Originally Posted by daywalker22
she said she wants some space and that what she wants is for her to know and me to find out. what do i need to do to get her back? just give her the space and ride it out or what?
There's some hidden agenda in her comment and unfortunately I don't know her so I can't begin to tell you what it is.
I can tell you this...If I've ever said, "for me to know and you to find out", I wanted the person I directed the statement to, to try and find out what I meant. But I know it can also mean, "Bug off...I'm not talking to you anymore".
If you do "just give her space"...and you plan and hope to get back together, make sure you do something to better yourself while you are waiting. That is, if you see her point of view and agree that your approach to arguing needs to be tweaked in order to make it more fair and equal for you both to get your points across.
Believe it or not arguing doesn't have to be an "I win" or "she wins" situation. Arguing is a tool used to find a compromise between two opposing points of view. Yelling shouldn't even be a part of it. Calling names and putting her down and not giving her a chance to state her case won't get you anywhere but where you are now. It's an immature approach to what should be a mature situation. Anger never solved an argument. You shouldn't really try to argue if you are so angry that you need to yell. If you wait till you are out of the moment and have calmed down a bit you'll find that you can state your case more precisely and you'll be able to listen to her better when she states her case.
Check the library or book stores for books on how to argue without anger. As I said before, I think Dr. Phil has some books on the subject, but he isn't the only one who's ever written about it. While you are waiting for her to show signs of, or reveal, what it is she wants from your relationship...if anything at all...educate yourself to show her that you understand there is a problem and you are willing to work on it!
Hope this helps and good luck!