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Innocence Lost


In Which Alice rediscovers Innocence and learns the virtues of Purity; in which Innocence and Purity are shown in the practise of religious devotion; and in which Innocence leaves Chastity and Purity loses Innocence.

The fruition of all plans is often much less than the ambitions associated with their formulation, and so it was with the vacation that Purity had planned together with Innocence. They had scarcely been away a day when over a drink in a café that was near the hostel they were staying at they found themselves scaling down their plans to much more manageable proportions for the time available. It was then that Innocence suggested that they should visit her friend Alice whom she'd not seen for a long time.

"I've always been a bit nervous visiting her, because she didn't really get on very well with Chastity," she exclaimed.

"Who does?" bitterly commented Purity.

"That's a bit unfair," Innocence said in her sister's defence, but significantly not contradicting the assertion.

It was a couple of days later that Purity and Innocence arrived at Alice's house, wearing robust shoes, shorts and tee-shirts. Alice lived in a part of the country that Purity had never visited before, but it was very suburban and quiet. She enjoyed the leafy greenness of it all, but she didn't relish at all the stares that she got as she walked along. She wasn't sure it was because there weren't many young women her age so relatively lightly clad or if it was because she was the only black face around. Alice's home was a quite dilapidated terraced cottage in a quite anonymous street. A red telephone box stood in front of her house by a row of quite old cars composed in equal measure of rust and metal. Alice, herself, when she opened the door was completely naked, which seemed very unusual in this town with long hair down to her waist that obscured her small breasts but not her light covering of pubic hair. When she saw Purity there with Innocence, she started as if in a kind of shock.

"You! Is it you!" she cried.

Purity wasn't sure what to say, but she smiled broadly.

"Hello, Alice! I hope you don't mind us turning up unannounced like this," said Innocence. "Meet Purity. A good friend of mine who I've known from school."

"Oh! Purity! A school friend!" Alice remarked. "Well, come in. Come in. I'm sorry I seemed so startled. I just thought Purity was someone else."

"You mean, you thought she was Kedi?" suggested Innocence, as she and her lover brought their bags into the small narrow hallway.

"I'm afraid you're right," Alice admitted.

The house inside was decorated quite well, with thick wallpaper, framed pictures of cats and other animals and rather a lot of mirrors. Alice escorted them into her living room, where Purity and Innocence sat on the sofa, while she busied herself with making some tea.

"I hope you don't mind us staying for a couple of days, Alice?" asked Innocence. "It's so long since we last met and I don't want to appear to be imposing on your hospitality at all."

"That's fine!" smiled Alice. "I'm quite grateful for visitors. It can sometimes get quite lonely, you know, living by oneself."

"Don't you share the house with Dinah?"

"No, not any more. And I can't say I regret that at all. For all I love my sister, I feel so much happier without her around. And in any case it was beginning to get very strained the two of us living on top of each other. I could hardly feel I had a life of my own. And, as you know, there are other things that complicate matters."

"Yes, there are," agreed Innocence sadly. Purity couldn't be sure as she sat on the sofa sipping the tea that Alice had prepared whether her lover was reflecting on her troubled relationship with her own sister, but she was quite convinced that she was.

"Did you and your sister part on good terms?" wondered Purity.

"What a question!" laughed Innocence embarrassedly.

"Well, not totally," admitted Alice. "And being apart does have its disadvantages. It's a lot more expensive for a start. And I don't get to meet all of Dinah's friends so often. But all in all it's much better. I feel much more independent. And I'm sure we get on better together than we used to."

The three girls spent a long time chatting and reminiscing, sitting quite a distance apart on separate chairs. Purity felt constrained by politeness because she knew that Alice and Innocence had a relationship together in the past and would almost certainly like to spend time together. She also realised that both girls were less than totally forthcoming and would wait almost indefinitely for the other to take the initiative. She could catch the odd glance from the two girls' eyes that told her that it was merely a question of finding the right opportunity and all would be well. She knew she shouldn't feel such an encumbrance, but she was certain that if she weren't there it would be easier for all concerned.

"You know, we haven't brought any wine with us!" remarked Purity as it was approaching evening and the inevitable time in which alcohol would need to be imbibed.

"That doesn't matter! I've got a bottle in the fridge." Alice protested.

"We couldn't dream of imposing on your hospitality as much as that!" Purity insisted. "Where might I go to buy a bottle?"

It was quite a way away along unfamiliar streets, but Purity dawdled there and dawdled back in the hope that in the time she was away Innocence and her friend would have picked up some of their boldness. It was not a pleasant wander for her, as she was very painfully conscious of the stares that she received from the older men and women around. And it wasn't as if she was even showing her cunt. Or even her nipples! It was a relief for her to return to Alice's house and to let herself in with the key that Alice had provided.

Her hopes for her lover's return to intimacy with Alice were not disappointed as the two of them were lying together enmeshed in one other's arms and had clearly been kissing each other. However, they hadn't progressed too far, as although Alice was naked, Innocence had only stripped off her tee-shirt and was still wearing her shorts. Purity could see that the two of them would be sharing the bed together and that she would be sleeping alone on the spare mattress.

This indeed was what happened after they'd drunk both the bottles of white wine that Purity had brought back with the quantities of fish that Alice had prepared for dinner. They'd chatted over the sound of Alice's choice of music, which was both bizarre and melodic, and got increasingly tipsy. Alice and Innocence were entwined increasingly closely in each other's bodies, and Innocence had even stripped down to just her knickers. Purity had long since discarded all her clothes - feeling so much more comfortable being so unconstrained and felt the pile of the carpet prick into the dark flesh of her buttocks. Alice had many uncomplimentary things to say about Chastity, which Purity felt no compunction about echoing or supplementing. Innocence made very little comment as her two lovers complained about her bossiness, her aggressiveness, the extent of her sexual appetite and her perverse tastes, and most of all her lack of regard for other people's feelings or their desire for privacy.

"She's much worse than Dinah!" Alice remarked. "I don't know how you can put up with her, Innocence. I really don't."

Innocence smiled sadly, but made no comment. It was clear that she found the conversation unsettling.

Purity deliberately drank more than usual, so that when she put her head down on the flat hard pillow she could lose her consciousness that much sooner. But as she sank off to sleep she was sure she could hear Innocence's familiar cries of sexual ecstasy mingling with those of Alice's. The thought crossed her mind that she could join them. She knew that neither would object too fiercely, and she felt that her current relationship with Innocence somehow gave her a kind of priority. Nonetheless, she thought, what the two girls want more than orgasms is just being together, and her presence would really just be a distraction. Perhaps not too unwelcome, but a distraction for all that.

Purity and Innocence stayed at Alice's house for several days during which Purity felt very sexually frustrated as she observed her lover make frequent love with their host which although it was never done while Purity was able to watch was nevertheless done often enough and loud enough in Alice's bed for her to have a very good idea of what was going on. She became increasingly bored by her stay. It wasn't quite the adventure that she'd hoped for, and however much she knew that Alice and Innocence were enjoying the stay, she was rather looking forward to getting away. She almost looked forward to returning home to the flat with Chastity and Twelve, because at least she'd have Innocence to herself for some of the time.

It was Sunday and although Innocence wasn't much of a churchgoer in Labia she felt enough loyalty to religion after her life in the Order of Magdelenites to feel that today was an opportunity for them all to go to church. The only church that Purity felt any interest in going to was the small chapel of the Brethren of the Eternal Virgin, which she'd heard had a particularly fascinating service. Neither Alice nor Innocence was familiar with the order, which Purity felt was just as well.

They dressed relatively modestly for the service, and joined the other churchgoers entering the chapel, who were generally also dressed quite demurely. Although the church promised to contain Brethren, the majority of the people going were women, mostly in their twenties and thirties, wearing dresses that reached down from a high tight collar to their ankle-boots. As they entered they were welcomed by solemn church music from a small piano and were greeted by the young minister wearing a gown that hid as much of him as the dresses of the women hid of them. He was very welcoming to the three girls and was particularly impressed by Innocence's confession that she was a lapsed nun.

"I hope that you haven't actually abandoned the Love of God," he commented. "He will be with you always whether you are practising the faith actively or passively."

He guided the three of them to seats on the hard benches near the front of the chapel. In front of each of their seats was the small cushion on which they could pray and a hymn book in a tatty brown leather cover, the print of which had been worn away to illegibility. While Alice and Innocence excitedly chatted to each other, Purity observed the minister as he welcomed in his congregation and noted with satisfaction the particular intimacy in which he greeted some parishioners by kissing them full on the mouth, with their tongues locked together. Others he merely stroked their buttocks and in some cases their crotch.

The church filled up fairly rapidly, and was soon full of the hubbub of polite conversation as the congregation chatted amongst themselves. When the minister had judged that everyone had arrived, he went to the pulpit and started the service. Innocence and Alice politely looked up at him with broad smiles as he began by welcoming everyone, commented on the weather and then asked if everyone could sing the first song from the hymnbook: Fuck Me Jesus. Alice raised her eyebrows at that but made no comment as the congregation launched into the song. "Fuck me Jesus So Hard I Can Feel Your Spirit Move Me!" the congregation sang.

Behind the pulpit was a small choir made up of young boys and girls separated by an aisle and supervised by some older choristers. They took the refrain with great enthusiasm - particularly the chorus. "May Your Sperm Imbue Me With The Holy Spirit. Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Fuck Me!" they sang.

The minister began his sermon which was about how the love of Jesus was so much a physical love and that His desire was that all his worshippers should share their love for Jesus and the love He felt for them in as carnal a way as possible. This short sermon was followed by another hymn: My Groin It Aches With Passion, followed soon after by successively: My Arse Belongs To You, Lord Jesus and Shower Me With Holy Semen.

"Let Us Pray," announced the Minister. Alice and Innocence bowed their heads, but Purity kept her head up and watched as the Minister unbuttoned his gown while leading the prayer. Underneath he was wholly naked and taking his penis with one hand he masturbated while proclaiming his prayer. "Shower us with the Knowledge of how best to show our Love. Give us the ability to love our neighbours with all our heart and with the passion of Jesus Christ who so loved us that he died for our souls."

When he finished with his "Amen." the congregation looked up to see the Minister standing with his erect penis in front of him. A girl from the front row, sitting with her mother and father, stood up and with a few gestures she removed her dress which she left with her parents and stood wearing only her socks and ankle boots. She walked up to the Minister, and in front of the hushed congregation she kneeled down, took the Minister's erect penis in her hand and stroked it slowly from the base to the glans. She continued doing this for nearly a minute, and then with a cry of "Hallelujah!" (which was echoed softly by several parishioners) she took the length of it in her mouth and sucked it long and hard.

Purity could see that the girl had not been selected for her beauty as she was rather plain, had virtually no figure to speak of and her eyes were just a little too close together. But the Minister was clearly enjoying her attention. While this was going on, several parishioners, crossing themselves, made their way to the front of the church and kneeled down in supplication in front of their Minister and his volunteer. It was then that this part of the service reached its climax, when the Minister carefully withdrew his penis from deep inside the girl's throat and offered it in turn to each of the parishioners, male and female, who were to receive the fruit of Jesus' love in the form of the semen that the Minister had blessed. As each took a small gobbet of semen from the erect penis which was practisedly secreting measured amounts of sperm with tiny little shudders, the Minister placed his hand on their head and said the same thing to each of them which was "Jesus Loves You, Sister." or "Jesus Loves You, Brother."

This ceremony went on for much longer than Purity believed possible. When each worshipper had received their small portion of semen in the mouth, they stood up with a beatific smile, crossed themselves and wandered back to their seat. She noticed that many of the women had fully undone the buttons at the top of their dress, revealing their chest, breast and nipples, presumably so that none of the Minister's semen would spill on their clothes. These worshippers were of all ages, but interestingly were predominately the older or plainer members of the congregation.

When this part of the service was over, the Minister instructed the choir to divest themselves which they did, revealing their children's bodies with undeveloped shape and in most cases yet to grow the slightest vestige of pubic hair. They came out in a row and stood facing the congregation and entertained with renditions of Jesus Is My Fucker, My Vagina Awaits Your Love, Sweet Lord and Fuck Me Gently, Fuck Me Slow, Jesus My Love. They then bowed their heads and turned around to leave the church. They were joined then by all the children from the congregation, leaving only the adults behind. Purity smiled. It was clear that the Brethren of the Eternal Virgin didn't want to be seen to encourage under-age sex.

When the last of the children had left, then with a cry of "Hallelujah! God Be Praised!" all the congregation stood up and stripped off their clothes with the notable exceptions of Purity and her somewhat embarrassed friends. The congregation began kissing and stroking each other, and several made their way to the front of the chapel which was covered by a large red cloth over a thick pile carpet. They then started making passionate love with each other and their neighbours with the Minister watching over them and guiding them to their action. Purity watched fascinated at the mounds of flesh and the indiscriminateness of attention. There seemed to be no distinction observed at all in the gender chosen of their partners or several partners. Several parishioners cried out "Hallelujah!" and "May God be Praised!" before plunging into their sexual abandonment.

"Shall we join them?" wondered Purity, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse.

"No! Not at all! This isn't what I came here for!" protested Innocence uncertainly, no doubt very nervous of revealing her peculiar assets.

"You can if you like," said Alice disapprovingly, "but Innocence and I are going home."

Purity smiled. She'd not really expected much different from the two girls. But she knew what she wanted. She'd had her eyes on several of the more attractive women in the congregation, including a black woman with enormous thighs and very full lips, and a woman of nearly forty with a beautiful slim figure and perky little breasts. She continued unbuttoning her blouse, freeing the breasts that she'd kept so uncomfortably restrained, and pulling down her skirt. She kept her shoes on though, as she was sure that otherwise the stone floor of the chapel would be uncomfortably hard and cold. She then kissed Alice and Innocence tenderly, knowing that they would very soon be leaving, and then made her way up the aisle to the mass of bodies.

She hesitated on the edge, with others who were equally unsure but still murmuring the odd "Hallelujah!" The Minister was wandering amongst his orgiastic congregation waving his erect penis on them and scattering semen over them which they received gratefully. "Jesus showers his love on you!" he said as he released another gobbet of semen over a tall woman with a large birthmark covering half her face now slightly lightened by the shiny glutinous liquid of the Minister's generosity. "I love you, Jesus!" she cried. "Fuck me, Jesus! Fuck me!" It certainly wasn't Jesus, as far as Purity could see who was entering her vagina, nor was it Jesus who was thrusting simultaneously hard at her anus.

It was like entering the cold waters of a swimming pool, Purity decided. It's better to dive straight in, rather than to wait for gradual acclimatisation. With that thought she lay herself on top of the large black woman, putting a hand in her crotch where a penis was thrusting in and out with great enthusiasm, and applied her mouth to that of a very young girl whose hair was in plaits and whose face appeared to be a mess of acne spots. She felt a frisson of pleasure as an erect penis, perhaps that of the Minister made its way into the moist and welcoming portals of her vagina.

Purity didn't look forward to returning to Labia at all. She had rather enjoyed the respite from Chastity's sour unfriendly character and resolved to herself to leave fairly soon after arriving. She could see that Innocence was aware of her unhappiness and was herself troubled by it. She made a few feeble attempts to defend her sister, but was quite clearly ill at ease with Purity's bitter remarks. "Perhaps she'll have changed after being left at home without us," she commented unconvincingly.

There was no evidence of this when Purity and Innocence found Chastity and Twelve in the company of a young girl - probably no more than eleven years old - engaged in sex games in the living room. The girl was on her knees with her hands bound tightly behind her back and her mouth pressed against Twelve's bare groin and with Chastity pressing hers against her hair. Before Innocence had the opportunity to announce their arrival, Chastity suddenly let loose a torrent of urine from her crotch which ran through the girl's hair and trickled down her face. "Uuugghh!" she gasped with disgust. "It tastes horrid! I don't like this anymore! I want to go home!"

Chastity made no reply. Instead she pulled the girl's head forcefully back and placed her damp crotch against the girl's mouth, with Twelve looking evidently less happy at the turn of events. She looked up from the child with a look of some concern and noticed Purity and Innocence watching with some disgust, still in their clothes and holding the rucksacks that they'd only just loosened off from their shoulders.

"Why! Hello there!" she greeted friendlily, drawing Chastity's attention to the additional company. She turned her head round and smiled warmly at the two of them.

Innocence did not return the greeting with anything like the same degree of friendliness. "What are you doing to that poor girl?"

"Nothing that she's not enjoying!" responded her sister baldly.

"I don't believe you!" Innocence cried with a certain amount of passion. She dropped her rucksack on the ground. "Leave the girl alone now!"

Twelve backed off and stood sheepishly to one side. Her lipstick was a little smudged and she had a blue swelling around one of her eyes. Chastity pulled the child's face closer to her groin. "We're consenting partners. I don't think you have any right, sister, to tell me what we should consent to do."

"You seduce these children. You bring them home. And then you abuse them. You piss on them! You tie them up! You hit them! What sort of pleasure is that to most of them! You're just a monster!"

"I don't do anything with my lovers they don't want me to..."

"Do you tell them in advance what you're going to do to them? Did you tell this girl that you'd piss in her mouth?"

"She enjoyed it! It was fun!" Chastity looked at the girl who was weeping softly. She was standing up unsteadily with her arms behind her and her hair damp from its recent showering. Only the colour of the urine distinguished itself from the tears running down her face. Purity suspected that the girl wasn't too sure what had been happening to her judging from the evidence of the grains of white powder left on a mirror laid flat on the table and a half empty bottle of whiskey by the side of it. Her gaze was unfocused and her mouth looked unhealthily lax.

"It might be fun for you, Chastity. But it's just sadistic abuse of minors as far as any one else is concerned. And I don't think this little child's going to enjoy the memory of what you've been doing to her at all! And what would you have done later? Would you have crapped on her as well as piss on her? Would she be forced to eat her own shit? Would you start beating her with a stick? Would you push a dildo up her arse? You're just a filthy disgusting pervert!"

"How dare you call me that! It's the influence of your coal-cellar friend isn't it? Making you a real goody two-shoes. I suppose she's got you eating organic rice and chanting mantras now! What I do is my business and nobody else's."

"Come on, Twelve!" Innocence continued addressing the very guilty looking girl who was hoping to stay out of the fray. "What's my sister been doing? Is there anything in fact that she's not been doing? How many children has she abused? How many young boys has she sodomised? How many children has she tied up, beaten up, pissed on, shat on and humiliated? I bet this place has been like a sadomasochist's sexual fantasy while we've been away."

"It's not always that bad!" Twelve said, weakly defending herself. "It's just that we get carried away. And there's some real good stuff I've been getting recently. You just don't know what you're doing after a while."

"I don't believe you!" countered Innocence. "I don't believe my sister has ever not known exactly what she's doing! In fact I don't think I can bear to even live under the same roof as her."

"Exactly right!" spat back her sister with a venom that startled Purity. "If you don't like living with me, you can just leave. Forget all I've ever done for you. Forget that we're sisters. Run off with your nigger lover and live in a tepee. Grow fucking lentils and be so fucking holy. I haven't forgotten that not so long ago you were a fucking tight-arsed, dry cunted nun! Go back to your convent and be fucking sanctimonious somewhere else. Take your fucking Pure as the driven snow but as black as the fucking ace of spades girlfriend with you. I don't care! I don't fucking care what you and your cuntish friend do! You can just fuck off and never come back, for all I fucking care!"

"I'll do just that! And now!" shouted back Innocence, who turned around and raced out of the room. Purity glanced back at Chastity who was watching as Twelve unfastened the cords binding the young girl's hands together and comforted her as she cried with the abandon reserved for children. She then chased after Innocence, who true to her words was pulling her clothes and possessions out of the drawers in her bedroom and stuffing them with no particular attention into some cases.

"Are you serious, Innocence?" Purity asked watching as her lover busied herself with tears running down her face.

"I've never been so serious! I've got to get away! I can't bear to live with her a moment longer!"

"But what about your studies? What about all the work you've done at the college!"

"That doesn't mean anything any more! I'm leaving Labia! I'll go off to the city! Start again. Live a life away from the malign influence of my hateful sister!"

Purity looked out of the bedroom at Twelve who was tenderly washing the young girl in the bathroom and at Chastity who was preparing some powder on the mirror and swigging from the bottle of whiskey while she did so. She glanced around malevolently at Purity. "Who're you fucking look at, you fucking nigger!"

Purity declined to comment, but hovered at the doorway transfixed in hopeless indecision. What should she do? She didn't feel inclined to join Innocence in her desperate departure. She resolved to return to Brook. That was after all where she felt most at home and where most of her friends were. She had never felt properly settled in Labia, and if Innocence was leaving there was nothing really to keep her there.

"My sister's fucked me so many times! She's fucked me like a fucking piston engine!" snarled Chastity. "Now she says she's gonna leave me. What fucking ingratitude! I taught her everything she knows about fucking. The best fucks she's ever had have been with me! Everyone else - you included - have just been fucking nothing. She'll come back! She won't be able to live without me and my cunt." Chastity swivelled round in her chair and faced Purity with her shaved and slightly red vagina fully displayed. She opened her legs and slid a forefinger into the open crack while swigging a mouthful of whiskey. "Admit it! You want a taste of my cunt, too. But you're not fucking going to! And neither's my fucking sister! She may have the best fucking prick there is but this is one cunt she's not going to get inside again!"

Purity grimaced and returned to Innocence's bedroom to see if she could comfort her. She felt that her rôle at this moment was to stand by her lover's side in her moments of distress. But Innocence was nowhere to be seen. She and all her bags were gone. So, too, Purity discovered were Twelve and the young girl. She was alone in the flat with Chastity. She ran frantically from room to room, hoping that she was mistaken or that some message had been left. But there was nothing.

"Lost something, nigger?" asked Chastity unkindly as she popped her head back into the living room. "Perhaps you want a fuck." She had a very crude looking dildo inside her vagina and was pushing it in and out. Her nostril was running with snot mixed with a small amount of blood and her face had a wild expression on it. Purity didn't answer. She picked up her bag and slamming the front door she left as well, leaving Chastity alone with her drugs and her sexual aids.

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