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View Full Version : Red Bull Commercial.. rofl!!!

03-09-2007, 10:33 PM
This Red Bull commercial is so funny! I haven't tried red bull, but I believe it is an energy drink...

Cartoon - large dog (female marmaduke dog) with obvious milk sacks is followed by small puppies that don't look like her at all.. little weiner dogs. She walks over to a little dog bed and all the puppies get into it...

Then, a male weiner dog walks by and her head is surrounded by hearts (obviously in love). He trots over to a chair that is near her and the puppies that is surrounded by empty Red Bull cans. He grabs a full one - takes a swig.. and suddenly his tail stands straight up.. and he grows wings!!!! OMG!!! ROFLMAOPMP!!!!

Great Commercial!!!

Size doesn't matter with "Red Bull"

I just had to share that.... I am still laughing!

03-10-2007, 12:08 AM
I'm doing a mental pic but I'm sure the ad was funny.

03-10-2007, 02:53 AM
Would a red, horny guy qualify? :D

<---- *heads fro the hardware store* :cabbagep:

03-10-2007, 06:21 AM
Would a red-green, horny guy qualify? :D

Sorry, Chey ... that commercial sounds cute.

I'm just trying to imagine PF playing the role of the weiner dog with red-green suspenders. :yikes:

03-10-2007, 10:49 AM
:roflmao: I'm trying to imagine that too.

03-10-2007, 11:31 AM
One of a series of Red Bull ads, "Red Bull gives you wings".

Others are the cat that got the Canary from an out of reach cage, and the gangster who won't sleep with the fishes because the drink let him fly out of the water.

The kids are big on vodka and Red Bull at doof-doof night spots. Poor man's ecstasy.