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Old 07-28-2004, 12:11 PM
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krzykrn krzykrn is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: California
Posts: 312
A lot of it is headspace, I truly think that is half the battle with anything. It is very sweet that you want to give this to your lover, however, just remember, not every sex act is for everyone. I suggest not to push it, and like people have said, take it easy, relax and most of all, take it at your own pace. Anal sex for some needs some working up to, start with something small like your own finger and work your way up, perhaps that will help, but if not, no worries, anal sex may just not be for you, and there is nothing wrong with that...after all, there are many other things to do
"And as we all play parts of tomorrow, some ways will work and other ways we'll play. And I know we can't all stay here forever, so I'll write, my words on the face of today...and then they'll paint it" - Shannon Hoon
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