View Full Version : A contrast

05-23-2007, 08:21 AM
First off:

Gay flamingos pick up chick Mon May 21, 12:03 PM ET

LONDON (AFP) - A pair of gay flamingos have adopted an abandoned chick, becoming parents after being together for six years, a British conservation organisation said Monday.

Carlos and Fernando had been desperate to start a family, even chasing other flamingos from their nests to take over their eggs at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) in Slimbridge near Bristol.

But their egg-sitting prowess made them the top choice for taking an unhatched egg under their wings when one of the Greater Flamingo nests was abandoned.

The couple, together for six years, can feed chicks by producing milk in their throats.

"Fernando and Carlos are a same sex couple who have been known to steal other flamingos' eggs by chasing them off their nest because they wanted to rear them themselves," said WWT spokeswoman Jane Waghorn.

"They were rather good at sitting on eggs and hatching them so last week, when a nest was abandoned, it seemed like a good idea to make them surrogate parents."

Gay flamingos are not uncommon, she added.

"If there aren't enough females or they don't hit it off with them, they will pair off with other males," she said.

And second:

Liberty U student plotted to set off explosives, police say
POSTED: 11:07 p.m. EDT, May 22, 2007

LYNCHBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- A first-year Liberty University student was arrested in what police said was a plot to detonate explosive devices Tuesday, the day of the Rev. Jerry Falwell's funeral.

Mark David Uhl's intended target is unknown, authorities said.

ABC News reported the youth told authorities he had made the bombs -- which were found in his car -- to stop protesters from disrupting Falwell's funeral. (Read the story about Falwell's funeral)

Police received a call about 11 p.m. Monday from one of Uhl's family members, who said they had talked with him and he had "mentioned some explosive devices he had made," said Maj. Steve Hutcherson of the Campbell County, Virginia, sheriff's office.

Authorities found in Uhl's vehicle "what appeared to be about six explosive devices" that had detonation devices with them, Hutcherson said. The homemade devices were canisters with some kind of liquid inside.

A Virginia State Police bomb squad was summoned to ensure the items were safe, he said.

Uhl, 19, from Amissville, Virginia, was arrested at the home of one of his friends in Campbell County, near Lynchburg, Hutcherson said.

He was being held without bond in the Campbell County Adult Detention Center on suspicion of manufacturing explosive devices.

"Anytime you have somebody with what appears to be explosive devices, you have to take that threat seriously," Hutcherson said.

05-23-2007, 08:24 AM
falwell wouldn't have liked those flamingos

05-23-2007, 12:23 PM
Yay for the UK! That's what I say!

05-23-2007, 06:30 PM
The protesters are probably the Phelps clan. So I'm torn on this.

05-25-2007, 09:29 AM
The protesters mentioned are indeed, the Phelps clan. Doesn't mean they should be blown up, along with people who might not be associated with them, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.