View Full Version : Spit roast, who has tried it?

Mark Vieth
04-27-2007, 02:18 PM
In case you are wondering WTF it means, it is a threesome with 2 guys and a girl. The girl is receiving one dick in the mouth whilst the other is doing doggy to either the ass or the pussy.

04-27-2007, 02:27 PM
I've been on either end, but never in the middle. :p

04-27-2007, 02:31 PM

Mark Vieth
04-27-2007, 02:34 PM
I've been on either end, but never in the middle. :p

As it should be.

04-27-2007, 02:57 PM
As it should be.

Heck, Aqua spit-roasted would turn me on! :o

04-27-2007, 03:15 PM
As it should be.
not to contradict (cause i ain't no sexpert) but i thought it was when three people have sex in the way you described, doesn't have to be two boys and a girl, they just all have to be willing.

04-27-2007, 03:29 PM
Heck, Aqua spit-roasted would turn me on! :o
Alright then... I need two volunteers! :D

04-27-2007, 04:14 PM
I volunteer to watch :D

04-27-2007, 08:47 PM
Either way sounds like ALOT of fun!!!!!!!!!!

04-27-2007, 09:42 PM
Well I'm always happy to help out!

And I've gotten head while the girl was being done by another guy. It was fun :)

04-27-2007, 10:41 PM
I have. It was awful. It was missionary though. I was laying down, one was fucking my pussy, the other my mouth.

I was drunk. I'll never do it again.

04-28-2007, 03:04 AM
Alright then... I need two volunteers! :D

Sorry Aqua, I don't suppose me volunteering use of my strap-on would really be the same thing in Neige's eyes.....

04-28-2007, 04:26 AM
Sorry Aqua, I don't suppose me volunteering use of my strap-on would really be the same thing in Neige's eyes.....
Actually I think you'd be surprised how damn hot that'd be....

cherrypie what was bad about it? Being drunk is never the best way to explore a fantasy, and certainly not th best way to remember it.

For me, the only thing that didn't go too well was the other guy was very straight, and wouldn't have any guy-guy contact. *

* Well, other than the two-at-once blowjob attempt, but even that was minimal touching.

Mark Vieth
04-28-2007, 06:38 AM
not to contradict (cause i ain't no sexpert) but i thought it was when three people have sex in the way you described, doesn't have to be two boys and a girl, they just all have to be willing.

A spit roast normally is 2 guys and a girl. He said that he has been at either end just not in the middle. In other words he wasn't the reciever. Which is why I said "As it should be."

04-28-2007, 06:41 AM
Btdt :faint: :hot: :hot: :hot:

Never been part of one...... fantasized about it but never lived it. :(

04-28-2007, 08:25 AM
A spit roast normally is 2 guys and a girl. He said that he has been at either end just not in the middle. In other words he wasn't the reciever. Which is why I said "As it should be."

Hiya Mark,

I think wyndhy was meaning that there's no 'shoulds' and 'should nots' when it comes to sex between consenting adults. If Aqua wanted to be spit roasted by two women (with aforementioned strap-ons...come on Aqua, you know you want to!) two men, or one of each, then that just as equally 'should' be as him being the 'giver'.

We're equal opportunities pervs round here and not ones to judge a guy for taking it up the...er...Arsenal....I think that's all she was trying to say, wasn't it wynd?

04-28-2007, 09:01 AM
Sorry Aqua, I don't suppose me volunteering use of my strap-on would really be the same thing in Neige's eyes.....



04-28-2007, 09:56 AM
....... guy for taking it up the...er...Arsenal....?


04-28-2007, 10:30 AM
Actually I think you'd be surprised how damn hot that'd be....

cherrypie what was bad about it? Being drunk is never the best way to explore a fantasy, and certainly not th best way to remember it.

For me, the only thing that didn't go too well was the other guy was very straight, and wouldn't have any guy-guy contact. *

* Well, other than the two-at-once blowjob attempt, but even that was minimal touching.

Well, a lot of factors made it awful. One being that they were two of my best friends (we are still friends and thankfully its not been too awkward), two being that it was not a very comfortable position for me at all, the lights were so bright that I felt like I was in an exam room. lol

It just wasnt a pleasant experience, and I have no interest in doing it again...and, I might add too it wasnt really a fantasy of mine. It was a spur of the moment thing.

04-28-2007, 10:41 AM
Yep...been there done that :sad:

04-28-2007, 10:46 AM
Nah, Oldfart does not share well with the other children.

Wicked Wanda
04-28-2007, 03:17 PM
Funny thing, when I first started taking part in that most delicious act, we called it "tower bridge" after the famous bridge in London, two tall towers, conected by a span between them. (just use a little imagination) I even mentioned it by that name in my profile, and received a lot of questions about what it meant.
It has been called "bridging" "connecting", or "connector" "end to end" "the javelin" "the OVP" (oral vaginal penetration) of course the "OAP", the "long 3sum" and so on. I have done it too many times to count. I have done it with 2 men, a couple, and yes, with 2 women.
It is NOT something a woman should do unless she is in full control of her faculties, like being drunk. I have to work to give good oral sex, and to do it while being fucked reuires skill and attention, believe me!
And I don't want to be bent in ways my body doesn't move, so I need to keep aware of where I am and what I am doing.

I have only recently learned the term "spit roast". At first I was just amused, but now I have issues with it.
Frankly, at the risk of sounding like my "bitch feminist" other self, it's demeaning.
Not the act! I LOVE the act, it is a wonderful, intense, exciting experience, and I would not give it up!

It's the term. "Spit Roast" is too suggestive of the idea that I am just a piece of meat.

Anyway, yes, I have done it, I love it, and do it a LOT!


Mark Vieth
04-28-2007, 06:52 PM
Well WW I wonder if it was tried on a water bed, would it be called the floating bridge? :faint:

Wicked Wanda
04-29-2007, 11:19 AM
...are overrated for orgies. Sweetie, I appreciate the joke, but waterbeds are better for less vigorous activities.

Besides, I think I would get malade de mer.

I mean think of it, taking a man deep in my throat, rocking back and forth and up and down, side to side, the wave movement... and oopppssss!



04-29-2007, 11:24 AM
Alright then... I need two volunteers! :D

I'll volunteer :kissass:

04-29-2007, 12:26 PM
......I have only recently learned the term "spit roast". At first I was just amused, but now I have issues with it....Not the act! I LOVE the act, it is a wonderful, intense, exciting experience, and I would not give it up!

It's the term. "Spit Roast" is too suggestive of the idea that I am just a piece of meat....
I have to go with WW on that ^^^, only in reverse.
My 'first' reaction was like her considered thought. I too know this by most of the other terms but have enjoyed it only few times.:(

After reading the responses of interest in the true pleasures of this act, I marked it off as 'another' UNconsidered repeating of a term from a source with a very different attitude.

I also concur with WW about the 'overrated water bed' for sex of any kind. I MUCH rather be on a BIG bed with lots and lots of pillows. :loveshowe :3way: :hump: :bj: :buttsex: :licker: :69: :cheerlead

04-29-2007, 06:57 PM
/me agrees....waterbeds suck.

Mark Vieth
04-29-2007, 08:19 PM
Water beds and sex.....hmm brings a whole new meaning to sea sickness! :roflmao:

04-30-2007, 08:47 AM
Though I've never been there, I've often thought about doing that. I'd love it if Mrs. WI & I were 69'ing and another guy was fucking her. Now THAT sounds fun! :hot:

04-30-2007, 08:48 AM
Hmmmm, which is the better trip for me........ California to see my mom or heading out to help WI with his situation? :p

04-30-2007, 08:50 AM
Decisions, decision! :p

04-30-2007, 08:53 AM
Sorry mom, I'm heading out east. :thumb:

05-01-2007, 12:55 PM
I think that's all she was trying to say, wasn't it wynd?
aye...and i wouldn't let just any girl put words in my mouth.;):x:

05-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Did the spit roast once before with my roommate and his date. Damn she loved cock.

05-08-2007, 03:17 AM
Though I've never been there, I've often thought about doing that. I'd love it if Mrs. WI & I were 69'ing and another guy was fucking her. Now THAT sounds fun! :hot:

No, what sounds like fun is if Loulabelle and WI were 69'ing and another guy (say, er, I dunno, that FussyPucker's a bit of alright) was fucking her! :D :D :D :hot:

05-08-2007, 04:49 AM
No, what sounds like fun is if Loulabelle and WI were 69'ing and another guy (say, er, I dunno, that FussyPucker's a bit of alright) was fucking her! :D :D :D :hot:
*IowaMan nearly falls out of his chair trying to make get the cheapest rates on airfare so he can be there to take pics!*

Hmmmm, on second thought, I'll stop by and pick up Coaster to do the photog stuff, I'll just watch, drool and probably molest Little IowaMan to keep him ready in hopes that one of the guys tires out and needs a pinch hitter. :D

05-08-2007, 10:37 AM
No, what sounds like fun is if Loulabelle and WI were 69'ing and another guy (say, er, I dunno, that FussyPucker's a bit of alright) was fucking her! :D :D :D :hot:

I stand corrected.

I mean erected. :hot:

05-16-2007, 10:26 AM
*IowaMan nearly falls out of his chair trying to make get the cheapest rates on airfare so he can be there to take pics!*

Hmmmm, on second thought, I'll stop by and pick up Coaster to do the photog stuff, I'll just watch, drool and probably molest Little IowaMan to keep him ready in hopes that one of the guys tires out and needs a pinch hitter. :D

I'll have to bring a tripod because my hands would be shaking too much from over-stimuli!!!

Call me when you're in my neck of the woods IAMan!!!

05-23-2007, 11:10 AM
Spit Roast???? I thought it was just good clean fun in a menage au trois. Never heard it called a spit roast before. I had a mental picture of being tied up on a rotissery and being basted over a small fire. No that could be some HOT SEX!!!

05-23-2007, 02:24 PM
For some reason that phrase "spit roast" is grossing me out so much.

05-23-2007, 03:49 PM
For a LOT reasons that phrase "spit roast" is grossing me out so much. :cool:

Nup. It's actually pissing me off. Don't fuck with my fucken. It's too nice of a thing for me. :mad:

Teddy Bear
05-23-2007, 09:28 PM
Have not tried it ...... but I am ready! :D

We can call it whatever you want. ;)

05-23-2007, 10:21 PM
For a LOT reasons that phrase "spit roast" is grossing me out so much. :cool:

Nup. It's actually pissing me off. Don't fuck with my fucken. It's too nice of a thing for me. :mad:

Amen. It sounds like something you'd do to a piece of meat. I think it could have been phrased MUCH better.

05-24-2007, 02:58 AM
I'm with teddy...call it something else if you want, but I'm willing to give it a go...

...who's with me?

05-24-2007, 08:32 AM
I think it's only called "spit roast" if the person in the middle is spinning. :sad:

05-24-2007, 08:49 AM
a roast by any other name would be just as kinky. :p:D

05-24-2007, 12:29 PM
Teddy, I'm ready to try it with you hun, it does sound like a lotta fun.

Teddy Bear
05-24-2007, 02:37 PM
Any time Joe!! :D

But not if I have to spin like WI said.... will get motion sick. :(

Might could ruin the mood. :eew:

Well, maybe if I take dramamine before..... :)

05-24-2007, 03:06 PM
And we'd definately need plenty of lube if there's any spinning involved.

05-24-2007, 03:28 PM
Any time Joe!! :D

But not if I have to spin like WI said.... will get motion sick. :(

Might could ruin the mood. :eew:

Well, maybe if I take dramamine before..... :)

Every once in a while, we'll stop and spin the other way. Varying between cockwise & countercockwise. :p