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Old 02-24-2006, 11:07 PM
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jonik jonik is offline
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Ok, this is my first attempt at posting anything anywhere. I hope somebody likes this. It's just the first three parts of something longer. (Probably much longer!)

Read on!
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Old 02-24-2006, 11:14 PM
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jonik jonik is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: at my house!
Posts: 25

I was just glad to finally arrive. It had been an excruciatingly long flight and all I could think about was finding my friend, Mark, and getting to a bed for some rest.

Mark had been living in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for two years as an assistant program director for a U.S. government-funded educational development project. He had invited me to come over and check out the country for a few weeks since I was recently graduated from the Ohio State University with an M.A. in Russian history and I had no immediate job prospects. I was glad to get the additional international exposure, though I honestly had very little idea of what to expect in Uzbekistan.

When I finally had made it through customs, I walked through a small door and into a crowd of people waiting in the night air for friends and family – and a throng of pushy taxi drivers. I was being pressured by a particularly annoying driver when I was grabbed by the arm. I spun around quickly for fear of losing my bags, but was pleasantly surprised to see my friend, Mark, barking some Russian at the drivers and pulling me to relative safety outside the pack.

“Hey, man! It’s good to see you,” he said. “How was the flight?”

“I’m sure you can imagine,” I answered. “Long, boring … But it sure is good to finally be on the ground!”

I gave him a quick “man hug” and we turned to find his car.

In the car, Mark explained to me that he was doing some repairs at his house, so he had arranged to rent an apartment for me for the first couple of nights – just until his place was back up to snuff.

We drove on for 10 minutes through the Tashkent night, catching up on things. The city, according to a map I’d seen before the trip, was sandwiched between desert and mountains. From what I could see out the window at night, though, it had more trees than I thought it would. And I noticed that about half of the storefront signs in the city were in Russian, the other half being in what I supposed to be Uzbek. We finally pulled into a neighborhood of one- and two-story houses surrounded by walls at least eight feet high. We stopped in front of one of them.

“This is my place,” Mark said. “I want to show you how to get in and where everything is, in case you need something while I’m not home.”

We opened the gate and stepped into a courtyard.

The house was a nice one-story job. Mark showed me the kitchen and the room that would be mine once the workers finished up.

“The radiator leaked all over the floor yesterday,” he explained. “There’s some damage to the wood floor, but mainly I need to get the pipes fixed permanently. I had some guys out here today, but they won’t be back till Saturday or Sunday probably. That’s Uzbekistan for you.”

“It’s OK,” I said. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ll probably sleep in tomorrow, anyway. And then it’ll just be one more day. … Tomorrow is Friday, right?”

“Right,” Mark said, grinning. “You’re probably jet-lagged and ready to sleep. I’ll take you to your place.”

He gave me some keys – one to his house and one for the apartment where I’d be staying – then we drove down the street and back behind a set of apartment high-rises.

“It’s a just a couple minutes walking distance,” he said. “It’s an OK place. Two bedrooms, a balcony. I hope it’ll be alright. Oh, before I forget, take this.”

He handed me a piece of paper with his address and phone number written on it.

“I you ever get stuck somewhere, just call me. Or give this paper to a cab driver. He’ll know how to get here.”

Mark helped me lug my stuff up two flights of stairs. We found my place on the second landing and, just as I slipped the key into my door, the door to the apartment next to mine opened. A girl in her early 20s stepped out, dressed very well and apparently ready for a night on the town.

I can say without exaggerating that she was gorgeous. She was slender (that was plain to see from the skin-tight dress that showed off her just-right curves) and on the tallish side, about 5-foot-7 or a little taller. She had long dark brown hair that fell to the small of her back. And big eyes. Unforgettable big eyes.

I was dumb-struck, but Mark said something to her in Russian as she walked toward us to get to the stairs. She said something back and looked him in the eyes. I wishfully imagined that she’d smiled at me as she passed, and I glanced after her as she walked down the steps.

Once inside the apartment, I said something to Mark about the girl.

“Looks like I set you up with a very nice neighbor, doesn’t it?” he grinned.

“Wow. Nice eyes! And legs, too. … But I’ll probably never be able to talk to her,” I sighed.

“Aw, come on. What are you talking about?”

“Mark, my Russian is far from good, and she’s drop-dead gorgeous … not that it matters.”

“You’ve got the wrong attitude, man! Listen, you remember how pathetic I was in the States around hot girls?”

I nodded. We’d been friends at Bowling Green as undergrads. I had been the one with the steady girlfriend and he’d been the one with no action at all.

“Well, I’ve learned a few things that you’d probably do well to figure out, too,” he said.

I looked at him skeptically. I suppose I was also a bit embarrassed that I’d given away the fact that it had been awhile since I’d had much success with a woman … not to mention a beautiful one. My college girlfriend (her name was Kelly) had joined the Peace Corps and I had chosen to go on to grad school, so we’d agreed to let things end there. Things had been pretty slow since then. But now was I supposed to sit there and take advice from a guy I knew had been lamer than me when we’d been friends back in our undergrad days?

Mark started to tell me a little about some things he’d started doing to improve his body, his attitude, and his sexual performance. He said he had confidence with women that he’d never enjoyed before. But I was honestly a little weirded out by this line of discussion – plus I was exhausted – so I don’t remember much of what he said that night.

The next day I woke up feeling groggy.

The jet leg was killing me. But I could see it was daytime and I wanted to get on the local schedule, so I forced myself into the shower. When I finally came to my senses, that girl I’d seen in the hall popped into my mind.

As I stood there, the water running over me, I imagined her naked body, slim and supple, in my arms, the water running down her smooth back as I caressed every part of her. I could feel my penis getting harder at the thought of it, and I began to slowly stroke my shaft, imagining her squatting before me, her lips around me and her tongue massaging my manhood. I could feel her hands on my ass as she slowly licked up and down my dick, pausing only to suck on my balls.

The pleasure was intense as I pictured her rubbing the underside of my shaft with her tongue, her lips, her chin and then, with the tip of her tongue, teasingly licking the small amount of pre-cum that had begun to bubble up from deep within me before going all the way back down on my cock to milk me of every last drop of the scarce fluid.

My dick was throbbing with each pulse of blood that coursed through it and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I didn’t care, though. (And the shower certainly wasn’t going to object!)

In my mind, she stood and, with that smile I’d imagined the night before, she turned her back to me and bent over. With her left arm braced against the shower wall and the other pulling her pink, engorged pussy lips open, she turned her head to me and said “fuck me hard” with those big, deep brown eyes.

I closed my eyes and came with a coarse grunt as I mentally pushed my hard dick deep inside her tight pussy. Damn!

For the rest of the morning I was pretty much obsessed with the thought of her. I even looked out the peep hole in my front door, hoping to accidentally spot her on the landing.

I began to think about my stay in Tashkent and what I wanted to do while I was there. There wasn’t much for me to do, really. I had no “job” and I was basically on vacation. Add to that the fact that I was far from home – among people I would likely never see again – and I began to get an idea. I was a free man, I thought to myself. I had nothing to lose and some good sex to gain by simply letting lose and going for it with the neighbor girl. It certainly couldn’t hurt to try.

So I decided to knock on her door.

After knocking, I realized that if she answered I wouldn’t be able to explain why I had knocked on her door. I had no “story” and my Russian was not that great. I felt like an idiot and wanted to duck back inside my own place. But I thought that would make me look even stupider, so I decided I would have to play the help-the-poor-foreigner card.

After a few moments, a female voice from behind the door asked who was there. To my surprise, I answered with the word for “neighbor” without thinking.

After a few moments of confusion with me trying to explain myself through the door in rather bad short Russian phrases, there was a pause and I heard the locks being turned. Shit, I thought, what am I doing? What am I going to say?

My worries were, as it turned out, premature because the door opened to reveal a slightly shorter, slightly younger girl than the one I’d seen the night before. She looked me over briefly.

“Ot kooda vy,” she said, and I understood that she’d asked me where I was from.

“America,” I said, hoping that would get me a positive reaction.

I detected a sly grin and then, after a pause, she said in carefully enunciated English, “How I can help you?”

English! This was progress! The relief must have shown on my face because the girl smiled a little bashfully and added, “Maybe English is better for you?”

“Oh, yes,” I gushed. “I’m glad to meet you. My name is Jonathan. I’m here to visit my friend for a few weeks, but I’m staying here until he gets some repairs done at his house.”

She was apparently deep in thought. Maybe that was too much, too fast. I started again, more slowly.

“My name is Jonathan. It’s nice to meet you.”

A nice smile, and then, “My name is Lilya.”

She looked like she wanted to say something else, but couldn’t quite get it out. I noticed that, while she lacked the other girl’s stunning good looks, she was rather pretty in her own way. She had nice lips and a charming, disarming smile. Her dark hair was wavy and it fell to about shoulder length. She seemed about 5-foot-5 and, even with her jeans and sweatshirt, I could guess that she was in pretty decent shape. I was watching her bite her lower lip when she quickly looked up.

“I’m sorry that my English very bad,” she said with the Russian accent that I’d developed an affection for during grad school. “I’m student in the university.”

Just then her phone rang.

“I’m sorry, it’s the telephone,” she said. “I go to answer. Um… maybe you will wait?” And she disappeared into her apartment, waiving at me with her hand to stay still.

I didn’t have to wait long and she was back at the door, flashing that attractive smile and obviously trying hard to think of the right words to say.

“I’m sorry,” she said looking flustered, “I now should go to my house quickly.”

That comment threw me. She didn’t live there? I was a bit confused and she took advantage of the pause to step out onto the landing. She turned her back to me to lock the door and I could see now that she was indeed blessed with a great body. At least, I should say, that part of her body that I could see clearly, which was her ass.

I swallowed hard.

“Oh, you don’t live here?”

I was trying to sound nonchalant, but I was really thinking something more like, “Jeez, if her ass looks this good in jeans…”

“No,” she said as she turned to face me, “this is the house of my sister, or … kak nado skazat … cousin. Now I quickly must go to meet her.”

Maybe I was just horny, but this girl was getting cuter by the minute. Or maybe it was just delirium from the jet lag. Whatever the case, I was still a little confused about who was who, but I didn’t care too much at that point.
She stepped around me and headed for the steps.

“I’m sorry I must go now,” she said, again smiling. “Maybe we will meet with you again.”

With that, she turned and headed down the stairs, skipping the bottom two steps with a funny little hop.

“Bye,” I called after her, not a little bit lamely.

I smiled to myself as I stood on the landing. True, I hadn’t met the girl I’d been thinking about, but I felt like I had an “in” now. Plus, the girl I had met was actually quite cute. And that fantastic butt!

After a minute of just standing there, I realized that I was starving. I wondered what time it was. I stepped back into my apartment to check. It was already 3 p.m.! I had no idea what time I had finally gone to bed the night before, but I must have slept for at least 15 hours.

I decided to go see Mark, tell him what I’d done, and get something to eat.
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Old 02-24-2006, 11:24 PM
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jonik jonik is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: at my house!
Posts: 25
Tashkent - CHAPTER TWO

I stepped onto the street and was greeted by a blast of blazingly hot, dry air. I looked up: not a cloud in the whole yellow-blue sky. The desert indeed!

The walk to Mark’s place was brief, but it gave me an idea of what the area was like. The streets were paved, but rather dusty. I could find only small patches of grass, despite the high overhang of some large trees that seemed to get water from small irrigation ditches that criss-crossed the ground. There were very few windows out onto the street. Mostly, I passed wall after white-washed wall. I could hear cars and buses out on the main street, but not a single car passed me as I walked through the neighborhood. This was definitely not America.

I got out my keys and let myself in through the large outer gate at Mark’s house. I saw no sign of him in the courtyard, so I called out his name. No answer. I felt a little like I was trespassing, but I knew Mark had let it be known that I could let myself in any time. When I got to the door of the actual house, I saw a note.

“Gotta work at the university today. Summer school,” it said. “Be back after classes. Will call you. Get some rest!”

I left the note where it was, walked in through the unlocked door, and made a bee-line for the kitchen. The heat of the day had made me weak with hunger and I rummaged around for something wuick and easy. No cereal. Nothing for sandwiches. What a bummer. I grabbed an apple and some cheese and decided to try some of the weird round bread that was sitting on the table.

As I sat down to eat, I noticed some photographs neatly stacked on the table. I began to leaf through them as I ate, hoping to find out some more about Mark’s life in this place. They appeared to be pictures of mark and some university students on some kind of outing. They were not in the city: It looked more like a retreat center or something.

One of the girls was quite striking. He was taller than the others – probably 5-foot-9 or so. She had such an interesting, pretty and captivating face. She had a fair complexion and round, pink cheeks framed by long, blond hair. She wore the type of expression that indicated intelligence, perceptiveness and probably a bit of wit. As I stared at her, she looked back at me through the photo as if she knew me and understood me.

I shook my head. What was it with me? Ever since I’d landed in Tashkent I seemed to be attracted to every woman I saw! Well, that was actually true. There were other girls in the photos that didn’t really jump out at me like this one had.

I kept going through the photos.

Toward the end of the stack, there were several shots of the group at a swimming pool. I scanned the photos for the blond girl and found one of her in a sporty blue bikini standing thigh-deep in the water. She had fairly small breasts and an athletic build. Her fairly broad shoulders made her look a lot like a competitive swimmer. She had very toned legs and well defined, sexy abs. She looked quite young, though. I wondered how old she was. My best guess would have put her at 16 or 17.

I quickly glanced through the few remaining photos until I came to the last one.

This was a very different picture. A girl – probably 18 or 19 year old – was posing for a photo in a skimpy black bikini by the tall wall that lined one side of the pool area. Obviously trying to be sexy, she was petite and very nicely built but, unfortunately, rather plain-looking. Not that she was ugly, but she just didn’t have a very attractive face. That said, however, she had a hot body. She was turned three-fourths of the way away from the viewer, and she stood a few feet from the wall on her tip-toes with her arms outstretched to the wall for support and her cute little ass thrust up high. Equally impressive was the partial view of her full breasts, barely restrained by the small top she was wearing. She wasn’t obscenely big-chested, but she certainly appeared to have a lot of cleavage for such a small frame. Her face was turned to look over her shoulder at the viewer and the look on her face was a mixture of seduction and insecurity.

I didn’t really know how to feel about the photo. On the one hand, I had a growing hard-on. On the other hand, there was something about her expression that made me feel something … pity, concern … I wasn’t sure.
I decided not to look at her face.

Her shoulder-length hair was quite wet and it clung to her damp skin. A few streams of water were visible on their way down her back to slide around her waist. Her olive skin looked very smooth, though I thought I could just make out some goose bumps on her arms. Her very narrow waist led to slim hips that nicely framed her tight little butt. My eyes traced the shape of her ass as it led to her inner thighs. There the damp crotch of her bikini bottoms seemed to cling to what was surely her shaved pussy. Minus the face, this was a great picture for jerking off, and my dick was responding appropriately as it began to strain against my pants.

I wondered, though, what the deal was between mark and this girl. I glanced back through the stack of photos. This was the only picture of her in the whole set. Maybe, I thought, she’d been the photographer for all the other pictures. So … had Mark taken this one?

I was curious and I suddenly got the urge to poke around Mark’s house to see what I could find.

First, I checked out the room he had called his office. It looked more like a gym with a desk, though, as it contained weights, mats, a few mirrors, a bench and even a treadmill. The desk by the window was strewn with papers, all of which looked to be work-related. I wasn’t exactly sure what he did at this university, but I was definitely interested in finding out.

The desk drawers were locked, though, so I decided to check out his bedroom, which was in the back of the house. It was big and featured a large TV with a Playstation and a bunch of games. On the night stand I spotted a few more stacks of photos and I decided to check them out.

The first was just scenery, but the second had pictures of young people at a party in mark’s house. I sat down on the bed and began to flip through them. I soon found one of the petite girl in the other set of photos. In this shot, she was smiling with friends, facing the camera. She was wearing a knee-length skirt and a tight, stretchy, flowery top that revealed her curves nicely.
I had guessed right about her breasts. They were exquisite. It was hard for me to tell what her cup size was – she was so slender and, at most, 5-foot-2 – but they were so full, so perfectly round, that my mouth began to water at the sight of them.

My mind turned quickly to the memory of her young pussy, hugged tightly by her dripping bikini bottoms. I began to rub my swelling penis through my jeans. What the hell, I thought to myself. I laid back, undid my jeans, reached into my boxers and pulled out my dick. As I started stroking myself, I tried to imagine what fucking such a short girl would be like. I reveled in the thought of how it would feel to bury my full seven inches of cock in her tight hole.

“Sechas! Minutku!”

A loud female voice in the hallway outside the door shattered my fantasy and shocked me back to reality.

Fuck! I scrambled to tuck my dick back into my pants and straighten the pictures I’d been looking at. My mind raced as I heard the sound of a woman’s heels on the wood floor outside the bedroom door. Then I heard Mark yell something from the other side of the house.

The footsteps stopped.

“Ya idu!” she shouted back, and I heard her turn and head back down the hall.

I couldn’t believe it! I must have been so into jacking off that I hadn’t heard Mark come home. How stupid! Well, I certainly didn’t want to give away the fact that I’d been snooping around ... and masturbating, but hiding out in the bedroom was just not an option. I thought for a moment and decided I would go out and tell mark I’d been sleeping on his bed since the guest room was still a mess.

I roughed up the sheets a bit more for effect and looked down to see if my hard-on had subsided. Everything was OK.

I opened the door and walked down the hall. But as I was about to round the corner and step into the kitchen I heard the distinctive sigh of a woman and the sound of kissing. I froze.

I could tell they were making out and I didn’t particularly want to disturb them, but I figured as long as I acted innocent about the whole thing, any awkwardness would soon fade. I decided to venture a peek.

Mark and a girl were kissing near the door to his “office.” It took me all of about 2 seconds to recognize the girl as the one I’d just been fantasizing about. She was in a short, black tube skirt and a white, translucent blouse.
Mark’s face was obscured by the girl’s passionate kisses. Her eyes were closed and she had both of her arms wrapped tightly up around his neck. She dropped one of her arms slowly down his chest and abdomen, pausing briefly before plunging down to his pants and feeling for his cock.

I stood back from the corner and took a long, slow breath.

Mark let out a low moan from the other room. I could only imagine what was going on. And my dick was clearly dying for me to take another look. I knew it was risky, but I felt compelled to watch.

The girl had unzipped Mark’s pants, reached in and begun to massage his dick as she kissed his chest through his shirt, searching for his nipples.

“On tak bolshoi,” she whispered, which I understood as, “It’s so big.”

I couldn’t understand what he whispered back and I dared not move to get any closer. If either of them turned their heads slightly, I would be found out.

He must have been enjoying it, though, because a smile of satisfaction crossed his face. After just a moment of this, though, Mark’s expression clearly changed. The smile faded and he took her by the chin, lifted her face and looked long and hard into her eyes. She whispered something softly. He paused. She whimpered and whispered again.

Suddenly, he gripped her by the waist and, practically lifting her petite body of the ground, forced her back against the door frame. She gasped but said nothing.

With one arm still holding her up in the doorway, he reached down with the other and slowly lifted her short skirt to reveal her silky thighs and her scantily clad pussy. She sighed and he looked into her lust-filled eyes and smiled faintly as he pulled her panties aside and began to stroke her pussy. She groaned with desire.

“Damn, that’s a nice, slick pussy,” he said in English.

He paused and, with both hands, quickly unbuttoned her blouse, removed it, and then took a step back to look at her. She stood there trembling in her heels, with only her thong, her bra, and her skirt bunched up around her waist to protect her from his gaze. She bit her lip and looked up at him.

Again, he smiled with a look of assuredness. And then, never breaking his gaze, he began to take off his clothes right in front of her. I’d noticed the night before that he seemed to be in better shape than he had been in college, but I could see when Mark took his shirt off that he was not only in better shape, but he was really cut.

His pants came next and I noticed the girl staring at the healthy bulge in his briefs. She made a move to touch him, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and said, “No, no. I’m in charge here.”

She looked down, her chest heaving. She’d understood him well enough, I guess. I didn’t know how much English she knew, but she wouldn’t have needed much to catch his meaning.

Mark then slowly lowered his briefs to his knees and then, one leg at a time, removed them completely. When he stood upright even I was surprised at the girth of his erect dick. The girl looked like she was in shock. It wasn’t that it was long. He had probably an average 5-and-a-half or 6 inches of length. But the thing that stood before this petite girl was a pulsing love rod that seemed to me to be, at the very least, 2 inches in diameter if not more.

She glanced up at him. I couldn’t see her expression exactly, so I could only imagine what she might be thinking.

“Davai,” he said, meaning “come on,” and he led her by the back of her neck into his office.

Their move gave me an opportunity to get closer, and I stepped out from behind the corner and quietly approached Mark’s office. As I crept through the kitchen and up to the door I realized I could see Mark and the girl in the reflection of a large mirror that lined a good deal of one of the walls in the office.

The girl’s bra had been undone by the time I could see what was happening and she stood before him – eyes lowered – with her gorgeous, voluptuous tits pointing right at him. It was amazing how little they sagged, considering how big they looked on her. Mark took them in his hands and began to knead them resolutely. He was clearly enjoying the feel of them and, after a few moments of his caresses, the girl closed her eyes and began to moan with increasing pleasure.

Glancing up at him, she reached tentatively for his bulging dick and clasped it with her hand, not even able to encompass half its girth. He didn’t object so she began to stroke him slowly, occasionally pausing to fondle his hefty balls. Her nipples were becoming so erect, so hard with simply his touch that I wondered if the girl might cum before he even entered her. Her back was arched toward him and he bent to lick and suck those sweet, increasingly enlarged nipples.

“Unhhhhh,” she gasped as he took one of her nipples in his mouth. Her knees weakened and it seemed she would have collapsed if he hadn’t been holding her tightly at the waist. God, how she wanted him!

At this point, my own dick was aching, practically begging for some attention. So I quietly unzipped my pants and began to firmly stroke my own growing cock.

Her cries grew louder, more insistent, and he continued to stimulate her nipples with his mouth: nibbling, licking, teasing, sucking. She was feverish with passion. Her chest was heaving and she began to yell something at him in Russian that I could only intuitively understand.

Still supporting her body with one of his well muscled arms, he reached down with one hand, pushed her thin panties aside, and dipped his middle finger into her very wet pussy.

“Ahhhh!” the girl cried sharply, her face suddenly very flushed.

She was so hot, her body so amazing, I had to slow my own movements down to keep from cumming at the sight of her.

Mark twisted his finger around in her, covering it with her juices and slid it up to her engorged clit. His touch sent her reeling.

“Oooohhh! Ooohh!”

He began making quick circles around her clit, while he sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth. She screamed and came.

“Da! Da! Da! Oooohhhh! Ohhhhhhh!”

When her spasms subsided, he drew her up to him and kissed her mouth. She whimpered softly, her arms still hanging limply at her sides. Finally she opened her eyes and smiled. There was something very beautiful about her face at that moment, and I again slowed my own masturbating and tried to calm down.

Mark smiled back at her briefly. Then he sat her down on the bench he used for his workouts, took her by the head and directed her lips to his thick, throbbing cock. Her initial shock at his girth had given way by now to an eagerness to please that more than made up for her apparent lack of prowess.

She was clearly not to sure what to do with his dick at first, as she began by simply kissing the head and then licking the shaft. But she soon developed a taste for it and, after a few minutes, began taking more and more of his large member into her mouth.

The sight of her mouth being stretched by Mark’s cock was incredible. I knew it had to be a tight fit and I honestly didn’t know how he seemed to be so nonchalant about it. He was simply looking down at her, holding her by the back of the head, smiling to himself. I, on the other hand, was struggling to keep from cumming in my hand.

She continued pleasuring him for another several minutes and, though she was really only able to take maybe an inch or two of him in her mouth, she was stroking him firmly with both hands and pausing periodically to get his shaft all wet with her tongue. I thought she was doing a hell of a job for such an apparently young girl.

Finally, Mark showed signs of getting worked up. He rolled his head back a bit and let out a deep moan.

The girl continued her assault on his dick, but she moved one of her hands down to her pussy and began to finger herself. Soon, her moans were matching his and she drove a second and then a third finger into her sopping love hole. I could see the shine of her juices on the upholstered bench between her thighs.

It was fantastic, and I was so rock hard, I couldn’t believe it.

Mark must have noticed her fingers buried deep inside her pussy and taken it as a sign, because he suddenly pulled away from her and, laying her down on her back along the workout bench, positioned himself over her. As he loomed over her, she again bit her lip, looking up at him with a touch of trepidation and a whole lot of lust in her eyes.

He reached down and took her by the waist, pulling her toward himself so that her ass hung just over the edge of the bench and her back arched slightly. Then, supporting his weight on the bench with one strong arm, he lowered himself slightly, grabbed the base of his cock, and began rubbing her clit with the swollen, dark purple head.

Her body soon began to writhe and the air was punctuated by her breathtaking cries of pleasure. Her beautiful breasts heaved with each heavy breath. The small of her back arched and never touched the bench as she moved.

After a few minutes of this, she seemed to be struggling to raise herself up and reach out for him. I didn’t understand what she was doing at first, but soon I saw that she wanted desperately to take hold of his ass and force him into her. She was babbling incomprehensibly in Russian, trying shamelessly to force her pussy onto his dick somehow.

I was going crazy myself. I barely had to touch my stiff stick and I was near orgasm.

He looked down at her with a mixture of bewilderment, delight and animal lust … and he obliged.

The head of his substantial shaft, glistening with the girl’s copious juices, slipped relatively easily into her hungry pussy. She cried out for more.
“Dai esho!”

Mark began to push his thickness into her. Her sighs turned to guttural moans.

“Boja moi!” she screamed: “Oh my god!”
He backed out and pushed in deeper. Again, he retreated and then slowly thrust even more deeply into her. The girl’s gorgeous chest heaved as she struggled to take him. Her young pussy was surely stretched to the limit and she moaned deeply as she tilted her head to the side, her eyes closed and her brow wrinkled with a twinge of pain. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide and she screamed in English: “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Mark pushed his whole, massive pole deep inside the young girl’s tight, slippery cunt. He pulled back out nearly all the way and then forcefully rammed his whole length into her.

The girl screamed in ecstasy. Her eyes rolled back into her head and then forward again. Her mouth was hanging open. I looked, enthralled, into her eyes as Mark again plunged his rod deep into her waiting hole with a grunt. Her scream this time was a shout. She was begging him for everything. He pushed himself into her again. In her eyes I could see that she wanted her pussy to be stretched and used like a fuck toy. She was giving her petite body to him completely.

Again he slammed into her, howling loudly.

“Da!” she yelled at him. “Davai! Dai menye!” She was calling for him: “Give it to me!”

I stared at her face, mesmerized by her sex, her lust, her desire for him. Yet again, Mark violently crashed into her. Then again. And again. My god! Her moans were overwhelming. Yet again! The girl looked possessed and her tiny body shook with each forceful thrust of his manly girth. Mark pulled completely out of her, and again shoved his manhood all the way into her, this time following it up with a long series of rapidly accelerating thrusts. The girl was practically drooling and, as she finally let go a wild scream that pierced the air, she shut her eyes and launched into an orgasm like I’d never seen or heard of before.

And it was then, when I lost eye contact with her, that I suddenly became aware that her eyes had been fixed on me as Mark had fucked her.

The knowledge that she had seen me as I gawked at her made my throbbing dick burst into wave after wave of orgasm. I couldn’t control myself and I came violently into my hand and onto the floor. I hoped beyond hope that the euphoric sounds of the girl’s own orgasm had masked mine. But I really didn’t care. Nothing could keep me from staying to look again at the girl as she was relentlessly fucked by Mark.

As my own spasms subsided, I saw that the girl was still transfixed in her own orgasmic experience. She was gasping now, then moaning, then again crying out as a second or third wave hit her and Mark continued to plow into her, spreading her, using her.

After that wave subsided, she looked at me very directly and grinned, then gasped again and closed her eyes as her body jerked under Mark’s unyielding attack.

“Uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh,” was all she could mutter.

Finally Mark slid out of her. He was dripping with sweat, but he lifted her body, turned her around and bent her over, positioning one leg on the bench and letting her stand on the other. The girl grabbed hold of the bars at the end of the bench for support as Mark again slid his giant purple girth into her very wet, very stretched pussy.

“Damn, that’s good,” he said as he entered her.

She merely moaned in response. I could no longer see her face.

Mark took her by the waist and began to firmly and quickly pound her with increasing abandon. I felt my dick inexplicably harden again as I watched this display of wanton lust play out in front of me. At this point the only thing I could see was Mark’s ass and balls as he slammed the girl again and again. But just the sounds of their passion were enough to embolden me and I inched out into the doorway to get a better view.

Now I could see one of the girl’s gorgeous boobs as it swung below her, bouncing to the rhythm of Mark’s pounding thrusts. She again began to cry out as her tight pussy contracted around Mark’s long-lasting cock. Her cries increased and morphed into a long, low growl. She got louder and Mark, himself turning red, began forcing himself into her even faster, grunting and moaning as he did so.

Finally, three loud, unearthly gasps came up from somewhere deep inside of the girl and again she came ferociously, filling the room with strange and beautiful screams of orgasmic delight.

This was the end for Mark, too. He let out his own final roar and emptied himself into her as the force of his uncontrollable spasms knocked the girl off balance and her shoulder fell to the bench with a thud.

I stood there for a moment, staring at them as they lay: a twisted mess of flesh and sweat. My own dick was still standing at attention, as if in salute.
But I blinked and came to my senses long enough to realize I probably needed to go. I stuffed my dick in my pants again, grabbed my handkerchief and wiped up the mess on the floor, and then quietly made my way out of the kitchen and to the front door.

My escape was almost complete, but as I opened the door it let out a small but unmistakably obvious screech.

I was caught.

Instinctively, I tried to think of a plan. I came up with one, but I knew it would only work if the girl decided not to give me away. I had to go for it.

“Hello?” I said. “Anybody here? Mark?”
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Old 02-24-2006, 11:29 PM
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jonik jonik is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: at my house!
Posts: 25

There was quite a long pause as I stood at the open door to Mark’s apartment. I had committed to this course of action, so I tried again.


He answered from his office.

“Just a second!”

I waited a moment, grinning to myself at the thought of what was going on in there. My plan seemed to be working.

“Come on back,” he said finally. “I’m in my office.”

He was finishing a set of curls when I walked in. He was wearing a robe. The girl was nowhere to be seen.

“Good! You’re here,” he said. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I was just walking around for a bit and thinking.”

“Well, that’s good, I guess. Think of anything good?”

I had an idea.

“Well, actually, I did. I went and knocked on that hot neighbor girl’s door, believe it or not”

“Alright, man! Was she home?”

He was definitely interested. And he seemed relieved that I hadn’t asked about the obvious smell of sex that hung in the room. But where was the girl, I wondered. The window was open. Surely he hadn’t forced out the window!

“No, but another cute girl opened the door. It was her sister or cousin or something. Her cousin, I think. She knew a little English, actually.”

Mark stood and grinned. He was still sweaty from sex, but I guess he thought it would look like he’d really been working out for a long time – which I suppose is exactly what he’d been doing.

“So? Tell me about her!”

“Well, I don’t know much. She’s got a nice smile and … a great ass.” I paused and grinned, remembering her more fully. “She’s probably a couple inches shorter than the girl we saw last night. And younger. Maybe 18 or 19 … 20, I don’t know. She said she was in a university.”

Mark was nodding, still with the grin on his face.

“She’s got a nice body, I think. Kinda hard to tell,” I said. “But … well … pretty and … friendly.”

“Did you get her name?” Mark asked.

“Yeah. Liliya, I think. We didn’t talk long. Her cousin called and she had to go.”

“Great. Good job, man.” Mark seemed genuinely pleased. “You need to go back over there tonight or something.”

“Not tonight,” I balked. “Besides, I don’t think she even lives there.”

Mark rolled his eyes and headed for the kitchen.

“Well, but your dream girl from last night does, doesn’t she? … Listen, they’re probably just as interested in you as you are in them, man. Take a chance. You have nothing to lose.”

He was right, of course. I was a pretty good-looking guy. I felt like I kept up my 6-foot frame pretty well. I wasn’t as ripped as Mark, but I was taller and I worked out periodically. I was generally happy with my looks. If anything, maybe I was too nice around women. And maybe a bit shy. But I figured I had what it took to satisfy a woman sexually. Or so I had thought before witnessing what Mark did to that girl. I could last a pretty long time, but I had never been able to perform at Mark’s level. Nor had I ever really tried. Even so, Kelly, my old college flame, had seemed pretty satisfied with me sexually. And I knew there were a lot of guys out there who couldn’t even get their woman off. Still, what Mark had done cast a little shadow of doubt on everything.

I still must have looked unenthused about Mark’s plan, though, because he shook his head and said he’d cut me some slack this once, but that he was going to take me to a local disco that night to get me loosened up.

We sat down to eat some left over rice stuff that Mark had in the fridge. I saw the pile of pictures on the table again and I picked them up and started looking through them as if I’d never seen them before.

“What’s this place?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s a nice little camp up in the foothills. I take a group of students there twice a year for a break. We have a lot of fun.”

I saw the girl with the captivating face.

“Who’s this?”

“That’s Irina. She’s really great. You’d like her. She came with us this spring as a high schooler, but she’ll be at the university this fall. She’s so smart.”

I flipped to the last picture.

“Oooh. And who is this?”

Mark looked a little surprised to see the picture. Perhaps he’d forgotten it was there.

“Oh,” he glanced at the floor, “that’s Shahni. She’s a former student of mine. She’s a real joker. We’ve been friends for a while. I'll introduce you.”

I let a smile cross my face and I cocked my eyebrow as I looked at him.

“That would be nice,” I said finally.

After we ate, he drove me around town to show me the sights, though it was already getting dark again. We even stopped at a couple of clothing stores to get me something to wear other than the jeans I’d brought with me.

I really didn’t know what to think about going to a disco. Visions of John Travolta danced in my head.

But, boy was I wrong.

We arrived at about 11 p.m., after spending the earlier part of the night eating and drinking at a local restaurant. Mark knew one of the guys at the door, so we got in without any problem. The disco itself was pretty slick, complete with bouncers, expensive drinks, flashy décor, and tons of hot girls – a few of whom Mark said were “obviously prostitutes.”

We got some drinks at the bar. Mark told me he hadn’t been to this disco in a while, but he’d met some girls here before. And I swear it was only about one minute after he said that when, to my amazement, I spotted Lilya’s cousin dancing in a group of people that must have been friends, not more than 20 or 30 feet from us.

“Holy shit!” I said. “It’s that girl. Look.”

Her black high heels lead up to some very sexy, skin-tight, black pants with sequins at the waist that made her slender legs seem endless. I could see that she was wearing a matching, sequined black bra under a gauzy silver/grey top. And, as the lights of the dance floor flashed about her, I could make out the silhouette of her hourglass figure from time to time. It was enough to send a noticeable tingle of excitement through my loins.

She had apparently already spotted us, because she was smiling in our direction.

“What do you know?!” There was that grin from Mark again. “Good job! Go say hello.”

“What? No way.”

“You’re such a pussy,” Mark said as he grabbed me behind the arm and led me forward. I protested and tried to back off, but he turned and looked at me and said, “You have got nothing to lose. Just try.”

I sighed.


My heart was pounding in me as we walked up to the gorgeous girl. Mark practically pushed me into her as we got close and it was all I could do to recover and look cool. I was trying to think of something to say when she looked at me with those amazing eyes, smiled almost imperceptibly, and said, “I’m Katya.”

“Hi,” I yelled back over the din of the disco, “I’m Nathan.”

She laughed lightly, looked down, and kept dancing. Had I been too loud?

She danced closer and leaned into me.

“You met my cousin today. She told me about you,” she said with almost no accent.

I was flattered. Had I made that good of an impression? It seemed like maybe I had. After all, this amazing dancing beauty hadn’t blown me off and she actually seemed interested.

It was at that moment that I realized I was the only person on the floor that wasn’t dancing.

Let me just say right now that I had never before in my life tried to dance anything other than a slow-dance at my high school prom. A split-second of terror shot through me when I realized how stupid I was about to look. But, then again, I would look even stupider if I continued to just stand there. So there was nothing else for me to do but try to dance. So I did.

To my surprise, Katya didn’t laugh at all. Rather, she moved in close to me, reached out and lightly stroked my shoulder. It was electric. And she was mesmerizing.

The twisting, twirling, flashing lights fell all around us as we moved to the insistent beat that relentlessly buffeted our bodies. Shades of red, blue and green shone through her blouse and around her body, glistening off the sequins and accentuating her amazing figure. She raised her hands over her head and closed her eyes, throwing her head back with abandon and moving still closer, until her legs were entangled with mine.

I was lost in the sensation. Acting on sheer instinct, I took her by the waist and pulled her to me. I could feel the ends of her long hair brush against my hands as she moved in my arms. Her scent, the tiny beads of sweat on her neck, her flashing eyes, and the pounding rhythms: it was very erotic. But she wanted more, and she began to grind her crotch into my upper thigh.

I was delirious with adrenaline and testosterone and I could feel my dick begin to spring to life. She was such an incredibly attractive woman – I could hardly believe what was happening, but I was just going with it.

I worked my hands slowly under her loose blouse. Her belly was flat and firm, and a small, rounded star covered her pierced navel. Her gyrating hips were enthralling, but I gradually moved my probing hands up and around to her back, caressing each supple curve of her torso along the way.

Her breasts were gorgeous – straining against their black, sequined restraints. And the glitter she’d sprinkled on her chest made her even more intoxicating. I wanted her so much! My aching dick was playing tricks with my mind. All I could think about in those moments was taking her somewhere – anywhere – and making her mine like Mark had done to that girl earlier. But I couldn’t stop dancing. I was drunk with the music, the lights and the amazing body of the woman in front of me.

We danced for what seemed like forever before there was any break at all in the music. I was hot and parched, so I grabbed Katya’s hand and took her to the bar to buy her a drink.

“You’re so beautiful,” were the first words that gushed out of my mouth when we got off the dance floor.

She smiled coyly and I felt a bit embarrassed at my lack of control. I tried again.

“Where did you learn English?” That wasn’t much better, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“The university. And some American friends.”

“Cool.” (I clearly needed to work on my conversation skills.)

“I teach English now at the pedagogical college,” she volunteered.

I got the drinks and we downed them quickly. I remembered than that I hadn’t seen Mark since he’d dragged me out on the dance floor however many minutes or hours ago. I decided not to worry about him and concentrate on Katya.

But before I could get a word in she caught my hand and pulled me back toward the undulating throng of dancers.

“I want to dance some more,” she said with a wink. “Come on.”

And, again, we threw ourselves into our sex-laden dance for what seemed in some ways like a minute, and in others like hours.

But it all ended when Katya suddenly stopped.

“Damn,” she said, looking past me. “It’s my boyfriend. I have to go. Sorry.”

I turned around as Katya brushed past me and saw a tallish man in a black leather jacket facing me with his arms crossed. His stern gazed was fixed squarely on Katya, but he had traces of a naughty grin on his face. Something about him looked thoroughly un-Russian to me.

Katya ran to him and he took her roughly by the arm and led her out of the disco.

“What the hell?” I wondered.

I was left standing there, feeling like a chump. I was pissed off and I wanted to get out of there. I needed to find Mark.

I walked around the perimeter of the disco, hoping to find him sitting with a drink or some girl. Nothing. So I scanned the dance floor. After a minute I spotted him dancing with a girl. He looked like he was really into her.

And with good reason, I thought. I couldn’t see the girl’s face, but she was one hell of a sexy dancer. She was wearing a short, white tube dress that hugged her obviously fit body. I shook my head. Dammit!

I went to the bar to get another drink and cool off. I ordered a straight shot of vodka and swallowed it down. The girl with Mark was probably really hot, I thought, and it was pissing me off. I couldn’t believe that after all of that, I was going to get nothing and he was going to get that girl. As I sat there, Mark and the girl turned a little and I caught a glimpse of her body in profile. She appeared to have perky, smallish boobs but her very narrow waist led to one of the finest asses I had ever seen.

They turned again and suddenly I recognized the girl. It was Lilya.

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Last edited by jonik : 02-24-2006 at 11:40 PM.
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