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Old 03-23-2004, 11:43 PM
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Bored in Wisconsin.

It's really boring here I hate the cold. I just moved to Milwaukee....

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Old 03-23-2004, 11:48 PM
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Well believe me, you've come to the right place for some fun!
~Tainted Love~
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Old 03-24-2004, 07:04 AM
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The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.~ Betty Grable

If I wanted your opinion, I'd remove the duct tape and ask you for it.~ Me
One man's dream is another man's nightmare~~~~> §¤ Lilith ¤§

~>My Scribbles<~
==>Gone Shopping<== ~Just a Quickie~ *~A Celebration Vacation~* ~Surprises~ Sleeping With the Window Open
What Did You Do Today? Self Defense Class ~Short Sweet Snippets~ § Summer Spin § Story Challenge Submission Pajamas
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Old 03-24-2004, 11:47 AM
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welcome to to lit! and my home town of milwaukee
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Old 03-24-2004, 12:00 PM
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There's tons of stuff to keep you occupied in this great town.. some of these ideas require a little travel and a little gumption. Everything, however, can be found within a three-hour drive, and most are right in your backyard.

See the Brewers in Miller Park.
Go to the Domes
Dine and explore the Safe House
Go strawberry picking in Mequon
Eat at Organ Piper Pizza
Catch a drive-in movie in Jefferson
Go antiquing in Cedarburg
Climb Holy Hill
Take a trip to Oneida
Bike in Lake Park
Sip a Brainbuster at Bryant's
Visit the library at the Milwaukee County Historical Society
Watch an IMAX movie
Buy a brat at the Usinger's store
Tour the Lakefront Brewery
See a Wave game
Pitch and putt at Noyes Park
Marvel at the Art Museum expansion
Take photos of old buildings in the Third Ward
Smell the flowers at Boerner Botanical Gardens
Ham it up with the monkeys at the Zoo
Trek up to Green Bay for the Packer Hall of Fame
Ice skate at the Pettit Center
Get a corned beef sandwich at Jake's
Shop on Brady Street
Take a lesuirely drive up Highway 57 as far as you're willing
Ride the Milwaukee Loop
Visit a Farmer's Market
Fall in love all over again over a Tikki Love Bowl at At Random
Tour Miller Brewing
Go to the Halloween haunted house in Hubertus
See nature at the Schlitz Audubon Center
Make a difference at the Volunteer Center
Pet the animals at the Humane Society
Tour the Pabst Mansion
See a band at the Globe
See a Bucks game
See a play at Theatre X
Bowl a few lines on America's oldest lanes at Holler House
Try a fish boil in Door County
Visit all four taverns on any given street corner
Talk to the Pepperoni Cannoli guy
Sunbathe at any beach on Lake Michigan
Swim in the Brown Deer Pond
Wander around the Bong Rec Area
Marvel at the Mars Cheese Castle
Have a bowl of Real Chili
See an Admirals game
Sled at the North Ave. Water Tower
Watch kids playing soccer at Uihlein Park
Get lost in Cudahy
See the stars from Mequon
Stroll the Streets of Old Milwaukee at the Museum
Shop the outlet malls in Kenosha
Get a tan in memory of Dick Bacon
Buy a kite at Gift of Wings
Milk cows at a farm
Take a road trip to the Cave of the Mounds
Find Frank Lloyd Wright architecture
Stay at a Bed and Breakfast in Cedarburg
See Sigmund Snopek play
Float on the Ducks at The Wisconsin Dells
Take a road trip Circus World Museum
Take the Manitowoc Ferry to Michigan
Be cool at a monosyllabic downtown club
Go to a Friday Fish Fry
Take a ride down the Milwaukee River
Get a night cap at Pieces of Eight
Eat a butter burger at Kopp's
Have breakfast at Le Peep downtown
Bike the Kettle Moraine
Sail Lake Michigan
Visit the Black Holocaust Museum
Take the ferry to Washington Island
Watch people play lawn bowling at Lake Park
Rollerblade at Veteran's Park
Ride the mechanical chili pepper at La Perla
See the statues in Doctor's Park
Bowl at Koz's Mini Bowl
Shop for a vintage LP at Flipville Records
Sing at Art Altenburg's Concertina Bar
Take an art class at Artist and Display on Burleigh Street
Tour St. Joan of Arc Chapel on Marquette's campus
Sit outside at Taylor's
See a play at The Rep
Get hot ham and rolls at the National Baking Company
Tour the city's longest street, 27th Street
Stand at the bottom and gaze up at the US Bank Building
Buy vitamins at Outpost Natural Foods
See if the security guard at the Midwest Express Center is real
Take the kids to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum
Tour Harley-Davidson
Window shop at Rubin's
Get a shake at Lixx
See Pat McCurdy play
Golf indoors at Indoor Links
Get pizza at Zaffiro's
Cruise Lake Drive
Have lunch with Bud Selig at Gilles
Visit the lavish Basilica of Saint Josaphat
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Old 03-24-2004, 12:10 PM
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here is a few more for when ya finish the first list..enjoy

Go for a spin and enjoy dinner at Polaris atop the Hyatt
Meet an author and hear them read at Schwartz Bookshops
Watch a European soccer game on the telly at Nomad
Pedal a boat on the lagoon at the lakefront
Buy a bag of Italian cookies at Canfora Bakery and enjoy them in nearby Humboldt Park
Sip hot tea at the window table in Cream City Cafe on a rainy day
Find Gertie The Duck
Join a bocce league at the Italian Community Center
Get some custard at Jessica's and enjoy it beneath ascending planes in the airport observation lot on Layton Ave.
Stroll the Milwaukee River Walk and tour its RiverSculpture exhibit
Go hear the Milwaukee Slim Blues Band
Enjoy the spinach and artichoke dip at Cafe Vecchio Mondo
Dance in the sunset at River Rhythms in Pere Marquette Park
Throw darts or bowl a few lines at Landmark Lanes on import night (Tuesday)
Take your grandma to brunch at the Watts Tea Room
Close Wolski's Tavern
Work out with the beautiful people at the Downtown Y
Make use of Milwaukee's largest urinal at Leff's Lucky Town
Petition the mayor to rename the city Calatravaville or suggest the architect as a possible designer for a new project
Try a mini donut on the corner of North and Oakland Aves.
Go snowshoe shopping at Sherper's
Pick up a fine cigar or unusual pack of cigs at Uhle's
Have dinner and a movie at The Rosebud
Go night putting at Lake Park
Check out the cool cars at the Brooke Stevens Automobile Museum
Fill up your gallon jugs at Bay View's Pryor St. well
Discover the best Chinese take-out at South Milwaukee's San Fong
Take an art class at MIAD, UWM or the Art Museum
Cozy up to a pint of the black stuff at Paddy's Pub
Breakfast at Miss Katie's Diner
Take a tour of The Pfister art collection
Relive the '80s at Mad Planet
Put the pin monkeys to work at Holler House, the city's oldest kegler's paradise
Go shopping at Goldman's
Paintball Dave's
Stroll through Villa Terrace
Late night ribs at Speed Queen
Find the "Jesus blessing the UN" painting at Jamo's
International Clown Hall of Fame in the Grand Avenue Mall
Tour the Third Ward and Downtown in a Trolley
See Sammy Bodean at the Shorecrest
Wear your flares to the Have a Nice Day Café
Read all the signature plaques at the Milwaukee Press Club
Eat a corned beef sandwich at Benji's
Go art hopping on Gallery Night
Visit the oldest building in North America, St. Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette
Get serenaded at Old Town or Filippo's pizza
Learn to sail at the Milwaukee Sailing Center
Stock up on sage and coriander seeds at The Spice House
Stroll the lovely grounds of St. Francis Seminary
Take Rover to a dog park for a run
Drive up to Leon's for custard
Get sumptuous treats at Lopez Bakery
Enjoy the view of downtown from Dom & Phil DeMarini's pizza place
See a midnight movie at The Times
Bring a picnic lunch to the Bradley Sculpture Garden open house
Get hooked on the flaming cheese at Annunciation's Greek festival
Laugh it up at ComedySportz
Shoot pool at Romine's
See the butterflies at Milwaukee Public Museum
Test the leather couches at Dinesen's
Get a massage at the Westown Farmer's Market
Eat smelts in Port Washington
Laugh it up at ComedySportz
Commune with nature at the Wehr Nature Center
Dig into a butt steak at Coerper's 5 O'Clock Steak House
Taste Milwaukee's best once-a-year lunch deal at Armenian Fest
Drink aboard the Great Northern train car (but let the bartender make the first contact)
Search for vintage gear at Yellow Jacket
Learn to sew at the Cutting Table
Buy cool new vinyl at Atomic Records
Paint pottery at Time to Kiln
Find unimaginable treasures at American Science & Surplus
Rent "Major League" and look for familiar Milwaukee places
Play "Where's Kato?"
Explore Milwaukee's German culinary legacy at Mader's and Karl Ratzsch's
Surf the net and sip a cup of joe at Bear Brew
Walk out on the breakwater and watch the sun set over the skyline
Go fishing at the lighthouse behind the Marcus Amphitheater
Have a martini at Angelo's Lounge
Buy some lawn sculptures at Garden Star in Kenosha
Ride your bike or walk along the
Sample the sweet red wine at Albanese's
Chat up the Public Service Ambassadors downtown
See the view from Blu atop the Pfister Hotel
Take a carriage ride through downtown
Have a cheap and tasty Conejito's burrito
Search for bargains at the Third Ward Women's Resale Shop
Find an autographed first edition at Mystery One books
Cozy up to the fire at County Clare with a lover and a pint
Buy fresh homemade sausage at Groppi's in Bay View (weekends only!)
Say "Art Smart's Dart Mart" five times fast
Admire the restoration job at St. Josaphat's Basilica
Visit, but don't pester, the bunnies at State Fair
Make the snake rattle at the Milwaukee Public Museum
Sit in the correct Press Club chair and find yourself in the Safe House
Go horseback riding at Mary Lynn Stables in Grafton
Skip down Knapp St. singing "schlamiel, schlamazel"
Hang out with sailors at Barnacle Bud's
Try the veggie riblets at Palomino's

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Old 03-24-2004, 12:14 PM
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is not this trim anymore!
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Holy Shite! Now there's a thing's to do list! Barely leaves any time to visit Pixies though.
Though I am different from you,
We were born involved in one another.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Complete surrender should not just come at moments in which one faces overwhelming odds, but in the calm when it seems one is personally in complete control of one's life.
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Old 03-24-2004, 12:32 PM
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HEHE..I know WI...Need a little something to spice up your love life? These can be fun

Stroll through The Domes
Ice skate at Red Arrow Park
Sip a Tiki Love Bowl at At Random
One word: Sybaris
Stargaze at UWM planetarium
Snuggle up for dinner at The Pasta Tree
Get matching tattoos at Adambomb
Take dancing lessons together at Danceworks
Ride the hot pepper together at La Perla
Sing a duet at Angelo's
Call WMSE and make a dedication to your honey
Heat things up at Time to Kiln
Take a carriage ride downtown
Meet new friends at Solomon Juneau's cabin
Go for a cruise on the Edelweiss
Polka together at Art's Concertina Bar
Watch the sunrise at the lakefront
Make out in the back row at the Oriental Theatre
Take in The Ballet
Hire a skywriter to spell out your lover's name over Miller Park
Bribe Chopper 4 with PowerZoom for joyride
Sip hot chocolates at Alterra
Make out on the beating heart bed at the Art Museum
Take a romantic walk through the Streets of Old Milwaukee
Smootch in the light of the polish moon
Find new romance in OMC personals
One Leon's chocolate malt ... two straws
Schedule "nooner" at the Biller Hotel
Slip away for a romantic lunch at Timmerman Field
Watch the submarine races at the lakefront
Splurge for dinner at Sanford
Salsa dance at Club Havana
Cruise with Fonzie at Makeout Point
Say "cheese" in a local photo booth
Scope out the scene at Estabrook Park
Go window shopping together on Brady Street or in the Third Ward
Take your sexy sweetie to "Bare-Ass Beach"
Share a couch at the Rosebud
Get wet together at Paradise Landing
Try out the Hyatt for drinks (sit and spin, baby!)
Picnic at Lake Park
Whisper Shakespeare to each other at the Central Library
Stop and smell the roses at the Boerner Botanical Gardens
Tram down to the gardens at Villa Terrace
Take a cooking class together at MATC
Share a plate of spaghetti at Calderone Club
Dip strawberries into a chocolate fondue at Vecchio Mondo
Lavish yourselves with his and her massages in the Third Ward
Test out new beds at Rubin's
Take a bubble bath
Adopt a puppy from the Humane Society
Road-trip to Climax, Wis. (via Spread Eagle, Wis.)
Spend a weekend at a bed and breakfast
Sample juicy fruits at the downtown farmer's market
Marvel at phallic Pizza Man sign
Buy pretty undergarments at Victoria's Secret
Check out wedding gowns on Mitchell Street
Snowshoe at Doctor's Park
Two words: Glamour Shots
Read Anais Nin together at Schwartz on Downer
Take a French class at Alliance Francaise
Canoe the Milwaukee River
Feed each other cashews at Blu
Watch a classic midnight movie at The Times
Buy her flowers from Sendik's on Downer
Rent a tandem bike and ride off into the sunset
Go fly a kite at Veteran's Park
Take a lunch-hour getaway in the European Village
Jet ski on the lakefront
Steal a kiss on the gazebo at Pere Marquette Park
Nibble dessert at Elsa's
Grab breakfast at the Airport Lounge
Sit among the glowing pods downstairs at Tangerine
Road trip to Superb Video in Kenosha
Slurp oysters at Crawdaddy's with extra hot sauce
Watch the monkeys doing it at the zoo
Groove to Barry White
Invite Freeway to a three-way
Learn some moves from Kama Sutra murals at Dancing Ganesha
Watch them stuff sausage at Usinger's
Surf the Web, adult-style
Stroll the Riverwalk, hand in hand
Check out live jazz at The Estate
Do it (discreetly, please) in the luxury boxes at Miller Park
Learn to say, "I love you" in an Italian class at the ICC
Reserve table in the Tatami Room at Nanakusa for romantic dinner
Ride together on a Harley wearing only buttless chaps
Sip pints in front of the fireplace at County Clare
Hunt for treasures in Cedarburg antique shops
Be serenaded by Jerry Grillo
Have your "love lines" read at the House of Magick
Rent a harpist from the Conservatory to play at your house
Watch planes land from the observation lot on Layton Avenue
Go for a night put at Lake Park
Get serenaded at Old Town
Try to find an aphrodisiac at the Spice House
Buy an Italian leather sofa at Dinesen's
Watch the sunset over Jones Island from Barnacle Bud's
Have your special song played at Organ Piper Pizza
Spend a quiet afternoon with nature at the Schlitz Audubon Society

NO excusses to be bored now octopus ;0)....Just dont put your long johns away till july 1st..But spring is teasing us this week with highs in the 50's n 60's cant beat that in march!!
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Old 03-24-2004, 10:27 PM
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Hntr74, you forgot the road trip to Mt. Horeb to see the Mustard Museum! And of course come to Madison to see the most beautiful state cap in the nation. I'd also recommend road tripping to all of the state!

My personal favorite when I'm in Milwaukee is to drool over Andy Kendeigh's ABC sports report.

I live in Wisconsin but I never knew there was THAT much to do in Milwaukee either!
Though dreams can be deceiving, like faces are to hearts; they serve for sweet relieving when fantasy and reality lie too far apart.-Fiona Apple

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Old 03-25-2004, 04:12 AM
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If ya don't like it, move to where your heart moves ya.
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Old 03-25-2004, 05:34 AM
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Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth.


If you go hunting prepared when ya catch one!
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Old 03-30-2004, 05:15 PM
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Hey, octopus, welcome to Pixies. Be sure to take some time out for enjoying your time here.
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