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Old 05-26-2004, 05:03 PM
august august is offline
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i know this sounds stupid but...

In order to get birth control, does one have to get an exam, or does the doctor just perscribe the pills? I heard that if going to the doctor you only have to answer a few questions, where if going to a gyno you have to get the exam. Is this true? Help!
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:14 PM
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No doctor should prescribe birth control without a complete physical.

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Old 05-26-2004, 05:16 PM
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:18 PM
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And if you are old enough to need them you should be having complete physicals. You may have luck at a dept. of health clinic but you usually have to have an exam, I think.

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Old 05-26-2004, 05:39 PM
august august is offline
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I've always avoided having a complete physical... I just don't really feel comfortable about it. Thats why I never looked into getting birth control, I didn't ever really know what to expect, and felt stupid for asking anyone else.
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:53 PM
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Don't feel stupid. It is perfectly normal to feel scared about the idea of it.

But truly if you are old enough to be having sex or seriously considering having sex it is important to make sure you stay healthy.

All birth control pills do is prevent pregnancy.... you must protect yourself against STDs.

Here is info on what to expect at an exam

and a great site with lots of answers to many sex questions

You can PM me any questions and I will be glad to give you what information I can. A smart girl always seeks out information just as you have!

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Old 05-26-2004, 05:59 PM
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The other way you can use until you decide to go see your doctor is condoms. You should be able to get these from your local pharmacy (in the UK not sure in USA). They will also help protect yourself from STD's. No matter what form of contraception you choose it's always a good idea to carry and use condoms and practice safe sex.
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Last edited by musketeer : 05-26-2004 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 05-26-2004, 06:24 PM
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That's for sure. If you can't trust to be examined by a doctor, who sees people all day long.....just imagine having sex with someone...yeah i know there's a difference, but the dr. sees it all day.

I was a nervous wreck my first exam, and still not comfortable with them. Just relax is all I can say.
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Old 05-26-2004, 07:53 PM
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I got my first perscription of pills at 16 and never had to have a physical
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Old 05-26-2004, 07:55 PM
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It's important to get a yearly exam, if only because of the increased likelihood of catching a potential problem or abnormality early on. By this, I'm not talking STDs necessarily, but more specifically types of cervical and/or ovarian cancer. It's not the highlight of my year, either, but the brief feeling of being uncomfortable is more than worth the peace of mind.

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Old 05-26-2004, 09:10 PM
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The specific reasoning behind the exms is to check for abnormalities, as well as taking samples to check and make certain your body is functuning properly. I don't know of any organization that will perscribe without the exam. Each pill is formulated differently, working by using different hormones. You'll likely need to check in with your doctor 3 months after starting, so that they know the pill is working for you.

My first pill experiance was a really wrong one for my body. I went the first month fine, the second month I went about 2 weeks fine, and then 6 weeks into it, I began to bleed like a period. I didn't stop for another 6 weeks, and that was 4 weeks after I stopped taking the pills.

First exams can be highly uncomfortable. If you have a family practitioner, they can do the exams. If you don't, look for either an OB/GYN or a health department, or a Planned Pregnancy type place.

I've personally never minded one way or the other, but one thing to consider is whether you prefer a male or female doctor. Regardless of what you choose, a nurse MUST be present during the exam.

The exam itself is more nerve wracking than anything, but there are a few uncomfortable moments. You'll do fine.
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Old 05-26-2004, 09:15 PM
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I have always had to have my "poke and prod" before I could get my prescription for birth control pills.

Just one of those dreaded things that women have to do once a year...besides, you get to see some really cool posters put on the ceiling....
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Old 05-26-2004, 09:19 PM
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First: WELCOME TO PIXIES!! I'm sure you'll like it here .

Second: There is no such thing as a stupid question! Gain as much knowledge as you can in all areas of your life. And know as much as you can about your body and take care of it. Sounds corny but you only get one and it's gotta last another 70 or 80 years!! With that in mind I agree with those who posted regarding condoms and safe sex. And weather you decide to go on the pill or not, I also agree that you should have a complete exam. You may feel more comfortable with a lady gyn. The exam is not all that bad. Just think of something happy and let your mind drift. lol.

Good luck!!
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Old 05-29-2004, 05:52 PM
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I absolutely despise going for my annual exam - but I've always had a female dr do it, as I'm convinced she will be more understanding of my needs and concerns (very personal decision, I know). I dread it from the time I make the appointment til my feet come out of the stirrups. But every year I survive. And there's much to be said for peace of mind. Coming from a family of cancer victims, this is one of the easiest things to do to keep my health in check.

I've never heard of a woman being excited about having a her annual exam, or a male about having a prostate exam, but it's part of being a responsible adult.
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Old 05-29-2004, 07:11 PM
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Hmmmmm...because i dont have an exam every 2 years (thats the time length here) does not make me an irresponsible adult!
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth.


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