View Full Version : Britain's Breast Crisis: A 36N woman!

Irezumi Kiss
01-28-2007, 06:13 PM
Hmmm...is this only happening in Britain? What are the ladies drinking over there, anyway? Spring water imported from Chernobyl?

You know I love breasts, but...9.5kg is around 21LB in each breast... :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:


01-28-2007, 06:29 PM
Man, I can't even begin to imagine how tough it would be for a young girl to have to go through something like that. Kids can be pretty cruel and something like being the first girl in school with boobs always seemed to be a fun target for the kids to make fun of. But having boobs that big?

01-28-2007, 09:50 PM
It's approaching being too much.

01-29-2007, 07:05 AM
I started wearing a bra aged 10. KIDS ARE CRUEL!!

By 14 I was a 32E, whcih soon changed to a 32FF. For years, boys went out with me for my boobs, I really felt they weren't even part of me, they were like a separate person.

After coming off the injection and dieting, I'm now down to a 32DD, and I'm quite happy with them :)

I do feel for the poor girl though, I used to get terrible back pain, being so small but busty was NOT fun! x

01-29-2007, 11:59 AM
makes my 34B/c's look tiny :(

01-29-2007, 01:38 PM
I think I saw a video of her playing badmitton. :confused:

Irezumi Kiss
01-29-2007, 02:30 PM
I started wearing a bra aged 10. KIDS ARE CRUEL!!

By 14 I was a 32E, whcih soon changed to a 32FF. For years, boys went out with me for my boobs, I really felt they weren't even part of me, they were like a separate person.

After coming off the injection and dieting, I'm now down to a 32DD, and I'm quite happy with them :)

I do feel for the poor girl though, I used to get terrible back pain, being so small but busty was NOT fun! x
My hat's off to you and all you overly large breasted ladies...as much as it's a joy and fetish and an object of affection for some of us menfolk (and women as well) to admire large breasts, I know it's no joke having to grow up feeling like you're a freak, especially when they are outsizing the rest of your body.

I remember being in grade school on thru high school seeing some of the girls I grew up with as classmates, starting from nothing at all to BOOM...we boys were being boys and loving it, but there wasn't anyone really teaching us about the flip side of how it is being a girl with big breasts. And at that time, it was basically separate worlds between boys and girls, outside of getting together for dates and possible sex after school if the two of you clicked like that. I think back to some of those girls now and wonder if I saw any of them again as full-fledged adults, I'd likely apologize for gaping at their tits so much! If only they knew that they were the most of the reason I got thru the boredom of school, mentally speaking...

The thing is, though...there's so many porn/erotica outlets for big-boobed women to show out in. I've seen plenty of women even bigger than the one interviewed in that article, and they just let everything fly freely, (seemingly) happy and content with their size and every advantage and disadvantage that comes along with being that way. Now, having said that, I'm sure there's more than one story behind every individual that's not being read which doesn't make for good copy in the magazines for those reading to get off on. I mean, if Kerry Marie or Lorna Morgan or Nadine Jansen started talking about back pains or how they hate being stared at when they go out to get coffee at Starbucks, that's not exactly gonna get cocks hard and pussies wet.

But what mystifies me is that, even though big breasts are everywhere to be found on the planet with the possible exception of Anarctica, a large percentage of busty and ultra-busty adult models in particular seem to come from the UK especially. Two of the above models I just name dropped make their home in London and they are very well-known (at least with people like me). And seeing as how you're from Scotland, Miss Honey Bee, I'm just wondering...what's going on over there that creates this..."explosion?"

Diet? Culture? Genetics? Or is it just a case of good niche marketing?

01-29-2007, 02:49 PM
I know I had crushes in school, but I don't think I really fully appreciated how beautiful women are until I was much older. Long gone are the days of "centerfold girls" and I can't say that I've missed them at all.

01-30-2007, 10:10 AM
makes my 34B/c's look tiny :(

all ya need is a handful ;)

01-30-2007, 11:08 AM
I know I had crushes in school, but I don't think I really fully appreciated how beautiful women are until I was much older. Long gone are the days of "centerfold girls" and I can't say that I've missed them at all.
AMEN!!! I've got a very good friend who is our age WI (he's exactly one month older than me) and he simply cannot get that notion through his head. It's absolutely driving me crazy. He didn't date at all when we were in high school and apparently hadn't much during the 15 or so years that I was away from my hometown either. But now he's seeing a wonderful woman and the damn fool is going to go and screw it up because he compares pretty much every woman to what he sees in Playboy each month. I've been trying for the last month and a half to get him to pull his head out of his ass and see what a wonderful, beautiful woman he's got but it just doesn't seem to be working. When he hears me trying all he can say is, "Yeah, but I like blondes. You probably like her because you like brunettes. You've always liked brunettes IowaMan." :mad:

A little off the thread topic, sorry about that. I just had to get that off my chest.

01-30-2007, 04:56 PM
I started wearing a bra aged 10. KIDS ARE CRUEL!!

By 14 I was a 32E, whcih soon changed to a 32FF. For years, boys went out with me for my boobs, I really felt they weren't even part of me, they were like a separate person.

After coming off the injection and dieting, I'm now down to a 32DD, and I'm quite happy with them :)

I do feel for the poor girl though, I used to get terrible back pain, being so small but busty was NOT fun! x

I can sympathise sweetie......it took me a long time to come to terms with mine too. I'm now at a place where I love them because they're part of me, but not necessarily because they're attractive.

Irezumi Kiss
01-30-2007, 05:13 PM
I can sympathise sweetie......it took me a long time to come to terms with mine too. I'm now at a place where I love them because they're part of me, but not necessarily because they're attractive.
How did you deal with the male-centered attention to your breasts? Did that make you more apprehensive or appreciative? Is it something that got better as you got older?

Sorry I'm all twenty questions and that! It's more grist for my appreciation and creative writing mill when I talk to women and get their real deal on certain things like these, rather than always living in how I see it...which is usually on the erotic side of the fence!

01-31-2007, 04:01 AM
No worries about the questions...I like your enquiring and analytical nature, as I'm a bit like that my self - full of theories and hypotheses about things....

I didn't get lots of male attention because of my breasts as I went to an all girls school. If I'd been around boys who paid me attention I think I may well have had different feelings about my breasts. As it was, I just saw them as fat. Plus they stopped me wearing the clothes I wanted to as I always had to wear a bra, and bras weren't pretty and feminine unless they cost an absolute fortune, which made me feel like something of a freak. I had no idea I was attractive to boys (or at all for that matter) until I was in my late teens and I never associated it with my body....I suppose I thought that boys who found me attractive found me so despite my body, not because of it. Looking back that was crazy as I was 5'7" or so, long legged, 34DD and weighed only about 130-140 lbs.