- question for ALL you lovely women out there!
- What is ur favourite sex toy(s)?
- Just letting everyone know!!
- ###########
- sex
- threes company(possible threesome)
- Fun with toys
- Little souvenirs
- I've done it a 100 times!
- Position for orgasms
- What turns you on?
- Your all to sweet I could kiss you
- Questions for the guys
- How many at one time???
- Question for the women..re: masturbation
- Partners extra marital sex does it turn you on?
- Willpower poll!
- Are women in a man's shirt sexy to you
- reply
- it gets better
- Women: Men Wearing Panties
- Now the truth!
- Masturbation - alone or in company?
- what wouldn`t you do
- Spit or Swallow
- When In Rome...
- Teensy Question...
- sex and colours
- Fetishes
- Come on, all you ladies with cameras!!
- voyuerism
- internet sex
- Any women with MFM experience??
- Bi curious female
- Posing guys for pictures
- American Pie Unfortunate Experience
- what have nt you done but always wanted to
- Hi
- crying during orgasm
- Problem Sex life
- Snowball?!?
- cyber sex.. cheating or not?
- Biggest Sexual Pet Peeve?
- Uhm... Piercings...
- A poll.......
- Surprise!!!
- Covered in Cum?
- erotic stories
- masturbation
- Does size really matter
- Hermaphrodite
- women's clothing..
- Busted having sex
- Anal sex question + fetish/bdsm inquirery
- Keep guy from cumming...
- For the cum loving ladies...
- help me
- Favorite foreplay.......
- Breasts
- Fame
- wow iam in heaven
- pussy juice
- link for everyone (NOT porn/adult/etc)
- Lactation question
- licking
- When is it cheating?
- Meeting
- Sandwich anyone
- Nipple play...
- Just for female members:)
- >>5 minutes left to live<<
- ???Yummiest???
- Dick question
- Squeaking Springs
- ohh no, am I going insanE??!
- Threesomes
- Sexual Flop
- Cybering
- New Poll: Worst feeling in life!
- performing oral sex on a girl for the first time
- Penis Research
- Any guys share my fetish?
- would u say no to S E X???
- Clitoral Research
- /\/\*Getting Your Swerve On*/\/\
- Beautiful
- !!!shhhhhhhhh!!! Party Sex!!!
- Too Damn Good
- Pick Just One
- Ejaculations - what's your record?
- funny
- women to respond - on oral sex
- Questions Questions Questions....
- And the first question is....
- Do you really want to know?
- Did I hear something?
- What happens when i come to pixies
- The Last Time You Came?
- Orgasm On Motorcycle
- XXX Videos
- Pussy World!
- Deep personal thoughts...
- Sex cartoons
- hey
- SEX or Chocolate or SEX and chocolate
- tell all
- Question for the ladies...
- who knows the stranger..great way to do it
- funny ass pic "when to spank"
- what woman want. help me please
- Should I be worried
- Anal Pleasure??
- Teasing yourself!
- A quick question
- Does Women Lose Interest In Sex ?
- Pixies Men<<left or right>>
- Double Penetration?
- Does women love to see their husband ?
- Question for ladies?
- were afraid to ask
- Meeting fellow pixie addicts...
- Do you tell?
- I'm back, and in need......
- taste of Cum
- The Dreaded 1st Date
- Favorite Free Site
- LOTS and lots of ?-s (have been saving them for a list)
- what would you do???
- virgins... good or bad?
- Just Curious
- Signals
- You call THAT a fetish??!? THIS is a fetish!!!
- love mess
- Which is Better?
- Why are so many women intimidated by male sexuality?
- Chicago Area
- Same sex kissing: double standard?
- Spank me!!!!
- Want to hear me cumming????
- My request....
- spanking??
- just arrived in town
- My very first post...
- new member
- how do I teach g/f to give head?
- you know what big hands,feet, and nose equal?
- *~~~*10,000 Member Fuck Fest*~~~*
- Why doesnt my girlfriend like.....?
- !
- First thing you notice about a guy? Ladies...
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Favorite Pornstar?
- Favorite Pornstar of All Time?
- Heres one for the ladies...
- sex/oral/ anything really HELP
- passive SX?
- What's the first thing you see in a woman...for the men
- Voice and attraction
- IRS ... New Penis Tax
- Striptease
- First time
- Real Cyber?
- Your most memorable quote
- Shaven, not furred?
- ^^^! Product Testing !^^^
- Copperhead is here.
- Headaches with orgasms
- do men tell?
- What would you do???
- uk sex laws to change
- Introductions
- OK It's Time For........
- *Specialization*
- have you masturbated in front of someone
- CHEAP SEX toys????
- zzz!Pillow Talk!zzz
- Double Entendres in film&tv
- ?? Teeth ??
- Dress Up/ Role Playing
- size? measuring from where?
- Why call a lady a slut?
- music and sex
- Nair
- headless?
- Boxers or briefs
- Sex quirks
- The OOOOs and AAAAAAHHHs have it
- How far is TOO far.
- How about clit piercing?
- What sex position are you!?!
- the magic touch...
- rim jobs & anal sex
- erection problems
- Members: Which "Friend" would you fuck?
- Sadly....
- Show Me The $$$$$
- tears
- Pixie's Square Dance!
- Ladies: have u ever had a lesbian encounter with a friend?
- ??What do you want??
- Open answer poll.....
- Cyber Sex Etiquette
- Non Political - Political Thread
- Code Red ~ Code Red
- What do you do between orgasms?
- Toppings?!
- Cut or Uncut
- New Sex Toys-Cum See!
- Too much information?
- Ever had one of these?
- Who REALLY enjoys masturbation?
- For those who like anal play . . .
- Best time to have sex
- Anal With My Lady Partner
- Do you enjoy sex on-line?
- sex in a bath
- MMF questions
- Would you star in a porno?
- Room For Humor?
- no man is a virgin
- Masturbation Question
- Wow
- Oral B? just wondering
- size
- Favorite Toys
- Hurry Up!!! READ THIS!!!!......TELL YOUR SPOUSES!!!!!!!!
- ~Wanna Make A Trade?~
- S E X Mathematics
- Howdy y'all
- avatar test (ignore)
- Ever take a sexy dare?
- Question for the ladies.
- Ideal Penis Shape For Women..?
- Quickies
- It's all about timing
- Slamming or slurping?????
- Knowing what you know now......
- Sexual thoughts.......
- create your own position
- Do Women like sex?
- Ever had.... sex on the beach?
- Pics comming soon
- that's a pain
- What does it for you?
- {{{Sloppy Sex}}}
- !!!!!!!Time for check!!!!!!!
- ````sEx & ScIeNcE fIcTiOn===
- ladies...when your guy gets close....
- Checking to see if my beginners luck has run out
- ever delayed by sex?