04-15-2003, 10:00 PM
I got my "eyes" on U!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: up the river north of the big town
Posts: 958
One reason is certainly self-doubt. You always hear things like… Women say, "it isn't the size of the vessel, it is the motion of the ocean" and then you breathe this sigh of relief and you are feeling alright until you then hear some other woman respond..."yeah but only a fool goes out in the ocean in a dinghy" Oh no! Here come those feelings of inadequacy again…I got an email the other day from one of the many “firms” marketing penis enlargement systems. The “head”line was 67% of all women “polled” want their lovers to have larger a penis but they would never say anything to their partner…Oh My God…talk about grading on a curve! What if you figure that 10% of the women are lesbian? That means the remaining 33% is now actually 23%? Only 23% of all women are satisfied with their lover’s equipment?
Thank God for oral sex. But the other day I was taking a good look at my tongue and I was thinking that it was looking rather short.
Sex is a tricky thing best left to professionals.