View Full Version : Watch out Lilith!!!!!
08-30-2005, 03:16 PM
Coming soon to a school near you! :yikes:
click here (
You know, I sometimes wonder at the power we allow these words to have. Darn is ok, damn is not. Freakin' is ok, Fuckin' is not. How did these words become so powerful and taboo?
08-30-2005, 03:41 PM
Fuck if I know. :D
08-30-2005, 03:53 PM
i think i kinda like it. but after they fill the quota, they should have to write essays on word origination, connotaion, manners..whatever, something acedemic at least. not a "talking to" by the teacher.
bigbad and i were just talking about this the other night. if my daughter said oh fuck when she dropped something, stubbed her toe, whatever, i wouldn't get mad~~i can't cause i do it all the time. but if she told me to fuck off cause she was mad she'd get about 20 min in the thinking chair. it's not the word, it's the intent
08-30-2005, 05:22 PM
once, and it would never happen again, I assure you
Oh brother and sister too.....
I can only imagine the first day of school.
I'll tell kid of mine would get away with it. I swear and I swore as a kid too but not at adults and certainly never at a teacher. No wonder kids think the can do anything they want to......seems at that school they have been given license to disrespect and the acceptance of it too.
I can just imagine the teacher keeping track of the cussing....
08-30-2005, 06:13 PM
I think it allows the student to disrespect the teacher on their own inmature level and get nothing from the "lesson" it's trying to teach...which might be "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"...unless you use them 5x's or more in a day in my classroom.
However...I DO NOT agree with Ms. Widdecombe! This (to me) is the TYPICAL response from the collective Conservative members around the world! cannot "improve something by discouraging it"!!! The more you tell a child NO...the more they want to do "it" (whatever "it" may be). But...we are the adults and can figure a better way without driving our morals down their throats. They'll rebel against that too...DUH!
We tend to inflict our personal morals (which, in most cases are influenced by our parents, and their parents, and so on and so on), and quite possibly antiquated due to changing times and circumstance, to the a blanket lesson. Instead...I would behoove us as the mature, responsible take each situtation as individual!
I agree with Aqua...they are only words! But words can hurt context, as wyndhy and BigBad suggested. And...there is such a thing as respect for your elders. They've earned it (well...most have) and telling them to "fuck off" or "fuck you" or "get fucked" when the kids get the notion and haven't out-limited themselves for the me is totally disrespectful. I use these statements to show how pissed off I am and to purposely show I am NOT respectful of the person it is aimed at.
If I use "fuck" as a I couldn't get the fuckin thing open"'s purely for effect and lack of a better word...and in essence, LAZINESS!. Seems to me the teachers in this school don't mind if the lack of the grasp of the English language and the laziness in terms of finding a more appropriate and respectful lazy PERSONIFIED on their part! They've thrown their hands up and have quit trying to educate. Instead, they have said that these kids (the difficult ones) have won...and if they have any disrespectful followers...they are safe in the future to disrespect us too!
An example of my "practicing what I preach"? It's a no-thinker to me to curtail my language around my in-laws, bosses, in a crowded store or theatre...etc. (you get the gist)...but at a party, in my own home, in a friends home who let's her freak flag fly more than me...I use the "F" word more than a drunken sailor on shore leave at a tattoo parlor getting a battleship inked on my chest!
Again...just my 2 pennies!
08-30-2005, 06:17 PM
I do not permit the students in my class to disrespect eachother and I would expect the same courtesy. I would never consider teaching in a place that permitted it.
08-30-2005, 06:19 PM
disrespect should be handled immediately and firmly. but times are changing and so is language. for a kid to say shit instead of stuff~i dunno, i don't believe they mean any disrespect. there are many words we say today that had a much more major and negative significance to our parents when they were kids, but now they don't mean all that much.
08-30-2005, 07:13 PM
I have had even small kids curse, "oh damn!" it's met by giggles and no response from me at all. However we, as teachers, are responsible to have students ready for either college or the workforce. While I personally don't get freaked over an occasional curse word, I do not appreciate being in line at the grocery store and hearing the cashier and bag boy cursing and being disrespectful. It's all about expectations to me. I expect people to behave respectfully, in school, at home, at Pixies.
< Dreamer. she's nothing but a dreamer....>
I have had even small kids curse, "oh damn!" it's met by giggles and no response from me at all. However we, as teachers, are responsible to have students ready for either college or the workforce. While I personally don't get freaked over an occasional curse word, I do not appreciate being in line at the grocery store and hearing the cashier and bag boy cursing and being disrespectful. It's all about expectations to me. I expect people to behave respectfully, in school, at home, at Pixies.
< Dreamer. she's nothing but a dreamer....>
But can I put my cock in your head, oh no!
<sorry... back to the thread>
08-30-2005, 08:29 PM
You know....I think we need to teach kids right from wrong. When they grow up they can curse all they like, but they should at least know HOW to properly speak. The lesson is invaluabl ein this society.
08-30-2005, 08:51 PM
Yes, they are only words. :bang: Where would WI be if the word sheep was considered a "bad" or disrespectful word? Who choose the word fuck to be bad?
However, (you knew that was coming didn't you?) what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable is the issue here. Allowing students or your children to utilize "words" that are, by societies definitions, "bad" words because of their sometimes demeaning definitions is not teaching them the ability to deal with hardships, frustrations, and anger in a healthy or constructive way. Most often, these "words" are used during times (other than fillers) to demean someone. Whether kids use "fuck you" or "screw you" really isn't the issue, the issue is what caused the kid to get to the point of being disrespectful to someone in the first place.
By allowing them to do this now, they will think they can continue to do it in other situations that aren't acceptable at all. How many of them do you think will continue to have a job if they tell their boss to "fuck off" or even "screw off"?
Yes, this is a sex site. But how many of us use nicks and hope that we arent' discovered to visit this place or other places like it? Whether we like it or not, society does expect us to behave in a certain way. So... they are only words right?
08-30-2005, 10:13 PM
The thing my daughter has gotten from her new friends here is the word Bucking and shortened to Buck. I also observed her friends and her making gestures with their hands which was not flipping off..but the way they were moving their hands sugested they were flipping someone off. Told her I won't put up with her saying and acting like the other kids. God I wish she was 4 again!
08-30-2005, 10:18 PM
You know....I think we need to teach kids right from wrong. When they grow up they can curse all they like, but they should at least know HOW to properly speak. The lesson is invaluabl ein this society.
I agree osuche........kiddo knows right from wrong....but is following the crowed right now and I keep telling her to be her own person. Told her if she wants to use bad words she had to be 18.
08-30-2005, 10:31 PM
do what the nuns use to do and breakout the paddles
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