As it spurted out of her fanny onto the short curling hairs of
her vagina, Tracey reflected on the inconvenience of having hair
so short that it marked her out from the other girls. It wasn't
that short now, and her mousey-brown natural colour was beginning
to overcome the bleach which made her hair look so unnaturally
pale. She hoped it would grow long soon, and fast. She'd rather
do without a bonus than attract the attention of every man who
had a thing for short hair. Back home, that wouldn't have bothered
her. In fact, anything which got her a good fuck or two on a night
out was welcome. But here, the fucking was even more mechanical
and careless, so that those fucks in the alleyways seemed almost
tender and loving by comparison.
When Jack took her back to the production line, she was pleased
to see Buttercup in her place, struggling with the wings of a
chicken and stabbing it viciously with her knife: perhaps taking
out on the dead fowl the anger that she felt towards her most
recent fucker. Tracey was almost glad that she'd had to endure
a fucking as well as her. Somehow, it slightly evened up the girls'
relative misery.
The rewards of the day's work was even greater for Buttercup than
before and both Zeta and Tracey had to help Buttercup carry her
rewards home. Buttercup, however, seemed to even hate her bonus
and had almost refused to take it when it was handed to her, but
Tracey ensured she took away as much as she was given.
The next few days continued in much the same fashion. A day at
work alternating with a day of exchanging at the market-place
whatever collection of chicken pieces, beer, canned food or chocolate
bars Tracey and especially Buttercup had earned from a day of
tedious factory work and non-consensual sex. The day at work was
too long and too arduous for either girl to do anything else but
get to and from work, and endure whatever it had to offer. Principally
these sufferings were cold hands, the odd nip from the knives
they sometimes had to use, and the pain of anal and vaginal intercourse,
peppered with the foul taste of an unprepossessing set of penises
and their sour-tasting semen. And, as Buttercup confessed, on
one occasion from the manager pissing straight into her mouth
while she was being fucked up the arse by a senior supervisor.
The days off were the days the girls enjoyed. They never seemed
long enough and there was so much to do in organising their home
and preparing food. But they got to know the other women in the
settlement better. Theta and Zeta became especially close friends,
but more because they saw in the two girls the fact that they
were also a committed couple like themselves.
Buttercup tired of the chicken factory. She was no good at any
of the tasks she had to perform, although it was her frequent
sexual favours for which she was rewarded and earned some quite
bitchy envy from other girls on the production line, who commented
quite openly that if she'd not been so pretty she'd have been
kicked out for her incompetence from the very first day.
Zeta took the girls to other factories, none of which were as
near as the chicken factory and none of them at all pleasant to
work in. There was a cigarette factory where the girls were given
free cigarettes during the breaks. Tracey smoked Buttercup's who
had no taste for them at all, and indeed avoided kissing Tracey
for hours after she'd had a puff.. They worked in a canned fruit
factory where they had to fill the unsealed cans with an exact
weight of slimy orange and grapefruit slices. They worked in an
arms factory where it didn't escape Buttercup at all of the irony
of a Buggery woman assembling munitions which would be used on
her own compatriots.
However, wherever they worked, Buttercup was not the ideal factory
worker, although she steadily became inured to the tedium and
became better at the repetitive tasks demanded of them. Tracey
had never thought that her life at home had ever prepared her
for a life abroad, but those years of dead-end tedious jobs were
paying off here. Only her nakedness and that of all the women
around her differed from the factories back home.
And of course the fucking.
You didn't expect a fuck on a day at work back home. And when
it happened, in the boiler room, in the broom cupboard, at the
back of the vans, well, it was a kind of perk. A good fuck at
home was to be enjoyed and even relished. Here, it was too routine,
too regular, and absent of even the most brusque and insincere
foreplay or flirting. It was up the stairs, round the back, on
the ground, in the cunt and climaxed on the face, breasts and,
even, occasionally, right inside her cunt or arse. The men were
all the same. Charmless, rough, rude and inexpert. None of them
had even the first idea about how to get more from a woman than
what a woman's cunt could offer them.
Buttercup became steadily less upset after each fuck, but she
wasn't enjoying it any the more. Because she knew it was coming,
she took it with more resignation but scarcely more satisfaction.
Sometimes after a day in the factory, she was merely bitter or
indignant. Sometimes, she would weep uncontrollably, a phenomenon
which somehow actually encouraged abuse from the men. It seemed
that to them, a woman was like the prey of a cat or a dog. The
more she showed her distress, the more they wanted to increase
it: piling on the indignities. But at least, she always got more
from it as a result, and it earned the two girls the alternate
days off which they treasured so much and earned them so much
bitching envy from their less obviously sexually attractive colleagues.
"Oh, Tracey! I can't stand this any more" moaned Buttercup
in tears on the way home one drizzly night from the dairy where
they'd been wrapping cubes of butter in plastic foil all day.
She collapsed onto the damp grass, letting her heavy plastic bag
of milk, butter and cheese spill out around her.
Tracey and Zeta knelt down beside her as she lay huddled in a
ball of depression, her arms around her legs, her knees pulled
up to her forehead, her head buried below her mass of tangled
hair, staring down through the dark shadows of her thighs at her
sore crotch. Both girls put their arms around her, Tracey too
concerned about her lover to feel too much jealousy about Zeta's
unwelcome show of affection towards her.
"Buttercup! Buttercup! What's wrong?" weeped Tracey.
Her lover raised her head and stared blankly at Tracey and Zeta
through a face made ugly through tears and blank depression. "I
wasn't meant to work in a factory. I hate it so much. I was meant
to be a poet, an artist, a writer. Anything. Not a factory worker.
And I hate the fucking. And I detest the fucking men who fuck
me! They're such beasts! Worse even than the men in Buggery. At
least they enjoyed what they were doing!"
Tracey wept with Buttercup, acutely distressed by her lover's
own distress. She looked at Zeta imploringly. "This working
in factories isn't doing Buttercup any good at all. It's fucking
killing her. Isn't there anything else we can do? Isn't there
any other way we can live?"
Zeta looked thoughtful. "I don't think either are you are
going to be any good as farmers. And you've not been here long
enough to be entrusted any of the other jobs in the community.
I don't think anyone would vote for you. And anyway there aren't
any vacant positions for teachers or house-builders or whatever."
"Isn't there anything else?"
"Well, you do get a lot of sex at work. The men like you.
And they especially like Buttercup. And I don't blame them!"
She kissed Tracey's lover tenderly on the cheek, but noticing
the jealous daggers flashing from Tracey's eyes she chose not
to reveal any more of her lust . "Sex is something you two
are always going to get while you work with men. Just like Theta.
She had to put up with it every day just like you. But she could
find ways to make herself useful in the community. So, given that
you're going to have sex whether you like it or not in the factories,
why not sell it rather than give it away?"
"You mean fucking prostitution, don't you?" snapped
Tracey. "I'm not a fucking tart. I've got my fucking principles.
And my darling Buttercup's not a fucking pro neither."
Buttercup looked up solemnly. "Zeta's right. It's an option.
I'd not heard of 'prostitution' before I came here, but it sort
of makes sense. I have sex with men I don't like every day anyway.
Is it better being a prostitute?"
"It might be for you," smiled Zeta. "Not all of
us get the same attention as you do. For most girls in the factories,
we might have a fuck every now and then, once or twice a month,
not two or three times a day every day. Or even more like three
or four times. Most of us girls don't mind it as much as you.
It's not so often that it gets to be as much as an ordeal as it
is for you. And for those girls who don't like other girls, and
not all girls do, it's all the sex they ever know. But for you,
you're going to have it anyway. We all do a bit of prostitution
now and then. It's normal here in Gomorrah; though it's clearly
not so common back where you come from."
"It doesn't exist in Buggery," corrected Buttercup.
"Except at the tourist resorts, and it's not done like it's
done here. They don't stand around waiting for men to pick them
up and then getting given food and things for doing it. But is
the sex like what it is in the factories?"
"I don't know what it's like back where you came from, but
here the sex is better. Since the men have chosen you and you've
got the choice to tell them to fuck off, they tend to be better
lovers. And anyway, a lot of the men who pick you up don't normally
meet girls in their ordinary life. They only see girls when they
meet you under the lamp-posts or on the streets, so they usually
treat you better than the men in the factories who see women every
day. Some of the men aren't too bad really. And some of them are
a lot more generous than they are in a factory. The more they
like you, the more they give. And sometimes they even treat you
"You make it seem almost a good thing," mused Tracey.
"It's a living," shrugged Zeta. "But then you've
got to sometimes see it from the men's point of view. They don't
have relationships like you and Buttercup, or Theta and I. They
might have homosexual ones, but I hear they're all really promiscuous
and quite rough in Gomorrah. Not tender ones like you have with
women. In fact, some punters get really close with the prostitutes
and have almost regular relationships. It's the nearest they can
get to what we have already. You can feel quite sorry for a lot
of the men. Having sex with a prostitute's the only sex they can
"Do you mean they can't get married or live with a woman
or anything?"
"I don't know what 'married' means. I guess it must be some
kind of perversion or something, but whatever it is, no woman
is allowed in the men only areas, and men are just not expected
to live outside them. In fact, they just wouldn't be welcome.
So, for those with professional jobs like solicitors, doctors,
computer programmers or civil servants, they just don't see women
unless they look for them. It's only men who run places where
women work, and those like the police who patrol outside the men
only areas: they're the only ones who can meet women normally."
"So, not all men are bad." Wondered Buttercup sorrowfully.
"Not all! But most are pretty crap. And none of them make
love as well as my darling Theta. But, if you're going to have
sex with them anyway, and you don't want to work on the conveyor
belts, well, prostitution's the answer. It's not exactly a job
with prospects, and it's not a secure job with a pension, but
it's a living. And for a woman in Gomorrah, it's not the worst
job there is."
Tracey wasn't sure she wanted to find out what the worst job there
was, but she could see the wisdom in Zeta's comments. She looked
at Buttercup, who was looking at her imploringly. She smiled sadly
and nodded, recognising that her lover was now seeing the situation
as she did in rather stark, rather material and in rather new
"Tomorrow then," whispered Buttercup firmly.
"Tomorrow," agreed Tracey, wondering what prostitution
meant in a country where women were not allowed to wear make-up,
high heels or short skirts.
The despair that clouded Sharon's perceptions gradually lifted,
and she even came to view her shaven-headed companions as her
friends, although she was frustrated by not being able to communicate
with them: her sexual tastes precluding her even from doing so
in the sexual way that Sweetness did with them every night. The
countryside they wandered through changed from barren fields,
to forestry, and then to some high hills covered with grass and
the odd wood. And then they were at the border of Buggery.
Sharon hadn't thought ahead at all. What thoughts she'd had were
focused either on the here and now, or on her past. Her original
anxieties about Sodomite pilgrims resurfaced for the first time
in many days. Would she and Sweetness have their tongues removed?
What barbarous customs did the Sodomites practice in their own
land? She wasn't at all comforted by the sight of the Sodomite
border guards with their automatic firearms, their dress of chains
pierced to their genitals and nipples, and of course the total
lack of hair.
However, she was comforted when one of the guards, a tall thin
man with dangling earrings and a large ring through his navel,
addressed her. "Glad to see a convert to the Sodomite cause,"
he said cheerfully. So, not all Sodomites had their tongues removed.
The pilgrims were clearly excited to be home, and signed enthusiastically
to each other, while they led Sharon and Sweetness to a small
railway station and onto an electric train that was waiting there.
They sat in a carriage together, Sharon by the window, holding
Sweetness by the shoulder and clasped their hands together. No
railway tickets were purchased, and no one else got on the train
while they were at the border. And finally, the train departed
and glid through the Sodom countryside. Sharon was perhaps expecting
to see a countryside as impoverished and barren as Buggery, and
was pleasantly surprised as they passed fields in which there
were tractors and farms much like those at home. The stations
they stopped at were serving small towns also much like those
at home, and the people who embarked at the stops were no more
dumb than herself. They may have been shaved and the only items
of dress they wore might have been chains and rings, but they
were otherwise like ordinary people, talking to each other, looking
out of the window or reading newspapers and magazines. Perhaps
it was only the pilgrims who'd had their tongues cut out.
Soon enough, the Sodomite pilgrims stopped at a larger station
than any other they'd passed, in the centre of a small city, full
of the tall buildings, apartment blocks and busy highways that
Sharon associated with cities at home. In a sense, all this was
very surreal. It almost didn't feel like a foreign country at
all. She took pleasure in describing all the familiar things she
saw to Sweetness. "Ooh! There's a lamp-post. And a funny
church-like building. And there's a double-decker bus. And over
there, I can just about see an advertising board for toothpaste.
It's fucking magic!"
It took some while for Sharon to realise that to Sweetness these
things were totally unknown and unsuspected. She nodded as Sharon
spoke, her mind perhaps on other things, and then she asked, "What
is a 'car'? And what are 'office blocks'? And what do you do in
'shops'?" Sharon blushed a little, and looked up at her pilgrim
companions who were smiling kindly and sadly at Sweetness. The
girl who'd first met them, signed some comments to Sharon, but
of course she had no idea what was being said, although she nodded
her head as if she did.
Then the pilgrims parted at the railway station concourse, kissing
and hugging each other as they signed goodbye, and Sharon and
Sweetness were left with just the girl they'd first met, in a
vast concourse, surrounded by shaven heads and the occasional
station announcement to places Sharon had never heard of before.
She was just about able to ascertain that the city's name was
Holiness, but beyond that she was totally lost. The girl smiled
and gestured to the two girls to follow her, which they did by
a taxi where again no money parted hands. Despite being an old
man and quite fat, the taxi-driver was still shaven and wearing
only chains and rings like everyone else. He signed to the girl
who had befriended Sharon, and chatted idly to his passengers.
"Your first time in Sodom?" he asked cheerfully. "We
don't get many foreigners here. Any idea why that is?"
"I've just never seen a holiday advertised for Sodom,"
admitted Sharon. "Anyway, what's there here to see here?"
"It's a beautiful country," he smiled. "As it has
to be to be the home of the Sodomite faith." He raised his
left hand in a gesture whose meaning was totally lost on Sharon,
but she noticed that he too had most of his third finger removed.
Finally, the taxi stopped outside a tall apartment block, and
the three girls entered the building and ascended by lift to one
of the higher floors. Sharon and Sweetness were escorted by the
pilgrim to one of many apartments where she rang the doorbell.
It was answered by a slim girl with dark brown eyes, full perky
breasts, and the usual shaven head and full accoutrement of jewellery.
Two large earrings dangled from her ears and she had a broad grin
on her face as she saw the three girls.
"Oh, Grace!" she cried with enthusiasm. "I've not
seen you for so long! How was the pilgrimage? And who are your
Grace hugged her friend, kissing her full on the face, and then
signed furiously to her friend, mouthing as she did so and occasionally
pointing at either Sharon or Sweetness. The girl whose apartment
it was smiled at the two girls as they stood shyly in the corridor.
"Well, come in both of you! My name's Faith, although that
name's a bit inappropriate unlike my darling Grace's. And Sweetness!
What a lovely name! It's a Buggery name but it could almost pass
in Sodom. But what's your name? Grace wasn't able to sign it very
"'Sharon'? What a weird name! But then you come from a very
distant country. Does it mean anything?"
"No! Names don't mean fuckall. They're just names."
"Really?" commented Faith amusedly, as if this were
a notion that had never occurred to her. "Well, come in.
Come in. Sit down."
Faith's flat was relatively simple, but to Sharon's eyes was more
luxury than she'd seen since Throb. In the living room, there
were a set of chairs and a table, but no television and no pictures
on the wall. Faith sat arm-in-arm with Grace and the two exchanged
signs and kisses for a few minutes. Then Grace stood up and got
up to leave. She kissed Sharon on both cheeks, and then knelt
down between Sweetness' legs to kiss her on her crotch. And then
she was gone.
Faith smiled at Sharon and Sweetness when they were alone. "Grace
has told me about how little you know of Sodomite ways and customs.
You're both foreigners, and apparently very ignorant of even the
Sodomite religion. She's a lovely girl and we've been very close
friends since we were at school together. But she's passionately
religious. Always has been. And now she's been on a pilgrimage,
she will always be known as Pilgrim Grace."
"Why's she had her tongue cut out?" wondered Sharon.
"Did she commit some crime or other?"
Faith laughed. And then continued laughing. She shook her head
as she tried to straighten her face. "The idea of it! No,
never! It's a privilege to go on a pilgrimage. A pilgrim has to
be very committed to the Sodomite faith, and the cost of leaving
the country is, of course, to leave your tongue behind."
Sharon winced. "That's fucking horrible! You mean you have
to have your tongue cut out if you want to go abroad."
"Well, of course! It's traditional. It was a religious thing
originally, but as there's so little distinction between Sodomy
the country and Sodomy the religion, it's required of everyone,
religious or not."
"But you're religious, aren't you?" Sharon wondered.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I'm not. I'm an agnostic, which
means I can't get any of the top jobs in this country, but I probably
wouldn't have been able to anyway. Why, what makes you think I'm
"Being friends with Grace?"
"That's no big deal. I'm sure Grace would want me to go to
the temples and pray. Or follow the five daily observances. Or
fast on religious holidays. But I'm not. And Grace respects me
too much to expect me to follow the state religion. After all
this is a free country. And I take it you're not religious, either.
So why do you think I should be?"
"Well, you dress the same. All the chains. And the shaven
head. And not wearing clothes."
"'Clothes'? What are they? Well, I don't know how people
look where you come from. Grace has told me about some strange
outfits in Buggery, but then it is an ignorant country of savages.
They have a 'king' and a 'royalty'. And all sorts of funny shit.
Here, it's a proper democracy where we can vote for our spiritual
and political leaders. And of course in a country as religious
as this, they're essentially the same people. No, if you want
to know if anyone's been baptised into the Sodomite faith, and
that's not done till they're old enough to know for sure, you
look at the third finger on the left hand." Faith held her
hand up for Sharon to see. "Mine's intact. That means I've
chosen not to be baptised. Most people choose baptism and of course
the ceremonious finger-removal, but it's their choice. I'd rather
keep my finger, unless I was convinced it was worth it. I'm not
unsympathetic to the Sodomite religion. I sort of half-believe.
But I'm not really religious."
"It's different back home," commented Sharon.
"Really? What's it like?"
"Well, different. There are churches and vicars and crosses
and things. I don't know much about it all, but it's not like
the weird shit you've got here."
"I suppose so. It all seems normal to me, but then you're
a foreigner. I've heard bits about your country. It sounds quite
horrible. And very cold and wet. I don't know much about foreign
religions much. I listened to the radio once about your religions.
They all have strange takes on it. Many of them don't even recognise
the sanctity of anal intercourse. Or even understand the virtue
of total bodily and sexual submission. Or even recognise the value
of sacrifice of parts of the body to the greater good. And many
of them do not even practice beatings or understand the meaning
of humiliation. What religion do you have in your country?"
"It's Christian where I come from?"
"Crustyism? I heard about that. That's a bit like the Sodomite
faith. I hear you nail yourself to crosses and have some weird
cannibal rite where you drink blood and eat human flesh in a temple.
Sounds pretty perverted to me. And I heard about Muscle-men. That's
a religion where women and men aren't allowed to see each other
or have sex with each other unless they're 'married', whatever
that is, and have to get in different buses. And I hear they have
four women to each man. And they beat each other with old ropes.
And the men don't even shave their faces. And Bodyism. That's
another weird one. You just sit and meditate under trees. And
if your life has been truly boring and uneventful you're allowed
another go at it. I heard about all your weird religions on the
radio. Some involve worshipping elephants and big black penises.
Others involve banging your head against walls and wailing a lot.
At least the Sodomite religion's relatively sane and sensible."
Sharon didn't know enough about religion to argue with Faith,
and she was pleased when Faith got up and asked them what they
might want to drink. She didn't have any beer and, in fact, had
no idea what it might be. When Sharon explained what it was and
what it did, she frowned. "I heard about that. It's a Crusty
thing, isn't it? Drinking alcohol and getting drugged out. We
don't allow intoxicants in Sodom. But I do have some tea. Is that
Sharon nodded. She could see that she had a lot more to learn
about Sodom and Sodomite ways. As Faith walked off to her small
kitchenette, Sharon reflected on how much was strange and how
much was familiar her in Sodom. It was certainly strange to be
with a woman like Faith who was naked except for the chains and
rings attached to her flesh. From behind, there was no evidence
of anything on her body: a long sinuous line of bare flesh from
her ankle to the shaven crown of her head. From the front, there
dangled the collection of rings and chains which all Sodomites
sported; although Faith's were more decorative than Grace's, including
a dangling gold chain from her clitoris at the end of which was
a dark inlaid pearl. Her nipples, like Sharon's own, had to take
the weight of a whole mass of chains and rings. Sharon still found
the appearance quite alien, and it was difficult to believe that
she looked much the same herself, as did little Sweetness who
sat quietly on an armchair and was seemingly gaining considerable
pleasure just from feeling its fabric.
"I never knew chairs could be so comfortable," Sweetness
Sharon sighed. Poor Sweetness had led such a deprived life. And
indeed what was familiar to Sharon about Faith's flat were such
things as tables, chairs and the normal comforts of home that
Sweetness had never known. Even so it was relatively austere.
No stereo, no computer, no posters. Only a few books and a battered
looking radio.
Faith returned with a tray on which was a pot and three empty
cups. She lay the tray down on a small table in front of Sharon,
and smiled at her broadly.
"Your Sweetness is a beautiful slave," she commented.
"Yes, she is," Sharon replied, not convinced she'd heard
Faith right.
"I don't have a slave at the moment," sighed Faith,
sitting on the sofa next to Sharon. "My last slave ran off
with my best friend. We still don't talk about it. He was such
a lovely slave. A good and willing fuck. A good thick prick. He
used to sleep at the end of my bed. I loved showing him off to
my friends. And then he took a fancy to my friend, Sanctity, and
just left me. And now he's with her and I don't have anyone. You're
lucky. Your slave is so very pretty. Aren't you, Sweetness dearest?"
Sharon's ward had no objection to being spoken about in such an
objective manner, and nodded her head eagerly in agreement. Sharon
herself wasn't too sure what she should say. Perhaps the word
'slave' had a different meaning here, she mused naïvely.
"Have you known Sharon a long time, Sweetness?" asked
Faith kindly.
"Not very long. Only since Joy was killed by the Gomorrans.
Sharon saved my life. I love her. I love her more than anything.
If it wasn't for her I'd be dead."
Sharon blushed, while Faith stood up and stroked Sweetness tenderly
on her shaven head. "You're such a beautiful girl. And blind,
too. Did you blind yourself because of your own Buggery religion?"
"No, I've always been like this."
"Oh! So blessed! So naturally gifted!" swooned Faith.
She took Sweetness' bare face and pressed it against her side.
"Such a beautiful slave. Have you thought of giving her a
nose-ring, Sharon?"
"No. Why? Should I?"
"I don't know how things are done in your country, but here
we like slaves to look like slaves. A nose-ring is the traditional
way. And it's so practical. You can lead your slave along on all
fours and it's so much easier to secure her when you want to.
My slave had a lovely nose-ring. It had a carved snake on it.
And it was so big that he could bite on it while it was still
in his nose. It sometimes bled everywhere. Oh! he was so sweet
and loving!"
Sharon was still very confused, but she didn't want to confess
how little she understood what Faith was talking about. Clearly
they did things differently in Sodom. If she wanted herself and
her ward to survive she was going to have to learn quickly. And
if it meant that Sweetness was going to be her 'slave', then maybe
that's what she'd have to accept.
The three girls drank the tea which was weak and milkless, with
not even a single spoonful of sugar, let alone the three which
Sharon was used to at home. They chatted idly about life in Sodom,
Faith's job as a computer programmer and about Sharon's pilgrimage
through Buggery with Grace and the other pilgrims. Faith leaned
closer and closer towards Sharon, placing a hand on her knee and
an arm around her waist. Sharon quite enjoyed the intimacy. It
was comforting to her in this alien republic, but she didn't want
to reciprocate in case Faith interpreted it as anything sexual.
However, Faith didn't need too much prompting. She placed her
empty cup onto the table and leaned over Sharon, placing a hand
on her crotch, another on a chained nipple and her lips on Sharon's
mouth. The low moan that accompanied this sequence of actions
could not be misunderstood.
Sharon rather forcefully pushed her off. "Don't fucking do
that! I'm not a fucking dyke!"
Faith looked genuinely alarmed, flustered and affronted. "I'm
sorry," she exclaimed. "I just didn't know
I just
I don't know what a 'dyke' is, but does it mean
you don't want to
Sharon tried to spell out her position firmly and unambiguously.
"I don't go after women. It's cock I like. I'm not someone
Faith looked puzzled and uneasy. "I don't know what you want.
They have different customs in your country. And anyway, I suppose
you just don't like me in that way. It's been so long. I just
Sharon felt sorry for Faith. She looked at Sweetness who was staring
sightlessly in front of her, and also frowning. Perhaps it was
better that Sweetness had some comfort in this way. "I'm
sure Sweetness wouldn't mind if you made love to her," Sharon
remarked conciliatorily. "She likes women. Don't you, Sweetness?"
"Can I?" grinned Faith broadly, regarding Sweetness
who was nodding enthusiastically in agreement. She kissed Sharon
eagerly on the lips. "You're so wonderful and generous, Sharon.
Your own slave! For me! The ways in your country can't be so bad
after all if you can be so generous."
Faith left Sharon and descended on Sweetness who accepted Faith's
caresses with passion and delight. For Sharon, this wasn't the
first time she'd watched Sweetness making love with other people:
it had become quite a daily occurrence for her while travelling
with the pilgrims through Buggery. And, anyway, why should she
mind. She was no fucking dyke. What Sweetness got up to with women
was nothing for her to get worried about. And at least Faith had
a tongue which she could use unlike the Sodomite pilgrims who'd
even had their vaginas sewn together. Faith's vagina was as open
as her legs, her tongue was as probing as her fingers, and her
passion was at least as great as Sweetness'.
Sharon sat in the sofa as the two girls writhed and hugged and
cuddled and grappled on Faith's thin carpet. Sweetness' tongue
nibbling at Faith's clitoris and the jewellery dangling from it.
Faith's teeth, lips and tongue biting and squeezing the fleshy
folds of Sweetness' vulva, her two middle fingers thrusting backwards
and forwards in the recesses of the girl's anus. The girls' flesh
glinted from the sweat on their chests and arms, the chains jangling
and clashing against each other and against bare flesh. Sharon
eased a finger onto her clitoris while the lovemaking continued,
taking advantage of the girls' preoccupation with each other to
stimulate her own sex, which had only now recovered from the battering
it had taken in the Buggery soldiers' camp. She was surprised
to feel how moist she was. Was she turning into a dyke? she wondered.
Or perhaps she was just happy that Sweetness was happy?
She watched her ward as she grappled with Faith, the two girls
punctuating their passion with grunts and moans, and then she
heard her own name repeated low and over and over again. It was
Sweetness. She was actually calling out Sharon's name in her passion.
This instantly confused Sharon. She wasn't Sweetness' lover. But
part of her was pleased to be the object of such passion. Her
fingers dug deeper into her cunt, she bent her head back and masturbated
herself to an orgasm of the sort she'd never given herself since
she was young and very much more innocent.
Tracey knew that back home she was regarded as something of a
slut. This had never been something which had really troubled
her. After all what were the opinions of a few dried-up cunts
compared to the pleasures of all that cock which was just out
there for anyone willing to grab it. She'd even sometimes been
called a tart, but that was an epithet too far. For all the indiscriminate
fucking she'd enjoyed with Sharon, she had never been a prostitute.
Not that she'd slighted any gifts her lovers might have left her,
but that was only fair. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work.
But it was a totally different thing to be out there, actively
selling her snatch.
Prostitution in Gomorrah wasn't quite the same as back home. For
a start, there was a lot more of it here. And also, there was
none of the approbation associated with it as back home. It was
just another way of making a living. Not that there were that
many options. You could work in the fields or in the community,
but that had very low returns, dependent almost entirely on either
the season or how well everyone else was doing. You could work
in the factories, but that invariably meant sex anyway. Especially
for Buttercup. She couldn't help being so very pretty, and it
was almost a curse to her here. And it wasn't as if the work in
the factories was that easy either. And Tracey hadn't forgotten
the time she and Buttercup woke too late to get to the front of
the queue of the other women waiting to get into work, and ended
up having to walk back home without having got anything for their
pains of actually getting there. As a prostitute you were guaranteed
of getting something, and the returns were substantially better
than sealing pies in cellophane, slicing legs of ham or packing
munitions. In fact, after her first day, Tracey was wondering
why she'd not opted for it earlier. She took home much more than
she did from a day in the factory: two packets of cigarettes,
a chocolate gateau, several kilos of apple and a small alarm clock.
She quickly learnt how to match the value of the sexual favours
she gave for the rewards that came with it. A hand job was the
least profitable. That might get no more than a medium-sized melon,
or a frozen pasty, or a second-hand comb. A blow job might be
worth a packet of twenty cigarettes, a large bottle of Coca-Cola,
a whole frozen chicken or a litre of milk. A fuck might rake in
as much as a bottle of wine or a leg of lamb. And anal intercourse
would bring in a small transistor radio or a bottle of spirits.
Compared to how she'd been before, Tracey felt rich. And the cigarettes
were welcome as well, although they were very rarely any kind
she'd ever heard of before. But when you spent hours waiting for
sex by the roadside, a cigarette or two was a very welcome companion.
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