View Full Version : The Bed Questionnaire
Irezumi Kiss
01-21-2007, 05:52 PM
Forgive me if something similar existed or questionnaire threads with alike questions have been answered by members ad infinitum...but this is sort of sideways research into a future project that's been on my mind for a while...on top of having a bit of sexual chat fun.
Not just for Pixie regulars but for semi-regulars, popping-in'ers and curious lurkers. Just to read the variety amongst people and their various worlds in and of the realm of "bed." Questions can be answered literally, figuratively or however which way you wanna tell yourself. You can even post pix of your bed if it fancies you.
So let's begin!
1) Who do you share your bed with?
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
01-21-2007, 06:13 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Mr. Lil and the fat cat
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
Queen any thing bigger is too big and anything smaller too small
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
I like a high thread count cotton sheet set. Currently an egyptian cotton set in taupe
4) How many pillows?
:D 7 those are the ones I use I probably have 12 on the bed
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
I have a thick navy blanket and an old soft quilt. The spred covering it is a simple navy blue because the large overstuffed pillows I made as accents are in a rich pattern.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Does spoo count?
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Yes, I do and we just installed these gorgeous sconces so I can read without disturbing him. Perfume
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Watch tv, crochet, grade papers, and get my groove on
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
lamp, clock, water bottle, massage oil candle, african violet, picture frames
8) What’s under your bed?
monsters and they will get me if I sleep with my feet uncovered
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
ecclectic, french country
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
another man :D
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
say goodnight to someone not with me
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
sometimes usually a wifebeater and panties
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
My bedroom was all celestial and beautiflly decorated but when I heard a child who had been raped describe the celestial bed set in her police interview it haunted me and I had to scrap everything in order to have peace. So I sewed a whole new room and am slowly pulling it together. My grandmother painted me a bistro/plaza scene that I have hanging. I'm hunting something to hang on the wall between my new sconces any ideas?
01-21-2007, 06:15 PM
1) My wife.
2) Queen.
3) Common, fitted.
4) Two each.
5) One of those “space age” thin thermal jobbies, purchased from Macy’s.
6) Almost never – well maybe some chocolate sauce on occasion.
7) Every night. “The Trouble with Physics”.
8) Talk & have sex.
9) Telephone & alarm clock.
8) Shoes & one of our cats.
9) Ready for redecoration.
10) An attached bathroom.
11) Say “Gnite Dearsweet”.
12) We sleep nude.
13) We have a restraining strap under the pillows across the top of the bed.
01-21-2007, 07:01 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Whenever I can, I share my bed with Lake. But since we are a couple of provinces apart, most of the time I share it with my big stuffed bear Cléo. :D
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
Twin... A queen wouldn't fit in my dorm room. :p
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Right now I have any cheap thing my mother was willing to give me when I moved here. I have never bought my own sheets yet.
4) How many pillows?
Only one oversized pillow, but also two cushions.
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
It's a big beige comforter from Zellers. I bought it for the colour. :D
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Yes I do.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Right now I am reading To Die For, by Stephen Downes.
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Everything. My desk is too much of a mess to work at so I do all of my schoolwork on my bed. I also surf the net from my bed - the convenience of having a laptop!
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
My fridge is at the foot of my bed, on top of which I have my toaster oven and portable rangetop.
8) What’s under your bed?
Big drawers where I keep my laundry soap, some books and spare light bulbs.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
A huge mess of mostly books and clothes. :D
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
More space!!!!!
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
I usually go to bed after doing school work, so to clear my mind from all that I say the rosary... I usually fall asleep before the end.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Yes, I always sleep in the nude unless I have my period. Then I wear panties.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
I can't sleep on my back because it makes me have nightmares. I usually sleep on my side.
01-21-2007, 09:11 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Booger and Abner.
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
Queen matress in Boog's waterbed frame.
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Um, Boog had satin sheets but when we got the new pillow top matress the sheets kept sliding off really bad so we got out my old queen Fingerhut set with the comforter that has extended sides, it's all cotton. Got some different satin sheets we want to order in the near future.
4) How many pillows?
Just 2 for now.
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
Sorry, answered that up at #3 but it's mostly green.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Sometimes I take my coffee with but other then some items for entertainment no.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Yes, we both do. I don't currently have a book there and I can't remember what Boog is reading.
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Sleep, cuddle, watch porn, read and have sex.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Hmm, headboard holds the alarm clocks and lamps and Boog's book, it's also where I set my glasses. The side table has a bottle of lotin and a couple of misc. items on it. Abner uses it to get into the window. My slippers are next to it. :D
8) What’s under your bed?
Nothing but the waterbed frame.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
A bit of his and a bit of mine. No pattern, no theme.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A hot tub.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Think about stuff.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Boog does. :D I will in summer but I'm too cold in winter, gotta wear jammies of some kind.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
I'd like to know where to get big enough sheets for the pillow top matress that won't come off everytime you sleep on them. :)
And how is your bedroom? :D
01-21-2007, 09:35 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with? Unfortunately it's just me.
2) What size bed do you sleep in? Full
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? I'm not really sure of the brand. Something I bought at Bed, Bath & Beyond. No clue at all about thread count and such. Sheets on there now are light blue.
4) How many pillows? Four pillows
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? Big fluffy comforter with dark blue, light blue and black in the design.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? Not very often. More likely to drink than eat.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? Right now I've got the 6th Harry Potter book on the nightstand.
8) What else do you like to do in bed? Watch TV and since I'm not seeing anybody that's usually where I well.......... you know.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? Digital alarm clock/radio, remote for the TV, picture of me with my mom, dad, sister and nieces we took 3 yrs ago in California and a small lamp.
8) What’s under your bed? Nothing
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? Nothing too exciting. A nice dresser is probably the most prominent thing other than the bed. A couple of pictures on the walls.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. A beautiful lady with a southern drawl to cuddle with before I fall asleep each night. That would work really well. Now if I could just find one.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? No particular ritual.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? Rarely do I sleep in the nude. Usually a t-shirt and pj bottoms or sweatpants. Sometimes just the pants.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? I could really use new carpeting.
01-21-2007, 09:45 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Mr Osuche
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
It's a King and I HATE it - I wish we had a queen bed, which is just right for touching.
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
We like T-Shirt sheets. Right now I have a royal blue set on, from Bed Bath and Beyond
4) How many pillows?
Three, lined up across the top of the bed. Neither of us sleeps with more than one pillow at a time.
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
It's a velvet quilt of maroon, brown, royal blue, gold, and black with a cotton backing. Bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond a few years ago
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Never, except water
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
We read in bed often. I currently alternate between Harvard Business Review cases and a serial killer book
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Think. Cuddle. Get warm. Occasionally have sex. Masturbate.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Table lamp, bottle of water, book, and a couple of cough drops.
8) What’s under your bed?
Nothing. Maybe a couple of dustballs. :D
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Mish-mash. Lots of different colors and rugs.(one large, 4 small ones, in several colors). One painting on the wall (Monet reproduction). Antique furniture that was my great great grandparents. Plus a newer computer desk we never use. I am indifferent to themes and colors, but I am a complete whore for comfort.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
Currently? A man with an erection and a plan. ;)
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Cuddle with my sweetheart.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
I *always* sleep nude - I can't stand the feel of clothes when I sleep.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
I often use the bed to do night time or morning stretches. ;) Seriously.
01-21-2007, 09:56 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Currently no one. My cat takes up the lower corner
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
Queen. I have a separate 3 inch pillow top.
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
I’m not sure. They are all cotton. All my fitted sheets are navy blue. The top sheets are different colours
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
I have a few comforter covers. Patterned and plain. Depends on the mood. In the winter I use 1 duel controlled electric blanket, 1 down duvet, and on top is a big comforter.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Nope. I have a bottle of water on the night stand.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Yes. The French Lieutenant’s Woman and Dream’s of Iron and Steel
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
When someone else joins me, snuggle, talk, and sex
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
The Kama Sutra by Ann Hooper. Beside my bed I have an alarm clock, two lights and the controls for my electric blanket
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Minimalist. I have a few pieces of art on the walls, and a chair in the corner. Two dressers and one closet.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A bigger closet and a stereo
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Turn the lights out.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Depends on the temperature. In the winter I tend to sleep with a sweatshirt on. In the summer it is either nude or a t-shirt. I’m more modest if I have guests in the house
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
My room has Hard Wood floors, so I have a small area rug beside the bed.
01-21-2007, 10:01 PM
I'm hunting something to hang on the wall between my new sconces any ideas?
How about a victim Lilith.
01-21-2007, 11:05 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
my hubby and the two labs
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
Queen , and id luv to up grade because were thinking of gettin another dog or keeping one of the pps when we let the girl breed...... runnng outta space now as it is!
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
usually any brand 400TC or higher in sateen . always an earthy color , right now deeo forest green , but we also have a lighter sage and a deep brown coco
4) How many pillows?
one for him two for me
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
its a cheepy deep red on one side taupe on the other , the last one we had was a taupe nautica that got ruined when my pup went into her first heat, se decided to sneek into my room for a nap while i was down stairs ... the bitch LMAO
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
no way , cant stand crumbs in the bed, if one of us is sick a bottle of watter is allowed other wise we walk our happy buts to the sink (my rule h has to live with , poor guy)
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
nope, i usually read in teh hammock chair in the living room since the light is better in here and i can keep an eye on my girl better that way
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
well other than the normal frisky business , nothing, when im awake hes asleep usually , we only really share the bed for 3 hours a night max
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
my box of toys , assortment of lubes and massage potions and the remote for the stereo
8) What’s under your bed?
probly alot of dust bunnies by now , ya i admit it i hate to clean and the bedrooms are always doen last
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
fucked up and horrible, we lost 500 Sq Ft when we moved here , and all the "homeless" shit ended up in my room , can barley walk without hitting some piece of furniture......i cant wait to move!
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
i would love to have a new bedroom set, right now nothing matches its still a mesh of what we had before we met, we just consolidated to save money , now im ready to buy new stuff and make it look purty
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
snuggle into the covers and review my day i just had and the day thats coming tomorrow
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?usually naked , capt when im made at Jeeping , then ill wear a nightgown so he knows not to try anything LOL!
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
nope not really , just that i HATE it and cant wait for the new house!
01-22-2007, 01:48 AM
1) Who do you share your bed with?Well that depends on the night...sometime NN, then if the kids have bad dreams then they come in other than that no one. But not because I dont want to...
2) What size bed do you sleep in?Queen
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?Currently using some from J.C. Pennys not sure of the brand and just regular ole cotton.
4) How many pillows? 7...I sleep on two and have one between my legs. the rest I place on the other side of the bed...wishing it was another person...
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? My bedspread is a taupe color with many different color squares on it. I got it at Wal-mart
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?If given the chance to...yes
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?Yes sometime...Women to women.
8) What else do you like to do in bed?What cant you do?
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?well a phone, a lamp, a cup to catch small things, a piece of paper and a hotwheels car, and a magic 8 ball.
8) What’s under your bed?my cat, a box or two, and carpet
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?thrown together.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.A man!
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?breath
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?Of course. I get tangled up in clothes.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?No not really. Except I might be moving so it will be changing soon.
01-22-2007, 04:23 AM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Fussy and no-one else. The cats used to sleep on it, but not since baby arrived. Baby is NOT allowed to sleep with us under ANY circumstances.
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Whatever brand one hundred percent cotton.
4) How many pillows?
Two, but when I was pregnant - 7!
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
We just have a duvet, and the covers for it are white and/or mauve
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
There's no rule against eating in bed, but it doesn't tend to happen in our house.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Not really - I'm asleep after half a page. 'The contented Little Baby Book' by Gina Ford is the only reading matter I reefer to these days.
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Sex! And cuddling and playing with baby and/or the cats on a Saturday morning after breakfast.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Currently, Fussy's screwdriver set for some reason (I think from when we put the cot together) a bottle of water, my mobile phone and my cotton gloves to protect my horribly dry hands.
8) What’s under your bed?
It's a divan, so what's under my bed is actually in my bed - pyjamas, jewellery boxes, sex toys and toiletries mainly.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Hideously outdated with horrible fitted wardrobes - we've only been living here a short time though.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A head board, to tie people to.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Kiss Fussy, spoon up to him then just before I go to sleep, move onto my stomach.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Used to, but now I'm up feeding in the night, I wear nursing pyjamas or a button through night shirt. Oh and a bra and breast pads!
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
It's my favourite place to be, especially when there are fresh sheets on it.
01-22-2007, 04:47 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with? the sexy animal i married and, occasionally, the spawn we produced.
2) What size bed do you sleep in? king
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? soft, all cotton, high thread count.
4) How many pillows? 6
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? a heavy pyramid quilt. the triagles are small so there are about a million and the colors are warm and deep and cozy. i absolutely love it ... i forget where i got it. :D
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? not normally
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? sometimes -- and i am temporarily read-less:( but my most recent was a lusty Emma Holly that has some pages that i need to go back and re-read a few more times. plot errors…holes in it big enough to drive a cock…er Mack through.
8) What else do you like to do in bed? besides screw and sleep? i let the kids jump on it and we play on it ... a board game or superfly or just wrestle, we all cuddle up on weekend mornings.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? lamp, various toys, lube, oil, alarm, kama sutra, tape of us, batteries, phone, a silk scarf…i think that’s it
8) What’s under your bed? stuff to wrap presents
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? bla. we haven’t painted a single thing yet
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. a four poster :faint:
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? try to fall asleep. :p
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? t-shirt, panties
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? no fuckin’ way, dude. that took forever. :p oh, wait! actually, yeah … i’d like to thank my mother for the cheval mirror she bought us. it isn’t anything we ever would have bought for ourselves but it’s maneuverability is really quite dandy so… thanks mom! :D
1) Who do you share your bed with?
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
plain purple, some shop
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
not really
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
mp3 player, a glass of water, some earphones, my PC remote, my tv remote, a surround sound speaker
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
a willing male
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
masturbate/listen to music
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
almost never, i either wear underwear, or a straptop and short shorts
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
its hard to get cum stains off purple sheets
01-23-2007, 04:25 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
no-one at the moment
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
read - the kite runner
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
masturbate - use my laptop
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
a lovely girl to tie up.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Just me
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
dark blue t-shirt sheets
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
Dark green down comforter, XMas gift
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
not normally
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
every night, reading Eldest right now
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
sleep, masturbate..the usuals
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
notepad, half a bottle of Coke, lamp, some CD's, clock radio, digital camera, old cell phone...all kinds of junk really
8) What’s under your bed?
old keyboards, shoes, wrapping paper, lots of lint and dust bunnies
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
pig sty
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
Jessica Beil, and Anne Hathaway......nude
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
look at the clock
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
whatever underwear i wore that day
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? computer desk is right beside my bed too, does that count?
1) Who do you share your bed with? ~My Joe
2) What size bed do you sleep in? ~Queen
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? ~High thread count cotton that he got somewhere and occasionally we put the black satin ones on for some added fun.
4) How many pillows? ~One each
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? ~JC Penney's, black satin
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? ~last night he gave me a Hershey kiss in bed but other than that we don't.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? ~Sometimes my Joe reads to me in bed. Right now we are reading some little naughty book about bad girls that get lots of spankings. :D
8) What else do you like to do in bed? ~Cuddle, make love, talk, kiss, ect. :brows:
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? ~little lamp with a pink fuzzy lampshade, clock, small fan.
8) What’s under your bed? ~Plastic container full of gift wrap
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? ~mostly black and white with this fabulous picture of a red flower that is titled "Realms of Love"
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. ~curtains, a bed skirt, and a little more color.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? ~snuggle my butt further against him and hold his hand tight.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? ~in the nude
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? ~I wish the room was bigger so that we could have had a king size bed. They are more fun for rolling around. :)
01-24-2007, 10:19 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
300tc cotton.
4) How many pillows?
2 each.
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
A quilt from Linen n' Things.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Not food!
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Yes, we both do, but not for long. Sleep overtakes us quickly. I just finished the twelve books of the "Left Behind" series by LaHaye and Jenkins and am into a novel by Louis L'Amour, flutelady is still in the series of "Left Behind" plus has started another book simultaneously.
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Well, what do you think?!!!
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Alarm Clock, reading glasses, a lamp, a CPAP pump, a waterproof, rechargeable, multi-speed, multi function, penis shaped vibe and a locked box filled with many erotic devices.
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Mission Style.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A swing supported by the ceiling.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Clap twice to extinguish the lamp. Yes, we have a clapper!!!!
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
We have a good view of the Santa Monica mountains from our bedroom window.
01-25-2007, 01:32 AM
BED - For lack of confusion I'm going to answer these based on my actual bedroom. It may seem silly to point this out, but 3-4 days a week for the last 2 years I've lived at my boyfriend's. Two homes, more to love!
1) Who do you share your bed with?
My pillows
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Inexpensive, flannel or jersey
4) How many pillows?
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
Zodiac from one of those people you'd see at a swap meet. Super soft and comfy.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Not food
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Sleep, sex, cuddle. Not necessarily in that order.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
My toys
8) What’s under your bed?
Air mattress, misc items which have rolled under without my knowledge.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
More space
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Always sleep in the nude. I don't like the binding feeling when I'm moving around.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
My bed is supercomfy, and I'm looking forward to falling into it soon.
01-25-2007, 06:48 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Bilbo & them dream lovers *L*
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
King size
What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Whatever i happen to buy
4) How many pillows?
2 for me
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
Doona ~ two tone brown thingy.....Blanket ~ Tiger on it
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Only if i'm ill
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Yep i certainly do...Can't think of the title...but its a Timeswept romance thing *LOL*[/color]
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Lamp, Clock & some books
8) What’s under your bed?
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A whole new bedroom suite
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Get comfortable
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Naked sleeper here
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
Nope ;)
1) Who do you share your bed with? Hubby and wolf dog
2) What size bed do you sleep in? California King
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? High count Egyptian cotton
4) How many pillows? 5
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? Large comforter w/palm trees. Penneys, I think.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? Only if I'm ill.
7) Do you read in bed? Yes What’s your current bedside reading? Harry Dresden books/Holy Blood, Holy Grail/Autobiography of Vita Sackville-West
8) What else do you like to do in bed? Crochet/Knit/Write
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? Alarm clock/phone/bottle of water
8) What’s under your bed? Extra slats for the vertical blinds in the dining room.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? Heavy, with palm trees on things. (Hubs choice, not mine. It was his turn.)
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP with no snoring chihuahua or husband that stops breathing.
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? Wonder what the next day will bring.
12) Do you sleep in the nude? No If not, what do you typically wear? Tank top
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? I don't find it comfortable.
01-26-2007, 09:50 AM
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Mrs. WI and my cat
2) What size bed do you sleep in?
What brand and style of sheets do you use?
These are my faves! (
4) How many pillows?
2 (one under my head, the other on top)
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
It's a pale blue echru-ish light down thingie...warm but not heavy.
6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
I eat pussy and drink our love juice from it...other than that, I have a bottle of water by my bedside.
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
I do. Right now, I'm reading Caravan to Vacares by Alistair McLean
8) What else do you like to do in bed?
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
CD/Clock, Lamp, land line & cell phone
8) What’s under your bed?
Same thing that's usually on top of it...hard wood.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
A failed attempt at soothing.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A girlfriend :p
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Say "I love you".
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
I'm rarely clothed, but if ever...panties :yikes:
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?'ll have to find out the rest yourself.[/QUOTE]
01-26-2007, 11:45 AM
1) Who do you share your bed with? darling wife
2) What size bed do you sleep in? king waterbed
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? What's cheap? cotton blend
4) How many pillows? 5 at the moment, I'm only allowed to use 2 of them
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? Thermal blanket, we used to have a dark blue comforter, but it just got in the way
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? I don't, but mrs zoid always has her water bottle & a snack stash she thinks I don't know about
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? Not so much anymore. I still have my collection of rockstar bios & serial killer stories, mrs zoid keeps her Stephen King & Danielle Steele handy.
8) What else do you like to do in bed? Have sex, of course.
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? Alarm clock radio, lotion, tile coaster, modified Sound Cube practice amp, CPAP (for my sleep apnea) underneath the table, & for reasons passing understanding mrs zoid's old Pentax.
8) What’s under your bed? 6 drawer pedestal.
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? Early American Hand-me-down Junque.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. Only One? Well, I could start with Lilith...
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? Not sure, takes me a while to get to sleep most nights...
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? Always, unless I'm sleeping on the couch in den.
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? Nope
01-31-2007, 01:51 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with? - no one other than me atm...
2) What size bed do you sleep in? - single
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? - just ordinary ones, a dark green duvet and a really nice feather bed
4) How many pillows? - 2
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? - dark green, got it from a dept. store
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? - Yes I do
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? - I do sometimes, mostly history books and biographies
8) What else do you like to do in bed? - sex when my OH is around
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? - handcream, lube, lip balm, valerian tablets, alarm clock, lamp.
8) What’s under your bed? - nothing
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? - old, lol white walls, dark green carpet and mahogany furniture
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. - my OH
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? - think about my OH
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? - usually wear PJs
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? - eeerrrr - no, lol
01-31-2007, 03:13 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with? - currently just me..
2) What size bed do you sleep in? - single
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? - a light blue sheet, dark blue duvet and pillows
4) How many pillows? - 1
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? - dont have one
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? - Yes
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? - no
8) What else do you like to do in bed? - sex or masturbation
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? - laptop, remote controls
8) What’s under your bed? - lots of random stuff (drawers under bed)
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? - modern, plain paper.
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. - a sexy pixie lady
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? - touch myself
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? - oxer shorts or naked
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? - if you want to know.. come find out ;)
01-31-2007, 03:46 PM
1) Who do you share your bed with?the Mrs
2) What size bed do you sleep in? - Double
3) What brand and style of sheets do you use? - I think there M&S just a fitted sheet
4) How many pillows? - loads
5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it? - Just a old one, need to put the new one on but its too hot for me
6) Do you eat and drink in bed? - yeap
7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading? - yeah, i'll read anything
8) What else do you like to do in bed? - sex or playing the xbox
9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside? - dont have a bed side table
8) What’s under your bed? - CD DVD games underwear
9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom? - messy
10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have. - flat screen tv or a maid to tidy it
11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep? - roll to face the wall
12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear? - pretty much always
13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire? - if you want to know.. come find out :kissass:
01-31-2007, 04:25 PM
I'm hunting something to hang on the wall between my new sconces any ideas?
i don't think it needs anything. the sconces are wall art all on their own. but if you really want something, i think a piece of sculpted iron would look great, somehting fairly flat with lots of negative space.
or some of those wall mounted know, the medieval prisoner restraint type ones...and hey, they're iron! :D
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