03-09-2007, 10:33 PM
This Red Bull commercial is so funny! I haven't tried red bull, but I believe it is an energy drink...
Cartoon - large dog (female marmaduke dog) with obvious milk sacks is followed by small puppies that don't look like her at all.. little weiner dogs. She walks over to a little dog bed and all the puppies get into it...
Then, a male weiner dog walks by and her head is surrounded by hearts (obviously in love). He trots over to a chair that is near her and the puppies that is surrounded by empty Red Bull cans. He grabs a full one - takes a swig.. and suddenly his tail stands straight up.. and he grows wings!!!! OMG!!! ROFLMAOPMP!!!!
Great Commercial!!!
Size doesn't matter with "Red Bull"
I just had to share that.... I am still laughing!
Cartoon - large dog (female marmaduke dog) with obvious milk sacks is followed by small puppies that don't look like her at all.. little weiner dogs. She walks over to a little dog bed and all the puppies get into it...
Then, a male weiner dog walks by and her head is surrounded by hearts (obviously in love). He trots over to a chair that is near her and the puppies that is surrounded by empty Red Bull cans. He grabs a full one - takes a swig.. and suddenly his tail stands straight up.. and he grows wings!!!! OMG!!! ROFLMAOPMP!!!!
Great Commercial!!!
Size doesn't matter with "Red Bull"
I just had to share that.... I am still laughing!