View Full Version : Compare your Penis (to Pornstars and more).

08-18-2007, 12:48 AM
Been on infrequently at best, and even then mostly lurking. Thought I'd contribute, friend linked it to me.

You can put in your numbers and compare it to the average, average on the site, Ron Jeremy, Lexington Steele, etc.. it shows a graphic representation.

Just a good quick timer killer I suppose.. anyways.


08-18-2007, 07:18 AM
15 views and no one is posting results????? :D

08-18-2007, 08:01 AM
but but I thought size didn't matter? :D

or maybe we're all still a bit scared of Lexington Steel hah

I have more volume than mr.right.. but shorter.. volume 395!

08-18-2007, 08:26 AM
15 views and no one is posting results????? :D
I have no pride I'll go ahead and post results. Mr. Jeremy and Mr. Steel dwarf me. :(

Apparently though I need to change my name to Mr. Right as he was the closest thing to Little IowaMan according to the graph. :shrug:

Maybe I need to make business cards or something. :p

08-18-2007, 08:55 AM
They don't make posting their answers easy. :hair:

Mr Asian Vol = 141 48% smaller by volume
Mr Average (Small) Vol = 158 42% smaller by volume
Mr White Vol = 193 29% smaller by volume
Mr Average (Large ) Vol = 203 26% smaller by volume
Our Mr Average! Vol = 251 8% smaller by volume
Mr Black Vol = 258 5% smaller by volume
YOUR WILLY! Vol = 271
Mr Right! Vol = 359 32% bigger by volume
Mr Jeremy Vol = 505 86% bigger by volume
Mr Steel Inches Vol = 642 136% bigger by volume

08-18-2007, 09:17 AM
They don't make posting their answers easy. :hair:
Nope, they sure didn't.

Mr Asian Vol = 141 63% smaller by volume
Mr Average (Small) Vol = 158 58% smaller by volume
Mr White Vol = 193 49% smaller by volume
Mr Average (Large ) Vol = 203 46% smaller by volume
Our Mr Average! Vol = 251 33% smaller by volume
Mr Black Vol = 258 31% smaller by volume
Mr Right! Vol = 359 4% smaller by volume
YOUR WILLY! Vol = 372
Mr Jeremy Vol = 505 35% bigger by volume
Mr Steel Inches Vol = 642 72% bigger by volume

Wicked Wanda
08-18-2007, 09:30 AM
Good morning...
I think I know who Ron Jeremy is, if he is that older sort of fuzzy looking guy who you would never think had been a porn star.
I thought Lexington Steele was the character Pierce Brosnan played before he became James Bond.
And I have no idea how big they are. But from my own *ahem* research, the average soft penis is about 1-2 inches, hard about 5-6 inches.
It has always surprised me that the smallest soft ones grow the most.
(The man who was very proud of his 6 inch softie that grew to... 6 1/2 inches hard, vs. the 2 inch soft that grew to the same 6 1/2 when hard.
Isn't human physiology amazing?
But let's talk about the REAL size issue... width. A penis 5 inches long with "substantial" width, (think soft drink can) is much (MUCH) better for me for regular vaginal intercourse than a 7 inch drinking straw... but for oral and anal, a nice compact penis, not too long, (minimize the gagging) and not too wide (less jaw pain during oral and for anal, less, well it hurts less.)
is preferred...


my own silly contribution to a very strange thread...


Wicked Wanda
08-18-2007, 09:33 AM
Ok, I went to the site and looked at the graph...
As far as the "typical" average they have listed...
So far as th porn stars...
*feels a little dizzy* well, they ARE porn stars...



08-18-2007, 10:11 AM
I think I know who Ron Jeremy is, if he is that older sort of fuzzy looking guy who you would never think had been a porn star.
Yep, that's him.

I thought Lexington Steele was the character Pierce Brosnan played before he became James Bond.
Close, Remington Steele. Although I'd much prefer to do Brosnan than, well, any (male) porn star...

As for me....
Mr Asian Vol = 141 28% smaller by volume
Mr Average (Small) Vol = 158 19% smaller by volume
Mr White Vol = 193 1% smaller by volume
YOUR WILLY! Vol = 194
Mr Average (Large ) Vol = 203 4% smaller by volume
Our Mr Average! Vol = 251 29% smaller by volume
Mr Black Vol = 258 32% smaller by volume
Mr Right! Vol = 359 85% smaller by volume
Mr Jeremy Vol = 505 160% bigger by volume
Mr Steel Inches Vol = 642 230% bigger by volume

08-18-2007, 11:21 AM
Ok, I went to the site and looked at the graph...
As far as the "typical" average they have listed...
So far as th porn stars...
*feels a little dizzy* well, they ARE porn stars...



Yeah it's far from scientific, some people may exaggerate or not really no and provide an answer anyways.

And I guess a "weird" thread is ok, just was something different I ran across that I thought some might find amusing :)

08-18-2007, 12:25 PM
yeah i looked at it,

don't feel like posting the results, whether it is accurate or not.

08-18-2007, 01:22 PM
I get my best volume in the morning hope I don't cut myself with my tape (measurer) for those of you not in the trades

08-18-2007, 03:09 PM
This is definitely bizarre and way to "techie" for me to comprehend. Are there results in layman's terms???

08-18-2007, 03:18 PM
Laywoman's summery.....

For a hot lady, a stiff dick is a nice dick. ;)

08-18-2007, 03:20 PM
Layman's summery.....

For a stiff dick, a hot lady is a nice lady. :p

08-18-2007, 03:31 PM
Fussy let me put in his details and because I can't be arsed with numbers, I got him to make it so I could post the pretty picture (I left out the ethnic groups he doesn't belong to, and Lexington Steele because I don't really know him)

Notice how similar he is to Mr Right?

I'm a lucky lucky lucky lucky lady. :D

08-18-2007, 05:16 PM
Let's just say that by some measures I'm pathetically disappointing.

However, I find that what's usually missing is a discussion of the relative sizes of penis and vagina. An overlarge penis that won't fit into a vagina is more useless than a small one that can go in easily.

08-18-2007, 05:44 PM
The way I see it, my penis could be tiny or huge and it wouldn't make much of a difference as I have nobody to share it with. :(

08-18-2007, 06:39 PM
I've never measured my girth.

Another thing though is for me at least there is a big difference between regular erection, and a REALLY happy erection.

Wicked Wanda
08-18-2007, 07:17 PM
I still think you (men) waste too time thinking about your penis size.

I can honestly say I have never made a decision about whether or not to have sex based on the size of a penis. Whether or not to have ANAL sex, yes.



08-18-2007, 09:04 PM
Here here or is it hear hear anyway good comment WW

08-18-2007, 09:23 PM
I still think you (men) waste too time thinking about your penis size.

I can honestly say I have never made a decision about whether or not to have sex based on the size of a penis. Whether or not to have ANAL sex, yes.




08-18-2007, 10:51 PM
I don't really waste any time thinking about it - I'm happy with the fact that I've got one and it works.

But I don't think it's a fear that we won't get sex because of the size, I think it's more a concern that we won't be 'as good' as if we had a monster down there.

08-19-2007, 05:12 AM
I think the only thing it makes a difference to, is a man's confidence. I've always felt that size doesn't matter to me, and I have to confess I sometimes find sex with Fussy painful, however I think there's a psychological kick for a lot of women of having a man with a 'big one'. I think WW's right though - it hasn't hindered my enjoyment of the men I've been with or altered my decisions at to whom I choose as a sexual partner.

08-19-2007, 04:09 PM
I still think you (men) waste too time thinking about your penis size.

I can honestly say I have never made a decision about whether or not to have sex based on the size of a penis. Whether or not to have ANAL sex, yes.



So you mean to tell me that you've never had sex with a well hung guy just to see if you can fit it in? Even when you were younger?

I haven't measured myself lately, but I gave a pretty good estimate, and suffice to say I'm probably the smallest guy here, and let me just say I've never had a woman approach me for sex simply because she was curious as to what I was packing.

Known plenty of women who were chasing after a guy because they wanted to see what he was packing.

Nearly every ad I see on the sex personals are all looking for men with 8" plus.

I will never be in a pornographic movie. The only small dick genre of porn is the cuckold videos, and I don't feel like being the small white guy who wanks off while my on screen wife is doing hung studs. In my mind, I believe I should be with the big boys too!

Of course, I could try to argue that I make up for my lack of size with skill and stamina, but the fact I've not had sex in four years and probably won't be having sex for many more means that women aren't buying it or think I am worth the risk.

08-19-2007, 05:50 PM
OK forget all the numbers I'm average (sigh) lol

08-20-2007, 12:08 AM
I still think you (men) waste too time thinking about your penis size.

I can honestly say I have never made a decision about whether or not to have sex based on the size of a penis. Whether or not to have ANAL sex, yes.


can honestly say I would have never judged the size had I not come across (NO pun intended) a man who I think had the smallest dick in history (we're talking Ripley's Believe It Or Not here). His dick...fully erect...was the size of a petite woman's pinky finger. The girth was nil and the length was about 2" at best!!!!!!!!!!!

Found out later he married and has two children. Not that I thought it impossible...just improbable! Dunno if he is still married to this day but I have to relate this...

He had a pick-up truck with wheels on it that measured to the top of my forehead. I am 5'4" tall...so the wheels were about 5'ish.

Um...yeah...um...what else can I say except that he saw my response to his dick (didn't mean to be so transparent) and we never did/tried anything.

Just had a roaming thought!

Wicked Wanda
08-20-2007, 12:39 AM
So you mean to tell me that you've never had sex with a well hung guy just to see if you can fit it in? Even when you were younger?
Sweetie, there have times in my life when I absolutely quivered at the though of a particular person's cock plunging into my little pussy. But in each situation, I had already decided to fuck him before I knew what he was "packing"

I suppose the closest to an exception would be the time I went through a phase of fucking college and professional athletes, mostly football players. I am a tiny Woman, and yes the size of these giant men fucking me was a HUGE turn on. But it was a phase that was about physical strength and power. Just the thought of fucking a man so big and strong he could walk around with his hands free, while I was impaled on his cock, my arms legs wrapped around him... well, it was and is intense. I can not explain the feel of this, other than to say it was about the strength, not the size of his cock. Many of these men did not have huge penises. Some where surprising small, though not tiny.

"Nearly every ad I see on the sex personals are all looking for men with 8" plus."
I don't really read sex personals other than for my own sense of humor, especially the "women seek men" listings, but I have read them on occasion. Some are very funny. A lot are by professional escorts pretending to be "lonely women" But I don't remember very many with that size requirement. But you read them more than I, I am sure. But why would a "lonely woman" care if you're 6 inches or 8, or whatever? Believe me, if a Woman is looking for a certain size, I think she is looking for a thick one, not a long one. Or at least I would be...

You said two things I don't understand when I read them together:

"....I've never had a woman approach me for sex simply because she was curious as to what I was packing."

"...Known plenty of women who were chasing after a guy because they wanted to see what he was packing."

This is contradictory. First you say no one approched you from curiosity, but you know of others are being chased out of curiousity.

Curiosity means they don't know what's there, so it isn't penis size then, is it?

When I add these statements

... In my mind, I believe I should be with the big boys too!

... the fact I've not had sex in four years and probably won't be having sex for many more means that women aren't buying it or think I am worth the risk.

This tells me it is your confidence that is the issue.

Sweetie, if you act and carry yourself as a man without self confidence, this makes you less attractive... so a Woman is going to be much less likely to "check out what you're carrying"

Porn movies?

Sweetie, why judge yourself against men who have been carefully screened and selected for cock size? I sure don't compare my 34A/b's against the silicone implants of female porn stars, not unless I want to feel REALLY bad, anyway.

Dont worry so much.


08-20-2007, 01:07 AM
not unless I want to feel REALLY bad, anyway.

That's funny, WW - I always imagine you feeling REALLY good! :slurp: :D

08-21-2007, 05:49 PM
Sweetie, there have times in my life when I absolutely quivered at the though of a particular person's cock plunging into my little pussy. But in each situation, I had already decided to fuck him before I knew what he was "packing"

When you are imagining the guy you would like to fuck do you imagine a long, thick penis or a smaller, thinner one?

And what i am getting at is that every woman goes through a jocks phase, but not every man goes through a cheerleader phase. I never had one as I just thought most of them were stupid and cheerleaders were way out of my league.

There are men out there who like all shapes, colours and sizes of girls from all walks of life and social strata.

Not so with women as my experience tells me.

But why would a "lonely woman" care if you're 6 inches or 8, or whatever? Believe me, if a Woman is looking for a certain size, I think she is looking for a thick one, not a long one. Or at least I would be...

Well I noticed the being picky about men more form couples than anything, and most women I see on dating sites are obviously spam bots anyways.

This is contradictory. First you say no one approched you from curiosity, but you know of others are being chased out of curiousity.

As for women being curious? You ladies do talk do you not? I've known more than one woman who wanted to fuck a friend of mine because they heard he was packing some serious wang from another female friend.

Contrast to a friend of mine who tried to spread the word around about my gifted tounge back in 2003-2004 so I could get over my fiancee dumping me by having sex with someone new. She was met with a lot of "Honestly, you had sex with him?! You're nasty!"

I also get called ma'am a lot despite having short hair or even five o'clock shadow.

This tells me it is your confidence that is the issue.

No, becuase remember, three years ago, you guys all told me that confidence was the issue, but when we delved deeper into my life we all came to the conclusion that first I have to actually have something to offer a woman before she will even find me attractive.

I was 25 y/o, living with my parents, couldn't hold a job longer than a few months, depressed, morbidly obese, etc.

All the confidence in the world won't change those stats, simply working on myself as a person, and becoming a man will get me respect.

Sweetie, if you act and carry yourself as a man without self confidence, this makes you less attractive... so a Woman is going to be much less likely to "check out what you're carrying"

Oh I think the fact that I get confused for a woman and have man tits is the reason I don't get many women checking me out. Plus, I'm so jaded with women at this point that if one was to flirt with me I'd assume it was all some cruel jape.

Simply put, I'm not an attractive person. I know this, and you too know this, and we both know that false bravado is never attractive.

Sweetie, why judge yourself against men who have been carefully screened and selected for cock size? I sure don't compare my 34A/b's against the silicone implants of female porn stars, not unless I want to feel REALLY bad, anyway.

Not ever porn has fake breasts or even skinny 18 y/o women who are cleanly shaven.

I've yet to see small dick porn.

Hell, I've yet to meet a woman who prefers small men.

I've met quite a few women who would make out with me, maybe feel what I was packing, but as soon as I got done eating them out they would come up with some excuse as to why they had to leave and I never heard from them again.

Kind of makes me believe that even if a woman were to get past all my bitterness and decide that spending time alone with me wouldn't be bad that she just won't handle the fact that her date for the evening has a small penis.

Dont worry so much.

No worries here. I'm 28, and I realized I'm not dating again and I realized long ago I wasn't friends with benefits/baby daddy material. Just a sexless drone second husband/step-father.

In my mind I think I deserve to be first husband and my genes should be passed on, but I also know no one here would like to see that happen. I'd make a terrible father/husband.

08-21-2007, 06:38 PM

Probably the most widely read book on sex, the Karma Sutra, makes pains to point out that there are genitally big people and genitally small people. It is better if they are matched, but can still achieve satisfying congress if not.

The biggest sex organ is still the brain, and when you get a woman wanting to cuddle and snuggle, if you don't make it work from there it's on your shoulders.

08-21-2007, 09:53 PM

Probably the most widely read book on sex, the Karma Sutra, makes pains to point out that there are genitally big people and genitally small people. It is better if they are matched, but can still achieve satisfying congress if not.

The biggest sex organ is still the brain, and when you get a woman wanting to cuddle and snuggle, if you don't make it work from there it's on your shoulders.

Yeah, well I'd like to be appreciated for my penis once in a while.

I've been the victim of lots of dreaded platonic cuddling in my lifetime. I guess it was my fault I was to take innocent cuddling as a sign that a woman thinks of me sexually.

Hence why I don't see myself cuddling either.

08-21-2007, 11:01 PM
Yeah, well I'd like to be appreciated for my penis once in a while.

Maybe that's just the wrong attitude to have, I want to be appreciated for me. My penis is part of me sure.. a woman with nice breast doesn't want to be appreciated for her nice breasts she wants you to look up and appreciate her. I think your putting too much emphasis on parts and not enough on the whole, if your not happy with a part of you and that is what your focusing on she is going to pick up on that and isn't going to be any happier about it than you are youself.

08-21-2007, 11:31 PM
And what i am getting at is that every woman goes through a jocks phase, but not every man goes through a cheerleader phase.

You really have to stop pontificating with such sweeping generalizations.

08-22-2007, 05:25 AM
You really have to stop pontificating with such sweeping generalizations.

Fine, in my 28 years, I've not met a woman who didn't go through a jock phase.

Personally, I never did go through a cheerleader phase.

08-22-2007, 08:24 AM
well here was great thread that has now gone to shit...


so I'm a little above average, that fits with what I have been told :)

08-22-2007, 09:29 AM
Cunninglinguist, I apologise for not reading your entire and very long post, but has it ever occurred to you that more women haven't wanted a sexual relationship with you because you whine too much?!

I don't mean to be rude, but honestly, the attitude you consistently display here at Pixies drives me crazy.

I can't believe a man a year younger than I am has managed to become so bitter in such a short space of time, however I think your comment about cheerleaders is somewhat telling. You think they're stupid but also out of your league. So you still find them sexually attractive despite them being stupid? That's a somewhat shallow attitude.

Perhaps you might find relationships with women somewhat more fulfilling and satisfying if you focused on enjoying them for their personalities and for what you can learn from them rather than feeling that cuddling is something to be dreaded.

I'm sorry, but I'm sick of a lot of the guys on this site making out that the reason they are single is all women's fault. It's not our fault if we find you unattractive, and how about all the unattractive women out there that you completely ignore? If you want a relationship with a woman, go and find the unattractive, socially awkward, poorly dressed loner of a woman at the bus stop/library/coffee shop and ask HER out. If you give her a chance, maybe she'll give you one.

08-22-2007, 10:09 AM
If you want a relationship with a woman, go and find the unattractive, socially awkward, poorly dressed loner of a woman at the bus stop/library/coffee shop and ask HER out. If you give her a chance, maybe she'll give you one.

Those are the kind of women I am attracted to, and those are the kind of women who turn me down. A socially awkward, poorly dressed loner who hangs out at the library still has standards you know and isn't sitting there just waiting for the first poorly dressed, loner to walk through the door. She's still got her panties wet thinking of the high school quarterback. It's biological.

I guess I am not supposed to have standards since you find me repulsive.

Also, it's not just men who always blame the opposite sex for a lack of a fullfilling love life (oh and that's a generaliztion as well), but I've seen plenty of women do it too by saying "Hmmph! All men want is sex!"

And I don't blame women at all. I blame myself. I made the choices in my life that make me unattractive.

Also, don't hate on me becuase I realized as a teenager I don't have anything in common with cheerleaders. Maybe you should praise me because I realized at an early age I'd rather be with a socially awkward, poorly dressed loner, but then you'll probably hate me for it anyways.

08-22-2007, 10:25 AM
How do you factor in the curve? :p

I've always been comfortable with what I have. Like it or not, it is what it is.

08-22-2007, 10:25 AM
Fine, in my 28 years, I've not met a woman who didn't go through a jock phase.

I'm so with Lou on this one.

I honestly would have no interest in dating someone who tells me ALL women are attracted to X. It's just ignorant.

I can't see how you don't find it ridiculous to tell us that ALL women have been attracted to one type of guy.

08-22-2007, 10:49 AM
How do you factor in the curve? :p
I think you do that by inserting it into a copper pipe. :rofl:

08-22-2007, 11:36 AM
Also, don't hate on me becuase I realized as a teenager I don't have anything in common with cheerleaders. Maybe you should praise me because I realized at an early age I'd rather be with a socially awkward, poorly dressed loner, but then you'll probably hate me for it anyways.

Why on earth would I hate you? Why on earth would I bother wasting so much of my energy on hating anyone, let alone some stranger on the internet? Oh and why on earth should I praise you anyway - I'm not your mother.

But this comment proves my point. Stop being such a whining victim - it's not an attractive trait, and it could so easily be remedied. If you're happy to be single and unattractive to women because of the choices you've made, then stop bloody going on about it!

Back to penises.....I love 'em.....they're soft and hard at the same time! Yay!

08-22-2007, 03:16 PM
Why on earth would I hate you? Why on earth would I bother wasting so much of my energy on hating anyone, let alone some stranger on the internet? Oh and why on earth should I praise you anyway - I'm not your mother.

I didn't say you hated me. You didn't like my motivations on why I don't chase after women who are super skinny with fake boobs.

But this comment proves my point. Stop being such a whining victim - it's not an attractive trait,

Ok maybe I am whining, but I don't see myself as a victim. Victim would imply that I didn't deserve this. I think you make it quite clear I do deserve a life of celibacy.

and it could so easily be remedied.

Yes, Lula, it could be. I could go out and find me a nice girl who is willing to have sex with me simply becuase I'm such a nice guy!

If you're happy to be single and unattractive to women because of the choices you've made, then stop bloody going on about it!

I'm happy being single. It beats the alternative of being in a loveless, sexless relationship.

I'm not happy about being unattractive, and I have been working on what I can to make myself at least more attractive. Mainly becuase I feel a lot better about myself when I don't weigh 270 pounds and I have a positive cash flow.

Back to penises.....I love 'em.....they're soft and hard at the same time! Yay!

But you don't like all penises. I think that was my point.

08-22-2007, 03:29 PM
I'm so with Lou on this one.

I honestly would have no interest in dating someone who tells me ALL women are attracted to X. It's just ignorant.

I can't see how you don't find it ridiculous to tell us that ALL women have been attracted to one type of guy.

I don't see how you don't find it ridiculous to tell me that there could exist one woman who could be attracted to a guy like me. And no, I do think it rather silly to say all women are attracted to one type of guy.

All I'm saying is that my small penis may have been a factor in the four different women that I have gone down on and find an excuse to get up and leave after she came (or she could have faked an orgasm I really wouldn't know to be honest.)

And believe or not I used to like to cuddle, but over the past few years I looked back and realized just how many times I had a girl in my life who was willing to hop into bed with me for platonic cuddling only to have it lead no where because you know she has a boyfriend she really loves, but he doesn't like to cuddle. When I was young and stupid I thought maybe this meant she likes me too that eventually I'd get somewhere. No it meant I was a pillow to her and nothing more.

And you'd be surprised the number of times I've gone out with a girl a few times only to find out she has a boyfriend.

And finally, I love how Loula assumed that I was single becuase I ignore the less attractive ladies. As if all men were attracted to the same kind of women. I hear that on a daily basis too, but no one calls them on it since it's common knowledge men are all brainwashed by pornography and the media to only find anorexic women sexy.

08-22-2007, 04:17 PM
Dude give it a F'in break already you've decided you are a fat pathetic loser with a small dick. No one here has told you this. You claim you are happy this way but then make a bunch post about how bad you have it. This tells me you are not happy this way. You claim there isn't anything you can do about it. That's good for you it the easy way out. That way you can sit a wallow in misery.

08-22-2007, 05:06 PM
I think you guys could bitch at eachother in PM. I came here to see about some dicks!

08-22-2007, 05:08 PM
I think you guys could bitch at eachother in PM. I came here to see about some dicks!
Hey, I've got one of those!!! :nod:


08-22-2007, 07:12 PM
I think you guys could bitch at eachother in PM. I came here to see about some dicks!

I do too! Anyone want to see it?

08-22-2007, 08:05 PM
Getting back on track with the purpose of the thread.. here's mine.. :)

you can look at it from the website and then compare here to on the site...


does it look like it captured it fairly well?

08-22-2007, 08:18 PM
I do too! Anyone want to see it?

If ya got 'em post 'em! :D

08-22-2007, 08:19 PM
Getting back on track with the purpose of the thread.. here's mine.. :)

you can look at it from the website and then compare here to on the site...


does it look like it captured it fairly well?

Works for me :p

08-22-2007, 08:53 PM
Works for me :p

Yes it does appear to be working for you ;)

08-22-2007, 09:35 PM
If ya got 'em post 'em! :D
Here's my dick pics. :boink:

08-22-2007, 09:37 PM
Something for everybody that's posted to this thread so pick the one you think would fit you best or you like the most.

08-22-2007, 09:38 PM
.....And for the dick-head that wants everything different

08-22-2007, 09:42 PM
And let us not forget...... :sad:

08-22-2007, 10:39 PM
Here's my dick pics. :boink:
OMG......I know them Dick's. :D

08-23-2007, 04:53 AM
The I prefer the Dyke :D

08-23-2007, 08:37 AM
/me hands out tshirts

08-23-2007, 08:38 AM
and sunblock

08-23-2007, 08:52 AM
The I prefer the Dyke :D
Word on the street is that the PC police are insisting he change his name to Penis van Lesbian...

08-24-2007, 05:56 AM
not having a penis made me think i wouldnt be able to take part in this excellent thread. however, a stroke of genius led me to realise that i could compare my vibrator to the chart, and see which pornstars i can pretend to be fucked by. wahey!

its above average. waaay above :p

Mark Vieth
08-24-2007, 06:13 AM
You know being away due to no internet sux. Anyway to add to this thread my girlfriend thinks that I don't need to compare myself to any porn star guys. So I don't, she is happy with how it works and that is all that matters. And besides comparing yourself to guys in porn can be a tad disturbing, I mean why would you compare? Afraid you don't quite measure up? Pun intended......

08-24-2007, 01:17 PM
not having a penis made me think i wouldnt be able to take part in this excellent thread. however, a stroke of genius led me to realise that i could compare my vibrator to the chart, and see which pornstars i can pretend to be fucked by. wahey!

its above average. waaay above :p

Now you have to link it Emzo :P :)

08-24-2007, 02:15 PM
Now you have to link it Emzo :P :)

And by "link" we mean "make a movie of". :D

08-24-2007, 07:43 PM
Emzo TMI lol but interesting .... sob I'm still average

08-25-2007, 09:33 AM
Emzo TMI lol but interesting .... sob I'm still average

cant go wrong with average!

Mark Vieth
08-25-2007, 11:16 PM
Above average is nice too ya know.