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  1. The curious affair of the full bush (0 replies)
  2. Such an appropriate cartoon (0 replies)
  3. So this happened (0 replies)
  4. Delving into politics (1 replies)
  5. I wonder if the man in question (0 replies)
  6. Some people (0 replies)
  7. Happy Mabon, BTW (2 replies)
  8. Well, OK then, be careful with that. (0 replies)
  9. Iltap 2024 (0 replies)
  10. The 2024 Ig Nobel Prizes (0 replies)
  11. Making a break for it (0 replies)
  12. Transitions: James Earl Jones (0 replies)
  13. More weird news (0 replies)
  14. In case you missed it (0 replies)
  15. Random event from history (2 replies)
  16. Transitions ~ Dr. Ruth (1 replies)
  17. Happy Assassination of the Archduke Day (0 replies)
  18. Find Pretty Womans from your city for night (0 replies)
  19. I have discovered an important Truism (3 replies)
  20. Another special day to remember. (0 replies)
  21. Today's Oglaf (0 replies)
  22. They'll give a degree to anyone, these days (0 replies)
  23. Go, Granny, Go! (0 replies)
  24. Hmd (0 replies)
  25. Three Pigs 0, Big Bad Wolf 1 (2 replies)
  26. Eek! A bear (0 replies)
  27. Well, that didn't take long (0 replies)
  28. So, uh, "weird news" (0 replies)
  29. Florida Man goes whole hog (0 replies)
  30. A dreary day (2 replies)
  31. Don't diss him, he just needs a ride (0 replies)
  32. Can you say "Parthenogenesis" ? (0 replies)
  33. The CLAW! (4 replies)
  34. Thirtyfour Years (5 replies)
  35. If the underwear fits, give it to the snake (2 replies)
  36. Alabama man tries to One-Up Florida man (3 replies)
  37. A look at Decembers around the US (0 replies)
  38. Transitions: Sandra Day O'Conner (0 replies)
  39. Transitions: Henry Kissinger (0 replies)
  40. Transitions: Rosalynn Carter (0 replies)
  41. He didn't really "escape" (1 replies)
  42. Tired or horny? (3 replies)
  43. Not political, but honest questions. (2 replies)
  44. Completely off-topic: an early bird (7 replies)
  45. balloons? (5 replies)
  46. Iltap 2023 (0 replies)
  47. Shitty personal stuff (5 replies)
  48. Bulwer-Lytton 2023 (2 replies)
  49. And other weird news (1 replies)
  50. You have to tell people these things (1 replies)
  51. More Weird News Today (1 replies)
  52. And today's weird news (0 replies)
  53. Happy Canada Day (5 replies)
  54. 60th Wedding Anniversary (9 replies)
  55. What is your absolute favourite oldie radio station (2 replies)
  56. Take that, transphobes! (4 replies)
  57. And the latest weird news (0 replies)
  58. Google doodle for 20 May 2023 (0 replies)
  59. Weird dreams, part the 7897859489th: (0 replies)
  60. Happy equinox, everyone (1 replies)
  61. If something broke (15 replies)
  62. Have you seen this? (5 replies)
  63. Happy... (3 replies)
  64. Solstice (2 replies)
  65. December Space News (0 replies)
  66. Nasty, destructive long-tailed tree rats (0 replies)
  67. What will effect you and everyone you know or will ever meet? (8 replies)
  68. Nichole vs Artemis (0 replies)
  69. OK, people (3 replies)
  70. Excited for Artemis (23 replies)
  71. Another 'Want To Share" (2 replies)
  72. 999 more monkeys and more time (0 replies)
  73. More Space News (0 replies)
  74. Monkeypox facts (0 replies)
  75. Transitions: Nichelle Nichols (0 replies)
  76. Emus in the Heartland (2 replies)
  77. More JWST stuff (0 replies)
  78. I've heard of Cops being called Bears (1 replies)
  79. Today's the Big Day (3 replies)
  80. Independence (3 replies)
  81. Just had to share .. (8 replies)
  82. A story of rescue. (0 replies)
  83. Oh, boy (1 replies)
  84. What bears have to go through these days (1 replies)
  85. No additional comment necessary (1 replies)
  86. Exploring Space, May, 2022 (1 replies)
  87. Another collapse in the playoffs (0 replies)
  88. From Earth to Space to Earth (4 replies)
  89. More space news (0 replies)
  90. A pair of nice spce-relatede stories (6 replies)
  91. Personal health (1 replies)
  92. Registering my personal disgust (15 replies)
  93. Fork you! (1 replies)
  94. Just have to share (4 replies)
  95. A VERY positive happening (1 replies)
  96. Buzz-Chirp-Beep-Ding-Click (13 replies)
  97. The ground hog saw his shadow. (3 replies)
  98. Happy Lunar New Year (3 replies)
  99. And today (12 replies)
  100. The latest on JWST (2 replies)
  101. Transitions: Meatloaf (0 replies)
  102. Transitions: Sidney Poitier (2 replies)
  103. Transitions: Betty White (0 replies)
  104. Transitions: Harry Reid (0 replies)
  105. Transitions: John Madden (0 replies)
  106. Reconnecting with beautiful people (4 replies)
  107. Transitions: Sarah Weddington (0 replies)
  108. Transitions: Desmond Tutu (0 replies)
  109. JWST Launched (9 replies)
  110. Late-year wishes (2 replies)
  111. 20 yrs (3 replies)
  112. Transitions: Michael Nesmith (1 replies)
  113. Transitions: Anne Rice (0 replies)
  114. Weird news: Camel (0 replies)
  115. An event I missed-Mars Convention (2 replies)
  116. Weird news: Corsican Cows (1 replies)
  117. Go, squid! (0 replies)
  118. Happy Mabon, everyone (1 replies)
  119. Surrender the booty! (0 replies)
  120. They just want some love (1 replies)
  121. Space News: another unfortunate failure (3 replies)
  122. Space News: Starliner flight scrubbed again (0 replies)
  123. Don't trust a cockatoo (2 replies)
  124. Hey ho mother fuckers (12 replies)
  125. Happy Birthday Pf!! (4 replies)
  126. Transitions: Michael Collins (1 replies)
  127. Shot! (1 replies)
  128. Squamate tongues and how they work (0 replies)
  129. And once again (3 replies)
  130. Dinosaurs, nests, babies! (1 replies)
  131. How the 25th Amendment Works (0 replies)
  132. Christmas Cheer (4 replies)
  133. Anyone follow the webcomic Oglaf? (2 replies)
  134. It's that day again (1 replies)
  135. OK, Which of you broke Google? (0 replies)
  136. Transitions: Chuck Yaeger (1 replies)
  137. Well, that was a con (4 replies)
  138. And once again, (3 replies)
  139. Is everyone sleeping? (3 replies)
  140. Transitions: Alex Trebek (2 replies)
  141. Twenty Years of the ISS (1 replies)
  142. Transitions: Sean Connery (4 replies)
  143. Have you voted yet? (6 replies)
  144. Transitions: Eddie Van Halen (0 replies)
  145. Another PSA reminder (3 replies)
  146. Transitions (3 replies)
  147. Next on the moon? (4 replies)
  148. Notorious RBG (3 replies)
  149. Two Historical Events (2 replies)
  150. Tik Tok/We Chat Ban (2 replies)
  151. Security certificate issue? (11 replies)
  152. Another pair of Giants have fallen (3 replies)
  153. Holy cow (20 replies)
  154. Hmfdy (3 replies)
  155. Flag Day (4 replies)
  156. What a beautiful day!! (15 replies)
  157. 75 years ago today (9 replies)
  158. GoodbI.E. (6 replies)
  159. Happy Easter! (11 replies)
  160. Transitions: Mort Drucker (2 replies)
  161. Transitions: Jenny Clack (1 replies)
  162. Price Gouging (14 replies)
  163. Transitions: Kenny Rogers (1 replies)
  164. How bad is it in your area? (51 replies)
  165. soap (2 replies)
  166. Transitions: Katherine Johnson (2 replies)
  167. Happy Birthday Pf (4 replies)
  168. Transitions: José Fernando Bonaparte (1 replies)
  169. Transitions: Dr Li Wenliang (5 replies)
  170. Transitions: Dale Russel (1 replies)
  171. Happy New Year (2 replies)
  172. Merry Christmas (8 replies)
  173. Transitions: Flt Lt Maurice Moundson (1 replies)
  174. Transitions: René Auberjonois (2 replies)
  175. Transitions: Caroll Spinney (1 replies)
  176. Transitions: D C Fontana (2 replies)
  177. Seeking a person willing to snuff out PF (13 replies)
  178. George Washington's Thanksgiving Prayer (3 replies)
  179. Transitions: Gahan Wilson (1 replies)
  180. Transitions: Elijah Cummings (1 replies)
  181. Hockey season is upon us (2 replies)
  182. B-17 crash in Connecticut (1 replies)
  183. pseudo-Historical combat (7 replies)
  184. Back yer sails, mateys! (1 replies)
  185. Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door (4 replies)
  186. Water on an exoplanet (1 replies)
  187. Happy Birthday Geckogekko (4 replies)
  188. Well, I dont' know how it happened, Officer (8 replies)
  189. Death Blow (3 replies)
  190. gg you know about spiders i'm guessing. (2 replies)
  191. This sounds like the premise to one of those grade-Z horror flicks: (3 replies)
  192. If you haven't watched the Google doodle animation for yesterday (5 replies)
  193. Happy 4th of July (1 replies)
  194. Happy Father's Day (2 replies)
  195. Welcome, Artemis! (7 replies)
  196. Mars Habitat Winner Announced (1 replies)
  197. Transitions: Peter Mayhew (4 replies)
  198. It's Salamander Saturday! (4 replies)
  199. Hope this is allowed (1 replies)
  200. Missed y'all (5 replies)
  201. Snakes, no. Snakes, yes. (2 replies)
  202. It worked! They got it! (9 replies)
  203. Spine issues (12 replies)
  204. Height (6 replies)
  205. Warning: You are likely to die of the cute (13 replies)
  206. Happy St Patrick's Day (4 replies)
  207. Stay safe, if you can NZ Pixies (1 replies)
  208. other stuff (7 replies)
  209. Birthday Wishes For Pf (3 replies)
  210. Transitions: Betty Ballantine (1 replies)
  211. Happy Valentine's Day (5 replies)
  212. Transitions: Opportunity Rover (4 replies)
  213. Retirement of a workhorse (2 replies)
  214. Totality, 2019 (1 replies)
  215. Missing pixie (17 replies)
  216. The latest (and greatest?) space plane: (5 replies)
  217. Transitions: Nancy Roman (1 replies)
  218. Taxed? (2 replies)
  219. What a special day! (6 replies)
  220. Happy Birthday gigi! (3 replies)
  221. Happy Thanksgiving (3 replies)
  222. Happy Veteran's Day (13 replies)
  223. Happy Birthday Aqua! (2 replies)
  224. Lilith, run and hide (5 replies)
  225. Rabbit it's a sad day (4 replies)
  226. Hello everybody!!!! (10 replies)
  227. Transitions: Aretha Franklin (2 replies)
  228. Transitions- Rick Genest (0 replies)
  229. Happy Bastille Day (1 replies)
  230. Smut Games players (7 replies)
  231. Memorial Day (0 replies)
  232. Happy Mother's Day (6 replies)
  233. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our special Pixies (3 replies)
  234. Transitions - Winnie Mandela (1 replies)
  235. The Easter bunny talks? (8 replies)
  236. Transitions: Linda Brown (0 replies)
  237. Happy St Patrick's Day (3 replies)
  238. Transitions-Stephen Hawking (2 replies)
  239. Spring Break (11 replies)
  240. *waves* (10 replies)
  241. Happy Nude Year (1 replies)
  242. The Countdown Begins! (8 replies)
  243. Another milestone (3 replies)
  244. Can you believe it ... (5 replies)
  245. Transitions: Ursula K Le Guin (2 replies)
  246. Happy Birthday to a Bunch of Great Pixies (18 replies)
  247. the non-word 2017 (Germany) (7 replies)
  248. Another notable event (1 replies)
  249. Transitions: john Young (1 replies)
  250. Happy New Years Eve (6 replies)