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Old 03-26-2003, 08:04 AM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
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pf..... what did you just say?? I know all those words seperately but put together as you did, I haven't a clue what you just said; starting with 'I concur' and ending with 'in this animal'. I thought it was a foreign language,,,,,

Whatever pf said Casper I thought you touched on something very important,,,,, but not just porn, the media in general. Young girls are so influnced by images they see in magazines. They try to reach this unattainable look, many of them developing eating disorders or becoming depressed or full of insecurites because they don't look like the 'perfect' girl should look.

No wonder so many of us grow up hating our bodies, which carries over to a general dislike of ourselves overall with lack of confidence, self esteem, etc.

Lets take out a class action suit against the media & false images. Why don't they show a REAL woman or mans size once in awhile?

omg did I get carried away,,,, sorry. The bear will quietly search for some honey now,,,,

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