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Old 02-10-2008, 06:47 PM
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Seven Generations


Winter 1708
A few miles outside of Salem, Massachusetts

Hester Addams gathered up her long skirt and headed into the woods. The glow of the full moon gave ample light for her to see where she was going; even in the heavily fallen snow that had blanketed the land earlier that day, leaving nearly a foot of it behind. She headed deep into the woods before stopping to rest. She rubbed her somewhat swollen belly that carried her child. She wanted to cry at how she had came to be in this condition; barely twenty, unwed, and unwanted by both her father and the man that had gotten her this way. She leaned against a tree and began to cry uncontrollably.

"There. There," she heard and older woman's voice say. Looking around she saw her; covered in what looked to be a ragged blanket and very thin shoes. "Come child," she said. "You will need a warm place to stay and food to eat. I don't have much, but you are certainly welcome to it."

It was in the home of the middle aged woman, whom she learned was named Tala, that she lived. She found peace with Tala and soon was looking forward to the birth of her child. She noticed first hand that Tala was blind, but she went about her day as if she could see like any other person. Then one day, with the birth of her child very close, she asked Tala how see came to be blind.

Hester learned Tala had fallen in love with a man when she was young woman. The man had his way with her, and upon learning she was with child, beat her nearly to death and left her for dead. She lost both the child and her eyesight. A woman, who had fled Salem years before and had escaped the trials because she practiced the craft, nursed her back to health and helped her to "regain" her sight, thou her eyes would never saw again. She also learned that Tala had taken up the pratice and had cursed the man.

Tala's curse had been that the man, the now Reverend Jacob Samuels, would marry, but his wife be barren. Wanting a child, he would take a mistress. The man, with the intentions of he and his wife raising the child after it's birth, would never allow anyone to know about his mistress. But after taking a mistress, his wife would become with child and both wife and mistress would bare his children. Upon learning of his wife's child, he would dismiss the mistress as if she was nothing. The mistress leaves, bearing not one, but three daughters who would later bare one daughter each. They in turn, bare one daughter each until seven generations pass.

The wife, on the other hand, bares one son. Who, in turn like the three daughters, sires only one son. And so on and so on until seven generations of Samuels' men have been born. Then one day, the three women meet and become best of friends after learning of their connection to the other. Wanting to see where the curse all began, they would return. It is here that the sole male is, as if waiting for them. It is then that the cure will finally be broken.

Hester nearly fainted at hearing the confession. But then her shock turned to anger as she realized that she had been the mistress in the curse. Her father, not believing that it was Reverend Samuels who had gotten her with child, demanded to know the true idenity of the man. When she had continued to name the Reverend, he turned her out into the cold.

It was due to this woman, whom she had come to depend upon and love as if she was her own family, that had placed her in this condition. Hester didn't know what to do, or to think. She had to get away from the house and from Tala. But it was then that her three daughters decided to arrive. After helping to birth the three girls, Tala disappeared in a mist before her eyes. She never saw the witch again. But as if she had been learned in the craft that Tala had practiced herself. She cared for her daughters and taught them the craft before sending them out into the world to find husbands of their own.

Back in the small town that Hester had fled, Reverend Jacob Samuels paced outside of his home as his wife gave birth to his child. Thou he wouldn't admit it, in the back of his mind, he knew that Hester too would soon be giving birth to his child, if she hadn't already. He wrung his hands in as much of anticipation of the birth of the child his wife was now bareing, and the sudden horrored thought of Hester returning and bringing back his bastard child. He had appreciated the silence that Levan Samuels had taken after dimissing his daughter, and her claims that he had sired her child. But Jacob knew that Hester was right for she had been pure when he had laid with her. And he knew that he had been the only one to lay with her. He had believe Hester in that.

Later that night, as his wife and new born son lay sleeping, Jacob was awaken by a noise in the home. Making sure that he didn't wake his wife, he slipped from the bed and entered the large room that served as both kitchen and receiving room. It was there that he saw the filmy form of a woman. He recognized the woman as the one he had thought to have beaten to death years ago. She looked just as she had when she told him of the expecting child. "Tala," he whispered.

He felt an icy wind hit him as the form raised a long filmy hand and pointed at him. "You, Jacob Samuels, have not only a son, but three daughters bore by Hester Addams this very day. You will never know where any of them are, nor will you ever sire a child again." She then preceeded to tell him of how she had survived and the curse placed upon him and the children he had sired. Jacob fell into the chair behind him as the form disappeared into thin air. He cried uncontrollably until the dawns early light flooded the room. Barely pulling himself together before his wife woke, he went about his day and life as if nothing happened. That was until the day he died and he confessed his sins to his own son and asked him to pass along the story so that the seventh generation of sons would know what was coming.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 02-16-2008, 04:17 PM
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Chapter One

Salem State College
End of the Spring 2008 Semester

Sabrina Jones sat on her twin sized bed, studying the "Learn to Speak Latin" book in front of her, hoping that she would pass the finals in a few days. If she did, then graduation was next. A few feet away, sitting at the computer typing her final English essay, also hoping to pass and graduate, sat one of her two roommates, Esmeralda Stephens; Em for short. They both looked up as the third of the trio entered the room. The excitement Tabitha Evans felt shone on her face as she entered the room, the door closing a little harder than planned. "I finally found something," Tabitha said as she shut the door. "Four years of research has FINALLY paid off." She stressed the word finally.

The three girls had first met when they became roommates four years earlier. Tabitha had been the first to arrive at the dorm room, then Sabrina, and finally Em. Tabitha and Sabrina had been in shock when they first saw each other. Both of them identical in every way, except for their eye color. Both tall and lean with ample breasts, long slender body and legs, and long jet black hair. They were idenitcal in not only looks, but in movements and expressions. Tabitha's deep blue eyes and Sabrina's chocolate ones, locked after they had stared at each other in disbelief. They had been in the middle of a laughing fit over looking alike when Esmeralda had entered the room. Again the room went silent as she too stared, with her emerald colored eyes, at her two new roommates in disbelief; she... they... all three of them... looked identical. The shock had continued later that day when they learned that all shared the same day of birth, and the fact that they all were still virgins at twenty-two.

The three girls had quickly became best of friends. After some long conversations, and deep family research, they all discovered that they were actually cousins; seven generations removed. All three the direct decedent of Hester Addams. The history of how they all had come to live so far apart from each other was cloudy, but now that they were reunited, they felt as if something that had been missing all their life was finally in place. When in the same room, they could read each others thoughts with little effort; something that annoyed all those around them.

"What did you learn," Sabrina and Em asked together. Tabitha sat down on the bed by Sabrina and caught her breath. She had hurried all the way across campus just to tell the others. "I found an old, old book, it's actually nearly three hundred years old, in the restricted section of the library," Tabitha said. "The restricted section," the others gasped. "How did you manage to get in there," Em asked. "Only the professors and college officials are allowed in there," Sabrina exclaimed. "I just thought really hard and told the lady, in my mind of course, that I needed to do some research that could only be found in that area." She threw her hands up casually, shrugged her shoulders, tilted her head, and gave that quirky little smile they all gave and said, "She let me in." "How did you get the book out," Sabrina asked. Tabitha smiled and patted her extra large book bag. The room erupted in laughter. Tabitha then retold the legend of their distant grandmother, Hester Addams, filling in all the details that had made everything so cloudy. Once finished, Tabitha said, "And look here girls." She turned the book to them and pointed at a picture of a woman. They stared at it for a moment and then at each other. "Hester Addams," they said in unison. The three once again stared at the picture. It was as if they were staring at themselves; they all were the spitting image of Hester Addams.

Finals came and went. And to all of their surprise, they all had passed and would graduate. They wanted to celebrate. They decided on the one thing that they all would enjoy; a camping trip. And they all knew where they wanted to go. What better place than the very place where it all began; the very place where Hester Addams gave birth to her three daughters.

Jacob Samuels, named for his grandfather seven generations back, sat in his small one room office, going over the books and ordering more supplies for the bar. He had started helping with the bar when he was eighteen; not in the actual serving sense, but learning the behind the scenes aspect of it. He was now glad he had. For the past three years he had taken on the actual running of it when his father suffered a heart attack. And then becoming the sole owner a little over a year ago when he passed.

At thirty, Jacob was far from innocent. He had been with nearly all the girls in his class at school before their senior year had even started. Granted, it was a small town, but there were fifteen girls in his class. And by the end of their senior year, he had known all of them personally at least once; some of them twice or more. He loved women; enjoyed them greatly and took pride in pleasing them.

Walking to the one-way window at the end of the room, Jacob looked down at the bar room below. It was only 4:30 pm, but it was slowly beginning to fill up. In a few hours, it would be so packed, the waitresses would hardly be able to serve customers, let alone hear them enough to take their orders. But, that was the way every Friday and Saturday night went. He turned back towards the desk. The large framed painting hanging behind it was that of the Reverend Jacob Samuels. But everyone, including himself, thought that he looked like the man's twin.

Jacob stood before the painting and stared. The same shoulder length brownish/black hair; the same green eyes; the same clean shaven face, right down to the smallest feature. The tall, lean, yet muscular build was the same. Everything was the same. He then reached for the small photo copied picture he had of Hester Addams. It had been copied from an old book some years back. He could easily see why she had turned his grandfather's head all those years ago.

Jacob stared unseeingly at the picture as his thumb pad rubbed it. He knew by heart the story that had been passed from one Samuels' son to the next. He was also very well aware of the fact that he was the seventh. He looked at the picture now, seeing her fully. He hoped beyond hope that at least one of the three woman that he would be meeting at some point in his life would look just like her. "Was it possible," he thought aloud as he stared back up at his distant grandfather's painting. "I look just like you. Will any of them look like her?"

Deep down inside, Jacob felt something. A feeling like the winds of change were headed for him. "There coming, aren't they," he asked the painting. "There on there way here, aren't they? But where will they go?" He smiled back at the painting and exclaimed, "The cabin where Hester bore her daughters." He closed his eyes and thought of how long he needed to wait. One day... two... a week. He flashed his eyes open on a week. "A week it is then," he said to the painting. "I'll wait a week and then go there."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 02-16-2008, 09:52 PM
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Chapter Two

It was mid-morning when Tabitha, Sabrina, and Esmeralda stood in the middle of the woods, staring at what was left of the small cabin in which Hester Addams had bore her daughters. "Just think girls," Tabitha said in her mind, "this is where the whole curse began." "Yeah," added Sabrina, also in her mind. "And this is where the curse will end," Em replied in her mind. By mid-day, the large two room tent was set up; the large flap that made the seperation was tied back allowing it to take on the apperance of just one room. Outside of the tent, a large blanket was spread. "Do you think he'll come," Em asked without words as she smoothed the blanket out. "I think so," came a males voice from somewhere in the woods.

The three women looked around, trying to pin-point where the voice had came from. "Where is he," Sabrina asked in her mind as she looked around. "I don't see him," Em said in the same manner, also looking around. "I'm here," came the male voice, but this time not aloud, but in their heads. "He's the same as us," Tabitha said without words as she too looked around, trying to find him. "You're him, aren't you," she asked, once again in her head. "I'm him," the male voice answered, "and you're my three." The women looked at each other. "You look just like her. I have to admit that I had hoped that one of you would. And damn if all three of you don't. My, or should I say all of ours... distant granfather was right in taking her for his own. But I promise not to toss the three of you away as he did her. Each of you will bare my child and I will make sure that all of you, and the children, are with me always."

There was a long pause before Sabrina asked in her mind, "You know what we look like, but what about you?" The male voice asked, "Have you ever seen what the Reverend looked like? A picture. A painting. A face in a dream revealing him to you?" "Yeah," the three women answered together. "Then you've seen me." This time the words were spoken aloud and the man stepped out of the woods and into view of the women.

Jacob felt the heated rush of pleasure as he stared at the three identical women. Very soon he would know what each of their bodies looked like, though he knew they would be the same. He walked towards them, his long legs taking him to them in only a few strides. "God you're beautiful," he said in his mind. "All of you," he said as he turned to look at each of them. He stood planted as they approached him, forming a triangle around him. "MMM," he moaned as they touched him. His skin felt like it was on fire as they ran their hands over his bare muscled arms, covered muscled chest, and back. "MMMM Ladies," he said in his head.

Closing his eyes, he took in their smell..., their touch..., the way they sounded as they breathed and giggled as they played with his body. In his head he heard each ones own pleasure, and he knew which one was which. It was almost more than he could stand. He felt his muscle shirt rise as two differently own hands began to raise it. His hands went up to ease the process. "MMM," he heard Tabitha moan as she kissed her way down his stomach. He brought his arms back down and wrapped one around Em and Sabrina. "My name is the same as his, but without the Reverend. I'm named after him. Jacob Samuels. And you my dear," he asked as he looked at the one on his right.

"I'm Sabrina," the beauty said. Looking down at the one undoing his pants. "I'm Tabitha." "And I'm Esmeralda," she said. He watch her bat her lashes at him shyly as she said, "Em for short." Aloud he said, "I say again ladies, you're all beautiful." "And virgins," they said together in their minds. He threw his head and laughed deep-throatedly. "Oh ladies," he said in his mind. He felt Sabrina and Em slide down his body and join Tabitha on the ground. Looking down at them, he asked in his mind, "Are you trying to kill me? Three virgins at once. MMMM" He smiled as they together began to remove his remaining clothes.

Jacob laid on the blanket and watched as his three women removed their clothes for him. He raised an arm and placed his hand under his head, making a pillow for himself. His other stroked himself to readiness; not that he was needing any help, but was more for something to do as he watched them. He noticed they moved the same, but different; sounded the same, but different; their bodies the same, but different. Each one had full beautiful breasts and flat stomaches. Their sides dipped in slightly just above their luscious hips. He watched as all three pairs of pants slipped from their bodies. Each wearing bikini panties, and yet all three pairs different. But soon they too were removed from their bodies, revealing three beatifully identical, yet different pussies; each with a tuff of perfectly trimmed jet black hair above shaved lips. "Damn," he thought to himself as he saw their naked bodies; forgetting that they would hear too. "Thank you," they said aloud in unison. He noted that Em blushed with shyness; Tabitha smiled with confidence; and Sabrina a mixture of both.

"Who's the oldest," Jacob asked aloud. Em shyly spoke first, her eyes bashfully going from him to the ground. "We were all born on the same day and hundreds of miles apart," she said quietly, "but Tabitha is the eldest." "Then Sabrina an hour later," Tabitha said proudly. "And then shy little Em an hour after me," Sabrina chimed in a "matter-of-factly" tone, trying to sound as confident as Tabitha had. "Then come her my green eyed beauty," he said to Em, "and be the first for a change."

The identicalness was obvious, but he noticed that each woman had her own personality. It was obvious to see that Tabitha was the out-going one of the trio. She blazed the trail and lead the other two. It was no doubt that it was she who had planned this outing. Sabrina, on the other hand, was the follower. She went everywhere Tabitha did and held Em's hand, dragging her along with them. And shy little Em followed them both, never trying to blaze her own trail. She was happy and content hiding behind the other two. It was obvious now as she barely made eye contact with, but stared mostly at the ground or the others. He knew that Tabitha would be the aggressive one; Sabrina the one eager to learn; and Esmeralda the hesitant one.

Jacob smiled as the three of them approached together with shy Em following behind them. He smiled as the others pulled her forward and gave her a gently push towards him. He chuckled as he said, "I promise I'll be gentle." It didn't seem to ease her fear. Instead she turned a deeper shade of red and the others had to push her harder. "Go on," he heard Tabitha say in his head. "He's not going to hurt you. It's what we're here for; to become his." He watched her look back at the others before kneeling next to him.

Esmeralda kneeled next to Jacob and hesitantly touched the soft patch of black hair on his chest and followed the trail down to his navel before becoming to embarassed to follow any further. His skin was smooth and inviting. His smile put her at ease. She leaned foward and softly kissed him, feeling her breasts graze across his skin. "MMMM," she moaned at the stimulating touch. Before she knew it, she was laying under him as he gently kissed her deeply. The full weight of his body on her panicied her and she heard Tabitha and Sabrina say, "Breathe, Em breathe." She took a deep breathe and felt the soft, hot, wetness of his mouth cover her breast. She forgot all about being nervous and thought of nothing but the sensual feeling he gave her.

Em felt Jacob's hand move lightly down her body, causing her to tingle with pleasure as it moved. His hand softly grip her hip before gliding along her thigh, easing her legs apart, and coming to rest on her love mound. She felt herself soar as his hand gently rub the soft, warm mound between her legs. His finger found her aching nub and made soft circles. Soon, she felt an explosion deep in her. "Oh God," she thought to herself, forgetting that all the others would hear it as well. "That's it, Em," she heard Sabrina say. "Give yourself to him," Tabitha said.

Em felt her legs part further as he moved closer to her. It was then that she noticed the head of Jacob slipping into her. "Jacob," she gasped as he pushed in her. Her eyes widening as he pushed deeper and deeper. She moaned as he pulled back, easing the pressure she was feeling. But again she gasped as she felt the pain of virginty leaving her. Her nails dug into his back and side, causing him to jerk and move further into her. But soon the annoying pain was gone and she began to purr as he moved in her. She felt her body tremble as she was pushed over the edge. Several more times she felt the wonderful push before she felt his own release. She lay there under him, for what seemed like forever, and returned his deep kisses before feeling the weight of him leave her.

Jacob watched as Esmeralda sat up and crawled a few places over. The smear of blood between her legs made him smile. She smiled back at him. "How did that feel, darling," he asked her soft as he gently rubbed her leg. "Wonderful," she smiled at him, easing his worry of hurting her. Before he had a chance to say that he'd rest before going "Round 2" with the next one, Sabrina staddled him. The heat coming from between her legs caused him to fully hardened again. He felt her need as she rubbed her breasts against his chest.

Jacob pulled Sabrina to him and kissed her slightly rough. "MMM," she moaned. Sitting her upright, he guided her onto him. Her wet, hot, tightness was the same as Em's had been. He closed his eyes as she slipped further down onto him. "Sabrina," he moaned aloud as she raised and then lowered herself again. He felt the head of him hit her barrier just before she raised herself again. The next time she lowered herself on him, he pushed himself up, breaking her virginal barrier. He smiled as she gasped from the small annoyance. "OOHHH," she purred as he moved in her, meeting her perfectly as she moved towards him.

Sabrina increased her pace on Jacob and felt her climax take hold. "Jacob," she gasped as she felt her body shake from the thrill. "Again," she heard him say inside of her head. Again she rode him until her body exploded around his hardness. Her love mound throbbed as she heard his groan and then felt his own release. "Oh Shit," she heard him gasp as he moved a few more stokes in her. Cooing, she told Tabitha, "Your turn" as she sat down next to Em. She saw the glistening streaks of blood on his half erect cock; blood from both Em and herself, and soon, Tabitha. She looked down at her own self and saw the smeer and smiled. "You too," she heard Em ask. "Me too," she replied with a smile.

Somehow knowing that Tabitha would like it rougher than the others, Jacob pulled her too him. "MMM," he moaned as he felt her body next to him; his manhood once again ready. He roughly kissed her and heard her moan hoarsely. "Are you ready," he asked her as he turned her luscious bottom to him. She didn't even get her "yes" out before he was pushing his hardness into her. He felt her cum almost instantly as his roughness pushed him deeper into her. "You like it this way, don't you," he asked as one hard push shattered her barrier. "Jacob," she screamed as she again came. "Oh, Jacob," she mewled. Grasping a handfull of long black hair, he fucked her until she begged for mercy.

Tabitha's arm gave way and her breasts laid on the soft blanket. Her aching womanhood was taking the full assalt of Jacob, but she loved it. "Oh God," she yelled as she felt his hands firmly on her shoulders. His roughness pushed her over the edge over and over again. She looked at Em and Sabrina. There smiles showed her that they too had been satisified by him. Her eyes closed as she felt him push and hold himself in her. She felt the throbbing of him as he released himself in her. "Damn it," he growled as the last of it seeped from him. She felt him pull from her and pushed herself up onto her arms once again. The smear of blood between her legs was bright red. Looking over at him, she saw the blood of all of them not only on his manhood, but in the soft curls surrounding it; a few drops clinging to his inner thighs.

Jacob laid on his back and tried desperately to catch his breathe. "Come here," he said in his mind. The three of them gathered to him; Tabitha by one side, Sabrina the other, and his head laid gently in Em's lap. "Oh ladies," he said to them in his mind. "That was great." His eyes went to each of them as he said, "I'll not toss you away as he did. I want to keep each of you." "You may regret that," Em said aloud. "Yeah," Sabrina said smilingly, "one woman is hard enough to keep up with." "But three of them," Tabitha said breathlessly, "will be three times as hard." "I'm ready," he said. "I'm ready."

Just at the edge of the woods, four shadowy figures stood; Reverend Jacob Samuels, his wife, Tala, and Hester Addams. "I too shall never again leave the three of you," he said. "I too shall keep the three of you dear to my heart as he keeps those three dear to him." Hester looked towards the group lying on the ground in the remains of the home that she and Tala had shared. "Let the curse of one child be lifted," she said. "May each one bare him many children and may he love and keep them all, never forsaking any of them." Reverend Samuels gathered his three women in his arms and softly kissed each's forehead. Their figures slowly vanished.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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