventurous...
I tried it and have never had plain cottage cheese again! Ever try Catalina Aqua? Mmmmmm...just a bit more bite! Folks around this way slather it with apple butter too...though I prefer the tang as opposed to the sweet.
<Keeping to the threads theme> I HATE OKRA!
And Aqua? I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE fresh fish! The fresher the better :thumb: :devilish:
09-03-2005, 10:31 AM
I *could* compare cottage cheese to something gross (a la Aqua) but I will take the HIGH road!!! :D
Yes, I'm smoking a joint as I type this.
escargot and all other crawling things
that mouldy cheese that smells like feet
all seafood except shrimp
and all types of melons......and that is to name a few
oh and artichoke. It may choke artie but it ain't chokin' me!
09-03-2005, 11:52 AM
IAmong things I am not down with eating...
Cheesecake. The only cheesecake I ever could eat was some Oreo™ double fudge chocolate cheesecake thing. There was enough chocolate in it to offset the cheesecake taste. Offer me rasberry cheesecake and I might vomit.
Yeah! Another cheesecake hater! :D I was beginning to feel like a freak.
Oh....and add bacon to my list. :p
09-03-2005, 06:00 PM
oh and artichoke. It may choke artie but it ain't chokin' me!
That's ANOTHER of my favourites foods! You don't even like the yummy ones in jars?!?!
You don't even like the yummy ones in jars?!?!
There is no such thing Steph........ :rofl:
09-03-2005, 07:56 PM
There is no such thing Steph........ :rofl:
:mad: Don't make me get Artie's choke Mafia after you!!!
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