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Old 06-12-2005, 04:46 PM
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Story Challenge ~ Sci Fi/Fantasy

Would anyone care to take up the challenge

The story must contain:

Elves (and i dont mean the little pointy shoed kind!)
A bisexual scene (wether FFM or MMF)
A waterfall
Light bondage

Cant wait to see what might cum up
Equality for all
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Old 07-28-2005, 11:36 PM
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The waterfall of Lorien was hidden from sight by a large stand of hemlock trees whose scent filled the air with that sense of longing and closeness that seemed to always overcome Rowenha in just this spot. And, of course, there was that sound - just shy of deafening and yet pleasing to the ears. It said home to her as she dismounted from her house, Silver Shadow. She whispered in the horse's ear and it trotted off a pace out of sight. Rowenha began to loosen her flowing long beige robes, until she wore nothing but a single, very see-through, white gown. Off came her leather sandals and suddenly water was not the only thing cascading with the forest, as her long brown curls twirled out of their confinement over her breasts which were beginning to harden underneath the little bit of cloth between her and the beauty that surrounded her.

More to cum...
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Old 07-29-2005, 03:18 AM
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Can't wait
Equality for all
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Old 07-30-2005, 09:33 PM
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Rowenha stretched her arms up high toward the sky, arching her back and listening to the satisfying sound of it cracking in several places. Suddenly she felt the touch of ars encircling her torso, and saw delcate fingers cupping both of her breasts slowly but deliberately. She relaxed into the gesture, knowing who it was from that he and his horse had arrived at this spot unnoticed and also from the firm scent of Farel's body. No one else could smell that way, musty yet sweet with undertones of tingly effervescence. It wasn't the smell of any being other than an elf, and this particular elf was enjoying teasing Rowenha, as he pressed himself up against her with a swift and silent movement.

She heard their two horses meeting each other further out into the woods - her hearing was as acute as any other elf, but she was becoming far too distracted to care much more about her external world. Then it was over as quickly as it began and Farel circled around and grinned at her.

"So, where's this surprise of yours?" Farel's voice seemed to be a near-perfect substitute for the ministrations of his finger against her barely covered nipples a moment before. Each word was like the flick of a finger, sending electric shocks all throughout her body. She opened her eyes to see Farel's grin and she smiled back,

"It's in the waterfall, my love."

Farel's eyes lit up - what elf disliked waterfalls? None surely, but Farel had a special love of them as it was in a waterfall much like the one they know walked toward, that he had first explored his passion for Rowenha with her. Nothing of that day had been lost since, if anything it had grown, just as his elven cock now began to become very erect and very demanding of some attention. As they neared the waterfall, Rowenha and Farel walked single file along the edge of the cliff above the waterfall.

The sound of the waterfall somewhere between near-deafening and intensely soothing. Rowenha reached her hands backward, seeking Farel's hands for support but discovered instead, to her delight, Farel's member desperate for attention. His own robes had since been left behind with Rowenha's and they both inched their way down the slope slowly as they both enjoyed teasing and arousing the other.

At one point, Farel got ahead of himself as Rowenha had instinctively quickened the pace of her strocking his cock which was mere centimeteres from her own supple ass, and he grabbed her roughly by the shoulders. He forced her toward a nearby tree and locking his lips onto hers in a mutual embrace, he grabbed her ass from behind and pushed himself into her dripping, wet vagina. Rowenha gasped with delight, and for a moment grabbed around the tree for support as she matched his thrusts.

But she pushed him away after a minute or two, licking her lips seductively at Farel, as she carefully readjusted her hair behind her two gently pointed earlobes.

"We had better go find that present of yours first. Then maybe I'll let you finish fucking me, my darling"

Farel mock-pouted, reaching for her breats but finding himself slapped away instead.

"Come...we're late."

Farel frowned - late?? Whatever was the present? His curiousity now got the better of him and he stepped aside and followed Rowenha toward the waterfall's opening. They were nearly there. And Farel thought for a moment he saw a shadow move within the waterfall. A trick of the light on the water perhaps, he thought to himself. He could feel Rowenha's thoughts as clear as crystal in his mind and yet he still had no idea what this surprise of hers was. She too had the telepathy of her people but she was well trained in the art of thought shielding as well, and it now came in handy as she didn't want Farel to know what....or rather, who...she had waiting for them both within the waterfall.
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Old 07-30-2005, 10:29 PM
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Old 08-01-2005, 10:06 PM
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As they walked up towards the waterfall, the spray of the rushing water drenched them both within seconds. Farel and Rowenha both took off their clothing, Rowenha taking far less time with just her simple gown. Farel's clothes lay atop a rock above the waterfall, avoiding the water sprays.

Rowenha grinned at Farel's bright, shiny naked body. She loved to see his form - it was so slender and youthful and full of energy without him doing a thing. And he was hardly a young elf. But it mattered little among her people how old one was chronologically.

She reached and instead of grabbing at him, she readched for his hand instead and began to pull him under and behind the waterfall. The water was cold but refreshing and just as quickly as Farel's member had swollen with the sight of Rowenha's lithe, tall, well-toned body, it was shrinking back down. Rowenha kinda figured the water would have that effect and she had method to her madness as Farel regained his vision after wiping the salty water away from his face and fixing his wet hair to fall straight down to his waistline.

And there in the corner of the waterfall's cavern, was a smallish elf,.about 4'8", Rowenha walked over to this youngish elf and hugged him tight.

"Are you nervous, Moonshine?"
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Old 08-04-2005, 12:28 AM
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"Stay here for a bit - Moonshine and I need to chat for a bit, ok?"

Farel nodded mutely, staring in open awe and surprise at what Rowenha's "little surprise" had turned out to be. Rowenha grinned, and danced over to Farel for a quick peck on the cheek before walking hand in hand to the back of the expansive cavern with Moonshine.

Farel's eyes got large and big, and his gorgeously glistening wet member once again began to stir at the sight of his long-time crush. How had Rowenha known about it though?

After a time whispering quietly with Moonshine, just on the other side of the expansive cavern away from Farel's well-tuned ears which were somewhat less effective with the crashing sounds of the waterfall behind him. He grew very curious and aroused watching the two of them. Rowenha was clearly focused solely on Moonshine and they were whispering quite animatedly.

Farel thought he detected a look of mischief tossed his way from out of the corner of Rowenha's eyes as she changed her stance to give him a nice profile view of her well-toned nude form. Moonshine was as naked as the rest of them were and he wore it well, his body glistened with more than waterfall was almost magical how shiny and glittery his body was. And Farel had long dreamed of being able to see it as he now could.

Just as it seemed that the whispering was finished, Farel gasped slightly as he saw Rowenha drop to her knees in front of the beautiful younger elf and encircle his penis in her mouth with practiced ease of which Farel was only too familiar. And apparently so was Moonshine, as he arched himself back, effectively pushing himself slightly farther into Rowenha's mouth. She clearly expected this move and she had no problem getting most of the full length of Moonshine's 8-inch erect penis to fit within her mouth.

Farel was lost in a trance, knowing he had been instructed to stay put and wait, but feeling more and more compelled to join them as the show continued for a few minutes longer.

Grasping his own swollen member in his large hand, he began to stroke it in somewhat jerky, uneven moves. Occasionally he would make a little sound of pleasure and also sometimes he would close his eyes - but never for long as he looked ahead of him at the two favourites of his universe and felt himself inching closer and closer to a climax as he quickened his pace.

Finally after what seemed an eternity of near-climaxes, he looked up to see Rowenha and Moonshine walking resolutely toward him. Moonshine boldly walked over to Farel where he leaned against a rock outcropping within the cavern. and positioned his nakedness directly between Farel's legs. The suggestive pose was nearly too much for Farel as he began to stroke himself even faster still, very much nearing a climax which would have ended up all over Moonshine's glittery chest. But this was thwarted by Moonshine now dropping to _his_ knees before Farel and applying very similar but subtly different attentions to Farel as he had received from Rowenha.

Farel could feel the tingliness of excitement and arousal course through his body like lightning flashes.
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Old 08-09-2005, 02:27 AM
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Shall I continue?
Common sense is not so common. ~ Voltaire
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Old 08-09-2005, 05:04 AM
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Equality for all
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Old 08-11-2005, 02:16 AM
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Farel shivered suddenly, as he realized he had surpassed one point of near orgasm and without actually reaching it was being led by Moonshine's tongue with carefully timed and painfully gentle attentions to another crescendo of pre-orgasmic delight even more powerful than anything he had ever experienced.

This time Farel felt the tingling intensify and shoot lightning blots through the lobes of his ears which he was sure would be of fire by the time Moonshine had finished. His fingertips also felt like they would self-combust any moment as Moonshine now began to hum against Farel's cock. Farel felt miniature shivers ripple their way from Moonshine's tongue through his cock, and along his body, shooting out his fingertips as he stretched one hand out.

This hand found Rowenha's and he grasped her hand tightly as she slowly kissed ever so lightly along Farel's arm from his shoulder down to his fingers, taking each on in her mouth and sucking it from base to tip. Moonshine matched Rowenha's every move perfectly without ever looking up through their people's powers of telepathy. As she sucked on each finger, Moonshine sucked on Farel cock. When she paused to change to another finger, Moonshine paused and Farel gasped or moaned, desperate for release, knowing that he was at the mercy of his beloveds.

Suddenly, Moonshine looked up at Farel with a twinkle in his beautiful liquid cerulean eyes and devlishly licked his lips slowly, very slowly as Rowenha moved around to the back of Farel, placing one hand on the small of his back and the other cupped his balls from behind. Moonshine spoke for the first time to Farel since they had all gathered there behind the waterfall and his voice was a liquid as his eyes, as their surroundings and as melodious as the cascades, thoroughly harmonizing with the undercurrent of rhythmically crashing water on the rocks below.

In Elvish so sweet that Farel's eyes began to tear, and his hearing began to dissociate from his body in a way that he was unfamiliar with, as if he were suddenly on another space-time continuum, Moonshine began to recite a poem that spoke of his deep, unabiding love for Farel - a love that knew no boundaries and would never be satieted. A love that he had nurtured alone in silence for so long knowing that the time would come when they would be able to explore each other's feelings in the way that they now could. His voice lilting in the manner of one singing to a baby, Moonshine sang to his love of the nurturing of one's passion and the attainment of a perfect harmony, a unison of mind and body.

And as Moonshine sung, his lips moved sensuously forming the words carefully and deliberately until suddenly the moved in ways totally dissociated from the song, the words. He had finally made the telepathic link to Farel that surpassed a low-level communication and delved deeper into Farel's conscious mind, lightly grazing at the sub-conscious as Farel's subsconscious voice joined Moonshine's in a melody that seemed so ancient and potently full of longing and desire. Rowenha held still, now snuggled up against Farel's back with both hands now pressed into the small of Farel's muscular back, her eyes closed, listening to the two communicate on a level that she had shared with both of them, but only separately and not with quite as much raw lust as was now present.

She was intoxicated by it all and she stretched one hand away from Farel and to the inside of her thighs, and again to press her gfingers against her clitoris, knowing full well that the sparkly, bubbly, tingly-on-the-nose scent of her now wafted lightly throughout the cavern and into the nostrils of both of her male lovers who had now paused in their singing to each other. The sounds, however, having been harmonized with the waterfall, filled the cavern still quietly in the background. Moonshine stood partly, leaning slowly and seductively against a nearby rock outcropping, his back now turned toward Farel and very near his chest, with his butt pressed full against Farel.

Rowenha paused in her self-attentiveness to grab a thick swath of silken ribbon whose pearlescent glow matched her own creamy skin tone as it lay underneath her feet. Tying now around Farel's hands in a manner that was just shy of being tight, this bondage kept Farel's hands behind his back. Much as he wanted/needed to grab Moonshine's around the hips and shove his tortured in teasing cock fully into that lovely round O of an asshole that now glistened pink before him, he couldn't grab anything other than a piece of Rowenha's breast as she leaned into him to finish the bind.
Common sense is not so common. ~ Voltaire
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Old 08-23-2005, 06:43 AM
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Waterfall - Part 6

Rowenha smile wickedly at Farel as she walked around to the front of him, standing next to Moonshine, where she reached down to lightly caress Moonshine's cock which now stood at attention some 45 degrees from his thighs, pointing toward the rock face which he leaned against.

"We can't jump to the end of the story just yet!" she teased in a seductive voice. Both men, older and younger, made their own little noises of frustration and impatience.

Moonshine was the first to experience something other than annoyance, however, as he pushed back, rubbing his ass against Farel. This brought forth another spew of Elvish curses from the older elf, as the angles weren't quite right for him to enter Moonshine and the touhc of their bodies was so electric and he knew he was getting closer and closer to cumming. Precum drizzled out and onto Moonshine back. Rowenha giggled as she moved underneath Moonshine and took his cock quickly and easily into her mouth.

While Rowenha sucked on Moonshine's cock, he continued to torture the bound Farel by wiggling his luscious round ass against him, timing it such that he could thrust his hips toward Rowenha and his cock further into her accepting mouth, then back into Farel and his woefully mispositioned cock, which lay erect against Moonshine's moistened back.

As Moonshine began to feel the jolts of an oncoming orgasm, Rowenha continued her attentions with a more rapid pace, her own fingers deep inside of herself. She had two finger deep in her vagina against her G-spot and her thumb rubbed her clit as rapidly as she sucked on Moonshine's cock. Farel knew it wasn't long before he couldn't hold out any longer and he strained against his bonds, trying to free himself.

"I want to cum inside of you!" Farel blurted out suddenly, realizing that Rowenha had, of course, tied a very secure but comfortable bind on his wrists.

Both Rowenha and Moonshine glanced up and back at Farel with mischeviously twinkling eyes. Moonshine grunted with his own oncumming orgasm, then replied, "Cum on my back, my love. Let yourself go. There is all the time in the world right now....."

And that was all Farel needed to hear as he suddenly blasted a load of hot semen onto Moonshine's back. The jet was forceful and sudden and some went so far as to hit Moonshine on his right cheek as his face was still turned toward Farel. He blinked slowly and grinned. Then turned back and grunted even louder than before as Rowenha's mouth suddenly filled with his own stream of cum.

Farel wasn't finished though as he pressed himself tightly against Moonshine and with a loud moan of pleasure, released another shot of cum onto Moonshine's back and some stuck on his hair which lay as a silky long braid of jet-black off to the side.

Farel said something between sporadic gasps, having trouble breathing now, and yet it wasn't intelligible. He continued to babble incoherently as he suddenly collapsed against Moonshine's back, his own cheeks now pressed into his cum as it lay drizzling over his lover's skin like syrupy frosting on an angel cake.

Moonshine smiled down at Rowenha as she had her own series of self-induced orgasms, her hips thrusting upwards as her fingers worked in her pussy with a feverish pace. Her moans and her scent filled the cavern until she collapsed with a satisfied grin up at Moonshine. She had swallowed all of his cum without fail but he could still taste himself as she reached up for a kiss.

All three of them were relaxed and yet far from finished with their explorations as the sounds of the waterfall seemed to intensify and the sun glinted against the walls of the cave as if it too wanted to play.
Common sense is not so common. ~ Voltaire
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