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Old 09-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Moonshine's Avatar
Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Come to Me

Early Spring; 1875

The mountainous town of Coffeyville was a small rural community that was close; everyone knew everyone for miles around, and their business. No one moved in or away without everyone knowing. The biggest excitement that happened here were weddings, funeral, births, of either the human or animal kind, planting, and harvest time. Occasionally, a barn raising or church social brought the townsfolk together, but this wasn't the case tonight. A new family had moved into the community a little over a month before and a gathering was taking place so that who hadn't met them yet could do so.

The town square was filled with every family around. Harry Winslow thanked everyone for their hospitality and then officially introduced his family to their new neighbors. There was his wife, Jane, and his three daughters, eighteen year old Ruth, sixteen year old Mary, and fourteen year old Kimberly. The family then mingled amoung the crowd. But shortly after the music started and everyone started dancing, a slow whisper began to go about the crowd. Arles Jamison and his three sons had shown up.

Since their arrival, Ruth Winslow had learned that Arles Jamison was a rough and tumble, no nonsense mountain man. He had been a part of the community up until his wife had died in child birth with their fourth child. Both his wife and daughter were lost. Since then, he had hidden himself and his sons away in the high mountains, rarely coming down. The older men shook hands with him as his sons stood behind him watching. There was fifteen year old Luke, thirteen year old Eric, and ten year old Mark. All of them took after their father with the same no nonsense attitude.

Ruth stood off to the side, watching the new arrivals with caution. She could tell that the newcomers, especially the father, was someone that no one wanted to mess with. He was a very large man. She would guess him to be almost seven foot, if not that. She herself was nearly six foot, taller than her sisters and mother, but not her dad. This man's gruff face was covered with a heavy black beard that showed some gray in it. His wild, untamed and uncombed hair was of the same color. His clothes were well worn and threadbare. She guested that they were the best clothes he had because his sons were dressed the same.

Ruth watched as this man and his sons stood on the outskirts of the crowd; not really apart of it, but not away from it either. He stood with his large arms crossed over a board chest; his eyes scanning over the crowd. She guessed that he was very strong; even his stance reflected it. Though his legs weren't visible, she would guess that they were just as muscular as his arms. She contuinued to stare at him and then felt butterflies in her stomach when his eyes landed on her and stayed there. She felt herself blush and looked away. But when she looked back, his eyes were still fixed on her. She drew in a deep breathe and again looked away, only to return them to him and finding him still stareing at her.

Arles Jamison saw the young woman standing off to the side with her parents and sisters. It may have been a few months since he had come down from the mountains, but news of a new family had certainly reached him. The talk of how pretty the eldest daughter had been mentioned, but now that he was seeing her for himself, he was having feelings that he hadn't felt since before his wife had died. He was mesmerized by her and couldn't take his eyes from her. Her strawberry blonde hair felt just short of her waist. The light cotton dress she wore was just tight enough to reveal a small frame and waist. And her breasts... They looked as if they would fit perfectly inside his large hands. He wanted her. Not just to know for the night, but to warm his bed, and heart, every night. He wanted to watched her stomach swell with his child. His sons needed a mother to teach them how to treat a woman. She would be the one.

Arles walked around the crowd, his sons following closely behind him. "Why don't you three find your friends," he said as they walked. "Have you some fun while we're here. Just don't cause any trouble." He turned to Mark, the youngest, and said, "I mean it. Stay out of trouble." He pinned the boy with a stare that scared everyone, including his sons. "Yes, papa," the boy stammered. With that, he watched his three sons leave his side. He continued to make his was around to the beauty who had drawn his attention. As he approached her, he noticed that she was so young, at least half his age. But that didn't defer him; he still wanted her.

Arles introduced himself to Harry Winslow and then asked to dance with his eldest daughter. He smiled at her as he held her in his arms. His right hand held her own as his left one rested on her waist. "What is your name," he asked. Her smile was bright and cheerful as she said, "Ruth." "And how old are you, Ruth," he asked, his eyes never leaving her. "Eighteen," she smiled. "I turned eighteen just shortly before we moved here." He smiled as he thought to himself of how she was of age. He could take her as his wife and pleasure himself as much as he wanted with her body. "Are you married," he asked. "A beau perhaps? Anyone special that you like or have asking about you?" He watched as color rushed her cheeks and her hazel eyes sparkled with embarassment as she said "no". His body began to come alive with desire. Oh, how he wanted her!

Ruth smiled with delight when her father gave Arles permission to walk her home. They stood outside her home, just outside the lamp light flowing from the windows, but inside the shadows just the same. One of his hands threaded in her hair as the other pulled her waist to him. His mouth covered hers and she felt his rough beard on her face. He pressed her hard to his body as he kissed her. She placed her hands at his chest to push him away, but the warming sensation spreading through her body just wouldn't let her protest.

Ruth felt herself giving in to Arles' unspoken demand. His dominateing presence had her instead wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her womanhood hard against him. She felt his hand slip from her waist and to her bottom; roughly grabbed it and caused her to softly moan. She had never felt such intense desire and need. It scared her that she could feel so much for him. Had the knowledge of him, somewhere in the back of her mind, been there since she had heard about him. Had she unknowingly wanted him all this time. She was confused and dazed, and the assault he continued on her senses wasn't helping any.

Ruth felt Arles' tongue entering her mouth and didn't know what to do. She let him coax hers until they twirled around each other. She was so involved in their kiss, that she didn't noticed that he now had her pressed against her own house and his hand was slowly raising her dress. But she knew it was there when she felt it's roughness touched her bare leg. It brought her fully back to her senses and to reality.

Arles heard the slap of Ruth's hand at the same time he felt it against his face. Her voice was a harsh whisper as she said, "I might have danced with you with, Mr. Jamison. And allowed you to kiss me and touch me just a bit inappropriately, through my clothing, but until you have placed a ring on my finger, my bare skin is off limits to you." He had yet to remove his hand from underneath her dress and refused to do so now. He moved his hand over to the bareness of her bottom and moaned in her ear, "I like it that you don't wear all the proper underthings that a woman of today's society does. And I can also see that your enjoying where my hand is or it would have been removed by now. So I'll let your little slap go this time, but don't try it again."

Arles smiled at the gasp Ruth made at his promising threat. He paused as he leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. "I will have you Ruth," he continued, feeling her breathes on him as she deeply panted. He knew from her deep breathing, the slight weavering of her body, the drooping of her eyelids, and especially the heat he could now feel radiating from between her legs, that she was turned on. She wanted him, and if he wanted too, he could take her easily now. "Be ready to leave with me tomorrow," he husked. "You will go with me to my home in the mountains and you will become mine."

With that Arles roughly brushed his hand over Ruth's bare womanhood and rubbed her swollen clit until she climaxed. He covered her mouth with his when her moan began to grow to loud. In her ear, he whispered, "That is only a taste of what you will be feeling tomorrow, Ruth. There is so much more to feel." He slipped off into the darker darkness surrounding the house, leaving her panting next to the lighted window of her home. He watched her as she collected herself by straightening her dress, and her mind, before entering the house. He smiled at knowing that he had felt her as wanting as he was. He revealed in the knowledge that he would be the last thing on her mind before she fell asleep; and the first thing she thought of when she woke.

Ruth woke early the next morning, the thought of Arles fresh on her mind. Even her womanhood could still feel his hand rubbing her, building up the entenseness in her until it exploded. Even her breasts tingled and her nipples harden with the thought of what had happened last night. He had told her to be ready to go with him today. She walked to the widow and pulled the curtains back. But what she saw made her draw in a deep breathe and hold it. Just inside of the woods surrounding her house she saw him; his sons stood behind. All of them stood with their arms crossed, stareing at the house. She saw him smile when he seen her at her window. She gasped and closed the curtains when she saw him motioning with his hand for her to come to him.

Ruth heard her mother calling her for breakfast. She quickly dressed and headed into the kitchen. "Hurry," her mother told her, "or you'll be late for church." She wasn't lying when she told her mother that her stomach was upset and that she didn't feel like going today. Her father touched her forehead and said, "You don't feel warm, but your face does look piqued." She watched him turn to her mother and say, "Maybe she should stay home." "Do you want me to stay," her mother asked her. "No," she said softly, "I'll be alright alone. I'll just rest in my room." She quietly ate her breakfast and then waved good bye to her family. She wondered how long it would be before she saw them again.

Ruth packed a bag of things that she would need. She wondered if she should leave her parents a note, but Arles' voice saying, "I'm glad to see you packing," told her that she wouldn't be able too. She closed her eyes when she felt his beard, and then his lips, touching her shoulder. The chuckles behind her told her that his sons were watching. She gathered the last of her things and left with him. She paused when they reached the woods and turned back to look at the house and little town just beyond. "You'll see them again," he said. She turned to him and asked, "Really. You'll let me see my family again." "Yes," he said, "Anytime you like." She smiled at him and then took his arm.

Arles sat Ruth in front of him on his horse. He smiled at how her dress rode up to her knees as she sat astride his mount. After some time of traveling, he stopped his horse at the foot of a long path leading to one of the many mountainous houses along the path going to his own. "Why are we stopping," she asked him. "The boys are staying with their friends tonight," he said. "That way, we have the house to ourselves as I make love to you." He watched as his sons rode their own horse up to the house, each looking back and waving at him as they did; his eldest, Luke, calling back for him to have fun. He noted the little smile his son gave that was so much like his own. He urged the horse on around the bend.

Once away out of sight of his sons, Arles whispered into Ruth's ear, "The next house is about a mile on up. It is the one that you will be living in from now on." He dropped the reigns and let them lay on the horses neck. There was no need to guide the horse, for it knew it's own way. He ran his hands along her upper thighs, dragging the material of her dress as he did. "Arles," she gasped as she tried to push his hand away, "what are you doing?" "Taking my liberties," he said huskily in her ear. He sucked her earlobe before saying, "If you hadn't wanted to come with me, then you would have went to church with your folks. You came of your own free will. Your body is now mine to do with as I please."

Arles cupped Ruth's breasts and pulled her tightly against him. "MMM," he moaned, "they fit nicely into my hands." He rubbed his beard against the softness of her neck and heard her giggle. The time it took to get home didn't seem to last long and they had reached his cabin before he knew it. The spring sun shone high in the sky, revealing it to be nearing noon. He knew that church services would be ending soon, if they hadn't already. He had to get her in the house and make her his before anyone came looking for her. He was confident that no one would think to look for her here first. Maybe later one when she didn't show up when it grew dark, but not right away. He wanted the proof of her virginal blood to show her father that she was his.

Arles carried Ruth's bag inside and sat it down on the table in the center of the room. He smiled as she took in the large room that held a wood cook stove at one end and a fireplace at the other; the table and wooden benches in the middle. Four doors on the far wall told of the four bedrooms that house the Jamison men. He pointed to the each one in turn and said, "This first one is Luke's. The next one is Eric's. Then Mark's. And finally ours." He leaned down to her and groaned, "You can get loud as you want tonight, while their not here to hear me taking you. But when their here, you'll have to be quite so they will not no what we're doing."

Arles carroed Ruth into his room and began to undo the small buttons on the back of her dress. "How do you get this on and off," he goaned. She sucked in a deep breathe as she said, "I don't have to undo all of them; just enough to slip my arms out." He did just that and soon her thin dress was hitting the floor. "Remove the rest," he husked. "Start with your shoes. Bend over and let me see your backside as you remove them. Then face me and remove the rest." He stepped away from her and began to strip his ownself.

Arles groaned as he watched Ruth's small round bottom as she removed her shoes. He grew a little upset when he had completely stripped himself and she was still fumbling with her shoes. "Remove them," he gruffly demanded. He heard her soft sob as she obeyed; removing both her shoes and stockings. When she turned to him, he saw the wetness trailing down her cheeks. He heard her gasp as she saw his full hardness. She turned her heard and begged, "Please Arles, I've never been with a man." He walked to her and held her to him. Her tears touched his chest as she wiped her face on him.

Ruth once again felt Arles' dominating demeanor as he held her to him. She ran her fingers through the softness of his chest hair. She noted their blackness with just a hint of gray in them. But what she notied the most was his protruding member as it pressed into her stomach. "Will it hurt," she asked. "A little the first time," he said, "but the more I lay with you, the better you will like it." He pulled her back and brushed her lips with his and then said, "I promise that you will like it so much, you will be begging me to make love to you as much as possible." With that he kissed her deeply and brought back all the wonderful feelings she had felt the night before. She now wanted to feel him in her so badly it hurt.

Ruth removed the rest of her clothes for Arles and smiled as he moaned upon seeing her. He touched her breasts; teasing the harden nipples, making them ache. She moaned with pleasure as his finger slipped in to her. "Arles," she screamed as she felt her climax. His thunderous laugh filled his room. "Lay down," he commanded. She did as told and laid on her back. She watched as he laid beside her and suckled at her breasts. Her fingers ran through his hair as he pleased them both. She again felt his finger dipping into her. He continued to assault her senses as her pleased both her breasts and her womanhood. She felt the explosion building in her and then screamed when it did.

Ruth gasped, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes opened and closely as if she was fighting sleeping. She felt Arles' body covering hers as his mouth covered hers. Her legs were pushed apart as he lowered his mouth to her neck. His hands grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. She then felt his hardness entering her womanhood. She cried as he pushed into her, ripping her as he went. "SSSHHH," he hushed her as he pulled back and then again pushed. "Arles," she screamed, "it hurts." She felt him pull back again. "I told you it did the first time," he moaned as his lips grazed her neck. Again she felt him rip her, this time causing a sharp pain deep inside of her. "Arles," she cried, her whole body shakeing from pain. "I'm all the way in," he groaned.

Ruth didn't know if she could take this. How could women enjoy this. Arles was hurting her, not making her enjoy it. She cried more as he moved in her. But then, he began to rub a spot just inside of her with his hardness and she began to feel the pleasure of it. Soon, she forgot about the pain that she had just endured and began to moan. He released her hands and raised her bottom. She felt the felt the slight shift in position and gasped as he pushed further into her. "Arles," she moaned as she wrapped her arms around him as the explosion deep in her took over.

Arles pulled from Ruth and rolled her onto her stomach. He pulled her hips to him and entered her from behind, but did not move in her. "Ruth," he moaned as he pointed to the large spot of blood on the bed, "look at your virginal innocence." He moaned as he slowly moved in her. "You are so tight and wet. Your pussy feels so good." He heard her moaning and gasping as he felt her climax around him again. If he hadn't have just taken her innocence himself, he would never have believe she was a virgin. He eagerness was pleasing. He wrapped her beautiful strawberry blonde hair around his fist and pulled her head back. He heard her gasp. He leaned himself forward and place his free hand next to hers. "Beg me, Ruth," he demanded. "Beg me to fuck you." He watched her face show the surprise she felt. "Beg me," he again demanded. "Fuck me," she said in a hoarse moan just before she began to cry again.

Arles began to move slowing in Ruth. "MMM," he moaned, lightly kissing her shoulders and neck. He released her hair and ran his hand down her body and then back up. He cupped her breast and pulled her body close to him. He groaned when he thought of how her body was now at his disposal. Her skin was so soft and silky. Her womanhood so warm and inviting. He couldn't have been more pleased with her. He roughly gripped her breast as he moved in her. His thrust became harder as he pushed further in her. He heard her cry his name causing him to moan.

Arles pulled from Ruth and turned her to face him. "Open your mouth," he commanded. "What," he heard her gasp. He stared at her lustifully and demanded it again. He smiled as she obeyed and opened her mouth for him. He pushed himself completely into her mouth and felt her gag on him. He held her mouth on him until he was satisified and then released her. "MMM," he groaned as he repeated this action again. "Ruth," he groaned when he finally released her head. He fell back onto the bed and commanded her to come to him. He thought he was going to have to tell her again, but then she finally crawled to him.

Ruth crawled to Arles and wondered what he was going to do to her now. She grasped as he pulled her onto him and roughly kissed her. "Ride me," he said. "Ride me as if you would ride a horse." She straddled him and then felt him slipping back into her. "Arles," she moaned as his thickness hit that perfect spot. She felt his hands on her bottom, showing her how to move on him until she found that perfect rythem and moved on her own. She stared at him as he again released on him. "MMM," she heard him groan. "That's it, Ruth. Move on me."

Ruth increased her rythem on Arles and came several times before finally begging for mercy. She clung to him as he roll them over so that he was once again on top of her. "Do you like having me in you," he asked, his voice husky and lace with lust. "Yes," she moaned as he pushed himself in as far as he could go. "Do you want to stay with me," he asked. "Yes," she panted. "Yes. Yes." She heard his groan as he laid his head on her shoulder and fucked her fast and hard. She cried his name over and over as she felt her release just as he too came. His loud thunderous roar scared her as he came, but then she felt him pulsating in her and felt the warmth that flowed from him. He moved slowly in her and she felt more seeping from him as he did.

Ruth felt Arles' kissing her shoulder as he rested himself on her, but not his full weight. "Are... you... alright," she asked through pants. "Yes," he groaned as he rolled from her and laid on his back. He pulled her half onto him and held her there. She ran her fingers through his chest hair as he explained, "I only get one releasal, where you get to feel that explosion over and over." "Do it hurt," she asked. "You roared as if you were in pain." "No," he chuckled. "It's just been a while since I've released in a woman and it felt so good."

Ruth thought of Arles' late wife, the mother of his sons, and wondered if he had been this way with her. She didn't ask; she didn't want to know. He had just hurt her in so many ways, and yet, he had pleasured her in many more. She knew that he was right. She was going to be begging him over and over to do this to her. Even now, as he laid in his arms, he wanted to feel him in her again. It was then she raised her head at the noise she heard outside. "You hear them too," he asked as he chuckled. "Their too late. I've already claim you as mine and the proof is here on the sheets."

Ruth jumped when the door to the cabin banged open and there stood some of the men from town. Arles raised up and she used him as a shield to hide her body. "My God, we're too late," one said. She watched as her father entered the room and had to be held back as he tried to charge Arles. "She's mine," she heard him say. "She came with me willing and gave herself to me just as easy." "Ruth," she heard her father say. She looked out from around him and softly said, "He's right, father. I came with him of my own free will and I gave myself to him." "Your coming home," Harry demanded. "No papa," she said, shaking her head, "I am his now. I want to stay. I am old enough to choose and I want to stay with him." She watched as the men finally left Arles' room and home. She turned to him and softly kissed him. And then moaned as he pulled her around in front of him and then pleasure her again.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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