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Old 08-23-2016, 03:09 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Tomorrow is another day. (Ch. 1)

Despite being a regular reader of incest stories (almost exclusively mother/son at that) this is my first foray in to actually writing one - and it's a father/daughter story!

Couple of thing before you start - first, I've submitted this to Literotica too. I write under a different name there, so it ISN'T copied if you've already read it there. Secondly, it's quite long as you may already have noticed. I'd like to think it's worth the read though.

Anyway, hope you like it.


Let's get the introductions out of the way first, shall we? My name is Martin, I'm 52 years old and managing to keep the worst excesses of age at bay with healthy (but not obsessive) eating and appropriate levels of exercise to suit my 6-foot frame. As a fairly successful architect that's more difficult than it needs to be sometimes, but work is what keeps me somewhere near sane, so I won't complain too much!

I'm a widower. That's kind of important to mention, as otherwise none of this would have happened. I met my late wife Janet, more usually known as Jan, at university when I was 24 and finishing my architecture degree, and she was 18 and starting her nursing degree. Despite the seemingly massive age gap, we hit it off straight away and were engaged on our first 'anniversary' and married the week after her graduation. By then I was 28, she 22. A year later Jan gave birth to our only daughter, who we named Lindsay after no-one at all in either of our families. Caused a few arguments in both families that did, but it was our daughter, our choice, and we stuck to our guns!

Lindsay sailed through school and insisted on going to university just shy of her 17th birthday as she was "sick of the sight of that place". Enrolled in accountancy, she revelled in the studying, graduating with Honours in the top 10 of her year. And managed all that despite what I'm about to tell you.

At the end of Lindsay's first year, Jan found a lump in her breast. The doctors removed it very quickly, along with a lot of other tissue, glands and the like, and we thought she was on the way to recovery. Eight months later she was dead, brain and spinal metastases proving too much even for my tough little fighting girl. She was forty years old. Somehow, I don't know how to this day, Lindsay managed to deal with this loss better than I did; I think her boyfriend Rob was a massive support for her, because God knows I was no use whatsoever.

I went to pieces, I won't lie. For weeks I could barely get out of bed, I didn't shower or shave more than once a week, and then only if Linz (our pet name for her) was coming to stay for the weekend, and work was a total non-event. Luckily for me I owned my own company by then, with excellent and understanding staff that took over and dealt with just about everything that needed to be done. It took a night sitting staring at bottles of pills all over the table, with the bottle of whisky and a sharp knife for good measure, to realise I was on a spiral that was only going to end in disaster if I didn't do something about it.

Don't be deluded by those simple words into thinking it was easy. I missed Jan every minute of every day, often thought I saw her through a doorway, or found myself talking to her about things that happened and, sometimes, even hearing her answer. But there was Lindsay. Who felt the same, but accepted that her mum was gone and wouldn't be coming back. Somehow her strength helped me and eventually I was able to return to work, then attend Lindsay's graduation ceremony at her Edinburgh University.

Oh, did I mention I live in Scotland? Glasgow to be precise, the opposite side of the country from Lindsay and Rob. Only 45 miles, but it feels like a million miles away when we're both busy and tired when Friday comes. We manage though, every two or three weeks one will travel to the other, for a meal, drinks and chat. Sometimes, we even let Rob tag along too!

Lindsay took the opportunity of her 21st birthday party at one of our country's most prestigious hotels, in the company of her family and close friends, to 'come out' as bisexual and, a few days later, introduce her on/off girlfriend Charlotte, known as Charlie, to me. Understandably, Rob already knew of both Lindsay's sexuality and of Charlie; quite what he thought of it I don't know, as he was always one for keeping his own counsel.

Charlie is a 4'10" bundle of energy with constantly changing hair colour and an infectious laugh; I truly think she is the happiest person I've ever met! To see her against Lindsay's 5'6" height is quite amusing too, especially as Linz is quite curvy and busty, just like her mum, with dirty-blonde hair rather than dark brunette, though she does have the same jade-green eyes her mother had, whereas Charlie is "small but perfectly formed" as my mother would have said, with tiny tits, a barely-there (though definite and pert) derriere, but relatively huge, bright blue pixie eyes which she often matches her hair colour to. Oh, and she's just a little bit mad - but in a good way! (I think). She's a year older than Lindsay at 24, but that's just a number, right?

And so we move closer to the point of this story. In the two years following Jan's death it took me a long, long time to rejoin society and pick up some semblance of a social life. The latter came after my midnight sojourn with the tablets & booze, and I 'improved' to the point I was able to attend various parties and other gatherings my business required me to, on one or two occasions, bowing to pressure from well-meaning friends (and Linz), I even forced myself out on dates a few times; all these were disastrous, with one poor woman even walking out on me in tears in the middle of our meal. I think I had compared her rather unfavourably in some way to Jan, which even as I said it I knew was crass, rude and unforgivable, but I did it anyway; mostly because I felt forced in to being there, and I wanted, needed, to take it out on someone and she was elected to the post. Really nasty and unpleasant of me I know, but you get the idea of where my head was, I hope.

So, after Lindsay's 21st and meeting Charlie for the first time, both the girls spent a week or so at my house to let me get to know Charlie some. Rob was away with some sort of group expedition from his work, but I don't think he would have been invited anyway to be honest! I was at work most days of course, in the mornings at least, which suited the girls as neither appeared to be fond of early rising. It was useful them being there at lunchtimes too, as it they would take my cocker-springer cross spaniel, Bodie, out for walks in the nearby woods, which he loved.

Linz had been with me when I had collected him from the breeder some 10 years ago now, Jan being at work and unable to go with me. He had fallen in love with Linz right from that very first day, and would spend every minute he could with her when she came through to visit; if I ever mentioned her name out loud, he would shoot upstairs to her room and lie outside it for hours - just in case. Dogs, huh? Gotta love 'em.

Anyway, I'm getting away from the main part of this story - again. For nearly six years I had been unable to expunge Jan from my head and memory, despite trying very, very hard to do so, believing after a while everyone's exhortations that it would be "good for you to get out & about" or "come and meet 'X', she's so keen to meet you." Yeah, right. With Lindsay's help (read: insistence) I had reduced the number of images of Jan in the house to just two; our wedding photo by the side of my bed and the portrait I'd had painted of her for her 30th birthday; a huge extravagance when my business was only just getting off the ground but I didn't grudge one penny of the outrageous fee at the time, nor do I now. The artist had captured the very essence of Jan in the picture, her courage and compassion evident in her frank gaze, the sparkle of living life to the full in her eyes, her deep cleavage showing amidst the folds of the jade-green dress I'd bought especially because it matched her eyes. This picture had pride of place in my living room, dwarfing my 48-inch wall mounted TV despite its relatively small 3' by 2' size. It was beautiful, as she had been. HAD been. That was the point.

One night a while ago, Linz phoned to ask if she could come through and stay; like she needed to ask! She said she needed to sort out time off from her office, but hoped to be through by the following weekend, and would I mind if she stayed for a couple of weeks, maybe more? Of course I wouldn't mind, but naturally I asked if everything was OK.

The answer was no, not really. Rob wasn't dealing with Lindsay's sexuality as well as he thought he would apparently, and was being actively unpleasant to Charlie in addition to a distinct coldness towards Lindsay. I told her to come through as soon as she could, while inside I wanted to grab hold of Rob and do him significant injury for hurting my baby girl.

Saturday came, and Linz arrived mid-morning with her car full of clothes, laptop and all the other accoutrements of modern life; these included, in her case, the bundle of fun that was Charlie. No mention had been made of her tagging along but Lindsay explained that, quite coincidentally, Charlie's landlord had decided to sell up, so she had had to leave her flat at very short notice. Thus it was that the majority of the stuff in Linz's car was, in fact, Charlie's. Ah well, my house was quite large and comprised four good-sized bedrooms besides all the other rooms, so there would be plenty of room for Charlie and her stuff for a while. I helped the girls move all their stuff upstairs, putting most of Charlie's gear in one room, but not commenting otherwise when some more personal items made their way into Lindsay's room - I expected nothing more or less.

I had arranged a late lunch at one of my favourite restaurants, and it was no trouble to increase the numbers to three. Before then, we all donned strong boots and jackets to take Bodie for his walk, though I doubted he would need a long walk today as he'd covered about 5 miles running up and down the stairs in excitement at seeing Lindsay and Charlie (he seemed to love her almost as much as he did Lindsay!)

Over lunch Lindsay told me just why she'd asked to come to stay - quite apart from wanting to spend time with her old dad of course! Rob had become very hostile and unpleasant to both her and Charlie, some of his comments extremely derogatory and homophobic in nature, culminating in an ultimatum that it was "either her or me", referring, of course, to Charlie.

Both girls could obviously see my reaction to that news, which was not necessarily that of a peaceful person, which I mostly am, but rather of a fairly pissed-off Grizzly - I would quite happily have handed out a severe beating to Rob at that moment if he'd been anywhere near, helped by years of boxing training as a younger man which I had recently returned to as a way of keeping fit.

"Dad," Lindsay implored me, "Rob's had to deal with a lot from me in the past couple of years, but he feels left out of our relationship and doesn't like it. It's not all his fault either," she went on, "because I have been spending more and more time with Charlie lately. I love her at least as much as I love Rob, or used to anyway, and he can't handle it.

It doesn't help that he wants to join in with us, but we don't want him to. We want it to be just us".

I was somewhat shocked at that last statement. We had talked before about Lindsay's feelings for Charlie, but never so openly about the physical side of her relationships. I also had experienced a very uncomfortable, very fleeting, and totally unexpected feeling of arousal when Lindsay mentioned Rob's desire for a threesome, and could still feel a slight stiffness in my groin that had been absent for a long time. Given the situation, I found the whole thing quite embarrassing and not a little bizarre.

I must explain a little more here about the similarities between Janet and Lindsay, and some of the differences as well. Physically, Linz took after her mother in respect of eye colour and overall shape; Jan had been a curvaceous 5'2" tall, with very lovely 36"D breasts and a peachy arse "to die for" as we say in Scotland, whereas Linz is a good bit taller at 5'6" and, as I said before, she has dirty-blonde hair rather than dark brunette. She does possess a very similar shape to Jan, just in a taller, bigger package.

One other striking (to me) similarity was her smile. Jan had a way of smiling at me with an almost coquettish look on her face, as if there were about to be a lot of fun & games to be had (which very often, there was!) but mixed a kind of shyness which did for me the very first time I saw it. Linz had inherited this look too, though she wasn't really aware of it I didn't think and it certainly wasn't a look or type of smile that could be "put on"; sometimes she would smile at me and I would suffer the most agonising psychic pain as Jan's face overlaid Lindsay's for a few seconds before I could bring myself back to the here and now.

Back to our dinner, and Linz's casual reference to threesome sex. Charlie must have seen something in my face as she suddenly burst out laughing, pointing at me as she grabbed Lindsay's arm and half-snorted to her "Look at your dad's face Linz - he's totally shocked at you! How priceless!"

Lindsay looked at me searchingly for a few seconds and realised her girlfriend was quite correct, making me feel even more embarrassed than I already did.

"It's just a little bit weird for a father to hear his daughter talking about threesomes like that," I explained, somewhat haltingly I must admit, "and it really isn't THAT funny young lady!" I mock scolded Charlie for her antics, who simply ignored me a kept giggling at me, her bright blue eyes flashing in amusement at my discomfiture.

When the hilarity had finally died down and we'd finished dinner, we went back to the house and the girls headed off to bed after saying their goodnights. They left me sitting at my computer with a beer in hand, checking emails and a few internet forums I frequented from time to time, before I faced the nightly trial of trying to get a refreshing sleep.

Sleep was the one thing I hadn't managed to resolve since Jan's passing. Often I would take hours to get to sleep, and manage three or four hours; not brilliant I suppose, but preferable by far to the alternative. A few nights per week, more if I was especially stressed or enduring a particularly bad period of missing Jan, I would fall asleep fairly quickly but waken up within an hour or two in a cold sweat, once or twice with the sound of screaming in my ears (my own, as it eventually transpired) but little memory of the cause of my nightmares. That changed one night when for some inexplicable reason I remembered it all, and to this day wish I hadn't.

In the dream Jan and I had been in bed after a lovemaking session, her head resting on my shoulder as it often did, her full tits pressing against my ribs as we lay talking softly about the future for us and Lindsay and her hand lightly stroking my penis to get me hard again for a second session. Very often our love-making sessions were many days, or even weeks, apart due to Jan's shift patterns, which often led to the first session being quite rough, frantic and, sadly, short-lived, despite my frequent bouts of self-relief when she was at work.

Once my cock had achieved satisfactory rigidity (something that usually took less than 5 minutes!) Jan slipped down to take me in her mouth, something she enjoyed immensely as, for reasons I had never quite figured out, I found it very difficult to cum from oral stimulation alone and she loved teasing me with her talented lips and tongue. Sometimes she liked to then slide up my body and sit on my face, her buttocks covering my chin as I probed her juicy cunt with my tongue, then nipping and sucking on her prominent clitoris as I finger-fucked her until she would cum all over my face sometimes, if I was really lucky, squirting her juices into my mouth for me to savour and swallow down.

On this occasion though, she only slid up the length of my thighs until I could feel the short, soft curls of her pubic mound on my sensitive shaft, her swollen labia like pink butterfly wings as they caressed my manhood.

"Sshh, my darling, shut your eyes and enjoy," she whispered, so I did as I was instructed, feeling Jan lift her hips to allow my rampant cock entry into her sodden love tunnel. Once I was all the way in, she lay down on her front to squash her full, from tits not my chest, her hips sliding up & down just enough to let a few inches of my cock move inside her tight pussy. She was just tall (long?) enough to reach my mouth with hers, kissing me passionately as her tongue forced its way between my lips, to joust with mine in a way we both enjoyed immensely, my tongue then mimicking the movement of my penis as I started to meet Jan's movements with my own.

This was the point where the dream turned less pleasant. As was so often the case, my hands were grasping Jan's hips as she moved on top of me, so that when she pushed herself back up into the cowgirl position my hands would slide up her sides to cup her breasts, forefingers and thumbs moving almost automatically to her thick nipples to nip them and squeeze them lightly as we fucked, something she loved and which was virtually guaranteed to bring her closer to orgasm.

In the dream, though I slid my hands up her torso as usual, only one hand found the warm, soft flesh it was expecting. The other found a thick ridge of scar tissue instead, my body suddenly noticing that Jan was so much lighter now than she had been seconds earlier and her movements slow and stilted. I struggled hugely to open my eyes and barely stopped myself from screaming when I saw Jan's face above me; it wasn't the beautiful, smiling face of my bride as she had been, rather the pale, drawn pain-ravaged face of my love in her last days of life, her sweet mouth twisted in a rictus of pain that the strongest drugs could never entirely squash and the vivid, red scar circling her chest where the doctors had taken away the breast that had ultimately betrayed her and led to her death.

It was at that point that I had awoken from the dream, scared, upset and terrified that Jan had gone to her grave feeling I, we, had failed her. Since then, sleep has been a minefield for me, with unpleasantness hiding below the surface like some sort of emotional sea mine. I've never woken again with the dream so vivid in my head, but there have been times when Lindsay stayed over that she heard me moaning and shouting in my sleep, though she never asked if I knew what happened. Maybe she had some idea, but thought it best not to enquire too closely, which I'd been glad was the case.

Tonight though, I thought I would sleep pretty well. Good food with a few drinks usually had a beneficial effect on my sleep, though too much alcohol had entirely the opposite effect plus I didn't want to get in to the habit of drinking every night to get a sleep - tried that, and it really doesn't work!

Slipping between the sheets in boxers, which was my usual habit when Lindsay stayed over 'just in case', I settled in to a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep. And dreamed. This time though it was a pleasant dream, still involving Jan but this time with no unpleasant ending. I dreamt I was asleep (stay with me here!) lying on my back with Jan wide awake due to having been on nights for a month and deciding she wanted to fuck.

True to her caring nature though, she didn't simply want to wake me in the middle of the night and demand sex; instead, she wanted me to wake up wanting sex, to which end she sucked me until I was rock hard, kissed her way up my body till she reached my mouth then, kissing me firmly, slipped one leg over my hips and lowered her now soaking pussy onto my throbbing member. Her ever more ardent kissing ensured I woke up in short order, still a bit confused as to whether I was actually still sleeping and dreaming of fucking my sexy wife or actually doing it.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 08-23-2016, 03:10 PM
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My dream was true to life though, inasmuch as I always woke up totally inside Jan's tight cunt with her bouncing increasingly strongly on my cock as she observed my wakefulness, tits heaving and shaking in time with her thrusts and just begging to be sucked, with which unspoken request I almost always complied. Usually I was getting close to orgasm by the time I was fully awake, and my dream was no exception it seemed. Smiling up at my dear wife, one of her hard, thick nipples filling my mouth, I came massively inside her. Three, then four, no, five strong jets of spunk erupted from my penis, filling her desperate pussy more and more, so my spunk was forced out and down to cover my balls while she kissed me hard as she jerked and spasmed on top of me, her climax ripping through her body as we came together once again.

I woke for real then, beautiful sexy memories fading quickly away as consciousness won its daily fight and alerting me to the huge, sticky mess that now inhabited the unfamiliar nightwear I was wearing. Jumping up, I quickly removed the boxers, mopping up my cooling emissions as best I could before going into my en suite to clean up properly. I threw the boxers in the clothes hamper, making a mental note to put the laundry on before I left in the morning, the returned to bed where I slept soundly for the remainder of the night.


Life being what it is, I woke late and had to rush around shaving and showering to be on time for work. Being the owner and boss I suppose I could have been as late as I wanted, but I'd found over the years that doing so ruined the flow of my day, of my week even, so wasn't really worth it in the end. Naturally that meant I forgot all about laundry or anything related to it, though even when I did remember about it some hours later, I didn't think anything much about it. Unfortunately for me, from a 'what's this sticky mess?' point of view, Linz had decided to do her own laundry, had checked my hamper to fill the machine and discovered my still damp boxers in pride of place on top of the pile of dirty clothes in my hamper. Given the item in question and placement of the rather large damp patch, I guess it was fairly obvious what it was.

Now I'm sure that being my daughter, Lindsay would never have mentioned her little find; I think she would have been far too embarrassed. Charlie on the other hand didn't seem to have an embarrassment gene at all, and it was she who commented on my nocturnal activities.

"Wow Mr G," she exclaimed as walked in the door, "you sure are get pretty turned on for an old guy!"

I wondered for a few seconds just what she was on about, until Linz, blushing furiously at this point, piped up and said,

"I was in your hamper to do a wash, and found your, erm, dirty boxers from yesterday," she stammered a little bit over that last bit, something my normally hugely confident daughter would never do.

"Who were you thinking about then Mr G? Anyone we know?"

Charlie, of course, and delivered with a hugely theatrical wink as she asked.

A little flustered myself by now, I replied,

"Well Charlie, not anyone you know, no. But," I decided to elaborate just this once, "it was a very pleasant dream, which I get very few of, about Linz's mum.

In fact," I kept going, despite Lindsay's renewed blushing, "it was so nice, I rather hope I get another dream like it very soon!"

Charlie had the good grace to look rather abashed by my statement, and I felt a little bit bad for causing it until I reasoned that if she hadn't asked, I wouldn't have told her. I did feel a bit uncomfortable for Lindsay, but again reasoned that at 23 years old, in a bisexual relationship (AND still having a boyfriend, don't forget) me saying I'd had an enjoyable dream about her mother, who I still loved deeply, was a mere bagatelle.

"Sorry Mr G," Charlie apologies, "I didn't mean anything . . . "

"I know you didn't Charlie," I answered, "you weren't to know. Besides, I know sometimes your mouth sets off before your brain's in gear!"

She and Linz both laughed at that, and seemed to relax back into their normal demeanours after this.

Dinner was something else the girls had decided to take responsibility for, and when I came back downstairs after getting changed out of my suit and tie it was to find the dining table laid (I usually ate sitting in front of my computer) and an enticing aroma of spices and cooking meat emanating from the kitchen.

Charlie emerged from there with a cold bottle of Peroni, my beverage of choice for some time now, and told me to "go and do what you do - dinner will be ready soon" as she ushered me away into the living room.

A few minutes later, the girls appeared at the table with a large tray containing plates with upturned bowls on them at one end, plus the Moroccan tagine I forgot I had on the other. Lindsay lifted the lid of the tagine with a flourish to reveal a delicious-smelling stew of lamb, spices and vegetables, with the bowls hiding superbly cooked, fluffy white rice.

Isn't it funny how your kids go and live their own lives, sometimes far away from you, and all of a sudden they've morphed in to proper adults all their own; they have their own homes, jobs, lives; and skills you knew not of until a certain point. An epiphany of sorts, if you will. Well, this was mine. I knew Linz could cook well enough to keep herself and Rob fed, but I had never realised she had evolved into such a good cook as she evidently had become. Stew might generally be considered a pretty simple dish, but this was absolutely delicious without being too hot/spicy with perfectly balanced flavours and spicing. I know, I'm starting to sound like some sort of food critic here, but credit where it's due, right?

I retired to the living room with another beer, at the girls' insistence, while they cleared away the dishes, washed up and tidied the kitchen - not that there had appeared to be much mess anyway. Eschewing the usual banal crap on the television I had put on one of my favourite CD's - Pearl Jam live in Milan, a gig I had been extremely pleased to be able to attend, having acquired two excellent seats in the San Siro stadium through a very satisfied client. That it had been necessary to spend 5 days in Milan with my cousin, who was an even bigger fan of the band than I am, was a small price to pay I reckoned! It seemed that both Linz and Charlie both liked my taste in music too, as they appeared in the doorway dancing in time to the music, singing along with Eddie despite not having been at the gig or heard the arrangements!

After a couple of hours listening to not just that set of discs, but a variety of others bands, it was getting near time of last walk for Bodie and bed - for me at least. When I returned from walking the dog both girls had also disappeared to bed and I emulated them minutes later, hearing whispers and giggles from their room as I passed by. For a change, within minutes of my head hitting the pillow, I was asleep, doubtless aided by the several beers I'd drunk during the evening. For some reason though, despite the decent sleep the night before, the good company today, and the beer - or maybe because of the beer? - tonight's dream was back to the usual but this time even worse.

I'm not entirely sure what the dream consisted of this time, but it must have been sufficiently bad that I was shouting and screaming loud enough to wake the girls. I know because, as I thrashed my way to some semblance of wakefulness, I found myself in a firm embrace consisting of soft yet firm flesh and a light perfume I recognised - Jan! My eyes shot open as I came fully awake, only to find a concerned pair of jade-green eyes looking directly into mine. Lindsay it was, who had come to check I was alright and decided I needed a proper cuddle to wake up to.

Within about two milliseconds of this, I realised two things; I had gone to bed naked, as was my usual habit when alone, and I had a massive erection that was attempting to drill itself into Lindsay's thigh! I hadn't moved so quickly for some considerable time as I did pulling away from Linz right then. I put my free hand over myself as I turned as far round from her as I could, feeling my cheeks blazing in embarrassment as I did so.

"Oh Linz, I'm SO sorry!" I stammered my apology to my daughter, who seemed oblivious to what had happened, at least until she answered.

"Dad, it's OK," she replied, " obviously you were dreaming about mum again, and it went bad somehow. For you to be," she paused a second here, "hard for her is normal for you. I don't mind at all," she went on, "after all, I shouldn't really be in here with you anyway, especially the way I'M dressed!"

Of course, that was my cue to look round to see what she was talking about. At first glance it seems she was wearing nothing untoward; a long blue t-shirt with a v-neck and cream-coloured panties. Not the most concealing of attire perhaps, but plenty for someone sleeping with her lover. Then I realised; the t-shirt was obviously kept for night-time trips to the bathroom while she was here, because what I could see wasn't panties at all - it was my beautiful daughters' trimmed dark-blonde pubic hair!

Despite myself, my almost flaccid penis resurfaced into solid rigidity in seconds at the sight, overtaking my hands' ability to cover it from Lindsay's sight. I have no idea how big my penis is, as I've never measured it (or had it measured!) but it's big enough that it escaped my hand and was openly visible to my stunning, but not somehow not stunned, 23-year old daughter. The fact that she saw my erect penis was somewhat stunning to me however, though it took me a few seconds to grab the quilt that had fallen off me during my dream and cover myself up.

"Oh Linz," I choked on the words, "I'm SO sorry you had to see, well, that."

"Dad, it's totally OK," she replied, "I should have made sure you were 'decent' before I came in. It's just that you sounded SO upset and distressed . . . " she tailed off then, before adding, "but it IS a nice one!"

Oh. Fuck.

Did my daughter just say I had a nice dick?

Guilt, shame, horror - all these emotions flooded though me as I tried vainly to blot out what I'd heard, to ignore what my traitorous body had decided was the 'right' thing to do; namely, to cause what had been a rapidly deflating penis to magically resurrect itself to full rigidity and length, once again escaping the hand trying unsuccessfully to cover it from sight. To her credit, Lindsay did look away, but only after she'd managed to sear the image into her brain!

Leaning over me again, she kissed me lightly on the mouth before standing up and saying,

"I'm back off to bed then daddy," she hadn't called me 'daddy' for years, "hope you can get back to sleep OK. See you in the morning," and promptly left my room with a slight grin to her mouth.

Much as I appreciated the sentiment, I doubted whether sleep would return easily this night; Lindsay wasn't the only one who stared, and the sight of stiff nipples pushing out the front of a very full t-shirt, plus having had a lengthy glimpse of sexy, hair-covered young pussy, was more than enough to ensure that part of me wasn't going to go to sleep any time soon!

Somehow, I managed to drift off to a disturbed and ultimately unrefreshing sleep, though thankfully unbothered by any further dreams.


Waking in the morning at an ungodly hour even for me, I decided to give Bodie a quick morning routine and get in to work early, thus avoiding the girls - especially Linz. A bit chicken-shit of me I guess, but I really wasn't feeling up to talking about last night yet, especially as Charlie was almost as much a morning person as me, and would doubtless be round and about. Not good, I thought. Unfortunately for me, Charlie was indeed up and about when I returned from walking the dog, standing in the kitchen with a mug of something hot in her hands and dressed in what looked like the same t-shirt my daughter had been wearing a few hours earlier but which looked like an evening dress on her due to her diminutive size.

"G'morning Mr G," she commented, bright blue eyes shining with mischief, "see anything you like?"

I flushed bright red at that, realising I must have been staring at her, or rather the shirt, for rather too long.

"Oh, yeah . . .morning Charlie!" I stammered in reply, turning away to fix the dogs' breakfast and giving myself some time to recover, adding "do you want anything to eat?"

"Well, from what Linz told me last night," she answered, "I just might do. Nothing that would fit on a plate though, from what I can gather!"

I froze then as i was bending down to put Bodies' dish on the floor. Did Charlie just say what I thought she did? Was she flirting with me? Replaying the last few seconds in my head, the answer was a resounding 'Yes'!

Blushing wildly again, I put the dogs' bowl on the floor and slowly stood up, facing Charlie as I did so. She drew herself up to her full 4'10" height and looked me as squarely in the eye as she could manage, blue orbs sparkling and a somewhat enigmatic smile on her lips.

"What is it, Mr G?" she asked, striving for an innocent expression. "Did I say something wrong?"

I could see in my peripheral vision that Charlie's tits, while virtually non-existent in terms of bulk, obviously possessed delightfully large nipples; I knew this now because my eyes automatically dropped to her chest to take in the gloriously perky nubs as they created two prominent bumps on the front of the shirt, much like Lindsay's had last night . . .

Stop it! I scolded myself for even daring to think of my daughter in any sort of sexual way. What was wrong with me? I drove myself to concentrate of the elfin form in front of me, which proved little less stressful given Charlie was still smiling 'that' smile at me, and her nipples were still - oh God, they were even MORE prominent now, pushing the shirt material out by fully half an inch and was she closer to me now? Fuck, fuck FUCK!

Now I could feel my prick stiffening in my jeans, which seemed to go un-noticed by Charlie, at first anyway. Taking a sip from the mug in her hands she brazenly liked at my crotch - it was roughly in her eye line after all - and said,

"Well, someone likes what I said anyway!" lifting her gaze to mine as she flicked her dual-coloured hair back off her face, a proper grin now lighting up her face.

To explain, at the moment, Charlie's hair was doubly coloured; the main, upper layers were a rather subdued (for her) shiny, turquoisey blue, with a bright orange under layer. Not many girls could have carried that off I did' think, but on Charlie it somehow looked right. I had no idea whatsoever what her natural colour was; I had never seen her with anything other than some vivid shade or other suffusing her hair.

Anyway, I decided that flirting with someone young enough to be my daughter was probably not a good idea, especially when said girl was my daughter's bona fide girlfriend! Plus, she had this uncanny knack of making me feel slightly ashamed of myself, quite rightly too I suspected, to the point I felt it was past time I got ready for and went, to work.

"I couldn't possibly comment!" I quipped, in long-delayed response to Charlie's remark, and turned away as I headed upstairs to shave and shower prior to heading to work.

Thankfully, I managed to leave the house without seeing Charlie again, nor had Linz made an appearance. My work day passed with the usual amount of faux dramas, irritating phone calls from clients, problems with projects delivery schedules, tradesmen moving about timescales - all the usual nonsense my firm had to deal with every day. And I loved it. I must say that when architects get it right, which I like to think we do most of the time, our clients end up with buildings, conversions, extensions, that bring both great joy to them, and look good to both the clients AND the neighbours that have to bear the brunt of the view; those are the people that most architects tend to forget. I do my absolute best not to do that, which I think is a big part of why I am now so sought after in certain circles, and why my firm is doing really rather well thank you!

What price success though? Jan had always been a huge fan and support of my work, yet she had never really enjoyed the fruits of my career progress. That was passed to Lindsay who, to be fair to her, had never come anywhere close to becoming spoilt, yet had never wanted for anything financially either; a credit to the values instilled in her by her mother, who had never been a particularly materialistic person, a trait I both admired and did my best to continue to instil in Lindsay despite the geographic distance between us.

Now, of course, Lindsay and Charlie were able to benefit from the seeds Jan and I had sown by having this house to use as a haven until they had sorted out their lives, hopefully not intruding too much into mine as they did so. I know what you're thinking; what a selfish b******. And you're probably right. But I'd existed on my own for a few years now, and I'd settled on a certain way of doing things that didn't necessarily account for two active twenty-something's living in the same house!

Still, we persevered over the next few days, with me thankfully managing to sleep fairly well, and more importantly, nightmare free. I seemed to meet Charlie in the kitchen most mornings, but without the frisson of that first post-nightmare encounter, though her basic attire of t-shirt and slippers never varied. It was a revelation to me, and surprisingly surprising, that Charlie was in fact very intelligent, extremely quick and alert in discussions, and that I was growing to appreciate just what my daughter loved about her. For her part, Linz had started to work from my - our - home, making good use of the superfast broadband I'd had installed only a few months ago to continue being able to do her job from a distance.

All was going swimmingly, in fact, until . . .

One night, apropos of nothing whatsoever, the nightmare returned. Once again I could not remember the content of my dream, all I remember is screaming myself awake and finding Lindsay already by my side, holding me tight as if trying to ward of the demons of my unconscious. Unlike the first time this had happened she was clothed only in a pair of tiny briefs, barely covering her pubic mound, and when I had fully wakened and realised what was happening I noticed that her full, naked breasts were pressing firmly against my ribs, with the hard points of her nipples quite noticeable against my skin.

Plus - I had a massive erection. Again.

This time Linz didn't speak, and I convinced myself she didn't know I was now awake. She was murmuring softly in my ear, "Sshh, daddy, it's all OK. It's all right, just go back to sleep . . . "

That was fine; more than fine, she actually was calming my thumping heart to the point it felt normal, all with rightful concern for her father's well-being. Then, everything changed. Lindsay's right arm, which had been round my waist, moved down my body until her hand found the stiff rod pointing skywards from my groin. I felt her fingers curl round the base of my warm shaft, slowly sliding upwards until they halted at the flare of my glans, leaving the mushroom head protruding from her grasp.

A few seconds later, Lindsay's hand moved back down until it rested on my pubic mound, then up again, then down, repeating the moves until her upward strokes were completely encompassing the head of my cock with every movement. By now too my own natural lubrication was pouring from my slit, covering my glans and shaft in slick juices which served only to help Linz in her apparent goal of making me come; a goal that was getting ever closer as her slippery hand teased my tender cock to an almost unbearable degree. Within seconds I was getting very close to coming, something she seemed to realise even without me saying so, angling my penis towards my belly so that a few strokes later I felt that tingle all men know and as Lindsay's hand slid over my slippery mushroom head one last time I erupted. Once, twice, then a smaller third time, streams of thick sperm shot out of me to cover my belly in stick white juice, the first jet having reached my breastbone so strong was the force Linz had found in me.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 08-23-2016, 03:11 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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I lay back on my bed and savoured the sensation of climaxing by someone else's hand, until,

"Oh FUCK! Lindsay! Baby, I'm SO sorry I let you do this to me! What kind of fath . . "

My exclamation ceased in mid-flow as Lindsay placed a finger across my lips.

"Ssshhh, dad," she whispered, "you needed it, I was here and I wanted to. That's all, and that's fine. Now," she went on, "I'll clean you up, then you can get back to sleep".

Not really thinking about what Lindsay had just said, I simply lay back with my eyes closed, silently berating myself hugely for allowing the situation to develop as it had. Why did I not lock my door? Why did I not at least wear some underwear? Why, oh why, had I never gone to the doctor to see if I could get the nightmares to stop?

Back to the 'here & now' - why had there been no movement from Linz as she went to get a cloth, or some tissue, to clean me up?

I opened my eyes and looked down as I felt Lindsay scoop up the largest glob of spunk on my skin, wondering what she'd found to clean me up with. The answer, as I'm sure you've already worked out by now, was - nothing! She used her forefinger as some kind of cleaning blade, the rigid probe covered in a thick layer of dripping man-cream, 'Father-Cream', which she lifted almost immediately to her open mouth and slid inside, full lips closing around her finger as she sucked my essence from it, her own eyes closed as she savoured my taste.

I watched, entranced, as Linz's tits seemed to expand on her chest with the deep breath she then took, then was further mesmerised as I watched her smooth throat ripple once, twice, as she swallowed my seed. Lindsay's eyes opened slowly after a few seconds, her gaze finding mine as her mother's smile appeared on her lips.

"Mmm, you taste gorgeous dad," she said, "positively yummy, in fact!", not seeming to notice me shudder with the shock (and horror?) of hearing such words from my own daughter.

So it was then, that I was still sort of frozen to my spot on the bed when Linz bent over my belly, one hand smoothing my cock out of her way as her mouth and tongue licked and sucked the remaining globs of spunk from my skin. Quickly sitting back with a huge smile on her face before I could reach out to - I don't know what I was planning to do actually - she whispered,

"Good night daddy, sleep well!", pecked me on the cheek and disappeared from my room, leaving only her drying saliva on my stomach and a memory of full breasts and a gloriously rounded posterior covered only by the thin material of her panties.

I had no idea what I was going to do now so I laid back on the bed, pulled the covers over myself, and finally fell asleep still trying to think.


Once again the following morning arrived all too early, and I dragged myself out of bed with an unusual lethargy to go and walk the dog. And once again Charlie was downstairs before me, only this time, instead of large t-shirt and slippers (what was a 24-year old woman doing wearing slippers anyway?) she had on what must have been her own t-shirt so tightly did it cling to her body, jeans and a pair of serious hiking boots.

"Hi Mr. G!" So bright and alert so early in the morning. "I thought you could do with some company this morning; do you mind if I tag along?"

"Well, I . . . no, I guess not" I stumbled over my reply, amazed by the effect this diminutive, yet very sexy, female so often had on me. "Feel free - IF you can keep up!" I smiled at her, somewhat patronisingly I admit, her bright blue eyes darkening briefly before she smiled back at me.

"Oh, I think I can keep up with you Mr. G," she replied, "I'll go and fetch Bodies' leash and we can go, OK?"

I don't usually take a leash for Bodie, because he does what he's told, but I was happy enough for Charlie's bright eyes to be away from me for a short time as she went to find the leash.

We set off along the short road towards the local woods, and I was surprised Charlie kept up with me so easily. When I looked towards her I could see she was taking easily five steps to every three of mine, but she didn't look like she was in any way out of breath or finding the pace at all uncomfortable. She had put on a fairly thick fleece to combat the chill of the morning, but her head was uncovered, allowing her hair to move in the light breeze. She'd had her hair coloured a few days ago, so now it was a dark, almost purplish blue on top with a bright, electric blue on the underside; blowing in the breeze it actually looked pretty cool, the bright blue colour matching her eyes wonderfully.

After about half a mile we reached the path into the woods and I gave Bodie the signal allowing him to run free through the trees. We started up what I knew to be a long, though relatively shallow hill, Charlie still keeping up with me easily. We'd been chatting about trivia thus far, all quite unchallenging and pleasant, when Charlie abruptly changed the subject.

"So Mr. G." she began, following a short hiatus where we'd had to negotiate a rather large fallen tree. "Actually, I'm going to call you Martin now, like you've been asking me to. After all," she went on, "now I know just how yummy you taste, it'd be kind rude not to I reckon!"

I think that's probably the quickest I've ever gone from a lengthy striding walk to a complete stop in, well, years. My head whipped round and down to look into Charlie's face, the question (and shock, I expect) very evident on my face, my eyes seeming to almost pop out of their sockets when I saw what had been going on behind me as we walked.

It seemed that Charlie had got quite warm as we climbed the slope and undone her fleece. When the path had evened out a few hundred yards back she'd cooled down quickly in the cool morning air, which had affected certain of her bodily parts rather noticeably; specifically, her nipples, which I had noted one or twice to be substantially larger than her petite frame would have suggested, were poking against the tight material of her shirt like bullets, the slight convexity of her tiny tits merely serving to accentuate the rigid buds even more.

I looked up from the mesmerising sight into Charlie's smiling eyes as she continued,

"Martin, Lindsay came back to bed last night with a mouthful of your cum. I don't think she planned anything," I think my mouth must have been gaping open like a gutted fish at this point, "she just kissed me and gave me some of your spunk. It's delicious" she added, her expression turning more serious now she'd gone down a previously unimagined road.

"Well, umm, I'm glad you liked it!" A pitiful response, really, but all I could manage in the circumstances.

"Oh, I DID!" she exclaimed, "and Lindsay said if you will let me, I can taste you for myself. From the source".



Ok, what the fuck was I going to say to that?

I'm ashamed to say, the answer was 'nothing'. I could only shake my head in wonderment, a movement Charlie took as a negative answer to her query. I watched, gutted, as her face fell the bright smile disappeared and her eyes suddenly appeared to be glistening far more than was her norm; tears, and my fault they were there.

I reached out to her and managed to grip her tiny shoulders in my hands, drawing her slight frame close to me.

"Oh, Charlie" I said, "I'm really very flattered, and I can't deny I would love for you to do that. But . . . . "

A small, delicate finger across my lips silenced me then, Charlie staring into my eyes again as if to check if I was teasing, or not. Not, she decided, and she slowly blinked those beautiful eyes closed, two fat, yet happy tears rolling down her cheeks in her joy. She lifted her hands to push me backwards until I was leant against a tree at the side of the path, whereupon her hands dropped to my waist, nimble fingers quickly undoing my belt, then the button of my jeans before grasping the zipper tab and easing it slowly downwards.

I was watching her bright eyes burning into mine as she did this, then her gaze dropped to my groin as she took hold of the waistband of my jeans and pulled them down over my hips and thighs, taking my boxer shorts with them so my already semi-hard manhood jumped up and slapped her underneath her chin!

"Oohh," Charlie exclaimed, "looks like someone's happy to see me!"

With that she knelt so her mouth was level with my cock, one small hand almost reaching round my girth and pushed down against my pubic bone, with the other butted against it; despite this, the head of my shaft protruded love her clenched hands, allowing Charlie to poke out her tongue and delicately lick the length of my penile slit.

I learned long ago that (most) women aren't like porn stars, where their head is grabbed and forcefully pulled back & forth as the man fucks the woman's mouth/throat; rather, to allow the woman to find her own rhythm has always proved to be far more sensual and rewarding for us both in my experience.

And so it seemed to be on this occasion too. Charlie took her time licking round the edge of my glans, the sensitive flesh reacting by swelling even more than it had already! I could feel a slight weakness in my legs too, and I allowed a small moan to escape my lips as Charlie finally opened her jaws wide enough to take my smallest head fully into her mouth. I looked down to see Charlie's lips making a seal around my shaft, her bright blue orbs staring back up at me, both of them shiny with delight as she started to suck while still tonguing my slit.

One hand dropped to find my balls, still loose and heavy at this point, cupping them so they overflowed her tiny hand. Then, as her mouth widened to accommodate my thickness, her hand moved so the fingers curled gently round the 'neck' of my ball-sack, tugging very lightly which served to enhance the amazing sensations she was creating in my body. Charlie had obviously done this before to some lucky . . . well, anyway, I was very fortunate to be on the receiving end of her very accomplished oral ministrations.

As she began to bob her head up and down my shaft, Charlie alternated sucking and licking the bulb of my penis, even so often tugging on my balls and generally driving me ever more rapidly towards a huge orgasm, wide blue eyes still fixated on mine. Suddenly her movements ceased as she felt the tensing in my groin, over half my cock swallowed down so I was sure I could feel the muscles in her throat working on my hypersensitive glans and her hand now pulling almost painfully on my balls to try and hold back my forthcoming explosion.

To no avail.

Other than the orgasm brought about by Lindsay last night (Oh my God, Lindsay! How was I ever going to face her, especially after this?!), I had not been with a woman sexually, and successfully, for nearly a year. So it was that, a mere few minutes after first taking my cock in her tiny hands, Charlie was trying to swallow down what felt like the several, thick geysers of hot sperm that shot from my balls, up the length of my shaft and into her waiting mouth, the first powerful jet almost choking her, so quickly did it spurt out of me.

Confirming her past experience to me, she managed to swallow it all, though in fairness it did seem to be a bit of a struggle. Much as I'd tried to keep quiet, I couldn't help but utter several loud groans as I shot my seed into the petite, sexy girl in front of me, now leaning back so she could stroke my cock firmly and squeeze every last drop of cum from me, licking round the edge of my glans one last time, just to be sure.

"Oh Charlie," I breathed, panting rather more heavily than I would have liked, "that was utterly, totally amazing. Thank you. I mean it. That was fantastic".

"Mr. G. . . . Martin . . . I've wanted to do that pretty much since I met you".

That shocked me more than I can say, even now.

"After last night, when Lindsay let me taste you, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. She knows I fancy you," she went on some more, "and she gave her blessing for me to do this. And," she added further, "I fucking LOVED it! You taste SO good, like I knew you would. I'll do this for you any time you want from now on!"

Making that comment about Lindsay brought back my discomfort from last night; weirdly though, to me at least, I had no qualms about my daughters' lover sucking my cock! In fact, the thought of having her do it again, maybe with both us naked; well, that was something I could find myself looking forward to immensely.

Once I'd recovered the strength in my legs I straightened and pulled my jeans back up, but not before helping Charlie off her knees and back on to feet. I was acutely aware of how ridiculous I must look, a middle-aged man with jeans round his ankles helping a twenty-four year old girl to stand up! I didn't care though, especially as there was still no-one around to see (Bodie would have alerted us if anyone was nearby) and Charlie still seemed entranced by my eyes, as was looking straight at me any time I glanced in her direction.

Once I'd got myself sorted again, Charlie reached up to take me by the arm and we continued our walk through the woods. Now though, I noticed that Charlie was much more relaxed than she'd been earlier, which I could only put down to her having done what she set out to do; she was walking along with her arm through mine, without speaking, and I was really quite enjoying the feeling of walking in one of my favourite places with a lovely girl holding on to me. Believe it or not, the fact that not ten minutes earlier she had sucked my cock dry had little to do with that feeling; the mere fact of having a sweet, lovely female who was not my daughter holding me with (at the very least) great affection was very . . . exhilarating.

Of course, that last thought then brought Linz to the forefront of my mind, both what I had allowed her to do to me last night then, what I had allowed her girlfriend to do to me just now. It really hit home to me right there in the middle of the forest exactly what letting Lindsay stroke me to climax meant; OK, we hadn't actually had sex, and she was an adult, but; I knew at the time it was wrong in every way, and if anyone ever found out we'd go to jail, we'd lose everything, and . . . . but, wait a minute. Charlie knew and, rather than run off to fetch the police or recoil in horror and disgust at me, instead she had taken things a step further - and that was with my daughters' blessing.

My daughter; her girlfriend. This was starting to make my brain hurt.

I must have been in a sort of unconscious reverie, as I was suddenly aware Charlie had been speaking for a good few seconds now.

" . . . so I know she wouldn't want you feeling bad about it" I heard her finishing her sentence.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that" I apologised.

"I said," Charlie mock-scowled at me, "Lindsay was all for me sucking you. I know she'd thought about doing it herself last night, but she was too chicken. She still wouldn't want you feeling bad about me doing it though, d'you see?

She loves you, she loves me, and she wanted us both to be happy. I know I am, and I think you are, right? So, it's all good".

"I'm sure you're right Charlie" I replied, not really sure at all, "but what she did . . . what I LET her do, to me, was wrong. It shouldn't have happened and we both, all, know it!"

"Martin, you're the one who's wrong, not Lindsay!" Charlie had withdrawn her arm from mine and turned to face me on the path, forcing me to a halt as her voice raised. Within seconds, Bodie appeared from nowhere and placed himself directly between us so as to, I thought, protect me from her in his own wee doggie way.

When I looked down though, he was facing up to me instead; no growling, or bared teeth, but still something he'd never done in his life before. Unless it was Lindsay, then all bets were off; that defensive posturing around my daughter had obviously rubbed off onto Charlie! And she was the one who'd raised their voice! Jeez, if you can't trust your own dog . . .

"Martin," she reached out to take my hand. "Lindsay and I both heard you screaming last night, and it's not the first time we've heard you in the wee small hours. She didn't set out to wank you off," so erudite, these youngsters! "but she was dressed as she was cos that's all she had time to throw on - we were just settling down to some lovin' when we heard you.

"So," she seems to be nearing the end of her mini-lecture by now, "she was feeling really horny when she went through to help you, you've got a really nice cock, and she just got . . a bit carried away!" she ended her explanation in a rush, quite breathless by now.

"OK, I believe you" I said, thinking to myself that there was probably a bit more to it than that, but I wasn't going to argue any longer. Especially in light of the heinous betrayal by this mans' best friend!

"Good," Charlie smiled, lighting up her face as she caught hold of my arm again and headed back along the path towards home. "So, does that mean I get to fuck you then?"

Once again I stopped dead on the path, this time utterly speechless! Looking down at her, I saw Charlie was laughing silently to herself, so I joined in.

"Oh, Martin!" she exclaimed, somewhat breathlessly. "You really should have seen your face! Mind you," she went on, "it's not such a daft question really, now I think about it . . ."

I made no reply to that, if only so I wouldn't embarrass myself again by any misunderstanding. Not that there was much TO misunderstand really, was there?

I started walking again, Charlie quickly catching up and linking her arm through mine once more. This time we talked of more mundane things, including how her work was going - well, it seemed. I still wasn't exactly sure what it was she did, so she explained how the main part of what she did was related to fashion, but she wasn't quite a designer as such but nor was she merely a seamstress; well, suffice to say all I really knew was it was something to do with the fashion business, lots to do with drawing and late nights (not all her nights were spent with my daughter it seemed!) but, most importantly, meant she had a good, though somewhat erratic, income at a time when many younger folk are struggling these days.

Soon enough we arrived back at the house, whereupon Charlie shucked off her boots and fleece before disappearing upstairs, Bodie following close behind. I took off my own boots before making myself a coffee and wandering through to my office; ostensibly to do some work, but really to lie back in my chair to try and resolve what had happened this morning.

On the one hand, a very attractive, much younger woman had offered, then carried out, an amazing blow job on me, which seemed to have turned her on quite a lot too! On the other, that amazing blow job was the direct result of my own daughter wanking me off last night then licking my cum off me, letting Charlie taste it while confessing she wanted to suck me off too . . first, in fact, but had been too nervous of my reaction! Then add the statement that Charlie had wanted to do that to me pretty much since she'd known me - that and more, if I read her right - and my mind was very much blown. Of course, it didn't hurt - or help, really - that Charlie was a stunning looking girl in her own right, and that I found her incredibly sexy! Damn it all, you really couldn't make this stuff up!

I eventually decided my brain was far too full of conflict to think rationally about my predicament any longer, so I turned to my computer and tried to do some work. I found it too difficult to remove thoughts of Charlie's expert mouth on my cock from my mind however, and was too distracted to concentrate on even the simplest emailed query from work. As I sat back in my chair again, my thoughts went back to last night and the sight of my own, admittedly very attractive and sexy, daughter stroking me to climax, then licking from me what she had caused to spill from my loins all over my body.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 08-23-2016, 03:11 PM
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And I was forced to admit to myself I had liked it. More, I had enjoyed it despite myself, and I knew from what Charlie had said that Lindsay had enjoyed it too. And that was wrong, I knew it. Legally, morally, parently; (OK, I know that isn't a word, but it should be!) wrong from whatever angle one cared to look at it. Except . . .

Lindsay was so like her mother in all the ways that really matter, it was uncanny. Caring, loving, compassionate, to name but three major psychological attributes, plus the way she had of smiling just like Jan did, some of her mannerisms, even her eyes; those, plus the full figure and stunning looks - well, I could very easily persuade myself it was absolutely fine for me to have sex with my daughter, even though a big (but diminishing) part of me knew it was wrong.

On the other hand, there was Charlie. She too felt that me and Lindsay together was fine morally and in every other way, going so far as to tell me my daughter wanted to make love with me. Which I thought I wanted too, although I didn't because it was wrong . . . ahhhhh, fuck it all, this was just going round and round in circles in my head; I needed to get out in the fresh air again and clear my mind to come up with some way of escaping my thoughts, even if it meant an impromptu holiday somewhere by myself. As I stood up to go and get a quick shower and go for a run (with the dog, if he could tear himself away from the girls!) I became aware my penis had regained a mind of its own and was rock hard inside my jeans! Oh dear God, was there to be no relief?


As it was nearly lunchtime before I'd gathered what remained of my wits and called for Bodie, he was keen to get out with me. I'd decided that as it was quite cool, I would run in my jeans and trainers and worry about getting too warm and/or sweaty if it happened. I'd always enjoyed running longish distances (I'm rubbish at sprinting, always have been) and usually found it relaxing and quite cathartic, especially in that dark time after Jan's death.

Today was no exception, and nearly two hours after leaving the house, an exhausted Bodie and I returned to find a worried pair of twenty-something women waiting impatiently for our return. Naturally, having neglected to take my phone with me, I was on the receiving end of two irate women's ire for making them worry unnecessarily!

"Dad, where the FUCK have you been?" My darling, sweet-natured daughter, if you hadn't guessed.

"Martin, we were SO worried about you - we thought you'd gone and done something . . . . "

Charlie, being a little melodramatic I felt, but explained by their joint voicing of,

"We thought what happened was too much for you . . . "

"I thought I reminded you too much of mum, and . . . "

Rather than get into a big debate or argument, I simply smiled and pulled the two disparately-sized yet gorgeous females into a three-way hug, both of them reciprocating fiercely resulting in a rather large and firm pair of breasts squashing against the right side of my chest, while a much smaller though still sexy frame wrapped itself around my left side - and leg!

I kissed Lindsay full on the lips, much to her surprise (and my own, if I'm honest!), then turned and kissed the top of Charlie's dark-blue head, dropping to kiss her lips also as she turned her head up to face me.

Pulling back from them both I said,

"Thanks for the welcome home girls, really. Bodie and I were enjoying our run," Bodie was already fast asleep in his basket, "so much that we lost track of time! Now," I continued uninterrupted (for now) "I'm going up for a shower, so if you'll kindly unhand me . . . ."

One final, tight hug from both girls and I was allowed to kick off my shoes, then headed upstairs to my en suite shower. As I stripped my clothes off and threw them in the basket, I reflected on the concerns shown by Lindsay and Charlie by my lengthy absence, and the cause of them; I decided I needed to have a serious talk with both of them about what had been going on, and that I was (kind of) coming to terms with it all.

Well, you've heard the one about "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft a-gley", right? It's from a poem by Scotland's National bard, Robert Burns, called "Tae a moose", (that's "To a mouse" for those of you who don't speak Old Scots!) and the concept describes perfectly what happened to my plan. There I was in my rather large shower stall, soaped up and quite happily scrubbing away at the exercise-induced sweat, when I felt a coolness on my skin that hadn't been there a few seconds before. Because I had soap in my eyes at this point, as is the way with showers, I couldn't see what was happening, nor could I hear anything over the hard jets of the water; none of that mattered when I suddenly felt two warm arms encircling my waist, a pair of fleshy mounds pressing against my back at chest level and soft kisses to the back of my neck.

It didn't take a genius to work out who that was! Nor was I especially surprised when two more arms encircled me, (at a much lower level!) from the front this time, two stiff nubs pressing into my belly and little fluttery kisses speckling my chest. After a minute or so both girls drew back from me, Linz taking the shower-head from its holder and directing it towards my face so I could wipe the soap from my eyes, Charlie moving back just far enough to allow her fingers to curl round my growing member, a gentle stroke reminding me of the prowess displayed earlier in the day.

When I could see properly again I was delighted to confirm both girls were completely naked, their disparate but sexy charms fully on display. I had decided that, irrespective of whether or not I agreed, these girls were both fully intent on fucking me so I may as well lie back and enjoy it (so to speak) even if one of them was my own flesh and blood! With that concept in my head I was now able to fully appreciate Lindsay's beauty and sexiness, so reminiscent of her mother it still brought about a pang of loss inside me.

Linz stood to one side in front of me, with Charlie to her right - still holding on to my burgeoning rod I might add - water running in rivulets from her shoulders down over her full, stiff-nippled breast, round the underside curve and down her slightly rounded belly to her groin. As I looked down to her pubic mound I saw dozens of water droplets shimmering in the wisps of light-brown hair at the very top of her slit, now trimmed into a triangle, or a downward-pointing arrow leading straight to the very core of her sex.

"She's SO fucking sexy, isn't she?"

Charlie's voice was a whisper as she gazed lovingly at my daughters' gorgeous form, her hand moving to rest almost protectively on Lindsay's right hip.

"Yes," I replied, "yes she is. And so are you!" I went on, smiling as my forefinger swept over her torso and flicked against a rock-hard, thimble-sized nipple.

I was again somewhat amazed at the relatively huge size of Charlie's nipples on her tiny frame which, excited as they now were, seemed to contract somehow and pull her scant breast-flesh into a tiny hillock on her chest, in contrast to the slight pad of flesh that was her more usual appearance - with clothes on, at least! Charlie's' shoulders were wider than one might have imagined given her slight stature, and her hips flared out just enough to let you know she was, in fact, a mature woman who was extremely confident in her own sexuality. Charlie was shaved completely bare, as I already knew, which somehow seemed to suit her perfectly.

I still felt more than a little uncomfortable being naked, and semi-erect, in front of my daughter, despite all we'd experienced in recent times. The 'semi' element of that statement very quickly became 'fully erect', thanks to Charlie's gently stroking my shaft in her delicate fingers, and my own visual appreciation of Lindsay's magnificent breasts and pussy, their beauty enhanced by the slick rivulets of water coursing down her body. Linz had 'that' smile on her face now; the quixotic half-smile so reminiscent of her mother, her green eyes shining brightly at me as she let her hand mirror Charlie's on the other side of my cock, sinking slowly to her knees until her head was level with my groin.

Somehow, over the susurration of the shower spray, I heard Lindsay's soft voice saying,

"I've waited a long time for this." I could hardly believe my ears, but she went on,

"So long I've wanted to taste you properly dad. I want to make it good for you the way mum did."

Stupid as it sounds, tears suddenly appeared in my eyes as I thought again of my beautiful, dead wife. Lindsay obviously realised what was happening and decided to press on regardless, a decision I was glad of if I'm honest. My daughter, and newest lover, approached my rigid shaft with her mouth slightly open, her moist lips lightly touching the velvety helmet of my penis for the very first time. And how wonderfully exquisite it felt! Charlie's oral ministrations this morning had been amazing, but Lindsay took things to a whole new level.

Her lips glided down the full length of my cock without cease until I felt them surrounding the very base of my shaft, fingers shifting down to cup my heavy, desperate balls. Slowly, Linz allowed her mouth to ascend my shaft until only the slick head remained between her lips, fingers tugging oh so gently on my sac, before once again slowly swallowing my length until I was fully buried in my daughters' throat.

Meanwhile, Charlie had been busy doing her own thing; that consisted of using the hand that had been stroking my cock to encourage Lindsay's bobbing head, while the other had begun fondling my buttocks - yes buttocks, plural, as she was alternating between the two as she stroked and kneaded my taut flesh. After a few, cycles if you will, of this, I noticed that every so often Charlie's fingers were slipping deeper between my butt cheeks with every third or fourth pass until eventually, inevitably, a fingertip made fleeting yet definite contact with my clenched anal ring.

Suddenly her hand disappeared, and I thought nothing of it for a few seconds as Linz had now swallowed my whole length and was somehow managing to lick my ball-sack with her slick tongue! From time to time through all this I had felt Lindsay's hard nipples brushing against the front of my thighs, but now I realised there was a different sensation assaulting my leg flesh. Looking beyond the top of Lindsay's head as it continued to move on my cock I saw Charlie had moved behind her girlfriend's kneeling body, to reach round her torso to cup Linz's full breasts in her small hands, two pairs of thumbs & forefingers nipping and squeezing two hard, pink nipples, pulling them out from the surface of Lindsay's firm young breasts, movements which also caused the backs of her fingers to rub against my thighs.

Charlie's manipulations of Linz's tits brought about a low humming in the back of her throat, the very same throat my cock was currently invading, this resulting in a mild vibration around the thickness of my shaft which created an amazing sensation in my penis, especially the head. These sensations were by far the most unusual, yet exciting, I've ever experienced, and the knowledge that it was my daughter (plus her gorgeous girlfriend of course!) who was the cause was, once again, slightly blowing my mind. When I felt one of Charlie's delicate hands cup my balls I thought I was going to blow right then, but she managed to somehow coincide a light tug downwards on my sac with my own muscular tightening to prevent it; even so, it was a very close-run thing!

Just as I thought I was about to ejaculate into my daughters' lovely mouth, she suddenly lifted her head from my groin and stood up in front of me. My cock moved slightly from side to side, thin streamers of saliva (my daughter's saliva!) mixed with my pre-cum dangling from the tip of it. Lindsay reached over and shut off the shower then, taking my pulsing shaft in her hand, led my out of the shower and through into my bedroom, Charlie following closely behind. Both girls now took a towel each and dried firstly me, then themselves, Charlie finishing first and her hand taking over from Linz in holding on to my cock to lead me over to the bed.

Ah, the bed. MY bed. King-sized, supremely comfortable and the bed where I had made love so many times to my wife and where Lindsay had sucked me dry so recently, to later share with her girlfriend. Charlie turned to walk backwards then, with a suppleness only (young) women meme to possess, kneel-walked across the mattress while still leading me by my rock-hard member into the centre of the bed. Then she leant up to kiss me, hard, and eased forward with her hand until I had no alternative but to move my legs so I could lie on my back, Charlie's hand still wrapped round my thickness, her barely-there tits pressing against my chest as her mouth tried to devour mine.

I think I mentioned Charlie's tits before. Tiny pads of flesh topped by dark pink nipples which, when she was cold or aroused, grew to almost the size of the tip of my pinkie. That may not sound all that big (although, if you look at your pinkie it really is!) but on her petite frame they looked huge. Oh, and hard. Did I mention hard? At this moment, Charlie's nipples were probably just as hard as my cock, and the two pebble-like nubs were digging in to my ribs as she continued her oral jousting match with me. I felt Charlie's right leg move over mine so she was now straddling my belly (where was Lindsay?) and I felt the tip of my penis touch her bare flesh; buttock? thigh? I didn't know, nor did it really matter!

Charlie's legs were spread wide apart in order for her to be able to straddle me, which had the bonus effect of allowing me to see her pussy properly for the first time. Unlike Lindsay (where was she?), Charlie was shaved totally bare, and I could see clearly that she had large inner labia which were hanging down from her slit, swollen and very wet! Now I felt the mattress sink down on either side of my shins: Lindsay had joined us. I felt the weight of her buttocks softly alighting on my lower legs and then her hands appeared, one on each of Charlie's hips, easing her back until those swollen cunt lips just grazed the head of my cock.

Oh. My. God. It felt heavenly, so soft and wet I could barely believe my senses. Linz moved her hands then and seemed to push Charlie's pelvis back up my body, her engorged lips now leaving a trail of wet juices on my stomach as she inched her way slowly upwards. It seemed like Lindsay was moving with her, her hands now roaming up and down the length of Charlie's body, stroking her torso, fingers teasing those firm nubs, all the while sliding her own groin up the length of my legs until, finally, wondrously, her pussy was resting directly over the base of my throbbing penis. She stopped.

Charlie kept moving however, until her knees jammed in my armpits and she could move no further. My vision was now filled with Charlie alone, from her soaking, puffy cunt, up over her flat belly to her tiny but immaculate breasts and, finally, her gorgeous, smiling, wanton face. After allowing me my visual fill (actually, I'm not sure I'd ever get tired of looking at her!) Charlie's raised herself up and said,

"Martin, slide your arms through my legs so I can move up".

Well, who was I to argue? With some difficulty it must be said, I managed to wriggle my arms in between Charlie's slim thighs, deliberately avoiding touching her pussy and allowing her to continue her upward slide until her glorious vulva was directly above my head. From here I could plainly see every detail of her labia, the slightly crinkled flesh near the swollen bud of her clitoris swelling into smooth wet lips just begging to be licked - and sucked. I considered then it would be rude not to so, my hands grasping Charlie's pert buttocks one in each hand, I guided her sweet hole down to my mouth and tasted the sexual juices of a woman for the first time since Jan had died.

She was delicious. At first I was a little hesitant, obviously not knowing what Charlie liked, but I needn't have worried. The first couple of licks of her plump lips released what seemed like a flood of her juices, so sweet yet with a slight 'tang' that made my cock twitch against my daughters' pussy where she still sat on my lower belly, grinding herself against my hardness. Within seconds, my tongue was buried deep inside Charlie's cunt, my mouth covering her whole mound and my top lip pressing firmly against the silky smooth button that was her clitoris. I couldn't believe just how turned on she was, or how often I was having to swallow to keep from drowning in her secretions. I opened my eyes, closed so as to better savour her taste, to see Lindsay's hands roughly squeezing and pulling on Charlie's breast mounds, the thick nipples protruding from between Linz's fingers now darkened from both stimulation and desire.

It didn't take long for Charlie's breathing to speed up, then turn ragged, as her orgasm approached like a runaway train. She had managed to turn her body and head sufficiently that she and Lindsay could kiss passionately, her hands now behind her as she grasped Lindsay firmly by the buttocks and pulled her firmly into her own rear end. I obviously couldn't see from where I was buried between Charlie's thighs, but I could easily imagine the fullness of Linz's tits pressing hard against Charlie's back.

Suddenly Charlie broke her and Lindsay's oral embrace and let out what sounded like a cross between a scream and a moan, the amount of juice pouring from her pussy turning in to a mini Niagara as her climax ripped through her. So much was there that I had no chance of keeping up with her, the flood of sweet juices covering my chin, face, even down my neck on to my shoulders, her thighs tight around my head as she shuddered through a biggest orgasm I had ever caused in anyone - even Jan!

After what felt like minutes - but obviously wasn't; I'm not THAT good - I felt Charlie going limp above me and the flow of her cream slowly subsided. I looked up again to see her head flung back to lie on Lindsay's shoulder, Linz offering tiny pecks on her cheek as her breathing gradually returned to something approaching normality.

"Oh my fuck Martin!" she managed to utter, still sitting back on my upper chest with her gaping pussy only inches from my mouth, the smell from her utterly intoxicating.

"That was amazing; by far the best orgasm any man has ever given me! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Well, what man wouldn't feel happy to have managed that, especially at 52 and thinking their best years were behind them! I had also become aware that my gorgeous, sexy daughter was still sitting on my still-rampant cock, her own full vaginal lips covering my shaft with her own slick secretions. Lindsay seemed to recognise the fact at pretty much the same time, so engrossed had she been in helping Charlie achieve the best orgasm she could.

Charlie was now, momentarily at least, drained of energy and, as she pushed herself hard down onto me, Linz helped her girlfriend to slip off my chest to lie beside us on the bed. I was now able to view Lindsay's whole body as she sat astride me, the head of my cock showing between her thighs beneath the thin dark-blonde covering of her pubic bush, and I was struck once again just how like her mother she looked both in face AND body; facially, this was borne out yet again by that wee half-smile on her mouth that so epitomised Jan and bodily by the full, round breasts sitting proudly over a very slightly rounded tummy, nipples at full attention just waiting for my touch, the overall shape and curves of her body so reminiscent of my wife.

I mentally shook my head and put thoughts of Jan to the back of my mind, instead concentrating fully on the first real, full and uninterrupted sight of my beautiful naked daughter, sitting astride me, with her equally naked and differently gorgeous girlfriend lying beside us.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 08-23-2016, 03:12 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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I tentatively reached up with both hands to cup Lindsay's full breasts in my palms, her nipples falling naturally between my thumbs and first fingers where I could gently pinch the tender nubs even as I squeezed the soft mounds firmly in my hands as she covered them with her own. She was truly gorgeous, and I felt a fleeting jealousy towards Charlie for being this wonderful creature's lover. Then I silently chastised myself for forgetting - this was MY daughter, who I really shouldn't be doing this with, far less having thoughts of sexual jealousy about! Instead I revelled in touching her, enthralled by the soft line of her throat as her head fell back in mute expression of her lust.

I felt my cock regain its full rigidity then, seemingly having gone lightly limp despite the sexy woman atop me. I watched in awe as Lindsay lifted her pelvis just enough to allow her to slide minutely up and down my shaft, slightly further each time as she teased me with her swollen, soaking highly desirable cunt. I wanted her so badly, wanted to thrust my manhood all the way inside her and fuck her until we came, wanted to make her feel happy she had decided to make love to me.

Back and forth, back and forth she moved, her slick pussy lips covering the underside of my penis with her moisture until, with one last forward motion, the head of my cock slipped into her sweet crevice.

So hot! Not just in the sexual sense - although that too, obviously - but hot! The tip of my cock felt like it had been dipped in hot chocolate, so warm and silky did her pussy feel as it was slowly entered by my shaft and I could feel, as well as hear, the slow intake of breath which matched the progress of my invasion into her core.

Hot - and wet. Oh so wet. I knew she would be already, of course, but to experience it as her full lover rather than merely being teased was incredible. It took many, agonising seconds for her to finally bottom out on me, her plump yet taut buttocks resting lightly on the tops of my thighs. Lindsay led forward to press her gloriously firm tits into the palms of my hands, her stiffly erect nipples still poking out of the gaps between my thumbs & fingers.

Lindsay kept pressing forwards until I could no longer keep my hands against her breasts in comfort and so I allowed them to slip from her soft mounds to stroke round her sides, down her ribs until my hands gently cupped her firm, round buttocks. So far had my hands gone that my middle fingertips could feel the base of my penis as it filled Lindsay's hot cunt, slick with a mixture of our juices. Moving my hands only another half inch meant I could spread her buttocks and allow myself to penetrate her vagina as much as I possibly could, and also meant my forefingers were now almost touching her rosebud; never forbidden territory for her mother, though in Lindsay's case, of course, I didn't know how she felt about anal play.

That was for another time, if ever there would be one, I thought. For now, I felt Lindsay's stomach muscles tensing against my belly as she squeezed her internal muscles around my cock and I revelled in the feeling of complete tightness around my shaft. I moved my hips very slightly, causing my cock to move within Lindsay's silky smooth tunnel and causing further, involuntary on her part, tightening of her internal muscles to the point that the prehistoric part of my brain became fearful she would snap my cock off at the root!

Instead, she began to rise and fall in tiny movements of her hips, my shaft sliding in and out of her by mere millimetres. By now, too, I was kissing her forehead, cheeks lips - anywhere I could reach really, in mute appreciation of her sensual, almost choreographed actions, enjoying the feel of her firm, warm female flesh pressing hard against my chest. Gradually, Lindsay's pistoning hips moved faster and faster, her downward thrusts harder as she mashed her clitoris against my pelvis to bring her ever closer to her next climax. My hands were barely keeping hold of her glorious buttocks, but I was very glad I had managed it when, on one particularly 'keep' upstroke, my penis popped out of her slick pussy and travelled almost the full length of her anal crevice, the mushroom head grazing between the ends of my fingers and her rosebud as it shot upwards into nothing.

At this point I became aware that Charlie had obviously recovered and had been watching us closely as we fucked. I knew it was her, as I suddenly felt a hand firmly grasping my cock to guide it back into Lindsay's desperate snatch and both Lindsay's hands were holing tightly onto my shoulders! I looked round to see Charlie kneeling to the side of us as she fed my pulsating penis back inside Linz, her hot cunt almost sucking me inside in her lust as Charlie's fingers slid alongside my shaft inside her girlfriend's sweet hole. I would never have imagined even Charlie's delicate fingers could have fitted inside Lindsay's tight hole alongside my thickness - but they did, just, and it felt amazing.

Quickly though, I once again bottomed out inside my daughter's glorious pussy, where even Charlie's tiny digits couldn't follow. Instead she cupped her hand under my balls and started finding my sac, one finger occasionally teasing into the crack of my arse. Lindsay had already resumed her frenzied vaginal assault on my cock, this time managing to fuck my full length without letting it slip out of her. After a few minutes of this intense pounding, I felt her movements start to falter and her pussy clamp down on me as tight as it ever had, her orgasm beginning to erupt deep inside her.

Charlie must have felt it too, as the hand that had been caressing my testicles suddenly changed grip to a downward grasp, then I felt her other hand in between mine as they still held Lindsay buttocks. Even in the frenzy of our frantic sex, I could feel Charlie's hand between Lindsay butt cheeks, and then my cock detected even more pressure from the underside; Charlie had pushed at least one finger deep inside Lindsay rosebud, moving it in and out like a tiny prick and stroking my thick member through Lindsay's internal wall even as she climaxed hard on top of me.

Linz had buried her head in between my head and shoulder, for which I was grateful as the scream she let out then would have deafened both my AND Charlie, so loud was it. Her body was arced forwards over mine, head pushing down on me, hands pulling against the back o my shoulders to give even greater leverage on her hips as she forced her spasming cunt hard against my cock and pelvis. I could feel the pulsation of her vaginal muscles as she came again and again, feel the food of her juices as they flooded from her to cover my balls, hip, thighs, belly in a slick layer of young, female ejaculate.

After that initial scream Lindsay simply moaned, loudly it must be said, into my shoulder with every tightening of her cunt around me, all while Charlie still played with my balls and arsehole as she encouraged me towards my own orgasm. Even without her ministrations I wasn't far away, but when Charlie slipped a finger into my pucker right up yo the hilt, that was it for me. I erupted inside my daughter's still climaxing pussy, almost snapping Charlie's finger off as my buttocks clamped together and forced my spunk deep inside Lindsay's sweet hole.

Twice, three times, then, amazingly, a fourth squirt of sperm shot from my slit into the tight pussy surrounding my shaft, amazing because I had already cum once (in Charlie's mouth - do keep up!) and at my age that was a fairly uncommon event! Charlie gave a gentle squeeze to my sac to make sure every last drop had been shot out then, slowly, removed her finger from my anus and eased back on to her haunches.

Lindsay had now virtually collapsed on top of me, her legs finally straightening out as she lay with her body following the contours of mine, her full breasts pressing firmly against my chest. Charlie was now stroking her lover all over, caressing her hair, her back, her bottom (where I wasn't still holding lightly to Lindsay's gorgeous buttocks) kissing her face and murmuring sweet nothing in her ear.

I simply lay there, embracing my daughter in the final throes of our loving, enjoying the feeling of complete satiation I had not felt for far too long, feeling my penis slowly deflate inside its' sticky prison before slipping slowly out of my daughter's exquisite sex.

I had kind of thought that was the end of our fun for the day now, especially as we were both pretty exhausted - well, I was anyway! But no; as Lindsay felt my cock slip out of her I felt her thigh muscles tense up just as she rolled off of me and onto her back beside me. Charlie moved even quicker, reaching up for a pillow which she deftly slipped beneath Linz's hips to raise them off the bed. Then, smiling like a Cheshire cat, Charlie slid gracefully in between Lindsay's already parted legs and clamped her mouth directly over her furry mound.

I was then treated to the sight of the bright-blue mop dipping this way and that as Charlie proceeded to lick and suck my semen from Lindsay's pussy, her tongue probing as deep as she could to retrieve every last drop. This had the effect of giving Linz yet another, albeit smaller, orgasm, and I could not help but be aroused again as I watched my daughter climax from her girlfriend's skilful touch.

I fear that my little man flatttered only to deceive. As sexual and arousing as the sight before me was, it simply wouldn't get above halfway erect. I was worn out! Charlie left her spot between Lindsay's legs and crawled up over my body (and semi-flaccid cock) to lie on the other side of me, stroking my belly with her soft, delicate hand.

Without a word, she leaned across my face, her tiny breast buds teasing my lips, and kissed Lindsay full on her mouth. When she finally pulled away, Lindsay opened her mouth to show me the layer of my spunk Charlie had transferred to her while they kissed, and Charlie then opened her mouth too to show me the same thing! Then, as my head swivelled from side to side like I was watching a tennis match, the two girls made a real show of swallowing my cum juice, opening their mouths again to prove it was all gone.

I laid back down and reached out my arms to gather my two wonderful lovers to my sides; Lindsay on my left, Charlie on the right. I felt two heads getting comfortable on my shoulders, two wildly disparate pairs of breasts pressing against my sides, two lissome, but differently sized thighs slide in top of mine and, finally, two still soaking wet pussies pressing against the outside of my thighs.

As I drifted off to sleep, I thought of how much Lindsay looked like her mother even while making love; there had been a couple of points during the past couple of hours where I would have sworn it was Jan sucking me, Jan's tits I was suckling and playing with, Jan who was riding my cock.

I pondered on how things would work out in the morning once we were all awake and sober, how I would reconcile my love for my dead wife with newly aroused lust for our daughter. AND her friend!

I decided; tomorrow is another day, and it would come soon enough.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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