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Old 03-04-2003, 09:18 AM
spotnks's Avatar
spotnks spotnks is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Kansas.... I think
Posts: 22
23yrs later your daughter is at your door

HiYa to everyone that reads this.

I've been a member for a few months and have read my share of questions and comments on various topics and with such a diverse group I thought I would get some feed back to my newest dilemma....

Some back ground - Back in the late 70's to early 80's I worked as a bartender. Some were plane beer bars some served the good stuff (in KS back then you had 3.2 beer bars and "Clubs" you had to purchase a membership... yes. for each one.) Sometimes I thought Carry Nation would pop back up from her grave, burst in and start smashing up the place with her swinging her axe.

Back to the issue. As in all establishments you have your... shall we say "Bar Flys" You know the ones, they follow you home and take advantage of you... LOL

Well, one such lady happened to find her way to my apartment and after a few hours of ho-hum sex she gathered her things and left. Then comes back into the club a few weeks later and "OH guess what.... I'm pregnant and it's yours." WTF? (what the fuck) No way, remember I used a condom" Well she kept after it. Showing up, telling everyone yada yada yada...

It's now Aug. 4, 1980. My mother is in the hospital, dieing of cancer (turns out this was the day she passed away) and I get served paternity papers. (I kid you not) Now all the legal eagles start to do their thing with the questions to each of us and a court date was set. Court was to be on a Monday, the Friday before, my attorney called and said "No court on Monday, she dropped the paternity suit" Then "POOF" never did see or hear from her again.....

Until..... (turn your clocks up 23yrs.)

The phone rings last week and after a few meaningless questions on the rental house across the street she tells me who she really is. YEPPY SKIPPY, you guessed it... It's psycho bitch. (I have them numbered) Then says "When can your daughter come meet you and her grandfather?" WHOOOOAAA NELLY, what do you mean? So she started calling me a few names the usual stuff and believe it or not I got a tad pissed, told her where to go and how to get there and hung up the phone. OK.. more like almost took it off the wall... Now it's border line stalking me. Comes to my house, pounds on the door, kicks the door, leaves me real nasty notes on my truck. (her vocabulary hasn't expanded over time like she has.... had to toss that in.. sorry)She is the only one who has called, came over or done any of this until last Sunday, I get another note in my door from the "daughter" and she wants to know... Why didn't I answer the door when she was there? (uhhh maybe I wasn't here) Where I have been for her 20+ years of life. Why won't you take the blood test and find out? yada yada yada. Then the one question that got me sparked up was "When can I meet my half sister, I would like to start a relationship with her, (my daughter who is 13 and thankfully lives far away) I don't know what I want to do when it comes to you".

Now the "mother" starts calling my father who is 85 yr old, and not in the best health and gets him upset, says how she is going to find my daughter and tell her what a "Dead beat father" I am. I'm sorry but the bitch crossed over the line with the last two.

I have done the obvious, contacted my attorney, filed a police report.

Soooo, I'm asking for input on what to do. Should I meet this so called "daughter"? What!!! HELP ME, HELP ME.

Dazed and Confused

Guess my Grandfather was right when he said... " Son, the only difference between an dog and a fox is a 6 pack"
Just voted Chairman of the Board for the I.O.T.T (International Order of Talented Tongues)

Unix Love:
gawk, date, finger, wait, unzip, touch, nice, suck, strip, mount, fsck, umount, make clean, sleep

Her eyes were cold and harsh, which made them tough to chew

I ran into my ex the other day, then I backed up and ran into her again.... I miss her sometimes.

Sit with a pretty woman for an hour and it seems like a minute, sit in a hot oven for a minute and it seems like an hour.

An "X" rated movie is one in which the plot is underdeveloped but the cast isn't.

My last girlfriend had everything, maybe that's why she was quarantined!
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