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Old 04-13-2008, 03:25 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Second Chances

Chapter One

Twenty-three year old Casandra (Cassie) Madison jerked awake as the Greyhound bus traveled down the long stretch of deserted highway. Dawn was approaching, but it was still dark out. She was two days travel away from her abusive husband, but she still couldn't keep from looking around for him. Mark would be arriving home tomorrow evening and would find the house empty. He would go into a rampage, destroy the house, and then start either calling her friends or hunting them down, trying to find her. But by then, she would be safely out of his reach. She settled back down and tried to drift back to asleep again.

Cassie had been eighteen when she meet Hank Madison; nineteen when she married him; and twenty when she found him in bed with another woman. It was then that the abuse started; both verbal and physical. And now, thanks to the help of an "underground network" of people, she was starting a new life.

The bus slowed to a stop and Cassie raised her head. Daybreak showed the population sign of a small town called Hope. "Hope...," she thought, "that's all I have left." She waited until nearly all the passengers were off before grabbing her own backpack and exiting the bus. She felt the note in her back pocket, but didn't take it out. She knew it by heart. It was instructions on what she was to do once she reached Hope. Now, she was to take a cab to a place called The Hideaway Bar and Grill and ask for Charlie. Then, after hearing a key phrase, she would respond with a phrase of her own, thus acknowledging them to each other and why she was there.

Hank Anderson, a thrity-three year old ex-Marine, now barkeep, wiped down the last chair before turning it upside-down and placing it on the table. The bar's last call had been hours ago. The last customer had finally wondered over to the grill part a half hour ago and he was now able to finish cleaning up. That was the thing about The Hideaway; it stayed open 24/7 with the bar and grill each being open at certain hours. They did however over lap about ten hours so that the patrons could grab a bite to eat and have a drink as well; getting the best of both sides.

Heading back behind the bar, Hank couldn't keep from grinning as the owner, Charlene Williams, entered with her mother right behind her. "I know, Charlie," the older woman said as they walked in, "but your not getting any younger." "Not now mother," Charlie said, "I've got work to do." "Fine," the older woman huffed, "but don't blame me if you end up a lonely old woman with no one to look after you and care for you. If you want someone, like a husband or children to take care of you when your old, you have to marry first." "Not necesarily, mother," the younger of the two said, a smile from ear to ear on her face. "We're not have that decision again, Charlie," the older huffed. "Then we have nothing further to disuss, mother."

Hank watched as the older woman bid her daughter "good-bye" and then left the bar. His attention turned to his boss, who now looked like she was ready to scream, as she too came around to the backside of the bar. Neither of them noticed the young woman who had approached them. "Excuse me," came the barely audible voice. Both of them turned towards her.

Nearly falling over, Hank stared at the young woman standing only a few feet away. He had been so amused by the two women arguing that he had let down his guard and had not heard the woman approach them. She was beautiful. She was about a half a foot shorter than he, putting her around five foot six. Even in the dim light of the bar, he could make out her steel blue eyes and long brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. She was thin and looked extremely tired. He had seen several women like her over the past few years that he had worked her and knew that with a little rest and plenty of food, she would be healthy again.

Cassie cautiously approached the two standing behind the bar. "I'm looking for Charlie," she quietly said. "Who," the women gruffed. "Charlie," she said again, only this time a little louder. "Well, ya found her," the woman said. But before she could explain why she was there, the woman continued. "If your looking for a job, I've got all the help I need. If your looking for a hand out, I don't give them." She watched as the woman turned from her and grabbed a stack of books and mail from under the bar. Facing her again she said the phrase she had been waiting to hear. "And if your looking for the end of the rainbow, then keep looking."

Cassie smiled as she said, "I have found one end already and there was nothing there. I now am searching for the pot at the other end and hoping for a second chance." She watched as the woman's hardened face turned to a smile and she extended a hand. "You must be Cassie Madison," Charlie said. "I'm thankful to see that you made it here unharmed." She tilted her head away from the bar and said, "Follow me."

Cassie followed Charlie, but was confused when they entered the women's bathroom. She watched as the other woman stopped in front of the last stall on the left. The sign on the stall door, reading "OUT OF ORDER" in big bold letters, didn't seem to stop her. "Come on," she said. "Where," she asked. "Upstairs," Charlie smiled. She felt her head shake in disbelief, wondering if the woman was crazy. "When you're out with your husband, where's the one place you can go to feel safe," Charlie asked. "The bathroom," she said smiling. "Make since now," Charlie asked. She shook her head "yes" and stepped in the stall with her.

The stall itself had no stool, or place for one, but was decorated like the others she had passed with white tiles, and randomly placed ones with a single rainbow on it. She watched quietly as Charlie pressed one of the rainbow tiles, the one in the center of the wall, and gasped as a door swung open. Stepping through the door, she watchedover her shoulder at it and heard it close with a click. She noted the door handle on the back side of the door, showing her that there a way back out. Still following Charlie, she passed through a short hall, up a small flight of steps and through another door by again pressing a rainbow; this one in the upper right hand corner.

The room Cassie entered in was a large one. It reminded her of a common room that would be found in a college dorm. A dozen doors lined the other three sides; three of them open, one with a large "EXIT" sign above it, one noting "LAUNDRY", and another one noting "BATHROOM". "These are the rooms belonging to the other women that live here," Charlie said, pointing her finger to three of the four closed doors. "And that one's mine," she said pointing at the last closed door. She then pointed at the three with signs. "That one is the bathroom, complete with toilet and shower. You're responsible for cleaning up after yourself after each use. This one leads to a set of stairs like the one we just came in, only it leads to the outside. There's no handle, lock for a key, nothing but a smooth steel door that lets you out, not in. It's in case of a fire." Turning around, she pointed to the door they had just came through. It too was closed with an "EXIT" sign and a door handle on it. "You know where that one leads." She then contiuned by pointing at the last one, "And this one is complete with a washer and dryer. We rotate days and times in which you can do yours so that no one fights over who's turn it is."

Cassie followed Charlie to the end of the hall, and too one of the open doors. "This will be your room. Now for the rules. There's no curfew, we're all adults here, just don't play any music loudly one the music downstairs has quit. No men allowed up here for obvious reasons. No smoking in your room. That's what the bar and outside is for. No cooking up here. If your hungry, you can either eat something at the grill downstairs, when it's open that is, and it will be put on your tab and taken out of your pay. Or, you can go out and have something somewhere else. I don't mind if you eat in your room, just no cooking. Keep your room clean. And you'll note that none of them have locks on them. We work on an honor system here. Caught stealing and you're out of here with no help of any kind."

Cassie flipped on the light and looked about the small room. It contained two dressers; one with a mirror, and a twin sized bed. It occured to her then that Charlie had said that the food would be deducted from her pay. "What do you mean that my food would be deducted from my pay? I don't have a job," she said. "Everyone that stays here, helps out downstairs either in the bar or the grill and you're paid for it. In a few days, we'll see where you work out the best. Right now, you just need to get settled in and rest. If you need anything, money for personal items, or whatever, just let me know." "Thanks," she said and smiled at the other woman as she closed the door behind her, leaving her alone to unpack.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-13-2008, 08:51 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Two

A year had passed since Cassie Madison had left her abusive husband. She had made some new friends that had really helped her. Over the year, she learned that everyone who worked at The Hideaway had been touched by abuse in one way or another. Nearly all the women there had been abused at some point in time, including Charlie herself, by either a husband or boyfriend. Hank Anderson, the barkeep, had lost his mother to his abusive stepdad when he was a teenager. And all six of the bouncers had lost either a family member or friend AFTER the woman had left the relationship and they just wanted to help other women from that fate.

In that year, Cassie had filed for divorce and was shocked when it went through without Mark fighting her on it. A few months afterward, she and Hank started dating, but in the last few months, things started to turn romantic. Charlie had let the two of them have a Friday night off so that they could go out to a nice resturant in the next town over; which happened to be three times the size of Hope. They had just finished a nice dinner as was waiting for the check when Cassie nearly chocked on her drink. Quickly turning from the door, she said, "We need to leave NOW, Hank." Confused, he asked, "Why?"

"Don't make it obvious, but do you see the five guys that just walked into the resturant with the three girls," Cassie said. Casually stretching and looking that way, she watched as he stared at them. "Yeah," he said as he relaxed back to his earlier position and took a sip of his drink. "The one in the black shirt and Stetson is Mark," she said. "The woman he's with is the one I found him in bed with." She watched as Hank took them all in. "How did he find me? How did he know that I was here?" "I don't think he knows you're here," he said. "Think about it. We're sixty miles from Hope. You said yourself that Mark would take off for days at a time."

Cassie held a deep breathe and then whispered, "But it took me three days to get to Hope." "Yeah," Hank countered, "on a bus that stopped at every place between here and there to not only let off, but pick up passengers. He could make in a personal vechile in half that time, if not less. It's possible that this is were he's been coming all along and we just happen to be at the same place at the same time." "Where is he now," she asked, not wanting to turn around. "The waitress is taking them up to the private dining rooms upstairs," he said, watching them walk in the opposite direction of their table. "He must be in some well-known company to be going up there. I don't even want to know who he's up there with."

Just then the waitress walked by and laid the check on their table. "Will there be anything else," she asked. "No thank you," Hank politately said, "Here," he said as he handed her the check and a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change." He then hurried Cassie from the resturant before Mark had the chance to notice her. Getting into the car, he said, "I don't want to scare you, but I've seen him in The Hideaway on several occassions. He's always with those same four guys. But I've never seen those girls before, but I don't always see who's with who. I just remember seeing the five of them paling around together."

Hank obliged Cassie when she said that she didn't want to go back to The Hideaway. Under the circumstances, he agreed. He too didn't want to take the chance of running into Mark. "I know a place we can spend the night," he said with a smile as he pulled out onto the highway. "That is if you don't mind roughing it." From the passenger side, she smiled back at him. "I don't," she said. He patted the seat next to him. He felt like a teenager again when she slid next to him. He placed an arm around her and held her tightly as he drove.

Hank stopped in one of those side of the road convience stores and they loaded up on camping supplies. An hour later, they were sitting next to a roaring fire on property that had belonged to his late mom, and now belonged to him. The house had burned down the night she died and now all that remained was the lone chimney. He could keep from smiling when he showed Cassie the already made bed in the back of the truck. "I like coming out here alot," he said with a shrug, "and it's easier to keep the camper shell on and the bed made."

By nightfall, the fire was slowly dying down and Cassie sat on Hank's lap facing him. Their gentle nose rubs and soft pecks on the lips and checks slowly and sensually turned into deep, passionate kisses. She felt his need straining to be freed as he pulled her closer to him. His hands slid up her shirt and toyed with her hardening nipples through the lace of her bra. She felt shivers of pleasure run through her body; something she had never known.

Cassie hadn't been with a man since Mark; and that was a little over a year ago. Even then, she hadn't enjoyed it because he was always so rough with her. But Hank on the other hand..., Hank was taking his time, making sure that she was enjoying herself. She didn't even realize that she was panting and moaning until she heard him chuckle. "What," she asked breathlessly. He stopped kissing and nibbling on her neck long enought to say, "You act as if this is the first time you've been with a man. Or at least the first time you've enjoyed it." Leaning back from him, she ran a single finger down his jaw line. "It is," she said. "Is what?" "The first time I've ever enjoyed it," she said blushing. "Then I'll make sure you enjoy it completely," he said; his tone dripping with passion.

Before she knew it, Hank was walking them to the truck; her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. With the tailgate already down and the camper glass raised, he only had to sit Cassie down on the tailgate. He ran his fingers through her long brown hair and gently cupped the back of her head, pulling her roughly, yet just as gently to him. She moaned again. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt and soon her hands brushed the fabric from his body.

Cassie leaned back and stared at his broad and muscled chest and the thick black curls that covered across his chest and down his stomach, disappearing into his tight jeans. The color of it matched perfectly the crew cut hair on his head. His dark brown eyes were heavily ladden with desire for her. She had never seen that much passion and desire in a man's eyes before. She shivered with a matched desire. She raised her arms for him to removed her shirt and blushed as he removed the white laced bra from her breasts. His smile and moan told her that she was pleased.

Hank's stance was all military and he his large framed, well muscled body, easily moved Cassie's much smaller framed, and perfectly shaped body back just enough to removed her shoes, socks, jeans, and thong panties. He couldn't keep from licking his lips when he saw the soft patch of brown curls. And before he could stop himself, he spread the soft pouty lips under them and gave them the attention they had never before had. He gently kissed the throbbing numb; licked up the pouty lips; and tasted the sweet juices flowing from her small hole. He felt his own manhood throbbing to be inside of it. He knew that as small as she was, she would fit tightly over him and he looked forward to it.

Hank looked over Cassie's stomach. In the fading sunlight, he saw her face show the pleasure she was feeling. "You can make noise," he softly said. "That's how I know if you like what I'm doing or not." And from then on, he was glad that they were alone in the woods because her moans and screams reached earsplitting levels. Wanting her even more now, he allowed her to rest as he removed his remaining clothes. Closing the tailgate behind him, he joined her on the air mattress and quilts that made the bed.

Hank watched Cassie swallow hard as she seen him for the first time. He had never thought of himself as "well endowed", but from the almost terrified look on her face, he was bigger than what she was use to. "You can touch it," he said as he stroked himself before her. He watched her grate her top teeth on her bottom lip as she continued to stare at him as if she was in a daze. Slowly she moved towards him and grasped him in her hand. He moved her hand in his slowly, showing her how to do it.

"You're so big," Cassie whispered softly. Hank smiled as his suspections were comfirmed. "Are you not use to one this size," he asked. She shook her head "no" as she said, "Mark was not even close to your size. He was smaller around and shorter in length." She again grated her lip with her teeth. "It's going to hurt, isn't it," she asked, fear creeping into her eyes. "I'll go slow and gentle," he promised.

Cassie laid back and felt Hank's weight on her lower half as he suckled at her breasts. She ran her finger tips and the palms of her hands along his back as he pleased her yet again. She moaned as he kissed his way up her neck. She felt his weight shift and then felt the head of his hard cock push into her. She again moaned and bit her bottom lip with her top teeth. Her body arched as he pulled back and pushed deeper. Again she moaned. She felt him pause and looked him in the eyes. "What's wrong," she panted, confusion lacing the question. "Nothing," he said smiling at her. "Then why did you stop," she asked. "And why are you smiling?" With a pleased grin he said, "Because your ex didn't take the one thing that defines a virgin as a virgin." "Huh," she grunted.

Cassie gasped as with one swift move Hank pushed in her a sent a pleasureable pain through her body. He whispered in her ear, "He didn't take your maidenhead. Now I'll believe that you've been with a man." She panted and gasped as she tried to catch the wind that had just been knock from her lungs. "Oh God," she cried as he softly kissed her forehead. His hips moved slowly as he whispered, "Are you alright?" "Yes," she moaned. Soon she meet his movements with her own. Several times he pushed her body over the edge with pure pleasure before she felt his own release.

Cassie wrapped her arms around Hank's neck. She smiled with pure pleasure as he softly kissed her on the lips. "I know I need to pull out of you," he said, "and should have before I came. But, I just had to know how this felt. To lay in the after sex glow, still in you, and cuddling your body to me." "I don't mind," she sighed. "I may in a few months, but now, I'm enjoying this too much. I've never had an experience this wonderful before and I too want to enjoy it as long as possible."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-14-2008, 09:06 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Three

Two months later

Mark Madison cursed the Chevy truck he was working. Standing up to find the wrench he needed, he spotted his buddy, Joe Burns, entering his shop. "Well," he demanded. "What did you find out?" "I found her," Joe beamed proudly. "That was her you saw a few weeks back in the resturant." "And the guy she was with," he asked, returning his attention to the Chevy. "Names Hank Anderson. He's a bartender slash bouncer over at The Hideaway," Joe answered. "Some sort of ex-Marine or something. From what I understand, he's an expert in hand-to-hand combat, weapons, and explosions." "That's where I've seen him," he said, his attention fully on the motor in front of him. Joe nodded before saying, "Yeah, he's the one that told you if you didn't leave that red headed chick alone he'd flatten ya."

Mark looked up at Joe and huffed an unimpressed "Hmph". "So he's as ex-Marine. Just what I need. A love sick body guard keeping me from getting my wife back." "Why don't you let it go, Mark," Joe said as he leaned against the opposite side of the truck. "She obviously doesn't want you or she wouldn't have left while you where out with the boys."

Mark raised up so fast he hit his head on the hood of the Chevy. He waved the wrench at Joe in a threatening manner and said, "Listen here you little son-of-a-bitch, if I hadn't been so damn drunk that night I wouldn't have signed and mailed those damn divorce papers. I couldn't do anything about it after that. I'll be damn if I let her go that easily." "But you don't even love her," Joe countered. Shakeing his head he continued, "I don't get it, Hank. You don't want her, yet you don't want anyone else to have her. What's the deal?" "I just want her," he said angerily. Lowering his voice some he finished, "I just want to know that when I come home she's there. Supper was always cooked, the house clean, laundry done. I always knew that she'd be there whenever I couldn't get it from Carly."

Joe shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Yeah, I know. You just want a maid. To have your cake and eat it too." Silence filled the air for a few moments as Joe drew in a deep breathe. "Then your not going to like what I have to tell you," he said. Their eyes meet and Mark grunted "what". "She's getting married next weekend. The Hideaway will be closed for her wedding." "What the fuck," Mark yelled as he turned around and threw the wrench at the wall. Countering on his friend he yelled, "Over my dead body! That little bitch won't marry again to anyone but me!"

After hearing about their near run-in with Mark, Charlie made sure that Cassie and Hank didn't work Friday and Saturday nights unless it was an emergency. And now, for the first time since she open the bar fifteen years ago, The Hideaway would be closed on a Saturday night. Cassie Anderson twirled around the dance floor with her new husband. She couldn't believe the difference in this wedding and her first.

Cassie hadn't known what to say when Hank had told her to "spare no expense" becasue he wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams. She thought of the ragged, second-hand dress she wore to the Justice of the Peace's house when she and Mark married. He had wanted to go as cheap as possible. And now, she wore a beautiful snow white dress with a train that looked a mile long. The train now drapped from her arm as she and Hank danced. "I love you," he whispered as he pulled her body close to his as the song ended. "I love you," she whispered back.

Cassie and Hank both heard the commotion at the front door at the same time. She watched in horror as a very drunk Mark Madison staggered in. Hank pushed her behind him, shielding her from Mark's sight. "Where's my wife," he yelled across the now quietened bar room. "I know she's here! Now where the hell is she?"

From around Hank, Cassie watched as T.J., Billy, Daniel, David, and Lee intercepted the five uninvited men walking into the bar. T.J., the cooler, said to them, "This is a private party, gentlemen. Didn't you see the sign on the door stateing that we are closed." Mark smiled his cockly little smile and said, "Well now..., you might say that we're friends of the bride. And we're hear to stop her from making a VERY big mistake." She watched as T.J. remained as cool as ever. "I don't see where Mrs. Anderson has made any mistakes," he calmly said, and then added, "except marry you." The fight was on then with Mark throwing the first punch.

"Get her out of here," Charlie told Hank, pushing them towards the back enterance that the men used as she dialed 911. "Take her out the back. Get on with your honeymoon. You've done cut the cake. Threw the bouquet and garter. Been riced down. Now get the hell out of here. We'll take care of these pieces of shit." Before she knew it, Cassie found herself in Hank's pickup, pulling out onto the highway. The sound of sirens heading toward The Hideaway grew louder as the police cars finally passed them and then pulled into the bar's parking lot.

Hank wrapped his arm around his new bride and pulled her close to him. "Don't worry about that, darling," he said as he drove. A little chuckle escaped him as he said, "I was ready to get you to the cabin anyway." He felt her relax against him. Thirty minutes later, they entered the large one room cabin that belonged to Lee. They all had agreed that it would be the safest place for them to go to for their honeymoon since very few people knew he owned it.

Hank laid the cell phone on the table and then turned away just as it rang. He held his breathe as he answered by saying, "Yeah." He stared at Cassie and smiled. "Thanks, T.J. We'll see you in a couple of days." "They arrested Mark and his buddies. We won't have to worry about them." He watched Cassie relax against the back of the couch. Damn was she beautiful in her snow white wedding gown. He stared at her as he sat down in the chair next to him and pulled off his cowboy boots. "Come here," he said as he patted his lap.

Hank craddled his wife in his arms. He smiled as Cassie took his lead and kicked of her white high heels. "You make me feel so safe, Mr. Anderson," she said as she nuzzled his cheek. "Good," he smiled. "But there's something else I'd like for you to feel, Mrs. Anderson." "Mrs. Anderson," she said smiling, "I like the sound of that." "Me too," he said; his lips lightly brushing hers before completely devouring them in a kiss.

Cassie smiled in the candle light as Hank stood behind her and slowly pulled the long zipper down her back. She felt his large strong hands as they pushed the silk and lace material from her shoulders. His hands roamed forwards over her breasts, continueing to push the material away from her body as they did. She heard herself moan as he paused long enough to massage her breasts before pushing the material past her stomach and hips. He rubbed his hands across her stomach. She remembered being relieved when she learned that she hadn't gotten pregnant after their first time together. But now, if it happened tonight, she would be overjoyed.

Cassie stepped out of her wedding gown that now laid on the floor. The only thing she now wore was the white corset with matching hooked stockings and a lacey white pair of bikini panties. She watched Hank wet his lips as he stared at her body. "God you beautiful, Cassie," he whispered. She in turn removed his cream colored, button up shirt. She ran her fingers through the soft black hair on his broad chest and then down his stomach to his black jeans. Slowly she undone the button and zipper. Hooking her fingers in both the underwear and jeans, she knelt down and pulled them down until he too stepped out of his clothes. She smiled as his hardened member sprang to life before her face.

Still knelt on the floor, Cassie took Hank's member into her hand and began to stroke him. His moans filled the air as she lightly squeezed as her hand moved on him. Placing her mouth over the top, she slowly twirled her tounge around the head as her hand continued to slowly move. "Cassie," he hissed as she did. "Ohhhh, Cassie."

She had never liked doing this for Mark, but Hank had let her take her time in learning how to please him. This was now one of Cassie's favorite areas of foreplay. She couldn't take all of him in her mouth, but he didn't care. He had showed her how to please him, and in turn, it pleased her. She felt his hand lightly stroke her head. "That's it Cassie," he moaned. She brought him close to climaxing before HE pulled back. She smiled as he panted heavily, trying to regain control of his body and breathing. "I want to cum in you, Mrs. Anderson," he said through gasping breathes.

Hank lead Cassie over to the oversized bed. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lightly. "I've never wanted to be with you as much as I do right now," he said almost demandingly. "Not even that first time did I desire you this much. I know what kind of passion you have in you and I want it desperately again." Even in the glow of the candles, he saw her blush.

Kneeling before her, Hank slowly removed Cassie's panties and ran his fingers through the soft brown curls before slipping a finger into her. He heard her gasp instantly. With his finger, he brought her to the edge of climaxing. Her hands grasped his shoulders, steadying herself. He felt her nails dig into his skin and she released them after her orgasm was complete. Her hands remained on his shoulders as she weaved back and forth. He knew that if she wasn't holding onto him, she would fall over.

Taking pity on his wife, Hank gathered her up in his arms before she fell onto the bed. Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and softly kissed up it. He undone the snaps holding up her stockings and slowly rolled them off of her. Next he undone the buttons on her corset and tossed it aside. He kissed his way down her neck and to her breasts; taking each in turn, teasing and taunting them until they were harden peaks. He lightly grated his teeth across them, causing her gasp.

Cassie closed her eyes as Hank kissed his way down her stomach. She bucked and squealed with delight as he kissed the lips to the opening of her womanhood. "Hank," she gasped as his tongue slid into her opening; causing her to instantly cum. She was too busy trying to regain her breathing to notice that he now hoovered above her.

Cassie opened her steel blue eyes and stared into Hank's dark brown ones. "Anything wrong, darling," he asked with a smile on his face. "Nothing, my love," she answered through pants. "MMM," she moaned as he slipped into her. She bit her lower lip as he moved in her. It had been nearly a week since they had been together. He had insteaded on it, telling her that she would tighten up some before their wedding night. He had been right, because she felt him spreading her slightly.

"Oh, Cassie," Hank moaned as he moved deeper in her. Cassie gasped as she felt him bottom out in her. "Hank," she gasped; gripping his upper arms tightly as she came. She came several more times as he pushed her body over the edge. But he wasn't done yet. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he pulled her up with him and he left the bed. Pressing her body against the wall, he moved in her again. His breathing increased as did his rhythem and thrusting. His hands kneaded her bottom as he made love to his wife.

"Cassie. Cassie. Cassie," Hank panted as he pushed up in her. "Hank," Cassie screamed as they came together. She felt him give a few quick and small thrusts as he did. It was the first time since their first time together he had came in her without a condomn. She felt his cum as it released in her. The heat from it spread throughout her body.

Hank kissed Cassie deeply as he contiued to press her body against the wall. Both of them released their kiss only to fill their lungs with air and then resumed their kiss. He felt her hands as they rubbed up and down his back. Removing a hand from her bottom, he carassed her cheek and traced her jaw line with his finger. "I love you Mrs. Anderson," he said as he stared into her eyes. "And I love you, Mr. Anderson," she replied, stareing back into his.

Twice more, Hank made his wife feel like she was the only woman in the world. In return, Cassie made him the happiest man alive. The rest of the weekend was spent mostly indoors as clothes were not put back on until the time came for them to leave.

Upon entering The Hideaway that Monday, Hank and Cassie learned that Mark and two of his buddies had died in a car wreck after being released from jail Sunday morning. A semi had jack-knifed in front of them and Mark was unable to stop in time. Together they attended the funeral and paid their respects. Mark's parents apologized to her for the hell that their son had put her through. And they said that they were glad that she had found happiness finally. Cassie was relieved that she was free from Mark, but hated that it had came in this way.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 04-14-2008 at 09:23 PM.
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