View Full Version : Cousin Lovin

02-11-2007, 11:56 PM
Oh where do I freakin start!?!? Okay I have this REALLLLLLLLLY hot cousin. She's got a few extra pounds and she thinks she's less than attractive. When in fact yes she does have a few extra pounds but in all the right places. I wish I could post a pic of her on here but she won't let me. Either way, just take my word for it when I say she's got a great set of tits.

Now I haven't seen them in all their naked glory (despite my constant pleading) but I have seen a couple of GREAT cleavage pics. I don't know her exact cup size but I remember her saying something about a DD bra being either too big or too small. In all honesty, her tits are a little too big for my personal taste but at the same time, I sure as hell wouldn't turn them down.

If you can ever get over the fact that she's got an awesome rack, you will eventually notice that she's truely beautiful! Again, I wish I could post a picture but she's just downright gorgeous! She's a total tom boy, an obsessed hockey fan, and she'd never go for being a model but I think she'd be able to do half way decent at modeling. That's how hot she really is.

The best part is, she's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I mean she's seriously like the nicest person I know. Now granted I've never lived with her or anything but we talk almost every day and she's just a total sweetheart.

Now that you get an idea of what I'm talking about, she's just downright HOTT!!!!! Here's my predicament; I'm thinking about moving out in the somewhat near future but I can't afford a place of my own. My cousin is wanting to move out of her house sometime soon as well but she can't afford a place of her own either. I was thinking of asking her to move in with me somewhere. The problem is that I truely don't know if I could keep my hands off of her.

She has a boyfriend that lives in Calgary and that's her final destination. She's certain that she's found the one man she's been looking for. But she's smarter than most and refuses to move in with him right away. So my thinking is for the two of us to get an apartment somewhere and go from there.

Now I seriously doubt that she'd ever do anything with me, I mean I am her cousin and she does have a boyfriend. But I'm just playing with 'what if's' right now.

Finally, here are my questions.
1) Basically, at what point did this situation become wrong? I mean I'm lusting after my cousin, I'm fantasizing about what it'd be like to live together and end up seducing her one night, and if she'd ever give me the chance I'd show her how good sex can possibly feel. I don't think that's the way most people feel about their cousins.
2)Is it wrong to want titty pics from my cousin?
3)If you were me, would you even consider moving in together?

Like I said, the chances of me and her ever actually doing anything are slim to none. But she takes these awesome pics that just leave me absolutely drooling. And it's not just the pics, we often tease each other sexually. It's just that my weirdo meter is kinda going off and I'm basically just wondering where things officially become TOO weird?

Thanks everybody

02-12-2007, 02:00 AM
(*presses keys with 10 ft. pole* )


02-12-2007, 02:59 AM
I suspect that the law would not support a relationship, but if you have a hell-bent desire to damage yourself, your cousin, the rest of the family and any hope of a loving and supportive, if platonic, relationship with said cousin, rush in.

PF, was that sufficiently mild a hint?

02-12-2007, 04:20 AM
The "F's" have it ... PF and OF. Not a good idea wanderingsoul.

02-12-2007, 04:38 AM
I had said that I would gladly have sex with her but the truth is that I'd have to seriously weigh the pros and cons. The chances that we'd ever actually move in together are about as slim as the chances that she'd ever be willing to do the flirting that we do now. I know that having sex with her would be too weird. I'm not THAT big of a pervert!

But the pics and the flirting, is that okay? Or is this kinda stuff a little too out there?

02-12-2007, 06:16 AM

02-12-2007, 11:47 AM
I concur...keep it where it's at now, no harm no foul...if you can go to jail or hell for you're thinking, we're all in deep kaka...

OTOH, living out one's fantasies is usually the first step down the path towards destruction...

02-12-2007, 11:59 AM
I'm basically just wondering where things officially become TOO weird?
everything's different for everyone and it's different for other cultures, but for me...in the here and now and taking into account the way i feel about my extended family ... the teasing and pic exchange have already gone past weird and straight into disturbing.

Slow Grind
02-12-2007, 12:07 PM
My guess is this is a path of pain and disappointment and perhaps even shame. Unoftunately, for most of society this would be seen as 'wrong'.

Sorry to say but STOP.....

02-12-2007, 12:40 PM
Don't. The fact that she's a cousin isn't even relevant.

02-12-2007, 01:54 PM
agree with the others. i don't know whether it's the same where you are or not, but in the UK it's legal for cousins to marry and stuff - but even so, it's a bit eek-some..

Irezumi Kiss
02-12-2007, 04:28 PM
Wandering, the two-and-a-half paragraphs you spent giving tribute to your cousin's bustline had me feeling your pain...and as much as MY big-titty-loving, horndog ass would tell you to go for it, I gotta pull a What Would Buddha Do move and tell you to keep this strictly a masturbatory fantasy.

Your ass cannot cash this check for the repercussions that'll ensue. She's not feeling you that way and she's a direct cousin. 'Nuff said! If there were any chances with you two, I'd say she would've already made moves on you. At best, you could carry a torch for her until all the relatives (and mutual friends) who'd be negatively affected by your slightly unholy possible union and given your royal hell for it have moved on, but you don't want to live your life like that, do ya?

You seem to be a good descriptive writer, so I suggest you do what we artists have done for centuries: work out them illicit, unattainable lusts and passions onto paper or canvas. Nobody'll fault you for creating the next erotic literary mastur-piece. It worked for Nabokov.

By the way...IMO, it's not wrong for you to want big titty pics from your cousin...it's just that you'd just have to ask her to get them and, well... :spank:

02-12-2007, 04:45 PM
It's not right to ask for nekid pictures of her.

What you should be doing is telling her about how wonderful we are so she posts them for US to see! :D

02-12-2007, 07:07 PM
Good point or two.

Irezumi Kiss
02-12-2007, 07:32 PM
I know I'd sure'd like to see what's got Wandering's brain on deep fried...that he'd be willing to commit the (not-so-next-but-somewhat-close-to-it) ultimate family sin!

cuz I know how he feels....oh gawwwwwd do I know how he feels... :boobs:

Wicked Wanda
02-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Sweetie, I have very few limits in my sex life, but for you, this is SUCH a bad idea, for all the reasons listed above.
The fact that you asked us here, in this forum about it, tells me inside YOU think this is a bad idea.


Also, genetically, while there is only a slight increase in risk of a child born with birth defects when two cousins get busy, the risk is there.

Nurse Wanda

02-12-2007, 08:32 PM
Don't do it.

02-12-2007, 09:13 PM
Again, I'm not quite perverted enough to go through with any of these thoughts. I mean sure, I'm perverted enough to tease her and get titty pics from her but that's the point of this whole thing. I'm starting to think that it's getting a little bit weird. The knowledge that nothing will ever happen between us is part of the reason I get to see the things I do. I think she's basically just fishing for compliments.

Anyway, it seems that moving in together would be a bad idea so that's out the window. I guess this is more of something that should be kept in my spank bank.

02-12-2007, 10:04 PM
Where there is smoke, there is fire, and you are likely to get burned.

02-13-2007, 08:15 AM
I'm going to go even further don't walk away but run !!! Alot of us have Hot cousins (Gee Just typing it creeps me out)

Mark Vieth
02-17-2007, 10:38 AM
You see this is dangerous. I can already see that you have been mature about this whole thing and decided by the sounds of it a long time ago, not to do anything. But there is another side to this. Her. Now you said that what you have seen her doing already is creeping you out, what if she took it further and did something to you? eg a handjob or a blowjob. How would you handle that? Would it stop there or would you lose your self control and cross that line? Personally I think you should somehow put a stop to all the flirting before it gets to that stage. Just tell her that what she is doing is starting to make you pause and think "hang on a sec here this is a bit much....etc." Dude be really careful. Fire is hot, so stay away or get torched!