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Innocence Lost


In Which Innocence is embraced by Religious Faith and found in a Convent; the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity are also revealed and Charity finds her natural place; Purity is found in the spiritual home of Faith but lives outside its confines.

The Convent of St Mary Magdalene the Prostitute was situated a long way from any town or city and surrounded by fields and woods. An ideal place Innocence believed for peaceful meditation and religious contemplation. The order of Magdalenites was fairly ascetic which suited her present mood. She gladly had her hair shaved off although she felt a pang of prideful regret as she viewed her long tresses lying discarded on the floor of the Convent's Induction room. She gladly accepted the rule that all nuns of the order would have no possessions and were allowed the use of only one item of clothing which was the long black cotton dress and wymple that all nuns were obliged to wear. Innocence entered into the spirit of worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart - gladly viewing her as one of His harem.

The order took the prostitutes whom Christ favoured as an example of how a woman should worship Him. They were to be His holy concubines, His mistresses, who would dedicate themselves to Him and to no other. But in addition they were to set a good example to others and to work in the community where they gave succour to the poor, the lame, the halt and anyone else who felt the need of their comfort.

This was not, of course, necessarily succour of a sexual kind. Although the order used many images of physical love, these were meant only figuratively. It had been stressed that the order did not practise the code of conduct of the Blessed Whores who believed that one should fuck for Christ. That order had the belief that the best way in which to express the love embodied by Christ's preachings was by physical passion in which one surrendered oneself to all the demands made by supplicants. Innocence's Mother Superior didn't completely condemn these nuns: she merely contended that it was a style of worship was not practised by the Order of Magdelenites. Indeed she stressed that the virginity the order held in such veneration demonstrated a fundamental difference. It showed that they were saving themselves only for the love of Christ which would come to them when they met Him in the Hereafter.

Innocence shared her Convent dormitory with three other girls with whom she also prayed and ate meals. Two of the girls, Sisters Hope and Faith, always shared the same bed and frequently made love with each other. After prayers, they would enter the dormitory, take off their robes and then retreat to bed. Innocence however was pleased that their passion seemed curiously innocent and restrained in comparison with that with the women she'd made love with. The two girls clearly loved each other and found no contradiction between saving themselves for Christ - who they claimed to love above all else - and making love to each other. They were, after all, still virgins.

The other girl in the dormitory, Sister Charity, wore her robe as little as possible. She took great pleasure in carrying out most of her tasks without clothes on. This did not, of course, extend to those activities which would be visible to the public, but to those such as prayer, reading, gardening or eating which were spent only with other nuns. She wasn't the only nun in the Convent who believed that asceticism should spread to an abandonment of clothes and who took pride in displaying the sacrifice of her hair to Christ. Such nuns were however in the minority, and were still very strict about adorning robes and covering their heads when entering a Church. The Church, it was felt, is a place divorced of flesh or temptation, although, as the Mother Superior mentioned, this was not the attitude of the Blessed Whores. Their congregations were always held in the nude and masturbation was an integral part of the service.

Innocence wondered if perhaps Sister Charity would not have been better suited to this more promiscuous order as she was always masturbating. She made love to herself rather more frequently than Sisters Hope and Faith did with each other and, it seemed to Innocence, made rather more noise in doing so. She had no embarrassment about discussing this though. "I make love to Jesus in my mind," she claimed. "It is He who I imagine I'm making love with. I'm preparing myself for the Rapture when He will enter me and fill me with His Semen." She also claimed that she had no interest in making love with anyone else but Christ. "I am faithful to Him," she said openly stroking her clitoris with her finger while licking off some of the fluid with which she'd coated her other finger from her bout of frantic masturbation.

Sister Charity masturbated in front of Innocence and the other two nuns with a promiscuity that seemed bizarre to Innocence, but seemingly didn't bother Sisters Hope and Faith. "It's just her Passion for Christ," explained Sister Faith with a beatific smile from underneath the sheets. She also tried to encourage the others to join her, but this didn't appeal to the other nuns so much. "We have our own way of showing our Love," explained Sister Hope, squeezing Sister Faith's hand. Innocence for quite different reasons didn't want to either, but this was more difficult to explain to Sister Charity.

In fact, Innocence felt she was still living a bit of a lie. On the advice of the Mother Superior, who'd examined her penis with the clinical eye of one who had earlier worked as a masturbator for married couples with potency problems, Sister Innocence had decided to keep her peculiar endowment secret from the other nuns. This sometimes caused Innocence great embarrassment, as she washed apart from the others and took her clothes off so coyly. The other nuns, however, made no comment and probably had no suspicion. After all many nuns had peculiar habits and a strange fastidiousness. This presumably was not unconnected for many of them with their decision to join an order that renounced pride in the flesh. This did mean, however, that when Innocence was aroused by the masturbatory groans of Sister Charity or the lovemaking of the other two, she had to face down on her bed to hide her rather prominent erection.

The good works that the nuns did usually was of the nature of giving food and clothes to the poor, giving advice and comfort to those who needed it and making honey, wine and pretty mugs at attractive prices which could be sold at the Convent's shop for a reasonable profit. However, the order also practised marriage counselling for which they were famous. Very few nuns actually took on that role and it was one that only more senior nuns practised. This role was basically to masturbate the men and women in their lovemaking so that they would be able to consummate their love - a task requiring great patience, a deep throat and a flexible tongue. This rôle continued beyond conception to helping the couple make love during pregnancy and both pre- and post-natal counselling. As the Mother Superior said, it was a unique rôle of the order to be able to provide this kind of assistance in bringing comfort coupled with the strictness with which the nuns would abstain from further interference. A rôle not open to the Blessed Whores who would probably cause resentment in those with sexual inhibitions.

The order had several convents spread about the country and the world. As a policy, it did its best to adapt to the environment in which it was based. In the Arctic Convent, this meant that the nuns had to wear rather thicker, fur-lined robes, and gardening duties had to be replaced with work in the fisheries. In the city, the nuns were forbidden to leave the Convent singly because some people, mistaking the nuns for Blessed Whores or even Sodomites for Christ, would approach them in a way that might be appropriate for these other orders but could severely compromise their position within the precepts of the order. Innocence was pleased, however, that her Convent was based in the idyllic country-side where none of these restrictions applied.

She would often go for walks in the woods with an unusually clothed Sister Charity or with other nuns whom she would meet at prayer. She liked to go to the hostels where poor people stayed in tiny rooms with barely a rag between them and dole out the clothes that the nuns made with such love and dedication (knowing full well that many of these clothes were then sold on for a profit for food and these same wretches would be naked again). To a certain extent, she felt quite satisfied with her lot, although she still felt very much an outsider. Just denying her sexuality and her physical attributes did not resolve them.

One of the more prominent Convents of the Order of St Mary Magdalene the Prostitute was based in the district of Brook, famous for its very relaxed attitude towards nudity. In keeping with the order's general policy of integrating with the community, the nuns in the Convent would themselves be naked if it so suited their disposition - an attitude not at all at odds with the abandonment of worldly goods. It was not at all surprising to Innocence to discover that Sister Charity had applied to transfer to this Convent, and she was delighted for her when her transfer had been accepted. On the evening of the day that the Mother Superior had given her the written confirmation of the transfer and the date on which her appointment would commence, she indulged in a marathon masturbation session which frightened even Innocence.

She flung herself bodily against the wall, thrusting her fingers deep inside her anus and vagina while massaging her breasts and nipples with her other hand and sinuously pushing herself up and down. The noise of her passion made meditation impossible for Innocence, but she didn't wish to show her gladness for Sister Charity's happiness in a more demonstrative way.

The following day, the Mother Superior called Innocence to her study and surrounded by her books and the enticing image of the saintly St Mary Magdalene, she explained to Innocence that Sister Charity was to be escorted to the new Convent as it was the policy of the Order that none of the nuns should travel singly. And as Sister Innocence was Sister Charity's closest friend and companion at the Convent it was only meet and proper that she would be the one who would do so. While at the Convent at Brook, Sister Innocence would of course be expected to continue with her duties of prayer and service to the community although her stay would be necessarily brief. Innocence expressed gratitude that she was honoured with the trust given her, and went away looking forward to her travel afield.

The two nuns travelled to Brook by coach on a journey that took them over hills, through woods and along roads lined by fields of fruit and vegetables where farmworkers tended their crops. There was no border post marking the coach's entry into the district - or none that Innocence could see - but Sister Charity immediately brought it to her attention that they'd entered. "Look!" she said, excitedly pointing at a group of people standing idly by the road, one of them with a small motor scooter and the others apparently admiring it. There was nothing peculiar about the scene at all, Innocence thought at first, until she noticed that none of these characters were wearing any clothes. In fact when she'd noticed that, she soon became aware that more than half the people the coach passed by - even the ones driving cars or bicycles - were totally naked. "We must be in Brook!" Innocence exclaimed.

The two nuns were not the only ones on the coach to realise this, as they noticed many of them had divested themselves of their clothes. Perfectly ordinary people who really did not warrant a second glance when they boarded the coach were now sitting absolutely naked and chatting animatedly amongst themselves. Sister Charity herself was dying to unclothe herself but she decided that it was probably best to have disembarked at the Convent before integrating herself more fully into her new community.

The coach eventually drew into a bus station in the middle of the small town of Divin, and the two nuns disembarked into a seething mass of naked bodies. Even Innocence felt very much overdressed in her robes and wymple in this environment, but she was determined to retain her secret for as long as she could. The two nuns asked for directions to the Convent and soon set off by foot along the winding road which led eventually to the imposing but nonetheless welcoming majesty of the Convent which was in what had once been a dilapidated castle. They were soon through the door of the building and taken to Sister Charity's room which she shared with three other nuns. Sister Innocence was to stay in the same room for the duration of her stay, and a bed was brought in for her benefit.

Innocence soon found that the policy of casual nudity was followed within the walls of the Convent as much as it was outside. Indeed the only way in which the nuns could be recognised as such was by their shaved heads and the wooden crosses that dangled on their chests. Even the Mother Superior, a woman nearly seventy years old, was totally unclothed but nevertheless wore as much dignity as Sister Innocence's own Mother Superior. Sister Charity was soon as naked as most of the rest of new convent and looked as naturally suited to her new conditions as any of the others. Innocence, however, despite Sister Charity's entreaties and the Mother Superior's example didn't adopt the custom of the other nuns.

This made her feel rather more of an outsider than she felt before. She was trapped between appearing eccentric by her insistence on remaining clothed, even at such times where even the most modest of nuns were nude such as meal times or prayer, and her reluctance to parade her unusual attributes. She sought refuge from her confusion by going to the Chapel and sitting on the pews to pray for guidance from the Lord. However even here, where in her normal convent even those such as Sister Charity were strict in their observance of decorum, there was no escape from an environment of relaxed or absent dress code. As she sat with her hands in front of her face she could watch other nuns nakedly performing their duties.

She then heard a choir rehearse a performance of a choral tune and saw that they too were all naked, including some very young girls who could not be old enough even to be novices. Presumably they were children from the community - perhaps those taught at the Convent school. The surroundings of such nudity in what were still to her incongruous settings inevitably caused Innocence's penis to stir and push uncomfortably against her robe. Innocence was unable to stand while her secret assets stood out so prominently and she felt restrained by her faith from relieving her embarrassment by masturbating in the pews. So she had to wait nearly half an hour until the swelling subsided and she was able to stand up.

She and Sister Charity were still able to go for walks together where they studiously avoided discussion on the very visible aspects of the community as they passed naked couples, other naked nuns and others in the streets of Divin and along the country lanes around the Convent. It was while walking together that Innocence for the first time saw two members of the Order of the Blessed Whores indulging in their peculiar form of worship. The two women were clearly nuns, and were in fact less naked than Sister Charity. They had shaved heads and a cross over their chest just like Sister Charity, but in addition they wore black stockings with suspenders and very high stiletto heels. This didn't appear very appropriate to Innocence. In addition, they were being fucked quite openly by a group of four men and begging for more to join in. "Fuck for Christ!" they pleaded, smiling and laughing. "Show your love for Him by showing your love to us!"

"Disgusting!" snorted Sister Charity, visibly offended at the sight of naked buttocks thrusting in and out of the nuns' anuses. "How can they consider themselves virtuous if they don't save their virtue for Christ!"

Innocence became used to the stares that followed her as she walked around the streets of Divin. Although there were many nuns who visited the town, most did not dress as she did. Sister Charity often accompanied her and attracted rather less attention than her. However, Sister Charity soon found other companions and Innocence began to take more pleasure in walking by herself. She was struggling with her own thoughts. Wasn't there something a little hypocritical, she asked herself, in joining a Holy Order to find herself if she had to pretend to be different to what she was to remain in the order?

She wandered into a church in the town centre that always gave her a reassuring sense of peace. She pushed open the heavy door designed to keep out small birds and strolled around the perimeter of the church looking at the stained windows and mediaeval statuary which clashed curiously with more modern features such as the wooden notice boards advertising missions in foreign lands and the requests for donations to the upkeep of the Church. She wasn't quite the only person in the church, as there was a naked middle-aged couple also wandering about and commenting to each other about the antiquity of the church.

She was drawn as always towards the candles lit for individual prayers and wishes. As she always did when she was in a church she selected a new candle, made a brief prayer to herself for peace in the world (which nonetheless felt inadequate for the inarticulate longings she actually did feel) and then lit it with the flame of another candle before placing it in an empty candle-holder. She closed her eyes in passive contemplation after she'd reassured herself that the candle would continue to burn.

"A penny for your thoughts, sister," commented a voice beside her. Innocence opened her eyes and looked at who it was who was speaking. It was a black girl with hair grown wild like a bush, no clothes at all and the shadow of unshaven hair on her arms and legs. Innocence recognised her, but not instantly. It was the eyes and broad smile partly obscured by the bush of hair that triggered her memory.

"Purity!" Innocence gasped. "You live in Divin!"

Purity frowned. "Well not quite. Brook maybe. But how do you know me, sister?"

"It's me! Innocence!" The nun declared to her former lover. She pulled off her wymple to show her shaved head but more importantly her otherwise obscured face.

"Innocence! A nun!" Gasped Purity. She stepped back and bumped her bottom against a pew. "Ouch!" She rubbed her arse with her hand. "I would never have believed that you ..."

The two old friends left the church and wandered to a nearby tea shop to continue their reunion. Purity still found it odd that Innocence should have made such a radical step as to join a Convent after leaving home with her sister, but as she explained she too had changed since the two girls were at school together. She was now living in a commune of vegans in Sauterelle, a country district of Brook far away from it all. "We don't believe in unnatural things at all. We eschew exploitation of all animals, including wearing leather and eating animal products. We don't wear any makeup or cut our hair at all. I don't shave my legs any more."

The more Innocence heard about Purity's commune the more it sounded rather like the Convent that she served at except that there was no apparent belief in God and the rules of behaviour derived their legitimacy from mutual consent and discussion rather than from a belief that they were derived from the commands of the Lord. There was also the very real distinction that in the Convent, Innocence was meant to avoid carnal knowledge and maintain her virginity, whereas there was no such belief in Purity's commune. In fact Purity rather boasted about her sex life which involved activity with men and women on a casual understanding that evoked for Innocence the life she'd left with Une and Chastity. Indeed, she could now see that she was actually actively missing it.

Purity was visiting Divin for no particular reason. She had just decided to leave the commune for a few weeks and see more of Brook. "Sauterelle's not the whole of Brook after all," she explained. She'd hitch-hiked across the district, occasionally having to repay the favour of a lift with sex ("But only if I like the driver!" she explained). She only happened to be in Divin because her last lift happened to drop her there and until she'd met Innocence she'd really seen no reason to prolong her stay. "It's pretty dull round here!" she exclaimed.

"But there's some very pleasant countryside," Innocence remarked. And so it was that after the two girls had finished their tea and biscuits, Innocence and Purity walked out of the town and into the woods above the town. Purity didn't seem to mind that part of the way led through some muddy paths and that she got mud caked on her feet. "It's totally natural and good for the soles!" She remarked while Innocence more daintily made her way around the puddles' perimeters holding up her gown to prevent it getting stained.

They were soon sitting side by side on a hillside looking over the town of Divin and the Convent where Innocence resided. "Doesn't this remind you of the first time?" Purity asked Innocence. Indeed it did but Innocence made no reply. This was a different time and a different place.

Purity leaned over with small traces of slightly damp grass attached to the hairs of her arms and legs and stroked Innocence lovingly on the face. "You never take your clothes off do you?"

Innocence started. "What do you mean?"

"Even though you're in Brook, you never take your clothes off," elaborated Purity.

"I can't! I couldn't!"

"Because of your beautiful prick!"

"I don't want people to know ..."

"Don't be silly!" laughed Purity reassuringly. "I know!" She stroked her mound of unruly pubic hair. "I know only too well! And I still often think about it!" She kissed Innocence tenderly on the lips. "You were my first true love! And I still think the best!"

And so it was that Innocence gradually lost her inhibitions and her clothes and for the first time since she was in Brook she dressed in the way that seemed most appropriate. It took Purity very little coaxing to convert Innocence's small act of daring, hidden as they were from view of other people, to full sex. Innocence's gown became the blanket on which the two protected themselves from the discomfort of the grass and small patches of mud and became the playground on which they fucked for several frantic hours. Innocence had forgotten how much she'd needed sexual satisfaction and her balls seemed to have no shortage of semen to release into Purity's cunt. There was no part of Purity's body that she didn't re-examine. She licked every rogue hair on Purity's legs. She rubbed off the dried mud from her feet and licked the last traces off with her tongue. Purity's mouth had developed a facility for swallowing her penis that she'd never had while the two were still at school and Innocence loved the tender squeeze of her black lover's throat on the throbbing end of her member, causing a sudden whoosh of semen which startled Purity and almost choked her.

When they'd finished and Innocence collected together her wymple and the gown that barely disguised her still excited penis, she felt a betrayal towards her order. "I'd sworn to dedicate my love to Jesus Christ!" She sobbed.

Purity kissed Innocence full on the mouth. "I don't believe that the Church is the best solution for you, my dearest," she said.

"But what is?"

"Somewhere where you'll be accepted fully for what you are. Somewhere that you'll feel no pain about being endowed in such an unusual way. Somewhere where you feel you belong."

"And where is that place? In your commune?"

"Maybe. But then one person's solution is not necessarily another's!"

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