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Old 08-13-2003, 09:24 AM
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Susan is Stranded

this story is a collaboration between Jaylene and Graybread

Driving down the interstate, Susan tapped her fingers on the driving wheel in time with the song on the radio. She was thinking life couldn’t be more perfect than this. Here she was driving back from spending a great weekend with her folks, Shania Twain was playing on the radio, and before her was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. The sky was a gorgeous pink, streaked with purple, magenta, and navy blue clouds. Just then she heard a “Whap” sound, and her car gave a sudden lurch. The wheel was shaking in her hand, she stepped off the gas, and pulled over to the side of the highway.
She knew the cause immediately, she had blown a tire. It dawned on her that she doesn’t have a spare in the trunk. “Oh crap,” she said to herself, as she grabbed her purse off the passenger seat. She began to rustle through it, looking for her cell phone. AAHH, here it was. She flipped it open, hit the power button, to see “No signal….searching….Searching…No Signal.” “Great, just wonderful” she thought, getting out of the car. From her vantage point she could see for hundreds of miles, and there was nothing but her and the open road. No gas stations, houses, or hotels. And the highway was eerily deserted. Just then, on the horizon, she saw movement.
As it began to come closer she could see it was headlights. It was an old pickup truck with a lone driver. She turned to her reflection in the car window, and fluffed her blond hair, and pulled the waist of her jeans down, to expose her flat tummy. Susan’s had always believed that God wouldn’t of given her such a sexy body, and a pretty face, if he hadn’t wanted her to use them to her advantage. When she was satisfied she looked okay, she turned back t the road to see that the pickup truck had just pulled over.
The door open, and out stepped the most delicious man Susan had ever seen. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and a deep tan. A goatee surround a mouth that was just made for kissing. All he wore was a thin, white muscle shirt, which was taught against his hard pecs. His levis, were so tight, that Susan could tell he was very well endowed. She had always had a soft spot for cowboys, and the hat, the belt buckle, the boots and his good looks told her this was the cowboy of her dreams.
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Old 08-29-2003, 07:37 PM
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Rowland Higgins or ‘Rollie’ as his friends called him was on his way home. Home being the small house tucked back among the hills with nothing but a couple thousands head as company. He had been to town and picked supplies, frozen pizza, frozen TV dinners, frozen this, frozen that. Along with some wooden posts and a couple rolls of wire. Actually his job was to mend barbed wire fences, see that all the water wind pumps were working, and chase an occasional coyote away. As he came over the rise he spotted the car beside the road. Pulling over he got out, taking off his dusty, sweat stained felt cowboy hat. He pulled a wrinkled red bandana out of his back pocket and wiped the sweat off his forehead as he walked around to the front of the pickup.

“Got yourself a flat tire there huh Missy,” he said flashing his white teeth at her. “Want me to change it for ya?” He stepped over and kicked the flat with the point of his worn Tony Lama boot. He squatted down to look at the tire, his knees poking through the holes of his worn and faded Levi’s.

“I don’t have a spare,” the woman said.

“Geez, Wimmin,” Rollie mumbled under his breath. “Well I see it this way. The closest town is ten mile back that way,” he said pointing with his hat. “I jus come from there. They got a tractor supply, a gas station, and a café. None of them is open now. Sixty miles past that is Willow Springs. They got a motel but only fifteens rooms and them be filled up with railroads workers. Now in the other direction is Riverton,” he said looking over his shoulder. “They got a nice big hotel, maybe fifty rooms. Only problem is, that’s eighty miles down the road.” He got a big smile on his face. “My place is jus five miles out that way,” he said pointing with his hat again, across the open prairie. “And I got frozen pizza that’s about to thaw.”

He dropped his hat hand to his side, hooked his thumb behind his big belt buckle, and looked at her for a moment, before adding.

“I got a phone if ya want to use it. I also got a couch if ya want to spend the night, otherwise ya can start walking, or spend the night here with the coyotes.”

He looked down at the ground, kicking at a small rock there, the smile broadening on his face. He already knew her answer. He slipped his hat back on his head and looked at her.

“My names Rollie Missy, what’s yours? I make a mean pizza by the way."
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Old 09-01-2003, 08:12 PM
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“My name is Susan, sir. Susan White. And I sure do appreciate you stopping to help me like this,” she said. Quickly assessing her situation she could see she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. What this man Rollie was saying made sense anyways. She needed some place to stay the night until she could call the garage.

Rollie seemed like a nice enough guy, and Lord knows he was sexy. Besides Susan knew there were worse ways than on Rollie’s coach to spend the night. “This sure is a predicament I’ve gotten myself into. I think I might need to take you up on your offer,” she said, apologetically looking up into Rollie’s face. Her stomach tightened when he responded with the most devilish grin she’d ever seen. She had the urge to just kiss that grin right off his face. “Let me just grab my purse,” she said, turning her back on Rollie.

Susan opened the car door, bent over, and leaned into her car to grab her purse. She could feel Rollie’s eyes on her ass, so she added a wiggle for good measure. Standing up she slung her purse over her shoulder and faced him. She was a little surprised to see that he made no attempt to hide the fact he had just been checking out her body. Instead he continued his visual inspection of her. His eyes inched their way up from her feet, stopping between her legs. Standing there by the side of the highway, Susan felt her panties dampen. Rollie’s eyes slowly moved up her exposed belly, again resting, but this time on her breasts. She suddenly became aware of her nipples standing erect in response to the cooling desert air. She now wished she was wearing more than this thin spaghetti-strap top.

By the time Rollie’s eyes met hers, Susan was as flustered as a virgin schoolgirl catching her first naughty glimpse of someone’s manhood. This is a feeling she definitely had not experienced in some time. The guys Susan typically entertained were the ones who turned into flustered school children when she turned on the charm. Rollie was sexy, yes, but he also was uncannily straightforward in his demeanor. Susan was sensing this stranger had an edge. She was nervous but also excited as to where this could all lead.

Rollie cleared his throat, which snapped Susan back to reality and her dire situation. “I’m ready now. And I’m starving. I think that pizza is just what I need,” she giggled. With a smirk, she walked to Rollie’s truck and jumped in.

Rollie wasn’t lying when he said he lived just a few miles away. Susan and Rollie arrived at his house within minutes. Despite the house’s proximity to the interstate, Susan was amazed at just how isolated Rollie’s residence was. It was a lone ranch house situated on hundreds of acres of cattle country. She turned to Rollie and asked, “So do you live here all by your lonesome?”
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:20 AM
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The old house sat on a half acre of enclosed land. The fence was to keep the cattle out of the yard and away from the outbuildings. The yard was just a piece of dried up grass, about the same color as the rest of the terrain. They crossed over the cattle gate and Rollie pulled up next to the house.

“So do you live here all by your lonesome?” Susan inquired.

Rollie jammed the truck into park as he got out.

“Well kinda,” he said. “If ya don’t count a couple thousand head of cattle roamin about.”

He hurried around and opened the door for Susan, standing right in front of her as she got out. She had to tilt her head back to look up at his grinning face.

“Help me carry in the groceries,” he said stepping back to allow her to move.

He grabbed a bag of groceries out of the back of the pickup and handed them to her, then grabbed the last two himself.

“This way,” he said leading her to the front door. “Out of the way Scruff,” he yelled, at the mangy looking dog standing on the porch. “Don’t mind him, he’s a cross ‘tween a coyote and a wild cat,” he joked, looking back over his shoulder and Susan. “I just keep him around ‘cause he keeps the sidewinders out of the house.”

The interior of the house looked like a disaster area. There were dirty clothes laying everywhere and twenty or more empty Budweiser cans on the tabletops and floor. Rollie walked over and with his arms still holding the bag of groceries he pushed the counter full of bud cans to one side, half of them falling to the floor with a clatter.

“Sorry,” he said weakly, setting the bags down and reaching for the one she carried, “I don’t get much company.”

He raised the lid on the ‘out of place’ chest freezer sitting in the kitchen and sat two of the bags directly into it. The other bag containing toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, which he obliviously ran out of a couple of weeks ago by the stack of dirty dishes in the sink, he left sitting on the counter.

“Here Susan want a beer,” he asked opening the refrigerator door.

The bottom two shelves of the refrigerator had been removed, to accommodate the six cases of Budweiser sitting in it. He grabbed two, handing her one and popping the top on the other.

“I don’t get to town much, so I stock up,” he said. “Oh, here, let me get that for ya,” he added reaching up and taking Susan’s hand to pop the top on her Bud. Holding her hand a minute longer than was necessary to open the can.

He released her hand, grabbed a garbage bag, and started to pick up all the empty can sitting around, tucking dirty clothes under his arm as he went.

“Have a seat,” he smiled clearing off the easy chair.

He did a quick clean up of the living room and kitchen, improving the mess by a hundred percent. Smiling at his work, he tossed the garbage bag out the front door, and his dirty clothes into the closet.

“That’s better,” he said. “The phone is right there when you want to use it,” he added pointing to it. “Right now, I need to take a shower. I’m starting to smell like a range heifer myself.”

He tilted his beer up and emptied it, sitting the empty can on the counter as he went by on his way to the shower.

Ten minutes later he was done. He came out of the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his old Tony Lamas on his feet. His damp blonde hair was sticking in every direction. His blue eyes were bright and clear, and his nose and cheeks were shiny clean.

“Better,” he commented. “Need another beer Susan,” he asked, heading for the refrigerator.
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Old 09-08-2003, 12:49 AM
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When she heard the shower start, Susan walked over to the end-table where the phone was. She didn’t really have anyone to call, no husband, no girlfriend. So she figured she might as well try to ring the garage. She figured they’d be closed, but was hoping to get a machine.

The phone was propped up on a very old directory dated 1995/1996. Luckily, Rollie didn’t live in much of a town, and as a consequence it was home to only one garage, Gary’s Garage. As expected the garage was closed, but she was able to leave a message.

“Hello, my name is Susan White. I blew a tire on the interstate, right past mile marker 181. I need a tow and my tire replaced. I’ll be at Rollie’s place, the number is…,” glancing down she saw the number in the middle of the dial “…427-1212. Thanks.”

She had just put down the phone the receiver of the phone when she heard “Better. Need another beer Susan,” Startled she turned around to find herself looking a very scantily clad Rollie.

“Sweet Jesus, that’s not all I need,” she whispered under her breath, looking Rollie up and down. Rollie sure did clean up real nice. His hair was quite tussled from a quick towel dry. He hadn’t done a good job drying it; little drops of water were intermittently dripping from the tips of his hair, beading on his neck and shoulders. For a second she envisioned herself walking over to him and licking the drops right off his neck.

“Um yes, please, another beer would be great,” she said, meeting his gaze. Rollie turned on his heel, walked to the fridge, and grab them each a beer.

“HHHMMM-UUMM,” thought Susan, “he looks as good from the back as he does from the front.” Rollie walked back to where she was standing to hand her the beer.

He was standing so close to her that Susan could smell the fragrance of soap left on his skin from his shower. She looked down, to take the beer from his hand, and noticed Rollie had a thick scar that extended from his side, arched down across his belly, and then dipped out of site underneath the towel he had tucked around his hips. Instead of taking the beer, Susan reached out her hand and she touched his scar. She traced her finger along the scar ever so lightly until her finger rested on the lip of his towel.

“How’d you get this?” she asked, looking up into his steel-blue eyes for the second time that night.
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Old 09-10-2003, 09:20 PM
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“Oh that,” he said looking down at his belly. “Brahma bull……called the ‘Widow Maker’. He got me real good, didn’t he. I was riding the rodeo ‘bout five, six years ago and drew ole Widow Maker.” He added looking back at her. Ya only got to stay on em 8 seconds, I just happen to stay on his horns for the last three.”

Rollie was not an overly aggressive male when it came to sex. It seemed he never had to be. Whenever he’d gone to the bar on Saturday nights, he’d always had plenty of women after him, so he just never pursued them. There just never seemed a need. But with Susan so close to him and her finger lightly touching the scar, he became just a little daring. He sat the beers down and grabbed the towel.

“It goes farther down than that,……see,” he said loosening the towel and lower in it just enough to show more of the scar.

But his own daring, his own teasing, betrayed him. His cock started to grow, to rise against the towel, and in a moment had peeked around the edge of the towel like a stay calf, looking up at Susan.
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Old 09-20-2003, 10:12 AM
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As Rollie pulled the towel down lower to show more of his scar, he exposed a lot more than he intended. A little line of brown hair ran right down his belly from below his belly button. Now that Rollie had pulled down the towel Susan could see that his scar would eventually run into his “happy-trail”. Susan unconsciously licked her lips, as her fingers traced the newly exposed portion of Rollie’s scar.

“Oh lord is this man sexy,” thought Susan.

Susan knew she wanted Rollie from the moment he had stepped out of his truck. She was thrilled he had invited her to his place until she could get her car fixed. He’d offered her his coach for the night, though she was sincerely hoping that he would soon offer her his bed instead. Although she knew her own desires, she wasn’t sure of Rollie’s.

Usually Susan was cocky and confident. Sure of her good looks Susan was not afraid to use them to her advantage. And yet Rollie unsettled her because he was so hard to read. He wasn’t like most men, who swooned over her. He had checked her out, yes, but had otherwise made no advances.

Did he feel the same desire she did? Susan wasn’t sure.

Just then Susan felt something warm and smooth against her hand. She looked down to see Rollie’s cock had grown hard.

“Oh sweetie,” she thought, “that is all I needed to know.”

She slowly moved her hand over the towel, resting it firmly on Rollie’s growing bulge. A shiver ran through her as she realized the massive size of the cock she gripped.

“Looks like you have more than just a scar to show me cowboy,” Susan said, smirking up at Rollie.
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Old 09-20-2003, 03:14 PM
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“Yes’am,” he said smiling back at her. “I guess that nasty ole bull left one of his horns in me…….So guess that makes me ‘horny’.” He laughed at his own joke.

He reached up and slowly began to unbutton Susan’s blouse, never taking his eyes of hers, while she continued to hold his cock. He reached around her and unclasped her bra, freeing her tits. He fondled both her tits, gently rolling the nipples between thumb and finger, until they became hard. He pulled her skirt up around her hips, exposing her panties. She had let the towel drop away and was now holding his massive cock in her small hand, stroking the full length of it.

“Ma’am,” he said. “I know this isn’t like a first date or anything. But you ‘spose we aught to kiss or something.”

“Yes, you’re right. I suppose we should,” she answered slipping his huge cock between her legs and wrapping her arms around his neck. “And call me Susan or Sue. I think we can drop the formalities now cowboy.”

“Yes Ma’am, I mean Susan,” he said bending down and pressing his lips to hers.

She opened her mouth wide to give his tongue full access to hers. It swirled around hers like two desert rattlesnakes in a mating dance, coiling and dipping around each other. He licked at the pool of saliva under her tongue tasting her, before moving to the roof of her mouth. His tongue moved back and forth across her palate following the same rhythm his cock was making between her legs. His hands held her ass as he humped her, feeling her wetness beginning to soak her panties. Slowly he withdrew his tongue, breaking the kiss.

“Ma’am...Susan,” he corrected. “I’d surely like to taste ya….ya know….down there,” he said looking down between them.

“I’d surely like ya to taste me down there too,” she answered trying to copy his western drawl.

Rollie knelt down in front of her moving his face close to her pussy. He inhaled her muskiness deeply. He lifted one leg and placed it over his shoulder, then pulled the crotch of panties aside exposing her slick pussy. He leaned in and starting at the front of her slit, he licked her from her clit back to her tight pink asshole. She had to place her hand on the counter top to steady herself. He brought his tongue back to her slit and began to lap at her wetness, pushing his tongue into her. She thrust her hips forward to give him better access. His tongue slipped inside her drawing her juices out and they ran down his tongue. He swirled his tongue around inside her like he had done her mouth, his lips pressed tight against her. He reached up with one hand to grip her tit, squeezing it hard. The other hand running up and down her leg from the back of her knee up to her ass. He moved his tongue to her clit and flicked it back and forth, feeling her hand reach down and grab a handful of his hair as she bucked against his mouth.

“Oh fuck Rollie, you’re going to make me cum,” she panted.

“Yes Ma’am,” he said quickly before sucking her clit between his lips.

He felt her leg begin to tremble and knew she was close. He moved his hand up to her ass to help hold her steady as her juices flowed from her pussy. He alternated between sucking her clit and lapping at her pussy, letting her orgasm flow into his mouth.

“Oh fuck Rollie, oh fuck, oh fuck. Make me cum, make me cum,” she panted grinding her hips into his face. Her hand gripping his hair harder. A fingernail breaking off the other hand as she tried to grip the countertop for support.

He pinched her nipple hard and heard her gasp at the pain, pressing her pussy tight against his mouth and just holding it there as her orgasm flooded into his mouth. He loved the taste of female cum and he tired to bring more from her. His cock throbbed as he drank from her, precum beginning to ooze from the tip.

He waited until he felt her beginning to relax before releasing her pussy. He licked at the juices that were running down her legs, releasing the grip on her tit, he lowered her leg off his shoulder and stood up. His mouth and chin a glaze of female cum.

With out a word he scooped her up in his arms, still fully dressed, just that her clothes were in disarray, and carried her to the bedroom.
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Old 09-23-2003, 12:08 AM
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Susan felt weak from the orgasm that just racked her body, and was relieved when Rollie lifted her off her feet. As he walked her towards his bedroom, she clasped her hands around his neck and pulled his head down to her lips for another kiss. As his lips met hers she could feel that his lips were sun-chapped from the long hours he spent outside. She could taste her honey as she parted his lips with her tongue, and kissed him long and hard.

As they entered Rollie’s bedroom, she could see that this room was in much the same state that the rest of the house had been in when she arrived. Rollie walked Susan over to the edge of the bed and gently placed her on her feet. She watched as he leaned over and dragged his arm across his bed, pushing the clothes that had been littered there to the floor. He then turned back to face her.

Standing there in front of Rollie, Susan realized she was a tangle of half discarded clothes. She slowly peeled off her top and let it drop on the ground behind her. Then she slid a bra strap off one shoulder and the other. Her bra dropped to the ground as her shirt had. She could feel Rollie’s eyes caress her plump breasts, and her nipples began to harden again under his gaze. She then shimmied her legs back and forth, causing her panties to slide from her knees to her ankles. Susan demurely stepped out of her panties, leaving them lying on Rollie’s carpet. Now all she had on was her skirt that Rollie had hoisted up over her hips just moments before. In the same swift motion he had yanked it up, she yanked it down, and stepped out of it.

Very cat like Susan crawled onto the bed, positioning herself on her hands in knees in front of Rollie.

“Now let me take a closer look at this scar,” she said, lightly touching her lips to where it began on his hip.

Susan then started to kiss all the way down Rollie’s scar. She kissed along his happy trail until she found herself at the base of his cock. Taking his stiff member in one hand Susan proceeded to lick around the base of his dick. Rollie was fresh from his shower, but Susan could still taste a hint of salt still on his skin.

Her tongue, soft and warm, glided up the shaft of his cock. She stopped for a moment at the tip of his cock. She ran her tongue along its head, thrilled to see goose bumps ripple across his body as she teased this sensitive spot. Rollie brought his hands up and rested them on each side of her head. She placed the head of his dick in her mouth, and started to lightly suck on it. As Rollie’s pleasure increased, he started to push is hips forward, trying to encourage Susan to take it all in her mouth. With each thrust however, Susan pulled her head back, ensuring only the head received the pleasure of her mouth.

“Oh God woman, suck my cock, your mouth feels so fuckin’ good,” Rollie said sighing with desire. Susan wasn’t the type of girl to refuse a gentleman’s request, so she happily obliged.

As Rollie again thrust his hips forward, Susan pushed her head down on his cock, taking all 6 inches in her mouth, until her lips met the base. Rollie hands were tangled in her golden locks, and he was working her mouth hard.

“Yes, that’s it, suck it. Suck my cock Susan,” panted Rollie.

Susan then began to feel Rollie’s cock start to spasm against the warm softness of her throat, and she new he was close to cumming.

“Not yet Susan,” she heard Rollie whisper, “ I need to have you first.”

Rather than cumming Rollie slid his member from her mouth, until just her lips were lightly brushing the head of his cock. His juice glistening on her lips as she smiled up at him.
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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Old 09-24-2003, 11:08 PM
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“You want this ole bull’s horn, honey,” he panted smearing the mixture up across her cheeks and nose. “Well get ready ‘cause this bull riders ‘bout to give ya a ride ya won’t forget. Now turn around so I can give ya all this horn.”

He started to push her around so her butt was facing him, but as she was about half way turned he climbed on the bed and made his way behind her. Kneeling, with one hand on her hip, he guided his cock to her wet pussy. In one thrust he was buried to his balls deep inside her sopping pussy. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her back to meet his thrusts. He jammed his cock in as far as he could before withdrawing and ramming it back in again.

“Yeeeee Haaaaww,” he yelled as he slapped her hard on the ass.

Susan pushed back against him with every thrust trying to take as much of his cock as she could. Her pussy juices running down the inside of her thighs.

“Fuck me cowboy!!! Damnit fuck me hard!!! Give me all that fucking cock!!!” she screamed back at him.

“You one of them bitches that likes it hard huh,” he grunted looking down at her.

He slapped her ass hard again, then again leaving a red welt where his hand landed. He grabbed her hips again and jammed his cock in just holding her against him as he made short deep jabs into her.

“You like that dirty talk too, while yer gitten fucked?”

“Yes,” she whispered grinding her ass against his pelvis. “Talk dirty to me.”

“Yeah, yer just one of them fucking whores likes to be ridden ain’t ya,” he said rotating his cock inside her pussy. “Yer just a dirty slut huh?”

“Yes,” she panted, “I’m a slut.”

“Well take this ya dirty slut,” he grunted pulling his cock out then ramming it deep inside her again and again. “Ya like ole Rollie’s hard fucking cock inside that wet cunt don’t ya. Ya like to be kneeling while Rollie fucks ya hard. Yer just a dirty fucking whore what likes the feel of hard cock in your fucking cunt.”

Rollie could feel the cum rising in his balls. He had never talked to a woman like this before but he found it made him want to cum faster.

“Here it comes ya fucking whore, yer ‘bout to make me fill that sweet cunt of yers.”

Rollie grabbed her hips and buried his cock in her as the jets of cum filled her. His cock shoot load after load of his hot cum inside her. He closed his eyes as cock spewed it’s load in her wet pussy.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he panted with each blast of his cum. “Fuck me, you fucking whore,” he panted as he strained against her ass.
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Old 09-28-2003, 01:49 PM
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“Yer just a dirty fucking whore that likes the feel of hard cock in your fucking cunt.”

Whack! Susan yelped and pulled away from the sharp sting she felt on her tender bottom. Her squeal seemed to encourage Rollie to ride her harder.

“Yes. Oh god yes Rollie. I love the feel of your cock. Fuck me harder,” she cried out, doing everything she could to encourage Rollie to continue to ram his cock deep inside her wet slit.

Rollie was indeed like a bull, goring her with his horn. She gripped the side of the bed, struggling to stay on, as each buck of Rollie’s hips sent her to the edge. Rollie buried his 6 inches entirely in her tight, wet pussy, and continued to pleasure her with short thrusts. Her sensitive, erect clit was simultaneously massaged by Rollie’s pelvis.

“Here it comes ya fucking whore, yer ‘bout to make me fill that sweet cunt of yers. Fuck…fuck…fuck… fuck me, you fucking whore,” Rollie panted.

Susan felt Rollie’s member start to twitch and spasm inside her.
“Oh god…Rollie, Please don’t stop…I’m gonna cum,” panted Susan. Her pussy felt hot and tingly and quickly the tingles multiplied shooting across her body.

“I’m cumming…Oh god, oh my fucking god,” screamed Susan.
As Rollie emptied his hot cum into her cunt she felt full, and sated. Exhausted she collapsed onto her stomach. Rollie collapsed on top of her, his cock still inside her. Together they lay there physically drained.

Eventually Rollie slid himself out of Susan’s slit, drenching her thighs and the sheets with their juices. Righting themselves on the bed, Susan snuggled into the crook of Rollie’s arm and soon they were fast asleep.
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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Old 09-28-2003, 01:51 PM
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Day 2

Sunlight was brightly shinning into the room. As Susan open her eyes she became aware that she wasn’t in her own bed. The memory of the previous day’s events came rushing back to her.

“Well didn’t you prove yourself to be quite an animal last night,” thought Susan, smiling at the Rollie who was still lost in his dreams. She had had a suspicion that Rollie had an edge and he had certainly proved it the previous night. She giggled softly remembering how Rollie had initially seemed almost nervous around her.

And yet Rollie had seemed to sense that it wasn’t a soft gentle love that she had needed. Just the memory of the hard fucking she got last night was enough for a dampness to start between Susan’s legs. And though Susan was tempted to lie there and let her fingers explore the wetness she felt between her legs, she decided instead that she should get out of bed and make this man some coffee. She slid out from under the covers, and wrapped her naked body in one of Rollie’s flannels that had been hanging on the back of a chair.

In the kitchen, she busied herself with hunting down the can of Folgers and coffee filters, and then left the pot to brew. As she filled 2 mugs with the steaming coffee, she could hear Rollie begin to stir in the other room. He must have been woken by the smell of coffee.

As Susan walked into the bedroom, Rollie was lying on his back, his hands up behind his head. His eyes roamed over her bare legs.

“Good morning Rollie, I made you some coffee,” Susan said, “This should help you wake up.”

“Thanks ma’am,” Rollie said, sitting up against the headboard of his bed, and taking his coffee in hand.

As Susan and Rollie sipped their coffee in silence, Susan let her eyes again survey the man in front of her. She giggled when she realized not only was Rollie waking up, but so was the member between his legs. This was one thing Susan just loved about men; they always woke up ready.

“ Ya know Rollie, I was thinking I would make you a nice, big breakfast this morning, but I figured we should first work up a bit of an appetite,” Susan said. She reached over and took the mug of coffee from his hand and placed it on the nightstand by the bed.

“And just what did yer have in mind,” asked Rollie with a grin. As he said this he pulled the blankets off him, exposing his hard cock.

Susan swung her legs over Rollie straddling him. She still wore his flannel shirt, but nothing else.

“Well today, I’m gonna ride you, cowboy,” Susan said as she slowly lowered herself onto his hard cock.

Susan couldn’t help but moan as she felt Rollie’s hardness sink into her. She sat full on his cock, burying every inch inside her pussy. Her cunt was still pretty dry so it clung tightly to Rollie’s cock. She rolled her hips on his hardness knowing that soon she would be wet enough to glide up and down the length off his shaft.

Rollie brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. Then he reached down, and searched out her clit. As he rubbed her button, Susan’s juices began to flow. Rollies cock became slick and smooth. Susan began to slide herself up and down Rollies cock. Susan delighted in the dual sensation of having a hard cock penetrate her, while having her swollen clit massaged.

“Oh god…you ‘re so hard…” gasped Susan. She was riding Rollie relentlessly now. Her large tits, nipples erect, bouncing up and down. Susan started to shake with the intensity of feeling.

With Rollie still inside her, Susan leaned in over him. She was close enough to kiss him. She gave him a hot, wet kiss and then started to lightly bite his neck, and nipple his ear.

“I think I’m going to cum on your dick. Oh God,” she cried. She reached her climax, gasping and writhing as the feeling washed over her whole body in glowing waves.
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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Old 09-28-2003, 07:22 PM
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Graybread Graybread is offline
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The smell of fresh brewed coffee roused Rollie out of his sleep. At first he was confused wondering who would be making coffee. Then it came back to him ‘Susan’. He turned too looked at the empty place next to him, the happenings of the night before coming back to him. He had talked to her badly he thought, and hoped that she wasn’t upset with him.

She walked into the bedroom carrying two mugs of coffee just then, dressed in one of his shirts. The sight of her dressed in his shirt, with her shapely legs protruding below the tails was somewhat erotic. He took the coffee offered him and sipped at it. Rollie’s cock began to stiffen not only from the sight of her, but he hadn’t taken his morning piss yet.

“Ya know Rollie, I was thinking I would make you a nice, big breakfast this morning, but I figured we should first work up a bit of an appetite,” Susan said, taking the coffee from him.

“And just what did ya have in mind,” asked Rollie with a grin. Stripping the blanket back, exposing his hard cock.

Actually a huge breakfast did sound good, flapjacks, half a dozen eggs, bacon. But she had whetted his appetite for more than food.

Susan swung her legs over Rollie straddling him. She still wore his flannel shirt, but nothing else.

“Well today, I’m gonna ride you, cowboy,” Susan said as she slowly lowered herself onto his hard cock.

As she sat atop his cock, Rollie wetted his fingers to reached down and delight her clit with them. She seemed to enjoy the double pleasure as she fucked him and he worked his fingers around her clit.

“Oh god…you ‘re so hard…” gasped Susan.

Rollie watched her tits bounce up and down inside his shirt. There was something exciting about a woman in a mans clothes. She leaned forward and kissed him then began to bite at his neck and ear. She reminded him of a coyote pup he had once had that bite at him the same way.

“I think I’m going to cum on your dick. Oh God,” she cried.

Rollie continued to work her clit hard as he felt her orgasm flood over his cock and down the crack of his ass. He hadn’t put much effort into her orgasm, except for his fingering, she had done most of the work herself. She sat back up, his hard cock still deeply imbedded in her as she gently rotated her hips on top of him. He reached over and picked the coffee mug up and took a couple of sips as she finished herself off on him. She opened her eyes and looked down at him.

“You didn’t cum,” she said curiously taking the mug from his hand and sipping the brew.

He placed his hands on her bare thighs and caressed her skin gently, smiling up at her.

“I thought maybe I would feed you breakfast in bed,” he said shyly, hopefully.

She grinned devilishly over the top of the coffee mug before handing it back to him. She pushed straight up off his cock, releasing it from her tight sheath. It slapped wetly against his bare belly. She moved down his legs toward the end of the bed. She licked him from the base of his cock to the head, her eyes looking up at him. She tired to clean her cum off his cock with her tongue before moving down and taking his balls into her mouth. She gently rolled them around with her tongue, gently sucking on his sac. Rollie tried to set the mug of coffee back on the night stand but spilled half of it in the attempt.

“Oh fuck,” he murmured his whole body trembling at the sensation.

She reached up and held his cock at the base, releasing his balls from her mouth. She ran her tongue slowly around and around the swollen head before sucking it into her mouth. She held just the gland between her tight lips and slowly pulled her mouth off it sucking the whole time. She tried to push her tongue into the opening at the end before sucking it back in her mouth.

“Turn around,” Rollie gasped. “I want to eat you too.”

Susan walked her knees around the bed, never taking his cock from her mouth. She raised her leg to go over Rollie’s head and he picked her up and positioned her over him. He nuzzled his face into her wet cunt, lapping at her sweet juices, tasting her cum. She lowered her head letting his cock slid all the way into her mouth, the tip banging against the back of her throat.

“Oh fuck,” Rollie mumbled into her pussy.

He began to work his hips up and down, fucking into Susan’s face. He licked the length of her slit, from her clit to her asshole. He tried to push his tongue into her rectum but she was too tight. He placed his lips tight against her sweet pink hole and sucked her. he could feel his cum begin the ascent up his cock, she too knew it was coming by the swelling of his cock head. She held just the head in her mouth, her lips clamped tightly around it as her hand flew up and down the length of his throbbing cock. His cum exploded in her mouth as she jacked him off, swirling her tongue around his cock head. Each time he tried to push into her mouth she just moved with him, she wanted all of his cum in her mouth not down her throat. Rollie continued to suck her ass, lost in the delirium of her mouth/hand action. His orgasm ebbed to a slow pulsing throb as she slowed her hand.

He released her ass and his head falling back into the pillow. His cock was still rigid with his piss hard-on and she continued to jack him off. He reached down and pulled her face off his cock and pulled her body back over his. She slid down his chest and belly, her pussy leaving a wet slick trail as she went. He reached down and guided his cock into her cunt once again as she lay back against him. He ripped the front of the shirt open, exposing her tits to his hands. He grabbed her tits as he began to fuck her wet cunt again. She turned her head sideways, panting, a dribble of her spit and his cum running out the corner of her mouth. Rollie rose up and licked it off her mouth. She turned her head farther and their lips met in a cum coated kiss. His hand slipped down to finger her clit once more. She sat upright on him, grabbing both her tits and squeezing hard, her hips rocking back and forth on top of his. They both exploded in a mutual orgasm this time, Rollie slamming his cock into her as she pushed down hard against him. They both tensed as the orgasm washed through them. It seemed an eternity passed before either breathed, and then with a gasp Susan collapsed back on Rollie’s chest, panting.

“Ma’am,” Rollie whispered, his hard rigid cock still buried deep in her. “I have to piss really bad.”
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Old 09-30-2003, 09:24 AM
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Susan couldn’t help but giggle at Rollie’s request to pee. He was just too cute!

“No problem sweetie,” she said, sliding herself up off him, “You go take care of business, clean up a bit, and I’ll go make that breakfast I promised you.” Still wearing his flannel (albeit without buttons), Susan made her way into the kitchen.

Okay, first I’ll freshen up my coffee. Okay…where is the skillet? All right. Eggs, flour, butter, baking powder, baking soda, bacon. We’re in good shape. Susan could hear Rollie making water in the latrine.

“Well I guess the boy really did have to go,” she thought with a chuckle. She heard the shower start up. Perfect. Breakfast should be done by the time he is out. Just then the phone started to ring.

“Hello? Yes this is Susan White. Wow. Already? You boys have been awfully busy this morning then. Okay. I’ll be over as soon as I can get a ride. I’ll be paying with my credit card. Hold on.” Susan put down the phone, and grabbed her purse, “Yup here is the number…and the expiration date.”

This time when Rollie came into the kitchen from his shower, he was fully dressed. This caused Susan to pout just a little.

“Sit down, baby. Eat. I wasn’t sure how you liked your eggs, but I figured scrambled was a safe bet.” Susan sat with Rollie as he ate. They talk a little about his work here at the ranch and what he all had to get done today. Susan was finding that she really didn’t want to leave Rollie, the ranch house, or this small rural town. Oh well there was a job to get back to, friends to see. A whole ‘nother life she had to return to.

“Well the garage called while you were in the shower,” said Susan. My car is at the shop with a brand new tire. All I need is a ride over there.” Susan could tell my Rollie’s expression he was feeling much the way she did.

“I better jump in the shower. I’ll let you have dish duty,” she said getting up from the kitchen chair. She bent over and kissed him on the mouth before heading into the shower.
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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Old 09-30-2003, 09:25 AM
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As Susan looked over at Rollie, who was in the driver’s seat, she noticed he was looking rather sullen. He looked like she felt.

“Don’t look so sad Rollie, I’m not gone yet,” she said, smiling at him.

“It’s just that I kinda liked havin’ a woman around ma’am,” he said.

“I know, I kinda liked being around,” sighed Susan.

“Here, I know what’ll cheer you up,” Susan said, a devious grin spreading across her face. She slid her hand between his legs. It only took her a few seconds for her to unbutton and unzip his jeans.

“What are you doin’ woman? Are you crazy?” asked a dumbstruck Rollie.

“Just sit back, drive, and enjoy yourself sweetie. If it gets too much just pull over,” she said, lowering her head into his lap. Susan took Rollie’s flaccid penis in her mouth and softly started to suck on the head. It didn’t take Rollie much time to rise in response to the pleasure her mouth was providing. She felt him lay a hand on the back of her head and start to push her face down on his hardness. Susan open her mouth wider and took the whole of his cock in her mouth and down her throat until her lips were tickled by his pubic hair.
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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