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  1. In honor of Star Wars, you know you're a Redneck Jedi when.... (23 replies)
  2. Star Whores (37 replies)
  3. Ladies, let's pee standing up!! (16 replies)
  4. Every 15 Minutes (7 replies)
  5. Famous couples or teams (34 replies)
  6. Crappy ...err Happy Anniversary to me...... (5 replies)
  7. common courtesy (30 replies)
  8. Charity Wristbands..... (25 replies)
  9. How much... (6 replies)
  10. HAGD?!! or SEE YA PEEPS L8ER'ON!!! lol (3 replies)
  11. Ever Notice How (7 replies)
  12. >> Luck Be A Lady << (12 replies)
  13. there's a party goin' on (8 replies)
  14. Police can now point the finger... (9 replies)
  15. She’s Back! (35 replies)
  16. Sexy new mod (12 replies)
  17. Friday the 13th (20 replies)
  18. Woot!!!! (15 replies)
  19. It's a Birthday!!! (16 replies)
  20. Boys Don't Make Passes (25 replies)
  21. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemix! (17 replies)
  22. Web Hunters/Gemologists Help Please (11 replies)
  23. Think, think- think (25 replies)
  24. Wonka- Wonka- Wonka- Wonka (10 replies)
  25. I smell like a pina colada (15 replies)
  26. Who is the man...? (6 replies)
  27. This made me so mad and cry at the same time (15 replies)
  28. Happy B'Day to DD and FA! (10 replies)
  29. Cartoon Personality Quiz (26 replies)
  30. It's a Snap (6 replies)
  31. Happy Birthday Waltaja! (8 replies)
  32. BBQ today (4 replies)
  33. Happy Mother's Day (18 replies)
  34. Kingdom of Heaven (0 replies)
  35. my bike has arrived!! (12 replies)
  36. Happy Birthday CherryBomb, A.K.'s Sex-Pot and Loulabelle!! (19 replies)
  37. Where have all the good shows gone. (11 replies)
  38. Oldfart (9 replies)
  39. New Name Game (13 replies)
  40. Yellow Rose of Texas ... Pixies Style (9 replies)
  41. Can we? I think we can... (31 replies)
  42. Not quite all there ... (3 replies)
  43. Somewhere Between a Lobotomy (13 replies)
  44. this is the song (12 replies)
  45. Lost, Lost, Lost (177 replies)
  46. A bright shiny apple... (6 replies)
  47. What Famous Pinup Are You? (22 replies)
  48. What kind of sexy are you? (12 replies)
  49. Winston77! Front and center. (12 replies)
  50. The Guy's Rules (8 replies)
  51. Transitions — Bob Hunter (0 replies)
  52. Look Out........... (8 replies)
  53. Big 4 Almost Passed Me (22 replies)
  54. I'm curious...wanna tell me? (38 replies)
  55. transitions - William Bell (1 replies)
  56. WhoooHOOOOOOO! No more car fires while driving! (18 replies)
  57. Happy Easter (2 replies)
  58. Happy May Day one and all! (6 replies)
  59. Techie Breakthroughs (7 replies)
  60. Another one bites the dust... (17 replies)
  61. Last show of the season (41 replies)
  62. remember these?... (0 replies)
  63. Say It Ain't So Bo (14 replies)
  64. Can you believe it? (12 replies)
  65. Transitions — Laetitia Bleger (6 replies)
  66. Howdy Strangers!! (11 replies)
  67. Nonpartisan Assholes!! (22 replies)
  68. Pixie Chat (3 replies)
  69. Hot> Hot> Hot> (32 replies)
  70. ~I'm Making Lotso Money...But Money Can't Buy Friends~ (24 replies)
  71. 80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80~80 (46 replies)
  72. A Hookah Smoking Catarpiller Has..... (4 replies)
  73. exploding toads (16 replies)
  74. move along, folks (20 replies)
  75. Friends without faces (2 replies)
  76. Had a Visitor! (14 replies)
  77. GusAspar's Big Day (14 replies)
  78. Mercury Maniac ... you ol' son-of-a-gun (12 replies)
  79. Be Well (14 replies)
  80. Rain Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day (18 replies)
  81. OHHHH My God You Have to ~@S E E@~ This ~~~> (13 replies)
  82. Need help with a writing project!! (9 replies)
  83. 6,006 (6 replies)
  84. Holy Space Balls! (3 replies)
  85. For Coaster..... (9 replies)
  86. Remember When? (11 replies)
  87. Transitions — Elton John (16 replies)
  88. I'm officially back.... (14 replies)
  89. Happy Birthday PixieSprite (20 replies)
  90. In honor of you Pixies (25 replies)
  91. Happy Birthday Vulkan (11 replies)
  92. This isn't going to be my show. (45 replies)
  93. Yet another Episode III preview (1 replies)
  94. Happy Birthday CunningLinguist! (12 replies)
  95. AWW Get Lost!!! (17 replies)
  96. What Ever Happens to the Sperm that Don’t Find the Egg? (9 replies)
  97. United (11 replies)
  98. Imaginewithme ... you are something else! (15 replies)
  99. Caution...Railroad crossing ahead! (18 replies)
  100. 10th Anniversary! (11 replies)
  101. Welcome Jenniffer (1 replies)
  102. Happy Earth Day (9 replies)
  103. For Our Pixie Ladies (16 replies)
  104. I wouldn't normally post a link like this... (9 replies)
  105. Let's bring gas prices down! (12 replies)
  106. For one of the neatest guys around ... jseal, this thread's for you! (18 replies)
  107. A little while ago in a galaxie just around the corner... (4 replies)
  108. Standing on the mountain... (23 replies)
  109. Pop! Pop! Pop! (12 replies)
  110. Sex Offenders/Predators (34 replies)
  111. ~Now That's Dedication...~ (7 replies)
  112. Cell phones! (4 replies)
  113. Sixth Anniversary of Columbine tragedy (0 replies)
  114. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (35 replies)
  115. Two Minute Teaching/Coaching (16 replies)
  116. The Race (14 replies)
  117. My story/poetry site (4 replies)
  118. We have achieved Pope (3 replies)
  119. Where Were You When........ (17 replies)
  120. White smoke and bells (20 replies)
  121. Poll:Minutemen? (8 replies)
  122. Who do I have to fuck?????? (19 replies)
  123. for the geeks... or is it sociopaths... (24 replies)
  124. Transitions – Lance Armstrong (9 replies)
  125. What is... (7 replies)
  126. It's a spring fling kinda thing (34 replies)
  127. It's almost showtime!!!!!! (15 replies)
  128. Lucky White Heather?! (3 replies)
  129. Wd-40 (4 replies)
  130. Sugar ... am I slow or what ... (17 replies)
  131. I gotta get me one of these!!! (8 replies)
  132. Denny's Ordeal (55 replies)
  133. Osuche, what can we say ... (20 replies)
  134. You'll get a Tingle our of This! (25 replies)
  135. Forcast:Tears (7 replies)
  136. What I've been ________ lately... (9 replies)
  137. Lotr??????? (12 replies)
  138. Mom! Look what jseal did!!!! (25 replies)
  139. Mommy Dearest (7 replies)
  140. Are you on Myspace? (5 replies)
  141. Questions That Really Need Answers (5 replies)
  142. Back! Sorry about being gone for a while. (6 replies)
  143. The Perfect Diet (25 replies)
  144. and speaking of tech support (1 replies)
  145. Snowbird!" (18 replies)
  146. So I was running the electric clippers across my scalp this morning... (36 replies)
  147. Imagine With Me ... A Major Event! (23 replies)
  148. I'm your only friend (32 replies)
  149. Comcast (57 replies)
  150. captain trips??? (11 replies)
  151. Further Thaw in Relations? (1 replies)
  152. Killer Living in the Closet???? (7 replies)
  153. Sister Friends (24 replies)
  154. We're having a ... (24 replies)
  155. TV ads..educational (8 replies)
  156. I dislike musicals (21 replies)
  157. Lost addresses! (1 replies)
  158. 38 days (49 replies)
  159. it's not unusual (15 replies)
  160. The South: You Gotta love it 2 (2 replies)
  161. The South: You gotta love it (14 replies)
  162. Did anyone... (9 replies)
  163. I Miss..... (162 replies)
  164. Happy Birthday to the Stud! (25 replies)
  165. They Did It! (12 replies)
  166. Silly Laws or Dumb Warnings (18 replies)
  167. Anyone Hungry? (3 replies)
  168. And you thought having TWO left feet was bad (12 replies)
  169. Shuttle heading back to Space (6 replies)
  170. Good to Bad to Worse (5 replies)
  171. Flighty! (58 replies)
  172. C is For Cookie Damn It!!!!! (39 replies)
  173. I bought a toothbrush... (57 replies)
  174. New Day (12 replies)
  175. Lookin' for names (23 replies)
  176. Part-time (21 replies)
  177. I got a new...... (31 replies)
  178. Transitions — Saul Bellow (1 replies)
  179. Osuche's Update (77 replies)
  180. Congratulations to North Carolina (1 replies)
  181. ????? Do we need one of these for WI????? (10 replies)
  182. Male Underwear Survey (14 replies)
  183. 19,721 (2 replies)
  184. Wondering... (22 replies)
  185. Countdown (116 replies)
  186. Cool chat thingamajig (1 replies)
  187. Yallume!! (22 replies)
  188. Blaster's Poem (8 replies)
  189. Transitions - Pope John Paul II (21 replies)
  190. yay... happy Pet! (15 replies)
  191. Transitions — Frank Perdue (9 replies)
  192. ((( Bear Hug ))) (17 replies)
  193. Does Anyone Else Think This Is Insane??? (7 replies)
  194. Is it TRUE????? (7 replies)
  195. ~* F-r-o-g-s-h-i-t *~ (22 replies)
  196. Im a Newbie (24 replies)
  197. Prays and good wishes needed (15 replies)
  198. Warhammer (4 replies)
  199. The next time she posts! (17 replies)
  200. Bunch birthday's today ... (8 replies)
  201. Official Forum Flame Form (3 replies)
  202. No Other place (4 replies)
  203. Wow!!!! Check This Out!!! (22 replies)
  204. Was Orli eaten by a ... (104 replies)
  205. Pondering Images (35 replies)
  206. iPod Craze (29 replies)
  207. Transitions — Paul Wolfowitz (0 replies)
  208. Joke: you can see the upnch line coming... (5 replies)
  209. Your Age By Chocolate Math--LOL (10 replies)
  210. Transitions - Johnnie Cochran (6 replies)
  211. Wednesday's A Special Day (17 replies)
  212. Finger food anyone? (9 replies)
  213. Lizzardbits hits 1,000!!!! (15 replies)
  214. Memory Loss HELP! (5 replies)
  215. Max is alive and well! (17 replies)
  216. She's my cherry pie.... (20 replies)
  217. Im suffering from withdrawl (23 replies)
  218. Transitions - Paul Hester (2 replies)
  219. Congratulations University of Illinois (5 replies)
  220. Congratulations! 30K! (17 replies)
  221. There Is A Difference Ya Know! (7 replies)
  222. Poll: 24 Hours to Live..what would you do? (14 replies)
  223. For PEEP lovers (10 replies)
  224. Chat Acronyms (12 replies)
  225. In a Galaxy Far Far Away... (65 replies)
  226. 15th anniversary (28 replies)
  227. Spring Time In The Rockies! (11 replies)
  228. been a while............. (23 replies)
  229. Oh, oh! I may have found the beef. (7 replies)
  230. Easter Greeting! (14 replies)
  231. The Summit (5 replies)
  232. So... how was your day? (35 replies)
  233. Sign up your hubby or S/O's (10 replies)
  234. Work Performance?? (2 replies)
  235. recall (4 replies)
  236. Congratulations! 60 K! (24 replies)
  237. Am I the only one here???? (19 replies)
  238. Why God Created Children (7 replies)
  239. A phone number you should always know (8 replies)
  240. I'm Maddddddddddddd! (17 replies)
  241. Happy Birthday Optimystique!! (13 replies)
  242. The tax man (13 replies)
  243. How many???? (24 replies)
  244. Ya Missed Me...Ya Missed Me... (39 replies)
  245. To fuzz or not to fuzz (6 replies)
  246. Women Drivers (8 replies)
  247. Amazing pics (22 replies)
  248. Does anyone else??? (17 replies)
  249. Transitions — George Kennan (1 replies)
  250. We toast Milk Toast!!! (23 replies)