View Full Version : Almost Free Publicity!

07-22-2004, 08:54 AM
Please don't take this as a political statement!It's not.I have to wear a "binder"(elastic belt)for X# of weeks after my back operation.I have, there-
fore,done as many things,as possible,in the evening because,the"binder" is
extremely hot & sweaty!Last night,I was using my riding mower,after the main
heat of the day,was over!When I came in,the TV was on.I think,that it was ABC,because that's what the "local" news is on.A newscasting host said that
he had found a way,to "revive" a flagging career.He said that he didn't even
know that Linda Ronstat(sp?)performed anymore & that Whoopie Goldbergs
career was,essentialy,over.He said-Just bash Bush or talk about Michael
Moore & you will be on every station.I thought that everyone would enjoy
this but I'm sure that someone will get defensive!Don't shoot the messenger,
I'm just telling you what he said! Irish
P.S.News Flash---US Special Forces will be assisting with Olympic security!

07-22-2004, 09:03 AM
Well if thats the only way that they can get publicity is by negative comments, Count me out. I don't care to be remembered that way when I die. I would hope someone would associate good things when they remebered me. Wouldn't you? :)

BTW..... aren't you on that mower a little early dear? Watch the bumps! :D

07-22-2004, 09:20 AM
CGT---Unfortunatly,the grass doesn't stop growing & I can't afford to pay
someone to cut almost an acre of grassAlso unforetunatly,these people think
that everyone should think their way & not have opinions of their own! Irish

07-22-2004, 09:40 AM
unforetunatly,these people think
that everyone should think their way & not have opinions of their own! Irish

And both were fired for simply stating theirs. Who is really attempting to control what opinions are being expressed? Mc Carthyism, alive and well. While LR was performing and I can see that maybe that was not the most appropriate place to express her political views, WG was at a Kerry dinner and what is a more appropriate place to speak out against Bush?

07-22-2004, 09:49 AM
[QUOTE=Lilith]And both were fired for simply stating theirs. Who is really attempting to control what opinions are being expressed? Mc Carthyism, alive and well. While LR was performing and I can see that maybe that was not the most appropriate place to express her political views, WG was at a Kerry dinner and what is a more appropriate place to speak out against Bush?[/QUOTE
I would hope that OUR daughters,had enough class(morals)not to speak of their "Bush" to get a laugh! Irish

07-22-2004, 09:52 AM
But she has the right to...and I have said and posted things here that are crude and sexually oriented so I would not begin to espouse having more class or morals that someone else.

You can't tell me that Slim Fast had no idea that WG is a comedian who uses that sort of humor. The rest of the world knows it.

07-22-2004, 09:59 AM
Right or Wrong-It's done & believe me,No one has more conspiricy theories,
then I do! Irish
P.S.Hopefully,by now,everyone knows that the world isn't fair! :rolleyes:

07-22-2004, 01:42 PM
If I may add... according to reports I have read Linda Ronstadt didn't "Bash-Bush", what she did was laud the efforts of Michael Moore and encourage people to see his movie. Granted, she is showing support for a very vocal Bush critic (ok... "Bush-basher"), but it is sad to see black-listing revived.

07-22-2004, 01:51 PM
Aqua---The latest thing that I heard,was that, the hotel,that removed her,is
under ownership change,& that the new ownership,has invited her back! Irish
P.S. Heard on radio news!As far as,WG,I'm not a Slim-Fast rep,so I know nothing of that,situation!

07-22-2004, 02:35 PM
Hadn't heard that Irish.

And I haven't heard a great deal on the WG situation, other than she made some (crude) political jokes at a Kerry rally and was fired from her job as Slim-Fast advertiser.

07-22-2004, 03:07 PM
I a firm believer in freedom of speech and I hold tightly to everyone's rights, BUT Linda Ronstat was hired help that night. People paid money to hear her sing, not give advice on what movies to go and see.
From what was reported here, her comments caused people to throwdrinks, tear down posters and become very unruly.
She was invited there to perform a job and because she choose to mix business with her personal comments she was asked to leave.

I am still thinking about Whoopi!!! :)

OK I thought!

I think that.....

Slimfast is a company who does not want to be associated with any polictical party......they just don't want their business to be affected by their spokesperson's publicity regarding politics.

07-22-2004, 04:39 PM
BIBI---Well said & thought out. :heart: Irish