07-14-2004, 05:43 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 17
Wandering Imagination thanks to Pixies
Wondering who else out there now has a wandering imagination when it comes to other people thanks to Pixies? What I mean is after talking candidly with so many average (and I mean that as a compliment) people here at Pixies and learning of everyone's varied sexual preferences, experiences, desires, fantasies, all that good stuff can ever look at a stranger the same again? I would always wonder what friends were up, do they have sex often, that sort of basic stuff, but until Pixies I never imagined the couple I might be standing in line behind at the supermarket having anal sex in their living room and recording it for some online website. Or the quiet mousy receptionist masterbating in the morning before coming to work. Now my mind wanders to that stuff all the time. I'll look at someone and think, maybe they're a fellow pixie pal. I guess I have to say that before Pixies I was a bit naive and only thought of the very outwardly sexy people as sexual, but now I realize that plenty of people have lots of sexual energy that they save for the bedroom, not the boardroom - pardon my analogy. My eyes have been open and in doing so I have lots more fun meeting new people, although at certain times of the month when I am super horny it gets a bit annoying, but still fun. I can't do anything without imagining the person having sex in some way and now that I can picture regular people having mind blowing sex I have found that I can be more sexually open myself and that loving and enjoying sex doesn't put me in the minority with porn stars and strippers. Pixies Power!