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Old 04-27-2008, 12:36 PM
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Viking Bride


Bethany Vaughn sat on the bed next to her best friend, Angelic Wells, as she awaited her carriage that would take her to her ship. She had spent the last six years away at boarding school in England, and now she was returning home to America. It had been thanks to Angelic's wealthy father, Bram Wells, that she had been able to attend. Angelic had arrived here four years ago herself and still had two more years of schooling before she too would returned home.

"I so wish father would have let me return with you," Angelic said. "I will miss the wedding and I had so hoped to have been there." Bethany looked surprised at her friend. "You never told me that your father was marrying. When did this happen?" "What do you mean, Bethany," her friend asked with a puzzled look upon her face. "I mean, who is your father marrying," she asked. "Why you of course," her friend smiled. "You are to be my new mother."

Angelic's face turned serious as she asked, "You mean to tell me that my father and your mother didn't tell you?" "Tell me what," Bethany demanded. Her friends face turned pale as she explained. "That is why father paid for you to come to school here. Your mother agreed that if he would pay for your schooling that you would be his wife when you returned. His last letter to me told of how your mother was already preparing your wedding gown."

A knock at the door made them both turn. "Miss Vaughn," the Head Mistress said, "your carriage has arrived. They are loading your belongings now. Now hurry along. You two will see other again in a few years."

Bethany said "good-bye" to her dear friend, and apprently soon-to-be daughter, then followed the Head Mistress out. Her carriage ride to the ship was not that long, but she was a bit surprised to find that it was a merchant ship and not a passenger. She followed the Captain to what would be her quarters. "Now Miss Vaughn," he said with a serious look and tone, "I must ask you please to stay in your quarters at all times." "Why," she asked. "May I come in," he asked, pointing to inside of the small room. "Yes," she said, stepping aside for him to enter.

Bethany watched the old Captain take a seat at the small table. "Miss Vaughn," he said, "as you have very well seen, this is a merchant ship, not a passenger. Although my crew has had some shore leave to ahh.., ahhh..., shall we say, take of care of their manly needs, the voyage back to America will take some time. The less they are tempted by your beauty, the better off your virtue will be. Do you understand my meaning?" She felt herself blush as she nodded. "I will try my best to stay out of view of your men, Captain," she said. "Good," he said as he stood up. He turned as he reached the door and added, "Your future husband greatly stressed that you were to arrive as soon as possible and with your virture intact. If any of them should hurt you in any way, you let me know." "I will," she said.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Bethany had a lot of time to think while in the cabin. Things that had happened over the past few years was now starting to make sense. Before leaving home, she had wondered why she had often seen her mother leaving Bram's room during the middle of the night or early in the mornings. It made sense now. Her mother had been "making sure" that the deal between her and Bram was carried out. She couldn't help from wondering now if the arrangement of continueing to be his mistress had been part of the deal. And the "why's" to the Head Mistress stressing that it was important that she take "special" lessons on how to "please" her husband was now answered. Those lessons had been very detailed and imbarassing. Everything was now starting to make complete sense. The more she thought about what was to transpire, the madder she got.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-27-2008, 03:56 PM
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Chapter One

Though it had been some time since a Norse longboat had raided an English ship at sea, Hall Valborg just could not resist the merchant ship with all it's valuable and most food. The lack of moon made it easy to come up along side the English ship, but it was the lack of crew standing watch that made it even easier to raid. Those his native language was that of the Norse, Hall had learned the English language from his grandmother. She had been taken by his grandfather and had birth several of his children. His own mother, however, was a Norsewoman from their own village. It was in dealing with the English that he was glad that he could understand their tongue.

Hall and his men easily stole over the side of the ship and cautiously moved their way towards the sound of voices. Of the men with him, several others could understand the language being spoke and intently they listen as the approached.

"We don't care about the deal made with Sir Wells," an angry man's voice said, "we want the girl." "No," an older man's voice came. "She is to be delivered untouched. It is only after the wedding night will we be paid. If she is found unsatisfactory, we can forget payment." "Who's to say that she is not already used," another angry voice said. "I'll take my payment from between her legs now," another said. "Yeah," cried anothers.

It was not hard at all to over take the crew since they were already preoccupied by other matters and not expecting them. In just a few short moments, the entire crew was take below to the hold and locked up. The only one left out was the old Captain.

"Now Captain," Hall said as he loomed over the old man, "I understood one of your men to say that she was still pure. Is this true?" The old Captain looked down at the floor. "Answer me," Hall demanded. "Yes," the older man sighed. "Yes. She is pure." "And why is she aboard a merchant ship and not aboard a regular passenger," Hall asked. The old man looked up at the large Viking from his sitting position on the floor. "She was being taken to her betrothed. He didn't want to wait until the regular passenger ship set sail. He was determined to have her as soon as possible." "And this betrothed of hers," he asked, "will he come looking for her if she does not show." "I doubt it," the captain answered. The old man stared at him before asking, "Now, might I venture to ask your name?" Not seeing the harm in it, he replied, "Hall Valborg." "I know of your reputation," the old man said.

Hall looked at the old man and wondered why he was giving the information so easily. Either this girl was so no beauty to behold, or she truly was not pure. Or was it possible that it was an arranged marriage and the betrothed cared nothing for her at all. And then there was the possibility that the story of the betrothal was a lie to save the girl's virture from the crew; if was indeed virginal. Curosity now had him wanting to know.

"Tell me," Hall said, "why do you answer my questions so eagerily?" He watched the old man sigh again before answering, telling him that what the man was about to say was indeed the truth. "She is to be married to man who does not, and will not ever, love her. If fact, she didn't know of the marriage until just before leaving England. Both she and her mother was purchased as servants once her real father had died and left them with a heavy debit to her betrothed. Her mother gained favor with the man and has already paid some of the debit off with her own body. Miss Bethany was to be the remaining payment."

The old man's tone changed to that of desperation, "Please. Spare her the humiliation of being taken by all of your men and take her as your own. Do as you wish with the ship and crew, since they have committed mutiny anyway, and spare my life. I will tell her betrothed that the ship went down in a storm and that only a few survived. She will be yours." Hall cautiously watched the man as he added, "A life with you is a much better life than the one she is headed for." "I'll see her first," Hall said and watched the old man eagerly agree.

Bethany was huddled on the bed when she heard the Captain's voice telling her he was unlocking her door. She watched as he and very handsome, tall, and bare chested man entered the her room. "What has happened," she asked the captain cautiouly, but stared at the other. "These men have taken over the ship," he said. "There is nothing I can do." She looked the tall man over. He was so tall that he had had to duck his head sideways to enter the door. His sandy blonde hair hung just below his shoulders. He stood with his feet apart and his arms crossed over his chest. Eyes as clear as the blue sky stared at her. His facial features were strikingly handsome. He said not a word, but allowed his eyes to roam her body. Even though she was fully dress, she felt naked before him. "Agreed," he said aloud, causing her to jump.

"Agreed to what," Bethany asked. "May I," the captain asked the other man. She watched as the young man nodded, but stood firmly in place as the captain approached her. "You know what awaits you in England, my dear," the old man said, taking her hand as he sat next to her on the bed. "Hall Vlaborg here is a young man, not old and leacherous like Wells is. And is he not pleasant looking to you?" He paused for her to nod "yes" towards the large, younger man before continuing. "I am sure that you would much rather loose your innocence to man like him than to an old one like Wells."

Bethany was begining to understand all to well what the captain was trying to say. "Are you saying," she asked, still staring at the large Viking, "that I will be taken with him and not returned to England. That I am to become his whore to save myself from becoming Wells' wife?" She felt anger starting to surface and her voice grew louder. "No sir," she yelled at the handsome man. "I will not be your whore. I would rather die a thousands deaths than live the rest of my life as your bed toy."

Bethany felt her eyes narrow as the Viking said, "I don't believe you have a choice in the matter, wench. The agreement has been made. The captain and your lives are to be spared. The ship will be raided and then sank. The remaining crew will meet a watery end. Your beauty alone made the decision for me. And now the chance to tame you, wench, will be my top priority." He walked too her and ran his fingers through her flameing red hair. "Red hair is rare in my village," he said. "I will indeed be seen as a great warrior when you are conquered for it is known that a strong will and temper goes along with it."

Bethany's emerald eyes widen at his words. "You, sir, are a monster," she hissed. "I will never be tamed. Not by you or any man. I would rather be passed around to your men than to share your bed willingly." "That," Hall hissed, "can easily be arranged. That is, once I have taken your purity." She felt his hand grip her wrist and pull her from the room. The old captain was restrained as she was led away. She spent the next week confined to Hall's sleeping quarters as the long ship sailed towards his home.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-27-2008, 06:57 PM
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Not wanting a scene made for his mother and father, and the rest of the household, to witness, Hall bound Bethany's hands together, as well as her feet. In her mouth was a gag that kept her screaming to a minimum. She had already proven on the long boat that she was not going willingly to her new home. He had had to keep her tied to the bed the entire length of the trip. He knew that she was in no shape to fight him if he had choosen to take her, but he would not rape her. But that had not stopped him from showing her body just how pleaureable love making could be. He wanted her to be willing when he finally laid between her legs. He knew that if she was this passionate in showing her hate for him, then she would be just as passionate in giving her love as well. And from the response that he had been getting from her, he knew that she would soon be allowing him to do as he wished to her.

Hall's large home was that of an abandoned fortified caslte. He shared it with his parents and two younger sisters. He had nearly made it to his bed chamber with Bethany slung over his shoulder when his father, Warrick, stopped him. In their native language he asked, "What have you there, son?" He smiled proudly at his father and answered. "You and mother have been after me to find a bride. Well, here she is." He slapped her backside as he promclaimed "here she is". Warrick laughed as he said, "Doesn't look as if she is very willing." "Give her time," he called over his shoulder as he started up the winding stairs leading to his bed chamber in the far tower, "she will prove to be a fierce mother of my children." He had just gotten out of view when his father called after him, "First you will have to tame her enough to get between her legs."

Hall entered his room and deposited Bethany on his large bed. He left her long enough to lock the door and place the key high enough for it to be out of her reach. At six foot tall, he stood on his own tiptoes to reach the top of the bureau where he deposited the key. He knew that her smaller five and half foot, small frame body would not be able to reach it without help from something, and everything in the room was too heavy for her to move alone. "I will remove the gag, little one," he said sensually as he walked towards her, "but I feel you must know, you can scream as much as you like and no one will come to your aide. That was my father we met as we ascended the stairs. By now he has told below that I have brought home a red hair vixen who is to left alone." He smiled as he added, "And that means if you scream, it is only because I have taken you and all below will be toasting me in my conquering of you."

"You are a vile monster," Hall heard Bethany hiss as he turned from the bed to pour two glasses of his favorite beverage. "You say that now, little one," he laughed as he came back to the bed, "but I remember all to well how your body defied you and gave into my carassing." Sitting the glasses on the table next to the bed, he sat next to her. "I will make a deal with you, Bethany," he said. "You willingly lay with me tonight. And if you do not enjoy yourself completely, I promise to leave you alone. I will not let another man touch you. And I will return you to your home in America." He watched her as she thought it over.

"And what if I loose," Bethany asked, hands and feet still bound, wanting to know what the consequences would be. He was right and she knew that she would loose. Her body had defied her and had given into his carasses and kisses on more than one ocassion in the past week. She had passionately kissed him back when he had assaulted her senses, making her lose all control of her body. Just last night on his ship, she had been willing to give in if he hadn't been called away. "You willingly remain here as my wife, bare my children, and never try to escape," Hall said smiling. "Is that all," she hissed at him. "No," he smiled as he leaned forward. "You never deny me your body. No matter where we are. No matter the time of day. And no matter who is around."

Bethany watched as Hall leaned back on the bed. Her eyes couldn't leave his bare, large muscled arms as he raised them above his head. She watched hungrily as he laced his fingers together and place them behind his head. Her eyes landed on glorious chest. His long legs, encased in tight fitting leather pants that defined his well toned legs, crossed at his ankles. "What is your answer, little one," he asked smiling. She stared at him, thinking. "If you promise to behave, I will untie you and allow you to eat in the dining hall with me. Otherwise, we will dine in here together. And I promise that you WILL enjoy the meal." Reluctanly, she agreed to his deal, and even agreed to behave for the meal. She tried for all she was worth to keep him in the dining hall for as long as possible, but it was obvious that he had other plans.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:30 PM
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Chapter Two

With her hand in his, Hall led Bethany from the dining hall and towards his bed chamber. "Hall please," she begged as they were about to reach the stairs. "You agreed," he said sternly. He then turned her towards the large room across the room where several naked women were "entertaining" a group of men. "Do you see them," he whispered into her ear as he pointed them out; his other arm wrapping tightly around her waist. "It is your choice little one. It is either the privace of my bed chamer or out in the open where EVERYONE can see you. Remember, little one: any time, any where, any place." He turned her back around and she gasped at him. "Your choice," he reminded her. "Personally, I would prefer that I be the only one that ever sees that exquisite body of yours. Now..., shall we?" He again led her; this time she went willingly.

Hall locked the door behind them and again placed the key out of Bethany's reach. He noted that several of the nearly burnt out candles were light before removeing his own shirt so that he only wore his skin-tight black pants and knee-high boots. He silently approached her and slipped his arms around her waist; causing her to jump. His lips lightly touched her neck before softly kissing his way along her shoulder. He heard her low moan and felt her back mold against his stomach. He slid a hand between her legs and roughly rubbed her womanhood through her dress. Her moan grew slightly louder. She turned her face up towards his and ran her finger along his jaw line. He lightly burshed his lips across hers before fully claiming them.

"Bethany," Hall whispered in her ear. Slowly he began to undo the row of buttons down the back of her dress. He smiled when she lifted her flaming red hair to allow him access to them. He pushed the material forward, revealing her soft shoulders and the thin shift covering her fragile body. She raised her arms so that he could eaisly remove it. His hands came forward and cupped her breasts and played with them until her nipples were harden peaks. Her breasts were large enough to be clearly defined through her clothes, but still small enough to be not to draw all a man's attention to them alone. Again she moaned as he devoted his full attention to them. She rasied her arms above her head and wrapped them around his neck.

Bethany felt Hall's fingertips glide along her skin from her breasts to her hips. She shivered at the pleasure his touch brought forth. "So eager," she heard him whisper. "So beautiful. So viril. The only thing that could make you look any more beautiful would be my child swelling your belly." She smiled at the thought of his child growing in her. She felt his large hands slid under the dress and next to her skin as the rest of it was pushed to the floor. She drew in a deep breath as he pushed her bloomers down; they now pooled around her feet. She stepped out of them, and the soft slippers that he had given her to wear. She turned and faced him; proudly showing him her naked body. Her flaming red hair hung in curls about her neck and shoulders. And her emerald green eyes took in his own body.

Bethany sat seductively on the bed and watched Hall as he removed his boots and pants. She smiled as he crawled on all fours across the bed to her. She smiled up at him; her emerald eyes sparkling with the knowledge of what would happen. She blushed as she thought about the "special" lessons she had been given at school and now was greatful for the knowledge she had obtained. "Why do you blush, little one," he asked. She shly looked away before meeting his sky blue eyes again and then explained about her schooling. "Good," he smiled as he hoovered over her. "Then you have an idea of what is to happen." Her face and tone turned serious as she, "I know that the first time will hurt, but..." she blushed and again shly looked away before continueing, "from what I seen downstairs, I know it must be very pleasureable." "I will make sure that it is," he said sexily. "And I will be very gentle with you."

Bethany wrapped her arms around Hall's neck and ran her fingers through his shoulder length blonde hair. She lightly nibbled at his bottom lip several times, evading the kiss he tried to give before letting him roughly kiss her. She giggled like a little child as he kissed his way down her neck and to her breasts. She drew in a deep breathe and moaned loudly as he placed his hot mouth over her breasts and drew her harden nipple into it. She squirmed beneath him as he lightly pulled the nipple with his teeth; panting when he finally released it. "Hmm Hmm Hmm," he groaned from the depths of his throat.

Bethany watched through a sex induced haze as Hall kissed over to her other breast. It too received the same attention as the first, but this time, she felt his large finger slip into her womanhood. She panted and gasped as his finger contiuned to move in her; his thumb rubbing the swollen numb causing her to literally scream with pleasure. This time, his deep laugh didn't come from his throat, but from his gut. She opened her eyes wide at the sound of his laugh and gave a small, quite one of her own.

Hall kissed his way down Bethany's stomach and lightly kissed the soft flaming red hair between her legs. Her small muscled legs clamped as tightly as they could against the sides of his face, but he mused at the fact that it wasn't very tight at all. He felt her small fingers lightly running through his blonde hair. He licked at the swollen numb, causing her to buck widly. She screamed his name as he felt her sweet juices flowing onto his tongue. He lapped at them eagerily.

Hall kissed his way back up Bethany's stomach. He noted that her breathing was no longer even, but heavy pants. She grasped his upper arms as he stared deeply into her emerald eyes with his sky blue ones; his knees pushing her legs further apart until he rested comfortably between them. They gasp had noted that she knew what was coming and he saw the hint of fear in them as he touched the opening of her warm sheath with his hard sword. Slowly he eased himself forward. He thought of his father's parting words and wanted to boast that he had tamed this wild little vixen and was indeed laying between her legs.

Hall didn't ask Bethany if she was ready, but she smiled and then nodded slightly as if unsure, and yet ready at the same time. He nodded his head and pushed the tip of himself in. He watched her gasp and then close her eyes as she lightly bite her lower lip. He waited for her eyes to reopen before pushing himself half way in. She again gasped and closed her eyes; her fingers digging into his upper arms. She drew in several deep breathes before opening her eyes again. "Are you alright," he asked softly. "Yes," she said, but her voice sounded as if she was in great pain. He eased himself back and then plunged himself completely in; feeling the thin tissue break as he did. "I'm completely in," he softly whispered in her ear.

Hall felt Bethany's nails digging deeper into his arm. It didn't really hurt, but felt more like an annoying bug bite. She drew in deep breathes as she tried to resume her breathing. "Oh Hall," she cried as her body relaxed back onto the bed. Tears rolled from her eyes and he kissed them away. He began to slowly move in her, coaxing her body back to the pleasure that she had felt earily. Soon she was moaning, her body slowly moving in rythem with his. Her eyes closed slightly as she arched her back, causing her breasts to rub his chest as he moved in her.

"MMM Bethany," Hall moaned as she began to show the passion he had longed to see. "By all things created by Odin above, you're body is exquisite." He deeply kissed her and mused at how she kept giving herself more and more willingly. He raised her delicate leg up as far as it would go and rubbed it with gently as he moved in her. He was able to push in deeper, causing her to gasp again as he brought her to climax. He groaned as her warm juices flowed over him. Her wetness encouraged him to move faster.

Hall flenched when he felt Bethany's nails dig into his back and drug sideways. He flet small droplets of blood forming in places, but was not concern in the least. He began to pant as his thrusts encreased. Soon they both began to heavily pant and he felt his own releasal building. "Hall. Hall. Oh, Hall," she panted as he pushed in as deep as he could go. He felt her tears as she buried her face in the curve of his neck. He didn't have time to ask her if he was hurting her, for his own apex was met. He gave a few more deep thursts, letting her tightness milk him of his seed. He softly kissed her forehead and then dried her eyes with his kisses.

Bethany rolled in unison with Hall so that it was he that laid with his back on the bed; letting her rest comfortably on his chest. Her knees slide to the bed and she laid her cheek on his bare chest and listened to the pounding of his heart. She tucked her arms next to her breasts and lightly ran her fingers over the healed scares across his well toned chest. She felt his large, muscled arms wrap around her and gently hold her next to him. For some time they laid there until their heart beats were back to normal.

"What does your name mean," Hall asked. Bethany raised herself slightly and looked at the scars that she had been traceing with her fingers. "It means 'house of figs'," she said with a giggle. "What does yours mean," she aksed. "I mean..., I know what it means in English, but what does it mean in Norse." "It means warrior. Hero," he said proudly. She continued to run her fingers over his scars as she said, "You certainly are a warrior. And my hero from saving me from that man." "And Valborg means 'protector of the battlefield'." He gave a light chuckle before saying, "You, little one, have certainly been a battle to tame. And I promise to do my best to protect you." She smiled down at him. Her emerald eyes sparkling and her tone teasing as she asked, "Who says you've tamed me?" He gave a low growl as he pulled her back down to him and kissed her deeply.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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