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  1. Transitions — Albert Gore (13 replies)
  2. alone with steph (6 replies)
  3. Criminal Millitary?? (12 replies)
  4. Well, its a marvelous night (28 replies)
  5. What are you eating? (381 replies)
  6. Pissed Off or Pissed On? (17 replies)
  7. What is it with americans and guns (52 replies)
  8. What have you ever won? (19 replies)
  9. Who Does Your Idiot Of The Day Award Go To (30 replies)
  10. Wanna Bet? (3 replies)
  11. ¶.¶.¶ Break On Through To The Other Side ¶.¶.¶ (18 replies)
  12. Hard disk pioneers win 2007 physics Nobel (6 replies)
  13. Quick question (12 replies)
  14. Strangest Reason You've Dumped Someone (5 replies)
  15. Pixies Prom (95 replies)
  16. Aye carambola!!! (7 replies)
  17. Show me your desktop (197 replies)
  18. 'Cause I said so (10 replies)
  19. Hotel for PAGAN '08 (18 replies)
  20. Don't know who to vote for? (13 replies)
  21. "Things that make you go hmmm",,, (35 replies)
  22. Doing the funky reconnection thing (7 replies)
  23. New Pup (36 replies)
  24. Blurring the Line,,, (3 replies)
  25. Transitions — Viswanathan Anand (10 replies)
  26. if you say prayers please pray... wrong forum posted first (14 replies)
  27. ~Warning From Mr. Lixy~ (16 replies)
  28. Make ya move (13 replies)
  29. Barry White (17 replies)
  30. For the gecko that has everything... (15 replies)
  31. Please excuse the interuption (23 replies)
  32. Where's DB been? (54 replies)
  33. Transparent Frog? What sort of confectionary is that? (6 replies)
  34. Happy Birthday Google (5 replies)
  35. Old Dogs..... (13 replies)
  36. How'd you pop 'the' question? (15 replies)
  37. Most guys aren't very coordinated... (14 replies)
  38. Are your ears ringing? (11 replies)
  39. And we began to rock... (3 replies)
  40. Eat Me (8 replies)
  41. Happy Birthday rabbit! (16 replies)
  42. 111 across (11 replies)
  43. axe31 (7 replies)
  44. Help me out! (15 replies)
  45. What's the scene? (5 replies)
  46. Rules for the phone. (32 replies)
  47. Transitions — Marcel Marceau (8 replies)
  48. Big Girl (5 replies)
  49. Pure talent! (6 replies)
  50. The dreaded day for all men has come (29 replies)
  51. big yin.... where ever you are..... (12 replies)
  52. The Room (13 replies)
  53. 3 Musketeers mint with Dark Chocolate...... (2 replies)
  54. Noah's Ark ~ Pic heavy thread (100 replies)
  55. What Was Your First Computer (That You Bought?) (17 replies)
  56. 2009 - Vegas, baby! (1 replies)
  57. I'm in love with Sean Penn (3 replies)
  58. It was only a matter of time (3 replies)
  59. Heroes Heroes Heroes Heroes Heroes Heroes (15 replies)
  60. I found this for you... (4 replies)
  61. Will somebody go see if it's still there (6 replies)
  62. Spoooooooky! (12 replies)
  63. Um......PF? (15 replies)
  64. How Do You Rate? (12 replies)
  65. Happy Birthday Teddy Bear! (23 replies)
  66. Even though I pick Ninja... (7 replies)
  67. New grandson (17 replies)
  68. Do you ever (4 replies)
  69. It has begun ... (5 replies)
  70. Family? (18 replies)
  71. My part of the world (35 replies)
  72. These cakes (16 replies)
  73. Pillow Talk (18 replies)
  74. My favorite car maker has a new one ... (5 replies)
  75. Happy Birthday osuche! (33 replies)
  76. High Fiber Diet (25 replies)
  77. Vexing Questions (2 replies)
  78. Square Watermelons (22 replies)
  79. Speaking of catchy little tunes... (0 replies)
  80. It's a catchy little tune... (7 replies)
  81. Oh, fuck, not again (8 replies)
  82. Shana Tova (6 replies)
  83. Belching, barfing, and blackheads (0 replies)
  84. I did it, but I'm blaming you (19 replies)
  85. Look! In time for Halloween! (4 replies)
  86. Just to bring you back down to the real world (9 replies)
  87. Please have a seat on my couch (9 replies)
  88. Wax On, Wax off??? (11 replies)
  89. Hey Jseal (13 replies)
  90. Giant Penises save the world (5 replies)
  91. Tuesday, Sept. 11 (6 replies)
  92. Jane Wyman's dead :( (8 replies)
  93. Happy Birthday OrliFanatic! (28 replies)
  94. Stating the obvious (19 replies)
  95. "Dumb" animals...sure (8 replies)
  96. Are political views "hard-wired" in the brain? (9 replies)
  97. More about me (0 replies)
  98. The King of Erotica is Happy today (0 replies)
  99. Would you walk your dog in the cemetery? (14 replies)
  100. A Question? (13 replies)
  101. How many of these do you remember? (17 replies)
  102. Capturing The Past??? (18 replies)
  103. Online tunage (10 replies)
  104. Something else to be concerned about (11 replies)
  105. Paranormal, telepathy, psychokinesis, psychometry, esp & other psychic abilities... (82 replies)
  106. The Linkage (21 replies)
  107. Elvis Costello (15 replies)
  108. World Clock (5 replies)
  109. Petticoat Junction (43 replies)
  110. Anfscd (5 replies)
  111. WWII Buffs (38 replies)
  112. Political satire or comedy gone bad (9 replies)
  113. Well I do declare (13 replies)
  114. Transitions — Luciano Pavarotti (7 replies)
  115. Personal Best (14 replies)
  116. Live Fast & Die Young? (4 replies)
  117. Now Performing in the Center Ring... (16 replies)
  118. so what's your opinion (34 replies)
  119. That could get you a lot of cookies (5 replies)
  120. I am still not sure if I am coming back for good or not but..... (16 replies)
  121. Wedding (13 replies)
  122. Bridges (22 replies)
  123. Personal Forecast (15 replies)
  124. Okay TV Viewers (10 replies)
  125. Just Name It (12 replies)
  126. 25 Words (7 replies)
  127. Sick (10 replies)
  128. The Mad Biker (3 replies)
  129. Moist, Panties, and others (22 replies)
  130. Those Crazy Kids Now Days (5 replies)
  131. ~DownUnder Dads~ (2 replies)
  132. The Dreamer (15 replies)
  133. Felix (13 replies)
  134. Happy birthday to me! (3 replies)
  135. For Panyifanatic and Booger (22 replies)
  136. Happy Birthday east! (3 replies)
  137. Making Babies (4 replies)
  138. You're an 8 (20 replies)
  139. Sarcasm is a talent (26 replies)
  140. [avs=off] (14 replies)
  141. Makin Bacon... (19 replies)
  142. Wanna play tag? (15 replies)
  143. S N L (24 replies)
  144. I think I am leaving (16 replies)
  145. Iraq/Halliburton (91 replies)
  146. so what is it (10 replies)
  147. Center of Attention (14 replies)
  148. Incredible waste of time (15 replies)
  149. Hey OF... (16 replies)
  150. Happy Birthday gekkogecko! (21 replies)
  151. The US like South Africa (19 replies)
  152. Happy Birthday to kleclere!!! (30 replies)
  153. Sarriah... (8 replies)
  154. Unpleasant Subject (2 replies)
  155. Something nice (15 replies)
  156. Expressions you don't hear much any more! (14 replies)
  157. So, what's the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? (17 replies)
  158. Stephen ~ still King, or merely a Princeling? (10 replies)
  159. If I landed in a vat of food... (13 replies)
  160. Binoculars (22 replies)
  161. Consumers (34 replies)
  162. OMG I finally hit a 1000 (12 replies)
  163. Back to School Madness (35 replies)
  164. It's oh so quiet...... (15 replies)
  165. Speaking of rotting in hell... (15 replies)
  166. Can you do me a favor please? (17 replies)
  167. Noteworthy Notes (9 replies)
  168. The Speed of Sound (13 replies)
  169. the hollywood thread! (9 replies)
  170. ë...kaboom...ë (29 replies)
  171. The PF sucks thread :D (30 replies)
  172. Hi... again! (15 replies)
  173. Button, Button, Who's Got The Button? (24 replies)
  174. Happy Birthday themi01! (8 replies)
  175. Mercury_Maniac! (4 replies)
  176. Check your dog treats. (0 replies)
  177. Pleased to meet you~ (11 replies)
  178. Call Me Pet (10 replies)
  179. check this out.. too funny (3 replies)
  180. a fine day (4 replies)
  181. Yawn......... (17 replies)
  182. Pagan '08 (27 replies)
  183. Any Spanish speaking members here? (4 replies)
  184. What A Cheap Slut! (10 replies)
  185. Frankly speaking... (28 replies)
  186. 100,000 (14 replies)
  187. Press 1 for English (28 replies)
  188. Mommy Meth aka Snake Oil (2 replies)
  189. If you're happy and you know it..... (1 replies)
  190. The man with the beat... (3 replies)
  191. Something else to do when you're bored... (4 replies)
  192. What are you looking forward to? (231 replies)
  193. If you own a Nokia cell phone ... (6 replies)
  194. Life Savings--------->*poof* (12 replies)
  195. Anyone know? (14 replies)
  196. Happy Birthday TinTennessee! (12 replies)
  197. Attention, A New Colors Guardian Takes Over! (20 replies)
  198. Wish Upon a Falling Star (6 replies)
  199. Quotes From Pip (9 replies)
  200. Happy Birthday FlirtyUK_Guy! (14 replies)
  201. Transitions – Merv Griffin (4 replies)
  202. PIP Participants starting home! (37 replies)
  203. I'm torn between two (4 replies)
  204. Happy Birthday Mark Vieth! (3 replies)
  205. Big Ben Looses his "Bong" (7 replies)
  206. Plain Brown Wapper.............. (14 replies)
  207. A quick guide to interent acronyms (10 replies)
  208. "Class is in session" (11 replies)
  209. Freakin' awesome video (9 replies)
  210. Transitions - Barry Bonds (3 replies)
  211. Barry Bonds #756 (17 replies)
  212. Watch pocket (20 replies)
  213. it's orgasmic! (15 replies)
  214. Best Pizza.... (21 replies)
  215. What if... (8 replies)
  216. "Good 'ol days" (14 replies)
  217. If you could sign Lixy's cast................ (39 replies)
  218. Family Drama (16 replies)
  219. Broke My Arm (60 replies)
  220. Message from DownUnder... (33 replies)
  221. 50+ (8 replies)
  222. Frampton Live (26 replies)
  223. joke - so true (4 replies)
  224. Andy Rooneyisms (4 replies)
  225. Bourne Ultimatium (3 replies)
  226. VeryLonelyMan.......... (8 replies)
  227. X-games (3 replies)
  228. Tequila hates me (17 replies)
  229. It all boils down to sex... (14 replies)
  230. Toy concerns (12 replies)
  231. Newsflash: Female Hormones Found In Beer (1 replies)
  232. OMG Iowaman (32 replies)
  233. Tragedy in Minneapolis (11 replies)
  234. French manicure (15 replies)
  235. WildIrish - Saw this... (28 replies)
  236. Shift Happens (11 replies)
  237. Public Interest V Public Curiosity (5 replies)
  238. Happy Birthday maddy! (19 replies)
  239. I thought i'd let ya know.... (15 replies)
  240. Google your username (35 replies)
  241. Transitions: Tom Snyder (5 replies)
  242. Congratulations to the Iraqi Soccer Team (5 replies)
  243. Transitions — Ingmar Bergman (2 replies)
  244. Putting the Domme in Domestic (19 replies)
  245. Happy Birthday ReaperWoman!!! (14 replies)
  246. Leave me a message its free (1 replies)
  247. Weed Users (17 replies)
  248. Wedding Pics (16 replies)
  249. Any body like fishing ? (0 replies)
  250. Speed Traps ... Where are they? (3 replies)