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Old 03-20-2003, 06:04 AM
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Casperr Casperr is offline
I do naked cartwheels.
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,394
Well, when was the last time you saw porn where the guy had a 5" dick?
We never read about the sexy, erotic appeal of a nice, small 4.5" cock, do we?

Sure, the vast majority of women here - and probably the world - would if being honest tell you that size doesn't matter, and it's what you do with it and how you treat them in other ways that are more important. And that's true. But the penis is a symbol of masculinity - the bigger the dick, the more macho society things that person. It's complete crap, but that's the belief.

It's also an instinctive primal thing - the male with the bigger cock is higher on the mating order than its average or smaller dicked pals.
That's animals for you.

Fact of the matter is, there's just something more appealing about a long, thick, hard cock... and that appeal gets emphasised in porn, and what we see in porn often dictates what we think. So it's a deadly circle.

Besides - everyone wants a bigger brain - and, well, men think with their dicks.

Just my thoughts.
You know, Blackadder, for me socks are like sex. Tons of it about and I never seem to get any.
-- Prince George

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