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Old 11-23-2015, 04:25 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Educating Goldilocks: Chapter 1

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've uploaded my first four books to Amazon, and they are pending review. I'm not certain right now if any or all of them will be published there without change, but I definitely hope so! All four of them are currently available at Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!


Chapter 1: Meeting Goldilocks

That last fight could have been a doozy; certainly others had been louder. My girlfriend had just announced that she was leaving me, and wasn’t being nice about it. No attempts to let me down easily. No “it’s not you, it’s me,” crap. Just: “Ya know, it shouldn’t come as a surprise.”
“It shouldn’t?” I asked, agog. “Last week, you said to me ‘I love you, and I can’t see myself with anyone else!’”
“That was last week,” she said as a way of explanation.
“Last week, and pretty much every week for the last seven years!”
“Well, this week I met Henri on the light rail. He’s graduating, and then we’re going to France.”
“So you’re giving up on your education?”
“Nope, just some time off.”
“When are you leaving for Europe?”
“In a couple of weeks,” she said as she threw her backpack over her shoulder.
“Staying with him until you go?”
“Well,” I said, thinking for a second. “Got everything?”
I opened the door and waved. “Later,” I said.
I don’t know if she looked back as I slammed the door behind her. I didn’t look outside. I wasn’t interested in knowing if she felt some remorse.
I was angry.
Up until that day, we had been planning to get married that summer. At least, I thought that was the plan. If she was the type to leave me on such short notice, I knew I was better off without her. In theory. Probably. Well, almost certainly. I might be projecting backwards a little.
So, for the first time I was living completely alone. I had no girlfriend, no roommate, no family nearby. Outside of work, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. Heck, why not make lemonade out of this lemon? I could go out! I could have fun!
I sat down and got ready to call…someone. So we could do…something. You know, stuff. Like…things.
So, without Linda holding me back, I could do anything I wanted with anyone I wanted. Too bad I had no idea what that was. I finally looked at my address book, and realized something: All of my friends lived half a state away, near my dad. Linda was pretty good at keeping me busy, and I simply didn’t have time to make friends before she left. We’d moved over here for her college, which her parents paid for. Any friends I had in our new town were hers too, and I really didn’t want to meet up with them after that humiliating fiasco.
I was beginning to feel something worse than simply the blues after being dumped: I felt trapped. I’d gotten the condo for the two of us. It was supposed to be the place to start our lives together. Why had she let me buy the condo for us if she wasn’t serious about getting married? Why had she left me with this mortgage I couldn’t get out of? Why had she led me across the state, cut off from my family and friends?
If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed that I was spending more time inside, in bed, but less time sleeping. I wasn’t cooking anymore, just living on cheap microwave food. At work my patrols were taking longer, and things were getting past me.
It got to the point that my supervisor, Chris, pulled me into his office to talk.
“Rob, you gotta get things together,” he said to me in his office.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not on your game right now. You’re missing patrol points. You’ve lost track of time several times this month and let a patrol pass by. I’m not sure you’re even paying attention to the monitors anymore. It looks more like you’re staring off into space. You can’t do that, it’s too important. I know you had it bad for Linda, but you gotta get over her. It’s not doing you any good to be like this, and it’s not hurting her.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I replied.
“I gotta see improvement soon, or I’m going to have to invite you over to my place to enjoy my wife’s cooking. That’s a threat.”
Even the way I was feeling, Chris could make me smile.
“Good,” he said. “Get back to work.”
So, after weeks of wallowing in overly dramatic misery, I decided it was time to change something. I started by cleaning up what had become my unintended bachelor pad from top to bottom. Bedroom: Walls, dusted; Furniture, same; Floor, vacuumed; Bed, linens washed, but time for a new mattress. Check. Office: Furniture, dusted; Floor, vacuumed. Check. Bathroom: Scrubbed. Check. Laundry: Washed, dried, folded. Check. Stairs: Vacuumed. Check. Living room: Dishes in the kitchen; Floors vacuumed; Furniture dusted. Check. Dining nook: Pile o’dishes now in the kitchen; Table scrubbed; Floor mopped. Check. Kitchen: Eew. Okay, so, let's start somewhere.
I hadn’t cooked since Linda left, and barely kept up with any dishes, not counting those I left around the house. The kitchen was going to take time.
As I cleaned the kitchen, I thought about cooking. I like to cook. I’m good at it. So was Linda, which meant I often didn’t, but I enjoy the smells, the experimenting, and creating something new and tasty.
Cleaning it took time, but it was beginning to look right. And as I thought about cooking again, I discovered that I missed my dad’s fresh vegetables and herbs. My homeowners association won’t let me have a real garden, but they will let us plant ornamentals. As I prepared the kitchen for life again, I decided it was time to plant some “ornamental” herbs in my little side plot. It may not be quite as good as having fresh sun-ripened tomatoes straight off the vine, but fresh snipped rosemary, basil and sage can help make up the loss when added to a salad, pizza, or an oven-roasted chicken.
Before I knew it, the kitchen was: Dishes, washed, scrubbed, and sanitized. Floor, mopped. Counters wiped. Refrigerator cleaned, dusted, and a new box of baking soda. Pantry emptied of expired food. Check!
The next day I set out to get a new mattress and box springs, and after the old ones were hauled off, and I had put on the fresh linens, I enjoyed the best sleep I had had in quite some time.
As I got back into the habit of cooking I thought about dad’s garden and the little plot outside my living room window. I needed some kinds of herbs for my kitchen, since I doubted I could sneak tomatoes past my Homeowners Association. I set aside the next weekend to plant it.
That first day turned out to be a really nice late spring day. I was in the process of digging up the old flowers from the bed when I saw an older model sedan drive up to one of the houses visible from my condo, and let out a rather attractive young woman who seemed quite upset.
She looked like she was in her late teens, about the same age as the man at the wheel. He hadn’t the time to get out of the car to help her out when she exited the car and slammed the door. She turned around and shouted through the open window: “...and don’t think about calling me! I don’t want to ever hear from you again!” Then she stormed off into the house.
That was a bit of a surprise. I lived in a quiet neighborhood. Most of the neighbors kept to themselves, but were cordial to one another. I hadn’t heard a single argument since Linda had moved out, so this was definitely memorable.
I decided that it was none of my business, and went back to preparing my plot, digging up the old ground cover and flowers, and adding in compost and sand for the new herbs. I assume it must have been almost an hour later when I noticed the same young lady walking along the sidewalk past my condo.
I’ve never been the sort of person who finds it easy to introduce myself to other people. If she hadn’t interrupted me, I doubt I would have done much to say anything to her.
She stopped near my garden, watching for a moment until I stopped digging. When I looked at her she met my eyes and said: “Hi.”
“Oh, hello,” I replied. “Beautiful day today, wouldn’t you say?”
“Yeah, it is, I guess,” she said. She was wearing the cut-off jeans that were still popular around here, and combined it with a midriff baring yellow tank top. It was obvious that she was a rather attractive young woman, but her wide mouth that was meant for smiling was turned into a definite pout.
“Yes, a beautiful day. Just warm enough to work in short sleeves and not hot enough to break out in a sweat. I love weather like this. How about you?” I flunked Small Talk 101 in school.
“I didn’t think about it. I guess it’s pretty nice,” she said. It wasn’t any of my business, but I figured that if she wanted to talk about her argument, it would be best to let her start that part of the conversation.
“I love it. It’s the sort of day you definitely want to spend outdoors,” I said as I stretched out the stiffness I felt from planting.
“Yeah,” she said. She was quiet for just a moment before a smile crossed her face. “Why is it that people, like, always talk about the weather?”
“Well, it’s a safe subject. It matters, but bringing up the weather isn’t likely to offend anyone.”
“Oh,” she said. I got the feeling that she’d meant the question rhetorically and was laughing at me inside.
I was going to get back to my garden, when she took a step toward me and said: “My name’s Amber.”
“I’m Rob,” I said as I took her proffered hand.
“Yeah, I know,” she said with a slight smile as she continued to shake my hand.
I didn’t know what to say about that, and continued to shake her hand until she let go. “Nice to meet you. Were you off to somewhere just now?”
“I was, like, walking over to the mall. I like to go there just to think.”
“Seems like a crowded place to go to think,” I remarked.
“Nah. Unless you’re there with your friends, it’s just like being alone.”
“Do you have a lot to think about?” I knew part of the answer, but I wanted to see how much she was willing to volunteer.
“Well, yeah.”
Not much.
“I’m getting a bit thirsty. Could I offer you something to drink?”
“Sure!” she said a bit more eagerly than I had expected. Perhaps she was looking for someone to confide in anyway. I walked into the condo and asked what she wanted to drink.
“A soda’s okay,” she replied to my question from right behind me. I was expecting her to wait outside for me to bring her something, but she had followed me in. I’m not used to attractive young women just walking into my condo, so I was a bit surprised. I did my best not to let it show.
“Oh,” she said. “Is it okay…”
“Sure. Of course. Make yourself at home,” I said and gestured at the table in the dining nook.
I got her a glass of ice and poured her a cola as she sat down. I didn’t say much except for “here you go” when I handed her the glass, and then I joined her at the table. After she had finished almost half of the glass, I asked: “So, were you going to the mall to think about that guy who dropped you off about an hour ago?”
She just looked at her glass, clouds crossing her face. I tried to lighten things up by saying: “You’ll have to excuse me. The doctors tell me that I was born with a subtlety deficiency.”
“Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, it’s about him.”
“Need to talk about it?” I asked.
“Yeah. Yes, I do. So, it’s like this: Jason is, like, a friend of mine. He asked me out today to go on, well, a picnic with him.”
“That sounds nice,” I said.
“Yeah, he said it was a ‘late birthday and graduation present for the baby of the group.’”
“Happy birthday. How old are you?”
“Nineteen,” she said.
“Congratulations,” I said. “Sounds like a nice birthday present.”
“Well, kinda. It was okay, but he wanted to, you know, do it with me out there on the hill,” she said.
“Oh. Ohhhh. That kind of birthday present. Okay. So, did he try to force the issue?” I asked.
“No, he was okay about it. I told him no and he brought me back,” she explained.
“Sounds like he was a gentleman about it,” I added.
“Yeah.” She was quiet for a bit, just drinking her soda. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Is that the only reason you were so upset with him?”
“Isn’t that enough?” she asked me.
“Yeah, I guess it is. You consider him just a friend?”
“You know him from school?”
“Yeah, he hangs out with my group. He asked me out a few times, so I decided to give him a chance.”
“Are you going to have any problems with your group because of today?”
“No, I don’t think anyone will care.”
“Well, that’s good. How did you do in your classes?”
“Pretty well. I’ve got mostly, like, A’s and B’s.”
“That’s really good,” I said. I was impressed. I hated school and didn’t do as well as she said she did. “Where are you going to college?”
“Thanks! Just finishing up my G.E. at the community college,” she replied, looking around. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the inside of one of these apartments.”
“It’s actually a condo.”
“What’s that?”
“Like an apartment, but I own it. It’s what I could afford. It’s not one of the bigger units in the development. It’s just two bedrooms, two levels.”
“Oh,” she said. “Our house has three bedrooms.”
“You live across the street, right?”
“Yes. It’s nice. We each get our own room. And it’s close to school, so we just walked.”
“Yeah, my brother and me. He’s starting high-school in the fall.”
“You two get along?”
“Yeah, he’s okay.”
“I imagine having separate rooms helps.”
She smiled. “Lots!”
We were both quiet for a bit, then before I could suggest it was time to get back to my gardening, she broke the silence by asking: “So, what do you do?”
“Besides gardening?”
“Yes! Do you work?”
“Yes, I work swing-shift security at a company nearby.”
“What’s a ‘swing-shift?’”
“Oh, it's a five-to-one-AM shift.”
“That doesn’t sound like much fun.”
“Actually, it’s really nice having days off. You can go shopping when the stores aren’t crowded. You get to see the daylight. You can go hiking. It’s pretty cool. And you get a higher pay for it.”
“Yeah. People don’t want to work those hours, so you get another fifteen-percent on your check.”
“Oh, that’s pretty cool.”
“It’s how I bought this condo. I doubt I could have afforded it otherwise.”
“So, do you do anything else?”
“I love to cook.”
“Like, what do you love to cook? Do you bake, or like, fix dinners?”
I thought about it for a second and said: “Heck, it’s not too early for supper,” and I cleaned up right then and pulled out some ingredients from the refrigerator. A light supper it would be. I grabbed a mix from the Pantry closet and fixed a crust. Then as the oven heated up, I thinly sliced whole-milk mozzarella and tomatoes and stripped the stems off of some basil leaves, layering them on the crust as Amber watched.
“You look like you know what you’re doing,” she said.
“Thanks, but wait until you try it.”
I baked it for about fifteen minutes while she peppered me with questions about my cooking, then I took it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit before slicing it. I offered her the first slice.
“It’s delicious!” she announced.
“Thanks! It’s a margarita pizza. It's simple, but quite good.”
“It’s great!”
“Secret is in the mozzarella. Always use a whole-milk, not part-skim, cheese.”
We shared the pizza over talk.
“What are you doing over the summer?” I asked her.
“I’m finishing up classes in English and Statistics at the college right now, and swimming there too. Then I’m free for the summer!”
“Not working?”
“No, my parents don't want me to work.”
“That's interesting, most do,” I said.
“Yeah, my parents are afraid that I'll just get stuck in the first job I take. And they want me free for our annual family vacation.”
“Interesting. Actually, that might be the wisest thing I've ever heard,” I said. “You have very smart parents.”
I could tell by the time we were finished eating that she was feeling better about the day. And even though I was behind on my gardening, so was I.
After we cleaned up the kitchen and talked over sodas for a while, I noticed the time. It was almost six. “Are your parents expecting you home soon? I’ve kept you here quite a while.”
“Not really,” she said before she noticed the time. “Wait, is it really that late?”
“Yep,” I said.
“Wow, yeah, they might be worried that I wasn’t home for dinner. You don’t mind…”
“Of course not,” I said. “Besides, I have to clean up the garden mess before it gets too dark out.”
She headed for the door, and when she got there she looked back at me.
“You know, this was, like, really fun. Could I come back again?”
“Good Lord, of course you can! It was really nice having you over, and I am very glad I met you!” I told her.
“Thanks,” she said. “You too!”
And with that, she left with a smile and wave, and I got ready to put away my gardening tools.

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-23-2015, 04:28 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Educating Goldilocks: Chapter 2

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've uploaded my first four books to Amazon, and they are pending review. I'm not certain right now if any or all of them will be published there without change, but I definitely hope so! All four of them are currently available at Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!


Chapter 2: School Work

The next morning I managed to get up earlier than I was used to. And, quite frankly, in a much better mood than I had in quite some time. It looked like I might just have a new friend, someone outside of work and that lived nearby. That she was an attractive woman was simply icing on top.
Of course, I was sure that nothing was going to happen. I was a good five years older than she was. Even so, it was going to be fun to have her around.
When I was young, I had an adult friend who was a neighbor, and acted like a mentor to me. I learned a lot of good stuff about life from him, and I figured I could do the same for Amber. That was if she ever came back. If she didn’t, I wouldn’t be any worse off than I had been before, which was actually pretty dark when I consider it, so I won’t go there.
Right after a shower and quick breakfast, I got back into gardening. All the old plants were already gone, and finishing prep work for the soil didn’t take long. I was ready to plant fairly quickly. I was using the sage as a border for my plot to add a bit of color to the darker rosemary, which I was using as a ground cover. Purple basil was going in the back to add highlights. Planting itself was taking a bit longer than I had expected, but I didn’t care since I had nothing better to do, and I lost track of time working in the earth.
I worked for an hour setting the plants in place, digging holes, and placing the pots in the holes before finally deciding that I needed more sage and basil. I quickly headed over to the local nursery and bought varieties other than what I had already, and decided to throw in a couple of other plants, and when I got home, I set them up in patterns that looked decorative. I was almost finished planting when I heard Amber walk up behind me and say: “Hello, again!”
I turned around and saw her standing there, smiling wide. I was right; her mouth was meant for smiling.
“Well, hello!” I replied. “Nice to see you!”
“How’s the garden coming along?” she asked.
“Not bad. I’m just a few minutes from finishing the planting, then a bit of cleanup."
“Mind if I hang around?”
“Not at all,” I assured her.
She watched me quietly put the last couple of sage plants in the ground before asking me: “What did you plant?”
“Oh, it’s an herb garden. I’ve got rosemary, sage, basil, thyme, and just a few strawberry plants. However, if anyone from the Homeowners Association asks, they’re strictly ornamental.”
“Why’s that?”
“We’re not allowed to grow fruit or vegetables, strictly speaking.”
“That’s weird,” she remarked. I agreed.
I finished up the planting and watering, and she graciously helped me put away the gardening tools. Once we were done, I invited her back inside.
“You know, it was really nice having someone over for dinner,” I told her in all honesty. “It’s been a while since there’s been a good conversation over a meal in this place.”
“Thanks!” she said, smiling brightly. “It was nice to have someone new to talk to.”
“Oh, I totally agree on that point!” I told her sincerely. “So, how is everything going today?”
“Church was fine, after that and lunch, I decided to come over here,” she told me.
“So, you and your family are religious?” I asked.
“Well, at least for part of one day per week,” she said sheepishly. “Well, maybe one day per month. At least six per year, including holidays!”
“Oh, so, kinda-sorta-barely-maybe?”
She laughed a confirmation. “We don’t even really talk about it any other time.”
“So, just to make sure, I’m not keeping you from any important family time, am I?”
“Oh, no!”
“Good! So do you have anything going on tomorrow?”
“Just swimming during the day.”
“Sounds like fun. Are you looking forward to it?”
“Well, maybe a bit less than normal,” she confirmed with a frown.
“Is Justin going to be there?”
“Jason, but yeah.”
“Don’t worry about it. If you don’t bring it up, he probably won’t either. And it’s nobody’s business but yours.”
“True,” she said.
“So, what do you like to do outside of that?”
“Well, I spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends,” she said.
“What do you do with them?”
“We talk. Kind of like this.”
“That’s cool. What else do you do?”
“I like to play with my cat,” she confided. “She loves laser pointers!”
She told me all about her cat, her brother, her parents, and so on until I fixed us a quick dinner of orange chicken and rice, then it was time for her to head home again.
The next couple of days it rained, and I didn’t see her again until Thursday. I was outside, admiring my new herb garden and making sure the soil was wet enough for the plants when she came up behind me once again and said: “Well, hello!”
I turned around to see her smiling at me.
“Well, now how are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she replied.
“I haven’t seen you in a couple of days,” I said. “Is everything going okay?”
“Yeah, it’s been good.”
“I have an hour before I have to get ready to go to work, so why not come in and tell me about it,” I offered.
“Is that why you weren’t home yesterday when I came by?” she asked as she followed me in.
“What time did you come by?”
“About four-fifteen.”
“Yeah, I leave just around four. Did I miss anything important?”
“Not really,” she explained.
“How was Justin this week?” I asked.
“Jason. He was okay, mostly.”
“Well, yeah.”
“So, did he mention the picnic?”
“Nope, not a word.”
“So, why ‘mostly?’”
“Well, he wasn’t talking to me,” she said.
“As in ’I’m not talking to you!’?”
“No, more like he’s depressed.”
“He got rejected by you. He’ll get over it. Where did you see him, anyway, swimming?”
“He's in my English class.”
“Wait, is he taking that to be near you?”
“He did miss Monday. Yeah, maybe.”
“So how is the class going?”
“Not bad. I did pretty well on the test on Wednesday. I have an essay due on Monday, though.”
“Is that going to be difficult?” I asked her.
“Probably,” she said. “It’s a five-hundred word essay for English.”
“That was one of the few classes I did well in. What’s it about?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” she replied.
“Did you do the reading?”
“Yes, but it’s a bit confusing…”
“It really can be. I was pretty good with my essay about that one. What’s confusing you?”
“Well, my essay is about the theme,” she said. “But what is it?”
“Ohhh, that.” I looked at the clock. “Oh. I have to get ready for work, or I won’t make it on time, and the answer to your question is longish. However, if you want to come back tomorrow I’m sure we can work on it together and finish your essay.”
“That would be great!” she exclaimed excitedly.
We both got up from the table, and as I walked her to the door, I suggested: “Why don’t you come by around noon. We’ll have lunch and then work on your essay. If we can’t complete it tomorrow afternoon, we can get it done Sunday.”
“That’s perfect!” she said again. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me hard. “Thanks so much for helping me!”
“Oh, uh, sure,” I stammered as she disentangled herself from me and giggled her way out.
As I dressed for work, I couldn’t help but think that I was missing something obvious, but I kept rejecting that thought. Amber was the neighbor girl, a friend of mine. What could I be missing? Nothing, right? So I dismissed the nagging thoughts.
I spent my shift doing the rounds, thinking about Romeo and Juliet and what Amber and I could write about it. After work, I stayed awake a little longer than I normally do skimming the text. I ended up sleeping later than I wanted to and barely having enough time to get groceries for our dinner before she arrived.
She showed up just as I was unloading my car. She greeted me warmly and helped me carry the groceries inside and put them away before we sat at the dining nook table and spread out her notes.
She looked me in the eye, smiled, and asked: “So, what’s the theme?”
“Here’s the bad news,” I told her. “This isn’t one of the easy ones. There isn’t one unifying theme to Romeo and Juliet. There’s no ‘good triumphs over evil,’ there’s no ‘love conquers all,’ none of that. It’s simply a tragic story about two young kids who end up killing themselves over each other because of miscommunication and their parents hatred of each other's families.”
“That’s dumb.”
“Well, yeah. That’s why I don’t like seeing this particular play taught in basic Literature classes. It’s difficult, and it doesn’t really teach you anything. I think they teach it because it’s popular, and the main characters are about your age.”
“So what do I write about?”
“Well, there are a bunch of possible themes you could write about. You might write about Romeo’s impetuousness and how it started the whole mess.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he had a crush on Roseline, which impetuously made him go to that party, even though she made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested in him. There he meets Juliet, and he transfers all of his affections for Roseline to her. Then just a couple of days later, he impetuously and secretly marries Juliet, a thirteen-year-old girl. You know there’s something wrong about this guy.
“Or you could go with the generation gap theme.”
“Which one?”
“Well, Montague and Capulet have this ‘ancient grudge’ going on, but it’s not Romeo’s or Juliet’s. They’re being told what to do by the older generation, and they break into youthful rebellion by getting secretly married.”
“I like that one more,” she said. “Let’s go with that one.”
We got to work, and after a couple of hours of talking through ideas, writing and editing, and finally paring it down to an acceptable length of about seven hundred words, we were done, with enough time for me to fix an early dinner.
Amber watched quietly as I chopped up the vegetables for my chicken-and-dumplings, mixing the dough for the dumplings, and after they were appropriately and thoroughly cooked, served the steaming stew into two bowls.
She could keep up her end of the conversation over dinner, but it seemed like she was very tired from all the thinking and writing. She needed some wind-down time.

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-24-2015, 11:25 AM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Educating Goldilocks: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Getting Personal

After dinner, I suggested that we sit down and watch something on TV. She agreed and we watched some sitcom, but I could tell she wasn’t paying attention.
“Tired?” I asked her.
“Hmm, no, not really.”
“You’ve been awfully quiet for the last hour or so,” I admonished. “Everything okay?”
“I’ve just been thinking about Jason.”
“Romeo and Juliet get you to think about him?”
“Are you worried about him?”
“Just a bit.”
“He’ll be okay. Guys kind of get used to rejection. It always sucks, but you get over it.”
“Like you and that girl you used to argue with?”
“Still hurts?”
“Yeah. I’ll tell you about Linda some other time.”
“Okay,” she said. We were both quiet for some time.
“I kinda feel sorry for Jason,” she said.
“Do you like him?”
“Not that way, but yeah, kinda.”
“The best way to be nice to him is not to be too nice to him.”
“What do you mean?”
“If there’s no hope, don’t give him any. Let him find someone else and be happy.”
“Okay,” she said. “I keep thinking about that picnic.” She looked thoughtful for a bit while I just waited for her to go on. “Am I, like, attractive?” she finally asked.
This took me by surprise. I was expecting her to ask me why he acted like he did, or something else.
“Um, well, yes, you are a very attractive woman,” I managed to say.
“I’m not sure why I said no.”
“Do you find Jason attractive?”
“No, not really. He’s just, you know, a friend,” she said, looking down.
“That sounds like a good enough reason not to,” I said. “You should never feel obligated to have sex with someone.”
“It sounds like you know what you’re talking about,” she said.
“I’ve been around the block a few times. And I’ve watched enough other people mess things up to avoid their mistakes. At least most of them. The obvious ones.”
She was quiet for a bit before she said, “I haven’t even, you know, masturbated before.”
I wasn’t expecting her to say that. “Masturbation is easy enough. You just have to give yourself pleasure.”
“I’m not even sure how to do that,” she said. We watched the TV for a while, not talking much.
“Do you think you can, like, help me? Like you did with my essay?” she asked.
“Help you with what?”
“Masturbating,” she said.
“Whew! Horny much?” I said to break the sudden tension.
“Well, yeah, I guess,” she laughed nervously. “So, can you help me?”
I looked straight at her, and noticed just how red she had gotten. “Um, I’m not a sex therapist. How do you want me to help you?” I asked.
“Well, could you show me some pictures or a movie or something?” she asked.
“Don’t you have Internet access at home? There’s plenty to see on the Internet, and it’s easy to find,” I suggested.
“No,” she said, looking a bit dejected. “My parents have the filters set up. I can’t get anything like that. Do you have anything I could watch? Like a DVD?”
“Well, yeah. I do have an old DVD I can lend you. Just wait here while I look for it,” I said before heading into my bedroom. It took some time digging to find it, but I managed to locate it and brought it out. Amber was waiting on the couch in the living room.
“Well, here it is,” I said, handing her the disk.
She looked it over for a bit, and then said: “Could we, like, watch it here? My parents sometimes go through my stuff, and I don’t want them to find it.”
I’ve never known a teenager that couldn’t find some place to hide something like this, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I took the disk from her, switched over from cable, and inserted the disk into the player.
I figured it was just a couple of friends watching a porno, but I was curious to watch her reaction to seeing one for the first time, so I sat off to the side of the couch to try to see her reaction without staring at her like a creeper. I hoped.
“Are you ready for this?” I asked her.
“Yeah,” she said.
“I’ll turn it off if it makes you uncomfortable,” I said as I started it.
“Thanks. I’ll be okay.”
This particular movie was an amateur video compilation. In the first segment, a dark blond woman gives some guy a blow-job while playing a bit with her pussy. Amber was glued to the screen when the woman on the TV took the man’s pants off and started sucking him to an erection. She was really going down on him, moaning loudly around his engorged member as she fingered her pussy.
Actually, this isn’t my favorite section of the video. You never get to see the woman’s tits, and you don’t get a good view of her pussy, but Amber was giving it her complete and undivided attention. That segment finally ended after the man unloaded on the woman’s face, and closes with her licking his juice off her face and fingers.
As soon as that scene faded out, Amber glanced at me, blushed, and giggled. “There’s more,” I said and we got ready to watch the following scene.
The next segment is one of my favorites. It begins with a different attractive dark-haired woman lying in a bed, with just her underwear and bra on. She quickly strips and starts playing with her tits right at the beginning.
I had seen this film enough times to know what was happening just by listening. My eyes were glued to Amber, and she was only interested in the TV. It was clear that she had no idea I was watching her and not the screen.
As the woman on the TV began to take off her panties, it was obvious to me that Amber was getting aroused. This was the reason that she wanted to watch the flick, and now she was going to see it happen in front of her. Was it possible that she was also bi?
The woman in this segment had a fairly exposed clit, and she played with it for quite a while. After she fingered her pussy for some time, she pulled out a large vibrator and lubed it up for action. When Amber saw that vibrator, she gasped.
“Would you look at the size of that thing?” she asked.
As the woman circled her pussy lips with it I was sure that Amber thought that was all she would do. I was watching Amber, waiting for the moment the woman on the screen would turn on the vibrator and plunge the whole thing into her pussy, and the wide-eyed look on Amber’s face combined with the way she covered her mouth to stifle a gasp and giggle didn’t disappoint me. I could tell that Amber was as embarrassed as much as she was aroused by her reaction to what she was seeing. I don’t know if Amber was aware that as the video kept going, her legs were spreading further apart. I could also see that she wasn’t wearing a bra by the way her nipples were poking through her short top.
I heard Amber quietly say to herself: “So that’s a vibrator,” obviously not expecting to be overheard.
After playing with herself for a while, the woman brought herself to a screaming climax, and the segment was over. The next segment was a black couple doing some normal screwing. Amber finally sat back in her chair a bit. She was still paying close attention to what was happening on the screen, and was especially interested when the man took his pants off. I’m sure she was wondering if what everyone said about black men was true. I know he didn’t disappoint her. The video was over soon after the man blew his wad all over the woman’s breasts in a noisy climax.
“Wow,” Amber said as I ejected the disk. “That was cool. So that’s how people do it.”
“It’s not difficult.”
“I guess not,” she said. After a minute, she continued: “Now I’m all horny. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about it either.” It would have been impossible for me not to notice that she had a hand resting on her inner thigh, like she wanted to scratch an itch but not in public.
“I thought that was what the movie was all about.”
“Well, yeah, but not for right now, ‘cuz my parents are at home. I couldn’t just, you know, when my parents could just, like, walk in or something,” she said.
“You could always wait until tonight when they’re sleeping. You could spend the night at an understanding friend’s place,” I suggested.
“Well, not tonight. My parents sleep in the next room, and they’re, like, really light sleepers. Hey, maybe I could, you know, play with myself here, now! Could I? You’re an understanding friend, right?” she asked.
What had I gotten myself into? I brushed my hair back and thought of how to respond for several moments before asking: “Just what did you have in mind?”
“Well, I could, like, go to your bed, and like maybe, start playing with myself, and you could help me out ‘cuz I haven’t done it before. You know, masturbate, I mean.” She kept hesitating as she said it. It was nice to know that she hadn’t thought this thing out clearly herself.
I thought to myself: Let’s see, here I am. I haven’t seen a naked woman in real live, 3D action since my girlfriend took off, and now this young woman wants to masturbate in front of me. I didn’t ask her. She asked me. What a concept.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published my first four books to Amazon. All four of them are also currently available at Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-24-2015, 11:30 AM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Educating Goldilocks: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Strumming Her Banjo

“Well, okay,” I said.
“Great!” she exclaimed. I hadn’t realized how pretty she could be when she was smiling that broadly.
“Well,” I said, “the bedroom is upstairs,” and I motioned her toward the stairs. She paused for just an instant, and then shot up the stairway. I followed at a more sedate pace, wondering if this was really happening, or if I was having an exceptionally odd but good dream.
I made it into the bedroom, and Amber was sitting on the bed. “Where should I start? I guess I should take off my clothes,” she said.
“If that’s how you want to start. Before you do that, I only want to say you can go anytime you feel uncomfortable. If you don’t like something, or you feel pressured, just leave. I won’t feel bad about it.”
“Oh, cool! I didn’t expect you to say that,” she said. She looked like I had just lifted a great weight off of her, and she smiled even larger than before.
“Now,” I said, “what would you like to do? I’ll let you set the ground rules.”
She thought about it for a few seconds, and then said: “Well, I don’t actually want to, like, do it. You know, have sex. Not yet at least. I’d feel like a slut. I mean, what would everyone say?”
“That’s fine, we don’t have to. I think that’s a good choice.”
“Okay,” she said. “How about if I just try to masturbate, and you can, like, help me if I ask. How’s that?” She really seemed eager for my approval.
“That sounds fine to me. We’ll go at your pace when you’re ready,” I said.
“Okay. Should I take my clothes off now?”
“Take off whatever you want,” I said.
“Cool. Okay, you get out the vibrator, and I’ll strip.”
“Um, what makes you think I have a vibrator?”
“Well, I dunno, I just kind of thought, you know,” she said, trailing off.
“I’m sorry, but they don’t usually come with porn flicks as an added feature,” I said with a chuckle.
She giggled, and then said: “Oh, I’m sorry. I just figured you’d have one. I mean, you seem to know so much, and all. I thought you’d have one for your girlfriends, or something.”
“All I come with is the standard, built in, factory model, if you get my meaning. No options. And I don’t get that many women up here anyway,” I admitted. “Well, none since Linda.”
“Oh, sorry. So what do we do now?” she asked.
“Well, you could just finger yourself.”
“Okay, I guess. So I’ll just, like, take my clothes off then. Okay?”
“That’s a good first step,” I said. She proceeded to strip off every stitch, starting with her shoes, and ending with her panties. She stood there for a bit, looking like she wasn’t sure what to do next, and I took the time to admire her figure. She had small, high breasts, and her nipples were a light pink. She was slender, not voluptuous, but quite nice. And she had a wisp of pure golden blond curls in the triangle above her legs. She was quite a sight.
Amber finally decided to lie down on the bed. After a moment, she spread her legs a bit and kind of attacked her pussy. It looked to me like she hadn’t gotten turned on yet, and she might be hurting herself.
“What am I doing wrong?” she asked.
I sat down next to her, fully clothed. “Look, you’re trying to force things. That’s not how sex works. You have to be turned on before things slide together, or you’ll have some pain, so take things slowly.”
“I think I’m a little wet, but what should I do?” she asked.
“First, I want you to relax. Sit up,” I said, and I got behind her, hiding my erection as best I could. I massaged her shoulders for a few minutes, while she relaxed. “Now think of something that turns you on. Maybe think about what you saw on the video earlier.” She closed her eyes, and relaxed as I kneaded her muscles. “Now, maybe you’ll want to caress your breasts a bit.”
“Could you help me?” she asked.
If I had thought about any of this, I probably would have said no. Instead, I said: “That’s why I’m here.” I started to circle one of her nipples with my fingers. I could feel her nipple getting erect under my manipulations. “How does that feel?” I asked.
“That feels really good,” she sighed.
“Okay then, you try it,” I said, and guided her hand to her other breast. She started circling her other nipple the same way I was, so I started massaging her entire breast to break up the pattern, and I clearly heard her sigh. It was obvious that she was really getting turned on at this point.
I was tracing her cleavage and across her shoulders and up her neck as she kept massaging her breast in one hand. I moved her other hand to her breast, and she took up where I left off and I just watched her for a bit.
“Now should I go down?” she asked.
“If that’s what you want,” I replied.
She moved one hand down to her pussy, and moved it around for a bit. She looked puzzled at that point, and said: “It doesn’t seem to be working. Could you show me?”
“No problem,” I said, and moved my hand down between her legs. I spread her legs just a bit further apart, so I could get a good look, and I found her clit easily, nestled between her folds. Amber moaned as soon as I touched it.
“Is that okay,” I asked as I touched her clit gently.
“Yeah,” she sighed. “Okay, what now?”
“Well, that’s up to you. It feels like you’re really wet and ready for some action. Why don’t you take over?” I suggested.
Amber moved her hand down and started rubbing her clit harder than I had been. She was beginning to get a bit frothy in her sexual frenzy at this point.
“Here,” I said, “let me show you something.” She removed her hand, and I placed my hand over her mound and rubbed her clit for a bit before moving a finger down to her opening. I just massaged her labia for a while, and then started pushing my middle finger inside her pussy. She moaned in lust as soon as I did. I started moving my finger in and out at this point as she moaned with each thrust.
“There,” I said, “do you get the idea? Now, you try,” and I started to remove my hand, but she grabbed it and moved it back.
“Don’t stop,” she gasped, “it feels really good.” It was her call, so I kept fingering her while she massaged her breasts without mercy, pinching and kneading them like bread dough, and moaning lustily.
I just kept fingering her, twisting and fluttering inside her a bit, while I rubbed her clit with my other hand. She was moaning louder now, so I started fingering her faster, plunging into her with more force. She was lying there as I fingered her for several minutes before she finally pushed her hips up and let out a scream. I could feel her pussy muscles spasming around my finger, as her face showed that look of pleasure that was unfamiliar to her, and I kept plunging my finger in the entire time she was cumming.
After her final spasm, she sighed and lay there for a bit, breathing like she had just run a marathon. I pulled my hands away and watched her.
“Wow,” she finally said. “That was great! Thanks!”
“No problem,” I said.
After a few more minutes, she got up and started to get dressed. “Like, I really mean it, thanks. I’ve never felt anything that cool before! That was, like, the best! There were waves of, like, you know, all over, coming from my tummy, and like...” She looked like she didn’t know how to explain it.
“I know what you mean. It’s almost impossible to explain what it’s like outside of its own terms. The only word I’ve found is orgasmic,” I explained.
“Yeah, I guess that’s it. Cool.” Amber was almost finished dressing now, and she finally saw the bulge in my pants. “Oh. Guess I got to you, huh?”
“Yeah, you did,” I confirmed.
“Are you going to be ok?” she asked, looking concerned.
“I’ll be fine,” I reassured her.
“Good,” she said with a huge smile, and she started heading downstairs.
“I should probably be heading home. You know. My parents might start wondering where I am, and stuff,” she said, looking a bit embarrassed. I imagine she probably wanted to think it over, or maybe even try it again in her own home.
“Sure, no problem.”
Before leaving, she stopped and looked at me. “Say, could I, like, come over tomorrow? You know, to do that again? It was really fun.”
The next day was Sunday, and I had nothing planned. “Sure, Goldilocks, why not? What time do you want to come over?” I asked.
“Goldilocks? Why did you call me Goldilocks?” she asked.
“Because you’re a natural golden blond.”
“But, how did . . .” She looked down to where my eyes indicated, right at her crotch. “Oh, okay. I get it. Well, how ‘bout, like, eleven in the morning? Is that okay?” She sounded really happy about being invited back, and I certainly wouldn’t mind having another crack at this delectable woman.
“Sure, that sounds fine.” I was trying to sound calm, but I was doing somersaults inside. Maybe it was the leftover smell of her perfume that was getting to my head. Or her pussy juices on my fingers.
“Okay,” she said, “I’ll see you tomorrow!” and ducked out of the door with a broad smile.
I headed upstairs to the bedroom to look around. Yep, the bed was a mess from Goldilocks’ little lesson, so everything must have happened pretty much as I remembered it.
I got to cleaning up the room and kitchen and ended up watching another of those DVDs I had for old-time’s sake before going to bed.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published my first four books to Amazon. All four of them are also currently available at Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-27-2015, 01:20 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 5: Getting Classy

I was looking forward to my little date with Goldilocks the next day, so I made sure the place was straightened up really well before she came over. I also made lunch: Fried chicken with potato salad. Making sure my date is well-fed is one of my favorite seduction techniques. Whoever said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach was only half-right; it works just as well on women.
Just a little after eleven-thirty, and right when I was sure that Amber wasn’t going to show up, she appeared at the door looking happy as could be. It was obvious that her wide mouth was no stranger to a smile, and it really lit up her face.
I was at the door before she had a chance to knock and said my hello as I waved her in. She greeted me with a friendly kiss and a huge hug, and although she didn’t hold me quite as close as I would have liked, it was certainly not the way to go if she didn’t want to go all the way with me.
“I’m really glad you let me come back!” she exclaimed happily.
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“Well, I was, like, afraid you wouldn’t want me back.” She looked a little sheepish when she said it.
“Look, you’ll always be welcome here. Anytime.” I really meant it, and she looked happy that I did.
“Cool! What’s that over there?”
“Oh, I fixed us lunch. Are you hungry? We’ve got fried chicken and potato salad.”
“Sure! It sounds great! I love your cooking,” she said.
“Oh, yeah. It’s one of my hidden talents,” I said with a wink.
We sat down and ate for a while, giving each other a conspiratorial wink or two while talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying the company.
After a while Amber went quiet, looking thoughtful, even embarrassed. When it looked like she decided to finally say something, she said: “Ya know, I was talking to a couple of my friends last night, and I, like, told them about you.” It was obvious that she was a bit scared what my reaction would be.
“Ah,” I said. “What did you tell them?”
“Well, I told them how you were this totally cool guy, and how you, like, showed me how to do myself, and how much fun it was, and stuff. That’s all. They thought it was, like, totally cool.”
“Really,” I said with growing interest.
“Yeah. They said they wished they had, you know, a totally cool sex teacher too,” she added.
“I hadn’t thought about it that way, but I guess you’re right. At least, I’m your masturbation teacher,” I said with a leer.
“And a goooood one,” she said with a sigh.
I looked at her face. Her blue eyes met mine, and she smiled at me.
“Tell me about your friends,” I asked her.
“Well, they’re both from school. I met Lisa four years ago, and Maricela three, so we’ve known each other forever. They’re totally cool. You know. We share secrets and all.”
“It’s always good to have friends like that. What do they look like?”
“Well, Maricela's, like, this little dark girl. I think she’s Mexican or Cuban or something. Lisa’s got this great, long hair. It’s sort of a dark blond. She hates it, but everyone else thinks it’s totally great, and stuff,” she said. I had heard enough.
“So, you say that they wished they had someone like me to teach them about sex?”
“Yeah, they both said that,” she confirmed.
“You know what? Why don’t we do that?”
“Do what?”
“Why don’t we hold a sex class for the three of you?” I suggested.
I saw the look on her face dissolve from puzzlement to excitement, and she exclaimed: “That sounds great!”
“We can start tonight if they’re interested. Why not call them now?”
She was giggling as she set up the three-way call. I heard only one side of the conversation.
“Hi guys! You remember that guy I told you about last night? Yeah, Rob. Yeah, he’s really cool. Well, I’m over at his place now. No, not yet. Well, I, like, told him about telling you guys about us last night. Well, he got this great idea, so I decided to, you know, call you guys. Well, I do have to tell you guys everything, don’t I? You’re not going to believe this. Guess. No, not that.” It was obvious that Goldilocks was having fun stringing her friends along.
“Well, it’s like this: Rob wants to have, like, ya know, sex classes with him as the instructor. Really! No, I’m not joking! Are you two interested? Obviously you’re both invited, do you think I’d tell you about it if you weren’t? I’m not totally mean about those things! Of course, if you aren’t interested…”
I could hear a loud “Of course I’m interested!” and a quieter sound of assent from the phone, and I had to chuckle to myself.
Goldilocks said: “Cool!” and then looked at me and asked: “Rob, what time did you want to, like, start class?”
“How about four-thirty? Would that be okay?”
“Cool! That’d be great! How’s four-thirty tonight sound? Cool! Well, just tell them you’re coming over to my place, and we’re going to see a movie, and you won’t be home until after dark. Probably around eight to nine?” Goldilocks looked over at me.
“You mean the time they’ll get home?” I asked. She nodded, so I said: “That sounds about right, eight or nine.”
“Yeah, eight or nine is about right. So you’ll both be here? Think of it as a really cool date or something. Yeah, dress up a bit, ‘cause I’m gonna.” Goldilocks proceeded to give Maricela and Lisa directions to my condo, and then said her good-byes and hung up.
“Cool! They’ll be at your place in just a few hours. I’m going to go back home, and get ready, okay?” Goldilocks said.
“That sound’s fine to me,” I said.
“Yeah. This is going to be sooooooo cool!” she said with a giggle.
I have no idea what she was planning on doing that would take nearly four hours to get ready for, but I wouldn’t say that to her.
After she left and I finished cleaning up from our lunch, I decided that I needed to go get a few things for dinner. I hadn’t yet worked out all the details, but I was confident that I would be able to fill them in as I shopped.
I zipped over to the grocery store to pick up what I needed for dinner for all four of us. While I loaded the groceries into the car, I saw a small, boutique store that I hadn’t visited since before Linda left, and I made a quick trip over to it and picked up three toys for the girls.
At four that afternoon I had to give an admiring look at the spread I had on my kitchen counter. I hadn’t cooked like that in some time. I roasted Cornish Game Hens stuffed with wild rice, steamed asparagus spears, a fruit salad, fresh bread, and a homemade cheese-cake with a raspberry compote for dessert. I made sure that I had flowers for the centerpiece. I was entertaining three women, and I felt like I had to impress them three times as much.
The vibrators I picked up seemed to be of average size, about six-inches in length. There was certainly nothing remarkable about them. I also made sure that they worked, and that they had batteries.
Everything was about as ready as I could make it for them. I just had to wait.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
All four books are also currently available at Smashwords and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-27-2015, 01:22 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 6: Dinner Time

Luckily, Goldilocks was the first to arrive, at around four-fifteen or so. I was glad because she could help make the other two more comfortable when they arrived.
I already started to set up by having the main course hot and on the table. Goldilocks offered to help me set the table which I gladly accepted. She had been a bit quiet since she had arrived, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t admiring the way she was dressed. She had on a short yellow skirt with a matching low-necked string top. She still wasn’t wearing a bra, and I was enjoying being on the opposite side of the table as she bent over to place the silverware. I would get a quick glimpse of nipple each time she set a place.
Finally, she said: “Ya know, there’s something I should probably tell you about Lisa.”
This is exactly the sort of thing that makes a man’s blood run cold. Nothing scares me more than the tone of voice she used.
“Um, what would that be?” I asked.
“Well, she’s kind of, like, you know, just a little…well, she’s kinda fat.”
I stood there, looking at her with a dinner plate in my hand, and Murphy’s Law being what it is, the doorbell rang at that moment. I looked over at the door, and decided to meet my fate bravely. I strode to the door with Goldilocks close behind me, took hold of the doorknob, and watched as time slowed to a crawl. I slowly opened the door, and I must have been cringing, but the lady who was standing at the door was obviously not Maricela because she had long, dark blond hair, and at the same time she wasn’t fat. I was sure she had the wrong house, but Goldilocks seemed to know her.
“Come on in!” Goldilocks said excitedly.
“Hello,” I said as she entered the condo, “You must be Lisa.” Her dark blond hair fell in waves down to the middle of her back curling upward at the ends. She was built a bit heavy, but she had exactly the right curves in all the right places. She was a very attractive woman with beautiful brown eyes to die for and wonderfully long lashes. In fact, about the worst that could be said about her was she was well-fed. That was when I remembered something I’d read: Women and men perceive “fat” differently. I was saved by a difference in perception! I could breathe again! Everything was right in the world!
Lisa looked at me, and said: “Hi Rob. So, Amber says you gave her a nickname, but she won’t say what it is. Are you going to tell me?” Her voice was a wonderfully deep, feminine, animal growl. For the first time, I found myself staring at a woman’s mouth with the intensity I usually reserve for a woman’s figure. I could just sit around, listening to that contralto voice forever, not caring what she said, just so long as she didn’t stop.
After several heartbeats, I regained my composure and managed to say: “Yes, why yes indeed. I would like to introduce you to,” and I waved toward Amber with a flourish “Goldilocks.”
“Ha! Cool! I like that. It fits her. She is a little bit of a goody-two shoes, and she sure has the hair for it,” said Lisa.
“Oh, Lisa!” Goldilocks exclaimed.
At that point, the doorbell announced another visitor. Goldilocks ran to the door and ushered in the prettiest little Hispanic lady I had ever seen. She was only about five feet tall, with a beautiful coffee-and-cream complexion. Her hair was just a little curly, ending a few inches below her shoulders. Those locks formed a mane to frame a beautifully heart-shaped face accentuated by a pair of wonderfully full red lips, and eyes that appeared to dance. Her petite figure was a thing to behold, and she moved with incredible grace across the room. Now, I’ve always had a thing for exotic women, and a real soft spot for Latin women especially, but she put them all to shame.
While I stood there speechless, Goldilocks introduced me to her. “Rob, this is my other totally best friend, Maricela. We’ve known each other for a couple of years, and we hang out all the time!”
I extended my hand and said, “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Maricela. Welcome!”
She placed her dainty hand in mine and said, “Thank you,” musically. I probably held her hand for a bit longer than I should have, but I didn’t want to let go.
I looked around at those three beautiful women, and I must have had the goofiest grin on my face at that moment. I am sure to this day that my smile must have extended far beyond the actual confines of my face.
Goldilocks took that moment to break my trance. “So, I guess we should probably all sit on the couch so you can instruct us, right?”
“Amber! I mean Goldilocks!” Lisa exclaimed. “Why don’t you just kick the man in the nuts? Can’t you tell he’s fixed the best meal I’ve seen, just for us? You just want to get to work and leave this wonderful food sitting there, getting cold, after all the sweat he put into it? Get your rump over here and fill your plate!”
Maricela seemed a little confused, and she looked at Lisa and asked “’Goldilocks?’”
“Oh, you weren’t here! He’s come up with a nickname for Amber. He calls her Goldilocks!”
Maricela looked at me approvingly and said: “That’s a good name.”
“Thank you. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing,” I explained. I was having a hard time not staring at these women. They were all so attractive.
The three of them sat down, and I passed around the tray with the game hens sitting on a bed of wild rice. Lisa looked at them, and commented: “Halved? I could eat a whole one, easy!”
“Yes, but you might have trouble concentrating later,” I replied.
“True that!” she said.
“I love asparagus!” Maricela said as she helped herself, and once on the plate, she picked up a spear, looked me in the eye, and theatrically bit off the tip.
“Mari! Manners,” Goldilocks told her. She took one and licked the length while looking at me before eating it.
Lisa laughed at them both. I didn’t know what to say, so I let it pass.
As I helped myself to the bread, I asked them: “So, you’ve all known each other for quite a while, Goldilocks tells me.”
“What else has she told you,” Lisa said with a note of suspicion.
“Not much,” I said.
“Well, we are kind of the Three Musketeers,” Lisa said.
“We mostly hang out together,” Maricela said.
“But there are some other people we hang with, sometimes,” Goldilocks added.
“But not often,” Lisa chirped in. “Not really.”
“So how did school go?” I asked them.
“Not bad,” Lisa volunteered.
“I meant, what were your grades?”
“Nosy much?”
“No secrets! Especially later,” Goldilocks said with a laugh, breaking the unexpected tension.
Lisa smiled at me, and said: “That’s right! I’m doing fine at the JC,” she said. “Good enough to go to Berlin!”
“Berlin?” I asked.
“For college! Engineering.”
“You will get hit on by nerds, you know,” I said, laughing.
“I’m counting on it!”
“So, how did you do?” I asked Maricela.
“Well, my sex class is going pretty well so far,” she said with a hearty laugh.
We joined in her laughter, and then I asked them: “So what are you doing over the summer?”
“Well, I just have classes for a couple more weeks, then I graduate,” Goldilocks said.
“College?” I asked.
“With my AA,” she said.
“Then what?” I asked.
“I'm off for the summer, before going to University,” she said proudly.
“Where?” I asked.
“Southern California,” she replied.
“Impressive,” I said. I looked at Lisa, and said: “Berlin in the fall, but what about your summer?”
“I only have to finish one class at JC, and I'm working at the Mall. Retail until then,” Lisa said.
“But not tonight?”
“Nah, I have a pretty good schedule. Nine-to-five on non-school weekdays. Calculus on Monday and Wednesday, late mornings..”
“That's really nice,” I said.
“Over-achievers,” Maricela said, gesturing at the other girls and making a face.
“And what do you have planned for the summer?” I asked Maricela.
“Just watching my niece and nephew for my sister while she's at work,” she replied, sweetly. “And this class,” she added.
By the time we were finished eating I had become determined to continue the tradition of starting these classes with a sit-down dinner.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
All four books are also currently available at Smashwords and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-28-2015, 02:10 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 7: Game Night

“It looks like we’re all finished with dinner. Should we all sit in the living room and start the lesson?” I finally asked.
“Isn’t that why we came here?” asked Maricela.
“Lead off!” said Lisa.
Goldilocks got up and said, “I’m so looking forward to this!” as she hurried toward the couch.
I announced that we would all be playing a game before the class commenced.
“What game?” asked Lisa.
“Strip-Charades!” I exclaimed.
“Interesting,” Lisa drawled. “What are the rules?”
“Two teams of two, me and Goldilocks on one, and you two on the other,” I explained. “The losing team on that round has to take off an item of clothing. Both socks count as one item, jewelry doesn’t count at all. Does everyone understand the rules?”
“Yes, I understand,” said Maricela with a sexy smile.
“Yep, Strip-Charades. That’s clear,” said Lisa.
“Ohhhh, yes. I get it,” added Goldilocks.
“Okay, let’s flip a coin to see who goes first,” I said. I pulled out a quarter and said: “Lisa, you call it,” as I flipped it.
“Give me head!” she shouted while it was in the air. We all dissolved in laughter.
“’Give me head?’” Goldilocks asked, laughing.
“Yep,” she said.
I barely could look at the coin under my hand from laughing so hard. “Sorry,” I said as I showed everyone, “It’s ass up! I’ll take it first, okay Goldilocks?”
She agreed, and I indicated three words, and started pantomiming “eating fried chicken.” I was hoping Goldilocks would remember earlier that day, and she did. Lisa and Maricela took their socks off as Goldilocks stood up.
Goldilocks indicated two words, and started miming. Lisa managed to figure out she was signaling “getting mugged” in what looked like record time to me. Goldilocks and I removed our socks as Lisa stood up.
She indicated two words, and started by opening up something and looking through it. Goldilocks figured out the first word was “search.” Lisa then started miming holding something in one hand, and pulling the other one back.
“Lawnmower?” Maricela guessed.
It popped into my head as soon as she said it, and I exclaimed: “’Search Engine!’”
Lisa tapped her nose. Being on the losing team, Lisa decided to make a show out of taking off her blouse, teasing me with looks out of the corners of her eyes before lifting her blouse over her head and covering her front with it.
“So, ya wanna see them? Hmm?” she kept asking.
“Lisa, stop teasing and take it off!” said Maricela. “Yeah, take it off,” whooped Goldilocks. I had to wonder if maybe they both wanted to see her tits as much as I did.
“Yeah, you heard them!” I said, looking back and forth between them. “Take it off!”
Lisa finally removed her blouse, displaying a very nice, and very demure, bra. Oh well.
“Next time,” said Lisa mischievously.
I watched carefully as Maricela removed her blouse and sat down, revealing a nice, and equally demure white bra that contrasted with her skin. It was obvious that Maricela was in good shape, but she still managed to be very feminine.
It was my turn, and I indicated one word, first part, and stuck out my arms, ducked down and shuffled around the room.
“Airplane!” guessed Maricela. I indicated that she was close. I then stood in place, acted bored and impatient, and moving forward a bit at a time.
“Airline!” shouted out Lisa.
I tapped my nose as Goldilocks took off her top. My shirt joined her blouse in the corner, and we both sat there naked from the waist up while Lisa got ready.
She got this devilish look on her face, indicated one word, and then started jumping in place.
“Trampoline?” Goldilocks guessed.
“Bouncy ball?” Maricela suggested.
Her breasts were bouncing all over, and I finally got it. I started laughing, almost too hard to shout out: “Milkshake!”
Lisa tapped her nose and took off her pants as I stood up.
“That’s why you wanted this game,” Maricela said. “You’re good at it.”
“Better than I thought,” I said.
Maricela then took off her white pants and threw them in the corner, and I was treated to the sight of a wonderful pair of shapely legs topped with simple, white cotton panties covering an exquisite ass.
I thought for a moment, and indicated seven words.
“No fair!” exclaimed Goldilocks.
“Let’s just play,” suggested Maricela.
I smiled at her, then indicated I was ready, and took a stern look, shaking my head and wiggling my finger.
“No!” said Lisa.
“Never!” shouted Goldilocks.
“Don’t!” suggested Maricela.
I indicated they were close, so I started bringing my hand toward my face, miming holding something, and bit my hand.
“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!” yelled out Lisa.
I tapped my nose and got ready to doff my pants, when Maricela stood up.
“No, let’s end the game this round,” she said, and she unhooked and slipped off her bra revealing a beautiful set of breasts tipped with little chocolate kisses for nipples. She then removed her panties and threw them on top of her bra in the corner. The entire time she never took her eyes off of me.
The other two ladies must have felt the same way. Goldilocks said: “Well, it’s not like you haven’t seen everything already,” and took off every stitch.
“Cool! Let’s get na-ked!” exclaimed Lisa as she removed her bra and panties.
Maricela stood next to the other two girls, and all three were looking at me. I have never in my life seen anything so beautiful, and I doubt I ever will. None of the three were alike. Lisa was curvy but firm; Goldilocks was tall and slender; and Maricela was petite and elegant.
It took me a few seconds to regain my composure, but I finally remembered to doff my remaining clothes.
“Well,” I said. “I guess it’s time for the next part of tonight’s lecture.”
To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published my first four books to Amazon. All four of them are also currently available at Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-28-2015, 02:27 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 8: First Lesson

All three of the ladies got excited, and clapped. I noticed that they were looking back and forth between themselves and my crotch. I realized at that moment that none of them had seen a real erect cock before.
I looked down. “Oops, sorry,” I apologized.
“No need,” Lisa said.
“It’s to be expected. And appreciated,” said Maricela as she looked at my cock, and not at the rest of me.
I might add at this point that I am not endowed with a foot-long hog between my legs. I might be at the higher end of average, but I’m still average.
“Well, if you three will take a seat on the couch, we can continue,” I added a bit sheepishly, and motioned them toward the couch.
I brought out the DVD that Goldilocks and I had watched the previous day, and inserted it into the player.
“Okay,” I started. “Tonight we’re only going to cover masturbation.”
“Like, when will we do the rest?” asked Goldilocks.
“We’ll probably cover that next time. Goldilocks—before you think that I’ll just be going over the same material we covered yesterday, let me reassure you that we’ll go over additional ground tonight.”
“Cool! That’s why I’m here!” she exclaimed.
“Okay. The key part of my definition of masturbation is that nobody swaps bodily fluids. Basically, this means that the genitalia of one person do not contact another person’s genitalia or mouth. Masturbation can involve any number of people from one up,” I explained.
“Does your definition include any, ohhhhh, toys?” Maricela asked. Wonderfully perceptive, that little lady.
“Yes. I think you’ll understand it better after I show you the movie.” I used the menus to find my favorite section, the one with the lone woman masturbating with the vibrator.
“Now, I’m going to show you a porn film with two segments. The first part has a woman masturbating herself, and the second part has a couple having sex. Is that okay with everyone?” I explained.
“Cool! Visual aids!” said Lisa.
“This is, like, a totally cool video guys! Wait ‘till you see the guy at the end!” exclaimed Goldilocks.
This time I watched the video as much as I watched the ladies sitting on my couch.
When the woman on the screen pulled out her vibrator, I heard Goldilocks mutter sotto vocce to Lisa and Maricela: “Just wait until you see what she does with that!”
Maricela leaned across Lisa and asked Goldilocks what, and Goldilocks whispered something to her that I didn’t hear, but it was obvious that Maricela didn’t believe her when she sat back. I noticed that the ladies were getting a bit more friendly now, leaning against one another on the couch.
The woman on the screen rubbed the vibrator against her clit and over her pussy lips for a while. Maricela didn’t seem convinced that she was going to actually be able to use the vibrator that she had in her hand. After a few minutes of playing with herself, the woman in the video plunged the entire length of the vibrator into her pussy with a couple of slow thrusts. I could hear Maricela gasp, and I glanced back at her. Maricela had covered her mouth with her hand, and her eyes were wide open and staring at the screen in disbelief.
Lisa’s look was more admiring, and she said: “Wow! Ride’em girl!”
Goldilocks leaned over toward Maricela and said: “I told you!” Maricela just nodded quickly and kept watching the video.
Eventually, the woman on the screen started plunging the vibrator in and out of her pussy faster as she got closer to orgasm. The segment ended with the woman having a screaming orgasm, followed quickly with a fade-out. I paused the video.
“Okay. You’ve just seen a woman masturbate for the first time. A few little pointers: The woman in that video was probably already fairly turned on when the filming started. She didn’t really do much in the way of foreplay. I recommend that whenever you have any kind of sex you take your time and relax thoroughly before trying any kind of penetration.”
“You mean play with these things,” Lisa said while cupping her breasts. Maricela and Goldilocks reached over and hit her playfully.
“Well, yes,” I said. “That would work. Well, let’s get back to the video. In the next section, you will see a couple having sex. This will include some masturbation of both partners, as well as oral sex and full penetration.”
“‘Oral sex?’ You can say ‘blow-job.’ We’re all adults here,” Lisa said.
“Okay, she jacks and blows him before fucking him,” I admitted as I started it.
This was the segment of the video with the black couple having sex. When the woman pulled her lover on-screen, I looked back at the girls and saw Goldilocks nudge Lisa with her elbow. I knew what she was thinking about—when she finally got his trousers off, he was obviously well hung.
She started to jack him off, appreciating the size of his cock, and then she took it into her mouth and started sucking him off.
“Woah,” said Lisa. “How is she doing that?”
“Doing what?” I asked.
“Watch her suck that thing down!” She said.
The couple on a screen eventually graduated to the missionary position, and the segment ended with the man blowing his wad on the woman’s tits.
“Well,” I said after turning off the video. “Does anyone have any questions?”
“Nope, it seems straightforward,” said Lisa.
“It isn’t brain surgery,” said Goldilocks.
“More or less. Oh! Before we go any further, I have gifts for each of you,” I said, and pulled three wrapped packages out of a cabinet and handed them to the girls.
Each of the ladies tore into the gifts and found a new vibrator (with batteries loaded,) and a tube of lubricating jelly.
“Now this is what I was talking about!” Goldilocks said, holding up her vibrator.
“I heard you yesterday, and figured you might appreciate one,” I said.
“You’re so thoughtful!” Maricela chirped in.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place. I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!
I'm so excited!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-30-2015, 02:30 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 9: First Lab

“While you may want to get acquainted with your new toys, it might be a good idea if you, Goldilocks, show the other two what you learned yesterday,” I said.
“Cool! I can do that!” she exclaimed. “Well, it’s like this. You don’t want to, like, attack your pussy, ya know. Start slowly and try to get all hot and wet. Think about something really horny, and relax at the same time. It’s totally no fun if you aren’t ready for it. So what I did yesterday was lay back and just think for a while with my eyes closed.” She relaxed while sitting on the couch for a little. “Then I was massaging my breasts, and tweaking my nipples for a while,” which she proceeded to do. Lisa seemed to be getting a bit impatient with Goldilocks’ demonstration as she was copying what Goldilocks was doing at the same time. Maricela watched with eyes as large as saucers as Goldilocks continued to stimulate her tits.
After our little game, and watching the film this evening, all three girls were pretty much already turned on. Goldilocks confirmed this by racing through her demonstration.
“Well, I did that for a while, and then Rob here showed me how to play with my pussy. You sort of do things like put your whole hand over it and kind of rub it, or you rub your button, like this,” she said while showing them how to do it. “Or you can even put your fingers in, like this,” she said as she inserted a finger into her pussy.
“And then you just try to bring yourself off. I didn’t have a vibrator yesterday to try out, so we can find out what it’s like together. Right?” she ended.
“Why not?” I added.
“Cool! Just don’t get in my way!” exclaimed Lisa.
“Wow! Is that it?” asked Maricela.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like that’s it when you cum,” explained Goldilocks. “It’s totally intense! You have got to try it!”
“Okay,” said Maricela. “It looks like fun,” she added, and a seductive smile spread across her pretty face.
I got up and poured a glass of wine for myself. When I got to the living room, I found Lisa was really enjoying massaging her large tits, taking great handfuls and kneading them like bread dough. Maricela was taking a more conservative track and hardly seemed to be touching herself.
Lisa finally started rubbing her pussy lips with her hand, grabbing her inner thigh with one hand, and brushing the other one over her outer labia before running a finger over her engorged clit, which was visibly throbbing. She seemed to like what she felt because she was soon rubbing her clit and labia with her whole hand.
Maricela was taking her time, and showed a bit of modesty. She definitely didn’t seem interested in opening her legs up to reach between them. She saw the glass of wine I was holding, took it from me, and finished it off before handing it back. I smiled at her attempt to give herself more courage.
For a while, Maricella just sat on the couch and rubbed her nipples and kept her legs clamped together tightly, rubbing them together a bit. Finally, she opened her legs a little. I enjoyed the sight of her delicate folds as she rubbed her inner thigh and slowly, almost timidly, moved her hand toward her outer labia.
By this time, Lisa had decided that there just wasn’t going to be enough room on the couch for her and had moved onto the floor. She was inserting two fingers into her pussy as quickly as she could, and was pushing her hips off of the floor with each thrust of her hand.
Goldilocks was enjoying sitting on the couch and actually fingering herself this time. She was investigating her pussy, trying different speeds, and seemed to be checking out every part of her vagina with her fingers. She finally settled on thrusting her middle finger in at a reasonable pace, and rubbing her clit with the other hand.
I thought it was time to have a bit of fun myself, and I started pulling slowly on my hardened cock; just a few strokes—sort of to remind me that it was still there.
Maricela had decided to rub her clit, and was doing so very slowly. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were parted as she lightly drew her fingers across her most sensitive part. At last, she parted her pussy lips and slowly inserted a finger, just the tip before pulling it out. Each plunge brought her finger in a little further until it was in all the ways, and she was thrusting at a slightly faster pace.
I heard a buzzing sound from where Lisa was lying on the floor, and turned, looking over at her. She was now sitting upright, and was looking at her vibrator and trying it out. She looked at me for a moment, and I took my hand away from my cock.
“Say, Lisa, you might want to put some lube on that,” I suggested.
“I’m already soaking your carpet,” she said.
“In that case, I won’t argue,” I replied.
“The way your cock throbbed when I said that was answer enough,” she said, and the other girls laughed.
“Got a good look?” I asked.
And with that, Lisa placed the vibrator between her breasts and turned it on. “Wow! That feels funny! I wonder how it’ll feel inside me?” She ran the tip over her large nipples, and moaned as it crossed the tips. She was obviously enjoying the sensations that she was feeling at that moment and was savoring it. The rest of us had stopped what we were doing, and just watched her.
After running the vibrator over her nipples for a while longer, she turned it off. She looked at us each in turn with a face that asked us if we intended to stop her.
“After you,” Goldilocks said.
Seeing that we were going to let her be first, Lisa moved the vibrator down to her pussy. “Well, here it goes,” she said. She ran the tip over her clit a few times, then placed it at the entrance to her vagina and started to push a bit.
“Be careful and take it slowly,” I advised as she pushed it in. “Don’t try to take more than you can. This is your first penetration, so don’t force it.”
“Okay. Thanks,” she said.
“You might try turning it on,” Goldilocks said.
“Yeah, I guess I could,” Lisa said, and then she turned it on. She gasped and jumped at the feeling, started to panic, and gripped it like she was going to throw it. Then a look of shock crossed her face as she seemed to realize that she really liked how it felt, and she started slowly to push it back in again.
“How does it feel?” Maricela asked.
“God, you have no idea. It really feels fantastic,” Lisa answered.
“Does it hurt?” Goldilocks wanted to know.
“No, it kind of tickles. It feels so good!” She took the vibrator almost to the base. Once she had turned it on she continued to push the vibrator in one long shove.
Goldilocks and Maricela were sitting reclined on the couch, watching Lisa as she lay on the carpet, enjoying the vibrations as they moved through her cunt. For quite a while, she lay there with her legs clamped around the buzzing vibrator. Her breathing was getting faster as she lay there, but it didn’t look like she was going to orgasm that way.
“Why don’t you start rubbing your clit?” asked Goldilocks.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” gasped Lisa. “Yeah, that sounds…Oh…really good.”
“You could try moving it in and out,” suggested Maricela.
“Okay, I’ll try that too,” moaned Lisa.
“Remember, take it slowly. Don’t risk hurting yourself,” I added.
“Don’t worry,” Lisa panted, and she started to spread her legs wide apart so she could get a good grip on the vibrator.
“Look! She’s really wet!” Goldilocks pointed out. “She’s dripping around the vibrator!”
It was true. Lisa's juices were starting to leak around the vibrator and were running down her crack.
Lisa took hold of the vibrator and started to pull it out until only the tip was still inside. She held it there for a bit, buzzing away as she polished her clit with her finger, and then she took it all the way out and ran the tip around her clit a couple of times before pushing it back in.
None of these girls knew how to hold off an orgasm yet, or even knew why they should. So Lisa started plunging her vibrator in and out of her pussy like she was in a race for a climax. She was loudly moaning “Oh God!” and gasping for air as she pushed the plastic penis in and out until she stiffened and pushed her hips off the floor screaming out her orgasm.
She finally collapsed on the floor with a sigh. She was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, and her cheeks were flushed as she breathed hard. She looked over at the girls on the couch as she turned off the vibrator and pulled it out of her sopping vagina.
“Wow! That was great,” she panted. “But I think I’ll take a breather for a bit.”
“Okay, I gotta try that,” said Goldilocks. “Where did I put my vibrator?” She finally found it on the side table and put it right up to her pussy. She started to push her vibrator into her pussy without turning it on, but she seemed to be having trouble.
Maricela brought out her vibrator as well, but she spent the time examining it more than anything else. She looked like she couldn’t believe that Lisa had managed to take one just like it a few minutes before.
Lisa saw how Goldilocks was struggling and decided to give some advice. “Ya know, why don’t you try turning it on?”
“Oh, okay. I’ll try...” Goldilocks said right before she turned it on. “...oh my God! God this feels great!” exclaimed Goldilocks loudly.
After she finally managed to get the whole buzzing thing inside her, Goldilocks pulled it out again and changed her position so that she was squatting above the couch, and she placed the heel of the vibrator on the cushion and started to sit on it. She held it down against the sofa as she rode it like a bronco for quite a while.
Maricela looked like she didn’t need any more encouragement, and she placed the tip of her vibrator right at the entrance of her vagina. She rubbed the tip around there for a while, alternating between her opening and her clit, back and forth. It was obvious that she was enjoying it, but she never seemed to try to push it in.
Goldilocks had finally moved onto her back on the floor, much like Lisa had been, and she was furiously thrusting the vibrator into her wet pussy, moaning louder with each push. After a few minutes she screamed out “Fuck! I’m cumming!” and came in a screaming climax.
After cumming so strongly, Goldilocks turned off the vibrator and rested for a bit with it still inside her. She removed it and placed it aside, looking spent and breathing hard.
Maricela was still sitting on the couch, rubbing the vibrator over her pussy without pushing it in. Lisa looked like she was getting impatient with her, and sat on the couch next to Maricela.
“Is everything okay?” she asked the little lady.
“It’s too big,” Maricela replied.
“No it’s not. You can easily stretch enough to take it, trust me. If we can take it, so can you,” she said.
“Come on down here, on the carpet,” instructed Goldilocks as she patted the floor next to her.
Maricela did as she was told and lay on the floor.
“Okay, it’s like this. The important part is to relax totally your muscles down here,” Goldilocks said, and traced her fingers along Maricela's inner thighs.
“Yeah,” Lisa said, “you have to let it happen.”
“Say, why don’t we help her out?” suggested Goldilocks.
“Okay, how?”
“Well, you and Rob distract her while I work on her pussy with this. Is that okay with you, Mari?” asked Goldilocks, holding Maricela's vibrator up. Maricela looked a little afraid.
“Don’t worry, we’re your friends,” said Lisa. “We won’t let you get hurt.”
“Okay,” said Maricela with the largest, wettest brown eyes I have ever seen.
“Well, I guess Lisa and I will take the top half, and you get the bottom. Right?” I said.
“Let’s do it!” Lisa exclaimed. “Next stop, Orgasm Junction!”
Lisa and I started by rubbing and massaging Maricela's breasts while Goldilocks ran her hands up Maricela's legs, brushing the inside of her thighs with her fingertips. Her nipples got even harder under mine and Lisa’s hands, and I was enjoying the way they felt as I brushed my palms over them.
We kept this up for a while, massaging nearly every part of Maricela's body, kneading her breasts and massaging her thighs. We all wanted to make sure that she was as relaxed as possible, so she could enjoy what was going to be done to her. Lisa finally moved down to Maricela's waist along with Goldilocks and fingered Maricela's clit while Goldilocks rubbed some lubricating jelly all over the length of her vibrator. When Goldilocks seemed ready Lisa moved back up to where I was.
We knew it was now or never for Maricela, so Lisa massaged her tits while Goldilocks rubbed Maricela's clit. I looked at the situation and decided that Maricela needed to be distracted more than anything, so I leaned over and started kissing her full on the lips, as deep as I could. Goldilocks had the vibrator at Maricela's lips and was rubbing it over them for a while, so she wouldn’t know when Goldilocks planned on pushing it in. I happened to break our kiss for a moment and look down at Goldilocks right when she took a good grip on the base of the vibrator and started to push. I saw just the tip enter Maricela's opening, and then Goldilocks stopped before pushing it back in a little further.
“Oh! Stop! It’s too big!” Maricela exclaimed.
“Don’t worry,” Lisa murmured soothingly. “This is going to feel so good.”
“Okay,” Maricela whispered.
Goldilocks started to push the vibrator back in until it was only an inch or so inside Maricela, and then she finally turned it on. Maricela jumped! “What’s happening? What is it doing to me?” she almost screamed.
“Just relax,” Lisa whispered as she pushed Maricela back down onto her back. Maricela seemed to relax further, and the vibrations from the plastic penis seemed to be relaxing her vagina. Goldilocks kept fucking Maricela with the vibrator until it was almost totally inside her, and Maricela was making mewing sounds interspersed with the occasional squeal of pleasure.
“Oh, God! It’s too big! Stop! Stop fucking me with that huge vibrator!” pleaded Maricela.
“It’s too late,” said Goldilocks, “it’s already all the way inside you. Look!”
Maricela looked then to see the entire vibrator except the base inside her pussy, wet from the lubricant and her juices. I didn’t appreciate just how tiny Maricela was until that moment. Her pussy lips were stretched from the girth of the vibrator buzzing away inside her vagina.
“Oh, God! What’s happening to me?” Maricela asked again. “It feels so good!”
“Do we need to stop?” I asked her.
“No! Oh, fuck no, Baby! Please, fuck me with that!” she replied.
Goldilocks wasn’t reluctant to do as Maricela bid her. In fact, she seemed to really be enjoying it as she pulled the vibrator almost all the way out of Maricela's vagina and slowly pushed it back in. Goldilocks spread Maricela’s outer lips wide, and she was fingering Maricela's clit as she fucked her with the vibrator, while Lisa kneaded Maricela's breasts. “Yes, baby! Like that!” she moaned.
This was one of the horniest sights I had ever seen. I couldn’t help myself, so I started jerking my cock again as I knelt next to Maricela's side.
Goldilocks must have been getting turned on from the whole thing as she started to rub her own clit with her free hand.
Lisa finally noticed what I was doing and took her hands from Maricela's breasts. Maricela took over for her.
“Here, let me try that,” Lisa said and placed her hand over my engorged member.
She looked my cock over completely, checking it out, top and bottom. It’s interesting to see a woman get her first up-close look at a cock. She ran her hand all over it, checking out the vein on the bottom, and how it pointed up.
“The tip—it isn’t round,” Lisa remarked.
“Round? It’s not the nipple on a baby bottle,” I said. “It’s the head of my cock!”
She looked up at me, smiled, and said: “That’s right, and it fits in my hand really well!”
I had to laugh at that. “Well, it does at that.”
I would have suggested that she do something else, but Maricela was getting close to her climax and interrupted us.
“Oh, God! Baby! Just like that! Baby, don’t stop! I’m...I’m cumming!” screamed out the little Latina. She was fucking her hips up to meet Goldilocks’ thrusts of the vibrator now, and was really getting off on the back and forth movement of the plastic vibrator filling her up.
Goldilocks seemed to be bringing herself off as well.
Goldilocks let out a loud moan and pushed the vibrator into the other girl for one last thrust. That was enough to bring Maricela over the top and she pushed her bottom off the floor, clamped her legs together around Goldilock’s hand, and squealed loudly as she came strongly. Both women came for quite a while until Goldilocks turned off Maricela’s vibrator and sat down, breathing hard.
“Wow, that looked great,” said Lisa.
“Yeah, but that takes a lot of work!” said Goldilocks. “It was, like, totally worth it. Right Mari?”
Maricela looked stunned by the climax she had just experienced, but she managed to say “Yeah,” quietly before pulling the vibrator out of her pussy.
“Now, where was I?” asked Lisa. “Oh yeah, I was looking at this hard cock in my hand. Now, how do I jack you off? Like this?” she asked and started pulling the skin of the shaft over the head of my cock.
“Well, yeah. That’ll do, but don’t pinch the vein so hard. That kind of hurts,” I said.
Lisa got the message right away and started varying her rhythm as she tugged at my penis. She was starting to get off on it obviously, since she was starting to play with her pussy with her free hand.
Goldilocks and Maricela had recovered from their orgasms and came over to us to see how Lisa was making out. Maricela seemed to be interested in what was going on, and emboldened by the furious fucking she received from Goldilocks and the vibrator, got behind Lisa, and moved Lisa’s hand away from her pussy, replacing it with her own.
Lisa slowed down the rhythm she was using on my cock and closed her eyes as Maricela worked on her clit.
“Here, let me try for a few minutes,” Goldilocks said as she removed Lisa’s hand from my shaft.
Lisa and Maricela stayed where they were as Goldilocks and I moved a few feet away. I instructed Goldilocks as to how I liked to have my cock stroked. She seemed to seriously like giving pleasure to other people, and was really getting into jacking me. She started making faces at me as she continued to stroke my cock, rubbing her breasts and pussy as she made kissing motions with her lips. She started rubbing the tip of my cock with her nipples, turning herself on as much as me as she continued jerking me off.
Lisa must have been really close to orgasm when Maricela started playing with her because I know Goldilocks couldn’t have been working on me very long when I heard Lisa squeal out that she was cumming. However, I may have lost track of time. Goldilocks was a natural cock-stroker and was very, very good at it. Now I knew what Maricela had felt earlier.
Lisa finally moved over to the couch to watch the rest of us. Maricela knelt next to Goldilocks, and they started taking turns masturbating me. First, one would work on me, and then the other would. Goldilocks showed Maricela how she had been rubbing my cock across her breasts a few minutes earlier, and she quickly added it to what she was doing.
This went on for a long time. Maricela started emulating Goldilocks after a while, making the same kinds of faces while playing with herself. Finally, Maricela stood up, tilted my face to hers, and started kissing me deeply. I really couldn’t hold out much longer and broke the kiss to say that I was cumming.
All three girls seemed excited and returned to my cock just in time for me to gush on all three of them. Goldilocks aimed the streams of sticky goo toward all of their breasts, and made a great show of licking up the cum from her fingers.
I watched them wiping my cum off of their breasts and licking it down. That’s when I remembered the cheesecake, I had made earlier. I ran into the kitchen and took four plates out of the refrigerator.
“What could you possibly be doing in there now?” asked Goldilocks.
I brought the plates out to them, and handed one to each girl.
“Oh, fuck! Sex and cheesecake? What more could I possibly ask for?” Lisa remarked.
“Freshly made this afternoon,” I said proudly.
Goldilocks found some of my cum still on Maricela’s breasts and wiped it onto a bite of the cheesecake.
“Wow,” she remarked as she chewed it. “The saltiness adds to it!”
“Really?” Lisa asked. She looked at me, took my cock in her hand and put it over her slice of cheesecake, and milked a few remaining drips onto her slice. “That it?”
“Sorry,” I said.
She tried it, seemed to like it, and stood up with a bite, offering it to me. “You should try it!” she remarked.
“I’m good,” I said. “Maybe some other time.”
“Oh, fuck! It’s almost eight o’clock!” Goldilocks said. “And I’m covered in drying cum!”
“And we smell like sex!” added Lisa.
“You can all shower upstairs. I put out towels for all of you,” I said.
Goldilocks kissed me on the lips, and said: “Always thinking of us! Thanks!”
Lisa gave me a quick peck before following Goldilocks upstairs, and Maricela grabbed my head and pulled me down for a long, deep tongue kiss before slowly strutting up the stairs, humming to herself, and with a mysterious smile. I couldn’t help but watch her as she climbed the stairs.
I was genuinely surprised that I could get hard again so soon.
I listened to the girls showering upstairs while I started clearing up the mess downstairs. This was not terribly easy considering how tired I was from the day’s activities. However, I could wait and let the ladies have a bit of fun upstairs. I could hear an occasional squeal from the bathroom over the sounds of the shower.
The ladies only took about ten minutes in the shower. I was impressed. I was used to women who would take at least four times that long just for makeup, but I realized as they came downstairs that they apparently didn’t wear much, if any. All of their beauty was theirs alone and not due to some corporate chemist.
Once they had toweled off, and figured out whose clothes belonged to whom, they got dressed.
“Can you hold onto these for me?” Goldilocks said, handing me her vibrator and tube of lube.
“Me too,” Maricela said, holding hers out.
I looked at Lisa as she handed hers to me, and said: “What, even you’re going to leave it here?”
“Well, yeah. I’d just die if my dad found these in my room. Besides, it gives me another reason to come back next week!” she replied with a mischievous smile.
“When do we want to get together for next time?” I asked.
“Tomorrow night?” Lisa asked.
“I'm working five-to-two,” I replied.
“A.M.?” Maricela asked.
“Yeah. Security.”
“I work and have classes days,” Lisa said.
“I've got day classes until Saturday,” Goldilocks added.
“I watch my niece and nephew weekdays,” said Maricela.
“So, next Saturday? That work for everyone? About sixish?” I suggested.
They all smiled widely and agreed. I couldn’t help it and smiled generously too. They looked so beautiful.
I saw them to the door, and all three of them kissed me before leaving. None of them held anything back, and they seemed to be making a game out of who could kiss me the longest and most passionately.
I really appreciated that.
After they left, I looked at the stack of dishes and the small stains on the carpet, and decided to leave it until the next day.
I was just too tired. Satisfied, but tired.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 11-30-2015, 02:36 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 10: Eating Sexy

I spent most of the week in recovery and planning for our final two classes, to the point that Chris, the shift manager, asked me several times if everything was okay.
The last time I finally asked: “Yes, I’m fine. Do I look bad?”
“No, just checking to see if grinning like an idiot was normal for you.”
“Screw you, old man,” I told him affectionately.
“I’ve got a wife to take care of that, but thanks for the offer,” he replied.
I got back to work, but kept planning in my head. I hardly believed that I had been so lucky that weekend.
I only saw Goldilocks once that week, on Wednesday. I was in my garden, weeding, when she ran over.
“I just got home,” she explained.
“Good! Do you need more tutoring?” I asked.
“I wish! No, I’m going to be busy this week. I have finals just about a week away, and I need to study.”
“That’s fine,” I said. “Hey, how are Maricela and Lisa, are they okay after yesterday?”
“Oh, definitely! We were talking about you last night.”
“Yeah, but kind of in code, so nobody else knew what we were talking about.”
I laughed at that. “So are you all going to be here on Saturday?”
“Definitely! Nothing could keep us away!”
I was relieved.
“Oh, I have to go. Mom’s going to be home soon!” she said as she ran off.
I still couldn’t believe it. All three would be coming back again? It was almost too good to be true!
Nevertheless, on Saturday, all three of them arrived at six sharp. Goldilocks was wearing baggy jeans, a short, clingy, white halter-top that clearly defined her nipples, and had her hair up in a ponytail. Lisa wore her hair loose, and was wearing white pants and a loose blue blouse that didn’t hide her large breasts from anyone. Maricela had her hair framing her pretty face in loose curls, accentuating her brown eyes, and was wearing a short pink skirt that ended just above her knees with a matching blouse. Quite frankly, they were all definitions of loveliness.
I showed them into my condo. Tonight I prepared grilled tilapia fillets, stir-fried vegetables, including bell peppers and broccoli, long grain and wild rice, and a raspberry tart for dessert. Several fresh bouquets of fragrant flowers were strategically placed around the room adding to the atmosphere.
Lisa took one look at the spread on the table and said: “Ya know Rob, you’ll never get rid of us if you keep feeding us like this.”
“Oh my. What will I ever do with three attractive women always in my house?” I said, feigning horror.
“Well, you could, like, train us how to have sex with you, you know,” suggested Goldilocks.
“Considering how you feed us, you should say ‘three fat women,’” said Maricela.
“Mari, I haven’t eaten like this in my entire life. If you say anything that could jeopardize my gourmet food supply bad things will happen,” threatened Lisa.
“It wasn’t a complaint. I was just trying to say that Rob is a very good cook,” Maricela explained.
“Ladies, let’s not fight over this food. Let’s just enjoy it and get on to other matters! I do believe that we are here for something other than the food, am I right?”
“Maybe,” Lisa said. “Possibs. Oh wait! I get it now! The food, the flowers, the sex! This isn’t a class instructing us in how to be a good lay; this is a class in how to throw a Roman Orgy!” exclaimed Lisa in a sudden realization.
“You know, I really hadn’t thought of it that way, but you may have something there,” I said. “Oh, great. Now I’m curious, and I’ll have to look up Roman Orgies.”
“Well, I do know of one way to shut me up,” Lisa said as she sat down at the table.
“I can think of two, but let’s not argue,” said Goldilocks as she took her seat.
“I agree,” said Maricela. “Let’s eat!”
“How was school this week?” I asked Goldilocks.
“Finals next week,” Amber said around a mouthful of the rice. After swallowing, she added: “It’s all review.”
“Am I keeping you from your studying?” I asked, concerned. I was wondering if I needed to shorten our get together and put off the next one until after finals.
“I’ve been studying extra this week, just to cover. And we have a couple of days next week to study, too,” she said.
“Any idea what your grades will be?” I asked her.
“Well, swimming is pretty much a done-deal. English is probably going to be an A, thanks to you. Statistics is probably going to be an A or a B.”
“And how about your class? And how was work?” I asked Lisa.
“Oh, Calculus will be an A. As for work, it’s retail. You re-rack clothes. You restock. You deal with customers who think they're God's gift to shopkeepers,” she replied.
“Okay. So how was taking care of your niece and nephew this week?” I asked Maricela.
“They're fine,” she said, but there was a noticeable cloud crossing her face.
“Hey, guys…” Goldilocks said, breaking up the conversation before Maricela could elaborate.
I saw she was making motions with her tongue toward the vegetables before putting them into her mouth and moaning loudly and theatrically around them.
“Eating sexy now?” Lisa asked.
When she stopped chewing, Goldilocks replied: “I figured it was time to start taking things up a notch!”
Clouds gone, Maricela took a bite and did more or less the same, adding in a flirty kiss at me.
Very quickly all three girls were obviously trying to outdo each other, and for the rest of dinner, I found it impossible to keep up my part of the conversation from the distraction.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 12-03-2015, 10:54 AM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 11: Lathering Up

After we were finished, I started to clean up the dishes, but Lisa took them out of my hands.
“I didn’t really like leaving them for you last time,” said Lisa. “It was a huge mess for you, and you showed us so much last Sunday.”
“Wow, I really wasn’t expecting this. I considered doing the dishes just part of the service,” I explained.
“Well, we’ll take care of them this time,” said Goldilocks.
Lisa cleaned them off, and handed them to Goldilocks, who washed them, giving them to Maricela who dried them.
“It won’t take long,” Maricela said, “then Charades!”
“Not this time. I decided that we should all take a shower before proceeding. Any problem with that?” I asked.
“Not at all,” said Lisa.
“We’ll have to go two at a time. The shower really isn’t big enough for more than that,” I explained.
“We know,” laughed Goldilocks as she finished the last fork.
We all went upstairs, took our clothes off in the hallway outside the bathroom and went inside. I made sure I was the last one in so I could admire their wonderful figures as they walked in without seeming to leer at them. I’d set out towels for everyone. Maricela started the water and nodded when she thought it was ready.
“Why don’t we cycle through?” I suggested. “Lisa and Goldilocks first.”
“Just like last week,” Lisa said.
I heard both Lisa, and Goldilocks scream as they entered the shower.
Goldilocks pulled back the curtain and looked at Maricela. “Couldn’t you set the water at a good temperature?”
“I can tell that it’s cold in there,” I said.
Goldilocks looked at me quizzically for a moment, and I pointed at her very erect nipples. She briefly tried to hide them before realizing that there was no point, and threw up her hands and opened the curtain wide.
“Get a good look!” she said, and pinched her breasts at me.
“Hey, isn’t that supposed to be my line?” asked Lisa as she splashed Goldilocks.
“Who says that you’re the only one who can cop an attitude?” said Goldilocks, and she pinched Lisa’s rear.
That started a water fight between them, just as I intended. Water fights have a wonderful way of breaking up the tension.
“Could you get my back?” asked Lisa after the two of them had drenched my bathroom.
“Sure, no problem,” Goldilocks said, and started soaping her up. After getting a good lather built up, Goldilocks reached around and grabbed Lisa’s tits and gave them a squeeze.
Lisa turned around and said: “So does that mean you’re done back there?”
“Well, I’m finished with your back, but you need a bit more up front,” Goldilocks said.
“I don’t need any more up front. That's for sure,” Lisa said, and cupped her large breasts.
“Ya know, I wish I had a bit more up top like you do,” Goldilocks wished out loud as she started soaping up Lisa’s tits good. I could tell from where I was standing that Lisa was enjoying it. Goldilocks was starting to massage Lisa’s tits really strongly. Lisa finally turned around and rinsed off.
“Okay,” I said. “It’s time for the next person!”
Goldilocks swatted Lisa on the rump and said: “Hear that? My turn.”
“I heard him. Someone hand me a towel,” said Lisa.
I handed her one as Goldilocks moved up, and I got in behind her.
“Oh, you’re next, huh?” asked Goldilocks. “Like what you see so far?”
“Actually, I really do. I’ve got three beautiful women to admire. Of course, I enjoy looking at you,” I said.
“I can tell,” Goldilocks said as she took my engorged member in her hand and gave it a couple of pulls while her eyes danced, and then started soaping herself up in front of me. After she lathered her breasts and her crotch, I took the soap from her and turned her around so I could soap up her back. I can’t think of anything more erotic than running your hands over the soft skin of an attractive woman. Dang if I didn’t enjoy it right then.
“Thanks, that feels great,” Goldilocks said. I had forgotten what I was doing and had started massaging the muscles in her back.
“Oh, glad you like it,” I said, and turned her around again. This time I started soaping her firm little tits. I could feel just how hard her nipples were pressing against the palms of my hands as I ran them over her bust.
“I’m already clean there,” she whispered.
“I just want to make absolutely sure,” I teased, and started massaging her tits like she had done to Lisa. I could feel her nipples stiffen even further as I paid special attention to them. I started working down toward her crotch, and I made sure that her vulva was very clean (sure I did.)
“Time to rinse off,” I said.
“Spoil sport. I was really beginning to like that!”
Goldilocks rinsed off and got out. Maricela now came in after me as I got into the spray of the water. It was a bit colder than I had expected. I guess the water warmed up on Goldilocks’ hot, lithe body. I decided to get the shower part over with as fast as possible, and soaped myself quickly; however, Maricela had other ideas and took the soap from me. She quietly started soaping my back, massaging my back muscles quite well. Any tension that I may have felt melted away under her hands.
“Okay, turn around,” she said, and I rinsed off my back.
Maricela decided that I must not have been clean enough, and she took the soap and started lathering my cock for me. She gave it several strokes while looking directly into my eyes with her large, brown eyes. I almost forgot about the other two ladies as she did that, but they were not interested in being ignored.
“Okay, guys,” said Lisa. “Stop that and let’s get moving.”
I quickly rinsed off and got out.
Maricela got under the water, and immediately turned up the heat until it steamed the mirror.
“Hey, what’s this?” asked Lisa.
“You don’t expect me to shower in cold water, do you?” said Maricela with a devilish grin.
Lisa snapped her with her towel at that comment.
Goldilocks got in behind her.
“Hello?” Maricela chirped.
“I gotta warm up after that cold shower you gave us,” she said as she lathered the little lady’s front really well. Goldilocks seemed to enjoy massaging Maricela's tits as much as Maricela did.
I’d just been watching the two girls when I felt a hand on my cock.
“Enjoying the show?” Lisa asked me as she gave me a couple of pumps.
“We are,” Maricela said as she watched us.
They turned off the water, and I handed them their towels in embarrassment.
After toweling off, we went downstairs for our next lesson. I quickly slotted another disk into the DVD player. This one I had spent the last week editing together from videos I found on the Internet.
“Okay,” I started. “Just to let you know, tonight we are going to be practicing oral sex. When done right, it is just as much fun for all the people involved, not only the person receiving the oral sex.”
“Oh, really?” asked Lisa sarcastically.
“You’ll understand later, I’m sure. You won’t just have to take my word for it,” I said to them with a wink.
“Gotcha,” said Goldilocks.
“To start off, each person has their own style of giving oral sex. No two people are alike. We’re going to cover both fellatio and cunnilingus tonight.”
“Wait,” said Maricela. “What’s that second one?”
“Cunnilingus? That’s when you perform oral sex on a woman. Licking her pussy, basically,” I explained.
“We’re going to be learning that?” Goldilocks seemed surprised.
“Yes, unless there are any objections?” I asked.
“Oh. I just didn’t realize that we would be doing that,” she said.
“Well, if it’s a problem, we don’t have to,” I explained gently.
“No, it’s not. I just hadn’t thought about it,” Goldilocks stated.
“What’s wrong? Don’t think we showered enough?” teased Lisa.
“Oh? You knew about this?” asked Goldilocks of Lisa and Maricela.
“No, but it’s okay with us, right Mari?” said Lisa.
“I have no problem with it. I’m open minded,” purred Maricela.
“Is everyone okay with this?” I asked. I wanted to make sure nobody had any regrets later. All the girls nodded their affirmation.
Goldilocks asked: “What does a woman, ya know, taste like?”
“It’s difficult to describe. Each woman is different; certainly not unpleasant. You’ll know soon enough,” I explained. “If there aren’t any more questions, we can just move along to the visual aids for this evening.”
The first scene showed a mixed couple. An Asian woman pulled out her man’s cock, and immediately started sucking on it like she was a vacuum cleaner while she played with her pussy. This isn’t one of my favorite scenes in the movie—I am not that interested in seeing other men getting blow jobs. This went on for a while before they moved to get into missionary position, and they fucked passionately.
The next scene showed a man with two women, a dark-haired woman who is older than him, the other a blond who is about his age. I cut into this scene just as the older woman was working the man’s pants down. When the raven-haired woman freed his cock from his trousers, she immediately took it into her mouth and started moaning over it, sucking it deeply into her mouth and making quite a meal out of it. After just a few minutes she started taking turns with the younger, blond woman, both sucking it for a couple of mouthfuls before he finally blew his wad on both of their tits.
I was spending most of my time watching the ladies sitting on my couch. By this time, all three of them were caressing their tits, and had spread their legs a little. I noticed Maricela's nipples were especially hard by now, and she was enjoying tweaking them, twisting and pulling them without mercy. Lisa saw what Maricela was doing out of the corner of her eye, and pointed it out to Goldilocks. When Maricela saw them looking, she stopped what she was doing and just blushed until she was beet red.
The next scene I cut out of a lesbian movie. It started with a red-haired woman lying on her back while a blond really took her time in eating her out. After a few minutes, the blond started looking like she wanted to get some attention herself, and they worked themselves into a sixty-nine position. After the two women in the video worked on each other for a while, they both ended up having noisy orgasms, and I stopped the show.
“Well, that pretty much sums up the lesson tonight,” I said. “Now we just have to go on to the lab part. Before we get down to lap licking, let's do some warm-ups. Is everyone all warmed up after that film?”
“I guess you could say that,” was Lisa’s comment; Goldilocks and Maricela agreed.
“Well, let’s start out by masturbating. Show me what you remember from last week, ladies!” I instructed.
Goldilocks spread her legs right on the couch and started playing with her pussy immediately.
“Easiest thing in the world, just you watch!” boasted Lisa as she reached for her vibrator.
Goldilocks had two fingers in her pussy by now, and was rubbing her clit with her thumb. It was obvious that the movie and the bit of foreplay they had done while watching it had gotten these women really turned on. Maricela was watching what Goldilocks was doing, and reached over for Goldie’s vibrator. She then put her hand over Goldilocks’ and stopped her.
“My turn to repay you for last weekend!” said Maricela.
“Cool!” said Goldilocks in a husky voice.
By this time, Lisa was spread-eagle on the floor, and had crammed her vibrator completely up her pussy until only the very end was still visible. She had it turned on, and was massaging a breast with one hand, and rubbing her clit with the other.
I saw that Maricela was kneeling on the floor, nestled between Goldilocks’ legs, and was bringing the vibrator to Goldie’s pussy lips. She turned it on, and slowly rubbed it over her lips and across her clit before, little by little, plunging it into Goldilocks’ pussy and pumping it in and out. Maricela used one hand on Goldilocks’ vibrator, and used her other to play with her own pussy, rubbing it furiously as she pumped Goldilocks full.
Finally, Goldilocks motioned Maricela to sit next to her on the couch, and substituted Maricela's hand on her pussy with her own. Goldilocks got a finger inside Maricela, and was getting a bit frantic about fingering the small girl. It was obvious that they were both getting close to their orgasms.
I saw that Lisa started pulling her vibrator out of her pussy, and ran the tip over her clit. After playing with herself like that for a few seconds, she aimed the plastic penis right at her opening and jammed it back in using only one thrust. She continued to pull the vibrator almost completely out of her drenched pussy before plunging it back in, all the while she was licking her lips and moaning noisily and theatrically, I thought. It only took about a dozen thrusts like this before she came in a violent orgasm, screaming at the top of her voice. After she came down, she kept kneading her own breasts like bread dough as she watched Goldilocks and Maricela, and her vibrator was still buzzing away in her pussy. Eventually, Goldilocks came loudly as Maricela pumped her as quickly as she could. This seemed to trigger the smaller lady to orgasm as well, and the two of them came together.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 12-03-2015, 11:00 AM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 12: Slurping Time

I let the three of them relax for a few minutes, and just before I figured they would start doing something else on their own, I went over to Lisa.
“Would you like to be the one I demonstrate oral sex on first tonight?” I asked her.
“What do I have to do?” she asked.
“Well, you’ll have to get up from there, and go sit on the couch while we eat out your pussy and bring you to orgasm,” I explained.
“That’s not a problem at all in any way, shape, or form. Nope, I don’t have a problem with that. If you want to use me as an example, please go right ahead. Don’t feel shy, I don’t mind,” stated Lisa for the record.
“Okay, Lisa has volunteered to be the first one tonight to receive oral sex. If you two will join me over here while she gets comfortable,” I said. “Okay Lisa, just sit down there and move your hips forward, closer to the edge of the couch,” I instructed. “Yeah, like that. Now later, you’ll need to spread your legs wide. We need space for several down there.”
I sat next her and motioned the other two to come closer.
“Okay, often it helps to get your partner turned on at first by kissing them deeply, like this,” I explained, and started to kiss Lisa fully on the mouth. She was very good with her tongue, I must say.
“Little nibble kisses on the neck are also an excellent way to get your partner going,” I explained as I worked on her neck and massaged her breasts.
“Now, women often like having their breasts sucked on as well,” I added.
“That's not news,” Lisa said as I shut her up by taking one of her globes in my mouth. “Ohh, yes we do!”
She was quite a mouthful, and there was no way I was going to be able to take all or her breast in my mouth, no matter how I tried. But it would be fun to try! Her nipple was very pointed under my tongue, and it was obvious that she was enjoying what I was doing by the way she was moaning.
I looked at the other two ladies, and said: “You know, she has two breasts. Feel free to join me if you like.”
“Please!” Lisa said.
Goldilocks needed no further encouragement and sat on the other side of Lisa on the couch and took her other breast in her mouth and started sucking on it with relish. Soon we got into a rhythm of sucking and kneading Lisa’s breasts.
“Is it time for us to go, like, lower now?” asked Goldilocks.
Instead of answering, I started licking down her stomach, and Goldilocks joined me until we were kneeling on the floor. “Okay, now’s the time you want to spread your legs widely,” I said to Lisa.
Lisa obeyed happily, and spread her legs as far as she could, placing her feet on the edge of the couch. I motioned Maricela to come closer so she could join us for this part of the lesson.
I spread Lisa’s lips apart a bit, and said: “Now here you can see her clitoris pointing out of its hood. This is one of the parts you are definitely going to want to lick really well. It also feels good to suck on her lips, and stick your tongue in-between her lips and into her vagina. I’m sure she’ll really appreciate that. In addition, don’t forget to pay attention to her thighs. Let me show you.”
I started by licking my way up Lisa’s thighs and tickling her outer labia with my tongue as she dodged and giggled. She moaned as soon as I started sucking on her lips, and she yipped as I finally spread her lips apart with my fingers and tongue and started tonguing her clit in earnest. Lisa was really enjoying this, and she moaned loudly as I licked her most intimate areas. I stopped after just a few minutes, and noticed that both Goldilocks and Maricela were working on Lisa’s tits. Lisa must have been in total heaven at this point.
“Goldie, do you want to change places with me for a while?” I asked.
“Um, sure. I guess,” she said, sounding a bit uncertain.
She got down between Lisa’s legs with me, and I showed her how to lick up Lisa’s thighs as Maricela watched. Goldilocks seemed to hesitate when it came to actually licking Lisa on her pussy, so I pushed her head a little forward until she was nestled right against it. She took a few hesitant licks at that point, and seemed to like what she tasted since she really started to get into it quickly.
I heard Lisa moaning louder than ever, and I asked her: “Do you approve of the way Goldilocks is licking your pussy?”
“Oh, yeah. She really can lick my pussy well! That feels so good. Amber, your tongue feels great on my clit! Mari, could you keep sucking my tits?”
Maricela obliged her happily, returning to the breast she was working on before. I watched Goldilocks for a few more seconds, and got back on the couch and started sucking on Lisa’s free breast. It didn’t take much of this before Lisa came in a loud climax on Goldilocks’ face.
Goldilocks came up with Lisa’s juices still coating her face and kissed Lisa firmly on the lips.
“Okay, it’s my turn,” Goldilocks said.
“That’s fine with me. Take a seat,” I said, and motioned for Maricela to join me on the floor as Goldilocks pushed Lisa over on the couch.
I quickly went over everything with Maricela, as Lisa sucked on and kneaded Goldilocks’ small breasts.
I started to point out where Goldilocks clit was, when Maricela stopped me. “I know where everything is,” she explained to me, and then started to lick her inner thighs. Goldilocks giggled at that as she teased her. She finally reached the junction between her legs and really started to go down on Goldilocks with gusto. She was licking Goldilocks for all she was worth, moaning with her and making a show of licking her out, across her clit, and deep into her vagina. Goldilocks’ orgasm was coming along quite well, I thought to myself as Lisa joined me on the floor. Finally, Goldilocks heaved her hips up into Maricela's face and screamed out loud that she was cumming, and fell over, collapsing on the couch, breathing hard.
“Wow. That was good,” Goldilocks said, wiping a little sweat from her brow.
Maricela kissed her way up Goldilocks’ belly, licked her nipples a couple of times, and then lay down on Goldilocks and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself as Maricela grabbed Goldilocks’ ass and ground her hips against her a few times.
Goldilocks looked pleasantly surprised after they broke apart a couple of minutes later. Maricela stood up and announced that it was her turn, and Goldilocks moved aside to make room for her on the couch as Lisa sat on the floor.
I have no idea why Maricela acted that way, but as soon as she sat down she grabbed Goldilocks behind the head and pulled her mouth to her breast. Goldilocks got the message immediately and started sucking like a vacuum cleaner.
This took me a little off guard, and as Lisa got between Maricela's legs, I sat back and watched as the three ladies went to it.
Lisa didn’t need any instruction really. Having just had her own pussy licked clean, she knew exactly what felt good and how to do it. Maricela was really making a meal out of it, and kept grinding her crotch onto Lisa’s mouth, while loudly moaning: “Yeah, baby! Just like that!” It was obvious that Maricela was a lustful little lady.
Watching the three of them really made quite a show. Lisa sure didn’t look like a first-time pussy-eater, not the way she was licking Maricela with gusto. And Maricela was obviously really enjoying the way Lisa was working on her tight little pussy. Her breasts were covered with sweat, and heaved each time she took a breath to moan out her pleasure. Goldilocks’ light blond hair contrasted beautifully with Maricela's dark complexion as it cascaded over Maricela's chest.
Maricela grabbed Goldilocks and kissed her hungrily for several minutes before she pulled back, stiffened up, and with a heave came loudly on Lisa’s greedy mouth.
Lisa kissed her way up Maricela's body, and kissed her hotly, letting her taste her own juices. When she finally came up for air, she looked over at me and said, “Your turn."

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:56 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 13: It's Better To...Receive?

This was going to be tough. I almost came while watching those horny ladies going at it. I was as hot as a bottle rocket, and I might pop off just as easily if I wasn’t careful.
I thought it over for a minute, and then said, “Sure, but first let me get something for us to drink.” I went to the kitchen, and got out a cold-water jug. Then I stood in front of the open refrigerator door for a little, letting the cool air calm me down while I poured the cold water before returning to those three horny little ladies.
It helped.
By the time I returned with the water, Maricela had largely recovered from her overpowering orgasm of a few minutes before, and all three of the ladies were kneeling on the floor beside the couch. We all took a few minutes to drink before Lisa motioned for me to sit down.
“Okay, I like it if you pretend that my cock is like a Popsicle,” I said. “Lick around the head, and suck down the length...”
“Look, we’ll take it from here,” Lisa said. “It’s not like we haven’t been down between someone’s legs before.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t make you, like, an expert cock-sucker just because you’re a good lap-licker,” said Goldilocks.
“Why don’t you try it out, and I’ll give you pointers as you go along? How’s that sound,” I suggested?
“That sound’s reasonable,” Maricela responded with a mysterious smile.
“Good, that’s the way I like to learn, by doing,” said Lisa.
Lisa got between my legs first, and made a grand show of licking up my legs starting at the ankles, before getting to my cock. Quite frankly, this doesn’t do much for me, but I let her do it anyway. I’m sure there are other men out there who would have hurt me for teaching her not to do that.
When she got to my cock, she took it in her hand and gave it a couple of small pumps and just stared at it hungrily for a bit. She took a couple of licks on the head, and then started to suck the head into her mouth.
“How is it?” asked Maricela.
Lisa came up for some air and said, “Good, but different. He doesn’t taste like you do.”
She started licking around the tip of my cock again, missing the ridge.
“You know,” I said, “It really feels best when you lick the ridge around the head. That’s the part that gets me to respond the most.”
“Really? Good,” said Lisa. “I’ll try that next. I was trying to figure out what that man juice was that was coming out of the tip, and what it tasted like.”
“Oh, my pre-cum,” I told them. “It’s kind of a guy’s way of lubricating. It comes out only when a guy’s really turned on.”
“There’s a lot of it, so I guess we got to you, didn’t we?” Lisa said with a wicked grin.
“I guess you could say that,” I responded.
Lisa got back to licking the head of my cock, and it was really beginning to feel good when Goldilocks said, “Can I cut in here guys?”
“Okay,” said Lisa. “Your turn.”
Lisa and Goldilocks traded places, and Goldilocks didn’t waste any time in getting to it. She took my cock into her generous mouth and started sucking as much of it down as she could, licking it as she went. I was surprised at how much of it she could take.
She came back up for a while and licked the head like a quickly melting ice cream cone, and started blowing little gusts of air over the tip before sinking down on the length again.
After a few minutes of this, Maricela was getting impatient and said, “Can I try it now?”
Goldilocks looked at me devilishly, and gave my cock a couple of more licks before trading places with Maricela.
“Okay, here’s, like, the keys to the ignition,” she said as she handed Maricela my cock.
Maricela took my cock in her small hand, looked it over for a few seconds and let out a low moan. Then she started slowly licking and swallowing my member. It was almost painful how slow she was going. She was really taking her time, leisurely working her tongue over the shaft, and licking her way back up to the head of my cock. Once there she slowly ran the entire length of her tongue over the head of my cock in slow laps, pausing on the ridge, and keeping me from cumming in her mouth too soon. This was torture. She was obviously enjoying the effect she was having on me, and she started playing with her pussy, moaning, and staring directly into my eyes as she went down on me.
Goldilocks looked like she wanted in on the action, so she positioned herself on her back under Maricela, and she squealed when Goldilocks started to lick her out. Lisa saw what was going on, and placed her head between Goldilocks’ long legs to slurp up her pussy juices.
It was great being the end of a daisy chain. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life, and dang if it wasn’t the most erotic thing I’ve been involved in.
Finally, Maricela took her mouth from my member and announced that I was getting close to orgasm.
Lisa looked up at me and said, “Well, stand up.”
“Why?” I asked.
“So you can cum all over all three of us,” she responded as she got out from between Goldilocks’ thighs and knelt in front of me. Goldilocks felt her stop sucking on her clit and followed her.
“Have you three been planning this all week?” I asked.
All of them smiled, and Goldilocks said, “Oh yes. It’s, like, all we’ve been talking about to each other. What we were going to do when you came this weekend. We really liked seeing you spurt last weekend, and now we want to lick it off our tits.”
How was I supposed to turn them down? I stood up in front of all three of them, and Maricela took my cock back into her mouth, working on it more frantically, trying to make me cum.
I felt the juice well up from my balls. Maricela sensed it and aimed the spray at all of their tits in turn as I came. Watching my creamy cum covering their tits really made me cum harder! The way the white juice showed so clearly on Maricela's dark skin, and the way it blended into Goldilocks’ creamy-white skin, and the way the big drops fell off Lisa’s large, hard nipples, was way too much! I almost blacked out from the sight!
When I finally stopped spasming I had to sit down quickly. I recovered while Goldilocks licked my cream off of Lisa’s tits, and Maricela did the same for Goldilocks. Both Goldilocks and Lisa licked Maricela's firm breasts clean.
After that, all three of the ladies sat on the couch next to me and cuddled up with me, kissing me fondly for quite a while.
“Thanks, Rob,” said Lisa. “You’re really a good teacher.”
“Yeah,” said Goldilocks. “This is great.”
“Maricela turned my head to face her and said, “Thanks. You’re seriously showing us a good time,” before kissing me hard.
After cumming like that I was honestly tired. I just sat on the couch while the ladies took another shower and got dressed. I managed to show them to the door, arrange for them to be back by three the next day, and kiss them all goodnight as deeply as I could as they finally left.
After they had gone, I went upstairs to collapse on the bed into one of the best slumbers I have ever had.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:58 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 14: Finals Night

I got up later than I had expected. This was to be our Finals class, and I had to arrange everything. Considering what I had planned, I really didn’t have time to waste, so I immediately got to work setting things up.
I had already set up the living room and dining room by the time the ladies started to arrive. As usual, Goldilocks arrived first, around two-thirty in the afternoon. I’ve pretty much figured out that Goldilocks is one of those rare women who are always early instead of perpetually late. This time she was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and a white, midriff baring halter-top. Her blond hair was hanging loose around her shoulders, framing her face very nicely.
I showed her in, and after she hugged and kissed me, she was surprised to see all the preparations that I had made for today.
“I thought I would get here, like, early to help you set up,” she said as she looked around. “It looks like you have it all done already.”
“Yeah, I had to put in some work this morning,” I said. “I could use some help in setting out the hot dishes though. I think it was worth it, don’t you?”
I took Lisa’s comment about Roman Orgies to heart. I decked the living room out in roses, five-dozen in fact, set up in vases all around the room. I had a selection of colors, but I made sure they were all strongly scented, so they would act like natural incense.
“Yeah, and I like what you did with the tables,” she said as she set the ribs out on the dining nook table.
I had moved the table out of the dining nook and used it as an elongation of the kitchen counter. Our plates were set on the coffee table, moved to the dining nook for the evening, and I had set up cushions around it to sit on. The counter and table were covered in food. We were eating Japanese style tonight. I had ribs with barbecue, soy, and honey sauces, steamed asparagus spears with mayonnaise and butter, coleslaw, white rice, and strawberries with whipped cream, chocolate, caramel, and butterscotch sauces for dessert. Of course, I had a centerpiece of roses on both tables.
“Thanks, the spread was nothing,” I said. “It was easy to do all of that cooking. It’s a family trait. Us men cook well, and a lot. Do you want something to drink while we wait for the other two?”
“Sure,” she replied, and I handed her a glass of soda.
“What do you think of our class,” I asked her.
“It’s been great. I’m really enjoying it a lot. I think this is better than learning everything in the back of a car!”
“Were you okay with yesterday? I thought you were kind of getting uncomfortable.”
“Well, I didn’t think I would like oral sex all that much, but it was really fun. I didn’t realize how much fun it would be to lick out a woman before. I really got into that! I feel so powerful when I can, like, make someone cum like that!”
“I’m glad you liked it,” I said.
“I want to try to make you spurt in my mouth tonight, if that’s, like, okay with you and doesn’t get in the way of what you’ve got planned.”
“Do you expect me to say no to that?” I asked. “Even if I didn’t have it planned for tonight, I’d make time for it.”
"What do you have set up for us anyway?”
“I’m not telling. I’m waiting until the other two get here,” I explained.
“Is it an oral test?” she asked playfully.
“That’s about a third of the ‘test,’” I replied.
“So, would you tell me if I, like, showed you these?” she asked and pulled her top off to expose her pert breasts and ran her hands over them. I really like how her pink nipples stand out all the time, like they’re just begging to be sucked.
“No, that won’t get the information out of me, but it will get you a hello kiss or two,” I said. I took her in my arms and kissed her briefly but deeply, and then leaned down to give each of her nipples hello kisses, licks, and sucks. She dropped her cut-offs to her ankles and put my hand on her crotch, and I slipped my finger between her damp pussy lips to rub her clit for a moment. I kissed her on the lips again. She moved my hand to her ass, and this time she ground her crotch on my leg. This gave me quite a hard-on, which was straining against my jeans. I chose that moment to pull her cut-offs back into place.
She made a disappointed sound, but I kissed her again and said, “Don’t worry. We’ll get to that soon enough.”
Right then Lisa and Maricela came up to the door. I went to let them in, and as she put her top back on, Goldilocks leaned over to slap my butt playfully.
Maricela was wearing another short skirt. This one was black, and she wore a yellow blouse. However, this time it wasn’t quite so conservatively cut. Her skirt barely covered her pert bottom, and as she walked I could see it was the only thing covering it. Her blouse was made of very clingy satin that didn’t hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra this time either. Her dark nipples showed clearly through the light-colored cloth and stood out quite a bit, so much so that I wondered if she had been playing with them just before she arrived. She was wearing her dark-brown hair tied back in a ponytail, and had put on barely enough makeup to accentuate her deep brown eyes.
Lisa was wearing a light-blue skirt and blouse combination. The blouse had short sleeves, and would have been loose on a less well-endowed woman. On her, it simply made her tits look that much bigger. Her skirt ended above her knees. She was wearing her hair straight and loose this time.
I brought them in and sat them down on the couch and slotted a disk in the player.
“Okay,” I started. “This is Finals. Since it’s early, we’re going to do this a little differently. I’m just going to show you a quick movie. Then we’re going to shower quickly, and come back downstairs for an early dinner. After that it’s time for Final Exams!”
“What? We’re not going to eat first, as usual?” asked Lisa with some incredulity.
“Nope, not this time,” I answered. “I have a reason for that which I hope will become apparent later.”
“I’m hungry now,” said Maricela quietly.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get to that quickly,” I said. “Okay, tonight’s lecture and movie are on coitus, screwing, or straight sex. This is when a man’s penis penetrates the woman’s vagina, in case you weren’t sure what I was talking about. The things you have to remember about straight sex are: 1. Have Fun 2. Don’t just lie there, do something, and 3. Enjoy it and make sure he knows it.”
“Wait a second. If I’m enjoying it I’m sure my partner will be able to tell,” said Lisa firmly.
“Probably,” I responded, “but don’t assume that. I had a girlfriend once who would stop responding when she got really turned on.”
“Linda,” said Goldilocks quietly to Lisa, who nodded. Maricela muttered something under her breath; it almost sounded like: “Bitch!”
“Continue,” said Lisa sweetly with wide eyes.
“Oh. So, don’t be afraid to wrap your legs around your guy and try to squeeze the breath out of him. Also, remember to push your hips up to meet his thrusts occasionally. It’ll feel just as good to him as it does to you, and he’ll realize that you’re enjoying having sex with him. If you do this, he’s more likely to come back for more.”
“That sounds good to me!” said Goldilocks.
“Well, are there any questions?” I asked.
When I got a negative response, I started the video.
“Bitch and lousy lay,” I thought I heard Lisa quietly say to Goldilocks. I chose to ignore it.
The first scene in tonight’s video was of a black couple screwing in the missionary position. Right after the woman finished giving the man a blow-job, he pushed her onto her back and got on top of her. She aimed his cock right at her opening, and she guided it in. After about ten minutes of grinding and pumping, he pulled out and shot his load on her tits and belly.
The second scene was of a mixed-race couple, a curly-haired blond white man and an Asian woman. She was a very petite woman, about the same size as Maricela, but with a short bob of straight black hair and shaved pussy. After giving the man a really emphatic blow-job, she knelt on a sofa, and he screwed her from behind, playing with her tits. She continued to play with her clit until he pulled out and came on her ass.
The third scene was of a white couple. The woman had long, slightly curly brown hair, and the man’s dark-brown hair was cut in a conservatively short style. He immediately laid her down on the bed and started eating her out until she came, and then she pushed him onto his back and sucked on his erection. At this point, she sat on his engorged member and rode him for all she was worth. Her large breasts flopped around wildly with each thrust until they both came in a loud orgasm. I stopped the video after the last segment.
“Well, those are the most popular positions,” I said. “Any questions?”
“I skipped lunch, so no,” Lisa said.
“Me too.”
“Okay then, let’s go upstairs and take our showers and get ready for dinner,” I suggested.
The four of us doffed our clothes in the hallway and jumped in the shower two at a time. Maricela and Lisa got in first this time, and soaped each other up really well before splashing the soap off of each other with a lot of giggling and grabbing. Goldilocks and I got in quickly after the others got out, but we took a little more time under the water. Goldilocks enjoyed soaping me up, and then rinsing me off. She also enjoyed making sure the soap was off of my member by sucking it clean. I, of course, had to make sure her tits and pussy were just as clean. She was a bit upset when I decided we had to stop and get out, but we were all getting very hungry, and not just for sex.
When we all finished toweling off, we went downstairs to the dining nook.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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Old 12-05-2015, 03:35 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Chapter 15: A Sexy Dinner

“Well, ladies, here’s dinner,” I said.
“It’s about time! We’re starving!” exclaimed Goldilocks.
“Oh, yeah,” said Lisa.
“Just one thing,” I added. “We’re eating Japanese style tonight.”
“Do the Japanese eat in the nude?” asked Maricela.
“Not in public, and most probably don’t in private either,” I said. “That’s just my twist on things.”
“You know, like the Charades game last Sunday,” said Lisa.
“Oh. I get it,” said Maricela.
“Not yet you don’t,” I quietly muttered.
The ladies started to tear into their dinners, and after each had a couple of ribs in them, I said; “You realize of course that food isn’t just for eating. You can have fun with it as well. That’s despite what your parents may have told you when you were younger.”
“Oh, really,” said Lisa.
By way of explanation, I dribbled a little of the barbecue sauce on Lisa’s shoulder. She pulled back for a second, and then I licked it off. She looked a little surprised, but then she understood.
“I get it! That’s why you wanted us to eat in the buff! So we can eat our dinners off of each other! Cool!” Lisa exclaimed loudly.
“What, you mean we’re all, like, a bunch of plates or something?” asked Goldilocks.
“Like this,” said Lisa as stuck a finger into the honey sauce and finger-painted it onto Goldilocks’ breasts. Lisa then licked all the honey off of Goldilocks, taking special care to suck her nipples clean. “You see?” she said as she finished.
“You’re right. That's cool!” replied Goldilocks. “Here, I have something I want to do. It’s time for dessert!”
Goldilocks guided Maricela to lie down on the cushions, and brought out the chocolate, butterscotch, and caramel sauces, and spooned a generous amount on Maricela's breasts. She covered them with the whipped cream next, and topped the mounds with strawberries.
“There we go,” she said when she was finished. “A Maricela Sundae. Dig in guys!”
I couldn’t help myself, and gave Maricela a whipped cream bikini bottom before Lisa and Goldilocks ate off the sweet bra Goldilocks had made for her. Pussy and whipped cream is a nice combination, I must say, and I finished all of it myself as she moaned quietly.
“You missed a spot,” Maricela giggled as she directed Goldilocks between her breasts. It was obvious that she was enjoying herself immensely. We finished the sweet toppings that Goldilocks had applied to Maricela, and Maricela motioned Lisa to take her place. Maricela decided to make a more extensive work for Lisa, and considering Lisa’s larger proportions, it was fortunate that I had purchased several cans of whipped cream.
Of course, this was pretty much what I had expected to happen. The idea that these items can be used to make underwear is probably the first one that comes to mind.
Maricela created a criss-cross pattern on Lisa’s body from her pussy to her shoulders with the whipped cream, making it look like a one-piece bathing suit. She decorated her artwork with small flowers around the edges, and crossed the pattern with alternating stripes of chocolate and caramel sauce.
“Lisa,” said Maricela, “You’re going to have to stop giggling if I’m going to finish.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it,” said Lisa. “You’re tickling me with the whipped cream dispenser!”
When Maricela was finished, Lisa looked like a cross between a bathing beauty and a bakery cake. Either way she looked delicious.
All four of us enjoyed cleaning Lisa off, and when we were finished, three of us were full. Lisa decided to decorate Goldilocks and covered her breasts with a whipped cream bra with butterscotch sauce stripes. Lisa was the only one still hungry, so she cleaned Goldilocks up. She ended up lying partly on top of Goldilocks, kissing her lightly all over her face. I took this as the sign that it was time to start the final exams.
“Okay ladies,” I said. “Let’s go into the living room. It’s time for the final exams of this class.”
“Okay, what are final exams going to be like in a sex class?” asked Lisa.
“Fun and sexy, of course,” I replied. “This isn’t going to be like most finals. Nobody’s going to flunk. I’m just going to make sure you all remember the essential parts of the class. I’ll give you all a task and all of you will have to perform it,” I said. “First up is masturbation. All of you need to bring yourselves off. This is freestyle masturbation, so get yourselves off in your favorite fashion. Okay Ladies, go to it.”
Lisa immediately headed for her vibrator, while Goldilocks and Maricela took up all the available space on the couch by spreading their legs apart. Maricela started by massaging her breasts, and pulling her nipples out quite a ways. It was impressive how far she would tweak them. It looked painful, but she seemed to like it a lot. After getting herself worked up by tweaking and kneading her breasts, she moved one of her hands down toward her pussy, and started to massage the outer lips, without going further.
Meanwhile, Lisa was lying on the floor, kneading her large breasts like bread dough. She stopped for a second, and looked at her breasts, and then pushed one of them up and started licking one of her own nipples.
“How’s that feel?” I asked her.
“I kinda like it, but I’m not really flexible enough,” she replied.
“How’s what feel?” Maricela asked, barely paying attention.
“Lisa licked her own nipple,” I replied. I’m not sure she was really paying attention, because she didn’t reply.
Goldilocks definitely wasn’t paying attention. By that time, she had placed both of her hands at her own crotch, and was rubbing her clit with one hand as she plunged two fingers from her other hand into her pussy. Her eyes were shut from the pleasure she was giving herself.
Maricela worked herself up to a point where she decided it was time to start rubbing and tweaking her clit some. She would take her clit between two fingers and rub it for a few seconds between them before going back to massaging her pussy lips.
Lisa had gotten herself so turned on that she decided it was time for the vibrator. She reached over and placed the head right at her opening and slowly started to push it inside of herself until it was buried up to the hilt. After a few seconds, she turned it on and left it there while she tried to lick her nipples again.
Goldilocks must have heard Lisa’s vibrator buzzing away, because she opened her eyes and grabbed her own. She placed it at her opening and turned it on. For quite a while, she ran the tip over her clit, across her pussy lips, and then she placed it at the opening to her vagina and pushed it in leisurely. Once inside she started thrusting it back and forth slowly with one hand as she worked at her clit with her other hand, giving her clit a real buffing as she filled herself with the plastic penis.
Maricela was still tweaking one breast and playing with her clit. After a few more minutes of this, she pushed one finger into her hole, and started twisting it around inside.
Lisa was moaning loudly at this point. She was pushing her vibrator inside as far as it would go with each thrust before pulling it out again and running the tip over her clit and around her pussy lips. She was enjoying torturing herself this way.
Goldilocks was getting close to orgasm. She never did have any patience, and it looked like she was going to bring herself off first. She kept thrusting her vibrator fully inside herself as she rubbed her clitoris with her free hand until she finally screamed: “I’m cumming!” and came hard. She just sat on the couch with the vibrator still inside her for several more minutes before turning it off and taking it out.
“Mmmmmmm, that felt good,” said Goldilocks.
Lisa kept going for a few minutes after Goldilocks, but hearing her cum must have given Lisa permission to climax. Lisa came much more loudly than did Goldilocks. Maricela kept going for quite a while after Goldilocks, and Lisa did. She finally brought out her own vibrator, and with some difficulty managed to work it in herself this time. She came after just a few thrusts though, clamping her legs around her vibrator as she moaned loudly.
Goldilocks and Lisa pretty much recovered from their climaxes. I decided it was time for the next phase.
“Now we’ll try some oral sex,” I announced. “I’ll receive this time, and Lisa will go first, followed by Maricela, and then Goldilocks, unless there are some objections.”
There were none, so Goldilocks got off the couch, and I took her place.
“This looks yummy to me,” said Lisa as she took her place between my legs and put her hand on my engorged member.
Lisa started by licking up the length on my cock, ignoring the head and the sensitive ridge. After a few long licks like that she slowly took the head into her mouth and just stayed there, moaning around it, but not doing anything else.
I heard her giggle, and she looked up at me slyly and took my cock out of her mouth. “Want more?” she asked.
“Damn straight I do,” I answered.
She then slid her mouth down the length of my cock, taking nearly the entire length into her mouth and sucking on it hungrily while continuing to moan around me. It felt wonderful!
Goldilocks and Maricela sat there and watched Lisa go down on me for quite a while. They seemed to be trying to pick up her cock sucking style. Lisa was very good at bringing me close to orgasm without taking me over the precipice.
“Okay Lisa, that’s great,” I said. “Now it’s Maricela's turn.” I didn’t really want her to stop, but I figured I’d best save her talents for later.
Lisa took another playful lick of my cock before moving out of the way for Maricela. Maricela sat down and stared at my cock like a starving woman. She began to salivate at the sight.
“It’s okay if you want to try it,” I said.
Maricela took it in her hand, and then immediately fell on it, stuffing as much of it into her mouth as she could. She was hungrily sucking it hard, drooling all over it messily. She was taking the fast route on this trip, and I needed to slow her down a bit.
“That’s okay, Mari, but can you go a little slower?” I asked. “It feels better if you take your time.”
She started paying more attention to the shaft, licking it instead of taking the head into her mouth. She then looked directly into my eyes as she slowly began to gulp down my length again. Several times she stopped when she had taken as much as she could, and just enjoyed the feeling of my manhood in her mouth.
“Okay,” I said after a few minutes. “It’s Goldilocks’ turn.”
Maricela gave me a pleading look with those large brown eyes of hers.
“We’ll take this up again later. I promise,” I said.
Goldilocks moved Maricela out of the way, and joyfully announced, “My turn!”
She started licking my cock up and down the shaft, tickling the head with quick flicks of her tongue, before sinking down on the length and sucking hard. It almost felt like she was trying to suck my cum right out of me. She was doing some great tricks with her tongue as she took me in her mouth.
Lisa and Maricela kept watching us, comparing and contrasting their cock-sucking styles. It really felt great, and after the way Lisa and Maricela went down on me, it only took a few minutes before I felt my cum start to well up inside, and I found myself stiffening up to shoot my load in Goldilocks’ mouth. It felt like I was cumming forever. I just kept spurting into her wide mouth, and she managed to swallow all of it without choking.
After I was done, Lisa looked at Goldilocks and asked: “How was it?”
“Not bad. It never felt like he was choking me,” she said. “Did I do well?" she asked me.
“Oh, yeah you did. That was great. All of you were great,” I said, and I took a moment to regain my senses. “Your next task is to go down on each other. Lick each other out good. I want all of you to cum hard before you’re done.”
“Cool!” said Lisa.
“That’s, like, great!” exclaimed Goldilocks.
“Okay,” said Maricela in a husky voice, and she pushed Goldilocks onto her back and started sucking her nipples.
It was obvious that Maricela didn’t want to waste any time. She kissed her way down Goldilocks’ body, and started licking down her thighs before working her way back up to her golden snatch. She spread Goldilocks’ legs a bit wider to get better access to her pussy, and then licked her outer lips before spreading them wide and sucking her clit.
“Oh, God, Mari! You really know how to eat me out good,” said Goldilocks.
Maricela played with Goldie’s pussy, licking all around before sinking her tongue into her folds and licking her quickly over her clit, and darting her tongue in and out of her vagina as Goldilocks moaned loudly. Poor Goldilocks didn’t stand a chance under Maricela's ministrations, and quickly came in a hard orgasm.
Maricela kept licking Goldilocks out for a few minutes until Lisa finally pulled Maricela off and moved her onto her back. Lisa spent some time licking and sucking Maricela's nipples into stiffness before moving to her tight little pussy. Lisa was going down on Maricela as expertly as she had on me, and would change her rhythm when she sensed that Maricela was getting close to her orgasm, stopping her from cumming. Maricela was getting frustrated with Lisa, and wrapped her legs around Lisa’s head and pulled her closer to her pussy.
“Don’t want to wait?” asked Lisa. “Well, let’s go to town!”
Lisa started licking Maricela with real gusto. Maricela moaned: “Yeah, like that baby! Make me...make me cum! Ohhhh!” Lisa managed to hold her there, cumming hard, until Maricela collapsed, whimpering, on the floor. I applauded.
“That was, like, great. Now it’s your turn,” said Goldilocks, and pushed Lisa down onto her back.
Goldilocks started by kissing Lisa deeply, and licking her way down her neck, across her shoulder, and down to one of her large breasts. Goldie started running her hands over Lisa’s body as she sucked her nipples one at a time. After several agonizing minutes of this, she finally kissed her way down to Lisa’s crotch, and spread her legs wide.
“Ready for this?” asked Goldilocks.
“Yes,” whispered Lisa.
Goldilocks started licking Lisa’s pussy with long laps, working between her folds, and sucking her engorged clit. She was taking her time on Lisa, and obviously wanted to bring her off better than she could herself. She darted her tongue in and out of her vagina, and covered her pussy with French kisses. Maricela was beginning to look like she was feeling left out, and started to massage Goldilocks’ breasts as Goldie went down on Lisa. Finally, Lisa came hard, bucking hard. Right after, Maricela turned Goldilocks onto her back, and started kissing her intensely, their tongues diving deeply into each other’s mouths. She was rubbing her breasts and grinding her crotch against Goldie’s. After a few minutes of this, they moved apart and got into a position where they could rub their pussies together.
I figured this was the sign that it was time for me to go cherry picking.

To celebrate the publication of my first erotic books on Amazon's Kindle, I decided to publish the first of them, Educating Goldilocks, for free here on Pixie's Place! I'm going to be posting a few chapters at a time.
This novel is based on my earlier Goldilocks Saga stories posted here, but is heavily rewritten.
I've published Educating Goldilocks, Extra Credit, Tired, and Waking Sleeping Beauty to Amazon, Smashwords, and several other sites. Waking Sleeping Beauty is available for free exclusively on Pixie's Place. You can find updates to the publication history, and upcoming titles on my blog at
If you find this, or any other stories of mine interesting, please feel free to look up my books at all of the major online retailers, and review them!

-Gars Méchant (NastyGuy)

I just published two new books in a new series: They Said: The Dare, and They Said: The Missing File, and I have six other ebooks available for purchase at most major online retailers! For more information, go to or "friend" me at Facebook!
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