View Full Version : General Sex Talk

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  1. question for ALL you lovely women out there!
  2. What is ur favourite sex toy(s)?
  3. Just letting everyone know!!
  4. ###########
  5. sex
  6. threes company(possible threesome)
  7. Fun with toys
  8. Little souvenirs
  9. I've done it a 100 times!
  10. Position for orgasms
  11. What turns you on?
  12. Your all to sweet I could kiss you
  13. Questions for the guys
  14. How many at one time???
  15. Question for the women..re: masturbation
  16. Partners extra marital sex does it turn you on?
  17. Willpower poll!
  18. Are women in a man's shirt sexy to you
  19. reply
  20. it gets better
  21. Women: Men Wearing Panties
  22. Now the truth!
  23. Masturbation - alone or in company?
  24. what wouldn`t you do
  25. Spit or Swallow
  26. When In Rome...
  27. Teensy Question...
  28. sex and colours
  29. Fetishes
  30. Come on, all you ladies with cameras!!
  31. voyuerism
  32. internet sex
  33. Any women with MFM experience??
  34. Bi curious female
  35. Posing guys for pictures
  36. American Pie Unfortunate Experience
  37. what have nt you done but always wanted to
  38. Hi
  39. crying during orgasm
  40. Problem Sex life
  41. Snowball?!?
  42. cyber sex.. cheating or not?
  43. Biggest Sexual Pet Peeve?
  44. Uhm... Piercings...
  45. A poll.......
  46. Surprise!!!
  47. Covered in Cum?
  48. erotic stories
  49. masturbation
  50. Does size really matter
  51. Hermaphrodite
  52. women's clothing..
  53. Busted having sex
  54. Anal sex question + fetish/bdsm inquirery
  55. Keep guy from cumming...
  56. For the cum loving ladies...
  57. help me
  58. Favorite foreplay.......
  59. Breasts
  60. Fame
  61. wow iam in heaven
  62. pussy juice
  63. link for everyone (NOT porn/adult/etc)
  64. Lactation question
  65. licking
  66. When is it cheating?
  67. Meeting
  68. Sandwich anyone
  69. Nipple play...
  70. Just for female members:)
  71. >>5 minutes left to live<<
  72. ???Yummiest???
  73. Dick question
  74. Squeaking Springs
  75. ohh no, am I going insanE??!
  76. Threesomes
  77. Sexual Flop
  78. Cybering
  79. New Poll: Worst feeling in life!
  80. performing oral sex on a girl for the first time
  81. Penis Research
  82. Any guys share my fetish?
  83. would u say no to S E X???
  84. Clitoral Research
  85. /\/\*Getting Your Swerve On*/\/\
  86. Beautiful
  87. !!!shhhhhhhhh!!! Party Sex!!!
  88. Too Damn Good
  89. Pick Just One
  90. Ejaculations - what's your record?
  91. funny
  92. women to respond - on oral sex
  93. Questions Questions Questions....
  94. And the first question is....
  95. Do you really want to know?
  96. Did I hear something?
  97. What happens when i come to pixies
  98. The Last Time You Came?
  99. Orgasm On Motorcycle
  100. XXX Videos
  101. Pussy World!
  102. Deep personal thoughts...
  103. Sex cartoons
  104. hey
  105. SEX or Chocolate or SEX and chocolate
  106. tell all
  107. Question for the ladies...
  108. who knows the stranger..great way to do it
  109. funny ass pic "when to spank"
  110. what woman want. help me please
  111. Should I be worried
  112. Anal Pleasure??
  113. Teasing yourself!
  114. A quick question
  115. Does Women Lose Interest In Sex ?
  116. Pixies Men<<left or right>>
  117. Double Penetration?
  118. Does women love to see their husband ?
  119. Question for ladies?
  120. were afraid to ask
  121. Meeting fellow pixie addicts...
  122. Do you tell?
  123. I'm back, and in need......
  124. taste of Cum
  125. The Dreaded 1st Date
  126. Favorite Free Site
  127. LOTS and lots of ?-s (have been saving them for a list)
  128. what would you do???
  129. virgins... good or bad?
  130. Just Curious
  131. Signals
  132. You call THAT a fetish??!? THIS is a fetish!!!
  133. love mess
  134. Which is Better?
  135. Why are so many women intimidated by male sexuality?
  136. Chicago Area
  137. Same sex kissing: double standard?
  138. Spank me!!!!
  139. Want to hear me cumming????
  140. My request....
  141. spanking??
  142. just arrived in town
  143. My very first post...
  144. new member
  145. how do I teach g/f to give head?
  146. you know what big hands,feet, and nose equal?
  147. *~~~*10,000 Member Fuck Fest*~~~*
  148. Why doesnt my girlfriend like.....?
  149. !
  150. First thing you notice about a guy? Ladies...
  151. Do you believe in ghosts?
  152. Favorite Pornstar?
  153. Favorite Pornstar of All Time?
  154. Heres one for the ladies...
  155. sex/oral/ anything really HELP
  156. passive SX?
  157. What's the first thing you see in a woman...for the men
  158. Voice and attraction
  159. IRS ... New Penis Tax
  160. Striptease
  161. First time
  162. Real Cyber?
  163. Your most memorable quote
  164. Shaven, not furred?
  165. ^^^! Product Testing !^^^
  166. Copperhead is here.
  167. Headaches with orgasms
  168. do men tell?
  169. What would you do???
  170. uk sex laws to change
  171. Introductions
  172. OK It's Time For........
  173. *Specialization*
  174. have you masturbated in front of someone
  175. CHEAP SEX toys????
  176. zzz!Pillow Talk!zzz
  177. Double Entendres in film&tv
  178. ?? Teeth ??
  179. Dress Up/ Role Playing
  180. size? measuring from where?
  181. Why call a lady a slut?
  182. music and sex
  183. Nair
  184. headless?
  185. Boxers or briefs
  186. Sex quirks
  187. The OOOOs and AAAAAAHHHs have it
  188. How far is TOO far.
  189. How about clit piercing?
  190. What sex position are you!?!
  191. the magic touch...
  192. rim jobs & anal sex
  193. erection problems
  194. Members: Which "Friend" would you fuck?
  195. Sadly....
  196. Show Me The $$$$$
  197. tears
  198. Pixie's Square Dance!
  199. Ladies: have u ever had a lesbian encounter with a friend?
  200. ??What do you want??
  201. Open answer poll.....
  202. Cyber Sex Etiquette
  203. Non Political - Political Thread
  204. Code Red ~ Code Red
  205. What do you do between orgasms?
  206. Toppings?!
  207. Cut or Uncut
  208. New Sex Toys-Cum See!
  209. Too much information?
  210. Ever had one of these?
  211. Who REALLY enjoys masturbation?
  212. For those who like anal play . . .
  213. Best time to have sex
  214. Anal With My Lady Partner
  215. Do you enjoy sex on-line?
  216. sex in a bath
  217. MMF questions
  218. Would you star in a porno?
  219. Room For Humor?
  220. no man is a virgin
  221. Masturbation Question
  222. Wow
  223. Oral B? just wondering
  224. size
  225. Favorite Toys
  226. Hurry Up!!! READ THIS!!!!......TELL YOUR SPOUSES!!!!!!!!
  227. ~Wanna Make A Trade?~
  228. S E X Mathematics
  229. Howdy y'all
  230. avatar test (ignore)
  231. Ever take a sexy dare?
  232. Question for the ladies.
  233. Ideal Penis Shape For Women..?
  234. Quickies
  235. It's all about timing
  236. Slamming or slurping?????
  237. Knowing what you know now......
  238. Sexual thoughts.......
  239. create your own position
  240. Do Women like sex?
  241. Ever had.... sex on the beach?
  242. Pics comming soon
  243. that's a pain
  244. What does it for you?
  245. {{{Sloppy Sex}}}
  246. !!!!!!!Time for check!!!!!!!
  247. ````sEx & ScIeNcE fIcTiOn===
  248. ladies...when your guy gets close....
  249. Checking to see if my beginners luck has run out
  250. ever delayed by sex?