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Old 05-18-2005, 10:15 PM
Dubblz Dubblz is offline
Unbalanced Libra
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Western NY.Bflo
Posts: 193
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Nurse Nurse Oh Nurse!!

Not doing a true story format like I had planned..Chain of events are real, just changed the names and enhanced the events, lol..

Nurse..Nurse…Oh Nurse!!!

Chapter One..Strangers when we meet.

The sun peeked thought the blinds signaling a new day, and warily, I stretched, and got ready to shower, and get started.. It had been a particularly shitty couple of months, I thought, as I prepared for my day.. Entering the bathroom, I knew I had to get my life turned around and going in the right direction. As I finished with draining the old snake, I stood back and took a look and decided to do an evaluation.. ”The Breakup”, I had just been through had left me in a bad way, unable to appreciate all the good things that were going on.. Nancy and I had a good thing going for awhile, but her husband had caught on to what was happening, and she had moved, without a trace, to parts unknown. My mind was totally fucked without her there, and left me with a huge void.. We had gone on for six of the happiest months I had ever known, and it was just now setting in as to how much I had depended on our being together, even if it was only three or four times a month.. She had seemed to be the only one that could seperate me, from the business I was in, and give me perspective on other things in life.. After my time in the service, I had gone wild in my younger years doing this and that, to get by, and just in the past few years was readjusting to a “normal” way of life.. I had squandered away some good years, getting into coke, and fast living. At some point, my eldest brother had come up with an idea for a business, and I used the benefits from the Army to get a loan to get started.. Our business was doing well now, and it had given me the tangibles in life I had always wanted.. Right now, it was the only thing holding me together, so today was the day to begin anew.. I wasn’t bad looking. At 6’1”,220 pounds.. I stayed in shape fairly regularly, and at 30 years old, I was getting slightly grey at the temples, but that seemed to work in my favor.. No two ways about it, now!!. I needed to embark on a new life with a partner that was looking to be in a REAL relationship.. Having been a part time lover had worked against me all this time. Never did explore all the possibilities of partnership, and pleasure.. Today was the day to start!!. I had always stayed away from personals dating, but,I thought that would be a start.

I went out to my laptop, and signed on.. Hell.. What’s there to lose in this, I thought. My first draft was really not what I would even like to read, so I took it to the office and got a review from one of the women working for us. She had been dating that way for some time, so I felt good about her experience, and confidence. Dana, being the “Cupid Player” she naturally is, said she’d look it over, but if I liked, she knew a few women that were looking for someone, and would be happy to give my email addy to a few of her friends.. I liked that idea immediately, and agreed.. Over the next few days, I exchanged mails and chatted with a few people all of whom seemed nice, but nothing electric.. Third day, was the charm.. Just before bedtime, I get a message from “sexy nurse”.. I always had a thing for nurses,so,I was eager to reply.. We started to chat back and forth most every night, sometimes for hours. ”Sexy Nurse”, Suzie, seemed like quite the Woman.. We took our chances at each other with some sexual innuendo, but usually came back to the things we found to be fun.. I was a little taken back when I send her my photo though, and she sent nothing back.. Said she wanted to be a mystery, so I just let it go at that.. After about a week of this, we decided to have dinner, and see if we got along in person, the way we did online.. I was really quite interested, so I began counting off the hours till that night, when we would meet.. Looked like my luck had taken a change for the better,I thought to myself, and noticed that extra bounce in my step when I went to my car, to go to the office..

I have to admit that while the drive was short,I had plenty of time to think of some of the things we chatted about.. Suzie sure as hell sounded sexy enough.. I was sure that her sense of humor alone would carry us through dinner, and possibly more.. Most guys are usually attracted to huge boobs, but I had always thought a little bit different.. I’m always attracted to people that can laugh, and not take the world too seriously.. She surely seemed to fit the bill there.. We had laughed over and over about the things that had gone on in our lives, as well as the things we were hoping for in the future.. The picture thing, kept bothering me though.. Dana had said she was a very good looking woman, so what was the problem?. She described herself as 5’4”..130 pounds.. Medium length Brown hair.. Green eyes.. All sounded like a dream come true to me.. As I considered all the possibilities, I didn’t notice the stop sign, or the truck.. SLAM!!.. ”Oh Shit”, was the last thing I remembered..

I couldn’t believe the pain I was in when I came back to reality.. It appeared that someone was putting the finishing touches on a cast on my left leg, just up to my knee.. My left arm was also in one, in some kind of traction device, holding it up, and in place.. It felt like a sword in my chest as well.. Damn,I thought.. I sure as hell didn’t die, but I must have come pretty close.. The attendant called for another doctor to come in, and let me know what had just gone on.. He told me that a truck had broadsided me, and broke my left arm,and leg..A couple of ribs were bruised, and I would have to stay for a few days to make sure that any internal bleeding had stopped, and I was ok to go home.. My mind was reeling with things I knew I should do to let the office know what had gone on, and I knew I had to find a way to let Suzie know I wasn’t going to show up that evening.. Just my luck!!.. Finally get a great date, and I can’t get there.. The pain meds kicked in, and I slipped from consciousness..

When I came to, I had never been so happy to see Dana.. She had a wry smile on her face, and I couldn’t think of what could be so funny..

“Nice to SEE you, Jim”.. she quipped..

The way she said that tipped me off, and I looked down.. There I was in all my “glory”, as I had kicked the sheet off.. Trying to move fast, was not an option, as just trying to move, sent stabbing pain throughout most of my body..

“I’d like you to meet Suzie, Jim”..

You could see me start to blush all over as Suzie came forward and said..
“Well, Jim,I can’t say I’m too impressed with our first date, but this might work out.. I love a man that let’s me be in control, on the first date, right Dana?”..

Dana was laughing hard now, and said “Don’t worry about the office, it’s all taken care of.. Your biggest worry now, is making it up to Suzie after you “cancelled” out on her, after all SHE’S in charge of your pain meds”..

Suzie chimed right in with, ”speaking of which, it’s time now, for your shot”..

Not waiting for Dana to leave, she just pulled up my dressing gown, and proceeded to give me the shot..

I was dying from embarrassment as the two women examined what was left of a body I was once pretty much proud of, but now casted, in two places, and had a catheter inserted in my now greatly confused prick.. She gently rubbed some alcohol on the side of my hip, as Dana was now watching intently, she inserted the syringe.. I had to admit it though, it was now getting exciting having two beautiful women look at me like this, and it soon started to cause excitement and pain as my member struggled to respond, but was held back by the slender draining tube in me.. I had always thought that Dana was attractive, but thought better of asking her out because of the work thing.. But Suzie, was way more than I thought.. She was everything she had said,PLUS.. Her slightly oval face,was flawless.. Her brown eyes were bright and shiny.. Her lips were captivating.. Auburn hair flowed down to her shoulders, and danced as she moved. Her hands moved me back into place as she moved my covering back over my now struggling penis, and they both had a good laugh, as she smoothed it into place, just grazing lightly over my thighs, and down my leg.. Looked like my first hospital experience was going to be one to remember..

Suzie and Dana stood away from the bed and were chatting back and forth, occasionally looking back at me and smiling, I had to appraise the situation.. Enough of the pain meds had kicked in so my thinking was slowed down, but clearly, this was not a familiar situation.. I remember having a fantasy at one time about a woman having complete control over me, but this was not the same stage that I had set in it, but none the less, I was intrigued, to say the least.. My mind began to think of all the possibilities, when I heard Dana calling me.. ”Jim…Jim..Hey, a penny for your thoughts, or can’t you repeat them?”. She laughed.. She was heading back to the office now, to put my mind at rest for the work issue.. Suzie chimed in that she would be back to check on me from time to time, during her shift..

Anyone that’s ever been in a hospital knows that as soon as you get comfortable, and get to sleep, it’s time to get poked and prodded by someone checking up on you.. I got a lot of kidding about being there for my first date with Suzie, and that they had been told about a “hands off” policy, Suzie had put out.. As the night passed, the pain was decreasing, so I asked them for aspirin, instead of the shots.. As my head cleared from the effects, I started to join in on the kidding, and soon started feeling a little better about the situation.. By early morning, when they were checking on the catheter, I was asking if they were taking bets on my “boy”.. The blush on the nurses face, gave me my answer..

About mid-morning as I looked around, I saw a figure by the window.. The light shined through in a way that it went right through her Nurses Dress, almost making it see through.. I ran my eyes slowly up her figure.. Very shapely legs.. She was slightly bent over, so the muscles were taut.. Immediately, I noticed that she was wearing nylons, instead of pantyhose.. I could see the attached garters holding the fabric to her shapely thighs.. Her ass was something of Greek Mythology.. Perfectly shaped and tight.. As I proceeded up, she turned around, and it was Suzie!!.. ”YOU..ARE SOOOO BUSTED,MISTER”, she laughed. .”What!!”.. As lame as that is, was all I could respond with.. ”YOU.. Were checking out my ass, weren’t you?”.. ”Well, uhhh.. Hey, can’t stop a guy from dreaming, can ya?”, was my reply.. ”Well, she replied, I have some good news, and some bad news for you”.. I thought I WAS feeling better, but now I wasn’t too sure.. ”Good news first?”, I asked.. ”OK, she said.. Your catheter ,is coming out today”. That was probably the best I could have hoped for.. The thing was driving me up the wall.. ”When”, I asked.. With the most evil grin I ever saw, Suzie said, ”Now”.. My head was spinning as she approached me and started to put on her gloves.. She never stopped grinning the whole time as she slowly prepared herself.. My hips, and stomach were twitching as I prepared for her touch.. Both embarrassment, and excitement were setting in as she raised my gown.. ”You take a deep breath in, and when I tell you to exhale, I’ll pull this out,ok?”.. I nodded approval.. As she took me in her grasp, and told me to breathe in, I couldn’t help what was going on in me.. I couldn’t even look in her face, as my cock began to grow in her hand.. Hurting as it was, I couldn’t stop it.. My eyes were glued to her chest...Top two buttons on her dress were open, and most beautiful set of 34 b cup breasts I had ever seen, were straining to jump out of her bra.. ”Oh My God, Hon, that’s got to hurt”, she said.. Still with the grin.. ”Looks like he wants to get to know you better”, I said trying to be cute.. The pain shot right up to my eyes when she flicked the head of my cock, to get me back to my right size.. ”Sorry Hon, don’t want to damage that, I MAY have use for it one of these days”, she said.. I had told her when we were chatting that I liked women with smaller breasts.. ”More than a mouthful, is a waste”, I always kidded.. She was testing me to see if that’s what I really thought, I now knew.. ”I’m not letting the other Nurses do this” ,she said matter of factly, ”So you need to work with me on this.. I can flick it with both hands,if that’s what it takes”.. I now knew I was going to get to see more of Suzie, so after a few minutes we tried again, and she removed it.. I didn’t know it at the time, but her other hand had a small amount of lotion on it, and when she finished, she rubbed my cock gently, and soothed me.. With a final few rubs,she said, ”Bad news is that you’ll be here a few more days”.. Her evil grin re-appeared.. Best fuckin bad news I had ever received in my life, I thought to myself.. As she removed her gloves, she said “I’ll be back a few times to check on you, Hon, OK?”.. ”Pleaseeee Do”, I replied, and we both laughed.. ”Hey…When can I get out of this bed?”, I called to her.. ”When I get back”, she smiled, and left..

My mind was reeling from this white clad beauty, and the way she handled me.. How often do you find someone with this kind of sense of humor, and an obvious sexual nature.. Then combine that personality, with the looks she has, and the obvious esteem she carried when she moved.. I was sold!!.. I had to get to know this Angel of Mercy/Kinky Minx.. My doctor interrupted my thoughts, by giving me the “once over”, and decided to bring my casted left arm, out of it’s traction.. ”It’s not much of a comfort, but it’s a start”, he said.. ”I understand one of our nurses has taken charge of getting you on your feet”, he said with a wry smile.. I replied “Yep”, but was thinking more along the lines of her pinning me to the cot I was on..

About two o’clock Suzie came back to my room.. Not that I had any hope of outsmarting her experience, I still had a plan.. ”How you doing, Jim”, she beamed.. ”Well, to be honest, I really need to quit pissing in this bottle”. .”Can you walk me to the bathroom?”.. With only one working arm, I couldn’t hold the gown up, and hold my cock at the same time, so I was going to need her help.. She told me later that she was way ahead of my plan, but she got me to my feet, and we started to make our way.. I don’t know if it was the pain, or the feel of her holding me that had me getting excited, just going to the john.. I know she intentionally pushed those perfect tits into my body a couple of times, along the way.. As we got to my destination, the toilet of all the erotic places in the world, she took the lead.. ”Hold your gown up”, she said.. I could feel both of us getting nervous, now.. I did as she said, and she took me gently in her hand, and pointed me.. She obviously knew what was going to happen.. I was growing with just her touch.. Her eyes were absolutely gleaming when I looked down at her.. My knees shook as she held me in her hand, and returned my stare.. A low moan unknowingly escaped me as I seemed to piss forever.. I was about three quarters hard by the time it stopped...She had her lower lip between her teeth when I finished.. She even knew to give it three shakes!!.. ”Time to wash your hair now”, she stated.. Guess I was going to do as I was told, from this point, forward.. She leaned me over the basin as best I could and used the sprayer to wet my hair and wash it.. I will never forget the sensual feeling of her fingers in my hair as she massaged the shampoo in.. The cold feel of the sink on my throbbing hard cock, was also getting our attention.. I was afraid she might give it another one of those persuasive flicks, but she just reached in and “repositioned”it.. It was pinned to the sink as she rinsed the shampoo out..

On the way back to the bed my mind raced for a way to ask her to help me wash the rest of my body.. ”Now it’s time for your bath”, she said.. Suzie was way ahead of me,now.. Understanding that, I relaxed and started to enjoy my visit.. It was a bit embarrassing to be totally naked like this, in front of her, but with the curtain drawn, she proceeded to clean me.. Her nails were like needles, as she washed across my chest.. My nipples responded by hardening, at her touch.. The feel of the way she used the sponge to rise me had my cock jerking, in her full view.. She was a cock tease for the ages.. She knew exactly how to touch me, and where, to get the response she wanted.. She was in total control of my responses.. She purposely avoided my pelvis, and washed each leg.. Only half of my left leg was showing due to the cast, but she started asking if it felt good, and to tell her if anything hurt.. My breathing was now excited as I replied in broken words.. ”Ffeels sso good”, was all I could say.. She finished with my right leg, and I was almost panting, thinking she was going to wash my cock, next..WRONG AGAIN.. ”Roll to your good side,Jim”.. I noticed a shake, even in her voice now.. ”I know you may not like this, but it has to be done”, she stated with a firmer tone.. I didn’t know whether I cum, or die of embarrassment, when I felt the sponge washing my ass!!.. She moved sooo slowly as she cleansed me down there.. I felt her hands touch at the base of my balls, as she moved back and forth, very gently cupping them.. She rinsed, and repeated the motions, driving me to new horizons of extacy.. Her finger gently washed around my exposed, and puckered anus.. I had never had experience with any type of anal sex before, so when her finger slightly entered me, I caught a moan,escaping my mouth..”Is that uncomfortable , Hon”, she almost cood.. Words failing me at this point, she felt my body relax to her touch, and pushed it in further.. ”OHHH..Mmmm..Suzzzz..Oh My Fucking God”. I relented to her.. ”I told the doctor, I’d check your prostate”.. The words shook from her mouth.. ”When was the last time you were checked”.. ”I Uhhh, umm.. I never had it checked quite like this before”, was all I could think of.. ”Seems to be healthy, and normal in size”,she replied.. I looked over my shoulder at Suzie now.. Her eyes were glazed over.. She seemed intent to her purpose.. She continued rubbing it until I responded in the way she wanted.. Moving back to meet her intrusion.. ”We have to make good and sure everything is in working order”. she said.. ”Roll to your back now, Jim”.. Her thinly gloved hands were electric to me now..

I lay on my back now,and she started to move in for the kill.. Slowly she dripped water down my chest, and moved down to lick it up. As she dragged her tongue across each nipple, I involuntarily jerked up at her.. Slowly she traced her tongue along my neck, to my mouth.. Damn, what a tongue this woman had.. We dueled our tongues fiercly, as she pinched down on my nipple with her finger tips, twisting it slightly.. With the one arm I had left, I reached to feel that set of beautiful breasts that were still hidden from my view.. With her dress now open at the top, I tried to unfasten her bra, but she stopped me there.. ”When I’m sure you’re the man I want, more will be revealed to you”, she whispered in my mouth.. Her nipple was like a small stone under her bra, as I felt it ..She was now rubbing each breast against the palm of my opened hand, as we further explored each other.. As Suzie returned to my mouth, I let my hand glide down to trace the outline of her garter laced legs, and then further up, to her warmth.. I let my finger trace along the band of her panties, as I began my own quest, to show her I was the man she was looking for.. I could feel wetness leaking from her as I further explored her finely muscled body.. More than even my own release, at this point, I wanted to taste her essence, but I knew not try.. Instead I proceeded with my fingers. Slowly I tested the strength of the banding as I slipped a finger through, and traced the outline of her slicked skin, at her mound.. After removing her uniform, she mounted what small area there was left on the bed, in a sixty-nine position.. I awaited her whim.. ”Use your mouth, and only on the outside of my panties”, she whispered.. I wanted more than anything on earth at this point, to pin her down and lash her hot pussy with my tongue.. Now though,that was physically impossible, and I had to proceed, just as she wanted me too.. My cock ached more than my broken arm, right now, and it needed release…ANY RELEASE..

I started to lick at her thighs lightly, as my fingers traced back to her panty lines.. Making sure not to enter her clearly shaven, dripping slit, I darted my tongue quickly up and down into patch of skin joining her hip, to her crotch.. She twitched nervously against my face with each assault.. Making sure I had covered as much of her silken clad pussy with my mouth, I exhaled slowly, and steadily, into her.. She took my manhood into her lubricated hand, and began rubbing me.. Top to bottom, the length of my cock, at first, then wrapping her hand around it, and slowly started stroking me.. Licking gently over her clad pussy, I slid my finger inside her panties, and found her clit.. ”Mmmm… Baby.. Make me cum like that, Baby”.. She didn’t need to say anything else.. Gently licking the outside of her panties, and teasing the tip of her clit with my fingers, she started jerking my cock furiously.. If the door to the room were open they would have been calling a code for all the noises that were coming from us, as we brought each other relentlessly, to orgasm.. I tasted her cum as it soaked through her panties and onto my purposeful tongue.. I wanted every drop of her essence.. My own orgasm broke as an erupting volcano, as I felt the first stream of my own cum land on my chest.. A second and third followed, as she lightly squeezed my balls, helping to further drain me..

We lay together in that same position for a few minutes, trying to regroup from the best sex I had ever had, even though no penetration occurred.. I cheated slightly from the agreement we had, by gathering the flowing juices from pussy, and bringing them to mouth, to savor her.. Her essence was delightful.. She moved up from the bed, and stood over me.. One more kiss, she lavished upon my hungry mouth.. ”My pussy tastes good on your tongue”, she cooed.. One more time she grazed my chest with her silken clad tits, and then picked up the washcloth, to finish my bath.. I lay there still, and silent, as she finished me.. After readjusting her uniform, she reached under and inserted a finger into herself, and brought it to my mouth.. ”I’ll be back tonight, for visiting hours, my man”.. ”Looks like we’ll be seeing more of each other”..

Within minutes, my world was reduced to slumber, waiting for my next visit..

Chapter 2
Getting To Know You….Next..
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Old 05-26-2005, 04:29 PM
Dubblz Dubblz is offline
Unbalanced Libra
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Western NY.Bflo
Posts: 193
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Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Getting To Know You…

My ability to get around was starting to increase, as the day progressed.. Getting around my room on a crutch, and being able to do the things I had always taken for granted, was now greatly appreciated.. Another nurse came by to check on things, and she asked if I wanted to start my rehab a day early, since I was getting around my room better now.. I was anxious to get any kind of flexibility back, and jumped at the chance.. This whole recent turn of events had my mind in a state of confusion.. Did I dream half of this up?. If not, had I just come across the most adventurous woman of my life?. What about Dana?. This seemingly average acting, but very efficient, secretary, was she going to be more than this?. She had called a couple of times during the afternoon, to talk about the office, but she kept leaving inferences, in her tone of voice, it seemed.. Something too, about the way the nurse had asked me about starting rehab.. She had this wry look about her, like this was a joke, or something.. Everything just didn’t seem to add up, maybe just getting moving would get my mind off all that.. Dinner came by at about 5 pm, and still no rehab.. Suzie didn’t call.. What the hell, I thought.. As I choked down the last of what they call food, in a hospital, I just decided to get by for the night, and then try to get “sprung”, as soon as I could..

Dusk rolled in, and not even a visitor yet, so I just grabbed a magazine that one of the nurses let me read, and kicked back.. Around 8 pm, I heard the call over the intercom, that visiting hours were over, so I just figured that people just wanted me to get a good nights rest and would get back to some kind of normalcy, tomorrow.. As the last of the guests were leaving the floor, I heard a discussion going on in the hallway, in front of my room.. Damn, sounded like Suzie was out there!!. After a few chuckles, and an Oh My God, I was pretty sure, it was Suzie.. She came into my room, bright and bubbly.. ”Hey Babe, how was your day?”.. “Best day I ever spent in a hospital”, I quirked back.. “Well, we need to get you on your feet, and see if you can get out of here soon. How does that sound to you?”. She had that grin, again.. She busied herself immediately, in checking me over.. Temperature first.. That was normal, which was a surprise to me.. Then, with a wheel shaped instrument, with slight needles on it, she was checking some reflexes.. That seemed ok, too.. As she went about her evaluation, I went about my own.. Suzie wasn’t wearing her uniform tonight, which, I wished she had.. I loved the way those nylons looked clung to those perfectly shaped legs, when she wore that.. She had an oversized sweatshirt, instead, which blocked my view of “The Itty Bitty Titty Committee”, that I had come to think of her chest as.. A pair of jogging pants, too.. Maybe I was delirious from the drugs, after all.. “Now, when you’re released from here, do you have someone to help you out at home?”, she intruded into my thoughts.. “Umm, actually, no.. Am I going to need someone, just for that?”. I was REALLY confused, now.. “Well, we’ll make the proper arrangements, when the time comes”, she said matter-of-factly.. “You seem to be fit enough to start physical therapy, so, do you want to?”.. I was totally confused, now, but said “Sure, I can handle it”.. “Good”, she replied, “because I’m going to be your therapist, as well as your nurse”.. I asked, “does my insurance cover the cost of ALL your services?”.. I was determined to not let her get the upper hand on this episode, from the start, at least.. “No, as matter of fact, they don’t, but we’ll figure something out”, she grinned back.. “Now, let’s get that ass of yours, in gear, ready?”.. She didn’t need to ask twice..

We walked slowly down to the end of the hall, together.. Getting used to this cast on my lower leg was a little strange at first, but I was getting my coordination back, as we walked.. Arm still hurt like hell, too, but I didn’t want the pain meds to hamper my thinking now.. This day had been strange enough.. We got to a room at the end of the hall with all sorts of different machinery.. Some homemade steps, and things like that, to emulate being at home.. “You take a seat over at the desk, and I’ll close the door, so the other patients don’t get distracted by your cries for mercy from this”.. She laughed.. I just laughed back as I went to the desk and said, “Use me, Abuse me, Treat me like the pig, I really am”.. Suzie liked that remark.. It had been my favorite for years.. As I signed the document, I heard her LOCK the door.. She had put a second hospital gown on me facing the opposite direction before we walked down the hallway, and she instructed me to remove that, so there was no restrictions to my movements.. Just the look in her eyes, was starting to give me enough of a hardon to restrict some of my movements, but she was trying to be professional, so I played along..

We started off simply, by just letting me walk the stairs, and get used to my new sense of balance.. My new found Love Doctor, was very kind and gentle as she allowed me to set my own pace.. She had seemed a bit little dominant in our first encounter, but we went through this session, she seemed to have a more sensitive look about her.. I allowed my mind to wander on about that, as we proceeded.. I kind of liked the possibilities of both sides of her nature.. I also had the same personality, it seemed.. Sometimes I liked to be more forceful, not too harsh, just not wanting to be stopped when I had a certain agenda, in mind.. Other times, I liked it when she took charge, and showed me exactly what she liked, where she liked it, and when.. I sensed a bond forming that I would really like to further.. There was no doubt about her physical features.. Suzie possessed what I considered, the most fuckable frame of my desires.. Her willingness to explore seemed to be showcased by her own erotic needs, and those eyes could steer me to where she wanted to go.. Now, here alone with her, I sensed her gentler side, and started to wonder what an entire night would be like.. She only seemed to be reserved when it came to her romantic side.. She seemed to guard that, and for whatever reason, I could respect that for the time being.. My mind snapped back to the present, when I felt her breast brush up against me, while steadying me as I finished.. I took full advantage and fell into her, allowing my arm to wrap around her shoulder, and pull her closer.. She felt really good in my arm, so as long as we were in the right position, I asked her, “Do I get a reward for passing the stairs?”.. I decided not to wait for a reply, and covered her lightly clad red lips with my own.. Damn, she tasted so good I thought as I beaconed her mouth to open, and explore my own.. We drifted momentarily, as we hungrily probed each others mouth.. She moved her tongue like a dart though me, immediately building my anticipation.. I felt her hips meet mine as we began to melt together, to form one hungry body.. As I hardened to her touch, her tongue shot right into my throat, and I welcomed her invasion.. Through her oversized sweatshirt, I could feel her nipples harden as our kiss heightened our emotions.. As I moved my hand, to feel one of those bristling buds, she stopped me and said, “Over to the weight machine”..

I wondered about this.. A leg press?. I had used these many times, but I had use of two legs then, what was I going to do now?. Suzie got me positioned on it, lying down, and then disconnected the weights on one side.. Her eyes seemed to change color, and were turning green, at this point.. I recognized this, and thought to myself.. My own eyes do this when I’m getting really excited, I wonder if hers do, too?. She smiled lightly, and said, “I’ll start you off light, and we’ll work our way up, ok?”.. “Sure Hon, been there, done this, before”.. I did three or four reps, and she stopped me.. ”OK, a few more pounds”. As she reached past me to move the retaining pin to a lower slot, she had her legs almost perfectly over my face straddling me.. I could faintly smell the aroma of her, as I knew now, she was getting wet down there.. My own reaction was undeniable, as I started growing, still again.. Her hand trailed up my leg, as she finished making the weight adjustment.. “Tell me if that’s too much”, she chided, as I resumed my test.. She remained straddled over me as I proceeded.. I couldn’t count the numbers, as I started again.. I could only think of what lie directly over my face.. The only sense I still possessed was a thirst that only the liquid draining from her, could quench.. As I pressed forward on the weight pedal, I reached up, and lightly brushed my hand into her thigh, and pushed my fingers at her entrance, through her pants.. “I need to taste your lips.. All four of them”.. I needed her, and I needed her NOW.. I thought to myself, “I’m taking charge of this therapy, starting now”.. I knew from before that she was shaven, so I just pulled her pants right down.. There was only the string involved in getting my gown off, so that was gone in a second.. Her top was off in an instant.. No panties.. No bra.. She was naked to my gaze, and indeed, I did.. “And just which lips were you talking about?”, Suzie grinned.. “You really think you’re up to this?”.. Our eyes broke contact, and she drifted down to my cock.. “What do you think?”, I shot back.. I flexed the 8” muscle, that had just turned weapon, and made it bounce from my stomach to a standing position.. “If it could talk, it would be saying FUCK ME”.. I laughed back at her.. I could see a shiny liquid substance covering her inviting opening.. At this point my cock had started to leak it’s precum, in a premature lubricating attempt.. “Time to show you just how damn good I really feel”, I said while rising from the bench and pulling her towards the bed in the far corner.. I immediately locked my mouth to hers, and invaded her opening.. This time I was the one with the fiery tongue.. As my tongue explored her mouth, my hand squeezed gently on her breast.. Her breast was small, but very finely formed, and pert.. It seemed like a custom fit for my hand as I intensified my grip, and felt her nipple blossom on the palm of my hand.. She reached down and tucked my engorged cock between her legs, and let it slide against her pussy as we rocked back and forth in our kiss.. I knew the door was locked, so there were going to be no interruptions.. I was going to give her all I had, as many times as I could give it.. We balanced on each other as we stayed entwined.. I needed to explore all of her, intimately, and extensively.. Our mouths never lost contact as I raped her throat with my tongue.. I braced her up against the side of the bed as I drew back slightly, and reached down to run my cock along the length of her gash.. My cockhead slid easily, parting the lips of her pussy, as out wetness mixed.. She pushed her hips to me, trying to take me inside her, but I fought the motion.. “Umm Suzzz… One more form of therapy I need Babe”.. I whispered to her.. “Tttherapy”… “What the hell kind of therapy”.. She whimpered.. I pushed her back on the bed so that her feet were still stretched toward the floor.. “Aroma Therapy, Babe”. “Aroma Therapy”.. I balanced on my knee, as I took in her flavor.. The wetness escaping her body was like a drug to my nostrils.. She intoxicated me as I examined her womanhood.. Her lips pursed out boldly, beckoning my tongue to enter her.. The tip of her clit stood out boldly, as she bucked her hips slightly, inviting me.. I was going to make love to every centimeter of her, this night!!

I reached down and under her legs with my arm, and gently rested her on the bed completely.. Her knee reached up to meet my mouth as I ran my tongue across her smooth flesh.. I savored every inch of the way up to her hip with my lips.. I flicked my tongue lightly into her skin where her hip, and leg joined together.. She moved to push herself onto my mouth, but I slid my tongue slowly across the inside of her thigh, back down to her knee.. Her skin jumped at my touch, as my tongue trekked slowly up her other leg.. Each time I reached her now pulsing cunt, I stabbed my tongue at her slit, being sure not to enter her, just yet.. Each stab at her clit touched off an upward thrust, as I grazed my nails down one leg, and my tongue down the other.. As I licked back up the inside of her leg, I knew it was time to query my prey.. One more time, I surveyed her magnificence.. Her chest heaved slightly and made her perfect breasts seem to beckon me.. Both of her hands gripped the rails of the bed, as she readied herself.. Her legs her spread perfectly, exposing her innocence, to my mouth.. Both knees risen, she parted them as I began my descent.. I took her dripping passion in a single stroke of my tongue, licking the length of her slit, and slightly parting the lips with my mouth.. As I retreated back up along her slit, I closed my mouth around her clit, and enveloped it.. “Unghh”.. “Ohhh Fffffffff”.. “Fffucking eat, me Baby.. Eat meeee, and fuck meeee”.. I wanted her to NEED to cum on my face, so I lightly traced around the stem of her clit.. Her ass was propelling her hips at me now.. Only the small skin, covering her precious nubbin, was in the way now.. I rose from her slightly and used two fingers to hold her pussy open, and a third to pin her hood back, the very lightly ran my entire tongue across the tip of her exposed member.. Her crack pulsed wildly on my tongue as she came hard.. I could feel her gush against my intruding tongue as she bucked wildly against my mouth.. My own cock throbbed out of control as I drank the juices pulsing from her.. She reached down and held me to her, as the last few tremors forced her to buck up against me.. What little fluid that escaped her, adorned her thighs, and ran down her crack, as I felt her relax..

I looked up to her, and her now completely green eyes were narrowed and wild.. My cock was jerking of it’s own accord, now.. Then that wicked smile.. Oh damn, I was going to love whatever it was, she was thinking of.. Her one hand reached for my swaying manhood, and the other for the switch controlling the bed.. On her side now, she lowered the bed so that her face was now even with my cock.. She leaned forward and took the crown of my cock in her mouth, and held me there.. My knees buckled when she ran her tongue around me.. Her hand reached back to my balls as she maintained a circular lashing on my pole.. My sack tightened in her hand as she deftly fellated me.. Her grip also prevented me from pushing into her mouth, wholly.. ”What goes around, cums around”, was all I could think.. She withdrew from me slightly, and looked up at my anxious face.. “You like the way I’m sucking your cock, don’t you Babe?”.. “Oh, Sweet Fucking Geezuz, Suzz, I want to fuck your mouth more than anything in the world, right now”.. I related back to her.. “Not going to be that easy for you Babe, I’m going to make love to your cock, just like you did to my pussy”.. Her eyes danced as she teased at me, and licked the tip of my prick, with the tip of her tongue.. Her mouth knew exactly where each nerve ending was on the head of my cock, as she took me in, and swirled her pink assailant around my crown, and made me wince at her very whim.. She teased me mercilessly, as she took in four or five inches, till I felt the back of her throat, and then release my shaft, and hold me in toe, by my balls with her hand, and my crown by her teeth.. “How was that, Babe, you almost made me gag, you were far in my mouth”. She taunted.. “Take it down your throat, Suzz.. Let me fuck your throat like it’s your pussy”.. I was almost begging, now.. She took me in her hand and started to lick the length of my shaft, twirling around my cockhead, and then back down to my base.. While she held my balls with her hand, she licked each one, flicking her tongue across my sack, as I moaned, totally at her command.. “You’re too big for my throat Babe, but do you like this?”. She raked her teeth across the head of my cock now, and I couldn’t take anymore.. I grabbed her by the hair, and pushed into her mouth.. When I hit her throat, she looked a little panicked.. Holding tight, I couldn’t hold back and started to burst forth right into her throat.. Involuntarily, I pushed still further into her, and felt the muscles in her throat accept my still streaming cock.. A gurgling sound came from her as she looked up at me, and it seemed to excite me even further.. A third and fourth stream coated her now fucked throat, as I looked down at her face now pressed firmly to my pelvis.. I felt her lightly squeeze my balls as I felt my entire being, flow down her throat.. She backed off slightly, but kept me in her mouth till I went totally limp.. Soft sucking sounds were all I could hear, as she deftly removed any cum not spilled into her.. I collapsed down next to her, as we locked in a kiss.. There was telltale tastes of our mixed cum, on both our mouths, as we embraced, and cleaned excesses from both of our mouths..

Time stood still as we lay there together.. My sentences seemed incomplete, as we talked of what we both experienced.. The feel of our bodies pressed together, and wrapped in our arms, was the most secure feeling in the world to me, now.. Our silence broke just then as Suzie looked into my eyes and asked, “Where do we go from here, Jim?”. “From here, eh?. You mean other than welding the door shut, and keeping you to myself, in here forever, you mean?”.. I needed some humor by now, she was really getting to me, but I wanted to keep the moment alive, at yet I needed to let her know I wanted to move forward with her.. Kissing her gently on, and around her ear, I whispered, “I want you to take charge of my recovery, exclusively”.. Then kissing her forehead.. “I want you to share my waking hours, and cause my sleep,and”.. Kissing her chin, I said, ”Be all my love life, too, Babe.. Share my body, mind, and soul”..

My hand took on a mind of it’s own now, as I needed to be inside this vixen, with two personalities.. I dropped down to her twin mounds, and delicately licked the nippled orbs to hardness.. I could fit almost her whole breast in my mouth as I sucked them separately, and savored her.. My hand sought her wetness, as we regained our sexual appetite for each others body.. She gasped out loud as my finger found her center, and entered her.. “Right there baby, that’s my spot”, she mouthed as I gently rubbed over the nub, in her epicenter.. I could control her movements from here as I took control of her passion.. “Bbbaby, oh yeah, Hon.. Touch me like that..Ummm..Fffuckkk”.. My single finger could make her hips gyrate, as I plunged my digit into her.. “Take my cock, Suzie.. Take me, and put it into you.. Get on top of me and take me into your tight hot cunt, and fuck me, Baby”.. I was possessed, by now, and had to have her.. Suzie hovered over me and looked down.. She was even more beautiful when she was out of control, I thought.. Slowly she stroked my hardened shaft, and placed me at the entrance of her womanhood.. She pushed down slightly, just allowing the head of my cock to penetrate her.. She seemed to vibrate on my cock, as we both danced to the edge of reality.. “Your cock is huge, Babe, I want to take you inch by inch in me”.. I could feel the walls of her vagina softly separate as my cock advanced into her, at her pace.. “Oh Baby.. You’re making me throb in your pussy, you feel so good around my cock”.. ”Take me into you Suzie.. Mount me and fuck my brains out, Babe.. Make me cum in your tight cunt.”.. Finally our hips met, and she moaned lightly as I bottomed out in her pussy.. ”Mmmm Baby.. I got that big cock of yours in my belly, now”.. She moved in a circular motion as my cock explored her innermost depth.. The muscles in her vagina gripped lightly, and released me rythmatically, as my cockhead teased at her cervix, bumping lightly.. “Your pussy feels like your mouth grabbing my cock, Baby.. Oh fuck, You feel soooo damn good on me”.. I was just rambling, now.. She moved up slightly then moved right back down on my cock, as we felt each others limits expand and contract with each breath.. “Mmmm…Fffuckkk”, she managed, as she placed her hands on my chest, and rose up yet again.. Our eyes locked into each other as she advanced on my cock, and retreated in such a movement as to be sucking the cum from me as she brought me to the top.. She brought me up, then backed off, as we rode wave after wave of passion.. I felt her cum at least three times as she soaked my cock with her juices, and still rode me.. Speaking mostly drivel by now, I couldn’t take any more.. She slammed down on my cock, as I drove up at her, I held her onto me and started pouring myself into her hot cunt.. We both moaned loudly as she released her pent up anguish, in time with my own, and collapsed to my chest.. My cock was swimming in juices as she emptied herself over my member.. We lay there, hopelessly spent in ourselves.. Locked in the wetness of our mouths, and our loins, we drifted, together.. Getting to know each other is going to be pure delight I thought. As I loosened my mouth to tell her…A KNOCK ON THE DOOR….REALITY CHECK!!

Chapter 3

Never Better Home Care Inc..
As long as there's feet at the bottom,and Pussy at the top,They're ALL perfect Legs
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Old 06-03-2005, 04:50 PM
Dubblz Dubblz is offline
Unbalanced Libra
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Western NY.Bflo
Posts: 193
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Chapter 3

Never Better Home Care Inc..

The change of shifts at the hospital, had brought our episode to a halt a lot faster than I would have liked.. Suzie slipped her things on quickly, and went to talk to the nurses, while I got dressed and ready to go back to my room.. Oh, the smiles I got as we walked together, back to my own bed, and even a slight ovation from a few nurses standing at the nursing station.. In my own mind, I could only think of how much better things would be when I got home.. Right now, we could hardly keep our hands off of one another, but I thought of times ahead, that we could lay back probably in complete exhaustion, and talk about the important things, that really bond people together..

Suzie sweetly tucked me into bed than night, with my mind in a complete whirl.. The visions dancing in my head had me waking up several times during the night, rock hard, and wanting her still more.. The next morning was almost a blur.. So much to do, and so little time to do it in, after the doctor came by, and ok’d me to go home.. I didn’t have a car now, so transportation was needed.. Prescriptions needed to be filled.. I generally didn’t cook at home, so I needed to stock up on some things, too.. Dana had always been my “Ace in the Hole”, when I was stuck, so I called the office.. She patiently listened to my rambling about what I needed, and as I wound up, she was kind of laughing.. “Did you really think that a person as proficient as myself wouldn’t have prepared for this?”.. “My yearly evaluation is just around the corner, so when I’m asking for a RAISE, you’ll hardly be able to say no, now, will you?”.. “Suzie and I have the whole thing worked out, so, all you really have to do is get better, ok?”.. “Ok, then, what’s the plan”, I chuckled back to her.. I knew better than to argue, or question her, she was the reason our business did, as well as it did.. I threw a few “yeah buts” at her, just to tease back, then she ended the conversation with.. “You’re in the hands of two women that are friends, and we know you, inside out”.. She had a good point there, I had to admit..

Within minutes, Suzie showed up, with a bag of clothes for me to wear home, and that ever present grin on her face.. “Good Morning Sunshine”, she beamed to me.. “I’m going to get you out of here, and make sure you’re set up, at home.. How does that sound?”.. Nodding my head in approval, I reached for the bag to see what she had lined up for me.. Then she interjected, “I took a few days vacation, too, to organize your home care”.. I had a brief vision of having my dick put in a cast, just recovering from this “home care”.. She and Dana, had obviously been to my place and gotten everything I needed to check out of here, even my checkbook.. I pulled out the sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off, and the sweatpants, they had cut down to shorts, to accommodate my casts.. She even had the appointments made for my checkups, to make sure the pins inserted were ok, and in a couple of weeks, to have the casts removed.. Suzie had everything taken care of for me to get out of there, and I was more than happy to just write a check at the end, to take care of the extras, and be on our way.. With her in back of me, pushing the chair I had to use to get out of there, I didn’t really notice the specifics of her attire.. I knew it was a nice short black dress, but not much more..

Suzie had a fairly new Mercury, that I happily got into, and breathed a sigh a relief, just getting out of there.. Herself in the car now, she looked over to me and said, “Where to, first?”.. With the hospital soon to be behind, and her driving, all I really needed right now was to have one of those patented lip locks, on me.. “Let me taste that tongue, then do like Calgon, and just Take Me Away”.. I really loved the way she kissed, and as usual, she teased me with that tongue of hers.. As she moved back to the drivers side, she looked down and saw my excitement growing, already.. “We’re going shopping for some loose fitting things for you to wear, then to lunch, so, get your mind off my ass, or you’re going to be embarrassed when we’re shopping”.. Again with that grin she had, I sensed a great day was about to unfold.. As she fastened her seatbelt, I noticed that short black dress was already hiked up farther than it needed to be, and showcased those shapely thighs of hers.. “Oh, this is going to be some shopping spree”, I said in defeat, as she caught me looking at her.. I made small talk of my conversation with Dana earlier, as she drove on with my days events, in her capable hands.. Trying to keep my eyes, and thoughts from her ever rising hem line was proving tough, even though I did manage to extract some information about different likes, and dislikes that we shared.. As she drove on she’d reach over from time to time, clutching my barely exposed hand, and we’d laugh together.. We seemed to share a dialect that was both serious, and sexual, at the same time, as we talked and she drove.. As we passed along through the city, my nostrils started to detect that unmistakable sensual musk of hers.. It seemed like my brain locked when I realized that Suzie wasn’t wearing a stitch, under that dress of hers.. I also knew that she thought ahead by choosing grey shorts for me that wouldn’t hide the precum, that had recently started to drip on them, and show through..

She stopped abruptly at a sporting goods store, and stated, “We’ll start here”.. I watched as she got out of the car, as her rising dress showed me that I was right about her not wearing panties.. Just a flash of her well shaped ass cheek, was enough to peak more than my interest.. As I got out of the car she gave me a glance and said, “Oh My, a bit tense are we?”.. I was embarrassed and aroused as we walked into the store, hand in hand.. A salesman approached, and managed a friendly “hello”, as he checked out Suzie’s “assets”.. “We’re going to need some loose fitting things for this one, to lounge around in for a while”, she said, as we walked in.. “Just show us where the fitting room is, and we’ll go from there,” Suzie almost instructed him.. He happily showed us the area where the things I’d be looking for were, and where the fitting room was, and then went about his own business.. “Just call out if you two need any help back there.”, he said.. I think all three of us took that the wrong way, as we couldn’t restrain our laugh.. At this point, Suzie went into what I think was a totally rehearsed cock tease.. She held up a sweatshirt to her own chest, and asked “What do you think of this?”.. I felt the softness of the fabric against her pert chest, and replied, “Oh yesss, I like this, but something thinner, in a silk, would be nice, too”.. My fingers wrapped around the inside of the cotton shirt and trailed lightly across her nipple, as she finished her display.. I felt it harden instantly, as did I.. Then pulling it away, she “accidently” dropped it to the floor.. My dick was hard enough to knock a rack of clothes over, when I looked down at her, and that beautiful ass was presented to me.. I moved up behind her, and ground into her exposed, and glistening, receptacle.. “Ohh fffuck, Babe”, was all I could mutter, as she pushed back lightly, as if to receive me.. There was no way I could resist a temptation like this, as I reached forward and traced my finger along her hungry slit, and then probed her.. At this point I was sure the game plan was to make each other crazy with want, then when we got to my place, just get crazy with each other.. I was leaking freely now, and knew I HAD to buy a few things here, just for something to change into.. Suzie chose a few sets of things for me to try on, and off to the dressing room, I went.. As I tried to close the door, I felt Suzie grab it, and hold it open.. “Just in case you need a hand pulling those up, Hon, you never know”, she quipped.. As I pulled my cutoffs off, my cock jerked free, like a cobra warning it’s prey.. I started pulling up the first set on shorts, when I heard Suzie cut in, and say, “Don’t want to soil the merchandise, Hon”.. She pushed into the already small area, and knelt down in front of me.. I really didn’t know how good I was going to be at this game of hers, as I was already throbbing, and knew her touch would just take me over the top.. My knees went totally weak, as she pinned my cock to my stomach, and the held my sac in her hand.. With one long, and extremely delicious lick, she stroked me from the back of my scrotum, to the base of my cock, and then up to the head, before taking me into her mouth, to the entrance of her throat. ”Unghh.. Oh Fuck.. Suzzz.. Babe”.. ”Take it Hon, Pleaseeee”.. I pleaded.. I could feel the cum building from deep within me, demanding release.. She slowly pulled back, and just holding the tip in her soft lips, removed the excess liquid from me.. Slowly she eased the shorts up my body, holding my cock in place with her tongue.. I was sure that the blood supply was shut off going north of my cock, at this point, as she held me there, timeless, and in total arousal, but yet knew somehow, she’d keep me from the release I needed so badly.. “Just give the salesman the credit card, Babe, I want the whole fucking rack”, I said in an almost pleading voice.. Needless to say, we bought several pair.. Later Suzie confided to me that it was her finest hour when we checked out, seeing both myself and the salesman, were totally erect.. She had know that he was watching the episode from another aisle..

As we drove away, and continued our shopping trip, she became even more blatant with her tease.. Her now swollen pussy lips were in full view, as we drove to the grocery mart, not far from my place.. The only thing I wanted to eat, she was sitting on, but she insisted we pick up a few more things.. By the time we arrived at the store, we were both in a frenzy.. At each red light we stopped at, any truck or SUV next to us, could look down and see her displayed wares.. At one point, she had my cock, showing through the bottom of my shorts, in her hand in full view, along with her delectable pussy, for the world to see.. As bad as I wanted to cum, I wanted to see what show was in store for me inside this place, even more.. “Ummm, Hon, I have the pizzeria on speed dial you know”, I said.. “Oh, just a few things for the house you’ll be needing”, she smiled back.. “Need to have calcium, for the bones to heal, you know”.. “Oh, hell yeah”, I shot back.. “Bananas, I hear, are loaded with that”.. Knowing full well it was likely I’d never be able to shop there again, we walked in, hand in hand.. I was so horny now, that I would have stuck my dick between the openings in the shopping cart, to get it off.. But we proceeded on.. “Let me pick them, ok?”, I asked.. “You’re enjoying this, as much as I am now, aren’t you”, she asked.. “I have to admit, you’ve got possibilities”, she chuckled.. “I’m going to tell you right from the start, Hon.. When I’m at work, I’m all efficient, and proper.. When we go out, I like to tease, but only the man I’m with.. And Honey.. When we get to the bedroom, I’m an absolute Whore, and I LOVE it that way.. Are you ok with this?”.. ”Where have you been all my life?”, was the only reply I needed or could think of.. When we got to the counter, she was even hotter than I was.. I checked over each bunch of bananas carefully, like they were spare dicks.. People were giving us looks that were like daggers, as I auditioned each bunch separately for her, and described their assets, to Suzie.. I selected a bunch that had a few smaller and yellow bananas on the back row, and several more, much larger and very green ones in the front row.. Curling my forefinger to my thumb, I inserted one of the larger green one through the hole, and said, “Nectar of the Gods, to service my Goddess”.. “Would you reach the bunch at the top for me Suzz, I think that bunch, deserves a look”.. As she reached forward, and up, I slid the nine inch banana across her exposed slit.. I thought she’d jump right over the stand completely. “Oh Babe, I think we need to check out, NOW”, she had a wild look in her eyes as we passed by the onlookers.. Some whispering.. Some with just their mouths hung open.. We checked out, and proceeded to my place to start “Rehab”..

I couldn’t believe it when we got in the house.. Dana, and Suzie must have been up half the night rearranging my house.. The scent of the perfumed candles hit my nostrils, as soon as she opened the door.. They had my living room changed around and had my desk set up like a small office, to take care of my work, from home.. “Wow, Hon.. You two did all this for me?”.. “I couldn’t have placed things better if I had done it, myself”.. “Let me check this out”, I said.. “You’ll get time to work later, Babe, right now, WE have business to tend to”.. Her face beamed with lust itself, as I walked along with her on this tour of my own house.. What more could I hope for, I thought to myself..

My bedroom looked like a sacrificial altar, as we passed through the door.. Candles adorned the sides and foot of the king size bed.. The top blanket was folded down to reveal black silk sheets.. I didn’t own these, so I would have to remember to pay her for them.. The nightstands were turned at 45 degree angles, to provide easy access.. Displayed almost as offerings, themselves, were a selection of oils that could please any taste.. A collection of sex toys so extensive, that even I didn’t know what all of them were.. But I was going to be a willing patient, in an erotic rehab that would make most men hard, just thinking about it.. A dream come true, that outreached my own most erotic thoughts.. I was dumbfounded by the thought that Suzie had put into this playroom of the Gods she had created for us.. Just then she broke into my silence with, “I think you should see the bathroom, now”..

When we entered the bathroom, I knew the wait was over.. Glasses were positioned at one end of the Jacuzzi, and it merely needed filling.. More candles, too.. These were solid black.. Towels were placed, for easy access.. Suzie walked over, and turned the water on, to start filling it.. Her delicious ass presented itself as she bent forward.. I shed my clothes in seconds, anticipating her being naked with me, in there.. “Slowly, My Love”, she said, “We have forever now, and we don’t need either one of us falling down and breaking something else”.. The Jacuzzi was less than three feet deep, so there was going to be no problem with me getting my temporary casts wet.. My mind raced as I thought of Suzie, naked, and with me in this water, with the jets pulsing over and into our bodies.. “Please Babe”, I said, “Let me undress you slowly, and savor all of you.. I need to touch you, and taste you, and only then, I want to let the water work it’s magic on us”.. As I slowly lowered her sexy black dress, I tasted first her mouth, as we dueled with our tongues.. My hand felt her erect nipple, as our mouths lingered on each other.. Slowly, I worked my mouth to her flawless neckline.. Her body seemed to arch forward as I nibbled up, to the base of her ear, and then back down, and around to her throat.. With alternating pressure, I tweaked at her nipple, bringing the sweetest sounding gasps from her writhing mouth.. As much as I wanted to just devour her breast, I slowed myself, and worked down lower to the base of her breast.. Her smallish, but yet perfect breasts, were slightly jiggling from the quickening of her breath, as I explored her fully.. There was a slightly salty taste to her orbs, as I licked a circle around each one.. Carefully, and slowly, I dragged my tongue across each nipple, as I teased each orb.. As her nipples went erect, I swirled my tongue around and across each one, sucking them in, and pushing them back out.. Each breast seemed to know of it’s own accord, that I was worshipping it’s fullness.. Suzie’s body seemed to rock, as I sucked in a nipple, and let my hand drift to her wet slit.. She used the opportunity to kick aside her now removed dress, as she stood before me with her legs slightly apart, beckoning my oral approach to her.. “Guide me to your pleasure, Baby”, I said, as I moved from one breast, to tease and explore the other.. “Mmmm… Ohhh Fuck, Yessss Baby.. Suck my tits, Hon”, she muttered, as she used her slender fingers in my hair to move my lips to pleasure her.. Gently using my nails, I moved my hand down her thigh, and then raked slowly up the inside, avoiding entering her wetness.. She used her body as an encyclopedia of carnal knowledge, as her movements, and sounds, guided my hands and mouth.. I took as much of her breast into my mouth as I could, and teased, and sucked her nipple, harder still, as my finger grazed slowly across from one hip, to the other, she jerked forward into me.. Her slightly engorged clit stuck out wantonly, as I gently rubbed it’s surface.. “I.. I.. Unghhh”, she muttered as her hands guided my face to her center of pleasure.. I paused at each hip, and wiggled my tongue into the crevice of skin, that formed her hip, and around the outside of her dripping wet cunt lips.. My fingers raked gently at the back of her legs, as my mouth traced the outline of her inner form.. It hurt slightly went she started pulling harder at my hair, to try to fuck my face, but onward, I went.. On my knees before her, I touched at her outer erogenous zones.. Never in my life had I wanted to please, and be pleased, so much at the same time, as now, but I wanted her to long for my touch, as much as I longed for hers.. Now, her need was urgent.. Suzie was at the same place she’d carefully taken me to.. Smaller orgasms had slickened her womanhood, to an erotic state as she now NEEDED release.. “Fffuckk.. Sssuck my fucking cunt.. Lick Meee… Fucking lick Meee NOWWW”.. This was all I needed to hear!!.. I closed my mouth around her erect clit, and swirled my tongue, to pleasure it.. “Yessss.. Mmm…Fffuck”, was all I could hear as she totally succumbed to my mouth.. Releasing her clit, I moved my tongue slowly down the length of her slit, and pulled at her ass cheeks, as I delved into her center.. The smell of her escaping wetness was just a prelude to the feel of the liquid, as she released her cum, on my invading digit.. She coated my tongue, as she gushed past my taste buds, and down my throat, as her body shook violently, releasing her seed, to me.. I remained attached to her sex, as best I could, as slowly we returned to our own dimension..

Her eyes were almost piercing, as she now took to the offensive.. The taste of her clung to my beard and moustache, as she led me into the now pulsating water of the Jacuzzi.. Her shaven, and now glistening pussy, still oozed her juices as she lay me down and started to speak softly to me.. “Look at how hard your cock is, Baby”.. Do you want to stick your hard cock in my wet pussy, Honey?”.. “Does your hard cock want to push open my pussy, and shoot all your juice in me, Babe”.. Do you want to fuck my mouth Baby?.. ”Yesss, ohhh fuck, yesss, let me fuck that sweet mouth of yours Suzz”, I gasped to her.. “Hold me right to your throat when I cum, Babe!!”.. “Do you dream about fucking my ass, Jim?”.. “Tell me how you think about fucking me!!”.. She had a wild look about her now, as she took control of my pleasure.. “Fucking all of you, is all I think about Suzz!!”.. I want to fuck you’re your hot cunt, and pull my cock out, and cum in your ass, Babe.. I want to feel your ass around my cock!!”.. I was writhing now, as I balanced on the side of the Jacuzzi, and awaited her touch.. The water rushed quickly around me, as it covered my stomach and legs.. Only the head of my cock protruded, as the jets further aroused me..

She started with the sponge, on my face.. I’m going to wash all my cum off you, then you’ll get a fresh load of my juice.. You like that, Baby?”.. She had a possessed look about her, as she kneel over me, and rub her tits against my chest.. One of the jets seemed to be positioned to agitate against my balls, and asshole, making my cock throb even harder, as she washed the water across my beard.. She leaned back, like a glistening Goddess, and ran the water down across her pert tits, dragging the sponge slowly across her taut nipples.. “Ohh Suzz.. Let me suck your hard tits, Babe”, I beckoned her.. “You like my hard nipples in your mouth, don’t you, Lover?”, she teased.. Slowly she traced the outline of my bearded face with her erect nipples, then lightly, across my lips, teasing me with her sex.. I bit at her and locked a nipple into my mouth as she pleasured us both, now.. Her pert bud made a popping sound as it escaped my mouth, and made her shudder.. “Look how bad your hard cock wants my pussy, Babe”, she said as she started to reposition herself.. Delicately, she rubbed the outermost portion of her aroused sex to the head of my cock.. The feel of her clit touching my cockhead, made me jerk up toward her.. Instead of entering her, it slid through the folds of her wet pussy, and back toward her ass.. Slowly she rode, surface fucking my cock, as I moaned out to her.. “Ohh.. Fffuckkk.. Let me in your hot cunt, Babe!!”.. She quickly repositioned the jet in the Jacuzzi to force the water still higher, then she took the length of my cock, in a single thrust.. I could see the passion in her eyes, as I blurted her name.. “Suzzz..Ohhhh Fuckkk Yesssss Suzzz!!”.. We stayed in that position, hips touching, as we got used to the feel of my cock in her wet pussy.. She leaned forward over my mouth and urged me to suck on her hardened tits.. She felt like velvet, enveloping my throbbing cock.. Her inner muscles tightened around my shaft, as the jets washed against our erotic connection.. As I pinched down on one nipple, and teased the other with my mouth, her slow gyrations began.. The pelting water against our nakedness, brought urgency to her downward thrust onto me.. “Mmmake my cock explode in you Suzz!!”.. “Fuck me into that hot cunt, Baby”.. I was wild with abandon, now, as our bodies assaulted each other, seeking release.. Every downward thrust, and twitch of her finely muscled cunt, brought moans from us both.. “Cum in meee.. Make your big cock cum in my pussyyy.. Unghh.. I’m going to milk that cock dryyy!!!”.. Her hands on my shoulders now, she fucked down onto me, wildly, bottoming on my cock, stretching the bounds of her vagina.. Her nails ripped right into my skin, as her tits rocked in rhythm, to her ass.. “Uhhhh..Ohhh…Fuckkkk”, I screamed out, as the first stream of cum shot from me, into her, seemingly triggering her own lust.. Waves rushed over the side of the Jacuzzi, as the waves escaping me, flooded into her waiting womb.. “Gggive….. It… To … Me….Unghhhhh.. Ffuckkk meeeee”, I heard her scream, as we finished our mutual pleasuring.. The water rushing around our bodies.. The intense pounding of our hips together.. All seemed to blend together, as she fall forward onto me, in release..

After a few minutes of recovery, she playfully looked into my eyes, and said.. “So, what do you think.. Am I a Home Care Professional?”.. “You’re my Never Better Home Care Inc”, I responded playfully..”Now… I think we should explore your bedside manner”.. As she disengaged herself from me, she jiggled her still dripping pussy in front of me.. ”Better call for that pizza now.. I hear that we have bananas, for dessert”

Chapter Four..
Free At Last.. Free At Last!!
As long as there's feet at the bottom,and Pussy at the top,They're ALL perfect Legs
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