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Old 08-17-2003, 01:11 PM
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Sally's nightmare.... its a story about a husband who comes back from the dead

Sally looked out of the window into the darkness.
Rain was hitting the glass panes with increasing force and Sally knew that the storm was going to get worse as the night wore on.
She’d lit the fire in the fireplace behind her, because it’d also gotten colder.
She walked back towards the fire and felt it’s warm on her skin.
She rubbed her hands together briskly to try to take away the feeling of unease she felt tonight.
She couldn’t understand why she was feeling uneasy, but she had the strangest feeling that something bad was going to happen tonight.
She’d not often had these feelings, but when she did, she usually paid attention to them.
It’d had saved her one before when she felt this way.
She’d felt uneasy once before on a night the same as tonight.
Wet and stormy.
She had been about to fly off to see her sister who lived in Boston.
However just before she was due to board the plane, she’d felt something crawl over her grave.
She’d decided not to board the plane; the feeling of someone walking on her grave seemed to ease as she re-booked the flight for the next morning.
She’d been driving home in the storm with the car radio on and then came a news flash.
There’d been a plane crash at the airport she’d just left.
She listened as they said what flight had crashed, killing nearly all on board.
It’d been her flight!!!
Something or someone had been looking after her that night.
Sally still couldn’t seem to shake the unease that was within her.
Even the warm heat from the fire didn’t seem to help.
She walked back towards the window and stood there trying to understand the weird feelings within her.
She was looking out into the darkness, when suddenly; a flash of lighting lit the blackness outside, scaring her.
She’d jumped back away from the window with a frighten gasp as the lighting flashed across the sky.
She walked back towards the window to see if there was anything out there causing this unease within her.
Maybe something was wrong with her sister?
Sally turned and walked over to the telephone and picked up the receiver to call her sister to make sure everything was all right her end.All she heard from the earpiece was silence.
Her phone line was dead.
The storm had most likely brought down some lines somewhere.
The feelings increased as the storm increased intensely.
Sally rubbed at her arms, which had become covered with goose pimples.
Sally replaced the handset and walked back towards the window.
Just as she reached the window, another bright flash of lighting lit up the entire front yard.
Sally’s hand flew towards her mouth to smother a scream.
There was someone standing in the rain in her front yard!!!
Then the darkness returned to the outside world.
Sally stood there by the window waiting for more lighting to flash again, so she could see the person standing outside.
It took a minute or two before lighting flashed again.
But try as she could, Sally couldn’t see anyone standing outside in her yard.
“Nah, I’m seeing things now.” Sally half laughed, but even to her own ears, her laughter sounded hollow.
Sally waited for the next bolt of lighting and when it came, she tried to make out a man standing in her yard, but where he’d stood, or more to the point, where she’d thought he stood, was empty.
Sally’s house was miles away from the nearest neighbor.
She’d brought this place a couple of years ago, not long after her husband had been killed in a car accident.
She’d needed to get away from all of the bad memories of her and her husband’s life together.
Even in death, the memories of her brutal husband scared her.
He’d been a very cruel man, beating her every time he felt like it.
When he made love to her, it wasn’t love as such.
It’d been pure and painful rape.
He enjoyed hurting her every time he entered her.
He’d ram his penis as hard as he could into her, pinching her nipples hard as he did so.
She’d wake in the morning covered with bite and pinch marks all over her body.
She shuddered as she remembered his cold seed leaking out of her vagina and her anus as she stood in the shower, trying to scrub his presence from her body.
When he’d been killed in the car accident, Sally had felt no remorse for him.
They’d never found his body; it was believed to have been washed away in the flash flood that’d caught his car, as he’d been crossing a small ford near their house.
She’d had to wait for seven years for the law finally decided he was indeed dead.
They released the money in the bank account and insurance that’d been tied up all that time.
Sally had had to work as a barmaid and as a waitress to make ends meet until the money came through.
But even though she’d hated it at first, just the fact that her husband was no longer beating and raping her anymore, was more than enough for her to put up with those jobs.
She’d never been with another guy since her husband’s death.
Sally was far too scared to trust another man in her life, let alone her bed.
Finally, deciding that she must have mistaken a small tree for a man in the semi-darkness, sally went back to the fire and stoked it up enough to cast an even brighter light in the lounge room.
But the feelings of unease stayed with her.
Sally had dimmed the lights in the lounge room so that the warmth and brightness of the fire filled the room.
Suddenly there was a loud crash of thunder shaking the entire house.
Sally jumped with fright as the lights went out.
“Damn, first the phone and now the bloody lights.” Sally muttered, trying the light switch
“Oh well, at lest I’ve still got the fire.” She giggled nervously.
Sally lay down on the lounge in front of the fire, feeling its warmth sweep over her.
She was just dozing off into sleep, when she heard the sound of glass breaking downstairs.
“Shit, now what?” Sally cried out, sitting upright on the lounge.
“Damn storm’s broken a tree limb off and thrown it against one of the downstairs windows.” Sally said to herself in annoyance.
Sally climbed off the lounge and walked towards her bedroom.
Forgetting for a minute that there was no power, Sally tried to turn on her bedroom lights.
“Fuck” Sally exclaimed.
Her tempter was starting to get the better of her, what with the phone dead and the broken window, now the damn power was gone too.
Sally walked over to her wardrobe and by feel and memory, managed to locate her dressing gown.
She donned the dressing gown and then walked back out into the lounge room.
Sally then remembered that she had a torch around here somewhere, and then she realized that she had left it in her garage on the top shelf.
“Oh well, I’d better go and get it, otherwise with the way my luck is going, I’ll finish up walking on top of some broken glass from the damn window.” She muttered to herself.
She left the lounge room, and walked to the top of the stairs.
Feeling her way down in the blackness of the night, Sally managed to locate the door to the garage.
She placed her hand on the doorknob to open the door and as she did so, she felt the doorknob starting to turn in her hand.
She felt ice course through her veins when she realized that someone was on the other side of the door.
She quickly moved to one side of the door and held her breath.
She heard the faint click of the latch opening and felt a cool breeze against her face as the door opened inwards.
She felt rather than saw someone enter the hallway with her.
The person was barely inches away from her.
At first, all Sally wanted to do was to run screaming away from the intruder.
But somehow, she managed to stay where she was.
The person then slowly closed the door and carefully started to walk towards the stairs leading to the second floor of her house.
Sally let go the breath she’d been holding slowly and took another cool breath of fresh air into her hot lungs.
She heard the person step on the board, which creaked slightly and knew he was near the top of the stairs.
Sally carefully opened the door to the garage and slipped inside.
Then she quickly ran towards the door leading out into the side of the house.
Sally opened the door and ran out into the lashing cold rain of the storm.
She finished up under a tall tree about 50 yards from the house, which gave some relief from the rain.
Leaning against the tree trunk, Sally gathered her breath and waited for her heart to stop beating so fast.
Looking back towards her house, Sally wondered who had broken into her home?
She was determined to stay outside until she knew he’d left.
It was too far for her to walk to her neighbor’s place, even in good weather, let alone in this storm.
She thought about sneaking back into the house to get the torch.
But quickly changed her mind.
Sally sank down to her knees onto the wet ground and prepared to wait until she thought it’d be safe enough for her to go back inside the house.
Water was dripping through the leaves of the tree onto her, but Sally knew that there was nothing she could do about the water.
The only dry place around here was her house and she wasn’t about to go in there right now.
She must have been under the tree for maybe 10 minutes, when she saw light flicker in the lounge room.
“Ahhh, the power is back on.” She muttered to herself.
Then, she saw lights being turned on inside her house and knew that the person who’d broken inside her house was searching for her.
Suddenly, there came from the house, loud crashing sounds.
“What the fuck is he doing to my house?” Sally said to herself.
She wanted to go back inside to find out but she wasn’t that stupid.
After about 10 more minutes, she saw the lights come on downstairs.
He was searching for her down there she knew.
It wouldn’t take him too long to discover that she wasn’t inside the house.
Sally moved around to the other side of the tree, just in case he came outside and saw her, even though she knew it was highly unlikely that he could see her this far from the house, but she wasn’t taking any chances.
The front door suddenly burst open and Sally saw the man standing there, his body outlined by the light behind him.
Though she couldn’t see his face, the shape of his body reminded her of someone.
For the life of her, she couldn’t remember whom.
Then the man left the house and walked away, walking towards the driveway.
After a few minutes, Sally heard a car start up and knew that he was leaving.
The car screamed away from the entrance to her driveway and Sally saw the receding taillights disappearing in the darkness of the storm.
Feeling safe enough to return to the house, Sally left the protection of the tree and ran back towards the house.
Once inside her home, Sally wiped water from her face and decided to go upstairs to see what he’d smashed.
When she entered the lounge room, she was shocked to see, written across the wall above her fire place, the words “ I’ll be back bitch” scrawled in something red.
Then she saw her lipstick case sitting on the floor and knew that is what he’d used to write the message on the wall.
Sally quickly tried the phone but found it still dead and wondered if he’d cut the telephone line outside the house?
She gathered her purse and some clothes, plus the keys to her car and ran downstairs to the garage.
She knew that he could come back at anytime and catch her here if she didn’t get away quickly.
She opened the door to her garage, half expecting him to be standing outside in the pouring rain as she did so.
Then, leaving the lights on inside the house, she quickly drove away.
The town of Forest Lake was about an hour’s drive from her place, but Sally knew she’d have to take the risk of driving in the storm.
It took her nearly two hours to reach Forest Lake, because of the condition of the roads, caused by the storm.
Sally drove straight to the police station and locked her car and walked inside the brightly lit station.
The policeman sitting at the desk looked up at her as she entered.
His mouth dropped open at the sight of her standing there, wet and disheveled.
Still in her dressing gown, Sally knew she must have looked quite a sight, but right now, she didn’t give a shit what she looked like.
She was too pleased to be somewhere safe.
“Well, hello there.” The policeman said to her, getting up from the desk and walking around it towards her.
Suddenly it all caught up with her and Sally felt her legs starting to give way beneath her.
The policeman grabbed her just as she fainted.
Sally came too with two policemen standing over her.
One was holding a paper cup with water in it and the other one was holding her hand and talking to her.
“Are you ok, lady?” he was saying.
Sally realized that they’d placed her on a bench seat in the hallway.
She struggled to sit up, still feeling a little weak.
“Yes…yes I’m fine, thank you.” She replied to the policeman holding her hand.
She reached up and took the cup of water the other policeman was holding and drank half of it straight down.
She felt slightly better and swung her feet off the bench and sat upright.
“What happened to you lady?” the first policeman asked, looking at her as if he might attack him or something else as weird.
Sally realized she must look a terrible mess, with her hair hanging down either side of her face and sitting there in her nightie and dressing gown.
“My house was broken into tonight.” She explained, looking up at both policemen as she said it.
“Were you hurt at all?” The policeman who’d been holding the cup of water asked her.
“No…. no, I managed to slip out of the house without him realizing it and I waited outside in the rain until he left.” Sally told him.
“That explains your dress then.” The first policeman said with a wryly grin.
“Yes, I don’t normally drive into town looking like this.” Sally joked back at him.
“What time was this, that he broke into your house?” The 2nd policeman asked.
“Ohhh… I’d say around 9pm.” Sally told him.
“Did you get a good look at the person who broke into your house?” the 1st policeman asked.
“No, it was too dark and the rain was coming down far too heavy for me to see clearly, but he wrote on the wall in my lounge room, that he’s coming back to get me.” Sally exclaimed, again feeling the terror she’d felt back at the house.
“So he knows you then?” The 2nd one asked.
“It sounds like it, but I don’t know of anyone who’d want to hurt me.” Sally said, wiping her hair back from her face.
“Well, we’ll send someone out to your place right now, and see if he has come back.” The 1st one replied.
“Would it be possible for me to change into some dry clothing and maybe get a cup of coffee please?” Sally asked hopefully.
“Sure, we’ll soon find you somewhere to change and while you’re changing, I’ll rustle you up some coffee.” The senior one replied.
They took Sally down to their change room and shut the door behind her.
Sally took the opportunity to take a most welcome shower and stood under the hot water, enjoying the warmth of the water and the safety the police station provided.
Sally re-entered the hallway to find the senior policeman waiting for her.
Of the younger policeman, there was no sign.
“We’ve had a call back from one of our officers who is still out at your place. He confirmed your story about the writing on the wall and found that the person who broke in, had also cut your phone line.” He told her.
“We’ve got a term going out there now and hopefully they’ll be able to find some fingerprints of the man involved, then if we’re lucky, we may even know very soon, just who it was that broke into your house.” He added.
“Thank you.” Was all Sally could think of to say.
“Would you like me to ring the hotel in town to book you a room for the night, as I don’t think it’d be a good idea to return home just yet.” He asked her.
“Yes, that’d be fine, thank you.” Sally replied, grateful, as she didn’t want to return to the house just yet anyway.
After filling out all the reports and forms that seemed to have no end, Sally left the police station to finally get some sleep.
The officer had told her that they’d get in touch with her first thing in the morning if they’d found anything out.
Sally paid for the room and took her wet clothes to a dryer that was set up in the bathroom of her room.
After placing the clothing in the dryer and turning it on, Sally lay on top of the bed and tried to figure out just whom it was that the person’s silhouette reminded her off, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember.
She finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.
Sally awoke; feeling as though she’d hardy slept a wink.
She ordered breakfast from room service and was halfway through it, when there was a knock at her door.
She rose and walked to the door and opened it to find the senior policeman standing outside.
“Good morning, Sally.” He said with a grin.
“Good morning to you too, have you found out anything yet?” She smiled at him.
Sally looked at his ring finger and was somewhat pleased to discover that he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
He noticed where her eyes had fallen and smiled at her.
“No, I’m not married.” He laughed.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” Sally asked, trying to hide her embarrassment at being caught out by him.
“Sure, that’d be real nice. I’ve finished for the night and was about to go home to an empty house.” He said, grinning as he did so.
The “empty house” bit wasn’t lost on Sally.
She knew that he’d dropped that hint just for her.
Sally hadn’t been with anyone for a very long time and wondered if it was time she started to rejoin the human race again?
“What is your name, by the way?” She asked as she poured him a cup of coffee.
“It’s Brian… Brian Harris.” He replied.
“Hi Brian.” Sally smiled as she passed him the cup.
“Hi, yourself Sally.” He smiled in return.
“And no we didn’t.” Brian told her, his face no longer smiling. “ He must have been wearing gloves the whole time he was inside the house.”
“Damn, and I was so hoping that you’d already have arrested someone for it.” Sally replied.
“I wish we could arrest everyone that broke the law that quickly.” He grinned at her.
Sally liked his face when he grinned and smiled.
They spoke about the case for a while, and then Sally was surprised when she realized that he’d turned things around, so that instead of the case, he’d got her telling him all about herself.
When Sally finished telling him all about herself, he then told her all about himself.
She learnt that he’d been born and reared in Forest Lake and haven’t wanted to move from here.
He’d been a policeman now for the past 5 years and loved his job.
By the time an hour had passed, Sally felt very comfortable in his presence.
“Would you like me to drive back to your place with you…just to set your mind at rest that he’s not inside the house when you return?” He asked.
Sally didn’t want to appear to be a helpless female to his eyes and shook her head.
“No thanks, Brian. I’m sure that if he came back, he would have seen the police cars there and would have decided that discretion was the better part of valor.” She joked.
“I really don’t mind in the lest and it is on my way home anyway. I live about 15 mins further on than you.” He explained.
“Well, in that case, I’d be delighted. Thank you.” Sally replied, grinning at him
It was obvious that he was attracted towards her and Sally found herself strangely attracted towards him.
Sally couldn’t remember the last time; someone had attracted her in this way.
Even her dead husband hadn’t affected her in quite this way.
The attraction towards her husband had been of the dangerous kind.
She’d known right from the word go, that her husband was no good for her, but she’d married him anyway, maybe in the forlorn hope of changing him.
It’d not worked out that way.
As time went by, he steadily became more violent towards her and their lovemaking had long since stopped being gentle and caring.
She was to discover that no longer did he care about her needs as a woman, no, instead it all became just about his needs, his wants.
She was also to discover the mean streak in him.
She found that the rougher he became as they made so-called love, the more he wanted to increase her pain and suffering.
In the end, he was physically raping her, trying to cause as much pain as he could manage.
If she cried out in pain as he was raping her, he’d increase the pain, until she was crying for him to stop.
She managed to blank most of the pain out after a year or so, and when he found that he couldn’t get her to scream out in pain any longer, sex no longer seemed to matter to him.
But that didn’t stop the beatings every 2nd week or so.
Sally’s thoughts turned to murder after every beating; she knew that one-day, she would finally crack and would wait until he was asleep to kill him.
She’d stood over him with a sharp knife while he’s been sleeping many times, but something always seemed to be stopping her from carrying out the deadly attack.
When she’d heard that he was missing, believed drowned, she’d been so happy at first, but then she realized that maybe because they hadn’t found his body, that he was only hurt and not dead at all.
But as the days, then weeks and finally years passed without any sign of him, she’d finally accepted that he had drown and that his body had been stuck under a boulder in the river that had claimed his car as the police had first told her when she’d asked why hadn’t they found his body.
Sally gathered up her things and Brian walked her to her car.
“I’ll drive right behind you, ok?” he said looking deep into her eyes.
“Ok, Brian. And thanks again.” She smiled up at him.
She watched him walk back towards his car and couldn’t help but stare at his cute, arse, tightly wrapped in his uniform pants.
Sally felt herself becoming moist for the first time in what seemed like years.
“Sally, get a hold of yourself, girl.” She whispered to herself crossly.
Try as she might, she felt herself becoming more and more aroused than she’d been for ages.
She looked up at the rear-view mirror at Brian traveling in his police car and wondered what he was thinking about right now?
Was he thinking about her, like she was thinking about him, and getting sexually excited?
By the time she arrived back at her house, she could feel that her panties were soaked with her juices.
Brian hopped out of his car and opened her car door for her.
“Thank you.” Sally said, swinging her feet out of the car and accidentally hitting him in the shins.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, Brian.” she said quickly leaning forward and lifting his pants leg and rubbing his leg for him.
Then she realized what she was doing and quickly pulled her hand away from his shin.
But she couldn’t get the feel of his warm flesh out of her mind.
Brian only laughed and with a grin, he walked her to the door of her house.
Sally was unsure about entering the house after last night’s nightmare.
Brian opened the door for her and Sally poked her head around the door frame and looked around as though expecting the guy to still be standing there waiting for her.
“Come on, we’ll both search the house.” Brian said, taking her by the elbow and walking towards the stairs.
Sally felt a lot safer with him holding her and together they climbed the stairs.
They walked into the lounge room and Sally saw the message was still scrawled on her wall.
She knew it’d be a bastard to clean up.
Then Brian took her through her kitchen and then the spare bedrooms.
From time to time as they traveled through the house together, their hips would brush against each other and Sally was finding it very hard to concentrate.
She could feel her juices leaking out of her and soaking into her already soaked panties.
“Anymore of this and it’ll be running down my thighs.” Sally thought to herself with an inward smile.
She couldn’t believe just how turned on she was.
Then they came to Sally’s bedroom and as Sally entered the room, she saw that all of her underwear had been ripped apart.
“Oh, shit.” Sally exclaimed, looking at her torn clothing on the bed.
The bedside mirror had been smashed and lipstick was scrawled all over the walls.
“Slut….Bitch…whore” were scrawled in big red letters above the bed.
Sally backed out of the bedroom and walked towards the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, Sally. We’ll catch him sooner or later.” Brian tried to comfort her.
“Yes, but what if he comes back before you catch him?” Sally asked, she was close to tears.
Brian reached out with both arms and pulled her towards himself.
Sally didn’t resist, but instead pressed her head into his chest, enjoying the warmth of his embrace around her body.
She felt safe in his arms.
Safer than she’d ever felt with anyone else in her life.
The tears that had threaten to fall, dried up as she stood there in the kitchen with his arms around her.
Despite what had happened last night and the mess she’d found in her bedroom, Sally found herself wanting Brian to do much more than just hold her in his arms.
She pressed her crotch into his and felt something poking her in the stomach.
She knew then, that he was as turned on as she was.
She wanted to reach down between their bodies and to run her fingers along the shaft of his penis through his pants.
But she knew this was neither the time nor the place to do something like that and regretfully, she pulled apart from him.
She stood there for a few seconds, half expecting him to lean forward and kiss her.
But he too, sensed that this wasn’t the time for kissing and fooling around.
“Well, what do you want to do? Either you can stay here and clean up this mess or I can book you into a hotel and you can get a cleaning service to clean up for you?” Brian said.
“I’ll clean it myself, I’ve had enough strangers inside this house in the past few hours to last me a lifetime.” Sally joked with him.
“Well, if you’d like, I could stay and help you?” Brian asked.
“After I’ve made you coffee and some breakfast first, then if you don’t mind, you can give me a hand to clean up, ok?” Sally grinned at him, not wanting him to leave her alone just yet.
“Sure, that sounds just great to me, I’m starving.” Brian grinned at her.
Sally cooked eggs and bacon plus toast for the two of them, while Brian busied himself making coffee.
They chatted about people they both knew in Forest Lake, and Sally was a bit surprised that she hadn’t already bumped into Brian long before now.
But, because of her pass, she tended to keep to herself mostly.
She found herself enjoying his company more and more.
True, she was still very much turned on by his presence, but as they chatted, she found that she’d like to know much more about what made him tick as a person.
After they’d finished eating, he gave her a hand at washing the breakfast dishes.
Then, Sally got a bucket of hot soapy water and a couple of rags, and then they walked into her lounge room and started scrubbing the lipstick off the walls.
It was hard work removing the lipstick, but they finally removed it from the lounge room walls.
“Well, now the bedroom.” Sally said, wiping some hair from in front of her face.
They walked into the bedroom and started scrubbing at the lipstick in there.
After about ½ an hour, they had that wall cleaned too.
Sally took the bucket and the rags downstairs to the laundry and threw the dirty water down the drain and placed the rags in the washing machine.
When she walked back into the bedroom, she was surprised to find Brian had started picking up all of her clothes that had been thrown across the room.
She blushed with embarrassment when he picked up her torn underwear.
In his hand, was a pair of red G-strings.
The stranger had not torn this one to pieces.
She’d brought them years ago on a whim, but had never worn them.
Having no man in her life, she’d not had the opportunity to wear them and they’d sat in her drawers until now.
Sally wondered what it’d feel like to have Brian on his knees in front of her, his hot breath inches away from her crotch, while he was slowly rolling those red panties down her thighs.
Again, she felt herself becoming moist.
If she leaked anymore, she knew for sure that he’d notice it running down her inner thighs.
She could swear that she could smell her own sexual odors coming from between her thighs, and wondered if Brian could also smell it.
“Do you mind if I crab a quick shower, Brian?” She asked to cover her embarrassment.
“No, Sally. Go right ahead. I’ll just finish picking up all of these clothes and placing them into the rubbish bin, ok?” Brian told her.
“Yes please, after he’s touched them, I sure don’t want to wear them anymore.” Sally said with a shiver of fear running down her spine.
“Could you also throw those sheets away too, I don’t know if he’s done anything on them, but I’m not going to take the chance of sleeping in them again.” Sally asked.
“Sure, no worries Sally.” Brian replied, stripping the bed.
Sally went into the bathroom and stripped off all of her clothing.
When she peeled off her panties, she wasn’t shocked to see just how soaked they were.
Looking at the juices on her panties, Sally thought about how Brian’s penis had felt against her crotch.
She wondered what it’d feel like plunging deep inside her?
A thrill of sexual excitement torn through her entire body, making her shudder.
Sally stepped into the shower with the water running hot and refreshing over her naked body.
She picked up the soap and started to run it over her chest.
When her fingers brushed over her erect nipples, a sexual tingle shot through her.
She replaced the sop in the holder and began to play with both nipples, slowly squeezing them and gently twisting them in her fingertips.
She knew that if she continued this, she was going to finish up having an orgasm.
But, somehow, she couldn’t stop herself from doing it to herself.
It’d been quite a while since she’d last masturbated.
With one hand still on her breast, she let her other hand travel downwards, towards her vagina.
When her fingers brushed against her slightly opened lips, Sally shuddered with pleasure.
She gently squeezed her right nipple as she slowly rubbed her fingertips across and around her erect clitoris.
Juices were fairly flooding out of her vagina by this time.
The more she became sexually aroused, the faster and harder her fingers rubbed against her clitoris.
She knew that she wasn’t going to last too much longer before she climaxed.
She just wished that Brian was in the shower with her and it was his fingers rubbing her clitoris, not her own.
She was leaning against the shower wall, with her legs spread apart, totally caught up in what she was doing to herself.
Her breathing was fast as her fingers worked on herself.
Soft Low moans were escaping her lips as she neared her first orgasm in ages.
Her body was responding as never before as she visualized Brian’s fingers rubbing her clitoris.
God, she wanted his hot, firm cock up inside her right now.
Then, just as she was about to explode, she shoved her fingers deep inside her parted lips, sinking them as deep inside her as they’d go.
She cried out in pleasure as she orgasmed onto her probing fingers.
A blinding flash of orgasmic pleasure torn through her brain.
As wave after wave of pure pleasure flooded her entire body, Sally’s knees weakened.
She slipped her wet fingers out of herself as she sank to her knees onto the shower floor.
“God, I sure needed that.” Sally grinned to herself as she waited for her senses to return.
Sally re-gained her feet and with a grin on her face, she finished washing herself.
Tiny tingles were still rushing through her body as she dried herself off.
She stepped out of the bathroom to find that Brian had laid out a clean dress and those pair of red G-string.
He’d also cleaned up all of the broken glass from the mirror, plus had re-made the bed for her.
She realized that she didn’t have any other pair of panties to wear besides the wet ones in the bathroom.
A sudden image of the guy holding her panties in his hand was soon replaced with the knowledge that it had been Brian’s fingers that had last held them.
So she dressed herself in the G-string and slipped the dress over her head.
Brushing her wet hair, she studied herself in the mirror.
She saw a woman who looked as though she’d just had one wonderful orgasm or so it seemed to Sally anyway.
She laughed and placed the hairbrush onto the bedside table and walked out of the bedroom to find that Brian had made another cup of coffee for her.
“Well, don’t you look much better all cleaned up?” He joked with her, handing her the cup of coffee, he’d made for her.
“Well, thank you for the compliment and the coffee.” Sally smiled at him, looking at his big thick fingers as she did so.
A shudder ran through her at the thought of those fingers slipping inside her.
She felt herself becoming moist again.
“Thank you for cleaning up for me, while I was in the shower.” Sally told him, placing her hand on his forearm.
He covered her hand with his, trapping her hand on his arm.
“You’re very welcome, Sally.” He smiled at her.
It was as though he knew full well, just how much he was affecting her.
His fingers seemed to be burning through her skin, sending tingles right through her.
Sally wanted to race him into her bedroom and tear his clothes from his body and rape him.
It’d been far too long since she’d had someone hold her in his arms while they made love together.
She was very tempted to do just that, but before she could act out her fantasy with him, he removed his hand from hers and stood up.
“Well, I’d better get home and shower and get myself some sleep, I think.” He told her, taking their cups to the sink and running water into the cups and leaving them in the tub.
Sally didn’t want him to go just yet.
Sally had never just slept with a man the very first time she met him, instead she had tried to get to know the person first.
Of course that didn’t always work, even after going out with her ex-husband for a few months first before sleeping with him, she still found that she hadn’t even scratched the surface of his soul.
So she knew deep down, that it wasn’t how long you knew the person before sleeping with them, it was how you re-acted in their company.
And so far, she knew how she acted in his company all right….she became bloody horny.
“What if he comes back today?” Sally said, hoping he’d feel sorry for her and stay.
“Well… its highly unlikely, but…” He started to say.
“But what if he does?” She pressed him.
“Well…I need some clean clothes and then I suppose I could come back here.” He told her.
“Why don’t you sleep in my bed and I’ll wash and iron the clothes you have on now?” she asked, sensing that he wanted to stay here as much as she wanted him too.
“I don’t have to go to work tonight anyhow, so I suppose I could stay here…that’s if you don’t mind, of course.” He grinned at her.
“Oh, believe me, the pleasure will be mine.” She smiled, knowing that she’d won.
“Ok, you go into the bathroom and throw your clothes out of the door and I’ll turn down the bed for you, then I’ll do the washing.” Sally said as she gripped his arm and started walking towards the bathroom, making sure he didn’t have time to change his mind.
She stood outside the bathroom door, waiting for him to throw out his clothing.
The door opened and he stood there wrapped in a towel, holding his washing for her to take.
Their eyes locked together.
Sally felt herself blushing with embarrassment and dropped her eyes downwards and stared at his naked chest and wished she could run her hands all over that firm flesh.
He smiled at her and at first she thought that he was going to pull her into his arms, but instead he closed the door to the bathroom.
Sally heard him start the shower and she could visualize him stepping into the hot water fully naked.
She squeezed her thighs together as a warm, fuzzy feeling flowed through her.
To help her take her mind off her indecent desires, she walked downstairs to the laundry and placed his clothes into the washing machine and turned it on.
She then walked back upstairs and drew back the bed covers.
She fluffed up the pillows, wanting him to have a good sleep in her bed.
She busied herself around the lounge room, masking the last of the mystery guy’s presence.
Then, she went down to the washing machine and took Brian’s wet clothing out and placed them into the dryer.
When she returned about 10 minutes later, she found that Brian had finished his shower and had already gotten into her bed.
He was already fast asleep!!
She stood there looking down at him.
She knew that under the blankets he would be totally nude as all of his clothes were in the dryer.
Thinking of the dryer, she went back downstairs and took his clothes out.
She spent an hour ironing his shirt and trousers.
When she’d finished she hung them onto a clothes hanger and took them back up to the bedroom so that when he woke up, he could slip into them again.
When she entered the room, her eyes were drawn immediately towards the center of the bed.
There, before her, was the shape of his penis pushing the blankets up like a tent peg.
It looked huge.
Sally could barely pull her eyes away from the wonderful sight long enough to hang his clothes in her opened wardrobe.
He was still fast asleep, snoring softly.
She was glad that he didn’t snore loudly.
Sally sat down onto the side of the bed, staring at his erection sticking up under the blankets.
She felt herself becoming highly aroused knowing that his naked body was just inches away from her.
She looked at his face; he looked so peaceful lying there asleep with his mouth slightly opened.
She looked at his naked chest and wanted to run her fingers through the light covering on hair on there.
Sally lay down beside him on the bed, but on top of the blankets.
So, if he woke up and found her there, she could say that she had gotten tired and had just laid down for a rest.
Her hand was close to his right hip and she knew that all she had to do was to lift her hand a few inches and she’d have his cock inside her hand.
God, it was so tempting to do just that.
But somehow she managed not to act out her impulse.
Just then, Brian rolled over onto his side facing her.
At first Sally thought he’d woken up, but she soon saw he was still fast asleep.
But, by rolling over towards her, he’d managed to bring his penis closer towards her hand.
He smiled in his sleep and she thought it was the cutest smile she’d seen on him.
(Maybe he was having a dream about her?)
Thinking about them making love together, Sally soon drifted off into sleep.
Then, she started to dream.
In the dream, he was running his hand over her hip, slipping his fingers under her dress.
Then, he was running his fingertips over the naked globes of her arse cheeks.
She was still wearing her red G-string in her sleep, so that explained why the cheeks of her arse were naked.
His fingers felt wonderful against her naked flesh.
In her dream, Sally was also rubbing the shaft of his cock with her hand.
It felt so alive in her fingers, as though it wanted and needed to bury itself within her body.
Sally was moaning in her sleep, low, pleasurable moans.
She wanted him inside her right now.
Then, he slipped his fingers between her thighs, touching her vagina lips through her panties.
It sent a shock of pure pleasure through her and she groaned loudly.
That was when Sally actually woke up.
Only to discover that what she’d thought had been happening in a dream, actually was happening in real life!!!
He did have his hand between her thighs and she too, was holding the shaft of his cock in her hand.
Somehow, in her sleep, she’d slipped her hand under the blankets and had gripped his cock.
She could feel its warmth inside her fist.
She couldn’t believe just how big he felt in her hand.
He must be at lest 7ins long and at the very lest, 2ins round.
She quickly looked up at his face and saw to her horror that he was staring at her.
He’d caught her playing with him!!!
“Oh, god. I’m so sorry” Sally said, growing red with embarrassment.
She went to pull her hand out from under the blanket but Brian stopped her by putting his hand over hers.
“Please don’t be sorry, Sally, its been a long time for me too.” He said looking at her.
She noticed that he’d not bothered to remove his fingers from between her thighs.
Then, she let her fingers relax around the shaft of his penis again.
Brian then removed his hand from hers and lifted it towards her face.
He then slowly rubbed the backs of his fingers along her jaw line.
“May I say, Sally, that you’d have to be one of the nicest looking ladies around these parts.” He said, smiling at her.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” Sally said blushing.
She wasn’t used to having guys tell her she looked lovely.
Brian leaned forward just enough so that their lips met.
Now that Brian had re-awakened her desires, Sally was like a hungry person who had not eaten for quite some time.
Her mouth opened to allow his probing tongue to enter.
As their tongues danced in each other’s mouths, Brian’s fingers were stroking her vaginal lips, making Sally even wetter than she already was. (If that was possible)
Her fingers were now exploring the whole of his shaft, enjoying the firmness and heat coming from his flesh.
Brian withdrew his tongue from her mouth and Sally chased it back inside his mouth.
She loved the way he’d gently nip her tongue with his teeth, and then sucked her into his mouth.
Warm, fuzzy feelings were exploding through her body.
Then, he did what she’d wanted him to do ever since she’d first started thinking sexually about him.
He slipped two of his thick fingers up inside her panties and she felt the backs of his fingers rubbing against her naked vagina.
She could feel his fingers becoming slick with her juices as he stroked his fingers up and down between her outer lips.
She was squeezing his shaft with her fist, wishing she had it shoved deep inside her instead of buried in her fist.
Then, he slipped his two moist fingers deep inside of her, bringing a gasp of enjoyment as he plunged them deeper and deeper inside her.
She felt his fingers exploring her vagina as they still kissed.
Then, to her surprise, Brian withdrew his fingers from her.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, staring up at him.
“Well, I was wondering if maybe you’d like to get undressed?” He grinned at her.
“Would I ever.” She grinned in reply.
Sally released his penis and rolled off the bed.
Within a minute, she too was now totally naked.
“Wow…very nice indeed.” Brian said, staring at her naked form standing there proudly before him.
“Ok, now it’s my turn to see you naked too, Brian.” she grinned wickedly.
“It’d be my pleasure, sweet lady.” He grinned back at her as he swept the blankets aside from his body, totally exposing himself to her greedy eyes.
Sally’s eyes fell down towards his erection.
It looked huge to her.
Even though she’d just had it in her fist, staring at it in the open, made it seem even larger than before.
“Come to me. Sweet one.” Brian said, holding out his hand for her to take.
Despite her nervousness, Sally didn’t hesitate to take his hand.
Brian gently pulled her back down towards his body and they hugged each other’s naked bodies.
Sally loved the feel of Brian’s strong hands roaming all over her back and then both cheeks of her arse.
Her hands too, were feeling the muscles move in his back beneath his flesh.
They were again kissing and Sally wondered why she’d ever stopped making love, and then she knew, it’d been her ex-husbands fault for turning her off men.
Brian seemed to sense something was worrying Sally, so instead of saying anything, he stopped kissing her and then slipped his face down her stomach, running the tip of his tongue along her flesh as he did so.
Sally’s whole body shuddered with desire and delight as she felt his tongue making it’s way down towards her vagina.
She didn’t have to be asked to spread her thighs for him, they moved on their own accord.
Sally cried out like a wanton woman when she felt his hot tongue daring inside her wetness.
She closed her thighs around his hips and tried to push his tongue further inside her.
Brian knew what he was doing however and pulled his plunging tongue out of her, and then he began to tease her clitoris with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh, god. Brian. I want you inside me right now.” She cried out in desperation.
Brian was only too glad to help her out.
He removed his tongue from her very wet vagina and slowly, he began to kiss his way back up her stomach.
When at last, Sally felt his cock touch her vagina; she was like a wild woman.
She reached between their bodies and gripped the shaft of his cock with her hand and guided the head of his cock towards the entrance to her vagina.
She cried out in relief as she felt him starting to ease the head of his thick cock up inside of her.
It felt like he was shoving a log up inside of her, because she’d not had anything inside her besides his fingers in a very long time, her vaginal muscles weren’t used to taking something this big inside her.
But right now, Sally didn’t give a damn.
All she wanted was to feel him buried completely inside her until she couldn’t take anymore.
She wanted to feel his hot seed empting inside her, filling her womb with his warmth
Brian started to slowly push his cock deeper and deeper inside her, making her moan with pure pleasure.
Sally found herself pushing herself upwards to meet his downward push.
Finally, Brian was buried to the hilt inside her.
Sally lay there for a few moments just enjoying finally having him fill her with his thickness.
Then Brian started to pull himself out of her, until only the head was left inside her tight tunnel.
Then he plunged back inside her, making her groan with enjoyment.
Soon, Brian was fairly ramming himself as deep inside her as he could.
Even though he was ramming himself in and out of her, it was totally different from when her ex-husband had been making love to her.
He was always trying to hurt her, whereas, Brian was trying to pleasure her.
Sally was matching his downward thrust with her equal upward thrusts.
She could tell by the way his breathing had deepen, that he was very close to climaxing inside her.
Suddenly, he grunted loudly and Sally felt him give one final hard shove of his cock up inside her, then his whole body stiffened as he started to shoot his hot seed inside her.
That seemed to trigger her own orgasm and she cried out as wave after wave of pure pleasure shot through her entire body.
She felt their juices mixing inside her and she loved every second of it.
Finally, she felt Brian starting to soften inside her.
“Thank you Sally, that was incredible.” Brian said, kissing her lips tenderly.
“No need to thank me, Brian.” she smiled widely at him.
She felt his soft cock slip out of her and she wondered how long before he’d be ready for another go.
He proved to be quite a good lover over the next couple of hours.
Sally was sad to see him go the next day, but he’d promised to keep in touch with her.
Sally’s life slowly started to return to normal as she tried to put the incident behind her.
It was about two weeks later that something happened again to worry her.
She found a hand written note in her mailbox.
On it, was scrawled “you slut” in red lipstick.
She knew straight away that it was the mystery man who’d broken into her house.
She rang Brian straight away and he was there within 30 minutes.
“So it looks as though he’s still around.” Sally said to Brian who was standing in front of her in his policeman’s uniform, holding the note.
“Yes it does, Sally. I’m sorry to say. I was hoping that we’d heard the last of him.”
“Well, we haven’t that’s for sure.” Sally replied worriedly.
“And it looks as though he was here at the house again, because this letter wasn’t delivered by the postman, there is no post office stamps on it.” Brian told her, holding the envelope out for her to see for herself.
“I’ll run by this place every few hours during the night ok?” Brian said to reassure Sally.
“Thanks, Brian. That’d be a great help.” Sally tried to show him that she wasn’t afraid, but she was, very much so.
She watched him drive off, suddenly feeling very much on her own.
She knew that Brian would return in a few hours time, but she also knew that the stranger could also return as well.
So she started to set up some defenses for herself.
She placed a knife under a pillow on her bed and one in the bathroom under a bunch of towels.
Also she placed a hammer on top of the fridge in her kitchen.
She didn’t bother with downstairs because she wasn’t going down there during the nighttime anyway.
She’d had alarms put in since the break-in.
Brian had tested them just before he kissed her and drove off.
Sally fell asleep that night feeling as though death was stalking her.
She woke up just as a car was pulling into the near the house.
She quickly jumped out of the bed, grabbing the knife from under her pillow as she did so and rushed to the window overlooking the driveway.
She was just in time to see a car door open and by the light, she saw it was a police car and knew that Brian was just completing a check of her house.
She watched him circling the house, checking every door and window as he did so.
Then he hopped back into the car and slowly drove away into the darkness.
Sally wished that she’d turned on her lights, so that he’d have known she was awake.
Maybe, he’d even have taken some time off to come up and talk with her, or even, to make wild passionate love to her like he’d done earlier this afternoon.
She rubbed her vagina through her nightie, and wondered how come she’d been lucky enough to find him.
She felt that she knew him well enough by now to know that she could easily fall in love with him and half suspected that she’d already done so.
She reached forward with her hand to turn the bedroom lights on and when she flicked the switch, nothing happened.
“Bugger” Sally muttered under her breath.
Maybe a fuse had blown?
If it had, then she was going to have to go downstairs to replace it.
Her first thought was of the stranger, but Brian had just checked all of her doors and windows not five minutes ago, so she felt fairly safe about going downstairs to check the fuse box.
She grabbed the torch and switched it on.
A weak light came on instead of the brightness she’d expected.
Then she realized that she’d meant to replace the batteries a while ago, but because of all that had happened in the pass couple of weeks, it’d completely slipped her mind.
“Oh, well. It’ll show enough light for me to find the fuse box, I just hope I don’t fall down the bloody stairs” Sally said in a weak joke.
She really didn’t feel like joking, but it was either joke or cry and she’d done more than enough crying in her lifetime thank you.
She walked downstairs to the fuse box with the help of the weakling light.
She couldn’t find anything wrong with the fuses inside the fuse box.
“That’s strange, I wonder what’s wrong with it?” She said quietly to herself.
Just then, she heard the sound of breaking glass in the garage.
“What the fuck?” She cried out in alarm.
Straight away she knew what had happened.
Somehow the bastard had turned off her power and because there was no power, the alarms couldn’t go off.
He’d waited until he’d seen the police car drive off before trying anything.
Sally rushed back up the stairs before the stranger had time to enter the house through the broken window.
She ran into her bedroom and picked up the knife she’d replaced when she’d seen it had only been Brian in the car.
She turned off the weak light and hid behind her bedroom door.
Sally was terrified yes, but she was also bloody mad as well.
“How dare he break into my house twice like this, who the hell did he think he was?” She thought to herself.
She gripped the knife in her right hand, keeping the torch in her left hand.
Even though the torch was about stuffed, it nevertheless was also a weapon.
She heard the step creak near the top of the stairs and knew he was very close to the bedroom.
She held her breath, not daring to breath lest he could hear her and held the knife in front of her behind the door, waiting for him to enter the bedroom
She couldn’t hear a damn thing and was tempted to peek around the door, but refrained from doing so.
She tried to listen out for any sounds that he would make, but there was nothing to be heard.
She couldn’t hold her breath any longer and slowly released it.
Just as she did, the door sprang backwards into her, knocking her senseless.
Sally came too a few minutes later to find herself tied up on her bed, flat on her stomach and then she realized that she was also fully naked.
There was a pressing weight on her back and she could tell straight away that the intruder was lying on top of her also naked.
He was going to rape her!!!
She tried to scream out for him not to rape her, but she couldn’t mutter a sound as he’d tied a rag around her head and her mouth, cutting off any speech.
So far, he’d not said a single word and that was even scarier than if he’d been a screaming nutcase.
She felt his knees pressing in between her thighs, slowly forcing them apart.
Try as she might, she wasn’t strong enough to stop him.
She could feel his hard cock pressing into her backside as he finally forced her legs apart.
“Oh god, no.” Sally’s mind cried out as she felt him placing his cock at the entrance to her anus.
Them she felt a blinding pain shoot through her as he rammed his cock as hard as he could into her.
He was brutal and didn’t try to ease himself in and out of her bleeding backside.
Instead he raped her cruelly.
She felt him empty his hot seed inside her swollen backside and hoped that he’d be satisfied with that and leave her alone.
This was bringing the full terror of her ex-husband back to her.
He pulled his cock out of her and she realized that she’d been crying the whole time.
Then he rolled her over onto her back so that she was now facing him.
Again he shoved her thighs apart.
This time Sally didn’t try to resist him.
She’d been raped enough times by her husband to know that it was far better for her, if she just went along with whatever he wanted to do to her.
When he’d finished with her, she had a faint hope that he’d leave her alive and just go away.
When he at last spoke, her hopes were totally crushed.
“Well, slut. Have you been having fun with that cockhead policeman friend of yours?”
Sally felt her bladder let go and urine start leaking out of her, soaking the bed beneath her.
It was her ex-husband’s voice!!!
How could it be?
He was dead….wasn’t he?
Then she thought that maybe she was just having a real bad nightmare.
But she knew this was not a bad dream, the soreness of her arse told her that this was as real as it could get.
He was alive and kicking.
She felt his hand on her mouth, tugging the rag away, so that she could finally speak.
“Well slut? Answer me.” He growled at her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, John.” She told him, hoping that he didn’t know about her and Brian.
“Liar, I’ve been watching you two for the pass two weeks, you lying slut.” He told her as he slapped her hard across the face.
Her ears were singing as she tried to reason with him
“Please John, where have you been, I thought you’d been killed in that car accident.”
“Don’t try to pretend that you cared whether or not I was alive or dead, I know all about you standing above me holding that knife while you thought I was asleep, bitch.” He said, hitting her again.
She knew that he’d hit her hard enough to cause some damage, but somehow managed to keep awake.
“Well, let’s see if you’ve forgotten how to please your husband.” He laughed cruelly.
He began to squeeze her nipples as hard as he could and Sally couldn’t stop the groan of pain from escaping her lips.
She could feel him getting harder and knew that her cries of pain were exciting him.
Then he leaned forward and bit her right breast, causing pain to shoot through her.
She screamed out loudly in pain, forgetting that if she remained quite, he’d soon lose interest.
Then he rammed his thickening cock as deep inside her as he could, trying to rip her apart.
She knew that he was going to kill her when he’d finished with her.
He was ramming himself in and out of her, more sexually excited and cruel than she remembered him to be.
Her hands were tied above her head, but weren’t actually tied to the bed head.
Each time he rammed himself into her, she felt something hard and cold hit her hands.
She wondered what it was?
Her brain had dis-located itself from her body, just as it had happened all those long years ago.
That was the main reason she’d managed to put up with her husbands rapes.
She felt the something hit her hand again and reached out for it.
Then, she realized she was gripping the torch.
He must have used it to tie her up and had forgotten it was there, because he’d been far too busy with the idea of raping her again.
She knew he was close to his 2nd climax by the way he was grunting above her.
She felt him empty his hot waste inside her and then as he started to lean forward to lay his head on her chest, Sally hit him with the head of the torch.
He gave out a loud grunt and fell sideways from her.
She felt his cock slip out of her as he fell and not knowing just how badly he was hurt, Sally pushed him off the side of the bed.
He hit the floor with a loud noise and Sally hoped that he’d broken his fucking neck, but she wasn’t about to stay here to find out one way or the other.
She knew that if she didn’t take this chance to escape, then when he came too, he’d killed her for sure, slowly and with as much pain as he could dish out.
She rolled off the bed and ran for the door.
She could hear him starting to recover his feet in the bedroom as she raced out into the lounge room.
“RUN, SALLY, RUN.” He called out behind her in a sick singsong kind of way.
Sally ran towards the kitchen because she’d forgotten in her terror if she’d hidden any knives in the lounge room.
She was just reaching for the hammer above the fridge as she felt his rough hands gripping her by the hair.
She screamed in terror at his touch and as he pulled her back around towards him,
Sally raised her left knee and hit him square in the balls.
He went down into a moaning heap at her feet.
She turned back towards the fridge and had just grabbed the hammer in her left hand when she felt his strong fingers grip her by the ankle.
She turned around to face him and by the light from the moon outside the kitchen window, she could see his snarling face below her on the floor.
All those years of pain and rape surfaced inside her.
Sally saw red.
She struck him right on top of his head with the hammer and then she couldn’t stop hitting him
She was repaying him for all those years of pain.
Finally her arm was too tired to lift the hammer anymore so she threw it away.
It hit the kitchen window with a loud smashing sound, but by this time, Sally had fallen into a faint.
The next thing she knew, Brian was kneeling besides her, asking was she all right.
“We have to stop meeting like this lover boy.” She joked before passing out again.
Sally was sitting up in a hospital bed with a bandage around her head when Brian walked in carrying some flowers for her.
“Hi sweetheart.” He said, kissing her and replacing the flowers he’d brought for her yesterday.
“Well? Are they going to charge me with his death?” Sally asked him.
“No, they’re not Sally. It seems that he was wanted for the murder of two other women, he become involved in, that was one reason why he faked his own death”.
“You’re joking.” Sally exclaimed in shock at this news.
“No I’m not joking Sally.” He said without a smile.
“So, what’s going to happen now?” Sally wanted to know.
“Well. First off, you’re going to get better and then I’m going to take you home with me.”
“Ohhh, that sounds nice.” Sally joked.
“After I make an honest women of you first though.” He finished grinning at her.
“Do you mean..are you asking…?” Sally asked totally unprepared for this.
“Yes Sally, will you be my wife?” Brian smiled at her as he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly.
“Would you be upset if I were to ask you to wait for an answer to that question, please?” Sally asked. “After what’s just happened, I need time to sort out a few things in my head.”
“No Sally. That’d be fine. Take your time, after all, we have plenty of that now, don’t we?”
“Yes, that we do, Brian.” Sally said, leaning forward and kissing him, knowing in her heart, just what her answer would be in time.
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