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Curious gal 07-14-2004 05:43 PM

Wandering Imagination thanks to Pixies
Wondering who else out there now has a wandering imagination when it comes to other people thanks to Pixies? What I mean is after talking candidly with so many average (and I mean that as a compliment) people here at Pixies and learning of everyone's varied sexual preferences, experiences, desires, fantasies, all that good stuff can ever look at a stranger the same again? I would always wonder what friends were up, do they have sex often, that sort of basic stuff, but until Pixies I never imagined the couple I might be standing in line behind at the supermarket having anal sex in their living room and recording it for some online website. Or the quiet mousy receptionist masterbating in the morning before coming to work. Now my mind wanders to that stuff all the time. I'll look at someone and think, maybe they're a fellow pixie pal. I guess I have to say that before Pixies I was a bit naive and only thought of the very outwardly sexy people as sexual, but now I realize that plenty of people have lots of sexual energy that they save for the bedroom, not the boardroom - pardon my analogy. My eyes have been open and in doing so I have lots more fun meeting new people, although at certain times of the month when I am super horny it gets a bit annoying, but still fun. I can't do anything without imagining the person having sex in some way and now that I can picture regular people having mind blowing sex I have found that I can be more sexually open myself and that loving and enjoying sex doesn't put me in the minority with porn stars and strippers. Pixies Power! :jester:

JustSomeGuy 07-14-2004 05:51 PM

Oh LORD yes, I've always been like that! Of course, I'm a guy...

But I do find myself quite often thinking about the guys and gals at work, the neighbors, friends...heck, dang near anyone I see!

Usually I find somehow to include myself in their sexlife...you know, the fantasy 3-some that everyone wants to have! ;)

Cassiopeia 07-14-2004 07:28 PM

Curious Gal,

You're not alone! My mind wanders all the time with similiar thoughts. I wonder about whether or not my professor has a vibrator or whether the guy on the streetcar is into spanking...etc. And like some JustSomeGuy mentioned, I too sometimes include myself in their sexlife especially if they're cute. ;)

I blame it on Pixies. Its made me become more comfortable with sexuality and made me realize that there are so many other horny bastards out there like me. :D So I sometimes wonder if the strangers I encounter are some!

Congrats on having as positive of an experience as I have with Pixies!!

dicksbro 07-14-2004 08:38 PM

Pixies does tend to broaden your view of how people think about sex, doesn't it. Certainly has me. ;)

Loulabelle 07-14-2004 09:58 PM

LOL - it works the other way too though.....on the rare occasions in the last few years that a man I don't know has whistled or tooted his car horn at me when I've been walking down the street, I've always wondered to myself whether they've recognised me from Pixies, and that's why they've done it.

Somewhat unsettling thought at times, I must say, but then I remind myself that it's highly unlikely, and that perhaps they were actually just genuinely liking the look of me......

scotzoidman 07-15-2004 12:23 AM

Lou, why do guys whistle or honk their horn at you? Because they can...

sodaklostsoul 07-15-2004 12:42 AM

Pixies is the first place I have felt comfortable enough to express anything I like and the people here will not say "ew gross, you do that". And yes I look at other people and wonder " Hmmm, what do they like to do.."

scotzoidman 07-15-2004 12:59 AM

I was here way back, almost from the beginning, when you didn't have to be a member to look at the pics...but what made me become a member was so I could join in the discussions, to chat with such ordinary people being extraordinarilly open about their private lives, their likes & dislikes, their fetishes...& looking back on the man I was three years ago, & where I am now, I think it has made me a little more open, more willing to accept other people as they are...

even if they are sick little perverts...


PantyFanatic 07-15-2004 07:53 AM

I have to thank Pixies and it wonderful citizens from around the globe for both of the important changes in my life. Being truly more open with myself and accepting of others prospective has been almost as enriching as the personal comfort I found here way too late in life. Pixies has to be the best guilt detergent since the end of the Inquisitions.

WildIrish 07-15-2004 08:00 AM

I've learned a lot because of Pixies. As much about myself as I have the world around me. And yes, I do tend to look at "ordinary" people differently now.

huntersgirl 07-15-2004 09:36 AM

Its been said before, but we have all found this place for a reason. I was introduced to this site at a time when I was finally able to have my own little sexual revolution or should I say revelation. :) I have always thought of myself as open minded and accepting, but I was living in a cave as far as sex was concerned. Now just like you, Curious gal, I find my mind wandering to others and their sexuality. I never would have done that years ago. I would have quickly thought about something else! Now I am able to just go with it and enjoy it for all that it is! :)

lakritze 07-15-2004 11:33 AM

I see it as a trend that goes beyond pixies.People are getting tired of the repressive guilt ridden view of sex. We are finally claiming our own sexuality and finding pride in it. About time to. As it grows more popular and realizd as the healthy activity it is,more of the negative attitudes will just fade away.Pixies is a great place to discuss all aspects of our sexuality and other concerns.We are a community that is ahead of the rest.But as far as what YOU are doing,eeeewwwwww...Thats discusting.hhe heh

LixyChick 07-16-2004 04:57 AM

Most definitely, I look at people differently and wonder about their sexual preferences and if they've ever stumbled across Pixies. We've discussed this before and it's worth discussing again...there are times, say at work, when someone will say something that makes me think they've seen me here...and then I go, "Naaaaaaaaaaaa, they would have said more by now".

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmm...

rabbit 07-17-2004 02:29 PM

One of the things I love about Pixies is that there are others who have sexy experiences to share.

Before I was married, I had a wide variety of sexy experiences and enjoyed almost all of them. After marriage, the variety (partner-wise) was ended. Learning about the experiences of others is something I enjoy.


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