View Full Version : General Chat
- The curious affair of the full bush (0 replies)
- Such an appropriate cartoon (0 replies)
- So this happened (0 replies)
- Delving into politics (1 replies)
- I wonder if the man in question (0 replies)
- Some people (0 replies)
- Happy Mabon, BTW (2 replies)
- Well, OK then, be careful with that. (0 replies)
- Iltap 2024 (0 replies)
- The 2024 Ig Nobel Prizes (0 replies)
- Making a break for it (0 replies)
- Transitions: James Earl Jones (0 replies)
- More weird news (0 replies)
- In case you missed it (0 replies)
- Random event from history (2 replies)
- Transitions ~ Dr. Ruth (1 replies)
- Happy Assassination of the Archduke Day (0 replies)
- Find Pretty Womans from your city for night (0 replies)
- I have discovered an important Truism (3 replies)
- Another special day to remember. (0 replies)
- Today's Oglaf (0 replies)
- They'll give a degree to anyone, these days (0 replies)
- Go, Granny, Go! (0 replies)
- Hmd (0 replies)
- Three Pigs 0, Big Bad Wolf 1 (2 replies)
- Eek! A bear (0 replies)
- Well, that didn't take long (0 replies)
- So, uh, "weird news" (0 replies)
- Florida Man goes whole hog (0 replies)
- A dreary day (2 replies)
- Don't diss him, he just needs a ride (0 replies)
- Can you say "Parthenogenesis" ? (0 replies)
- The CLAW! (4 replies)
- Thirtyfour Years (5 replies)
- If the underwear fits, give it to the snake (2 replies)
- Alabama man tries to One-Up Florida man (3 replies)
- A look at Decembers around the US (0 replies)
- Transitions: Sandra Day O'Conner (0 replies)
- Transitions: Henry Kissinger (0 replies)
- Transitions: Rosalynn Carter (0 replies)
- He didn't really "escape" (1 replies)
- Tired or horny? (3 replies)
- Not political, but honest questions. (2 replies)
- Completely off-topic: an early bird (7 replies)
- balloons? (5 replies)
- Iltap 2023 (0 replies)
- Shitty personal stuff (5 replies)
- Bulwer-Lytton 2023 (2 replies)
- And other weird news (1 replies)
- You have to tell people these things (1 replies)
- More Weird News Today (1 replies)
- And today's weird news (0 replies)
- Happy Canada Day (5 replies)
- 60th Wedding Anniversary (9 replies)
- What is your absolute favourite oldie radio station (2 replies)
- Take that, transphobes! (4 replies)
- And the latest weird news (0 replies)
- Google doodle for 20 May 2023 (0 replies)
- Weird dreams, part the 7897859489th: (0 replies)
- Happy equinox, everyone (1 replies)
- If something broke (15 replies)
- Have you seen this? (5 replies)
- Happy... (3 replies)
- Solstice (2 replies)
- December Space News (0 replies)
- Nasty, destructive long-tailed tree rats (0 replies)
- What will effect you and everyone you know or will ever meet? (8 replies)
- Nichole vs Artemis (0 replies)
- OK, people (3 replies)
- Excited for Artemis (23 replies)
- Another 'Want To Share" (2 replies)
- 999 more monkeys and more time (0 replies)
- More Space News (0 replies)
- Monkeypox facts (0 replies)
- Transitions: Nichelle Nichols (0 replies)
- Emus in the Heartland (2 replies)
- More JWST stuff (0 replies)
- I've heard of Cops being called Bears (1 replies)
- Today's the Big Day (3 replies)
- Independence (3 replies)
- Just had to share .. (8 replies)
- A story of rescue. (0 replies)
- Oh, boy (1 replies)
- What bears have to go through these days (1 replies)
- No additional comment necessary (1 replies)
- Exploring Space, May, 2022 (1 replies)
- Another collapse in the playoffs (0 replies)
- From Earth to Space to Earth (4 replies)
- More space news (0 replies)
- A pair of nice spce-relatede stories (6 replies)
- Personal health (1 replies)
- Registering my personal disgust (15 replies)
- Fork you! (1 replies)
- Just have to share (4 replies)
- A VERY positive happening (1 replies)
- Buzz-Chirp-Beep-Ding-Click (13 replies)
- The ground hog saw his shadow. (3 replies)
- Happy Lunar New Year (3 replies)
- And today (12 replies)
- The latest on JWST (2 replies)
- Transitions: Meatloaf (0 replies)
- Transitions: Sidney Poitier (2 replies)
- Transitions: Betty White (0 replies)
- Transitions: Harry Reid (0 replies)
- Transitions: John Madden (0 replies)
- Reconnecting with beautiful people (4 replies)
- Transitions: Sarah Weddington (0 replies)
- Transitions: Desmond Tutu (0 replies)
- JWST Launched (9 replies)
- Late-year wishes (2 replies)
- 20 yrs (3 replies)
- Transitions: Michael Nesmith (1 replies)
- Transitions: Anne Rice (0 replies)
- Weird news: Camel (0 replies)
- An event I missed-Mars Convention (2 replies)
- Weird news: Corsican Cows (1 replies)
- Go, squid! (0 replies)
- Happy Mabon, everyone (1 replies)
- Surrender the booty! (0 replies)
- They just want some love (1 replies)
- Space News: another unfortunate failure (3 replies)
- Space News: Starliner flight scrubbed again (0 replies)
- Don't trust a cockatoo (2 replies)
- Hey ho mother fuckers (12 replies)
- Happy Birthday Pf!! (4 replies)
- Transitions: Michael Collins (1 replies)
- Shot! (1 replies)
- Squamate tongues and how they work (0 replies)
- And once again (3 replies)
- Dinosaurs, nests, babies! (1 replies)
- How the 25th Amendment Works (0 replies)
- Christmas Cheer (4 replies)
- Anyone follow the webcomic Oglaf? (2 replies)
- It's that day again (1 replies)
- OK, Which of you broke Google? (0 replies)
- Transitions: Chuck Yaeger (1 replies)
- Well, that was a con (4 replies)
- And once again, (3 replies)
- Is everyone sleeping? (3 replies)
- Transitions: Alex Trebek (2 replies)
- Twenty Years of the ISS (1 replies)
- Transitions: Sean Connery (4 replies)
- Have you voted yet? (6 replies)
- Transitions: Eddie Van Halen (0 replies)
- Another PSA reminder (3 replies)
- Transitions (3 replies)
- Next on the moon? (4 replies)
- Notorious RBG (3 replies)
- Two Historical Events (2 replies)
- Tik Tok/We Chat Ban (2 replies)
- Security certificate issue? (11 replies)
- Another pair of Giants have fallen (3 replies)
- Holy cow (20 replies)
- Hmfdy (3 replies)
- Flag Day (4 replies)
- What a beautiful day!! (15 replies)
- 75 years ago today (9 replies)
- GoodbI.E. (6 replies)
- Happy Easter! (11 replies)
- Transitions: Mort Drucker (2 replies)
- Transitions: Jenny Clack (1 replies)
- Price Gouging (14 replies)
- Transitions: Kenny Rogers (1 replies)
- How bad is it in your area? (51 replies)
- soap (2 replies)
- Transitions: Katherine Johnson (2 replies)
- Happy Birthday Pf (4 replies)
- Transitions: José Fernando Bonaparte (1 replies)
- Transitions: Dr Li Wenliang (5 replies)
- Transitions: Dale Russel (1 replies)
- Happy New Year (2 replies)
- Merry Christmas (8 replies)
- Transitions: Flt Lt Maurice Moundson (1 replies)
- Transitions: René Auberjonois (2 replies)
- Transitions: Caroll Spinney (1 replies)
- Transitions: D C Fontana (2 replies)
- Seeking a person willing to snuff out PF (13 replies)
- George Washington's Thanksgiving Prayer (3 replies)
- Transitions: Gahan Wilson (1 replies)
- Transitions: Elijah Cummings (1 replies)
- Hockey season is upon us (2 replies)
- B-17 crash in Connecticut (1 replies)
- pseudo-Historical combat (7 replies)
- Back yer sails, mateys! (1 replies)
- Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door (4 replies)
- Water on an exoplanet (1 replies)
- Happy Birthday Geckogekko (4 replies)
- Well, I dont' know how it happened, Officer (8 replies)
- Death Blow (3 replies)
- gg you know about spiders i'm guessing. (2 replies)
- This sounds like the premise to one of those grade-Z horror flicks: (3 replies)
- If you haven't watched the Google doodle animation for yesterday (5 replies)
- Happy 4th of July (1 replies)
- Happy Father's Day (2 replies)
- Welcome, Artemis! (7 replies)
- Mars Habitat Winner Announced (1 replies)
- Transitions: Peter Mayhew (4 replies)
- It's Salamander Saturday! (4 replies)
- Hope this is allowed (1 replies)
- Missed y'all (5 replies)
- Snakes, no. Snakes, yes. (2 replies)
- It worked! They got it! (9 replies)
- Spine issues (12 replies)
- Height (6 replies)
- Warning: You are likely to die of the cute (13 replies)
- Happy St Patrick's Day (4 replies)
- Stay safe, if you can NZ Pixies (1 replies)
- other stuff (7 replies)
- Birthday Wishes For Pf (3 replies)
- Transitions: Betty Ballantine (1 replies)
- Happy Valentine's Day (5 replies)
- Transitions: Opportunity Rover (4 replies)
- Retirement of a workhorse (2 replies)
- Totality, 2019 (1 replies)
- Missing pixie (17 replies)
- The latest (and greatest?) space plane: (5 replies)
- Transitions: Nancy Roman (1 replies)
- Taxed? (2 replies)
- What a special day! (6 replies)
- Happy Birthday gigi! (3 replies)
- Happy Thanksgiving (3 replies)
- Happy Veteran's Day (13 replies)
- Happy Birthday Aqua! (2 replies)
- Lilith, run and hide (5 replies)
- Rabbit it's a sad day (4 replies)
- Hello everybody!!!! (10 replies)
- Transitions: Aretha Franklin (2 replies)
- Transitions- Rick Genest (0 replies)
- Happy Bastille Day (1 replies)
- Smut Games players (7 replies)
- Memorial Day (0 replies)
- Happy Mother's Day (6 replies)
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our special Pixies (3 replies)
- Transitions - Winnie Mandela (1 replies)
- The Easter bunny talks? (8 replies)
- Transitions: Linda Brown (0 replies)
- Happy St Patrick's Day (3 replies)
- Transitions-Stephen Hawking (2 replies)
- Spring Break (11 replies)
- *waves* (10 replies)
- Happy Nude Year (1 replies)
- The Countdown Begins! (8 replies)
- Another milestone (3 replies)
- Can you believe it ... (5 replies)
- Transitions: Ursula K Le Guin (2 replies)
- Happy Birthday to a Bunch of Great Pixies (18 replies)
- the non-word 2017 (Germany) (7 replies)
- Another notable event (1 replies)
- Transitions: john Young (1 replies)
- Happy New Years Eve (6 replies)
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