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  1. Oh, these are the whackos in your neighborhood (16 replies)
  2. Wtf??? (18 replies)
  3. c'mon... (35 replies)
  4. wal-mart (10 replies)
  5. "Comeback"? (0 replies)
  6. Happy St Paddy's Day (19 replies)
  7. Private (13 replies)
  8. Wanna Kiss My Blarney Stone? (14 replies)
  9. Hi Guys and Gals! (15 replies)
  10. Goodbye..for a while (18 replies)
  11. ya gotta admit... (4 replies)
  12. Not Guilty (12 replies)
  13. Love it or hate it? (27 replies)
  14. robot chicken (6 replies)
  15. ~> If I Only Had A Brain <~ (24 replies)
  16. => If I Only Had the Heart <= (15 replies)
  17. -> If I Only Had the Nerve <- (17 replies)
  18. Boy was I wrong!!!!!!!!!!! (7 replies)
  19. Why does this happen? (17 replies)
  20. New twist on bra size (10 replies)
  21. ~Cheers!! Mercury_Maniac is 21! Cheers!~ (29 replies)
  22. Pollution war gone mad? (9 replies)
  23. They Killed Bugs Bunny! (5 replies)
  24. Pork Fat Rules (7 replies)
  25. A Birthday Tomorrow...3/15 (20 replies)
  26. Scary as Fuck!!! (18 replies)
  27. anyone know how to knit? (15 replies)
  28. Transitions — Gary Kasparov (2 replies)
  29. almost one yr and i finally hit 500 (16 replies)
  30. Family Vacations (31 replies)
  31. Balls and Brass Monkeys (20 replies)
  32. Then and now... (14 replies)
  33. Just a Dream..... (3 replies)
  34. Idle Thoughts! (6 replies)
  35. Congrats! (23 replies)
  36. One of those days............. (4 replies)
  37. Transitions — Paul Newman (10 replies)
  38. the time has arrived....finally (15 replies)
  39. Chinese Fortune Cookie "In Bed" (14 replies)
  40. Fo all you beotches that need to find shiznit... (13 replies)
  41. Sooner or later... (7 replies)
  42. ShadowDancer (16 replies)
  43. All most 100 (11 replies)
  44. Southern born and Bred..... (8 replies)
  45. Buddy List Question (12 replies)
  46. 1nutworld! Come on dowwwnnnn! (20 replies)
  47. Epitaph (17 replies)
  48. just checkin in... (7 replies)
  49. What is your ideal job? (26 replies)
  50. It's Another Birthday!!! (27 replies)
  51. Most Prized Possession? (34 replies)
  52. Favorite breakfast cereals? (25 replies)
  53. Now Don't Think I'm a Nut (3 replies)
  54. Cyclone Ingrid (20 replies)
  55. *BELTCH* Mount St. Helens (7 replies)
  56. Find out your Royal name (42 replies)
  57. Favorite Fast food joint??? (29 replies)
  58. WISHES FOR BIGbad..... (25 replies)
  59. Bonehead Moment (18 replies)
  60. As I sit sectioning grapefruit.......... (28 replies)
  61. anyone ever hear of a movie...... (10 replies)
  62. So tell me... (20 replies)
  63. Little Tony (Outlook on life!) (6 replies)
  64. ~() School Me ()~ (138 replies)
  65. Brisbane ~ Beautiful one day, hotter the next! (23 replies)
  66. Looking for ideas... (11 replies)
  67. Why? (4 replies)
  68. Their Eyes Were Watching God (11 replies)
  69. Raki (0 replies)
  70. All-time favorite movie (17 replies)
  71. Hey Chey....... "3" (33 replies)
  72. Pimp My Ride (18 replies)
  73. And they’re off! ……. sorta (10 replies)
  74. I just notice that Sonic Drive-In sells Cream Pie Shakes (13 replies)
  75. This makes me angry (25 replies)
  76. How Well Do You Know Your Beer? (13 replies)
  77. Mass Suicide (17 replies)
  78. Royally Tied (6 replies)
  79. Hi Honey I'm Home (15 replies)
  80. He needs a penalty (13 replies)
  81. Cold Mountain (11 replies)
  82. Hammer Time! (30 replies)
  83. dollars as propaganda? (4 replies)
  84. Gibson's Island (5 replies)
  85. Me & the boys (9 replies)
  86. Don't ya just hate it when you don't pay attention (21 replies)
  87. Just wanted to share.... (15 replies)
  88. corrupting missionarys (13 replies)
  89. Talk about wacky taxes! (3 replies)
  90. How to impress a...... (5 replies)
  91. dm343 Is The Birthday Boy Today!!! (24 replies)
  92. Hello (19 replies)
  93. Interesting way to get in shape, women! (9 replies)
  94. ~*Shave for a Cure*~ (44 replies)
  95. Happy Birthday TinglingTess!! (28 replies)
  96. Please Read ~ Pic section!! (9 replies)
  97. "Parents" (8 replies)
  98. Howdy Y'all (21 replies)
  99. Tmj (8 replies)
  100. Poppy seeds... (11 replies)
  101. How Many??? (34 replies)
  102. Did You Know? (5 replies)
  103. History! (5 replies)
  104. Transitions - Jef Raskin (2 replies)
  105. Musical Clothing (24 replies)
  106. If you were stranded.... (20 replies)
  107. Academy Awards (15 replies)
  108. Bias? (29 replies)
  109. SCARECROW and the number 8,000 (7 replies)
  110. The Gates (3 replies)
  111. Your relief reporting for duty (17 replies)
  112. Happy Birthday Irish! (33 replies)
  113. So what is .... (14 replies)
  114. A Common Anomaly (8 replies)
  115. Whooo-eee! (1 replies)
  116. Entrepreneur (38 replies)
  117. Dreaming of Spring (20 replies)
  118. Transitions : Peter Benenson (4 replies)
  119. Daddy How Was I Born? (7 replies)
  120. White House Press Room Scandal (5 replies)
  121. ~> PM News <~ (22 replies)
  122. 25 or 6 to 4 (14 replies)
  123. Uncommon Cure for the Common Cold (19 replies)
  124. Divorce! (5 replies)
  125. Camping (24 replies)
  126. Holy Cow!!! (13 replies)
  127. Blogs anyone???? (4 replies)
  128. March Holidays! (19 replies)
  129. Greatest rock song in existence (41 replies)
  130. Funniest things you've said to your boss. (8 replies)
  131. *pouts* (4 replies)
  132. Someone's sending a message (13 replies)
  133. A Place of Our Own (8 replies)
  134. Erotica fans . . . "new to me" site (2 replies)
  135. 9/11...Not Forgotten (6 replies)
  136. what cud i pay ya ......... (20 replies)
  137. Happy B'Day Just4Fun (8 replies)
  138. Jury duty (15 replies)
  139. Show me that pocket protector... (46 replies)
  140. Hello Everyone (12 replies)
  141. Direct Hit! (11 replies)
  142. Good (1 replies)
  143. Thank You Australia!!!! (17 replies)
  144. F. B. I.??? (10 replies)
  145. 10k - Again! (13 replies)
  146. Strangers in the night... (21 replies)
  147. Chance Encounter? (22 replies)
  148. Because of Winn-Dixie (25 replies)
  149. A Little Known Fact About Pantyfanatic!!! (40 replies)
  150. Funny and not funny commercials (4 replies)
  151. A Tuesday (22nd) B'Day Wish (41 replies)
  152. How many of you are parents? (37 replies)
  153. 10k (13 replies)
  154. That crazy, gonzo lifestyle/writing style (18 replies)
  155. Apologies (18 replies)
  156. Another front in MS's new "security push"? (4 replies)
  157. toons to tickle your tummy (2 replies)
  158. Cleaning, selling things, and doing taxes (0 replies)
  159. Three Years! (17 replies)
  160. Passings.....Sandra Dee (3 replies)
  161. Transitions - Ruud Lubbers (1 replies)
  162. gay penguins (15 replies)
  163. Taking Bets~~~> Sharni Keep Out! (37 replies)
  164. 19k (7 replies)
  165. Holy shhhhhhh...!! (12 replies)
  166. Lolly, Lolly, Lolly... (22 replies)
  167. Chat.... (2 replies)
  168. Desiderata (2 replies)
  169. Hiya Cheyanne and Cobalt! (27 replies)
  170. I`m New here @ Pixies! (8 replies)
  171. Elegant Dining (3 replies)
  172. Rearranging the Furniture (14 replies)
  173. 200 posts (6 replies)
  174. Hitting the Road (15 replies)
  175. Pilot's Dilemma for OldFart (9 replies)
  176. calihotguy (10 replies)
  177. Movie classics - lines (87 replies)
  178. I saw the weirdest thing..... (10 replies)
  179. ***** (9 replies)
  180. Body Modification (12 replies)
  181. Men strike back!! (5 replies)
  182. Online Universities? (6 replies)
  183. For that stressful time of the month..... (4 replies)
  184. Holy Crap!!! (4 replies)
  185. Missed You Guys ................. (24 replies)
  186. The joys of art.....body art that is (5 replies)
  187. Wacko Jacko in Court (9 replies)
  188. @----8- February (11 replies)
  189. Identity Theft (18 replies)
  190. Designer Drugs (7 replies)
  191. Live Forever? (9 replies)
  192. Men & Women---Differences! (12 replies)
  193. Oz adult match-making site linked to.. (3 replies)
  194. Teenagers Living In Poverty (6 replies)
  195. Escape the "Date from Hell" (1 replies)
  196. Hope for hockey? (22 replies)
  197. so... (36 replies)
  198. Hmmmmm.. (7 replies)
  199. Anyone want to chat? (3 replies)
  200. Anyone not having sex tonight? (36 replies)
  201. Galatea (1 replies)
  202. Achilles Heel (14 replies)
  203. Happy Valentine Day (6 replies)
  204. Happy Birthday Slowride...Wherever You Are! (14 replies)
  205. Am I the Only One??? (22 replies)
  206. Sing To Me Baby - Valentine's Edition.... (24 replies)
  207. Little Black Book (18 replies)
  208. How was your 1st time? (0 replies)
  209. Lovapalooza 2 (1 replies)
  210. Will You Be My Valentine? (42 replies)
  211. Valentine's Plans (17 replies)
  212. Transitions – Howard Dean (14 replies)
  213. you guys (and gals) are the greatest! (6 replies)
  214. Quick IAKG- Sharni needs you! (44 replies)
  215. Transitions – Arthur Miller (5 replies)
  216. If you could make any part of you 'perfect', what would it be? (15 replies)
  217. "New Health Plan!" (4 replies)
  218. SuzyQ @ 5000 (20 replies)
  219. Am I the only one... (12 replies)
  220. 69 (14 replies)
  221. politics...do we dare??? (79 replies)
  222. I think I have it figured out... (8 replies)
  223. It's all in the interpretation... (4 replies)
  224. Australian woman selling baby for $1mil (11 replies)
  225. New Pictures (3 replies)
  226. And what are (5 replies)
  227. Strange sign! (22 replies)
  228. It is almost someone's b-day!!! (24 replies)
  229. 5000 (15 replies)
  230. Thought of the day (13 replies)
  231. You Know You Are Getting Older When, (21 replies)
  232. Happy Chinese New Year (7 replies)
  233. This Must Be PantyFanatic's Year (7 replies)
  234. Wonderful Wednesday.... (17 replies)
  235. Looking for a new place to chat.... (7 replies)
  236. Cooler than the mp3 Server/Boombox (2 replies)
  237. A song (9 replies)
  238. Hello, strangers! (13 replies)
  239. How Do You Get Your News??? (21 replies)
  240. Baby You Can Drive My Car (8 replies)
  241. Trying to tone up a little at home, any advice? (5 replies)
  242. Location, Location, Location (14 replies)
  243. Ellen MacArthur’s round-the-world journey (4 replies)
  244. Oh, fuck my chihuahua! (21 replies)
  245. WildIrish Keep Out! (12 replies)
  246. What Treat would you bring? (23 replies)
  247. How to get into the Chat Room (1 replies)
  248. You call THAT music???? (21 replies)
  249. EEEEEKK!!! Mid-life,Wisdom,and Smiles (5 replies)
  250. Commercials (4 replies)