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Old 09-04-2008, 03:19 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
First His Mistress, Then His Wife

Part One

For any young women in the mid 18th century Boston, their eighteenth birthday would have seen her married, or the very least engaged. But not for Claire Sharp. For her, it meant that she was now to old to live at the Westside Orphanage. For her, it meant that she was now on her own. She said her final "good-bye" to all of the younger children that she had helped with before leaving. She had no where to go, and yet because of her age, the government would no longer pay for her to stay; not even as an employee. She had to give Mr. and Mrs. Wise credit. For they had tried to help her by marrying her off. But once the prospective groom took one look at her, they would flatly refuse.

Claire had come to see her Gypsy like beauty as a curse, rather than a gift. It was true that at the time of her apperance on the steps of the orpahnage, a group of Gypsy's were traveling through the area. By why would they have left her there. The only clue she had was a note that had been pinned to her dress. It simply read: "She will not be his." Somewhere deep inside of her, she felt that her whoever had place her on the steps had been trying to keep her from a fate that she would not want. For that she had always been grateful. But just now, as she walked absently along the streets of Boston, she felt as if the fates had forgotten her altogether.

Claire paid no attention to where she was going until she felt herself being pulled backwards. "What are you thinking women," a man's voice gruffed. She came to her senses and looked around her. She was standing in the middle of a crowded street with horses, carriages, and vendors passing by. She looked up at the man who had apparently kept her from being ran over for the first time. "I'm sorry," she said, "I must have been day dreaming." The older, well dressed gentleman walked her to the sidewalk and then began dusting off her dress. "Well," he said smiling at her, his voice sound a little less gruff, "no harm done. I have to say we've all been caught unawares at one point or another day dreaming. I know I have."

Claire looked the gentleman over in the only way she knew how; with suspicious eyes. She was a tall girl of nearly six foot, and yet she had to look up to this man. He had short brown hair and a full beard, both showing just a hint of gray. His brown eyes matched the color. A gracious cape hung over his broad shoulders, revealing that he was a man of some importance. And his arms... She could tell that he was no stranger to hard work and had once been very use to it. It showed in the lines around his eyes as well. He looked to be at least thirty years, if not more, older than her. Finally gathering her wits about her, she thanked him for his help and then headed on her absent way. But before she could get very far, he stopped her again.

Lord Henry Lambert had arrived in Boston less than a month ago and was still getting use to it. After the lose of his wife and only child, he sold his home in England and move here to America. He wanted to leave the memories of love and life behind him. He wanted to move here and start a new, but this time not letting anyone get close to him like Alice had. But there was something about this young woman that made him want to know her better.

Henry stared at the tall beauty for a brief moment as he took in her long coal black hair and cobalt eyes with just the slightest exotic slant to them. The dress she wore was obviously second hand, but it didn't deter from her lean and luscious build. Her breasts were not fully shone, but enough cleveage was shown at the top of the tight dress that he could obviously see that she was well built. His eyes finally came back to her face. "Is there something you wanted," she asked. "AH, yes," he stammered, "You look as if you might be lost. I was wondering if I could help you find your way?"

Henry watched as this beauty gave a look of surprise. "Is it that obvious," she asked. "Well yes," he said. "Begging my pardon, but you look as if you simply don't belong in this neighborhood." With his hand, he gestured around to all of the fine homes surrounding them. "That is, you could pass for a servant of one of them, but not of one of the Ladies that live there." "I'm actually looking for work, sir," she said, her facial features turning somewhat sad. "I've just been turned loose from the orphanage, being that I'm now eighteen and they will no long care for me." He watched her draw herself up to her full heigth before saying, "And I refuse to do like most that have left the orphanage and make my money by stealing, or lying on the flat of my back."

Henry chuckled at her determination to stay off the streets. "Easy now," he said smiling. "I think I might be able to help you." A smile broden her face, making her beauty even more potent. "I'm having trouble staffing my country estate. I have found all the necassary servants except for an upstairs maid and a stable man. Which job would you like?" He could tell that she thought he serious about the stable position, and so she stammered as she replied, "The maid position, sir. I don't think that I could manage the horses." He laughed loudly as he said, "I thought you might. Now come with me. I have a few more errands to run before heading back to the country. We can have lunch together before leaving town."

For six months, Claire worked for Henry without any problem. And in that time, she learned that he was indeed thirty years her senior. But lately, she had noticed that he stared at her more often; watched her as she worked; even seem to try to get as close to her as possible without any of the other servants taking a notice. She hadn't said anything to anyone, but she was being to wonder. She like being in his presence. The simply touches of the hand or the accidentaly brushing of their bodies as they passed each other in the tight hallways.

Claire had not thought it strange when Henry gave her a bedroom next to his. His reasoning had been so that she could be close at hand if, and when, he needed her in the night. There had been a few occassions that he had called her during the night, but he always found something to keep her busy in his room during the daylight hours.

Claire was getting ready to turn in for the night when she heard Henry call her name. She wrapped the robe around her and went to his room. She found him sitting on the edge of his bed, dressed only in his pants. He requested that she rub his shoulders for him and turned so that she would be behind him. He had had a tiring day after all breaking in a new horse and she was use to giving him these backrubs. She could tell that his muscles were indeed tense and she began to work the sorness away. She smiled as she did because it allowed her to touch him.

When finished, Claire bid Henry "good night" and turned to leave. She felt his hand grasps hers and she turned back to him. He pulled her to him so that she stood before him as he sat on the edge of his spacious bed. "Stay with me," he huskily begged. "Stay the night with me and let me show you the pleasures that a man and a woman can share. Be mine." She felt her heart skip a beat and she felt as if she couldn't catch her breathe. She wondered how he had read her mind in wanting him so badly, that he now begged her to stay with him.

For a slight moment, Claire thought about running, but instead found herself mesmerized by him. She allowed him to pull her to him. His mouth hovered next to hers as he stared into her eyes. He then drew her in tightly and deeply kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him as well and allowed him to show her the pleasures he talked about.

By the glow of the fireplace, Henry slowly removed Claire's housecoat and threw it down in front of them. He snaked his hand up under the hem of her wintery gown and found the softness of her womanhood. He kissed her gently as he eased her legs apart enough to allow his hand enough room to touch her. The heat coming from her was encouraging. Once his finger dipped into her, he was pleased to find her not only hot, but wet. Her soft moans filled the room as he teased her clit. His other hand worked at the buttons on the back of her night gown. Soon, enough of them had been opened so that he could slip it from her shoulders. He kissed the bend in her neck as his finger continued to move in her. "Henry," she gasped. He felt her wetness pouring around his finger.

Henry stood Claire before him and completely removed her gown. He smiled to see that nothing else hid her glorious body from him. "My God," he gasped, "you're absolutely gorgeous. Just as I knew you would be." He saw the weak smile and the redness creeping into her cheeks. He too then stood and removed his pants. He watched her face reden more as she saw his harden manhood. "Touch me," he whipsered. He watched as she hesitantly reached for him. He showed her how to gently, yet firmly, grip him and move her hand up and down him. "MMM," he groaned as her soft, small hand ran the length of him. "Does it hurt," she asked. "It feels wonderful," he moaned.

Henry played with Claire's breasts as she stroked his hardness. This felt good, but he wanted to feel her mouth on him. "Kneal down," he huskily groaned. He smiled as she did and gently pulled her mouth to him. They stared at each other briefly before he nodded his head at her. He watched as she hesitantly took his large manhood into her mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as he felt the heat of her mouth on him. Without being told to, she moved her mouth on him. His head tilted back as he ran his hands through her long black hair. He moved his hands with her head as she moved her mouth on him. He fought the urge to cum in her mouth, but was soon overpowered by the need. "Claire," he moaned as he pushed her head forward and shot his load deep into her throat. He felt her surprise as she tried to pull back, but held her there. Soon, she accepted what he was doing and then sucked him clean once he had finished.

Henry collapsed back onto the bed behind him. He pulled Claire up onto his lap. "I'm sorry," he gasped, "but the heat and warmth of your mouth was more that I could stand." "It's okay," she said smiling, "I actually liked it once I got use to it. But did it hurt? You moaned like it did." He smiled at her innocence. His late wife Alice had always refused to taste him; never even allowed him in her mouth. He was thrilled that Claire not only sucked him off, but enjoyed the taste of him as well. "Now," he said as he stroked her long black hair, "let me return the favor."

Claire laid back on Henry's spacious bed. He hovered just above her, softly kissing her lips first, down her neck, then her shoulder, and finally her breast. She gasped as he sucked the harned nipple into his mouth and teasted it with his tongue. He again started at her mouth and worked his way down to the other breast; all the while, his thumb rubbed light circles on her swollen clit. She felt her breathe become labored each time he brought her to the point of no return and then pushed her beyond it.

Claire's stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies as Henry kissed his way down her stomach and to the black patch of hair below. He spread her legs as wide as they would go. She looked down her stomach and watched as his tongue flicked at her womanhood. She gasped and let out a silent scream as he flicked at the swollen numb. She gripped the sheets on each side of her. She thrusted her breasts into the air and quickly brought her legs together around his head. She felt him grip her thighs roughly and pulled them back apart. "Claire," he savagely, yet huskily, gruffed. She looked at him through sated eyes as he stared at her. She watched him draw in a deep breathe; his eyes slowly closeing and then opening. She didn't know what, if anything, she had done wrong, but he returned his attention to her. This time, he kissed and sucked on the swollen numb before kissing his way back up to her.

"What did I do wrong," Claire begged of Henry as he settled himself between her legs. "Nothing," he said smiling. "But why did you say my name like that," she asked. She watched as desire filled his eyes as he said, "Because I thought you were trying to stop me from pleasuring you with your legs. But once I saw the sated looked on your face, I knew that passion had overtaken you." She smiled back at him and pulled him to her so that she could kiss him.

Henry was met with a tight, wet, warmth as he entered Claire and smiled at finding her this way. He had suspected that she was a virgin, but due to her age, he had actually thought that she might have been taken already. He watched her eyes roll backwards and heard her gasp as he pushed further into her. He smiled as yet another push found the thin membrain that proved her innocence. "Thank you," he said as he pushed through the sweet barrier, "for letting me be your first." He felt her legs tighten around his waist, just as her arms did around his neck and her breasts heaved against his chest as she gasped for air. One of her hands slid from his shoulder and lightly pushed against his broad chest. Her fingers ran through the tight graying brown hair that cover all of it; from there the hair trailed down to the large patch below.

"It hurts," Claire cried as she half-heartedly tried to push Henry away with her one hand. She heard him "ssshhh" in her ear before saying, "It gets better. I promise." She eased the tension in her legs and felt him move in her. The pain ebbed away and pleasure began to spiral outward from where he moved in her. "Henry," she gasped as she tighten her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. "Oh Henry." She felt her releasal and heard him groan with pleasure. "Again," he moaned. "Cum for me again." She let the pleasure he was giving build once again and then explode; gasping as she did. "Claire," he moaned, "you feel so good."

Claire rolled with Henry as he moved her on top of him. It was in the glow of the fire light that she fully realized just how much older this man was than her. She saw the aging of not only his face, but his upper body and arms as well. She didn't care. This man was showing her pleasure she had never known and she was enjoying it. His strong hands roughly played with her breasts as she instinctly began to ride him. "That's it, Claire," he maoned. "Ride me. Ride my hardness. Make yourself cum on me again."

Claire leaned forward and slammed her palms onto Henry's chest. She let her passion take over and began riding him like a wild animal. "Henry," she gasped over and over until she shook from pleasure. Again and again she came until he finally slowed her. "Slow down, woman," he said, "we have all night to pleasure each other." "Sorry," she gasped, "but it just feels so good." She heard his deep throated laugh as he raised himself up so that he could suckle her breasts. She wrapped her arms around his neck so that he stayed there.

Henry pushed Claire off of him and then led her to the bureau next to the bed. He watched her expression in the mirror in front of them as he pushed her down onto it. Her cheek pressed against the cold mirror as he spread her legs just enough so that he could push back into her from behind. He gripped her shoulders and began to slowly move in her. "Look at yourself," he growled. He watched as she hazely looked at herself in the mirror; her eyes showing the satedness she was feeling. "Watch me fuck you," he moaned. "Watch me do what I've been wanting to do ever since I met you. Watch me, Claire. You're now my mistress, Claire, and I'll show you all the pleasure you want."

Henry watched as this much younger woman maon as he moved in her. He smiled when Claire began to buck back on him, causing him to push even further into her. "Beg me to fuck you, Claire," he groaned. "Fuck me, Henry," she begged, her face now pressed hard against the mirror. "Fuck me, please." "How do you want it, Claire," he asked. "Do you want it easy or rough." "Rough," she gasped. He wrapped her long hair around his hand and then grabbed both her shoulders in his hands. He smiled as her head leaned back and then sideways as he pulled her hair when he gripped her shoulder.

As hard as he could, Henry pounded away at Claire. He felt her tight womanhood flexing around him as she came over and over again. His hardness move easier and easier in her as she kept it slick with her juices. He covered her mouth as she grew louder and louder. "Oh fuck, Claire," he groaned as he felt the thick ropes of his cum shooting into her. Slowing his pace, he continued to move in her, milking his balls of every drop of cum. He heard her gasp as she they both caught their breathe. He leaned over her and placed his head on her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him. Once he had rested, he pleasured her again.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:18 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Part Two

Seven years had passed since Claire had became Henry's mistress. And during her years of service, she had worked herself up from a maid to the main house keeper. She was now spending all her time managing his household by day and sharing his bed by night. Also in that time, she had bore him two sons; Alex, six, and Drew, four. Both favored their father. He had yet to marry her, and not once had she push him to; both being happy with their arrangement. All the other servants knew about their love affair, but not once had any of them said anything about it. But now, as his fifty-fifth Christmas approached, his thoughts of legally making her permantly his, and there sons his legitimate heirs weighed heavy on his mind. Especially now that they knew that she was expecting his third child.

Henry had thought about it so much, that he had already obtained a special liscense that would allow them to marry at any time. He had arranged for his friend, John Hampton, a legal judge here in Boston, and his wife to be present with him and Claire as they celebrated the season. He planned to have John marry them Chirstmas Day. Along with John and his wife, several other important members of Boston's upper curst would be present. He was tired of hiding her away in his country home. He wanted to shout it to the world that she was his.

Henry woke early Chirstmas morning like he did every morning; alone. Claire had no doubt been up for some time making sure that everything was running smoothly. Sure enough, she entered their room to wake him. "You had better get up," she told him. "Drew is chomping at the bit to open his presents. And Alex keeps saying that you have a surprise for me that he's sure I'm going to love." He smiled up at her and motioned for her to come to him. At fifty-five, he might be showing his age, but at twenty-five, she was even more beautiful than she was when he had first met her. And the small bump of her normally flat belly revealed where his three child rested.

"Come on," Claire said as she sat next to Henry. "And what if I wanted a present of my own," he said, pulling her to him. "Then you'll have to get out of bed to get it," she said as she wiggled from his hold; rubbing her hand across his harden member as she did. "The children and guest are waiting on you." He smiled as she left the room, blowing him a kiss as she did. He groaned before removing himself from bed.

Claire smiled happily as Henry sat in his large chair next to the Chirstmas tree, passing out gifts. Each year, he had made sure that each servant recieved a nice bonus plus a gift. Like the rest, she would recieve a bonus and a gift, and then another bonus that night when they retired for the day. She blushed as she thought of the lovemaking that they would share that night. She stepped forward to receive her gift when he called her name. But to her surprise, he pulled her down onto her lap before she could move away.

"Open it mother," Alex said. "Open your surprise from father." It had been the children that had confirmed to all the servants, and any guest who had ever been there, that the two were lovers because of their calling Claire "mother" and Henry "father". Not once had either correct the boys.

Claire sat on Henry's lap and opened the small present as their sons looked on. She nearly cried when she saw the golden band with a single diamond in the middle and an opal on either side. "Marry me," she heard him say. "Marry me right now, in front of all present. Make me the happiest man alive." She looked at him with tears streaming down her face. "And what of the boys," she asked. "And the child that grows in me?" She watched as he pointed at his friend, Judge Hampton. "That is why I invited John, his wife, and all here today," he said. "So that he could marry us and eveyone could witness it. But as far as our sons, and the child that grows in you, I claim them here and now as my own. Steps to make them my leagal heirs have already been taken. All I need is to make you legeally my wife. We have lived together for seven years now as man and wife, hiding our love in this house, never showing our feelings outside of these walls. I no longer want to hide my love for you. Please say you'll marry." She eagerly cried "yes" as she wrapped her arms around him. For the first time ever, they expressed their feelings for each other in front of someone other than their sons.

Thou it may have been her wedding day and Christmas all rolled into one, Claire still had a house to run and guests to see too. Just after dinner, Henry caught her as she came out of the boys' room; having just laid Drew down for a nap. He pulled her into his arms as she came near him. "Awe my darling," he whispered into her ear as he pushed her body against the wall, "I finally have you alone for a moment." He kissed down her neck and it sent shivers down her spine. "I do believe you said that I had to get out of bed to receive my present," he said as he raised the front of her dress. "I think I'll take it now." "Henry," she gasped as he raised her up to meet him, "we have guests who could walk this way at any time." "Good," he said huskily, "then they will see me having my way with my wife on our wedding day. I told... I'm tired of hiding my love for you."

Before Claire could protest any more, Henry pushed himself into her. He heard her moan and felt her climax immediately upon his entrance of her. "You're always ready for me," he said as he moved in her, pressing her hard against the wall. "You keep me in a wanton state all the time," she moaned. "How else am I to be when the only man I want is you? Just the sight of you makes me desperately need you. And the simplest of your touchest makes me cum instantly." She found his mouth and kissed him hungerily. She felt him moving further into her, causing her to gasp.

Henry pinned Claire against the wall as hard as he could without hurting the baby. He might be thirty years her senior, but he was still as strong as a bull. And she was still as light as she was seven years ago. Bearing his sons had only heighten her beauty. Her hair still just a black and long; her eyes still the same cobolt blue. He thought of his sons suckleing from her plump breasts and he drove himself even deeper into her. "The baby," she gasped and he eased back. The thought of his furture child doing the same drove him crazy.

Henry kissed down Claire's neck as she moaned his name. The couple was so involved in their love making that they didn't even see John as he entered the hallway and then turned around; leaving very hurriedly, pushing his own wife back as he did. He continued to move in her until he too climax. He deeply kissed her before pulling from her and setting her back on the ground. He gave a chuckle as he said, "You might want to redo your your hair, darling. It looks a bit messy." "I wonder why," she said grinning. "MMM," he moaned as he leaned back to her, "if you don't remember, I'll be glad to show you again." "Later dear," she said satedly, "we have guests below that need attending too."

When the time came, Henry paced outside of his room as he heard Claire's screams of pain as she birthed his third child. Like the other two times, John paced with him as his wife helped inside. Then came the cry of a baby and he felt as if he would faint. Soon he was sitting on his bed, holding his daughter, Maria, as her mother rested next to them in the bed. He looked down at his daughter and he noticed that she had the same coal black hair and cobolt blue eyes as her mother. He knew that if her beauty was anything like that of her mothers, he would be beating off the young men with a stick before she was able to wed. No doubt, he dreaded that day. But for now, he would enjoy his little girl and the woman she so looked like.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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